Anna Pletneva: “Vintage,” like a marriage, has cracked. A. Romanov (“Vintage”): What is a hit? This is a 100% guessable story! Lesha Romanov vintage with his wife

Cetre’ witnessed joyful event- reunion of the group “VINTAGE”, which happened on November 1st at the “Red” club.

The nightclub hosted solo concert famous trendsetters of the Russian scene - the Vintage group. For more than three years, fans of the band have not gathered together at venues with thousands of people to sing along in unison to the absolute greatest hits of the group, which has already become legendary not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders!

Long before the word “hype” firmly settled in the minds of millions, Vintage skillfully implemented all their wildest ideas in life and on stage, delighting numerous listeners and shocking the music community.

After the announcement in 2017 of the severance of relations between Anna Pletnyova and Alexei Romanov, fans of the group were shocked. Their outrage and despair poured out on social networks. The artists were accused, pitied, supported, loved and hated...

Few understood that Vintage had reached a point that required drastic changes. The musicians' relationship was interrupted for a year. They didn't meet, didn't talk, and didn't have any contact. It took each of them a year to free themselves from everything that pulled them into the hole of mutual claims and grievances. A year to reset and start moving forward again.

Anna Pletneva:“The moment came when we did everything: we collected all the awards, were in first place on all the charts! We reached the very top and didn’t understand where to move next! Then we “buried” ourselves in the video “A Little Advertising”... I was the initiator to break off this relationship, I had to act tough, although it was very difficult in every sense, because we became more than family... A year passed, and we decided again to be together, the wounds healed, everything seemed to be reset. Now I know for sure that sometimes you just have to break up and then start all over again...”

In February 2018, fans enthusiastically greeted the new track “White”, which was released with the credits Anna Pletneva “Vintage”, written by Alexey Romanof. “It is impossible to separate the name of Anna Pletneva and “Vintage”. They have grown together and become one,” the musicians wrote in a press release for the new composition. The next joint composition “Sunday Angel” was not long in coming.

But despite the fact that the revived creative tandem of Romanov and Pletneva has already brought the first results, the official reunion of the musicians took place yesterday, November 1, at the Red club, where they again appeared on stage together. This was the only concert, since Alexey no longer plans to participate in the group’s concert performances, limiting himself to working in the studio and creating new super hits. For the only time, viewers were able to see “Vintage” as they knew it all these years, and hear all the most famous songs of the group and, of course, completely new tracks!

Soloist of the group “Vintage”, former member of the group “Lyceum”, “bad girl” Russian show business Anna Pletneva is now preparing for an important concert. Performance at Crocus City Hall October 15 with the program “The Story of a Bad Girl” occupies all her thoughts, but Anya told us not only about music. Read about the transformations that happen to her on stage, about the gorgeous gift that a fan once gave her, and about whether there is such a thing as true female friendship.

“I get carried away on stage”

It is believed that when going on stage, an artist should forget all the problems and troubles of life. Do you find it easy to switch?

Blitz survey “Cleo”:
— Are you friends with the Internet?

- So-so. Although we have to go where to go.

— What is an unaffordable luxury for you?
- All luxury is very permissible for me.

— Which animal do you associate yourself with?
— There were definitely cats in my family. Besides, I am Leo - the king of animals, the king of the zoo.

— Did you have a nickname as a child?
- Of course, everyone called me Cheburashka.

-What turns you on?
- Difficulties and obstacles.

—Are you an owl or a lark?
- Owl. People of our profession are forced to be night residents of this city.

In general, the stage is not for everyone. I recently rewatched documentary“The Scarecrow” - Alla Borisovna speaks very precisely about this, I feel the same way. When an artist goes on stage, he is truly reborn. And this is not given to everyone. The stage is your second life. I definitely suffer from a split personality, one hundred percent. When I played the role of a prostitute in the “Lunatic Girls” video and all the newspapers were full of news that Pletneva had appeared on the panel, I had a kind of nervous breakdown. I even had to resort to the help of a psychiatrist once... I talked with him for four hours to really understand where I was and where the character was. I figured it out.

But on stage there is another part of me, not the one at home. It carries me away, and after the concert security guards often come up and ask me not to do this next time: “What are you doing? You are risking our lives!”

I find it difficult to transition from artistic life to real life. After a successful concert, when I come with a happy smile and a huge armful of flowers, all wrung out and at the same time filled, I fill a large bath and throw the gifted roses into it. I swim there for about an hour to somehow calm down and “domesticate”. True, from time to time I forget to turn off the water and have already completely flooded the house a couple of times.

Could there be a project where you will be the same on stage as you are in life?
No, let's leave something just for me. There lives a girl Anya, about whom no one knows anything...

And won't find out?
And he won't know. The fact is that I used to share my personal problems, meetings, and breakups with the whole world. I remember being a stupid girl who talked in front of the cameras about how I fell in love, etc. And then I read that I found an oligarch, gave birth to a child, tied this oligarch to myself, and some other nonsense. Now I understand very clearly that this line definitely cannot be crossed.

Journalists are offended, but I have stumbled and been burned so many times that I no longer want to be frank. Our loved ones suffer the most from this.

How many stories were there? famous people who talked about their crazy love and took pictures for the covers. And then - something didn’t work out, a divorce, a scandal... Who suffers the most? Their children. Not only are the parents separated, but everything is openly discussed at school.

Have your fans ever given you expensive gifts? Did you take them?
Yes, I accepted such a gift once... It was very expensive, although I didn’t immediately realize that it was expensive. It was two hours in Capri. I was blindfolded, brought to the airport, I took off on some small plane and landed in Naples. There I was transferred to a helicopter, we circled over Vesuvius, over the beautiful coast and landed in Capri. Two hours later the same journey was made in reverse order. Of course, this is a crazy gift, the coolest one in my life.

— What is your psychological age?
“I’m afraid to seem like a flirtatious old lady, but... When I get five years older, it seems to me like ten.” Our difficult job takes two years to complete.

— Do you have a talisman?
— This is the belt that I wear on stage.

— How do you relieve stress?
- With difficulties.

— Where did you spend your last vacation?
— I managed to go to Sardinia and Switzerland, where, by the way, I lived in the same hotel with Brad Pitt.

— What melody is on your mobile phone?
- Standard call. Everyone has some kind of melodies, and the ringing allows me to distinguish my phone from others.

— What is your favorite aphorism?
- And yours?

That is, did you understand who this sign of attention was from, or was it some kind of weird Mr. X?
Of course, I understood from whom. If they had anonymously offered me to get into a car and a plane, I probably would not have agreed - they could have taken me anywhere, not just to Capri.

Did you thank him after the trip?
Yes, sure. I told him a lot of kind words, and that was enough for him. (Smiles).

“With friends we are closer than sisters”

What is the most valuable quality in a man for you?
But it’s impossible to derive any theories. Of course, I want him to be self-confident, smart, supportive and stone wall for you. But even if he doesn’t quite fit these stereotypes, don’t care about them if you just love him.

What is unacceptable for you in men?
Never say never, but since I’m a proud girl, I probably won’t forgive betrayal. For me it's just terrible.

I won't be with a man if he cheats on me. I won't! Write that way.

Is friendship possible between a man and a woman, or will “nature take its course in the end”?
Yes, I know for sure that friendship between a man and a woman is possible. As an example, I can cite our relationship with Lesha Romanov. Although I didn’t believe in it before either. Before meeting Lesha, all the men who tried to be friends with me ended up with a completely different motive. (Laughs). And Romanov and I are real friends, this friendship has been tested in different situations.

So what, Romanov never pestered you?
No, I never bothered you. (Laughs). Can you imagine?

Maybe then we can discuss another myth? About the fact that female friendship does not exist.
Here's another! Of course it happens. My closest friend and I have been communicating since the age of five until now. I can trust her with all my secrets and most intimate questions. There is also a friend with whom we have been friends since the first grade, and a girl whom we met in the sixth. And this is how all four of us meet and communicate all this time. We are already like sisters, probably even closer than sisters.

Have you ever experienced betrayal from your friends?
No, God had mercy.

Do you remember your first love?
And how. And he still remembers me. If we don’t talk about kindergarten feelings, my first serious love came to me at the age of 16. It was exactly as they describe in the novels: a lightning strike. The feeling was mutual, we were very happy together for some time. Alas, it is very rare that first love lasts a lifetime. But we still think about each other and treat each other very warmly. We even communicate sometimes. His name is Grisha.

“There will be a lot of sex and provocations”

What will surprise you at the concert at Crocus?
At first we wanted to surprise the show with new technologies and so on. This will all happen, but most amazing fact It will be that the Vintage group will perform completely live. Before this we used samples and other electrical devices - although the vocals were always done live. But a completely live lineup, with a drummer, guitars, bass guitar - this is the first time. We will also have guests - Vladimir Presnyakov, DJ Smash, our beloved Eva Polna, Roma Kanga. And it’s not that they come and sing something - no, we prepare special numbers and rehearse.

For example, Presnyakov and I will sing a new song “Amsterdam”, which I dedicated to him. This is a composition about my endless love that I felt for Volodya as a child. It was this love that made me become a singer.

Why is the song called “Amsterdam”?
As a child, it seemed to me that this was the name of a magical city, like Zurbagan. In dreams, it was a non-existent city, where little curly-haired Anya and the very young Vladimir Presnyakov live, are friends and walk hand in hand.

You will have it in time for the concert new album?
Yes, it's called "Anechka". The record turned out to be very personal, a little less commercial than everyone expected. Maybe that's not a bad thing. The album is about me. It will also include compositions that everyone already knows, for example, “Roman” and “Mother America”. But “Mother America” will be in an unusual form - after all, at first we adapted it a little to the format of radio stations, and now we have recorded it differently.

The show is called "The Story of a Bad Girl." Do you continue to exploit your provocative and sexual image?
People clearly evaluate this image, but no one knows what I really am. The concept of “The Story of a Bad Girl” allows me to show a certain duality of my person. The show will combine both the aggressively sexual image of the “bad girl” and Anya, who is dear and friendly to all our fans. Well, what about sex? Where will it go? I was born this way. There will be a lot of sex and provocations, but the evening will be very warm.

How do you see your image when the Vintage group celebrates, say, its 15th anniversary?
By this time I will turn from a bad girl to a bad grandmother. (Laughs). It will be fun, a lot. In fact, you can laugh, but I'm sure I won't change. I enjoy the opportunity to be myself - after a production project where I had to play an imposed role, I can no longer be stopped.

What did working at the Lyceum teach you?
Of course, a lot. When I came to the Lyceum, I was wearing big ones. pink glasses, through which I looked at show business. Isolde Ishkhanishvili then said a little ominously: “She still doesn’t know where she ended up!”

It was a crazy school of life, which now helps me a lot. If there were no “Lyceum”, there would be no “Vintage”.

“Do you want a slim figure? Practice pop vocals"

What do you do to maintain your beauty and sexuality?
Thanks, this is my favorite question. Here I should start talking about all kinds of diets, as well as yoga, fitness, Pilates. (Laughs).

Isn’t there any of this? Really TV and donuts every day?
It would be uninteresting to answer like that; they still want secrets. Let me reveal one. If a girl wants to have very good abs and slim figure, she definitely needs to practice pop vocals. The fact is that when you make a pop sound, you strain everything so much that no more special fitness is needed. And if you still try to dance, then you can forget about any other exercises.

What about the diet? After pop vocals can I go to the refrigerator?
Well, what is our diet? A personal chef who is always nearby and makes proper diet, the Vintage group has not yet started itself.

Singers are always asked about their relationship with plastic surgery, and they always answer that “it’s not required yet, but in the future - why not.”
It’s good that you warned me, I’ll try to answer in a different way. It may be a banality, but I really think so: if a person is beautiful inside, it is always reflected on the face. This becomes even more important as you age.

If you are a kind, good, bright person, you will age very gracefully.

What are you dreaming about?
Now we’re just talking about making sure everything we planned happens on October 15th. Vintage has at least ten concerts a month, but for some reason I’m very worried before the performance at Crocus.

Alexey always communicated with the press very selectively and reluctantly. Since January of this year, he has generally remained silent, sometimes posting posts on Instagram - mainly about the history of the hits he wrote or congratulations on the premieres of friends. And the public has accumulated questions, judging by the comments on social networks.

It seems to me that Romanof has become even more productive. Despite or thanks to the current circumstances, I don’t know. I took advantage of my friendship and tried to find out. Perhaps I was able to get answers to some questions that interested fans. Or perhaps composer Alexei Romanof is simply more interested in moving forward. Judge for yourself.

— Viewers are interested in what’s new with you, what you’re doing in currently? What can listeners expect in the near future?

— I have more time that I can devote to different artists. And not write songs between tours. I work a lot. For example, with Lolita on the song “Ranevskaya”, the second title is “Bury me behind the baseboard”. We are in no hurry, we are in no hurry. We are in the process of recording. We want it to be perfect.

Also with my school friend Olya Orlova, with whom I will soon release an EP “Hello, it’s me,” which will include several of my songs, as well as songs by Igor Maisky and Maxim Fadeev.

I wrote a new song for Anya Semenovich - “I want to be with you”, which will soon appear on the radio and on the Internet. Olya and Anya are different artists, both former soloists group "Brilliant". We are friends, we all come from the same nest and have always supported each other.

Of course, I'm glad that I'm working with Zara again. We recorded a completely new song created specifically for her. It's called "Peace to Your Home." I hope it will appear as a single this summer.

Several new artists have appeared, very diverse. My friends brought me poems by an eighteen-year-old girl, I was amazed at the depth of thought. I can only compare it with the poems of my beloved Eva Polna. I wrote several songs at once. Now we have tried to make several demo recordings and I am happy with the result. The girl's name is Karina Nazarova. She is very talented and we started collaborating – both as co-authors, and Karina is trying herself as a singer.

Of course, the previously announced “Bango and Strike” remain. I continue to think through the details of the project, I have written two songs. I sent Artyom to the gym to “dry” and lose weight. And for vocal lessons. And Sergei asked to go to China for several months. I didn't mind modeling business he still earns much more than in music. But in mid-May we get together in the studio and finalize the first song, which we will immediately release. I really like how it turns out!

And of course we continue to work with Alex Malinovsky. We are recording his first album.

— A song from the Agaya project that you wrote was recently released. Tell us about your role in this story.

— This project stands out because she is a completely cosmic girl, out of this world! Very interesting character, Human. I am extremely interested in communicating with her. I had the song “Game”, written with Alexander Sakharov. I thought for a long time who could sing it. And I accidentally gave her an example of how I would like to see her project. Agaya was amazed and really liked it. She has recorded several songs that will be released soon.

— You understand that I cannot help but ask about the situation with Anna Pletnyova. Moreover, you did not give any comments to the press. There were only vague, uninformative posts on social networks.

— I did not comment because, even after a certain amount of time, this still remains a private matter between two people. Who went through a huge part of their lives together. Done great job, made a serious contribution to Russian pop music. Together. Those who truly lived it, were proud of what they had created, and fought for their place in the sun. Due to the circumstances, I try not to remember what happened. I think about our successes, there were many of them. I think that's right. Now I have normal, stable emotional condition. I stopped worrying and getting upset. I have established a clear routine for my work.

- So will there be any specifics about the reasons for the breakup?

— I don’t like the word “gap.”

- “Divorce”, “separation”? How are you this situation Are you positioning for yourself?

— This is Anna Pletneva’s decision. At that moment, I was ready to forget all differences and continue cooperation. I called for an end to all mutual claims, to urgently get together, breathe out and continue to work together. It was my word. But the decision was not mine. I won’t voice the reason, I don’t want to. I don't think it's serious. But that's how it happened. Coming from my lips, it would look like an accusation, and I don’t want to publicly accuse anyone of anything. Everything happened, the facts are a given and nothing can be done about it. I repeat: I was ready to continue working. I did this honestly and with dignity for 11 years, I sincerely loved my artist, and it seems to me that this was noticeable to everyone. And without this love, certainly mutual on Anya’s side, we would not have achieved any results. Because we started very difficult. Together we went through a huge number of barriers and obstacles, which was extremely valuable for her and for my experience. I have no complaints for several reasons. First: I respect jurisprudence and the law. Second: I am a fool myself - our work was based on friendly and human relations, we did not have legally certified agreements with each other. I'm used to trusting people. Now, from the perspective of time and experience, I will formalize all relations with beginning and continuing artists legally.

Perhaps the phrase “Talent must be hungry” fits perfectly into my current situation. Thanks to drastic changes in my life, I have written more than 40 songs since January. I haven't created so much for a long time. I am a person who tries to find something good even in the worst, to redirect my thoughts. On this moment I'm absolutely calm.

— Let’s summarize purely for the fans: is further cooperation with Anna Pletnyova impossible for you?

“I understand the feelings of the fans, but they should also understand us.” Still, in addition to feelings, there are two living people who see the situation radically differently. There are always two opinions, I don’t deny this, I only tell you how I see it all. Many friends and commentators online said that we need to make peace. But we didn’t quarrel! It’s just that circumstances have developed in such a way that I don’t see any possibility of cooperation for myself, even on a commercial basis.

— Accordingly, the question is: is your collaboration with the new team “Vintage” also completed?

- These are wonderful, wonderful girls! I am very sorry that I will no longer work with them; today their producer is Anna Pletnyova. I would love to take them with me, but this is impossible.

— What about collaboration with Velvet Music?

— I no longer cooperate with this company.

— What will happen to the songs from the announced album “VVV”, which, as I know, was practically written?

— At the moment I live for completely different things. A lot has changed categorically. Accordingly, the plans announced earlier are no longer feasible. There's a lot left there good songs, the album was collected. Further fate I will decide the songs myself, but later. I can't say anything yet. For the reason that I don’t yet see artists who could sing them. As soon as the artists appear, the songs will be released immediately. For example, Agaya will sing the song “A Free Bird in Captivity,” which was announced in the first edition of the album playlist. I also really love the song “Huge Heart” and am looking for an artist for it. This song absolutely needs to be heard.

— You mentioned the people who supported you.

— There are not many of them and I am incredibly grateful to them. These are people close to me who were imbued with the whole situation and pulled me mentally all this time. These are Lolita Milyavskaya and Roman Emelyanov. It would be very difficult for me without them. They encouraged me morally in every possible way and spoke a lot of kind and friendly words. Also Zara, who supported me not only in word but also in deed, she asked me to write her several songs for the new album. And employment for creative person- it is most important. And the poet Mikhail Gutseriev, who sent me many of his new poems, also understanding the priority of being busy. Many of his poems turned out to be close to me and I wrote music on them. Arthur Vafin and I were in working contact almost every day. I threw myself headlong into creativity and tried to create something every day, without being distracted from the process. I am very grateful, they pulled me out of a bad state, almost out of depression.

— Given your composing and producing experience and reputation, isn’t it time to open your own production center?

“You’re not the first person to ask me this question.” I am against offices, personnel, and the image of visibility of activity. You know, a lot of people rent an office, hire a secretary, print business cards... But I’m used to just acting! The Vintage group's album "Sex" was made on my knees on the second floor of an unheated dacha. I didn't need an office or a business card for this. Or a PR agent. I understand perfectly well that I need to grow somewhere. Perhaps this will lead to something; I am receiving proposals of this kind. From various big serious people. I haven't made a decision about my PC yet. The basis of such a center should be artists and songs. When I have enough of one and the other and the need arises to create a PC, I will organize it. For now, I feel comfortable working on my own, with my co-authors, partners, and friends.

— So, this topic is still in limbo?

— To be honest, I simply don’t need such a center! Because the “Production Center of Alexey Romanof” is Alexey Romanof. I don't need paraphernalia for this. Those who want to work with me do so.

- In fact, for Lately you are the most productive and sought-after composer.

- Maybe. Maybe. I don't know.

- I know. I talk to many artists and they say they would love to work with you.

“It just makes me feel good.” When I work with artists, I feel each one in a special way, in my own way. This is probably why there is a good result. All these years I've felt this way about every song. If I don't like something, I just don't continue making that song.

— Should we slow down or refuse cooperation if it doesn’t work out?

- Give up one idea and take on another. I have never had any refusal to cooperate. I'm used to getting things done. I just didn't show artists songs that I wasn't happy with.

I'm a little confused by the current speed. I have never worked at such a pace. But I understand that I have to do this. To continue to develop.

- So maybe this is morally good?

- Certainly! I keep myself busy. This keeps me afloat, there is no room for unnecessary emotions.

- Well, we communicate often and I can say that your mood is more than positive! And you have fairly clear prospects, goals and plans.

— Probably, it would be ideal to make several of your own projects. But this requires strength and support. I don’t yet see anyone on the market with whom I could closely cooperate. Except for the ZION company. Perhaps we will release several songs with Irina Shcherbinskaya. I respect her very much, she is a professional. I believe that ZION is one of the few worthy companies left today. They are great guys.

— Within almost just a couple of weeks, 2 tracks by artists from the Black Star label were released, in which your music is quoted. What is your attitude towards this and how do you like the result?

“Probably, someone in my place would immediately run for a lawyer, or better yet two, considering that this is Black Star.” But I’m incredibly glad that this is actually happening. This suggests that I still made some contribution to Russian pop music. And that makes me happy! This happened involuntarily to Misha Marvin and Emma M. There’s a very small piece from the song “Eva” and I’m pleased with it. I deeply like both artists and I really like this song – “Rewind”. I have serious suspicions that the song will become a hit. I wish them great success. And if suddenly this little piece of mine helps them, I will be the happiest composer in the world.

With Vander Phil and the song “You are Venus, I am Earth” the topic is a little different. In addition to the text, he uses a piece of the phonogram from the same “Eve”. And here I am unwittingly a co-author of this song. A few years ago, Vander Phil himself wrote to me. I referred him to the Velvet company, which I trusted completely. I myself did not conduct any negotiations. “Velvet” did not draw up the agreement very clearly in some ways. Therefore, in the very near future I will re-sign the contract with Vander Fil without any money. I'm ready for this. And I’m certainly not going to play the “evil guy”, this is not my method. I want the music to play. Moreover, I like the song. I know how long this guy has been waiting for Black Star to sign a contract with him - in my opinion, one of the most successful companies on the market now, I admire them in terms of productivity and the quality of the content they produce.

— So, as a composer, are you satisfied?

— I like that quoting occurs. I'm glad about this. I myself really like to make new songs based on any samples. This was the case with “Eva”, this was the case with the song “Pinanero” by the Pet Shop Boys group, on the basis of which the song “Lights” was created big city» Mitya Fomina. But I always cleared my rights, I did it officially, legally, I paid money.

— I’m going to pester you once again with a question about your solo performance of songs. Well, it’s true that this question interests many!

- You know, here you want it and it hurts. Still, I really believe that the stage is the work of young people. By God, I don’t want to overestimate myself. Although, of course, I am terribly pleased when the same artists to whom I show a demo of my performance with new songs compliment me. You see, there are people who were born to be artists, who cannot live without a stage, who cannot imagine themselves without an audience. And I'm not an artist. It seems to me that I was there, on stage, giving up all of myself a long time ago - a long time ago. In the "Amega" group, in the "Vintage" group. It seems to me that when going on stage causes you nothing but irritation, you shouldn’t go on stage. No matter how people ask. No matter how much your ego would like it.

And then, for such publicity you need to be a very thick-skinned person. And I’ve already used all my thick-skinned resources. I react very sharply to any criticism. They simply throw words at the opinions of people who come and move on. There are two brilliant examples of singing composers in the world: Sia and Zemfira.

- Let's end our interview somehow beautifully and life-affirmingly. You really have a lot of fans, reach out to them.

“I want to thank all the people who have taken and are taking part in my life in one way or another. It doesn’t matter: positive, negative, neutral – they still participate. They are still spectators of this performance. I am truly truly grateful to them. I will try to justify the hopes of many people and continue my creative activity. Of course, my music will not be the same and people should be prepared for this. Moving forward and new repeaters. Any changes, even if they are sad, are still for the better. They force you to move on. Perhaps thanks to this, my vision and my musical history will start their new circle. Judging by the songs that are already out there, this is exactly the case. I have always fed on the emotions of artists. I am grateful to the people who believed in me as an author and believed in my songs. I am grateful to every artist who sang and sings my songs. Thank you!

The Vintage vocalist had his first sex experience in pioneer camps

Recently appeared in rotation on the radio new song known for its sexy image of the group "Vintage" - "Roman". We couldn’t miss such a great opportunity to talk with the author of the music of the new hit and the band’s vocalist Alexei Romanov. True, the conversation turned not only about creativity, but also about personal life. Handsome Alexey is not too willing to talk about the most intimate things, but for Express Gazeta he made an exception.

History of creation new song very interesting. We wanted to record a trio with two famous singers. And then our soloist Anya Pletneva arrived from Switzerland, listened to the song and said: “I’ll sing alone!” - says Alexey. - Anya’s intuition is very important to me. Even our meeting with her was not accidental. We met during an accident right on the street. I had only been driving for three months and crashed into a Skoda. I was waiting for the traffic cops. And at that time Anya Pletneva was passing by. She saw me, got out of the car and immediately offered to work together. No, it had nothing to do with sudden passion. She, of course, knew who I was and wanted to do a joint project.

And then I accidentally saw it and thought: “Oh, Romanov, wonderful!” It’s just that sometimes you’re driving along the road and thinking about something, and suddenly you see that it’s lying around. Why not pick something...

Almost nothing is known about Alexey’s personal life. Therefore, we did not miss the opportunity to ask him some juicy questions. The conversation unexpectedly turned out to be frank.

The sexual image of “Vintage” is our worldview. In this way we express all our hidden and unhidden emotions. But not needs. People usually implement them before the age of 24. Then it starts adulthood and some games and fantasies. And this is much more interesting. The fantasy world is sometimes better than reality,” Alexey shared.

- When did you first start thinking about sex?

About 12-13 years old. But these were not pornographic or erotic fantasies, but just some pictures. My first sex experiences took place in pioneer camps. All these kisses wooden houses... True, I didn’t like kissing at first. It was somehow incomprehensible and uncomfortable. But everyone did it, which means I had to do it too. And I had my first sex when I was 15. She was a little older than me, and we met in a group. This was not connected with first love, but simply came out as a matter of course. It turned out unusual and strange, because there was no physiological delight. I think at this age it is generally difficult to get full pleasure. Probably, for everyone this is just satisfaction of interest. And first love... Everything was quite banal.

I was already an artist, but the girl had nothing to do with show business. We dated for a year, which was quite a long time for me. And then I had a lot of novels at the time when I sang in the A-Mega group. This happened on tour and everywhere and always. Probably every week I had new girl. I think that they all wanted a long-term relationship, but with me then it was simply impossible, I was completely unprepared for it. And now sex without love is unrealistic for me. In the absence of any feelings, it brings enormous disappointment. Because you want, first of all, to satisfy yourself, but the person next to you is not particularly interesting. Well, perhaps only as a test subject or used. And then you feel only disgust.

- So, you gave up this life because you fell in love so much?

Yes, I met a girl at a party of mutual friends who became my wife. At the age of 25 I got married and we have been together for seven years. My daughter has now started first grade. I didn't plan all this in advance. It’s just that by that time everything had settled down in my head and I was tired of the wild life. I wanted stability, although when we were dating and even lived for a year, I hadn’t thought about it yet. But it was love at first sight. I am generally very amorous and still fall in love. But I can’t cheat on my wife.

-Who do you love?

I sincerely love Anya Pletneva. And she's probably in love with me. But our feelings with her are much deeper and higher than those based on sex.

- But on tour, fans are probably besieging you...

And I lock myself in my room and surf the Internet. The only thing we do is meet with fan clubs. These are, as a rule, teenagers who still know little about sex.

- But for them, I think, you are a sex symbol...

Yes, I'm not a sex symbol. I don't go to parties and I'm reserved and closed person. Most people don’t even know that I work in the Vintage group and that suits me. I enjoy the fact that I can go to the store and choose products in peace for two hours without signing autographs. So if a girl fan comes up to me and says “Alexey, I love you!”, I’ll just hug her. Fatherly...

But “Vintage” has a very strong image sexual group... I remember footage from the video “ Bad girl", in which Anya Pletneva hugs a naked male butt. By the way, was that butt yours, by any chance?

Shocking is part of the job and just a kind of performance. Just like that scandalous group has not yet appeared on our stage. It's always nice to break stereotypes. And yes, I admit: it was my butt that starred in the video. But Anya didn’t see anything. Everything was securely covered in front.

- I still envy her...

Come on, men are no different from each other. But I don’t think that we will again show a man’s butt in any video. Even mine. Let's come up with something new and more fascinating.

- Erotica or porn? Would you act in such a film as an experiment?

There is only one porn film that deserves my personal attention - this is "Caligula". But since then no one has decided to repeat the same story. And no one else could show sexual intercourse as beautifully as there. It’s not that I watch a lot of porn... By the way, at the moment I’m quite skeptical about it. For me it's some kind of zoo. And before, we tried on porn films for ourselves. But my only conclusion after such experiments is that these strange poses are very uncomfortable.

Group "Vintage" - popular Russian Music band. The group's motto is audacity and provocation, and everything obeyed this law - from costumes to song lyrics and album titles.


The general public is mostly familiar with the golden composition of the group represented by former member trio and again former member group "A-mega" by Alexey Romanov. The young people were brought together by chance. In the hot summer of 2006, Anya was driving to a concert and crashed into Alexey’s car. While we were waiting for the traffic cops, we started talking and somehow came to the conclusion that we needed to create a pop group.

Group "Vintage" - first lineup

The third member of the Vintage group is dancer Mia, rumored to be English. Task mysterious girl– translate songs into dance language. Mia had perfect pitch and a sense of rhythm, and her plastic language is still remembered by fans of the group.

Possible names for the new union included "Chelsea" and "Dreamers". But by that time the producers of the “Star Factory” participants had already “staken out” the former. “Vintage” belongs to Anya’s authorship.

After six months of studio work, the newly-minted team appeared before the public and quickly won over its audience. With varying degrees of success, Vintage performed on stage, recorded albums, and toured with concerts. In addition, the group's compositions fell into rotation, the soloist soon acquired the title of the sexiest and charming singer on Russian stage, and the clips unnerved moral guardians.

The first changes in the composition of Vintage occurred in 2008, when the taciturn Mia was replaced by Svetlana Ivanova. Soon, on her 39th birthday, Anna announced that she was going to solo swimming, although she emphasized that the decision was general. The singer was not satisfied with the club format of the group. Pletneva decided that her music should be heard by people who did not visit nightclubs, where most of the concerts were held.

Romanov began searching for two new soloists, and in the end found four at once. In September 2016, Anya announced the names of new participants in Vintage: two Anastasias - Kazaku from Perm and Muscovite Kreskina, Anna Kornilyeva, who came from Vladivostok, Evgenia Polikarpova from St. Petersburg.

The girls already had some experience. Zhenya tried to get into the sixth “Star Factory”, performed on “New Wave” and in Grigory Leps’ project “Highest Standard”, wrote the soundtrack to the film “A Short Course in a Happy Life”.

Nastya Kreskina has musical education and behind several unsuccessful castings. Her namesake is the only married participant and a young mother. Sang in the nursery music group, tried to become an actress, went through two rounds of the show “The Voice”.

However, the group's second life did not last long. Already in the fall of 2017, posts like “Ex-Vintage” and “The group broke up” appeared on the girls’ Instagram pages. Alexey Romanov also posted a corresponding post, but soon deleted the comment. Official announcement the closure of the project, as stated in the fan group, will not be done.

In April 2018, the former soloist of “Vintage” Nastya Kazaku presented her first solo experience– the song “Be with me again.” This track will be included in the singer’s debut album, which she is working on.

Didn't give up trying to get through big stage and Evgeniy Polikarpov. The girl participated in the casting of the show “SONGS” on the TNT channel. The artist admitted that she dreams of being on the team, and performed the song “Don’t hurt more.” The similarity with did not attract the founder of the MALFA label, and Zhenya made it to the next tour only thanks to and.


The debut song of the new group “Mama Mia” was first aired on “Europe Plus”, followed by the single “Aim”, and the first concerts took place in Moscow. Work on a full-length album entitled “Criminal Love” was completed in a year. The premiere took place at the Opera club. The song "All the best" became business card groups.

In 2008, Vintage presented one of its most successful singles, “Bad Girl.” The song was accompanied by a video featuring the actress, so erotic that not all channels dared to show it. The video for the song “Loneliness of Love” became incredibly popular. Just like the previous one, the song topped the charts for two weeks.

Already in 2009 popular group released a new album with a title in her favorite provocative style - SEX. The artists dedicated the song “Eva” to their colleague, using a sample from her work “Run from Me.” The track becomes a mega-hit, staying at the top of the charts for two months.

In some sources, “Eva” is called the main success in the entire history of the Vintage group. After recording the album, Anna and Alexey stopped collaborating with Sony Music and moved under the roof of Gala Records. A year later, the single “Victoria” rose to the top of the charts. The song “Mickey,” dedicated to Russian and foreign listeners, enjoyed no less love. The team received three nominations for the MUZ-TV award.

“Mickey”, as well as “Roman”, “Mama America” were included in the next album, named after the soloist - “Anechka”. The song "Trees" was accompanied by small scandal: a video sequence in which religious motives were clearly visible was censored. Critics generally perceived the work of “Vintage” in a positive way, noting that the video is not inferior to Western models, the music is soulful, and the words are understandable. The group received an award from Soundtrack.

While working on the album "Very dance" Romanov, the author of poems and songs of "Vintage", said that he would present compositions by other authors on it. This is how collaborations with DJs and Bobina became. The duet of Anna and Andrei Shirman for the song “Moscow” was nominated for the ZD Awards.

The single entered the top ten most popular for the year, topped the Russian Top 100 and reached second place in the Moscow radio chart. DJ Smash topped the chart of the authoritative portal Tophit for the first time. The alliance with Dmitry Almazov was not so productive. The joint song “Nanana” did not even make it into the top 100 rotated on Tophit.

Another song from the album was slightly ahead in success - “Sign of Aquarius”. It enjoyed enormous popularity in Ukraine, although some critics called it a “banal commercial hit.”

Vintage group now

In February 2018, information spread on the Internet that the Vintage project was being revived again under the name Anna Pletneva and the Vintage group, while Alexey Romanov was starting a solo career.

The singer presented fans with the result of the reunion with the old team - the single “White”. The video was shot with the mystery and eroticism characteristic of the group.


  • 2007 – “All the best”
  • 2008 – “Bad Girl”
  • 2008 – “Loneliness of Love”
  • 2009 – “Eva”
  • 2010 – “Mickey”
  • 2010 – “Roman”
  • 2012 – “Moscow”
  • 2013 – “Sign of Aquarius”
  • 2015 – “Breathe”


  • 2007 – “Criminal Love”
  • 2009 – SEX
  • 2011 – “Anechka”
  • 2012 – Very Dance
  • 2014 – Decameron
  • 2015 – LIVE 1.0
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