Why did Alexander Oleshko leave Channel 1? Oleshko, who left the first channel, received a tempting offer

No official statements or anything like that

Popular TV presenter Alexander Oleshko said that he would not specify the reasons for his departure from Channel One, noting that he received a tempting offer that he could not refuse. According to the latest information, the actor was invited to host a children's dance show.

Oleshko on his page on Instagram thanked his now former employer, Channel One, for the “long-term, bright, varied, very rich and very interesting” cooperation, which ended according to his at will.

“No official statements, clarifications, clarifications, farewells or anything else,” noted the actor, who for a long time was the host of the show “Exactly”, and also took part in many other projects of the television company.

Oleshko admitted that, “being freelance artist", he "accepted an offer he could not refuse." “Wherever and whoever you are with, the main task remains to give the viewer joy, peace of mind and good mood! The viewer knows it’s from the heart. Peace to the world!” concluded the TV presenter.

Earlier, the press service of the TV channel said that Oleshko has not been working on the First for six months, because with him. There were simply no suitable projects for the popular actor in which he could realize himself.

Today it became known that Oleshko will become the host of the children's program “You are Super!” Dancing" on NTV. As in the channel’s press service, the artist will not only host fun show, but also to support children on stage.

Let us note that the main sensation of the summer was the departure from Channel One talk show host“Let them talk” by Andrey Malakhov. No one officially comments on this information. The day before, the showman said that, but did not specify which one.

Authors and presenters of popular TV programs continue to leave Channel One. Most of them say that they do not find mutual understanding with management. TV presenters switch to other federal channels, competing with the first button. “360” talks about the latest and possible changes on the First.

RIA Novosti / Alexander Kryazhev

On Tuesday, August 15, it became known that Timur Kizyakov was added to the list of presenters who left Channel One. Earlier it was reported about the departure of Andrei Malakhov and Alexander Oleshko.

The reasons for Kizyakov’s dismissal are not officially reported, but it is believed that this is due to charitable activities TV presenter and his wife Elena. In December 2016, a scandal erupted related to the “You’re Having a Baby” column, which was published as part of the “While Everyone is Home” program. It showed video passports of orphans with the aim of finding new parents for them. The media received information that for the production of stories about orphans, Kizyakov immediately took money from Channel One, from the state, and from sponsors. The TV channel conducted its own investigation, which was followed by the dismissal of the presenter.

The TV presenter himself says that he was slandered and that everything is in order with the financial statements of his television company “Dom”, which produced video passports, and cooperation with federal TV channel was torn apart on his own initiative. The corresponding letter was sent to the channel on May 27.

We do not accept the methods of the management of Channel One that are currently being practiced there

According to him, when attacks on the program began, the channel’s management simply ignored the situation and did not stand up for Kizyakov’s team. He says that a number of companies that have begun to accuse him of embezzling money simply see him as a competitor, “because they see it as a business.”

RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova

The fact that Kizyakov’s company for the production of video passports for orphans received from the Ministry of Education and Science and at the same time from regional authorities 110 million rubles, Vedomosti wrote at the end of last year.

“When a sponsor is present in a program, the absolute majority of sponsorship advertising goes to the channel. Some small part remains for the development program, and that’s all. And what the sponsor gives as a gift, and here a certificate for 100 thousand rubles was given, goes directly to the children’s institution where the child was shown,” explained Kizyakov.

The program “While Everyone is Home” has been broadcast on Channel One on Sundays since 1992. In it famous people They talked about themselves and their family at breakfast. Now the authors of the TV show are thinking about what to do in this situation.

A week ago, on August 9, it became known that showman Alexander Oleshko was also leaving Channel One. IN different time he hosted a number of entertainment programs, including the humorous parody show “Big Difference”, “One to One”, “Minute of Fame”, “Exactly the Same”.

“Being a free artist, I accepted an offer that I couldn’t refuse! Wherever and whoever you are with, the main task remains to give the viewer joy, peace of mind and good mood,” Oleshko wrote on his Instagram. Now the TV presenter can be seen in the show “You are Super!” Dancing”, which will air on NTV.

RIA Novosti / Vladimir Astapkovich

Rumors about the departure of Showman Andrei Malakhov in social networks back at the end of July. Later the information was confirmed. Competent sources claimed that Malakhov was leaving due to the fact that he could not work well with the new producer of “Let Them Talk” Natalya Nikonova. She returned to the channel not long ago and, according to one version, insisted that the popular talk show have more socio-political topics. Malakhov was categorically against this approach.

The TV presenter, according to some, decided to leave to host the “Live Broadcast” program on the Rossiya 1 TV channel. Along with him, the main part of the team that was involved in the production of “Let Them Talk” left. Malakhov himself wrote in the Vedomosti newspaper that the reason for his dismissal was precisely a conflict with management.

It has already been leaked to the media that Andrei Malakhov met with the team of the new project that he will lead and discussed the creation of the program. It is reported that the first program will be released at the end of August.

The series of dismissals of Channel One presenters may well continue. The website M24.ru previously said that TV presenter Elena Malysheva and Leonid Yakubovich could quit. True, in a conversation with “360” they did not confirm this information.

“Nothing happens on the channel and everything is great. But everyone has their own problems. Some programs are closed, some are changed. Some people are simply unhappy. We're not going anywhere. Until we are closed, we will work,” Leonid Yakubovich’s representative Anatoly denied the information.

Among the potential new hosts of “Let Them Talk” is the outrageous actor Nikita Dzhigurda. He told “360” that this was discussed, but he accuses the TV channel of slandering himself and his family, so he did not agree. Moreover, Dzhigurda connects the dismissal of Andrei Malakhov precisely with the fact that he once in his program accused the actor of forging the will of his rich girlfriend.

RIA Novosti / Maxim Bogodvid

“The transfer of Malakhov is connected with our statements to the police, the court and with the scandal provoked by the “Let Them Talk” program. The management of Channel One, in order to relieve themselves of responsibility and report that measures had been taken, started this game with Malakhov’s departure. My dream is for [Konstantin] Ernst to be fired from his position. I am convinced that few people want to tolerate the immoral methods that Channel One rebroadcast and with which dissenting journalists leave,” says the artist.

In a conversation with 360, other top presenters of Channel One said that they have no complaints against the management yet. “I cannot comment on the situation with the departure of the presenters, because I do not work there. Channel One simply buys my show, and I don’t plan to break off relations with them. I have no complaints about Channel One,” said journalist Vladimir Pozner.

Another old-timer of the channel, TV presenter and traveler Dmitry Krylov, agrees with him, who says that he has no complaints about his management. “And it would not be very correct for me to comment on the situation with the departure of the presenters, since I work on Channel One,” Krylov said.

Actor and winner of many awards Alexander Oleshko leaves Channel One. The TV presenter’s contract was not renewed because there were no suitable projects for him. Alexander himself in social networks explains his departure to NTV by the fact that he received an offer that he could not refuse.

Why Alexander Oleshko left Channel One

Channel One explained why the contract with TV presenter Alexander Oleshko, who was the presenter, was not renewed popular shows“Exactly”, “Minute of Glory”, “Big Difference”. The press service of the TV channel reported that the whole point is that there were no suitable projects for Oleshko. They also clarified that he has not been working at First for six months now.

It became known that Oleshko will host the “You’re Super!” program on NTV. Back in May, the NTV channel announced the second season of the show “You are Super!”, where children who were left without parental care will also be able to take part, they will have a chance to show their talents.

Participants of the competition “You are super!” - pupils of orphanages from Russia, Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Ukraine, Estonia and South Ossetia. Capable children were able to demonstrate their vocal abilities to a professional jury and millions of viewers, study with the best music teachers and producers.

Alexander Oleshko divorced his wife because of her infidelity

Regular hero of the program “Big Difference”, plays in the series “ father's daughters", was a participant in the projects "Two Stars" and "Dancing with the Stars." Leading artist of the Sovremennik Theater. And he is also an eligible bachelor. However, Oleshko hid the fact that he was already married. But the marriage recently broke up.

Oleshko met his future wife, actress Olga Belova, when he was studying at the Shchukin School. Alexander did not notice Olya for a long time and could not even imagine that she would become his wife. Once upon a time new year party Sasha started communicating with beautiful girl. They immediately realized that they were destined for each other. We got married immediately after graduating from university.

Then disagreements arose in the family; it was difficult for the two leaders to get along under one roof.

Alexander began to cooperate with the Union theatrical figures, where he came with his wife. There are rumors that Olga met one of Kalyagin’s assistants there. And soon people in the theater began to say that Belova was having an affair with him. Oleshko found out about this and as a result filed for divorce.

The ex-wife said that her husband often started affairs, which is why she divorced him.

After the divorce, the couple remained friends, today they have a good relationship. They star together in the TV series “Daddy’s Daughters.”

Alexander Oleshko has a normal orientation and dreams of children

Many ill-wishers spread rumors about him that he gay. These speculations make the artist laugh.

The actor is sure that such rumors are spread by rejected women. He assures that he is normal and he likes women, but for now Serious relationships I'm just not ready.

Oleshko admitted that he is very amorous, falling in love is a natural state for him, it helps him in his creativity. Eligible groom stated that after an unsuccessful marriage, he was a little afraid of getting married a second time, afraid of making a mistake. He doesn't have a permanent girlfriend today. But he doesn’t leave thoughts about family and children. Moreover, his mother dreams of grandchildren.

There were no suitable projects. They also clarified that he has not been working at First for six months now.

Earlier, information appeared in the media that Oleshko switched to .

“Alexander Oleshko has not been working on Channel One for about six months. Since there were no suitable projects for the presenter, they decided to part with him and did not renew the contract for 2017,” said the press service of Channel One.

According to the website “Dni.ru”, Oleshko will host the program “You are super!” on NTV. Dancing". Back in May, NTV announced the second season of the show “You’re Super!” — it will be shown next spring. And this fall, according to the channel’s website, the project “You’re super!” will start on NTV. Dances”, where children who are left without parental care will also be able to take part.

International children's competition"You are super!" is an incredible show in which talented children who found themselves without parental care got a chance to express themselves and demonstrate their abilities to the whole country, according to the project page on the NTV.Ru website.

Participants of the competition “You are super!” — pupils of orphanages, boarding schools and children from foster and guardianship families from Russia, Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Ukraine, Estonia and South Ossetia. Talented children aged 7 to 18 were able to demonstrate their vocal abilities to a professional jury and millions of viewers, and work with the best music teachers and producers.

“I always wanted to have my own face, my own style,” Oleshko said in an interview.

“I don’t know what to swear on, I’m ready even on the Bible, I have no feelings of envy. On the contrary, if I see that I cannot do something as well as someone else, this person evokes my admiration and respect. “In my heart I applaud him,” said the TV presenter. — For example, Vanya Urgant, who knows how to joke in a unique way. Pay attention: in Ivan’s programs, many guests try to imitate him, and this is always a failure, because they look stupid. Why do this? It still won't work. But no, they want to"

“Just like a bunch of presenters who are trying to live up to it. But weakly - they are “under-organized”. It's the same with Andrei Malakhov. He works talentedly in a different genre, but on different channels he has many imitators - “non-Malachians”. I don’t understand this,” tele.ru quotes Oleshko.

What's happening to Malakhov

Meanwhile, a saga is developing with the possible departure of Andrei, the host of “Let Them Talk,” to “Russia 1.”

According to the website kp.ru, the list of candidates to replace Malakhov has narrowed to one name: this is the well-known evening news anchor. “People remember that they saw me, but they don’t remember where,” Borisov said about himself three years ago. “My heart doesn’t skip a beat before the broadcast—there’s no time.”

It creeps in the most unexpected moments, when you tell a story and suddenly imagine someone close to you: how they would react to this news. And suddenly he’s watching the news now?”

On Monday, a source told Gazeta.Ru that Andrei Malakhov could not write a letter of resignation because he was on vacation. “Andrey is in Sardinia,” a friend of the TV presenter told Gazeta.Ru. “As far as I know, he simply physically could not write any statement.”

Representatives last week did not give a specific refutation of the information received, but told RT that “now the entire management is on vacation,” and therefore concluding a contract with Malakhov “physically cannot happen at the moment.”

On Monday, citing sources close to the TV presenter, he said that the reason for Andrei Malakhov’s departure from Channel One could be maternity leave. Malakhov’s wife is “seriously pregnant”; her husband plans to take maternity leave.

Malakhov’s departure is associated with the appearance of a producer in the show “Let Them Talk,” who previously directed the “Live Broadcast” program on the “Russia 1” channel. Along with her appointment, according to sources of the BBC Russian Service, the program had to seriously change its format. It was assumed that “Let Them Talk” will add more politics. In this sense, the appearance of Dmitry Borisov as a presenter would seem more than logical.

The news that Alexander Oleshko no longer works on Channel One blew up the Internet and was on the first line in search engines for almost a day. “No official statements, clarifications, clarifications, farewells or anything else. Only gratitude for the many years of bright, varied, very rich and very interesting, kind cooperation, which ended at our own request in early June of this year!” - said the showman.


At First they were surprised. “Alexander Oleshko has not been working on Channel One for about six months. There were no suitable projects for the presenter, so at the beginning of 2017 the decision was made to leave,” the RIA Novosti agency quotes the channel’s press service. On the First, they are surprised that for some reason this has only begun to be discussed now.

They say that Oleshko will work on the staff of NTV - he was invited to host the new show "You're Super! Dancing." “Being a free artist, I accepted an offer that I couldn’t refuse! Wherever and whoever I am with, the main task remains to give the viewer joy, peace of mind and good mood!” he said new job Alexander. – Happy work with and for children in the most different projects, films and television programs has been accompanying me for a long time. For many years, being the host of popular television shows various formats, I always tried to become a protector, support, comrade and friend for the participants.”

He added that he holds no grudge against Channel One. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your trust, support, attention and endless possibilities! Thank you to everyone with whom I worked for your help, passion and common cause!” – Oleshko wrote on his Instagram page.

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