Kandelaki and her new husband. Tina Kandelaki men's collection

Andrey Kondrakhin - famous creative person, successful businessman, caring father. The artist is a graduate of the Moscow Higher School of Artistic Crafts. Not worked out personal life With famous TV presenter did not affect the development in creative direction and the opening of exhibitions and new projects. And a successfully and timely business built at a young age allowed me to exist on dividends that ensure prosperity.

Clinic - business from scratch

In the difficult year of 1994, Kondratiev founded a dental office with only two medical places, which would later expand into a huge medical center with modern equipment and the latest materials. The clinic houses a dental implantation department and a dental center. Later, we managed to open a department of reproductive medicine, which practices surgical intervention with IVF for couples dreaming of a child, as well as gynecological surgical interventions.

Currently, the painter is not dependent on the clinic; the processes are managed by another director, at the time when Andrei completely devoted himself to painting.

Tina Kandelaki - part of life

The actor introduced the well-known TV presenter Kandelaki to the young businessman Kondrakhin. A date without serious intentions turned into life together, and later into marriage. The businessman's relatives perceived the union ambiguously, considering Tina's reputation not too noble. However, Andrei himself was convinced of his beloved’s integrity. At first, Kondrakhin took care of the children, while Tina was making a career. The marriage showed great promise, but in 2006, while arriving abroad, the TV presenter and the famous one got into a car accident. Andrey withstood pressure for a long time public opinion regarding his wife's alleged infidelity. In 2009, having completed the construction of a luxury apartment together with Tina, he told his wife that he was going to devote his activities to painting and close business projects. Kondrakhin handed over the medical center to another director, after which Kandelaki demanded a divorce. The couple also had a difference of opinion due to the fact that Kondratiev was perceived by the public only as Kandelaki’s husband.

Photo: Andrey Kondrakhin personal life

Relations between Tina and Andrey improved after a gift was presented to them - a pearl necklace, but in the summer of 2009 the clinic was raided, after which the businessman organized a protest in which Kandelaki refused to participate, and even took over the beauty salon. According to the TV presenter, this protest could interfere with her future political career.

A versatile person is successful in everything!

The services of the medical center are used not only by Kondrakhin’s famous compatriots, but also by foreign clients.

In the course of business development and career advancement, Andrei began to show interest in socio-political actions in the state and defended the interests of vulnerable entrepreneurs.

IN given time the creator opens personal exhibitions, to which his ex-wife is not without interest.

The painter is a descendant of the artist, his children Leonty and Melania are also fond of drawing, but the artist does not want to impose anything on them, leaving the offspring the right to choose their own path in life.

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They say about people like Tina that she made herself. Bright, smart, ambitious, Kandelaki from childhood was accustomed to taking responsibility for her decisions and going to the end in any matter. It is not easy for a man to be with such a woman, but Tina was lucky to meet someone who was not afraid to connect his life with a strong woman. But did he calculate his strength?


Her previous husband was not like that at all. Tina met him when she first moved to Moscow - Andrei Kondrakhin was a businessman who managed to become a reliable shoulder for her beloved in her first years in Russia. They were not easy: Tina lived in a rented apartment, knocked on the doors of editorial offices in search of work, and missed her relatives who remained in Georgia. Andrey brightened up her loneliness, supported her, helped. Case naturally ended with a wedding, to which Tina, who despises conventions, came in a black dress. Similar children were born: Melania in 2000, Leonty in 2002. The active Tina quickly returned to work: when youngest son turned one year old, she was already shining on STS. Difficult years gave way to successful ones - her programs broke ratings records, new projects were opened, Tina developed and improved, life was interesting!

The same could not be said about her husband. Andrei Kondrakhin always dreamed of becoming an artist, but the need to earn money outweighed him. Together with his partner, he opened a chain of dental clinics, but was never able to get the buzz from his least favorite business. The relationship with his wife also went wrong - Tina became uninterested in her husband. "We have different speeds, different goals, different approaches to life, different ideas about family. That is, we grew up in different people. In connection with this, in the last few years they have become very distant from each other and lived parallel lives,” the presenter explained a year after the divorce. She was in no hurry to start a new relationship, explaining that it was unlikely that teenage children would accept a stranger in the house. But this man was already next to her.


They first saw each other at the Pioneer Readings in 2008 - even before Tina’s divorce. Vasily Brovko was only 21 years old, she was 10 years older, but he still managed to attract the attention of the successful Kandelaki. At first, only professionally: together they began to make the “Unreal Politics” program.

While Tina was not free, Brovko did not take any active actions, although he increasingly wanted to be with her. And after the divorce, Kandelaki saw him only as a business partner for a long time: the couple’s friends said that Vasily had to “run for a long time” to prove his worth.

Finally, Brovko's persistence was rewarded. In 2016, Kandelaki admitted that she married her business partner - and this time the dress was white. “Two years ago we realized: if we don’t do this now, we’ll never do it again. When no children were born in your marriage or before it, when you live together for a long time, you want changes to happen in your life,” Tina confessed.

The new marriage seemed to reveal a new, more feminine side in her. She publicly confessed her love to her husband on social networks, touchingly congratulated him on his birthday and did not skimp on generous gestures. Once Vasily received a joint trip worth about a million rubles as a gift from his wife - but what wouldn’t you do for your loved one?

However, Kandelaki’s business side has not gone away either - she sees this as one of the ways to remain attractive to her husband. “Working men develop automatically, but we have to maintain a family, raise children and develop at a speed parallel to the satellite. It’s difficult, but there’s no choice if you don’t want to be alone. So thank you for constantly increasing the speed and not letting my passion slow down!” said Tina. But is her theory true?

12 years is not in Tina's favor

Popular blogger Lena Miro was the first to voice suspicions. The girl was not too lazy to analyze Vasily Brovko’s behavior on social networks and discovered that the man was actively “liking” photographs of the young participant in the “Bachelor” show, Nicole Sakhtaridi. “Now we put ourselves in the place of Tina, the bunny, and we understand that there is nothing good in this situation. Where is Tina and where is Nicole can be seen with the naked eye. And Tina can see, and you, and even her husband Vasya, who “likes” the young body, and not the old wife. And Vasya’s “likes” are humiliation, from which betrayal is just a step or even less,” the media pilfered the publication on Miro’s blog for quotes. Nicole Sakhtaridi is really young, beautiful, sexy, and besides, she is 12 years younger than Tina. But is it so easy to seduce Vasily Brovko with this?

Neither he nor Kandelaki herself commented on the scandalous post, continuing to lead their usual lives. A life in which, in addition to career, sports and self-development, for some time now there is the most important thing - love.

Tinatin (Tina) Givievna Kandelaki – bright, Strong woman, successfully combining successful career on television, business projects, family and self-care.

She is a journalist, TV presenter of successful programs, public and political figure. Owns his own restaurant with Georgian cuisine.

The creator of the national project “Smart School” and a strict but fair mother of 2 teenage children.

Childhood and youth

Born in the capital of Georgia - Tbilisi, November 10, 1975. She has Georgian and Armenian roots.

Father - Givi Kandelaki had noble origin. He belonged to the Georgian Kandelaki family, whose founders were Greeks.

My father worked as an economist and later headed the food supply.

Tina in childhood

Having retired, he lived with his wife in Moscow. Died 2009

Mother, Elvira Alaverdyan, had a medical education. She worked as a narcologist in a hospital in Tbilisi. Tina was only child in family.

Her parents had high hopes for her, so they spared neither money nor time for her education and upbringing.

Mom was a workaholic, and it was she who taught her daughter to constantly work and self-development.

The girl studied at a Russian school for children of military personnel. She graduated with honors, but did not know the Georgian language well.

At the insistence of my parents, I entered the local medical university at the Faculty of Plastic Surgery.

At the same time, she worked part-time at a local radio. However, Tina dreamed of a career on television.

As soon as she learned about the competitive recruitment of presenters for a local TV channel, she decided to take part.

The casting was easy and she joined the Georgian television team. However, she failed her first live broadcast because she could not speak Georgian fluently.

Her parents believed that after such a failure she would come to her senses and return to medical school.

However, the purposeful Tina spoke Georgian almost fluently after 3 months.

Having plunged into the world of journalism, she realized that this is what she would like to do in life.

With the help of a colleague she knows, she arranges a transfer to another university, the Faculty of Journalism.

Subsequently, Tina Kandelaki received another higher education. In 2008, she became a specialist in international relations, graduating from the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Radio and television career

In 1995, he quits his job in Tbilisi and leaves for Moscow. There, her first job was working on the radio with S. Sadalsky and A. Pryanikov.

In addition, sometimes they were offered work on the RDV and Muz-TV channels.

At the beginning of its television career Tina hosted programs on the TVC channel under the pseudonym Dadiani.

These were the projects “Hello, people!”, “Oh, mommies!” and “Vremechko”. A little later he begins to collaborate with the TV-6 channel.

She becomes the host of the “I Know Everything!” program. In the fall of 2002, Tina was invited to the STS TV channel in the “Details” program.

There she showed herself as a professional interviewer.

In 2003, an erudite show for young smart people, “The Smartest,” was launched, where Tina Kadelaki became the host.

Since 2007, she begins to host two more projects on the Russian channel - “Wedding Planner” and “STS Lights up a Superstar!”

In 2008, REN-TV became talk show host"Unrealistic politics." She led it for 3 years.

2009 was marked not only by participation in the new projects “Two Stars” and “Infomania”, but also by her breakthrough as an actress.

Tina Kadelaki starred in the film “Forbidden Reality” with such actors as Alexander Baluev, Vladimir Vdovichenkov.

In the same year, she led the Armenian version of the extreme program “Fort Boyard”. Participated in it famous people and show business figures.

In 2010 he was a member of the jury major league KVN. Hosts the show Ideal man"on STS.

In 2012, successful game show“The Smartest” is closing. Over the entire period of its existence on air, Tina’s program has won 2 TEFI television awards.

In the winter of 2012, he became the producer of the talk show “Flight with Kamikaze.”

The next project for Tina as a TV presenter was political show"Iron Ladies". She hosted it together with Margarita Simonyan.

At the end of 2015 it becomes general producer young Russian channel about sports “Match TV”.

Becoming a “business woman” and social activities

By decree of the President, in 2009 he was appointed a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. After 2 years she was re-elected.

Spent several years in this position round tables for politicians, famous bloggers and businessmen.

In 2010, Tina opened the Tinatin restaurant in the capital, which specializes in preparing only Georgian dishes.

In the same year, according to the portal Menu.ru, it was recognized as the best restaurant of the year.

Since 2011, he has been a member of the educational standards group under the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

At the Balchug Hotel he presents his educational project"Smart school".

In the spring he signs a 2-year contract with the cosmetics company Oriflame to advertise their products.

She must also take part in all major events cosmetic company on the territory of not only Russia, but also the CIS.

Personal life

For Tina Kandelaki, as for any Georgian woman, family occupies a very important and valuable place in life.

In 1997, she met her first husband. It was an aspiring businessman and artist - Andrei Kondrakhin.

Their romance developed gradually. They dated for 2 years before officially legitimizing their relationship.

With Andrey Kondrakhin

This marriage produced two similar children: Melania and Leonty. In 2009, misunderstandings and conflicts began to arise in the family.

Tina and Andrey tried for a year to improve their relationship and save their family, but their efforts did not bring results.

In the spring of 2010, the marriage was dissolved by the capital's court. They divorced quietly.

Tina did not interfere with communication with the children, and property issues were settled quickly.

With daughter

The children now live with their mother, but their father can visit them at any time.

In 2008, at a public event, she met Vasily Brovko, who is 12 years younger than Tina.

Vasily was then promoting the Russian Pioneer magazine. At first they only had a business relationship.

Later they jointly founded the Apostol company. Their frequent meetings and interesting communication soon grew into a close friendship.

With Vasily Brovko

In 2014, Tina and Vasily realized that they loved each other. Tina Kandelaki hid from the public the fact that she had remarried.

However, journalists noticed wedding ring on the woman’s hand, and she had to confirm the fact of marriage.

Tina adheres to a healthy and correct lifestyle, since she is prone to being overweight.

She has never smoked or drank alcohol and tries to find time for sports.

Tinatin (Tina) Givievna Kandelaki (Georgian: თინათინ კანდელაკი). Born on November 10, 1975 in Tbilisi. Russian journalist, TV presenter, producer.

Father - Givi Shalvovich Kandelaki (1942-2009), a descendant of a noble Georgian family Greek origin, economist, worked as director of a vegetable base in Tbilisi. After retirement, he lived with his wife in Moscow.

Mother - Elvira Georgievna Kandelaki (nee Alaverdyan), Armenian by nationality, narcologist.

Tina graduated from the 64th high school for military children in the center of Tbilisi.

In 1993, she studied plastic cosmetology, then, with the help of her journalist friend Georgiy Targamadze, she transferred to the Faculty of Journalism of Tbilisi State University.

Later - in 2008 - she graduated from the faculty international relations RSUH.

She has worked in journalism since the 1990s. First on the radio station “Radio 105”, then on Georgian television (Channel Two - “Meore Arkhi”). It is known that during that period she kept in touch with crime boss from the Mkhedrioni group, operating under the leadership of thief in law Jaba Ioseliani.

In 1995 she moved to Moscow, where she began working with Alexander Pryanikov at various radio stations and television channels: “M-Radio”, “RDV”, “Radio Rocks”, “Silver Rain”, “2×2”, “Muz-TV”.

On the TVC channel under a pseudonym Dadiani hosted the programs “Vremechko” and “Hello, people!” (paired with Alexey Shakhmatov), ​​“Oh, mommies!” (paired with Andrey Kondrakhin). Then she was the host of the show “I Know Everything!” on the TV-6 channel.

Since September 2002, she hosted the “Details” program on the STS television channel, where she interviewed famous show business figures.

For promotion in the media space, she starred in men's magazines.

In 2006-2007, she was the presenter of the “U-turn” and “Minority Opinion” programs on the radio “Echo of Moscow”.

In 2007, she carried out two projects at once on STS: the TV show “The Wedding Planner” and the first season music competition“STS lights up a superstar!”

In 2008-2011, she was the host of the television program “Unreal Politics,” which aired first on REN TV and then on NTV.

In 2009, she took part in the project “Two Stars” (“Channel One”) as one of the presenters. She produced the “Infomania” project on the STS TV channel and hosted the weekly final episode of the program since 2010. Also in 2009, she was the host of the Armenian version of the television game “Fort Boyard”.

In 2010, she was a member of the jury of the KVN major league, leading television show“The Ideal Man” on the STS TV channel, a member of the jury of the parody festival “Big Difference in Odessa” on Channel One.

It was closed in December 2012 TV game“The Smartest”, where Kandelaki was the host and her company was the manufacturer. Since its launch in February 2003, the program has won TEFI twice (2004, 2009). Soon after the program was closed, the program director of the Mayak radio station approached Kandelaki and chief producer radio station "Vesti FM" Anatoly Kuzichev with a proposal to launch a radio version. To this, the TV presenter said that the program “The Smartest” has a copyright holder, and such issues should only be resolved by him. The issue of the appearance of a radio version of the program at the Mayak station was considered in January 2013.

From February 17 to June 2013, together with Margarita Simonyan, she was the host of the political talk show on NTV “Iron Ladies”.

Since the end of July 2015 - general producer and deputy general director editorial staff of the sports holding "Gazprom-Media".

Since the end of 2015, he has been the general producer of Match TV, the Russian federal public sports television channel, which began broadcasting on November 1, 2015. The television channel was created at the suggestion of Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Board of Gazprom PJSC.

Scandals involving Tina Kandelaki

November 25, 2006 was involved in an accident in Nice: a Ferrari Enzo, driven by a Russian businessman and part-time State Duma deputy from the LDPR Suleiman Kerimov, for an unknown reason drove off the road and crashed into a tree. The entrepreneur was hospitalized in serious condition.

Kandelaki, who was scheduled to broadcast on November 27 on Ekho Moskvy, did not come to the radio station, citing mumps. This version was confirmed by the general editor of the station, Alexey Venediktov, who mentioned his home call to Tina. But on November 28, the TV presenter admitted that she was in the car with Kerimov, and the story with the pig was needed to hide any suspicions about her relationship with Kerimov.

In memory of this incident, Tina received two tattoos. On the left wrist there is one of the Reiki symbols - chokurei (Japanese 超空霊 chōkurei), the meaning of which has several interpretations, one of which allows you to speed up the healing process of wounds. On the left thigh is depicted Chinese character, which means "mother". The tattoos are applied to burns received as a result of the accident.

In November 2009 Tina Kandelaki was the host at an illegal party held on the cruiser Aurora.

In 2012 it was concluded Aeroflot's contract with the Apostol agency owned by Kandelaki by 64 million rubles. The contract was criticized in the media due to the fact that it was concluded without a competition and with a lack of information about the contract on the airline's website. In particular, he accused her that this was payment for Kandelaki’s services Russian authorities. Referring to information, Navalny accused Kandelaki’s company “Apostol” of organizing the work of Internet bots that clog social media stuffing directed against the Russian opposition.

In December 2011 arose scandal with STS management. December 22, 2011 TV presenter Mikhail Shats stated that Kandelaki was asking the management of the STS television channel whether they were aware that he and his wife Tatyana Lazareva had starred in videos calling on citizens to come to a rally on December 24 for fair elections. According to Mikhail, Kandelaki called the video clips “dubious videos calling for people to come to the rally on December 24”: “To his credit, the leadership responded that both Mikhail and his wife are quite adults and decide for themselves how, who and where to call. I will use this right again. I urge you, Tina, stop! Because we also know how, who and where to send.”

In response, Tina accused her colleague of hypocrisy and announced that she was leaving the STS TV channel and suing Mikhail Shats. On December 29, it became known that the TV presenter remained on the channel because of her program “The Smartest.”

She had high-profile media coverage conflict with Vasily Utkin.

On July 22, 2015, it was announced that Kandelaki would become the general producer of the Match TV channel, while she explained that she “will build a new sports editorial office from scratch.” The statement offended the editor-in-chief of NTV-Plus sports channels Vasily Utkin, who considered it humiliating for him, since he had wasted 20 years. On August 11, Utkin repeated that “working under Kandelaki’s leadership is humiliating,” recalling her also saying the word “fatty” to him and announcing his resignation from the post of editor-in-chief of NTV-Plus sports channels. However, later he admitted the possibility of cooperation, voicing his conditions.

In October 2015, the Kandelaki company developed for 15 million rubles and was criticized in the State Duma, the blogosphere and among customers. form style. Both the cost and originality of the product have been questioned. As it turned out, the logo almost completely coincided with the graphic template, which can be downloaded for free.

In December 2015, she became involved in a scandal with statements made by Match TV channel correspondent Alexei Andronov. In particular, .

Tina Kandelaki's business

Co-owner of the Apostol company, which produces television programs for leading Russian channels and provides full cycle PR services.

Since 2010, Tina has owned the Georgian restaurant “Tinatin” in Moscow on Plyushchikha; previously there was a restaurant “Prince Bagration”. The restaurant's recipes were personally compiled by Elvira Georgievna Kandelaki, Tina Kandelaki's mother.

In May - November 2011, she was a member of the board of directors of Vyatka Bank.

In March 2012, Tina Kandelaki signed a contract with Oriflame, according to which she represented Oriflame products in Russia and the CIS countries for two years, her fee was $2 million.

Social and political position of Tina Kandelaki

In November 2007, Kandelaki spoke negatively about the activities of Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili: “The man who was considered the mouthpiece of democracy in Georgia turned out to be a tyrant of the Middle Ages.” She called on Georgians around the world to draw attention to the events in Tbilisi related to the dispersal of opposition demonstrations and to stop Saakashvili.

Since October 2009, at the invitation of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, Tina has been a member of the Public Chamber Russian Federation. As part of the RF OP, Tina organized and conducted a series of round tables “The Internet as a tool for identifying” pain points"society", and "How will it change Russian system education in the conditions of a “demographic hole.”

In 2010, she participated in a session on education at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum. In 2011, she became a member of the group on state educational standards under the Ministry of Education. In the same year, she signed an Appeal from members of the public against informational erosion of trust in the judicial system of the Russian Federation, which condemned the pressure on the judicial system against the backdrop of the second trial in the case of the leaders of the Yukos Oil Company.

On August 26, 2011, Tina Kandelaki organized and convened the first National Educational Forum at the Balchug Hotel and presented the Smart School project to the delegates.

Tina Kandelaki in the Posner program

Tina Kandelaki's height: 167 centimeters.

Personal life of Tina Kandelaki:

First husband - Andrei Anatolyevich Kondrakhin (born September 30, 1975), businessman, artist, co-owner of the ASCON multidisciplinary clinic.

The marriage produced two children. On January 11, 2000, daughter Melania Kondrakhina was born, and on April 28, 2002, son Leonty Kondrakhin was born.

In 2010, the couple filed for divorce.

According to rumors, the couple broke up due to Tina's infidelity. In particular, the scandalous story of an accident in which he got into a tree in Nice in the fall of 2006 is widely known. As it turned out, Tina Kandelaki was vacationing with him in Nice, which included: Andrei Kondrakhin confirmed in the media.

Second husband - Vasily Brovko (born February 6, 1987), one of the founders of the Apostol and AM-Invest companies, director of communications and strategic research at the Rostec state corporation. He is 10 years younger than her. We got married in 2014.

Tina Kandelaki made several plastic surgery. First, she improved the shape of her nose (before that she had a pronounced Caucasian nose). Next, I changed the shape of my face. Finally, I pumped up my lips. Many are sure that Tina went too far with her lips and became completely different from herself.

Filmography of Tina Kandelaki:

2004 - Don’t Even Think 2: Shadow of Independence (Don’t Even Think! Independence Play) - correspondent
2004 - My Fair Nanny - cameo
2005-2006 - There would be no happiness... - episode
2005 - Don’t be born beautiful - “face” of the Zimaleto company (cameo)
2006 - Opera-2. Homicide Chronicles - cameo
2007 - father's daughters- cameo
2007-2015 - My truth (Ukraine, documentary)
2009 - Forbidden reality - cameo
2011 - Mom - Moscow (was not completed) - Sonya Sadovaya
2011 - Once upon a time in Baben-Baben
2011 - Amazons from the Outback
2011 - Traffic light - cameo

Voiced by Tina Kandelaki:

2008 - Asterix on Olympic Games- Greek princess Irina
2009 - Darwin Mission - Juarez

Producer works of Tina Kandelaki:

2016 - Pure football
2016 - Coach
2016 - Promise
2016 - Groggy
2016 - Strong-willed technique
2016 - Military fitness
2016 - Fighting breakdown
2017 - Heavyweight

Tina Kandelaki has long had a successful career on television and radio, starred in films, participated in political life country, and also became a successful businesswoman. Despite such a busy work schedule, she was able to improve her personal life: the Georgian beauty recently admitted that she got married for the second time. Now next to Kandelaki is strong and clever man, by the way, is her business partner who was able to charm the popular TV presenter.

Tina was born in 1975 in Tbilisi. Her father worked as an economist, and her mother was a narcologist by profession. After school, the future TV presenter studied to become a specialist in plastic cosmetology, but soon transferred to the Faculty of Journalism. After finishing her studies, the girl went to Moscow, where she entered the Institute for Advanced Studies of Radio and Television Workers. Her career began on music radio stations and television channels. Since 2002, Kandelaki hosted the “Details” and “The Smartest” programs on the STS channel, thanks to which the energetic and witty girl gained a lot of fans. Since 2009, she has become the host of the “Two Stars” program, as well as music festival « New wave" For my creative activity Tina has numerous awards, recognized as the most stylish and best presenter.

In the photo Tina Kandelaki with her ex-husband Andrei and children

She met her future husband, businessman Andrei Kondrakhin, when she had just started her career on television. But the young people dated for two years before getting married. In 2000, a daughter, Melania, appeared in the family, and two years later, a son, Leonty. For a long time spouses were considered perfect couple, in whose personal lives love and harmony reigned. But after eleven years, the marriage cracked, and quarrels and misunderstandings began to occur in the family. The couple divorced in 2010 and ex-husband left the country. Now that some time has passed and relations have improved, Kondrakhin often comes to Moscow to see his children.

In the photo Tina Kandelaki with her second husband Vasily Brovko

After the divorce, the famous diva had many affairs, but few men managed to win her affection. For several years, Kandelaki hid her personal life and only recently it became known that at the end of 2015 she secretly got married again. The chosen one of the 40-year-old presenter was the 29-year-old director of the Rostec state corporation, Vasily Brovko. But the beauty did not immediately pay attention to the advances of the young admirer: he had to run after her a lot. Tina says almost nothing about her children, believing that fans should only be interested in her career, and not her personal life. The 15-year-old daughter and 13-year-old son also do not want their mother to publish their photos. The family of one of the most fashionable Russian TV presenters lives in a two-story big house, located in the prestigious village of Shelestovo. Kandelaki has dreamed of such a cottage for a long time, and now she is enjoying her holiday in a beautiful place where there are two ponds, a forest, and sports grounds.

see also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 05/22/2016
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