Methods of personnel selection and their characteristics. Modern recruitment methods: standard and non-standard methods

Recruitment technologies are actively developing, thereby reflecting business needs for qualified specialists who are ready to move enterprises forward. Those methods that were relevant several years ago are becoming a thing of the past: our society is changing quickly, and outdated options simply do not show effective results.

Adapting to the world around us

Why old technology Has mass recruitment ceased to be effective? Our society has undergone the following changes:

  • demographic;
  • crisis;
  • motivational.

At the same time, the essence of recruiting remains the same - you need to find a person who would fully suit the company. It is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve success. The theory says that there are two key elements that make up recruiting: search and selection. The correct approach to both stages will allow you to achieve a good result.

How to find?

There are four modern technologies search and selection of personnel:

  • mass recruiting;
  • recruiting;
  • headhunting;
  • direct search.

In the first case we're talking about about search large number workers. As a rule, these are line specialists. They are subject to strict requirements for experience and qualifications; it is known in advance what professional skills people should have. But recruiting is a more complicated story, since here you need to find a qualified specialist. This method is in demand when a company is looking for an employee from among the available persons on the labor market.

Headhunting involves a situation where a highly qualified specialist is already working in a certain company, but another company, having assessed his skills and abilities, is interested in poaching the human resource and is using all possible means to do this.

Finally, direct search is a recruitment and selection technology that allows you to find a rare specialist. This method is used to search for mid-level management personnel. It is possible to select people from among the temporarily unemployed, as well as those who already work in other companies, but there is a possibility of luring them away with more attractive working conditions.

Selecting personnel

All personnel selection technologies include a personnel selection stage. At the same time, the characteristics of a particular person, his professionalism, experience and skills are studied in order to assess whether he will cope with the responsibilities of the vacant position. The HR service interacts with several applicants, analyzing their parameters and selecting best option for given conditions. Take into account:

  • personality;
  • interests of the company;
  • motivation;
  • person's character;
  • qualification level;
  • specialization.

Selection stages

If a recruitment agency selects workers for your company, most likely the selection will be made according to the classical scheme. It looks like this:

  • conducting a preliminary interview;
  • filling out a form;
  • interview with a personnel specialist;
  • test;
  • checking work experience and references;
  • medical check.

The results that the test gives are provided to the head of the organization or the manager responsible for personnel, who decides whether or not to hire the person. The applicant does not always go through all stages of personnel selection. In some cases, it is customary to use a simplified scheme. For example, if it is considered to be a very valuable, important shot.

Selection principles

Classic personnel selection technologies are guided by the following principles:

  1. Highlight strengths applicant.
  2. Look for the right people, not the perfect ones.
  3. Do not hire new employees if there is no need, regardless of their qualities.
  4. Focus on qualified personnel, but not at a higher level than a specific position.
  5. Work to match the job and employee requirements.

The most effective technologies for searching and selecting personnel recommend paying attention to the number of selection criteria, warning that their excess will lead to failure - you will not be able to find anyone. Key criteria that deserve the attention of a HR specialist:

  • education;
  • experience;
  • skills;
  • quality;
  • professionalism;
  • personality type;
  • possibilities;
  • physical parameters.

External recruiting

When studying new recruitment technologies on the Russian labor market, one cannot help but pay attention to external recruiting. Despite the fact that the method came relatively recently, it has proven itself to be effective. This is largely due to the crisis that occurred shortly after the collapse Soviet Union when all previously applicable methods suddenly lost their relevance and effectiveness.

As the economy has changed, recruiting practices have changed along with it. If previously young specialists were sent to jobs “by assignment”, now this method has exhausted itself. There are several higher educational institutions, who even today employ their students in this way, but there are very few of them.

Of course, a company can place an advertisement in a newspaper, on a bulletin board on the Internet, or hang advertisements at entrances, but this method has proven to be ineffective, since it provides a very small audience reach. This is most relevant in major cities. A recruitment agency came to the rescue. The number of such enterprises is growing by leaps and bounds.

What is it about?

The recruitment agency works in such a way that the client is satisfied. The slogans of such companies sound quite monotonous - “we will find you as many qualified workers as possible.” To do this, the following personnel selection techniques are used: specialization of potential candidates, analysis of unemployment levels, specialization in a particular type of business or its form.

In most cases, recruitment agencies are ready to provide a guarantee for their services. If this is not an exclusive search, then usually guarantee period- three months. Firms use technologies for mass and direct search for workers, using accumulated databases of temporarily unemployed and turning to other sources.

Exclusive search assumes that recruitment agency is looking for a senior manager for the customer ( general director, top manager, management team). This service appeared on the market relatively recently, it is being introduced by top agencies. Practice shows: quality can only be achieved by specializing in this issue.

Please note that in Lately There are quite a few companies offering exclusive search, but providing this service with poor quality. These are fairly small companies with a small database and no high level specialists. Assuming that your company needs such a service, try to work only with reliable organizations.

It's like this social technology personnel selection, which involves searching for candidates by assessing the availability of recommendations. Only with these conditions is it possible to fill the vacancy. Proponents of this method say that it is very convenient to make inquiries about a potential employee from someone who is willing to give a recommendation, and analyze whether this person will fit into the team. As they say, the effectiveness of this method is better. In this case, the person submitting the recommendation can count on some bonus from the company interested in filling the vacancy.

The main advantage of this technology of search and selection of personnel is the opportunity to discover even passive ones, that is, those potential employees who are not looking for something new right now workplace. Often these are the most valuable acquisitions for a company.

Recommendations allow the HR department to have more information about a potential employee rather than a dry resume. In addition to this, they also get an idea of ​​how a person is able to work from a character directly familiar with him, who deserves (from the point of view of personnel officers) trust.

Inside and outside the company

The recommendation method is also widely used when it comes to recommending a person already working in the company. This precise personnel selection technology appeared in Russia relatively recently and is based on recommendations that an existing employee can give to his friend. If, following his “tip,” the vacancy can be filled, such an employee receives some preference - for example, a bonus.

However, it is no less applicable in the case where the recommending person does not work for the company interested in filling the vacancy. In this case, they resort to the services of independent persons who are ready to give recommendations. As a rule, their services are paid, and contacts are made through the virtual Web.

Special recruiting sites have been developed that allow you to recommend your friends and get good money for it.

Recruitment technologies: check

If a potential employee comes to the personnel service with recommendations, specialists must check their authenticity and only then accept specific solution. To do this, employees look for recommenders and conduct interviews with them, during which they find out whether the potential employee has previously successfully coped with the tasks assigned to him, as well as where he studied and lived.

If a person already works in a certain company, asking for recommendations here is considered useless. On the one hand, this leads to an unwanted leak of information, on the other hand, the HR manager is hardly interested in giving a correct and accurate answer, since the personal perception of the employee who wants to leave the company plays a role.

It is best to check references from a previous job where the person left a year or more ago. It is acceptable to use information received from colleagues of a potential employee, as well as representatives of those professional societies with which he was forced to work.


If previously recruitment technologies regulated the list of documents submitted by a candidate as quite small, recently it has grown somewhat. This includes characteristics from previous jobs, as well as from the university. If a potential employee takes them with him to an interview, he thereby documents that he treated his studies and work responsibly and diligently. This forms a positive assessment from the HR specialist of the company where he wants to get a job.

  • social activity;
  • social activity;
  • hobbies and skills outside the profession.

Competence-based approach to personnel selection

The most effective recruitment courses recommend assessing candidates based on their competencies, since this technique has shown greater effectiveness than outdated options.

Selection stages:

  1. Drawing up a list of competencies.
  2. Creation of tools for assessing candidates within the competence.
  3. Interviewing candidates.
  4. Drawing up a resume for each candidate.

List of competencies: what is it?

As noted above, it all starts with the formation of such a list, which must be agreed upon with the head of the organization. It lists all the competencies that are important for the vacant position. In order to describe the workplace as accurately and in detail as possible, at the same time not to set too many conditions, you need to select 12-20 competencies.

With this approach, the recruiter will not waste time. As soon as his communication with the candidate begins, he will immediately find out what is needed for a particular workplace. This will allow you to collect accurate and complete information without omissions and not waste time and energy on extra work. At the same time, a correct analytical summary will allow you to evaluate each candidate for suitability for the position.

  • professionalism;
  • motivation;
  • personal properties;
  • managerial qualities;
  • human security for the organization.

Using examples

List of competencies for candidates from which to form personnel reserve enterprises:

1. Managerial:

  • Overall vision of the enterprise.
  • Ability to organize work process.
  • Management skills.
  • Ability to form your own team.
  • Ability to express thoughts orally and in writing.

2. Strategic:

  • Determination.
  • Customer focus.
  • Thirst for results.
  • Foresight.

3. Personal:

  • Leadership properties.
  • Ability to be flexible.
  • The ability to avoid conflicts.
  • Energy.
  • Desire to take initiative.
  • Independence.

4. Security:

  • Loyalty.
  • Focus on long term service in the organization.

How does this happen?

In most cases, the project of such competencies should be developed by the manager who will be interviewing a potential employee. It is he who forms the tools that help evaluate a person, and then he will have to make a conclusion based on the results of the interview. It is important not to lose sight of information about the company as a whole, about a specific position, and also discuss the competency points with the head of the department where the employee is being hired and the head of the company.

There is no standardized form of assessing a candidate based on pre-planned points, so it is very important that the list of competencies is compiled by someone who will then compare them with a real person and analyze how suitable he is for the company. The impossibility of formalizing the process has repeatedly caused controversy, on the basis of which digital technologies in personnel selection have been developed. They are effective, but only apply to line workers. As for the management team, assessment is still only possible with personal interaction and a deep understanding of the area in which the person will work. It is necessary to formulate your vision of the ideal employee, and then evaluate each candidate for the level of similarity to this image.

If the recruiter has an idea in advance of what qualities need to be assessed, he will be able to concentrate on them from the very beginning and not waste time or waste his energy. Assessment based on competencies allows you to avoid drawing attention to secondary factors that are not significant for the vacant position. This approach minimizes the risk that the wrong person will be hired. And in order to formulate a plan, you need to work out in advance the situations that may arise when communicating with the interviewee, formulate questions and think through written exercises.

Latest technologies and recruiting

The technological revolution that has been taking place recently simply could not help but affect the labor market. It is expected that in another five years we will see absolutely new system selection of workers in a company that is completely dependent on the virtual Web and computers.

Hiring managers are increasingly taking advantage of the opportunities that have become available with the introduction of the latest technologies:

  • accuracy of information;
  • ability to control remote employees.

According to consulting companies, in Russia by 2020 at least 20% of all employees will work remotely, but there is a possibility that this figure will be even higher. If now up to 80% of all tasks solved by recruiters are standard processes associated with mass interviews and information verification, then soon, as experts predict, this will be automated, which will allow people to deal only with complex cases that require an individual approach.

The main goals of recruiting today

As can be concluded from recent conferences on labor market issues, in the coming years this area will work in two main directions:

  • automation;
  • adaptability.

In the first case, we are talking about the replacement of manual labor with machine labor. This has already happened in many areas human activity, but the search for new workers has not yet been affected by technology. Now is the time to automate more and more difficult questions. The first sign is the requirement for HR specialists to be closer to technology, to have deep knowledge of how they work, in order to plan selection algorithms in the future.

Adaptability implies that HR professionals must be able to accept new things. Our future is generations Y and Z, who should be treated with special care. These are people who force the world around them to adapt to themselves, but are not ready to “bend” themselves to the standards of companies. Soon a person will be able to live in the environment that he chooses for himself, and not within the strict framework given to him by the corporation. The HR manager must become a “freedom manager”, selecting for each temporarily unemployed person exactly the place where he will be comfortable and where he can show maximum performance.

Recruitment - quite difficult task, the solution of which in each company occurs according to an individual scheme. Recruitment methods today come in a huge variety, and only HR specialists can decide which one will be the most effective in the situation at hand.

The employee selection procedure is divided into two successive stages: searching for candidates and selecting the best among them.

To find personnel, there are four main methods that are actively used in daily work by HR managers of almost all companies.

MethodMain featuresAudience of candidates
RecruitingSearch and selection of low and mid-level employeesPeople looking for employment
Exclusive searchTargeted search for rare specialists and senior management personnelBoth free and working professionals
Head huntingA type of Exclusive search, when a kind of “hunt” is conducted for the best specialists of competitors with the aim of luring them to youProfessionals and leading senior managers whose activities will help bring the company to a higher level of development
PreliminaringAttracting young promising specialists to work through internships and internships, whose activities in the future will be the key to the company’s successStudents, university graduates

It is impossible to say unequivocally which of the above methods for searching and evaluating candidates during the personnel selection procedure will be the most effective, since each of them is good in its own way and under certain conditions. An analysis of the responsibilities of the vacant position, the state of affairs in the company, the urgency of the vacancy and the current situation on the labor market should be mandatory factors in choosing the appropriate method.

Methods for selecting the best

There are many more methods for assessing candidates for a position when selecting staff than methods for the search itself.

It is important to note that the concept of “best” will have different interpretations in different situations. Thus, one organization needs an employee who fully meets the stated requirements, since it is assumed that he will provide full results on the first day of work. Another employer is willing to devote time to training a new employee so that he can quickly fit into corporate culture and had a certain set of personal qualities. The third company may not take into account the experience of previous activities at all - for it, the human qualities of the candidate will be in the first place.

Based on this, there is no universal recipe for choosing the best applicant. But it is still important to have the necessary set of methods for assessing applicants in order to select exactly the candidate who will ideally meet the organization’s needs.

Collection of data about applicants

In most cases, the initial screening occurs at the stage of receiving a resume, and for recruiters assessing the professional qualities of an applicant based on this document is not particularly difficult. But it happens that precisely because of the unification of these techniques, HR specialists stop carefully studying resumes and simply skip truly interesting specialists, paying more attention to the formal side of presenting information.

It must be admitted that this stage of employee selection should be approached more responsibly than simply looking for keywords in applicants’ resumes. Good manager the personnel manager must be able to read between the lines, and then the danger of missing out on a valuable specialist is almost completely eliminated.


This concept has quite a few interpretations and in Russia it is often associated with a conversation conducted according to a predetermined plan. Having a plan is what distinguishes a screening interview from any other conversation.

Modern methods of personnel assessment and selection allow the use of interviewing in a variety of forms.

Interview formDistinctive featuresA comment
During telephone conversation With the applicant, after studying his resume, the information provided is clarified and supplemented, attention is focused on the features of working in the company in questionSuitable for finding workers for virtually any position. Doesn't require a lot of time
Can take place in several formats: free unstructured interview; structured interview; situational interviewIt is possible to compare the answers of different candidates to similar questions. Applicable when selecting an employee for a creative position
Expert groupSeveral interviewers communicate with the applicant at once. The need for such an interview may arise in cases where the vacancy being filled requires the employee to have highly specialized knowledge that an HR specialist will not be able to assess.During the interview, a rather tense situation is created for the applicant, which makes it possible to test his resistance to stressful situations

Assessment interview

An assessment interview is great when you need to short terms choose the best specialist from a large number of candidates. The methodology is based on observations by specially trained appraisers of the behavior of applicants in real working conditions or when performing specific tasks. The content of the latter reflects the problems of activity and the main aspects of a particular position.

Assessment is somewhat similar to testing, as it involves standardization: checking all candidates for compliance with certain criteria and rating on the same scale. IN in some cases Assessors add a structured interview or testing to the applicants’ performance of special tasks.

Psychological testing

Despite the high popularity of testing as a method of selecting applicants, its use in recruitment should be subject to certain restrictions:

When choosing this method of assessing candidates, you should also observe ethical standards: You cannot subject a person to psychological examination against his will.


In practice, when selecting employees, professional questionnaires can also be used, with the help of which you can identify incompetent candidates at the beginning of testing skills and knowledge. Alternatively, skills testing can be carried out empirically, when an expert or recruiter checks the candidate’s professionalism in the process of performing a certain task, which will subsequently be part of his job responsibilities. For example, typing speed when filling a secretary position, level of proficiency foreign language for a translator, etc.

There are two ways to find employees to perform a particular job in a company: turn to the human resources already available in the company or hire a new specialist. Both methods of recruiting and selecting personnel are effective.

Internal human resources are employees already working in the company who can be assigned new job, promoting certain specialists in career ladder. This method of recruiting personnel is good from all points of view: it is quite cheap for the manager, and for people working in the company it serves as inspiration and incentive to work harder.

However, hiring new employees should not be neglected. After all, new people mean fresh ideas, views and thoughts that can be very useful to the company.

Classic methods of recruiting employees

What methods of selecting personnel to work in an organization are often applied to new applicants?

  1. Interview. The most common of all modern methods of personnel selection. During a short conversation, the employer can get answers to all his questions. Find out about a person’s personal qualities, range of interests, resistance to stress, professionalism, etc. An interview is good because with its help you can also obtain non-verbal information about a person - evaluate his gestures, postures, intonation - and draw more accurate conclusions than based on other personnel selection methods.
  2. Questioning. It is used to obtain accurate information about a person: first name, last name, patronymic, address, information about education, professional skills, etc.
  3. Testing. One of the most effective methods recruitment and selection of personnel, on the basis of which the general level of human properties required for a given job is determined.
  4. Assessment Centers. This is a method of selecting personnel in a game that simulates a real work environment. During a game or training, a person may be asked to make a speech in front of an audience, analyze a fact, justify an opinion, etc.
  5. Summary. Brief information about the candidate that he himself will want to provide to the employer.

These are traditional methods of recruiting and selecting personnel, tested and tested on applicants from a huge number of companies. The choice of one method or another depends on the nature of the position the person plans to get into, the company’s strategy, its traditions, etc.

However, more and more employers who want to acquire truly “worthwhile” personnel for their company are now resorting to non-traditional methods of personnel selection. A person going for an interview may not even have an idea of ​​what awaits him there. Traditional interview methods are giving way to non-standard ones in some companies. psychological methods personnel selection. Here are just a few of them:

Of all the above unconventional methods There is not a single candidate selection that would guarantee 100% correctness of choice. True, traditional selection methods also do not have such a guarantee. That is why managers “try” absolutely everything they can think of on applicants.

For each company, the best recruitment methods are those that are applicable in its conditions. This is perhaps why it is difficult to determine which of them are innovative and which are outdated. The decision remains with the HR service specialists, but for it to be correct and justified, it is necessary to master the entire set of techniques and tools that allow you to select highly professional and successful employees.

Personnel search methods

As you know, there are not many recruitment methods. There are only four of them, and they have long and firmly entered into daily work HR managers of almost all companies. Let's briefly describe each of these methods.

1. Recruiting- search and selection of middle and lower level personnel. As a rule, it is carried out among candidates who are already looking for a job.

2. Exclusive search(exclusive search, direct) - direct targeted search and selection of senior management personnel and rare specialists. As a rule, this method is used if it is necessary to find people who have a key impact on the company’s business and ensure the implementation of the strategy - as a rule, these are management personnel. The search is carried out both among free specialists and those still working.

3. Head hunting- a type of direct search, in which there is a kind of “hunt” for a specific specialist and his “enticement” to the company. This is complex work, which is necessary, as a rule, when searching for senior managers, as well as key and rare employees - both in their specialty and in their level of professionalism.

The search technology is complicated by the preliminary collection of information about the specialist and the careful preparation of “recruitment”. Head hunting is also used if the customer does not know a specific specialist and the “hunter” must find him himself through a thorough analysis of competing companies and collecting information about key employees of these organizations. This procedure is lengthy (the average period is up to six months), expensive and responsible.

4. Preliminaring(preliminary) - attracting promising young specialists (students and university graduates) to work through practical training and internships, who will become the key to the company’s success in the future.

Which of the following methods can be considered the most modern? It is hardly possible to answer this question unambiguously - they are all good in their own way and in their own time. When choosing a search method, it is necessary to proceed from the position and position, the state of affairs in the company, the urgency of the vacancy and the situation on the labor market. It seems that at present more attention should be paid to preliminarization as the most promising method of forming labor collective. It is clear that from the point of view general organization HR management in a company is very labor-intensive, since we do not get a ready-made specialist with established experience and skills, but a newcomer who needs to be trained and supervised. But if the organization has a high-quality adaptation and training system, preliminaring is good way find loyal young employees who will renew the established team.

Methods for selecting the best

It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on the methods of assessing candidates for vacancies during personnel selection. There are many more of them than search methods, and they make it possible to create a personnel selection system that suits each specific organization and solves its problems more effectively.

So, how do you choose the best applicant from all the applicants who respond to a job advertisement? First, it should be noted that the definition of “best” will vary significantly from company to company. One organization needs an employee who exactly meets the stated requirements, so that from the first day of work it is possible to get a full-fledged result (although it is unlikely that it will be possible to find such a candidate and you will still have to adapt the employee to the conditions of the new company). Another employer is ready to put up with the lack of certain skills and “finish training” for a new specialist, but demands that he must have a certain set of personal qualities and quickly fit into the corporate culture. For the third company, the human qualities of the candidate come first, and experience is not so important.

There are no universal recipes here, and there cannot be. But it is necessary to master the entire set of methods for assessing candidates in order to make exactly the choice that will ideally meet the company’s needs.

Collection of data about applicants

Primary screening, as a rule, occurs before personal communication with candidates - already at the stage of receiving a resume. It seems that now only the lazy do not know how to write a resume correctly, and it will not be difficult for recruiters to complete the initial assessment. But sometimes it is the unification of these techniques that leads to the fact that HR specialists stop carefully reading the resume and do not notice truly interesting candidates, paying attention only to the formal side of the presentation of information. We must admit that this stage deserves a more thorough approach than searching" keywords" in applicants' resumes. You need to learn to "read between the lines" - and then the likelihood of missing out on a valuable employee will be less.


This concept has quite a few interpretations, but for our article the definition that is most suitable is given by the dictionary business terms: “An interview is a conversation conducted according to a predetermined plan.” It is the plan prepared in advance that distinguishes the selection interview from any other conversation.

When recruiting personnel, various types of interviews are used.

Brief telephone interview

This is the most common type of interview, conducted by a personnel specialist after studying written resumes from applicants. Many recruiters neglect this method, shifting these responsibilities to assistants. But in vain! During the brief telephone interview you can clarify and supplement the information presented in the resume, and also understand whether the applicant is ready to work in your company. This method is good for almost any vacancy; it does not take much time and effort, so you should not abandon it.


This is central key stage selection systems. Interview is the most common method that is always used when recruiting any employees.

But, as with any rule, there are exceptions. Well-known startup website manager Anton Nosik, who launched such portals as Rambler and Lenta. ru and many others, prefers to use correspondence for personnel selection e-mail and blogs. He believes that a personal interview is not informative, and gives the following arguments:

The interview does not last long - on average half an hour, and during this time the candidate can gather himself and “play the role” of a successful and interesting person, although in fact it is not.

The situation can be just the opposite: an intelligent and experienced, but overly modest professional gets lost, which is why he looks withdrawn and does not make the right impression.

But interviews are usually not neglected. There is an opinion that a well-conducted interview is much more effective than all assessment methods combined. Experience in conducting interviews can only be gained through practice - subject to constant, thoughtful use of existing tools. It is best to conduct an interview from the position of equal partners. The exception is the so-called stress interview (I think this type is already going out of practice). As for the structure of the interview, its order may be as follows:

1. It’s best to start with a greeting and an outline of the interview procedure.

2. Then you should briefly talk about the company (within 3 - 5 minutes) and provide the candidate with more detailed information about the vacancy.

3. Body: At this stage, the interviewer asks questions to the candidate.

4. The interviewer answers the candidate’s questions.

5. You should thank the applicant and explain further actions and deadlines.

Prepare for the interview in advance: make notes on your resume, think through a rough list of questions. Don't confuse an interview with an interrogation. The candidate must see the logic of the questions; give him time for possible clarifying explanations or counter questions. Help the applicant understand the question correctly and, if necessary, reformulate it. Before you find out anything, clarify for yourself why you are doing this, what you want to find out. The wording of questions must be correct - tactful and not subject to double interpretation. Do not ask questions whose answers are contained in the resume - this is only permissible at the very beginning of the interview in order to “get the candidate to talk.”

The interview can take place in various formats:

- Structured interview contains an approved list of questions for a specific vacancy or category of personnel. Allows you to compare the answers of different candidates to the same questions and choose the best one more objectively.

- Free unstructured interview(actually a conversation) is used in cases where there are not very many applicants for a vacancy and the position itself is quite creative. In this case, standard questions will not allow you to get a full impression of the candidate.

- Situational interview used to obtain important data when recruiting personnel for management positions, as well as vacancies for managers with a high level of responsibility. In essence, this type of interview is a special psychological test, adjusted to meet the requirements for the responsibilities of the future employee. For each situational interview question, several answer options are offered, more or less close to the “correct” ones.

Group interview

This method is also called an expert group interview - this refers to the situation when several interviewers communicate with the applicant. Such an interview creates the most stressful situation for the interviewee, and this allows you to assess whether he is able to withstand pressure. The need to conduct a group interview may arise when a vacant position requires highly specialized knowledge that an HR employee cannot assess. To ensure that the applicant has necessary knowledge, invite representatives of the department in which the vacancy is open. In addition, a group interview allows you to evaluate not only the professional, but also the personal qualities of the applicant and reduce the likelihood that he will not join the new team.

When planning this type of interview, it is necessary to clearly distribute roles between interviewers. However, a situation is possible when one of them is the leader, and the rest join in the conversation as necessary to ask additional questions.

Assessment center

One of the types of group interviews can be called the currently popular assessment center method. It was formed in the West during the Second World War. It was used to recruit junior officers in the UK and intelligence officers in the USA. Subsequently, it was adopted by business organizations, and now in the West almost every big company uses this method to evaluate personnel. In Russia, the assessment center began to be used in the early 1990s, and now this method of studying human resources is the most popular. It is perfect for working in mass recruitment situations, when it is necessary to select the best one from a large number of candidates in the shortest period of time.

This method is based on the observation of specially trained assessors (appraisers) of the behavior of employees in real work situations or when they perform various tasks. The content of assignments reflects the main aspects and problems of activities within a particular position. Each assessment center includes a number of procedures and is developed taking into account the requirements for employees. An important component of this method is measurement.

The assessment center is close to tests, since it involves standardization, that is, the presence of certain standards for carrying out procedures and a rating system (criteria and rating scales). Sometimes, in addition to special tasks, the assessment center includes a structured interview and testing.

When conducting all types of interviews, do not forget about the following: effective means, How projective techniques, self-presentation of candidates and cases, which are an indispensable source of data for assessing a potential employee of the company.


Testing is a fairly common method of selecting candidates and includes several types of assessment. When using them, you must adhere to certain rules.

Psychological tests

Now many personnel services They are required to offer psychological testing to candidates for a variety of positions. However, using psychological tests When recruiting staff, you should remember some restrictions.

Testing should be used only when there is really a need for it, for example, a position requires the employee to have certain personal qualities that can be identified using a test.

Tests used to assess candidates must be professional and fit for purpose. They must have high degree objectivity, reliability and validity (i.e., actually measure what they are intended to measure).

A professional psychologist must conduct psychological testing of candidates.

In addition, there are ethical standards that must be followed when choosing this method assessments: the candidate must undergo testing voluntarily, since a person cannot be subjected to a psychological examination against his will (except for special cases regulated by law, to which the hiring process in ordinary companies does not apply).

Professional questionnaires

Professional questionnaires make it possible to identify incompetent candidates already at the first stage of the interview and thus significantly save the HR manager’s time. They are effective in selecting the best employees different professions- accountants, lawyers, programmers, IT or telephony specialists. The questions are developed by the personnel service together with the head of the department in which the applicant will work. The completeness and depth of the candidate’s knowledge in the professional field is assessed by his potential supervisor. The objectivity of this method can reach 80%.

Testing skills and abilities

This method can be classified as professional testing. It consists in the fact that a recruiter or expert checks the skills and abilities necessary for a candidate to perform a job efficiently, for example, typing speed and/or knowledge of shorthand for a secretary, level of foreign language proficiency for a translator, etc. The main condition is that the skill must be mandatory and can be easily measured. Of course, such a method cannot be used in every case, but if it is suitable for a given vacancy, it should not be neglected. It is almost 100% objective and therefore should take its rightful place in the arsenal of any recruiting manager.

Summing up

We looked at the main methods of searching for candidates and assessing them, used when recruiting personnel for a company. It is worth noting that there are no good or bad methods - there are suitable and not suitable for a specific company, position and situation. Therefore, to form a better and more flexible system staffing Each HR department can choose the means and methods that meet the goals and interests of the company. Typically, the selection process includes a set of methods depending on the vacancy and the situation on the labor market. This is precisely where the talent of a recruiter lies - to use exactly those methods that will be good in their time and place.

The successful development of any company largely depends on its personnel: hardworking, talented employees who are able to work in a team are the engine of progress. It is very difficult to form such a team from scratch; at a minimum, you need a suitable base. Therefore, you cannot fill vacancies according to the “advertised - talked - accepted” scheme - untested employees often “do not catch on”, instead of the engine of progress, the employer receives staff turnover. To create a team without “weak links”, you need to apply scientific approach, use HR recruitment techniques.

HR Strategy or Human Resource is translated as “human resources”. This Western method of working with personnel has long proven its effectiveness. The bottom line is that staff do not work on their own, they are managed as a valuable business resource and receive maximum dividends. First of all, the company does not accept employees simply by advertisement; even certified and experienced specialists are selected - the best of the best are motivated, work successfully and, together with the team, move the company forward.

In our country, HR methods of personnel selection and further personnel management are just being introduced. Competent managers understand the advantages of this approach, but there are obstacles. For example, having your own HR department is expensive; it requires managers with expert knowledge and, accordingly, high salaries. Medium and small businesses, where the company's teams are relatively small, often refuse additional expenses - why spend money, because vacancies do not appear every day. The position is understandable, but not correct. At a minimum, we need to abandon the outdated hiring by advertisement and single conversation. There are experienced recruiters in Moscow and other large cities - employment agencies specialize in professional search and assessment of personnel, and have expert knowledge of the field. For a one-time payment for the service, the employer receives competent, verified candidates.

Methods of personnel selection at the search stage

The recruiting company uses search strategies that vary in results and price. The method is selected to suit the customer’s needs.

Screening– formalized search, lowest costs. The method is used to recruit junior unskilled personnel, for example, laborers or salespeople. The agent selects suitable resumes from its own database and/or mass sources, and conducts telephone interviews with candidates.

Mass recruiting– search and assessment of line workers. There are quite a lot of certified experienced accountants, lawyers, and managers in the labor market. The recruiter’s task is to select candidates according to the customer’s requirements. Personal meetings, events to assess candidates for professional suitability and personal qualities.

Exclusive recruiting– attracting experienced managers and narrow eminent specialists. The agent finds candidates among the customer’s competitors and takes measures to ensure their transition to a new job. An extreme manifestation of this personnel selection technique is “headhunting”: the employer indicates a specific specialist, the recruiter is engaged in recruitment. The service is expensive and the process is usually lengthy. But eminent experts are priceless.

Recruitment techniques at the assessment stage

A thorough screening of candidates is relevant for mass recruiting, where it is necessary to select the best from the masses.

Development of a vacancy. The recruiter personally meets with the customer, finds out all the requirements - education, experience, competence, job responsibilities, schedule, personal qualities. To motivate valuable applicants, offers are also important - salary, prospects career growth, corporate brand values.

Evaluation of applicants. The first conversation gives general idea about candidates with suitable resumes. All those who pass (about 10%) undergo a thorough check. Recommendations must be confirmed. Detailed personal data is compared with a professiogram (a sample of a specialist in a specific professional position). Targeted interviews and testing clarify qualifications, psychological picture, ability to solve problems and work in a team. Only those who have successfully passed all the tests get to meet with the customer.

Internship. A very useful service, but usually only niche agents (accounting, finance, sales and other narrow areas) practice it. An almost 100% ready employee comes to the employer. For example, during an internship an accountant gets acquainted with latest versions legislation, gains in-depth knowledge in any direction (accounting, reporting, material group etc.), practiced in working with software, exhibits personality traits.

Progressive recruitment methods are used by large agencies with experience and reputation, that is, before expert recruitment of employees, you need to choose a truly reliable partner. Contact the RosCo company - we have a license, we have been working since 2004, we have proven ourselves well in the capital’s labor market. The main areas are finance, accounting, sales, management (accountants undergo a 6-month internship). By agreement, we will find personnel for enterprises in any field of activity.

To obtain Additional information, call, order a call or ask a question via chat.

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