Summer months in English. Names of months in English

The audio article contains British and American accents - audio versions:

And here I posted the information as it will be in English

Seasons in English

  • Winter - Winter - [ˈwintəɹ]
  • Spring - Spring -
  • Summer - Summer - [ˈsʌməɹ]
  • Autumn – Autumn /brit/ – [ˈɔːtəm]
  • Autumn - Fall - /amer/ -

Pronunciation of seasons - British accent

Pronunciation of month names - British accent

Pronunciation of the names of the months - American accent

It wouldn't hurt to hear how to pronounce the word Months. Pronunciation of this word sometimes causes difficulties, because... This word contains a ‘th’ sound that is difficult to pronounce for Russians.
And also, below, I have posted sentences with translation using the months of the year in English.

How to pronounce Months in English

Secure the material.
Answer the questions in English.

1. What season is now? What time of year is it now?
2. When is New Year? When is New Year?
3. When is your birthday? When's your birthday?

Example answers:

1. It's Summer. It's Spring. It's summer, spring.
2. In Winter. New Year in winter.
3. In Fall. My birthday is in the fall.

Sentences with months of the year in English with translation

1. I’ll see you in January. See you in January.
2. In February it snows a lot. There is a lot of snow in February.
3. In March it seems like it’s always raining. It always seems to rain in March.
4. Last April we went to Europe. Last April we went to Europe.
5. My birthday is May 5th. My birthday is May 5th.
6. In June Summer begins. Summer begins in June.
7. In July we celebrate the birthday of America. In July we celebrate America's birthday.
8. In August it’s always so hot. It's always so hot in August.
9. In September we begin our school year. Our school year begins in September.
10. October is the beginning of Fall. October is the beginning of autumn.
11. November is my favorite month. November is my favorite month.
12. In December we have Christmas. We have Christmas in December.

Hello, dear readers! Have you ever thought about how often you mention the seasons and talk about the weather? Whether it's communicating with colleagues, emails, talking on the phone - we do all this almost every day. We discuss what the weather is like outside today, talk about our favorite time of year, or say what time of year is our birthday. Seasons

What if you are learning English or communicating on social networks with a British or American friend? What if at school or university you were asked to write an English essay on the topic “Seasons”? As you may have guessed, today we will talk about how to call the seasons in English, or as English speakers call them - seasons.

How to name months, days of the week and seasons in English is one of the most important topics that anyone who has started learning English must know. These are the basics that will help you communicate with native speakers when writing letters, messages, or when traveling abroad. In addition, knowing the seasons of the year in English is useful for general development.

First, let's list the seasons, write their pronunciation and translation:

  • winter ["wɪntə] - winter
  • spring - spring
  • summer ["sʌmə] - summer
  • autumn ["ɔːtəm] (in the UK) or fall in the USA - autumn

As you'll notice, Americans mean "autumn" differently than the British. They prefer to call this season "fall". Not to be confused with the action verb "to fall".

How to talk about seasons in English?

If you need to write an essay or simply talk about the seasons in English, then you should do it as follows:

First you need to list all the seasons, something like this: a year has four seasons - winter, spring, summer, autumn. Then you can tell what months are in each season. And after that, move on to a description of each season: weather phenomena, events in nature or in people’s lives.

These translation exercises will help you write essays and remember the topic.


What grammar rules in English do you need to remember in order to correctly use the seasons in speech and writing?

  • You already know that in America they use “in the fall” instead of “in autumn”
  • The preposition “in” is used to denote seasons: in summer
  • Only in the combination “in the fall” is the article used; in all other cases it is not used with the seasons
  • The article is used only when it is implied or there is a clarifying definition: in the winter of 1953
  • In combinations of the nouns “winter, spring, summer, autumn” with the words “That, all, every, any, one, each, next, last, this” neither an article nor a preposition is used: this spring
  • And finally, only two seasons are used in the possessive case - autumn and spring: This autumn’s festival... but The festival this winter...

Just 6 simple rules.

It's raining cats and dogs

This popular expression characterizing heavy autumn rain has been familiar to us since childhood. English also has such phraseological units. So they call a downpour with a cold strong wind the phrase “it is raining cats and dogs,” which translated means “rain of cats and dogs.” Why cats and dogs?

This English idiom comes from the past. People used to believe that witches turned into cats and, foreshadowing bad weather, flew under the clouds on brooms. And dogs, according to legend, were servants of Odin, the god of thunder, and personified the wind. Meeting together under the clouds, cats and dogs fell down with the rain and wind.

Another assumption was made by the famous writer Jonathan Swift, who used this expression in one of his works. Where it was described that the drainage system in cities of the 17th and 18th centuries could not withstand heavy rain, and the entire contents of the sewer spilled onto the street, including the corpses of cats, dogs and rats.

Remember names of months in English for Russian speakers it is usually not a big deal, since the English months are consonant with the Russian equivalents.

But still, sometimes English language learners doubt how to correctly pronounce January or August in English, what preposition to put in front of the months, and how to correctly write the English months in abbreviation.

We are nearer to Spring, than we were in September,
I heard a bird sing in the dark of December.

We are closer to spring now than we were in September,
I heard a bird sing in cold December.

~ Oliver Hereford "I Heard a Bird Sing"

Set expressions with months in English

In English, stable phrases that have a figurative meaning are very common.

In many English idioms there are month names. We will introduce you to the most interesting of them.

Idiom in English Russian translation Meaning
slow as molasses in January slow as molasses in January So slow
mad as a March hare mad as a March hare crazy
Maybees don't fly in June! May bees do not fly in June. Stop changing your mind!
a cold day in July cold day in July not soon and unlikely
February fair-maid February filling the ditches rainy period
February fair-maid February sardine snowdrop
April fish April fish April Fool's joke
April weather April weather now rain, now sun / now laughter. then tears
May and December/January May and December (January) big difference/unequal marriage

Knowing English idioms for months will help you improve your speech and feel a little like a native speaker.

Instead of a conclusion:

Months in English are not so scary if you know the history of their origin and the basic rules for using months in a sentence.

A little conversational practice and reading in the original will help you quickly master months of English. And if you don’t know how to read yet, we recommend that you read the article We wish you success!

In contact with

It should be remembered that all months in English are written with a capital letter, regardless of their place in the sentence.

For example, I was born in December. I was born in December. One of her favorite movies is “Sweet November". One of her favorite films is "Sweet November".

January - January [‘ʤænju(ə)rɪ]

February – February [‘febru(ə)rɪ]


April - April [‘eiprɪl]

May - May

June – June [ʤuːn]

July - July [ʤu'laɪ]

August – August [‘ɔːgəst]


October - October [ɔk’təubə]



Months in English. Short form.

In British English there is no period at the end of an abbreviated word, but in American English there is. Reducing the names of months in English to one letter, as you can see, is also possible.

January - January - Jan.

February - February - Feb.

March - March - Mar.

April - April - April.

May - May - May

June - June - June

July - July - July

August - August - Aug.

September - September - Sept., Sep.

October - October - Oct.

November - November - Nov.

December - December - Dec.

Using prepositions with months in English

Prepositions IN And ON are used with months in English:

in January - in January (if we are talking only about month name)

on the first of January - the first of January (if we are talking about date)

last January - last January (!! note the absence of a preposition in English - the use of a preposition in this expression is)

next January - next January

this February - in February (of this year, about the upcoming February) (!! note the lack of preposition in English)

in July last year - in July last year

Seasons in English

spring spring

summer [‘sʌmə] summer

autumn [‘ɔːtəm] autumn (BrE - British English); fall (AmE - American English)

winter [‘wɪntə] winter

Using prepositions with seasons in English.

WITH seasons in English the preposition is used IN.

in the spring of 2014 - in the spring of 2014

in spring - in the spring

in summer - in the summer

in autumn - in the fall

in winter - in winter

How to remember months and seasons in English?

1. Get to know the history of the English names of months and seasons.

2. Listen to the song and sing it along.

3. Install the English menu on your phone and scroll through the electronic calendar in English, repeating month after month, season after season.

4. Write a story about yourself, remembering interesting and important events associated with each month of the year and seasons, or dreaming about something. Remember about, namely, the prepositions ON and IN.

For example:

We usually go to the mountains in January. We usually go to the mountains in January.

People celebrate International Women's Day on the 8th of March. People celebrate international women's day on March 8th.

He got married in April. He got married in April.

May is my husband’s favorite month. May is my husband's favorite month.

We went on holiday in August. We went on vacation in August.

School starts in September. School classes begin in September.

It often rains in October. It often rains in October.

In November we would like to spend a week abroad in Egypt. In November we would like to spend a week abroad in Egypt.

Her best friend was born in December. Her best friend was born in December.

Useful phrases with months in English

by February- by February

February fair-maid - snowdrop

to be (as) mad as a March hare - to go crazy, to go crazy

April 1st (draw day) - All Fools’ Day, April Fools' Day

May and December/January- marriage between a young girl and an old man

the May of youth - spring of life, youth

in the May of life - in the prime of life

in October- in October

a bumper of October- a glass of October beer

December days - December days

Useful phrases with seasons in English

spring showers - spring showers

late / early spring - late / early spring

summer camp - summer camp

summer cottage - dacha

summer time - “summer time” (when the clocks are set one hour forward)

summer and winter, winter and summer - all year round

Indian (St. Martin’s, St. Luke’s) summer - Indian summer

in the autumn of life - in old age

late autumn - late / deep / autumn

hard / severe / harsh winter - cold winter

mild winter - soft, warm winter

green winter - snowless, mild winter

Today we have probably one of the easiest lessons in the section, it is devoted to the names of the English months. As you can see, the family resemblance of this group with the French, German and even Russian languages ​​is obvious:

The origins of the names of the months are quite varied. The names of the gods, the rulers of Ancient Rome, holidays, and even the serial numbers of the months in the calendar (again, ancient Roman ones) are mixed up here. The only thing you need to remember now: since these are names and titles, in English they should always be written with a capital letter (just like).

Using prepositions with months

Only 2 prepositions are used directly with the days of the week - IN and ON. The closest translation of them into Russian is V and NA.
"In" is used when talking about the month, not the date. Example:


It is strange that the topic of English abbreviations is not touched upon anywhere. names of months, but the short form has to be used much more often than the full one.
So, There are only three nuances here:

  • As already said: always with a capital letter.
  • We shorten the name to three letters. Four-letter June and July are up to you. You can leave them entirely, then it will be a classic English version (British). You can remove the “extra” letter - you get the American version.
    But there is an exception: September is shortened not to 3 letters, but to 4 - Sept.
  • At the end we either put a period - American English, or not - British.

Often, when learning new foreign words, it turns out that we already know them well. For example, Oktoberfest is a very popular German holiday, reminiscent of old Russian fairs, only with modern entertainment. The second part of the name “fest” is an abbreviation for the word festival. What does the first part mean and when is this holiday held?

Test: English months

So how do you remember these words? Method from:
We suggest not to memorize the names, but to memorize them in practice. For this purpose, an original memory test was made. Most likely, you won’t be able to pass it on the first try and you will get a well-deserved 2. But already on the second attempt, the result should be higher.
The test consists of three stages and goes from simple to complex:

Stage #1: The easy part. You are offered a word in English, your task is to translate it into Russian. If you don’t remember, a hint that appears after a couple of seconds may help.

Stage #2: Let's complicate the task. Now you need to perform a reverse translation.

Stage #3: Listening or listening comprehension. In this step, you listen to the recording and write down the suggested word (in English). To listen again, just click on the image of the note; points will not be deducted for this.

Word 0 of 0

Result 0 points

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