Monthly horoscope for the year Sagittarius. Financial horoscope for women

The Fire Rooster will be filled with tenderness and romance for Sagittarius. In this regard, work issues and other everyday problems will fade into the background. Creating home comfort and an interesting interior can be so captivating that some Sagittarius will even think about changing their profession or getting a special education.

2017 is an excellent period for learning and developing personal skills. Developing talents, pursuing goals, and working as a team are relevant throughout the year.

The horoscope indicates a large number of opportunities for positive changes in life. The trips will be successful. Moreover, even business trips will be enjoyable and easy to endure. The attention of the opposite sex can be pursued everywhere, which, of course, flatters the representatives of this zodiac sign.

The Year of the Rooster sees a surge in marriage proposals for single Sagittarius.

In the second half of the year, there may be a slight deterioration in your financial or career situation. These temporary phenomena will pass quickly, so you should continue to act as planned. Stars do not advise getting involved in other people's squabbles, wanting to act as an arbitrator. In such a situation there is a risk of being extreme.

In the year of the Rooster, you should not miss the opportunity to acquire useful connections. At first, it may seem that such acquaintances only take up time. In fact, already at the end of the year such new friends may receive a tempting offer. The stars even point to long journeys.

Sagittarius love horoscope

The desire to love and be loved will become very acute and will be noted by others. Speaking, listening, telling are important skills for those who strive to harmonious relationships. Moreover, this applies to communication with your partner and children. However, simple-minded and open-minded Sagittarius would benefit from a balanced approach to everything they say. An awkwardly spoken word or an incorrectly chosen phrase can become a cause for conflict.

Making acquaintances will be easier than usual. But you shouldn’t abuse them, especially for those who have family status. In pursuit of the desire to please opposite sex Representatives of this sign are even capable of striving for external transformations. Just don’t take out loans to surprise your partner with an unusual surprise. Although the thought of giving your significant other a trip to the Cote d'Azur will haunt many Sagittarius.

The love horoscope guarantees that in the spring even lonely representatives of this zodiac constellation will find their happiness. You will want to endlessly dissolve in it, but you need to control yourself. The fact is that in the fall a lot of attention will have to be paid to the older generation of the family, so you will need to quickly mobilize.

If suddenly someone from a turbulent past decides to return to the life of friendly Sagittarius, this attempt should be stopped. They don't step into the same river twice. In addition, it may interfere with the development of existing connections.

Money horoscope for the year of the Rooster

Money has never been the main goal in the life of these Sagittarians. Therefore, accumulated funds are easily spent for the benefit of other people or for the soul. The year of the fiery Rooster is no exception. It is very important that the purchase is associated with positive emotions. And under no circumstances should you resort to borrowing.

In the last quarter of the year, you cannot agree to investment proposals or participation in financial projects.

Cash flow can go to those who invest in their own development in the first half of 2017. This will be associated either with obtaining a new position, or with the receipt of interesting orders. Particular success will be achieved by those who are involved in manual labor or work in the field of cosmetology and hairdressing services.

Everything will be smooth in relations with colleagues, because Sagittarius really likes to be friends with others. With the leadership, familiar relations will be unnecessary. During the spring period, management will be looking at candidates for the new position. Therefore, here it is worth showing your best qualities, and hide a small natural feeling of laziness away.

The horoscope describes the opportunities for receiving job offers abroad. You can calmly agree to them, because this will change better side and other areas of life. Sagittarius' work will be rewarded in the form of an additional bonus or salary increase.

Sagittarius Health in the Year of the Rooster

People born during this period often suffer from pulmonary diseases, which can worsen in the spring. If this is accompanied bad habit smoking, then the most will come favorable time get rid of her.

Those who can boast about their health should remember that the best remedy from diseases - prevention. That is why it is worth including regular workouts, exercises, and jogging in your schedule. Vitamin support should be organized in March-April. And by autumn you need to recharge yourself with solar energy. The worries that have piled up will quickly consume the resources received during the rest. Spa treatments or swimming in the pool will help you cope with stress. Even those who did not enjoy these types of leisure activities should consider them as an alternative to sedatives and pills.

For those who are engaged active species sports, stars recommend careful training and performances in June-July, as the risk of injury is high.

The health of Sagittarius can strengthen and dietary food. But vegetarianism will not be beneficial, because it will not compensate for energy costs.

Fans of strong alcoholic drinks in the autumn run the risk of encountering diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Even ulcers can make themselves known. If you have any doubts about this, then better in summer undergo a preventive examination. Naturally, you will have to give up alcohol.

Sagittarius woman and her year 2017

Despite the fact that the Year of the Rooster brings many opportunities for a woman of this sign, she will not take advantage of everything. Especially often refusals will be heard regarding new job, because Sagittarius ladies are not typical careerists. The stars ask you to carefully consider the proposals that will come in the spring. They carry a strong financial appeal.

During this same period, single women will be lucky to find a chance acquaintance, which will subsequently lead to an improvement in their financial situation. Perhaps this will be due to the patronage of a partner in personal relationships, perhaps with a different development of events.

These ladies definitely won’t need money. But constantly feeling that they lack warmth and romance can lead to unnecessary stress and melancholy. Instead of taking sedatives, the horoscope recommends turning your attention to creativity. If not revealed talents, it’s even useful to observe the implementation of other people’s artistic ideas. Galleries, art salons, theaters can be great therapy.

Married women will pay more attention not to their spouse, but to their children. And this is not entirely true. In order to have harmony with your loved ones, you should create a new family tradition or go on a trip together. Even going to barbecue summer period can significantly strengthen family ties.

October will be full of emotional events. The sensitive Sagittarius woman must learn not to take everything “to heart” in order to maintain inner peace.

If a lady is employed in the field of IT technology or science, in November-December there is an opportunity to win a large grant or become a participant in a large project.

Horoscope for the year of the Rooster for a Sagittarius man

The most correct thing, according to the stars, is to learn new skills and knowledge or get an education abroad. Even internships abroad can change your living space by the month of July.

There will be less time for friendly gatherings or going to clubs. This will be a bit of a burden for Sagittarius, because communication is their main need. In fact there is great benefit: the money saved on leisure time can be spent on summer vacations, and for family Sagittarius - on the needs of children.

Single Sagittarius should be more attentive to acquaintances that will occur outside the city of residence. Especially in March–April 2017. The horoscope indicates the possibility of getting a partner for a long time.

Those who already have a family should think about having children. The year is going very well in this regard. Joint holidays with grandchildren can also become useful tool strengthening family ties.

Flirting on the part of colleagues should be stopped immediately, because it will damage your reputation and can also affect the psychological well-being of your other half.

Those who own their own business must find a good deputy, because next year there will be rapid growth. A Sagittarius man will not be able to control all work processes alone. Throughout 2017, men of this sign will be accompanied by the feeling that this is a very calm and harmonious time. And this is a good sign.

Sagittarius- holiday man in the best sense this word. Will the horoscope for 2017 Sagittarius bring him many reasons to rejoice? We’ll find out later. Now we will talk about general characteristics zodiac sign.

Perhaps, of all the representatives of the zodiac, you cannot find a more cheerful and good-natured one than Sagittarius. This person is always in a great mood and is ready to share his mood with others.

In a noisy company, Sagittarius is not difficult to notice; he will be in the center of events, sprinkle with sparkling humor and illuminate everyone with a radiant smile.

An “easy” attitude towards life, optimism and an innate gift of eloquence act as a kind of magnet that attracts people to him.

Representatives of the sign love to talk. At work, at home, in line at the supermarket, resourceful Sagittarius will always find a topic for conversation, which often tires those around him.

The sign's excessive talkativeness also has a negative aspect: he talks so much that he does not always think about what he says, and with a careless word he can offend his interlocutor. It is better not to trust talkers with secrets.

No matter what dirty tricks Sagittarius may play, it’s simply impossible to be offended by a big, charming child for a long time!

Representatives of the sign do not tolerate routine; they are attracted to novelty, adventure, and extreme travel. They are inquisitive and active, always find contact with animals and are confident fighters for justice.

Sagittarians are fearless, their innate optimism does not allow them to even think about bad things. The sign drives cars at super-fast speeds, engages in dangerous sports and chooses a profession that involves risk.

Every Sagittarius is a gambler.

They fall in love quickly, but instantly cool down, mainly when their partner uses the word “marriage.”

Horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius

Year Fire Rooster will be an ideal springboard for establishing relationships with relatives and strengthening family ties.

In 2017, only honest people will meet on the path of Sagittarius interesting people. Each acquaintance will add to the collection of pleasant moments in your life.

The stars recommend that travel lovers take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself. Did you have a free weekend? Go to a new place new town and even a new country. The long road will not be tiring, and the problems that arise along the way will become comical.

A series of luck may end in failure in some area. No matter how hard Sagittarius tries, they will not be able to protect themselves from troubles. Calmly accept the unfavorability of fate, this will protect you from stupidity and bad deeds.

2017 promises to bestow representatives of the sign with natural cunning, which is sometimes so lacking.

New prospects will open up for Sagittarius, and a lot will do tempting offers, but due to their inherent indecisiveness, few will risk changing their usual way of life and take advantage of the opportunities provided.

Don't be in excessive haste. Make final decisions only after carefully weighing all the conditions, without losing sight of even the smallest details.

Horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius man

Finance will not please the stronger half of the zodiac sign with its abundance. It's time to go to work in one of the developed foreign countries. On native land there are no significant achievements in sight either financially or career-wise. In the summer, carefully monitor your own health. Problems with the spine can make significant adjustments to your plans, not for the better.

At the end of the year, harmony in life will be achieved, Sagittarius men will be able to devote enough time to both work and family.

In order not to stagnate in 2017, but to make a confident leap forward, this zodiac sign will have to show more determination and energy.

Horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius woman

On the background rapid development career, the fair half of Sagittarius will not be able to avoid disagreements with their loved ones. This is how relationships are tested for strength. If your other half does not intend to put up with your busy work schedule, then this is not your half. Be prepared to make a fair decision.

The Year of the Fire Rooster should be a time of careful balance between one's own interests and the needs of loved ones.

In the second half of 2017, you will be able to handle tasks that you could not even dream of before. These could be social events, teamwork project management, teaching activity or team management.

Love experiences and accomplishments of Sagittarius in 2017

The Fire Rooster will require Sagittarius to be ready to make clear decisions. If you put off a burning question until later, the consequences can be disastrous. This condition applies not only to representatives of the sign who have begun to build relationships, but also to those who have been in a registered marriage for more than one year.

If Sagittarius decides to take drastic measures, Rooster will give a chance to start life with clean slate. All obstacles, concerns and fears will miraculously disappear, and you will be able to make an informed decision. However, you should not forget about previous mistakes; the bitter experience of previous years will protect you from mistakes in the future.

Relations with relatives will also be tense. Expressive and overly enthusiastic Sagittarians are not serious in the eyes of their parents. If you don’t want to completely ruin your relationship with them, show attention and responsibility.

Success in this endeavor foreshadows the establishment of contacts with loved ones, marked by strong attachments and deep feelings.

Lonely Sagittarius in 2017 will not feel a lack of attention; short-term romantic relationships will replace one another. And somewhere nearby is your destiny...

Money issues and their solutions in 2017 for Sagittarius

IN financially The year of the Fire Rooster will only favor Sagittarius. The efforts you have made in the past will bring long-awaited results. The stars recommend investing the funds received. Don’t be afraid to take risks, with a 95% chance your investment will pay off. For greater confidence, invest in several projects at once.

The desire to invest financial resources in promising projects can significantly limit the budget for daily needs. Calculate how much you can save. Hold off on your purchase new jacket or a shoe. You will meet the New Year 2018 with an impressive amount in your bank account, which you can spend on clothes, travel and even buying real estate.

Career ups and downs of Sagittarius in 2017

Representatives of the mark working in the office of private or public companies will receive real chance climb one or more steps career ladder. Creative people who do not accept submission will be able to realize their old plans.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, you will have to rely only on your own strengths; do not trust your problems and experiences to other people.

If patrons and like-minded people are trying to support you, do not reject them. However, you should not reveal the secrets of your work to strangers.

2017 will be discouraged by provocation from a loved one, perhaps a relative. Approach the solution of the problem with a cool mind - shout, swear, break dishes at home, and when you come to the office, show steadfastness and indestructibility.

The main thing is to remember: any business that ends not in your favor is not a loss, it’s life experience, which will be useful to you in the future.

Health of Sagittarius in the year of the Fire Rooster

2017 will be a busy year in the professional and financial spheres, so high immunity and balanced nervous system should be taken care of in advance. In anticipation of the cold season, get vaccinated or at least take a course of immunostimulants. Walking in the park and trips out of town will relieve you from nervous tension.

The Year of the Fire Rooster will begin vigorously. Sagittarius may mistakenly think that old chronic diseases have receded, and now they will heal normal life. But by the beginning of summer, representatives of the sign will feel a deterioration in general well-being caused by overexertion at work. Take a vacation, go to the most remote resort, where there are no crowds of vacationers and annoying local residents. Unity with nature - The best way replenishment of vital energy.
Celebrities born under the sign of Sagittarius
Mark Twain, Woody Allen, Vincent Cassel, Miley Cyrus, Natalya Krachkovskaya, Emir Kusturica, Alexander Maslyakov, Nonna Mordyukova, Maxim Averin, Bruce Lee, Tina Turner, John Galliano, Ben Stiller, Britney Spears, Gianni Versace, Afanasy Fet, Walt Disney , Alisa Freindlich.

Eastern horoscope for 2017

Other horoscopes for 2017

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Sagittarius, like no other sign, will feel the attention of Saturn. This planet will be in your sign for almost the entire 2017 (until December 21). Moreover, from the third ten days of April until almost the end of August, Saturn, being in retrograde, will force you to solve problems of a more serious order than you might think.

Saturn will force you to start changing. You will have to overcome something in yourself, reconsider something, understand something more thoroughly... Essentially, you are required to understand what in your life should be left in the past, what to focus on, and so on.

Sagittarians born in the third decade of the sign deserve special attention. In 2017, much more will be required from them than from others, namely: a lot of responsibility and no less self-discipline.

Jupiter will bring great positivity into your existence. This planet will be quite generous to you, allowing you to expand your sphere of influence and achieve success in various fields life.

Love and relationships: horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius

Yours personal life in 2017 may become the epicenter of passions. And in many ways this will happen due to the fact that relationships with a loved one risk conflicting with goals related to the professional sphere. True, you don’t need to be afraid of this, because in this way the stars will test the strength of your (and your partner’s) feelings. Therefore, in difficult situations, maintain a reasonable balance between your personal life and career, and do not get caught up in one thing or the other.

It is very important for Sagittarius women to watch what they say. Remember that any awkward joke or inopportunely thrown statement can become the impetus for a whole chain of fatal events that can radically affect relationships that are valuable to you. This feature is the result of the influence of Jupiter on your life, which, while giving you a lot of opportunities to experience joy and happiness, will at the same time make you remember about responsibility. In addition, it is advisable for you to be very careful about making new acquaintances and not to trust random people, even if they seem very nice to you.

Sagittarius men should try to avoid love triangles. And - casual relationships, because this will almost certainly create problems for you in the future in the form of blackmail, a bad illness, or something else. Another important point is this: know that feeling jealous in 2017 is far from the best way to make a woman love herself more.

Career and finance: horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius

Saturn influencing Sagittarius during this period may make you come to the conclusion that your activities have outlived their usefulness and lost relevance. Of course, this does not mean that you will necessarily feel the futility of what you are doing. But know that if such a feeling and understanding arises, it is not accidental.

On the other hand, 2017 will give you good opportunities to “clear up” old rubble at work and correct previously made mistakes. And besides, it will be significant to move forward, because your achievements will become noticeable and appreciated (although this may not seem enough to you). But all this should not make you believe in your own infallibility (or indispensability, etc.). Behave carefully and do not think that you can act selfishly and recklessly in any situation. Know how to wait for favorable moments.

Health: horoscope for 2017 for Sagittarius

Sagittarius men definitely need to monitor the condition of their spine. This means that any negative symptoms must be responded to immediately and responsibly. Protect yourself from unnecessary physical activity. Stop smoking if you have already acquired this habit.

Don't lose your attention too emotional condition. Be sure to spend some of your free time alone, take a break from people. Ideally, you would go on holiday somewhere unaccompanied.

For Sagittarius women, the problem of the functioning of the digestive system will most likely be relevant. Moreover, to solve it, it will not be enough for you to simply make changes to your diet. In addition, limit yourself to alcohol and focus on sports.

Do not infringe on your emotional comfort. Don't attend all the parties and other events just because it's customary or you're afraid of offending someone. Follow your inner needs first.

If your Ascendant... (You can ): Aries: You run the risk of continually finding yourself in situations where your behavior or way of thinking turns out to be something out of the ordinary. And it's unlikely to be yours strong point. In most cases, this will cause you additional problems. Taurus: Your strong point during this period is thoroughness and the desire for stability. This will help you avoid extremes and excessive subjectivity in judging certain situations and circumstances. And the desire for pleasures that you really want can let you down. Gemini: You will be able to solve many tasks and problems facing you at this time. But for this, it is strongly recommended to abandon your inherent superficiality in judgment and the desire to embrace everything at once. Cancer: This year your sensitivity will help you, however, your vulnerability to aggression and cynicism of the world around you will hinder you. However, this seems to be exactly what you will need to solve your problems. Although there is no guarantee that you will solve them all. Leo: You will be able to sensibly and objectively navigate what fate has in store for you this year. And, therefore, do not lose face in difficult situations. But pay attention to your selfishness, because this is what can become a real stumbling block for you. Virgo: Your conscientiousness, as well as your inner modesty, seems to be a real find for you. Both of these together will provide you with the ability to subtly feel your place in a given situation and get the maximum benefit from it for yourself. Libra: A feeling of harmony and comfort will mean too much to you. Meanwhile, life will not always be able to provide you with the opportunity to achieve them. Hence the dissatisfaction and fears. However, you will be able to maneuver between external problems and internal demands on yourself and society. Scorpio: You will try to solve your problems with enthusiasm and persistence. Moreover, so persistently and even passionately that by solving one problem, you will sometimes immediately acquire a new one. And therefore it is difficult to predict how productive this year will be for you. Sagittarius: You seem to be less concerned with existing problems and tasks than with setting new goals for yourself. Perhaps this position will be justified to some extent. But you should understand that you cannot build your life on a “base” of unresolved problems, endlessly piling new ones on top of them. Capricorn: This year may not be easy for you, because you will repeatedly have to limit yourself in some ways, take responsibility, and put in a lot of effort. You may become tougher, more distrustful, even more selfish. Some people may not like this, but it will definitely benefit you. Aquarius: It will be a little difficult for you during this period. You will even begin to miss the times when you could allow yourself some frivolity and carelessness. And this will often lead to the fact that you will not be able to concentrate properly on each task in front of you. Pisces: This year you will be in your place. Your sensitivity, ability to listen to your own intuition, willingness to sympathize and help will become an excellent “base” for you, starting from which you can live a fairly successful year for yourself. But don't take on too much.

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Life expects you to move forward, achieve achievements and discoveries. You already have everything you need. All that remains is to choose one of your desires and start making it come true. You yourself don’t even know what you are capable of.

Forecast for Sagittarius by time of year


Maybe we should try something unusual?
For example, go on a trip with a new company or change your image. This is the time for your experiments.


All spring you will have to return to old affairs and relationships. Yes, it will not be easy and not always pleasant. The past will become your present again. Correct mistakes and move on.


June troubles may take you by surprise. Don't fuss, try to solve problems as they arise. And go on dates more often, now is the right time for this.


The rungs of the ladder of your life are now leading upward. It's time to take charge of yourself and change something. The feeling of flying and inner freedom will push you to new transformations.

Kaleidoscope of happy days

The best happens today - remember this and try to learn a lesson from any event, meeting, conversation. Fate takes you under its wing.

✓ Love: in plain sight

This area of ​​life requires special strength, you decide, and with enthusiasm you will begin to change yourself and, in to a greater extent, partner. Be careful, your ideas are too extreme for him. Now you are most prone to risk, but everything is fine in reasonable amounts. In winter, a loved one is unlikely to support you; at the end of spring, he is more inclined to experiment.

In the summer, you can even decide to double play. Alas, this will not inspire you. In addition, now any affair can become public knowledge. Try to breathe life into the old relationship, or the union may fall apart.

In autumn you will be in a romantic mood. Become the initiator of dates and romantic encounters. Your imagination is enough to charm the most unapproachable fan. It will not be easy for you to turn friendships into love, but at the end of the year you will finally be able to hear the long-awaited recognition.

✓ Family: one team

You will feel like one team, family relationships will become softer and more trusting. True, sometimes you will feel pressure and increased guardianship from relatives, and this will become a burden to you. Be that as it may, resolve issues as gently as possible, and do not swear under any circumstances. Nowadays people at home are more impressionable and vulnerable.

Overall this good year for any household chores, home improvement. You will not want to leave somewhere for a long time; you will always be drawn to your native places. This is the best time to study family traditions, karma of a kind. If you are going, choose late summer or late autumn for this.

✓ Friendship: gain trust

Amazing time. People who pestered and annoyed you will literally dissolve and disappear from your life. Those with whom you wanted to break up, but you didn’t have the courage, will disappear from your sight.

Spring is the best period to make new connections. In the summer, you will have to prove your right to friendship and win someone’s trust. Perhaps one of your close friends is asking too much of you. Don't forget about yourself and your desires. No matter how close your relationship is, try not to share information that you want to keep secret.

✓ Health: more active, even more active!

It will take a lot of time to get yourself in order. This year, long-standing illnesses will make themselves felt, and at times you will feel a loss of strength. The time has come to change established habits and the overall way of life. Start your transformation gradually.

In spring, the tone will be reduced, so there is no need for sudden changes. Get busy breathing exercises, active walking. Be sure to be more active in the summer free time. A period of accumulation is coming for you. internal energy, activation of the body's defenses.

August is a dangerous time. This month, do not get involved in extreme sports and generally take care of yourself. Don't relax in autumn and winter, now physical exercise must be mandatory. The same as taking vitamins (start taking them no later than November, then the effect will be more noticeable).

✓ Finance/Career: become a leader

Changes are likely social status, career. At the end of spring, you may be offered a new position, or you yourself will decide to change activities. True, material promises may not come true.

And if in the first half of the year financial revenues are stable, then in the fall there may be interruptions. But for responsible and hardworking people, this is an excellent period; you can even accumulate a very impressive amount (if such a task is worth it).

In the fall, competitors will become more active, but circumstances will be such that you will beat them in no time. The main thing here is not to be arrogant and to be alert. Because at the end of the year a controversial situation will arise again. Your financial future will depend on how you resolve it. At work, try to organize people around you, gather like-minded people.

Prognosis for women

The Sagittarius woman will show a fighting spirit and earn
a decent amount and will find his calling.

You, like a director, will begin to introduce, change storyline, introduce new actors. What will happen - drama, comedy, or maybe love story? Choose for yourself.

Already at the beginning of the year it will be clear how events will develop. In the spring, a little slippage in business will help you concentrate and focus on the most important thing. Let everything be resolved with a delay; this time is given to you to eliminate errors.

Don’t be lazy and be careful, then in the summer you will get the first results. Extra money will appear, and you can happily spend it on yourself. At the end of autumn, you will be offered to become a participant in a business that you have long dreamed of. Get actively involved in work.

Born from November 23 to November 30

Carelessness is unacceptable. Don’t leave anything to chance, but make strict demands only on yourself. Now it’s easy to go too far and quarrel with everyone.

In the middle of the year you will be able to significantly improve your financial situation. And in winter you need to think about rest. It will be better if you plan everything in advance.

Born from December 1 to December 12

There are some bumps in your road, but an extra shake up now won't hurt at all. This will only help you become more aware of your intentions. Be careful at the beginning of autumn, you will not be very surrounded honest people. The beginning of winter will show how prudent you are. You will need all your experience to solve an important issue.

Born from December 13 to 21

Any activity, activity and enthusiasm are welcome. Stimulate yourself, encourage and inspire. True, in the first half of the year there may be a lack of confidence, a lack of support. Let this time be a period of preparation. In the summer, circumstances will work out in your favor. Even tasks that seemed incredibly difficult will be resolved. An unexpected event will show what you are worth and help you decide on your future plans.

Forecast for men

The Sagittarius man will masterfully prove that there are no unsolvable problems and will find his soulmate.

You are well aware of the extent of your responsibility and do not want to be responsible for others. This will offend someone, and you will have to resolve the conflict and prove your right to your opinion. The winter will pass with such worries.

In spring the tension will subside. But as soon as you decide to take care of your personal life, a lot of small matters and affairs will pile up. And the work, worries, chaos will begin again. When you are completely immersed in business and even forget about the most necessary things (yes, there will be such a moment), the person you have been dreaming about will suddenly appear nearby. Fate itself brought him to you, you will understand this. Don’t worry, total busyness will not prevent your feelings from developing.

At the end of the year there will be some light, there will be almost no problems left. And you will be able to plunge headlong into the ocean of tender feelings and ardent passion.

Born from November 23 to November 30

What you sow now will bear good fruit. Therefore, do not save your strength, give your best. At the beginning of spring you will have to spin like a squirrel in a wheel. Summer will pass more calm, although a little exciting. If you take the time, you will take part in an unusual and incredibly exciting project. There will be enough impressions from this for a whole year.

Born from December 1 to December 12

Heavenly luck is on your side, but earthly luck depends entirely on your efforts. Do not feel sorry for yourself, fight against circumstances and internal fears. At the end of spring there will be an opportunity to test yourself and your ideas in practice. You are capable of much, show it! At the end of the year, a real surprise for you will be a meeting with a sweet and touching person.

Born from December 13 to 21

Know your worth and don’t waste your time on things and people that are not worth your attention. Let there be little free time, arrange small holidays for yourself. In the fall, an active business life will be replaced by an equally active personal life. There will be a lot of dates, falling in love. But the true deep feeling will come a little later. Manage to wait for him.

Forecast for Sagittarius born in the year...


1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Rely on your desires and don’t look at others. Someone is always trying to confuse you. May your dreams seem unrealistic to someone. Everything will come in due time, your job is to continue to work and believe in yourself.


1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

Finally, you can do what you love. Things bring satisfaction, communication goes well. If you also had enough finances, you could consider yourself an absolutely happy person.


1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

You shuffle your lovers like cards in a deck. Changing impressions is not bad at all, but don’t get carried away! If you want to find your person, be able to stop in time, otherwise by the end of the year all opportunities will simply disappear.

A rabbit

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

There will be people ready to help you in everything. So don’t get lost and take on the most difficult things. Take every opportunity to earn extra money. The main thing now is to establish yourself so that they will contact you again in the future.


1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

All attention to the family. If it doesn’t exist yet, arrange the space. Family ties are your main support this year. Give and spend more on others rather than on yourself.


1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

How you start the year is how you end it. Start as soon as possible. Don’t put anything off, not just until tomorrow, or even until the evening of the current day. Everything you have time for now will feed you for many years to come.


1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

You are rushing forward, in a hurry. Be careful, you might stumble. You'll have to take the circumstances into account and slow down significantly. It's for the better. Look around, your love is walking somewhere very close.


1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

Find the courage to face the truth. Give up desirable but obviously failed projects. Better go on vacation somewhere away from home. This is a year of fantastic travel and exciting events.


1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

You will find a new area of ​​application for your talents. There will be a lot of great deals. Away with conventions! Be simpler and close your eyes to the minor shortcomings of your neighbors. This is the year of cooperation and friendship.


1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Look at everything with a bit of irony. Play with fate, be nimble and original. There will be time for yourself, for work, and for family. The main thing is not to spread yourself thin and not to grab onto everything at once. Time is on your side now.


1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

Self-development and self-knowledge - dedicate to this coming year. You can learn more about yourself now than you could in your entire life. There will be many provocative situations, your task is to leave a favorable impression of yourself.


1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

You will be concerned about your reputation all year. You'll start playing tricks to make an impression. Your tricks are useless; the deception will quickly be revealed. Be honest and open, especially with those you love. This is the best recommendation and Right way to the goal.

Children's horoscope

Do you like surprises? Regardless of your answer, they will become the norm for you. The baby is unpredictable now. The only area of ​​life where you are guaranteed mutual understanding is travel. Communication with his peers will open your eyes to many things and help you get closer.

Horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

The coming year will bring a lot of interesting things to Sagittarius. No major changes are expected this year, but you are ready to make plans for the future and immediately implement them. You can take the first steps towards a new life at the beginning of the year, and this will be the right time: now everything is developing on its own, requiring a minimum of your participation. Don’t put off your decisions until autumn and winter, otherwise you won’t experience such ease and mobility in your affairs.

The topic of responsibility is relevant to you now. Develop character traits such as the desire for discipline and commitment. If you promised something, be sure to fulfill it, because otherwise unfulfilled tasks will accumulate like snowball, wasting your strength and nerves. Communication with relatives older than you can be especially difficult due to conflicting values, but be lenient and pay more attention to them.

Horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017 by month

In January you will motivate yourself to earn money more money, and most likely you will succeed. But after that, you will be ready to spend even more than you earned, so control yourself and be careful when it comes to spending. Conflicts with your other half regarding finances are likely.

February will bring financial unrest, although there may not be any if you properly manage the amounts that come to you at the beginning of the year. March can bring problems in relationships with children - you should be careful in your statements and not impose your interests on the child. In addition, this month you may reconsider your previous hobbies and realize that they no longer interest you.

In April there may be minor difficulties at work. You should be more attentive to the documents at this moment, and then difficulties can be avoided. In addition, you should not believe the rumors that will be circulating at work at this time - most likely, they will not be true, but relationships with colleagues can be ruined.

On summer months It's best to plan a vacation. At this time, you will not be as active as usual, and you will want to take a break from the hustle and bustle and disappear from the sight of others. For relaxation, it will be favorable to choose the most remote places from noisy cities.

In September and October, your energy will go towards establishing yourself at work. They may offer you new project or give you additional responsibilities that you will be more than happy about. This good opportunity for you to develop the necessary qualities for promotion.

November and December will be quite active for you. Activity will manifest itself more likely on the emotional plane, because at this time you will be sensitive and more engaged in your inner life.

Sagittarius Man: forecast for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

Men born under the sign of Sagittarius are most often presented as life enthusiasts who want adventure and who are not always close to family obligations. Although in fact they are cheerful and love change, they want to feel every moment of life and fill every moment with positive impressions.

This year, those born under the sign of Sagittarius will have good luck in travel and adventure. The horoscope speaks of opportunities to meet friends on trips with whom you will be firmly connected in the coming years. In addition, it is favorable to set large-scale goals for yourself, because this year almost all your desires will come true as if by magic.

Sagittarius Woman: Forecast for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

Sagittarius women are sensitive friends with whom you will never get bored: they can cheer anyone up, even in the most difficult situation will find soothing words and a positive tone. With such women you can spend time comfortably at home, go on vacation, and even have a crazy party until the morning. It’s always interesting to be with them, and they are ready for any development of events.

The coming year promises Sagittarius women a large number of events to which friends will invite them. You will be able to surround yourself with those who are close to you in spirit, and there will be more and more such people.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017

July will be one of the most romantic months of the year. During this time, you can expect a happy and harmonious atmosphere at home and in your family. In July, it is favorable to spend a romantic vacation with your lover, go on a trip, or simply be together more often, go on dates. The energies of this month will help strengthen your union, and for a while your feelings will sparkle with new colors.

December will be the second most favorable month. At this time, you will already be in a romantic mood and will try to give yourself completely to a loved one. Also this good time for meetings with friends or events where you need to show off your charm.

Finance and career horoscope for 2017

Many Sagittarius, especially those born from December 5 to December 21, are going through a difficult time right now. These may be difficulties both in the field of profession and fundamental changes in consciousness that force you to make maximum efforts, although the result is not yet visible. The most important thing is not to despair, because the influence of this period will soon end. Now you are required to have endurance and patience, perhaps even humility, because you have no way to control the situation.

In a professional environment, too much may be expected of you, and you may at times feel like you are falling short. Try to be less critical of yourself and your achievements at this moment, and be sure to leave room for rest, because right now you can overwork. In addition, take care of your health, especially your heart.

Forecast for Sagittarius according to the Chinese horoscope

Sagittarius-Tiger: This year you have strong support in the form of loved ones. No matter what problem you approach them with, they will always be able to help and encourage you.

Sagittarius-Rabbit: It could be difficult year for you, and you will be tormented by doubts about moving, or you will want to spend most of your time away from home. Decide to make changes, everything promises to go smoothly.

Sagittarius-Dragon: Favorable year for changes within the home. You can think about and plan renovations, buy new furniture, because you will want to be creative in changing the interior.

Sagittarius-Snake: The coming year will help you become more responsible. You need discipline now, so don’t put things off, but try to do everything at once and quickly.

Sagittarius-Horse: This year is suitable for learning and education. Try to improve your professional qualities, because success at work will have a positive impact on all other areas of life.

Sagittarius-Goat: A good year to spend time communicating with your family. Be more attentive to the needs of your older relatives, spend more time with them and ask for advice more often - they will be very pleased.

Sagittarius-Monkey: This year is suitable for clearing your circle of acquaintances of those people who take up your time and constantly ask for advice, but are not ready to help you. If you recognize a person in this description, think about how pleasant his company is to you.

Sagittarius-Rooster: The workplace can be competitive, so you need to work on making sure you have a network of allies who will always be on your side. Be patient, and it is better not to enter into an open conflict.

Sagittarius-Dog: You will be smart and you will be full of quotes. famous people, you want to teach your loved ones or immediate circle. You should be more careful, otherwise you risk offending many people.

Sagittarius-Pig: A favorable year for travel, especially abroad. Trips promise to go smoothly and will help you take your mind off the complexities that may be going on in life.

Sagittarius-Rat: It is worth spending a lot of time on your health, especially relaxing beauty treatments. This will help you always be in good shape and have a reserve of vitality to solve any problems.

Sagittarius-Ox: In the coming year, you will not be deprived of attention from the opposite sex, and if you are in search of a second half, you will definitely be able to find a worthy companion.

See the general horoscope for 2017 for all zodiac signs.

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