Portraits of Monster High in pencil. How to draw a monster: mysterious girls from Monster High

In the animated series Monster High we're talking about about studying at an unusual school, whose students are the children of famous monsters. The heirs of monsters face the same problems and live with the same hobbies as ordinary teenagers of 12-15 years old. Our lesson will be of interest to Monster High fans who want to learn how to draw beautiful monsters with a pencil step by step.

How to draw Monster High – Laguna Blue

Laguna Blue is a blonde girl with a tomboyish demeanor who loves surfing and sports things. She is a mermaid or a fish, whichever suits you. There are several fins on her body, membranes on her fingertips, and wonderful fish ears. She, like all her Monster High friends, has her own pet - a fish named Neptune.

How to draw Lagoon Blue:

  • Sketch the doll's body. This is not difficult to do using geometric shapes.
  • Add fins to the legs and arms. Draw lines where the facial features will be located.
  • Draw the hair, do big lips and eyes, draw clothes. Don't forget about the handbag - an aquarium, which is in the doll's hand.
  • Add shading throughout the body to make the drawing more realistic.

How to draw Monster High – Claudine Wolf

Claudine Wolfe is a cute 16-year-old girl with sharp fangs and full hair. She received her beauty and wolf ears from her werewolf dad. At school, judging by the plot, she is the smallest, but she is friends with Draculaura, who is 1000 times older than her.

How to draw Claudine Wolf:

  • For the doll, make a shape using geometric shapes.
  • Draw the lines for placing the facial elements, add a hairstyle and ears.
  • Draw all the small details, pay attention to the clothes.
  • Add shading for beauty.

How to draw Monster High - Frankie Stein

Frankie Stein is the daughter of the famous Doctor Frankenstein. This extraordinary doll is an excellent student and a green-skinned beauty. Her eyes are different colors - one is blue, the other is green. Frankie has his own pet - a cute dog Whatsit. Despite his ugly face, he is very kind.

How to draw Frankie Stein:

  • Sketch the body.
  • Round all the parts, using lines to show where the mouth, nose, eyes and eyebrows will be located.
  • Draw elements of clothing and faces.
  • Add shading.

How to draw Monster High - Draculaura

Draculaura – illegitimate daughter Count Dracula. Probably the poor count in his coffin tosses and turns every day, trying to figure out how it happened that his daughter does not like meat and is not a bloodsucker. Draculaura eats exclusively vegetarian food, has fangs, is afraid of the sun and is not visible in the mirror. Besides, she is a kind and sweet lady.

How to draw Draculaura:

  • First, sketch out a sketch.
  • Carefully draw the body of the doll.
  • Add facial elements, clothing details and an umbrella.
  • For realism, add shadows using shading. The result should be a cute doll dressed in Lolita style.

How to draw Monster High – Cleo de Nile

Cleo de Nile is the daughter of Imhotel and is good friends with Drakalaura. She's all wrapped up in bandages and a lover of Egyptian jewelry. Likes to give orders and mess around, has a bad character.

How to draw Cleo de Nile:

  • Draw sketches of the doll's body.
  • On the face, mark the locations of the mouth, eyes and nose, also shape the arms and add shoes.
  • Draw the eyes, mouth and nose, then make horizontal lines on the body that indicate the mummy's bandages.
  • Add the necessary touches to complete the doll's look.

Drawing monster dolls seems to be very difficult, but as you can see, everything is much simpler. All you need is a pencil and a piece of paper. You can paint your own drawing if you wish. multi-colored pencils and it will become even more interesting and realistic.

Monsters High is a series that has captivated a large number of children. It has everything: beautiful characters and exciting journeys. You must understand that today there is no child who would not watch Monsters High. If you want to give your child a pleasant surprise, then we recommend that you draw one of the heroines of this series. So, you will learn how to draw monster high right now.

It is worth noting that today there are a large number step-by-step lessons, which will help you deal with this difficult task. We suggest you try to draw Gulia. This is one of the main characters of the cartoon. You must understand that it is better to take a picture and start drawing a monster from it. There are several features that you should take into account some of the characteristics of this heroine. It's better to choose detailed instructions and only then start drawing the heroine. You must understand that step by step instructions- This The best way images of even the heaviest drawing. You can also watch several episodes of the cartoon to understand the character traits of Gulia.

We, in turn, recommend that you focus on the traits appearance heroines. So, it’s better to start someone from the head. In this case, the head will not be proportional, but this does not mean that you should not maintain symmetry. You will learn how to draw a monster hai correctly right now. First you need to draw the main outlines and only then start coloring the drawing. Gulia has quite beautiful facial features, but do not forget that she is a monster and this should give her some intimidation, which blends smoothly with her beauty. When you draw the head, you need to think about the heroine's hairstyle. All monsters have long hair, so we advise you to wear it in an elegant ponytail. This will be the most optimal solution. Don't forget about Gulia's skin color. She has a grayish tint. As for the hair, it has bright highlights. Don't forget to emphasize this.

Strands must be drawn purple. You must also comply color scheme and in other parts of the body. In total, pink and purple tones should predominate in the composition. It can also be noted that Gulia’s hair is most often depicted in blue tones. Remember this. Today you will understand how to draw a monster high step by step. You must strictly follow our instructions, only in this case you will get the correct drawing. It is important to pay attention even to the most as it seems at first glance minor details. The uniqueness of this character can be emphasized with stylish glasses. This is a good move. Your child will love this gift anyway. This doll is distinguished by style and beauty. This must be emphasized. We also recommend that you draw a diagram of the first stage.
We are ready to provide you with detailed instructions for action. We have already noted that the first thing to draw is the doll’s head. This is quite difficult to do. Please note that you need to start with the outline of the face. You must understand that the head must be large, but this does not mean that you should not maintain proportions. If you want to draw a jaw, then to do this you need to draw 2 lines that should be parallel. After you draw the head you need to move on to the rest of the body. Ears must be built up. You must draw a rectangle. And mark the ears. As for the hair, it should be drawn with lines. How to draw a monster high video, you can watch below. To make it easier to draw the body, you need to draw a rectangle and mark the area for the ears.

You can also understand that the palms need to be drawn. You should understand that instead of hands, you can draw rounded ovals. It is worth understanding that when depicting a doll, you need to take into account several important details. First of all, I would like to note that in the center of the face it is worth drawing a small nose and plump lips. It’s worth focusing on the lips, as this is a feature of this heroine. It is better to make your lips bright pink. We also note that the upper and lower lip should be different widths. The lower lip should be twice the size of the upper lip. We would also like to note that the doll's eyes should be very expressive and clearly colored.
If we talk about the shape of the eyes, then it should be slanting. You can also draw long eyelashes. They must be carefully drawn. You will learn how to draw a monster high with a pencil right now. A pencil is a universal tool that is often used when depicting girls’ figures. We have already noted that this heroine is very beautiful. If we talk about the character’s head, it is quite large, while the body, on the contrary, is miniature and slender. Draw the doll's chest with ovals and think about what the heroine will wear. It should be a short skirt and blouse. All details of clothing must be carefully drawn. You will learn how to draw a monster with a pencil step by step right now. We have already noted that the doll's clothes are very beautiful. Don't forget that the blouse should have cuffs. This is an important detail that will help refresh your look. In order to draw a skirt correctly, you can draw several hexagons. The blouse should have a V-neck. This is a feature of the style of this doll.

Monster High you already know how to draw Claudine. You can also show your imagination and add a few original elements to the doll’s image. We can also advise you to refresh the doll's image and add decorations. They should elegantly highlight the doll's image. Eyelashes should be drawn with solid lines. You can draw a doll with a different hairstyle. It can be just loose hair or 2 tails. It is worth understanding that it is not necessary to adhere to the classic image. You already know how to draw a monster high photo. You can simplify your task and draw a frame and only then draw small parts. It is worth understanding that today there are many images of these dolls. You can even try creating your own unique image. The only thing you must understand is that the doll should turn out beautiful and terrifying at the same time. Now you know all the small nuances. You can start drawing. You should end up with a work of art. We have told you all the basic information that should help you draw Mostra High.

Now I will tell you how to draw a monster high step by step with a pencil for beginners, this is a simple drawing as it will only have four stages. But on the other hand, it is difficult because you will have to draw a face, and as we know, not everyone can do this. Monster High are cartoon characters, you and I will draw a girl, or rather her face, that’s enough for a start. By the way, I also recently talked about a cartoon character and showed him.

The peculiarity of these characters is their original hairstyle, extraordinary clothes and beautiful expressive eyes; this is exactly what you need to focus on in the drawing. I also advise you not to draw the lines too much with a pencil at first, because there will be many mistakes and corrections; to make the lines easier to erase, you need to draw them thin.

Take a pencil, a sheet of paper and an eraser, let's get started step by step drawing monster high for beginners.

First, we draw a circle; if it is not particularly smooth, it’s okay, we will be visually guided by it. Inside the circle we draw a cross, we make vertical and especially horizontal lines like arcs. With the help of the cross we can do correct proportions faces.

Under the intersection of two lines in the center, draw a nose, two dots and two brackets, the nose is not difficult. We also depict plump lips; girls should have them especially beautiful. And in conclusion, do not forget about the hairstyle; at the beginning we make only two lines, on the right and on the left. They should squirm.

Oh yes, another feature of Monster High is the unusual ears. We make the hairstyle completely, fluffy and beautiful, and at the top we depict ears, like those of a cat or a wolf.
But spend more time on the hairstyle, it should be believable.

Accordingly, we erase the previously drawn circle and sharpen the character’s chin.

And here is the final point. Immediately make a few additional lines on the hairstyle on the right. Then carefully, with thin lines, draw the eyes, just a little, and then wipe the cross. And in the end, we devote time only to fully drawing out the eyes; they should be large, dark and charming, so that people immediately pay attention to them.

Now you have learned how to draw Monster High step by step with a pencil, I think the second time it will not be difficult for you to portray a similar character. Remember that more attention needs to be paid to the main points, or rather the most important ones in the drawing. And don’t be afraid to experiment; you can correct the drawing at any time. I also recommend trying it.

The series "School of Monsters" literally blew up the screens, instantly winning the hearts of both children and adults. Stylish monster girls leave no one indifferent, thanks to their expressiveness, uniqueness and originality. And anyone who thinks that the students of the School of Monsters are scary is deeply mistaken! In fact, Monster High are good-natured and frank, naive and friendly, sometimes vulnerable and touching. In a word, they are the same as people. Manufacturers of clothing, stationery, cosmetics and other things immediately responded to the growing consumer interest in the theme of cute monsters, so store shelves are filled with products with their cute faces. Little fans of the series often have questions about how to draw Monster High. We will pay utmost attention to this issue: we will consider the structural features of the figure, face, hair, and wardrobe items.

Anatomical features. Drawing the figure of Monster High

Monster girls have some special features. Before you draw Monster High, you should take a closer look at them. Most of them are tall, very skinny, somewhat stooped. They have relatively large feet and hands, slender, thin legs, very thin waist. The girls' heads are quite large, with expressive big eyes and plump lips.

Before drawing Monster High, let's look at all the features step by step. Found many similarities? Don't forget to pay attention to personalities too! Each girl from "Monster School" is different from her friends. Some have horns or pointed ears, others boast fins or a tail.

Drawing a face using Draculaura as an example

Facial anatomy has common features. The facial part occupies slightly more than half of the head, the forehead is usually high. Let's try to figure out how to draw the face of Monster High using Draculaura as an example.

First of all, draw a ball. The lower part of the circle is not the border of the oval of the face, as it might seem, but the cheeks. We will draw the chin later. We divide the face into parts with two features. A horizontal stripe will indicate the lower boundary of eye level, and a vertical stripe, shifted to the side, will indicate the middle of the face. Don't forget that the neck and shoulders of the monsters are very puny.

We draw eyes. They are large, wide open, decorated with two rows of fluffy eyelashes.

Draculaura's nose is small, upturned, and slightly snub-nosed. She also has a heart-shaped mole on her cheek.

Draculaura has a rather large mouth. Important detail- fangs grow from top to bottom, giving her smile a unique charm. Many monsters have this feature, but, for example, Abby has them growing upward, and Hunny has several pairs of them.

Draw the ear. It is truly “vampire”, pointed upward. It is this attention to detail that is an important part of the process of how to draw Monster High. Draculaura has unique ears, so to maximize the resemblance to the prototype, you need to draw them just like that. And in these ears we can see pin earrings.

Draculaura's favorite hairstyle is two ponytails. Sometimes these are short tufts sticking up, sometimes they are flowing curls. You can often see this girl with bangs. Her hair is thick, black, with pink streaks.

When the face is ready, you can begin to detail the image.

Unique Character Features

As already mentioned, the characters in "Monster School" have individual characteristics. Before we draw Monster High, let’s understand the images step by step. So, let's look at a few images:

  • Cleo de Nile- most similar to ordinary person. Her makeup is bright, her eyes are emphasized by massive arrows. The main colors of the image: black, gold, turquoise.
  • Claudine Wolfe- a wolf girl with predatory fangs and real animal ears hiding in her hair. Its colors: purple, pink, bright green, chocolate.
  • Abbey Bominable- has sparkling snow-blue skin, protruding fangs, snow-white hair with sparkles. Her wardrobe is dominated by shades of blue.
  • Venus McFlytrapp- a beauty with crimson hair and pale green skin. She wears eco-friendly clothes in natural shades.
  • Blue Lagoon- a big-eyed, mermaid-like girl with blond curly hair. She is one of the few who have touching freckles. Before you draw Monster High, Lagoon in particular, you should pay attention to the whole image of the girl. There are real fish fins on the ear shells, elbows and shins of this beauty.
  • Skara Scream- Irish woman with noble greenish skin. The most striking feature This modest little thing has no pupils. She gravitates a little towards retro style, loves shades of green, black and white.

Fashion style

Not only the anatomy of the body has important. Even the same character often appears before us in different images. This applies to both cartoon prototypes and dolls. Therefore, before you draw Monster High, you need to decide not only on the character itself, but also on his style.

Let's add some color!

How to draw Monster High with a pencil so that the picture turns out to be as similar as possible to the prototype? Of course, adhere to all the characteristics of the character, characteristic style, favorite flowers. We will pay attention to all the details, show maximum accuracy, and the result will be appropriate!

  • We apply the marking lines very thin, without pressure.
  • Before starting work, we will prepare workplace and everything you need.
  • Let's watch cartoons about Monster High in advance or look through a comic book.
  • Let's not rush! We do everything carefully and accurately.
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