The best project management program. Project management software

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Project Management program - a simple and flexible solution to support project implementation

If your organization is engaged in the implementation of projects of any level of complexity, then, undoubtedly, this program is exactly what you were looking for for accounting and monitoring activities in your enterprise. Projects can be different, short-term or global with a large number of milestones, and the implementation of each project requires dividing it into tasks with control of deadlines and appointment of performers. This program helps organize and control the process of completing any task; each task can be divided into several tasks so that performers can accurately navigate the stages of the goal. Thanks to this approach, you can always track at what stage difficulties arose and whose fault the delays were, which will allow you to build effective work for employees. The program also contains elements of a warehouse system, document flow, and solves problems of enterprise resource management and planning.

The program is another solution within the concept of flexible configuration of the database structure, carried out by the user himself, which makes it possible to build adaptive information systems that can quickly change along with changes in the company's business processes. And this is another important advantage that is certainly worth paying attention to when choosing a project management system!

Main functions of the program

Project accounting

Storing information about projects (manager, customer, investor, contractor, project deadlines and budget), the progress of each project (events and tasks), and their statuses

Accounting for objects

Accounting of objects for projects. For each object there can be several components (elements of objects). Each object element can be assigned a start and end date, amount and performer

Task accounting

Storing tasks with the ability to assign a responsible person, monitoring deadlines and percentage of completion. Any task can have several subordinate tasks

Maintaining a directory of counterparties

Storing contact information of counterparties and their characteristics. Ability to assign different roles to counterparties (supplier, client, seller)

Document accounting

Accounting for contracts, accounts, acts, etc. documents. Management of contracts within projects (formation, accounting of work under the contract, assigning work to performers with control of deadlines and amounts, searching for information)

Warehouse accounting

Accounting for receipts (supply planning) and expenses of materials, inventory control

Control of IBE expenses and organization funds

Tracking customer payments

Generating documents using templates

A set of standard reports with the ability to create new ones

Flexible database structure with customization for any subject area

Multi-user mode with setting access rights for all elements (tables, records, fields, menus, buttons...)

Screenshots of the program

Project accounting

Accounting for objects by project

Task accounting

Accounting for contracts

Work accounting

Control of material costs

Formation of documents

Generating reports

Program installation

To install the program you need:

  • Download the "Project Management" program
  • Launch the installer by double clicking on the downloaded file
  • Follow the instructions of the installer to install the program on your hard drive.
  • Launch the program by selecting it from the “Programs” menu by clicking the “Start” button or a shortcut on the desktop.

Certificate of Rospatent

Version history

VersionWhat's new
2.562 1. Improvements to the VBScript interpreter
2.560 1. When moving an entry up or down, subordinate entries are now taken into account.
2. New internal commands GenerateBarcode and GenerateBarcodeEan13
2.558 1. Two new forms - Export to a folder with CSV files and Import from a folder with CSV files
2.557 1. Improved performance when importing from XML and CSV
2.553 1. New form "Counter settings" (called from the context menu by right-clicking on the ID field)
2.543 1. Improvements to the SMS mailing form
2.540 1. Improvements to functionality: interpreter, internal commands
2.525 1. Improvements to SMS mailing 2. Improvements to the VBScript interpreter
2.510 1. Improvements for integration with receipt printers
2.501 1. Import improvements
2.494 1. Integration with new models of receipt printers - Atol 30F, ShtrikhM PTK
2. Improvements to the "Simple filters" functionality
2.489 1. Added the ability to personalize the tree
2.486 1. New checkbox in the table properties - "Simple filters"
2.485 1. Added the ability to set business rules for subordinate tables - a different set of tables depending on the condition
2.473 1. Improved export to XML and import from XML 2. Improved reminders with the “All reminders in one form” checkbox
2.471 1. A new property “Field font size” has been added to the color selection rules 2. New internal commands: AddRecordsIntoSchedule (fill in the calendar for the year ahead), SetValueForCellRange (add to a group of cells), Sum (sum)
2.460 1. Improvements to export - in export forms of any type, you can select a template file from the database table 2. Improvements to export to RTF - you can use tags , ,
2.455 1. Added the ability to export to XML using a template
2.451 1. Scheduled import improvements
2.449 1. Import improvements, ability to import on a schedule 2. Ability to view a list of databases on different MS SQL Servers
2.447 1. Improvements to the configuration protection form - new options 2. Implementation of the Replace function in the default value and other places
2.444 1. New checkbox “Do not print empty table columns” in the form for generating a Word document using a template 2. The ability to store template files in a separate database table - tblTemplates
2.443 1. Improvements for the “Many-to-many” type of connection 2. Improvements in generating documents using templates with labels and
2.442 1. Ability to set more than one custom button for subordinate tables 2. Ability to enable the "ADD" button on the main toolbar 3. Improvements to the VBScript interpreter
2.438 1. Redesign of the "Export to CSV" form - the ability to export main and subordinate, as well as export using a template
2.416 1. Improvements to reminders in the case of "Show all reminders in one form" 2. Improvements to SMS mailing - new parameter "XML request"
2.405 1. Improvement of email newsletters - the ability to insert more than one image in HTML format, the ability to use bookmarks from subordinate tables
2.396 1. Improvement of the “Print receipts and labels” form, a new item in the “Service” menu, support for new equipment and the ability to use an RTF template
2.382 1. New checkbox in the field settings "Allow selecting a group of cells", useful for calendar tables when entering a full name in a date range
2.381 1. New internal command Translit - for writing Russian text in Latin 2. New internal command SetVisibleTabs - for setting visible tabs on the form for editing according to conditions from the script 3. Improvement of the RefreshTable, RefreshActiveTable, RefreshActiveSubTable commands
2.376 1. Added the ability to customize the toolbar for subordinate tables 2. In field properties, the functionality for creating composite indexes on several fields has been improved
2.367 1. Improvement of the “Printing receipts and labels” form, new equipment
2.366 1. Improvement of the VBScript interpreter 2. Improvement of the functionality Condition on the value 3. Improvement of color selection rules
2.358 1. Improvement of the "Print a receipt" form - added Fprint-11 receipt printer, the ability to set a script for the operation of POS equipment 2. Improvement of value conditions - the ability to call procedures 3. New commands GetControlValue, SetControlValue 4. Improvement of color rules - the ability to recognize NULL values
2.348 1. Improvements to the generation of Word documents - new endings _LETTERS for inserting each letter into a separate cell of the Word table, _DAYS, _WORKDAYS 2. New types of triggers - after adding a record, after deleting a record 3. Improvements to picture fields - output to the panel on the right from another table with the ability to edit, etc.
2.341 1. New right-click context menu item on the subtable tab “Show filter panel” 2. Improved export to CSV - ability to select fields
2.340 1. New button on the toolbar "Export table to XML"
2.338 1. Display of file fields in the form for editing 2. Storing custom images directly in the database for the form for editing, color selection rules 3. Ability to set a command when clicking on a custom image for the form
2.320 1. Improved functionality for storing pictures in the database, displaying links to pictures. 2. New types of links - “Link to image file” and “Link to file - short name” 3. Improvements to integration with the PsPhone IP telephony program - display the caller card, call PsPhone from the program with a dialer 4. New internal commands : SetTab, HideTab, relevant for flexible configuration of the form for editing using conditions
2.315 1. Integration with the IP-telephony program PsPhone has been implemented - when an incoming call, a client card is shown 2. New internal SetTab command for setting the current main tab or form tab for editing 3. The "Print all records in one file" checkbox is implemented in the "Export to" form HTML" and other improvements
2.303 1. New ability to quickly search across multiple fields
2.286 1. New checkbox in the table properties "Custom tree settings"
2.285 1. Possibility of passing parameters to user procedures 2. Improvement in duplicating records - second-level subordinate tables are taken into account
2.278 1. New type of link in field properties - link to file - short name
2.272 1. New type of trigger - when double clicking on a record 2. New ability to set hyperlinks in the edit form and in custom forms
2.270 1. New internal command GoToUrlAndImportXml, designed to obtain various information from sites (exchange rates, counterparty by TIN, etc.)
2.263 1. New setting in reports "Merge by fields"
2.259 1. Improvement of the “Field Settings” form - the panel on the left and the field rules are now personal settings
2.254 1. Refinement of the "Internet Search" form to obtain XML
2.250 1. Two new types of triggers: When opening a table and When switching to a tab 2. Improvements to export by template to RTF documents
2.242 1. New version of the help
2.229 1. Improvements to the “Add many” functionality
2.228 1. The ability to create forms and display them, for example, when starting a program or by command. List of forms in the "Database Properties" window
2.221 1. Ability to add custom buttons and images to forms for editing. 2. Improvements to generating documents using templates
2.219 1. Implementation of the "Print all records in one file" checkbox for Excel 2. Implementation of labels or to highlight a repeating block in Word and Excel template files and in reports
2.218 1. Form for generating documents using templates - instead of one, two checkboxes “Print all records in one file” and “Each record from a new sheet”
2.216 1. Ability to change the width of the drop-down list in the main or subordinate tables
2.213 1. New ability to customize the panel on the left, where you can place filter lists to filter the table with one click, as well as a calendar
2.212 1. New internal command InputFromList 2. New tab ending _NOFORMAT and _CODE128 for printing barcodes in office documents
2.205 1. Improvements to reports - you can apply filters for reports of any type, a drop-down calendar is shown for the "Date and time" fields
2.202 1. Improvements to reports - color selection and other settings can be applied when outputting to Excel in various combinations, according to a template and taking into account styles
2.199 1. Improvements to export to Excel - picture fields are saved in the file itself 2. Improvements to reports - the ability to display a report in Excel grouped by template
2.197 1. Import improvements - buttons for saving and loading all form settings
2.195 1. Improvements to export to Word and Excel in terms of color selection, as well as in reports 2. Improvements to export to RTF. Ability to specify the # symbol in bookmarks like tblTable_#_Field2_Field3, which prints the serial number of the record 3. In import forms, a new checkbox “Call procedure when finished”
2.189 1. In the color selection rules, there is a new ability to specify a picture (BMP file format) to display it in a table cell
2.182 1. New checkbox in the settings “Automatically check for updates at startup” and a new form for checking for a new version 2. Improvements to reports - the ability to specify complex SQL expressions containing nested queries, as well as several statements, not necessarily SELECT
2.166 1. New checkbox in the “Print grid” settings in the “Export table to Excel” form 2. When generating a document using a template, selected records of the subordinate table are displayed 3. Improvements to the VBScript interpreter
2.155 1. New form “Import from client bank” 2. Import improvements, redesign of the import form
2.153 1. Improvements in setting tooltips - they can be set for form fields 2. Improvements when outputting reports in Excel - when specifying several SQL statements, all tables are shown sequentially with headings 3. An algorithm for automatically arranging Tab sequences for form fields has been implemented
2.149 1. Improvements to setting tooltips 2. New internal commands: InputDate, InputDateRange, SetStatusText, SetMousePointer, SetVisibleFields, SetInvisibleFields, SetFieldsVisibility 3. Improvements to import from Excel files 4. Improvements to the VBScript interpreter
2.140 1. Setting up tooltips to show additional information when you hover the mouse; you can set formulas that depend on the text under the mouse. Called from the "Table Properties" form
2.140 1. In the field settings, the ability to fix certain table columns has been added so that they do not scroll when scrolling horizontally 2. Improvements to the VBScript interpreter
2.135 1. New preset values ​​for date and time field filters: Current quarter, Last quarter, Quarter before last, Next quarter 2. Improvements to import from Excel files - automatic search for the beginning of the table 3. Improvements to export to Excel using a template
2.131 1. New types of commands for triggers: Send email to everyone, Send sms to everyone, VBScript to everyone, which will be triggered for all records that satisfy the condition specified in the “Condition” parameter, and not for the current record. 2. Improvements to export to Excel
2.116 1. New types of bookmark endings when generating documents: _LETTERS (each letter in a separate cell of the Excel document), _LETTERSOVER#, LCASE, UCASE, _LEFT#, _RIGHT#, _MID#, _MID#AND# 2. The analyzer of custom SQL expressions has been improved and formulas 3. Improvements when working with MS SQL Server 4. New SMS providers added
2.92 1. New form "Send e-mail using template"
2.53 1. New checkbox in the field settings "Align field headers to the center"
2. Added the ability to specify “any field” in the color selection rules
3. Wood improvements - the ability to set arbitrary formulas for building levels and for filtering data
4. Improvements to exporting tables to Excel
5. VBScript improvements
2.51 1. Added new internal commands ExportTableToExcel, LoadFilters, CheckFilters
2. Improvements to exporting tables to Excel - color highlighting is picked up
3. Improvements to input into tables - impossibility of leaving the table if required fields are not filled in, maintaining the sorting of the drop-down list
4. Improvements to reports - you can specify several SQL statements separated by semicolons and, accordingly, get several tables in the report
5. VBScript improvements
2.47 1. Added new internal commands: GoToRecord, GoToTableAndRecord, CopyRecord, CopyRecordAndSubTable, which can be used for custom buttons, as well as in triggers, reminders, etc.
2. For custom toolbar buttons, the ability to specify a VBScript command and, accordingly, code in this language has been added. Example in the Gallery, screenshot No. 23
2.45 1. Added implementation of second-level subtables in the form for editing (when setting ShowSubTables=1)
2.44 1. New form "Export to text file", which allows you to make various transformations of existing text files (including HTML files) or generate new ones
2.42 1. All the latest improvements to the platform
2.40 1. Added a new table "Stages"
2. A number of other improvements and fixes
2.36 1. Added a functional block for SMS sending
2. Improvements when working with MS SQL Server
2.34 1. Improvements to the logic for creating a database on MS SQL Server using the current Access database
2.33 1. Added functionality for exporting the entire database to XML text format of arbitrary encoding, called by the administrator from the "File" menu
2. The capabilities of fields with a link to a file have been expanded - by clicking on the button with an ellipsis, menu items are shown, incl. item "Assign a link to a file with copying to the server"
3. Improvements to access rights - for horizontal filtering rules in the “Value” column, you can set them using AND or OR and other conditions
4. Improvements to second-level subordinate tables - can now be assigned to any subtable
5. Improvements to the functionality of multiple additions to subtables
2.30 1. The capabilities of fields with a link to a file have been expanded - by clicking on the button with an ellipsis, menu items are shown, incl. item "Assign a link to a file with copying to the server"
2.14 1. Trigger improvements - new type of operation - sending e-mail
2.12 1. Drop-down calendars have been added for fields of the "Date and time" type in the format without time ("dd.MM.yyyy", etc.)
2. Added a quick search panel - available from the context menu by right-clicking on the toolbar
3. Improvements for MS SQL Server
2.10 1. The structure of the demo database has been changed - a new table "Tasks" has been added (subordinate to "Tasks")
2. Improvements when working with MS SQL Server - improvements when creating a database based on the Access database structure, performance improvements
3. Improvements to the form designer - you can flexibly set arbitrary inscriptions and frames
4. The “Condition on value” functionality in the field properties has been redesigned and improved
2.8 1. The structure of the demo database has been changed (slightly)
2. Improved import and export
3. Added form designer
4. A number of other improvements and fixes
2.7 1. The structure of the demo database has been changed - a new table "Tasks" has been added
2. The functionality of duplicating records has been improved - you can duplicate several selected records at once

2.5 1. Help added
3. A number of other improvements and fixes
2.1 1. First release of the program

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on the topic: “Project management software”


Chapter 1. General provisions

1.1 Tasks and tools

1.2 The most common programs for managing projects Project Expert

1.3 Economic efficiency and emerging problems when implementing such programs and other IT technologies

Chapter 2. Detailed consideration of selected software systems

2.1 Project Expert software package

2.2 Microsoft Project software package

2.3 Primavera software package


List of used literature


Currently, not a single project can be completed without computer management systems, with the help of which it is compiled and coordinated. Therefore, it is so important to understand the relevance of owning this tool.

A project, as a management object, has a set of features that require the use of special techniques and methods to manage it. Over the past forty years or so, project management has emerged as a special professional field of activity and an independent discipline, equipping project managers with technologies and tools for planning, monitoring and coordinating project implementation.

This began in the 70s of the last century, when there was a widespread introduction of computer information processing systems, and the growing scale and complexity of enterprise activities in conditions of fierce competition contributed to the fact that an increasing number of companies began to develop and use project management methods, using specifically programs created for this purpose. The purpose of this work is to show the diversity and capabilities of such programs.

But no program exists on its own. Its functional and architectural features are directly related to the environment of its use. Therefore, acquaintance with project management systems will be incomplete without first talking about the nature of the environment in which these programs “work”.

Management environment

In any organization, there are three groups of employees involved in the process of managing its activities.

1. Top management, i.e. specialists responsible for setting goals and objectives, comprehensive planning of the organization’s activities and assessing the implementation of these plans.

2. Managers responsible for developing detailed plans for achieving the goals set by senior management; distribution of work to specific performers, planning the use of resources, monitoring the implementation of plans and preparing comprehensive reports for senior management.

3. On-site specialists responsible for performing certain work in accordance with the schedule, providing reports on the status of the work being performed, its quality, availability, resource load, etc.

Significant differences in the tasks performed determine the differences in the requirements that these user groups place on software designed to improve the efficiency of their activities. The purpose of this work is to reveal these requirements, highlight their features and disadvantages.

The use of project management methods and tools allows not only to achieve project results of the required quality, but also to save money, time, and other resources, reduce risk and increase reliability, as it helps: financing the project risk management

Determine the goals of the project and carry out its justification;

Identify the structure of the project (subgoals, main stages of work, etc.);

Determine the required volumes and sources of financing;

Select performers, in particular, through bidding and competition procedures;

Prepare and conclude contracts;

Determine the timing of the project, draw up a schedule for its implementation, calculate the necessary resources;

Perform cost calculations and analysis;

Plan and take into account risks;

Organize the implementation of the project, including selecting a “project team”;

Provide control over the progress of the project.

The practical significance of the work will be to help with the selection of appropriate methods and means of project management, which will be determined, first of all, by the complexity, scale and type of the project. Moreover, the main difficulties, in general, arise in the initial phases of the project, when basic decisions must be made that require non-traditional methods and means.

Chapter 1. General provisions

Specialized calendar and network planning systems (KSP - systems).

Specialized PCB systems from Western manufacturers are represented on the CIS markets mainly by products of Microsoft and Primavera Systems and Russian manufacturers such as Pro-Invest Consulting. Primavera Systems software is intended primarily for use in project-oriented organizations. Among the PCB systems of Russian developers, one can highlight the Project Expert product, intended for professional users.

The table below will show the requirements for such products at various management levels:

Senior management level

Strategic level

Operation level

Ease of use. Ability to receive demo reports.

Powerful information summarization capabilities. Tools for integration with data from other software applications.

Procedures for top-down planning.

Power of time, resource, cost planning, risk analysis.

Possibility of integration with other applications.

Tools for roll-up of project data (providing reports to management) and drill-down for planning at a more detailed level.

Means for monitoring project implementation.

Flexibility when customizing output reporting forms.

Ease of use. Ease of learning. “Transparency” of data entry procedures. Visibility.

1.1 Tasks and tools

There are many definitions of the word "project". However, they all characterize the project as a unique set of coordinated actions aimed at achieving a specific goal and limited in time.

The possibilities of “add-ons” to standard programs and the creation of your own developments based on databases are limited and are not recommended for widespread use, which is due to the “uniqueness” of projects and the complexity of developing specialized software for these purposes.

1.2 The most common programs for project managementProject Expert

Developer: Pro-Invest Consulting / Russia (

Distributor: Pro-Invest Consulting (

Suitable for users without special training in financial analysis;

Interface in Russian;

Ensures the formation of standard financial documents that meet Russian and international accounting standards;

Allows you to prepare a detailed business plan for an investment project at the level of international standards;

Import/export files: MS Access, MS FoxPro, MS Excel, dBase, MS Project, P3, Sure Track, Audit Expert and others;

Platform: Windows 2000 / ME / XP / Vista / Windows 7;

It has a network version with different access rights for different categories of users.

Microsoft Project 2007

Improved functions for supporting a hierarchical work structure (WBS), determining priorities for tasks, leveling resource loads, calculating the critical path in a group of projects, viewing a project network diagram;

Microsoft addresses its product not only to beginners, but also to professional project managers. To expand the functionality of the system, the manufacturer produces Add-in modules that are available for free download via the Internet. In addition, there are a large number of free and commercial third-party products available;

Bidirectional exchange of information with Outlook is supported. The project manager can transmit information to the performers about the tasks (in the form of a list) that need to be completed, and they, in turn, can inform him about all changes in the work calendar. In addition, users of MS Outlook 2007 and later versions have the ability to view all project information from this application.

Primavera Project Planner

Developer: Primavera Systems Inc. / USA (

Distributor: PMSOFT (

The central software product of the Primavera family for coordinating a large number of medium and large projects within limited resources;

Allows merging project fragments prepared in SureTrak;

It has several dozen standard project presentation templates, as well as the ability to create and save your own layouts and reports with publication on the company’s website;

A global replacement function has been developed to make changes to project data using logical, arithmetic and string expressions;

Allows data export to Dbase and Lotus programs;

The network version allows you to work in parallel, updating and analyzing information, preparing reports on multiple projects simultaneously;

Allows you to work with an unlimited set of main projects and subprojects within the framework of access rights that limit the user’s ability to view and/or change certain information in accordance with his authority.

1.3 Cost-effectiveness and problems encountered during implementationsimilar programs and othersIT- technologies

The economic efficiency from the introduction of information technology in the technical service is quite conditional and is expressed in the following positive aspects. In the vast majority of cases, the normal operation of an enterprise is simply impossible without the use of information technology: for any enterprise it is no longer possible to imagine the preparation of ordinary daily documents and their presentation inside and outside the organization without MS Office when implementing large projects; work without the use of specialized project management programs will be not only irrational, but even unacceptable - not a single project manager will be able to keep in mind and analyze all the processes of the project without involving a computer.

At all enterprises, when using IT (standard and proprietary programs), an increase in labor efficiency is achieved, which can be roughly estimated as 10% of working time, and, accordingly, salaries (based on 100 employees with a salary of 10 thousand rubles per month, we get 1.2 million rubles per year for enterprise):

Better organization of working time;

There is no need to employ a professional typist on staff (each employee draws up documents for himself);

The ability to easily access general information and restrict access to confidential information.

An important role is played by the use of information technology to ensure the image of the company, which gives a conditional profit of 2% of annual income:

Availability of an email address for each employee;

Having your own, well-designed company website that will attract potential clients and colleagues;

Professional use of a computer to prepare materials and compile documents for transfer to other organizations;

Using the Internet to search for information;

However, along with the positive aspects of implementing information technology and the associated savings or profits, it is also necessary to take into account the associated costs and problems:

The cost of purchasing equipment in sufficient quantity (computers, printers, network equipment);

Organization and support of the internal Internet network and Internet access;

The cost of purchasing licensed software (this cost varies depending on the program, ranging from hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars);

A decrease in the efficiency of employees at the first stage of getting used to the program, the duration and “severity” of which depends on the computer literacy and qualifications of the employees;

The cost of training employees to work with programs, the volume and cost of which depends both on the programs used and on the training ability of people;

The need to replace employees who cannot or do not want to use information technology to the proper extent;

Payment of professionals to support users (system administrators and programmers).

Thus, the required degree of use of information technology must be considered on a case-by-case basis. Efficiency and notional profit can be determined taking into account the above parameters.

Obviously, the greatest profits will occur in large companies, where the total costs of IT implementation will be minimal per unit of product and employee.

It is clear from this that the implementation of any of the listed programs will require large financial and labor costs. Its integration will not happen immediately, but after some time, depending on the development of IT technologies and the qualifications of employees in the company.

Chapter 2. Detailed consideration of selected software systems

2.1 Project Expert software package

One of the first and, at the same time, undoubtedly successful domestic developments in the field of software systems focused on project management was the Project Expert package created by Pro-Invest Consulting.

The currently available seventh version of the package supports the entire project implementation chain and provides a solution to most problems that arise when managing a project at the stages from conception and planning to implementation.

With Project Expert, a project manager can:

Conduct a general analysis of a business idea;

Determine financing needs and select a suitable financing scheme;

Describe the tax environment and its possible changes during the implementation of the project;

Create a project schedule;

Describe the general and direct costs of the project;

Receive analytical financial tables (balance sheet, profit and loss statement, report on the use of profits);

Calculate the financial indicators of the project: investment efficiency (BP - payback period, PI - profitability index, NPV - net present value of income, IRR - internal rate of return), profitability indicators (ROI), liquidity and solvency indicators;

Obtain investment efficiency indicators, determine their sensitivity to changes in various environmental factors;

Generate and print a financial report for the project.

Functionally, the Project Expert package consists of six blocks (Fig. 1), each of which is designed to solve corresponding problems, and includes a set of functional modules containing dialog tools that allow the project manager to interactively create a simulation model of the project by describing business operations .

Rice. 1. Functional structure of the Project Expert package

Experience in using the Project Expert package has shown that the package is a very effective means of supporting the activities of a manager in managing projects for various purposes, including innovative ones.

2.2 Microsoft Project software package

The Microsoft Project software package is the most popular among managers of small and medium-sized projects. This is explained by the fairly wide capabilities of the package, a convenient and, importantly, graphical interface that is familiar to most users.

Microsoft Project (MS Project) allows you to effectively manage a project at various stages of its implementation. It makes it possible to structure a project by dividing it into stages, tasks and subtasks, identify critical tasks (tasks whose duration significantly affects the duration of the entire project), obtain a network diagram and project schedule, assign resources to project tasks, and effectively control workload resources. The package supports all necessary types of connections between tasks: FS (Finish-Start), SS (Start-Start), FF (Finish-Finish).

The Microsoft Office Project product family consists of the following products: Microsoft Office Project Standard, Microsoft Office Project, Microsoft Office Project, Microsoft Office Project Web. All products in the Microsoft Office Project 2007 line are completely Russified.

Supporting modern information technologies, MS Project allows you to import data from files created in other applications, such as MS Excel and MS Access. An undeniable advantage of the package is the presence of a built-in programming language, Visual Basic For Application, which provides the ability to develop software components that provide solutions to specific problems.

The methodology for using the Microsoft Project package to manage an innovative project at the stage of preparation for implementation, the purpose of which is to obtain a network diagram and project schedule, can be presented as a sequence of the following steps:

Creating a project calendar (i.e. accounting for non-working days and holidays);

Drawing up a list of tasks that must be completed for the successful implementation of the project;

Determining connections between tasks;

Identifying tasks whose implementation duration significantly affects the duration of the entire project, and possibly changing the order of project tasks;

Formation of a list of resources available for project implementation;

Resource allocation (assigning resources to specific project tasks).

It should be noted that although the methodology for preparing a project for implementation is presented as a sequence of successive stages, the algorithm for preparing a project for implementation is not linear (Fig. 2). There are stages, the completion of which may lead to the need to return to a previous step, for example, in order to make changes and, possibly, additions to the result of the previous stages. Thus, the project preparation process is iterative.

Rice. 2. Algorithm for using MS Project at the stage of preparing the project for implementation

To illustrate the use of project management methods when managing an innovative project, let's consider a project that we will call "Telephone Channel Analyzer". In order to create a telephone channel analyzer, you need to perform a certain sequence of work (in terms of project management - tasks). Therefore, first you need to make a list of project tasks. For the above example, to a first approximation, the list might look like this:

Develop and approve technical specifications;

Develop a block diagram of the system as a whole;

Develop structural and schematic diagrams of blocks, manufacture and install them;

Assemble and configure the system;

Conduct testing and certification;

Develop documentation and train staff.

Volumetric, large tasks tend to naturally consist of smaller ones, so they are represented as a set of subtasks.

In a real project, tasks are interconnected. Some tasks can be performed simultaneously, some can only be started after the previous ones have been completed. Therefore, not only the list of tasks is important, but also the connections between tasks.

The Microsoft Project software package makes it easy to create a list of tasks, divide tasks into subtasks, and assign connections between tasks.

Thus, the Microsoft Project software package allows you to create a list of project tasks, divide tasks into subtasks, set the sequence of their implementation, and determine the cost of completing the entire project based on the cost of resources. Additionally, and especially important for small businesses, assign resources (workers and equipment) to specific project tasks.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that if the project manager is simultaneously implementing several projects of the same type, then by combining several projects into one, it is possible to distribute resources between projects.

2.3 Primavera software package

Primavera Systems, Inc. is a global leader in software development for managing project portfolios, programs, projects and resources. A wide range of software has been developed for project management processes, which includes: Primavera Project Planner Professional (P4); My Primavera; Primavera Con59 tractor; PMSystems for Construction; ; PMExchange; Primavera Expedition; Standard solution for contract management; Primavera Charts and Primavera Chart Design; Primavera Project Planner (P3); Prime Contract; SureTrak Project Manager; Webster for Primavera; Monte Carlo™ for Primavera; Ra; Prim plan Project Investigator; Prim plan Flint; A0; PMAgent; Linea Time Chain age Diagram, etc.

Main software products: Primavera Project Planner Professional (P4), My Primavera, Primavera Expedition, Primavera Contractor, Primavera Project Planner (P3) and SureTrak. Primavera Inc is recognized as a leader in project portfolio management (Gartner, Inc) and is the only company in the world that has been doing this for the last ten years.

Solution by Primavera Systems, Inc. focused on creating a unified corporate project management system. The software is designed to meet industry management standards and can be customized to meet the specific needs of each organization.

Using Primavera software allows you to:

All levels of project management in the company can simultaneously use the same information with the required degree of aggregation, taking into account the access rights of each user;

Coordinate the work of all project participants (designers, suppliers, builders, installers, adjusters, etc.);

Automatically calculate the critical path, determine the load of resources and help eliminate resource conflicts both within one project and taking into account all projects carried out by the company;

Reduce the time spent on planning and re-planning, including through the use of the company’s knowledge base, which stores previously completed standard projects and project fragments. Based on them, the ISUP allows planning new projects, collecting the scope of work from ready-made “blocks”. This technique not only reduces the time spent on planning, but also reduces the number of planning errors;

Automatically enter actual data into project work schedules, which makes it possible to assess the real state of affairs on the site and compare it with contractors’ reporting (for example, certificates of completed work);

Forecast the development of projects, conduct “What-If” analysis and select the project option that best suits the company’s goals.

The core of the system, which performs the main functions, is the client-server applications Primavera Enterprise and Primavera Expedition. These applications work with Oracle DBMS, MS SQL Server, Sybase.

The main product of Primavera Enterprise is Primavera Project Management (Primavera Project Planner Professional) - a tool for scheduling and network work planning, budgeting, deadline management, integrated analysis and progress monitoring and coordination of the work of one, several or all projects of the organization. Supports organization of projects into portfolios, “What-If” situation modeling, risk and performance management, etc.

Primavera Expedition is a product whose functionality is related to the control of contractual obligations during the implementation of the project, coordination of working documentation and its changes, accounting for all incoming and outgoing correspondence, accounting for changes in contracts, and comprehensive control over project information.

In cases where full functionality of products is not required, web applications that have some specialization are used - my Primavera, Prime Contract, Progress Reporter, Webster for Primavera.

The My Primavera software product, built on modern web technologies, has all the necessary capabilities for monitoring and analyzing data on project portfolios, developing and updating schedules, tracking processes of project initiation and change, and document management.

Primavera Contractor is a solution for the construction industry.

Primavera Contractor is an easy-to-use, affordable software product for creating construction project schedules. It is based on the construction industry standard Primavera Project Planner Professional software. Thanks to Primavera Contractor, contractors were able to participate in the planning and control of their projects or parts of a large project, and customers were able to exchange data with contractors in a single format.

Progress Reporter is a web application that allows you to issue tasks to performers for a period of time and receive a report on their completion. Progress Reporter can be used as a timesheet.

PrimeContract is an Internet-oriented software solution that allows various project participants to quickly exchange information using a single database. PrimeContract allows you to create and track document life cycle diagrams, post drawings and schedule layouts online, and enter information about the execution of work under contracts, transferring it to the Primavera Expedition contract support system.

Webster for Primavera provides access to project information using the Internet.

SureTrak Project Manager® - SureTrak is focused on monitoring the implementation of small projects and/or fragments of large projects.

MonteCarlo™ for P3e® is a software product that expands P3's risk management capabilities.

Prim plan Project Investigator is a software product that allows you to compare two versions of a project or group of projects, while viewing all data fields existing in the project, and, if necessary, combine individual data into a single project.

The Primavera Charts and Primavera Chart Design modules expand the graphic capabilities of the Primavera Project Planner Professional, Primavera Expedition and Primavera Cost Management software products.

Users can create and edit over 90 different chart options using a large selection of chart, bar, pie and bubble chart templates.

Primavera Cost Manager is an effective solution to the problems of cost management and analysis using the earned value methodology in project/project portfolio management.

Using Cost Manager will allow you to more effectively manage project costs, earned value, analyze budgets, actual costs and forecast estimates for projects, project groups and portfolios.

There are also other modules in the program: Primavera Integration API, PMControlling, PMLogistics, PMFinance, PMExchange, PMAgent, etc.

The functionality of Primavera products is significantly expanded by modules and software packages from third parties. The most common products are PMSystems and Infostroy.

The project management system based on Primavera is a flexible information system. Combining work in a single database of various applications with a single ideology of delineating user rights, the system optimally distributes functions between project participants. Increasing the scale of the system does not violate its integrity and reliability, affecting only the hardware of the server component, and the use of web-based applications simplifies the composition of programs on the client site and minimizes the cost of operating the system.

When managing a large number of projects in an organization, Primavera products provide rich and flexible tools for generating any summary information, grouping data according to multiple criteria. The system prioritizes tasks, controls schedules, records deviations and notifies those responsible.

The main “intellectual” strength of Primavera is multivariate analysis, the ability to reconfigure the entire project using global replacement, and the ability to create any reporting forms based on any samples. A special function of the Primavera Architect module is the knowledge base for project management, a repository of typical fragments of schedules, own developments and industry standards.


The Project Expert software package is a set of professional tools for financial business management. The use of the Project Expert system allows you to develop enterprise development plans and analyze investment projects. Using Project Expert, you can create projects of any complexity - from calculating the payback of new equipment to assessing the effectiveness of diversification of an enterprise's activities. The Project Expert program is an excellent tool if the task of drawing up a business plan occurs very often, however, serious financial analysts mainly use it only for preliminary calculations, when they need to get a general idea of ​​the investment project and quickly put business ideas on paper.

Project Expert users include over 4,500 organizations, including:

Government institutions: Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, Russian Federal Property Fund, Regional Branch of the Federal Securities Commission in the Central Federal District, Administration of the Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrugs, Krasnodar Territory, etc.

Banks: Vneshtorgbank, Sberbank of the Russian Federation, Vnesheconombank, Moscow Industrial Bank, International Development Bank, Rosselkhozbank.

Enterprises: SUEK, LUKOIL - Perm, Russian Railways, RAO UES of Russia, PFG Rosvagonmash, NK YUKOS, TEK Itera, TD Rusavtoprom, Siberian Aluminum Group, Protek, AvtoVAZ, TETRA PAK, Hewlett-Packard , "Diamonds of Russia-Sakha", "TIGI-KNAUF", Klinsky beer plant, etc.

Educational institutions: Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow State Technical University named after. N.E. Bauman, Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, etc.

Microsoft Project is a widely used project management software product in the world. Starting from the entry level, designed for the individual work of a simple project manager, Microsoft Project, starting with version 2000, is making active attempts to conquer the corporate sector of the complex project management software market. This process is quite difficult, mainly due to server problems, and according to the Gartner Group, as of 2010, Microsoft Project is only in the sector of contenders for leadership, lagging behind the group of leaders headed by Primavera.

The Microsoft Project desktop application combines the intuitive Microsoft Office interface with all the tools a project manager needs to manage the project plan and resources.

The Microsoft Project Server server product is a platform for organizing a corporate project management system and provides collective access to project information and interaction between project participants through a web interface.

The Microsoft Project project management system is capable of calculating schedules and managing complex projects of at least 10,000 tasks in size. Note that a project of 10,000 tasks requires the cost of approximately one person/year just to enter and track this number of tasks. The advantage of this system is improved group work tools that allow you to manage multiple projects for a large number of users (resource availability management, new project portfolios, corporate resource pools, analysis of various project development scenarios, etc.). Gartner notes the possibility of implementing a methodology for quickly responding to changing market conditions on Microsoft Project.

The strengths of the product are integration with Microsoft Office, including free exchange of information through Excel, Outlook and MS Visio, unparalleled integration with a library of project documentation based on Share Point. SOAP technology allows you to integrate Microsoft Project with corporate financial accounting, human resources management systems, etc. According to Gartner experts, Microsoft Project is the best choice for an organization that uses a matrix management scheme, i.e. project teams involve interaction between employees from different departments. Microsoft Project has become the de facto standard in the market for project management as a means of individual work for project managers. According to experts, for corporate clients, Microsoft Project Professional is the best solution for projects spanning several departments, in which the key requirements are the automatic development of work schedules, forecasting their progress and tracking progress.

Primavera Systems Inc. proposed a new methodology for project management - Concentric Project Management or CPM. Concentric project management is a logical development of project management methodology at the present stage.

Primavera software products are built on a modular principle, providing flexibility and a high degree of integrability of these products.

The leader is Primavera products, which are a set of automated project planning, management and control tools, as well as comprehensive tools for data integration with other client systems. Primavera products are designed for project-oriented enterprises running a large number of interconnected projects with shared resources. Therefore, the number of individual works in a project can reach up to a million; this system uses modern client/server architecture and industrial databases such as Oracle and MS SQL. Primavera products can work within one corporate project management system not only through the export and import of data, but also due to the wide integration capabilities, both among themselves and with other corporate information systems. List of used literature

1. Gultyaev A.K. Microsoft Project. Project management: Russified version. - M.: Crown print, 2003.

2. Karpova V.S. Experience using Primavera during the project initiation phase. //PMSoft Bulletin. Project management magazine for professionals. No. 1, 2005. -- P.26-30.

3. Kultin N.B. Project management tools: Project Expert and Microsoft Project. - St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2009. - 160 p. Il.

4. Trofimov V.V., Ivanov V.N., Kazakov M.K., Evseev D.A., Karpova V.S. Project management with Primavera. Tutorial. St. Petersburg: Publishing house St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics, 2005. - 180 p.

5. Management of innovative projects: Textbook. allowance / Ed. prof. V.L. Popova. - M.: INFRA, 2007. - 336 p.

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Products focused on service automation:

    ARTA Software - ARTA Management system

  • IFS Applications

    Microsoft Project Professional

    Oracle E-Business Suite

    PeopleSoft Project Management

    SAP Professional Services Automation

Project and task management systems:

    Bontq is a project management and bug tracking system.

    Cerebro is a project management system in the audiovisual field.

    Easy Projects .NET is a project management system written in .NET.

    eGroupWare is free project management software.

    GanttProject is a small free program with a Gantt chart and resources.[significance of the fact?]

    Kommandcore is a paid multi-user web service for project management, intended primarily for project managers, based on the agile development methodology.

    OpenProj is a free, open source alternative to Microsoft Project.

    OnePoint Project

    PayDox is a system for managing documents, tasks and employee collaboration.

    Project Kaiser is a web-based project and task management system with wiki support and advanced user interaction tools.

    ProjectMate - Russian PSA system for automating professional activities. In addition to the project management module, it has a lot of functions that are in demand in companies in the consulting services sector - from time tracking to invoicing (billing).

    Redmine is a free multi-user web service focused on the specifics of IT projects and developers.

    TeamLab is a system for managing projects, documents and collaboration.

    TrackStudio Enterprise - task management system. There is export to MS Project.

    Trac is a project management and software bug tracking tool.

    Web2Project is an open source, free web application for project management (the project is based on the dotProject code).

Project management software includes applications for task planning, scheduling, price control and budget management, resource allocation, collaboration, communication, quick control, documentation and system administration, which are used together to manage large projects.

1 Objectives of Project Management Software

1.1 Planning

1.2 Calculation of the critical path

1.3 Data management and information provision

2 Types of Project Management Software

2.1 Desktop

2.2 Web-based (Web applications)

2.3 Personal

2.4 Single-player

2.5 Multi-user

10.1 Objectives of Project Management Software

10.1.1 Planning

One of the most common features is the ability to schedule events and manage tasks. Requirements may vary depending on how the tool is used. The most common are:

    planning various events that depend on each other;

    planning employee work schedules and resource management;

    calculation of the time required to solve each problem;

    sorting tasks depending on their completion dates;

    managing multiple projects simultaneously.

Personal and team.

To bookmarks

"Google Tasks"

  • Platforms: Android, iOS, web.
  • Cost: free.

A task management service with a minimal set of functions. Intended for personal use. The web version can be accessed from Gmail, Google Docs, or through the mobile application.

The service allows you to set a time and date for tasks, add subtasks, and create lists. It is impossible to add a detailed description, attach a link or file. Integration with third-party services is not provided.

Microsoft To-Do

  • Platforms: Windows, Android, iOS, web.
  • Cost: free.

Microsoft To-Do is designed for personal to-do management. The product was developed based on the Wunderlist task manager - Microsoft plans to close it. The service supports Russian language.

Microsoft To-Do allows you to create to-do lists and tasks, group them by topic, set reminders, and share lists with other users. Each task can consist of several steps (a kind of subtasks) and include a detailed description.

The service integrates the “Tasks” folder in Microsoft Outlook.

"Scheduler" from Microsoft

    Cost: Included in Microsoft Office 365.

"Scheduler" from Microsoft is part of the Microsoft Office 365 package. The service differs from Microsoft To-Do in that it is intended for use in a team. It is impossible to purchase the service separately from other programs in the package. Russian language is supported.

The service allows you to create to-do plans, group task lists, and change status. You can attach files and links to task cards. The service can send notifications to employees via email.


  • Platforms: macOS, iOS.
  • Price: from $9.99.

Things Task Manager is intended for personal use. Offered with a permanent license, but must be purchased separately for each device. Russian language is supported.

By time, tasks in Things are distributed into the categories “Today”, “Plans”, “Anytime”, “Someday”. In addition, task lists can be divided by type of activity. For large tasks, you can create projects that will consist of several stages. The service allows you to add a checklist, description, and attach a link to a file to the task card.

Integrations with other services are not provided.


  • Platforms: Android, iOS.
  • Cost: from $3.99; there is a free version.

24me is an application for managing and combining calendars, tasks, notes and personal accounts. The application is Russified.

The service synchronizes with Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Exchange, Yahoo! Calendar, Apple iCal and notifies the user about upcoming events. Before a scheduled meeting, 24me can notify you about the weather and traffic jams in the city.

The service integrates contacts and call information, which allows you to schedule calls, messages and make them through 24me.


    Platforms: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, browser extensions for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, web.

    Cost: from 2190 rubles per year; there is a free version.

Todoist is a task manager designed for both personal and team use. The service supports Russian language.

Todoist allows you to create subtasks, combine tasks into projects, and supports prioritization. In paid versions, you can receive reminders in the service itself or by email, customize the theme, add your own tags to tasks, attach files, comment, and rate completed tasks.

In the “Business” version, you can create a team and assign tasks to employees, exchange comments, and work with project templates.

Todoist supports Google Drive, Dropbox, Google Maps, Gmail, Outlook, Slack, PomoDome, Time Doctor and other services.


    Platforms: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, web.

    Cost: from $9.8 per month per user; there is a free version.

The Wrike service is designed for managing tasks and projects in teams, but can also be used for personal purposes. The service is completely Russified.

The free plan can accommodate up to five users, and the cloud storage capacity is 2 GB. The service can integrate data from Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft Office 365 and other services, tasks can be placed on a board and in the form of tables, and users can share files.

Paid versions support expanded integration of other services, you can provide access to guest users, the amount of cloud storage is from 5 GB (depending on the version), there is a Gantt chart, users can be divided into groups with different access levels.


    Platforms: Windows, Android, macOS, iOS.

    Cost: from 170 rubles per month, there is a free version.

The service was originally intended for personal task planning, but was later adapted for team work. Russian language is supported.

In LeaderTask you can group tasks into projects, create subtasks and subprojects, attach files, write comments and notes. The service supports creating tasks by sending emails from a registered account. Exchange of comments is available for team work.

The service developers offer a set of additional tools for LeaderTask - its own email client, Gantt chart, Urgent-Important matrix, Goal Ladder, Kanban board, and so on. There are no integrations of third-party services into the application.


    Platforms: web.

    Cost: from $7.99 per user per month. There is no free version available.

Russian language is not supported.

Focuster can integrate Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, Office 365, iCloud - and lists of tasks and events specified in these calendars will appear in it. The service can create tasks itself and distribute them among projects.

In addition to calendars, you can integrate Trello into the service.


    Platforms: Android, iOS, web.

    Cost: from $6.25 per month per user, there is a free version.

The service is designed for managing tasks in small teams or individual users. The free version is limited in functionality and allows you to add no more than 15 people to your team. Russian language is not supported.

In the free version of the product, you can maintain a list of tasks, use a calendar, and organize tasks by project. In paid versions, you can set dependencies in tasks, maintain a schedule, monitor the progress of employees, and so on.

Asana supports data integration from third-party services: Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive, Jira, Slack, GitHub, GitLab and others.


    Platforms: Android, iOS, web.

  • Cost: from 279 rubles per month per user, there is a free version.

The Pyrus service is designed for managing tasks and projects in a team, but can also be used for personal purposes. The service supports Russian language.

The free version of Pyrus can accommodate an unlimited number of users, but a team cannot create more than a hundred tasks. The service allows you to attach files to tasks, communicate between employees, and create related task lists. Paid versions offer an unlimited number of tasks and 10 GB of cloud storage for each user.

The service supports data integration from Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive.


    Platforms: Windows 10, Android, iOS, web.

    Cost: from $9.99 per month per user, there is a free version.

Trello is a Kanban board with lists of cards that you can use to manage tasks both personally and as a team. In the free version, you can only integrate one service into Trello, and the attached file size cannot exceed 10 MB.

Paid versions provide additional tools for team collaboration, and also offer an increased level of security (for example, two-factor authentication). The service supports Russian language.

In the card you can exchange comments with other users, attach participants, add tags, and use a checklist.

You can integrate Jira, Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote, Slack, GitHub, GitLab and several dozen other services into the service.


    Platforms: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, web.

  • Cost: from $4 per month, there is a free version.

Notion is a cloud-based project management service designed for both individual and enterprise use. In addition to working with tasks, it allows you to create documents and knowledge bases. Russian language is not supported.

The free plan allows an unlimited number of users to use the service, but the number of blocks created in the knowledge base cannot exceed a thousand, and downloaded files cannot exceed 5 MB. Project management is organized using a Kanban board system.

Notion can integrate data from Google Docs, Slack, GitHub, and other services.


    Platforms: Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, web.

    Cost: $99.

The service is designed to manage tasks and organize team work. Costs $99 regardless of the number of users and features used. Russian language is not supported.

Basecamp allows you to create to-do lists, schedules, store files in cloud storage (volume - 500 GB), chat with employees, and create an unlimited number of projects. According to the developers, the service can replace Asana, Slack, Dropbox and Google Suite.

Basecamp does not have integration from third-party services.


    Platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, web.

    Cost: from 990 rubles per month, there is a free version.

The Bitrix24 service contains not only task and project management capabilities, but also CRM, contact center, website builder, and team work functions. A team of up to 12 people can use the service for free. Russian language is supported.

The free version includes task list creation, Kanban board, task templates, Gantt chart, report designer, deadline planning, and so on. Paid versions will also include dependencies in Gantt, template exchange, custom fields, and recovery of deleted tasks from the trash can.


    Platforms: Android, iOS, web.

    Cost: from 239 rubles per month.

Megaplan, a product of a Russian company, is a task management service that can be supplemented with a CRM system. Russian language is supported.

The number of users is not limited by tariff plans, the volume of cloud storage is not limited. In all versions, you can set tasks, monitor their implementation, draw up reports, exchange documents, work with a calendar, and correspond with employees in a business chat.

Megaplan offers Rest.API for integrating data from third-party services, in particular from 1C.


    Platforms: Android, iOS, web.

    Cost: from 81 rubles per month per user.

The Yandex.Tracker service is designed for managing tasks and projects in teams. Russian language is supported.

Using the service, you can create task lists, group them by projects, assign executors, create task queues, and work with templates. In the task card you can write comments, a detailed task, add files and links. The service allows you to take into account the time spent working on tasks. Work using the Agile methodology is supported.

Yandex.Tracker can be used as part of Yandex.Connect. Integration from third-party services can be configured via API.


    Platforms: Android, iOS, web.

    Cost: from $7 per month per user.

The service works according to the Agile method and is intended for development teams. Russian language is supported.

Jira allows you to create lists of tasks, distribute them among team members, track completion, and exchange opinions. The service sends notifications about changes in task cards. Each team can create its own type of product development process. You can add your own fields in the task card. The service allows you to compile reports and monitor the execution of tasks in real mode.

Jira supports data integration from more than 3,000 services.

Summary table for services

Services suggested by readers


A task scheduler designed for personal use. Works only on Android devices. The main features are the creation of tasks and subtasks, their grouping, integration with Google calendar, linking places and things to tasks, the ability to configure access to tasks using a fingerprint.


A case management service designed for personal use. Works on macOS, iOS and Android. Allows you to create tasks, group them into lists, set up repetitions, notifications, and add tags to tasks. Lists are protected with a password. The cost of a permanent license is from $57.61.


A task and project management application designed for personal use. Works only on macOS and iOS devices. Allows you to group tasks by project, use a tagging system, and so on. Apps for macOS and iOS are purchased separately. Cost - from $39.99 per license. There is no Russian version.


A case management service that works on Android and iOS devices. Supports synchronization with Google Calendar.

A task and task management service intended for personal use. Allows you to create to-do lists and tasks, set reminders, and assign tasks to other users. The service is free, but there is a paid premium version that costs $2.99 ​​per month.


A task management service designed for personal and team use. Allows you to set reminders, work with tasks in the calendar, and assign tasks to employees. Cost is $27.99 per year, with a limited free version available. There is no localization into Russian.


Service for increasing personal and team efficiency. Includes managing information flows, working with goals and objectives, and analyzing progress. Allows you to store files on the server. There is a web version and mobile applications. Cost - 29 rubles per day.


A system for managing projects in a team. Allows you to create a hierarchical team structure, assign responsible persons and administrators, manage projects and tasks, monitor and analyze their implementation. The service starts at $29 per month, with a limited free version available.


A service for organizing team collaboration. Includes working with projects and tasks, a CRM system, customer support service, and organizing team work. There is a web version and mobile applications. The cost of the service is from €2 per user per month. There is a free version for teams of up to five people.


A task and project management service designed for team work. Allows you to create tasks, track their completion, supports integration with MindMeister, Slack, Zendesk, Freshdesk, GitHub and other services. Cost - from $8.25 per month per user, there is a limited free version.

« »

Business management system. Includes a corporate website, order control, CRM system, project management, electronic document management, and a service for collecting ideas and proposals. Cost - from 175 rubles per month per user.

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