Recreational activities: types, essence and features. Application of recreational and health technologies in social work with persons with health problems

* This work is not a scientific work, it is not a graduation work qualifying work and is the result of processing, structuring and formatting the collected information, intended for use as a source of material for independent preparation of educational work.

Health tourism. More and more Russians are going to the resort to improve their health. Recently, the popularity of the so-called health tourism- trips, the main purpose of which is to restore strength, prevent possible diseases and, ultimately, healing from ailments resulting from poor nutrition and poor environmental conditions.

The term “health-improving holiday” is usually understood as traveling to sanatorium-resort places in Russia and abroad, the classification of which is based on their natural healing factor. Depending on what exactly it is priority direction of a particular region, resorts are divided into balneological (hydrotherapy), mud and climatic. In addition, there are directions of mixed types. For example, there are many climatic and balneotherapeutic resorts, balneo-mud and climatotherapeutic resorts in the world, and in Russia such areas as climatic-kumys therapy or kumis therapy have long been popular.

In general, you can go on a health trip not only to well-known sanatorium-resort places. These could also be cruises, during which travelers calm their nervous system by looking at the changing landscapes overboard. There can also be exciting voyages to little-explored places, where adventures constantly awaiting tourists, coupled with the cleanest air, allow you to completely disconnect from everyday problems and fully relax.

Health tourism is a very special type of tourism. These are trips that take place in areas with natural and climatic conditions favorable to human health. The purpose of such tourism can be both treatment and prevention, for example, stress, or just relaxation.

Health tourism is carried out like any other type of tourism - with the help of travel companies. It can also be carried out independently by hotels, tourist centers, boarding houses, holiday homes and other similar institutions located in an area suitable for health tourism.

It should be noted that health tourism did not appear in our time of stress and urbanization. It existed almost always and already in the 18th century it gained great importance. In particular, this was facilitated by the English king George IV, who loved what today would be called spa tours.

Of course, today is very big choice types of health tourism. If you want to purposefully get rid of a disease, then know that there are many resorts in Russia and abroad that specialize in curing certain diseases. There are also special anti-stress routes designed specifically for the “office person”. There are fitness tours, there are specialized tours for pensioners and small children, there are resorts specializing in the treatment of specific diseases, and there are mixed ones aimed at general recuperation, etc.

In general, as for the types of health tourism, there are four of them. Firstly, these are balneological resorts, where the main healing factor is natural mineral waters. Secondly, these are mud, tied to deposits of medicinal mud. Thirdly, climatic: forest, mountain, seaside, etc. Including active recreation, for example, hiking. Fourthly, those where several natural healing factors are used at once.

But with all the diversity, there is a certain unshakable rule that must certainly be observed. It is simple: a health resort tour must last at least 21 days, otherwise the treatment will be ineffective. Don't make the wrong choice, and if you're not sure, contact a professional.

Recreational tourism. Recreational tourism is the movement of people in free time for the purpose of rest necessary to restore a person’s physical and mental strength. For many countries of the world, this type of tourism is the most common and widespread. To develop this type of tourism, recreational resources are needed. Recreational resources constitute the most important part of the region’s natural potential. In addition, their role in the formation and development of modern tourism in the region is constantly increasing, especially from an ecological and geographical point of view.

Recreational is shifting towards rehabilitation under certain climatic conditions and means of tourism in the form of dosed walking and other activities that contribute to the treatment of certain diseases, their prevention, increasing immunity and general tone of the body.

In general, recreational tourism is considered as a form of active tourism within the framework of physical recreation with certain restrictions on physical activity. Exceeding the upper limits leads to sports tourism, going beyond the lower limits leads to rehabilitation tourism, i.e., treatment in a sanatorium.

Unlike other types of physical culture, the most significant in physical recreation are not the generally accepted components of physical activity, but the subjective sensations associated with performing certain actions that are more enjoyable than exhausting. It is the principle of pleasure that is one of the main distinctive principles of physical recreation. Many types of physical recreation are accompanied by great pleasure from physical activity.

Recreational tourism, as one of the types of physical recreation, is no exception in this case.

In the dictionary “Tourism, Hospitality, Service,” recreational and health tourism is defined as “travel for the purpose of recreation, treatment, restoration and development of a person’s physical, mental and emotional strength.”

Thus, the program for organizing this type of tourism should be multifunctional in nature: recreation, leisure and entertainment activities, a health program that can raise the vitality of vacationers and satisfy their spiritual and emotional needs.

The system-forming factors of recreational tourism are identified:

A change of scenery

Ensuring sufficient muscle activity

Stimulation of natural immunity - the body's immunity to pathogenic bacteria.

A change of environment is associated with a person’s “exit” from everyday, monotonous and therefore already tiresome living conditions, ensuring a switch of the neuro-emotional sphere to new objects external environment, distracting him from the tiring and sometimes negative impacts of everyday life. Tourist trips and travels, which transport a city dweller to a new landscape and climatic environment, are associated with direct contact with nature.

The healing process is based on the use of natural healing resources in combination with recreational and healing techniques (air and sunbathing, health path, herbal medicine, pantotherapy, florotherapy, lungs physical exercise etc.), and natural resources, which include landscapes, bioclimate, hydromineral resources (mineral waters and medicinal mud), play a leading role. At the same time, the use of natural health factors, medical and health-improving areas in improving the health of the population is a profitable and cost-effective direction. Ensuring sufficient muscle activity, eliminating the adverse effects of “muscle hunger” with training of the main functional systems that ensure the body’s performance: cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Walking and water tourism are one of the effective means development of the body's performance.

Stimulation of natural immunity - the body's immunity to pathogenic bacteria. Long-term, moderate-intensity muscle load ensures an increase in the level of not only metabolic processes and the activity of the endocrine system, but also tissue immunity. Biostimulants formed during physical activity promote the resorption of foci of subsiding inflammation and stimulate regenerative processes in the tissues of the body.

Unlike sports tourism, which is focused on expanding a person’s ability to overcome natural obstacles and adapt to new, undeveloped conditions, recreational tourism is used mainly to increase the reliability of life in the everyday conditions of an already developed habitat.

The main objectives of recreational tourism are:

1. harmonious physical development and promotion comprehensive development person

2. health promotion and disease prevention

3. ensuring proper rest of different ages and professions

4. maintaining high performance.

5. achieving active creative longevity.

Thus, in order to organize a recreational and health-improving type of tourism, the territory must have natural healing resources, which include landscape, bioclimate, hydromineral resources, and, as can be seen from the analysis of tourism and resource potential, the Teletskoye Lake region has these favorable natural factors.

The assessment of recreational resources is made on the basis of a factor-by-factor assessment of each of the components: relief, water bodies and soil and vegetation cover, bioclimate, hydromineral and unique natural medicinal resources, historical and cultural potential, etc.), considered from the point of view of its use by a specific type of tourism.

Recreational tourism can be divided into several types:

1. Tourist and recreational type

2. Educational-tourist type

Each type requires its own type of recreational resources. Recreational resources are understood as a complex managed and partially self-managed system, consisting of a number of interconnected subsystems, namely: vacationing people, natural and cultural territorial complexes, technical systems, service personnel and management bodies. Part natural characteristics includes the area and capacity of the recreational area, climate comfort, the presence of water bodies, primarily of a balneological nature, aesthetic features of the landscape, etc. The optimal combination of these characteristics creates the necessary basis for the development of recreational tourism.

For the first type, these are climatic factors, which, in combination with mineral water sources and healing mud, create favorable conditions for the formation of a resort complex. For the second, in addition to the above - historical and cultural potential. Geographically, in Russian Federation Several main recreational zones can be distinguished. Forest-steppe, forest, mountain and coastal zones have opportunities for organizing both mass recreation and tourism, as well as medical and rehabilitation resort holidays. all year round. Let's take a closer look at the coastal mountain zone. The coastal zone mainly includes the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus from Anapa to Sochi, and the mountainous Caucasian Mineral Waters. Medical and biological assessment of climate and weather conditions at seaside resorts is based on determining the possibilities various types rehabilitation and recreational activities in these conditions. The main types of climatic and recreational activities at seaside resorts are aerotherapy (breathing sea air, air baths), thalassotherapy (sea bathing), heliotherapy (general solar irradiation and special types), kinesitherapy. The latter includes walks along the seashore, sport games on the shore, active swimming, rowing and other water sports. Combinations of these types of recreational activities are common. Thus, when staying on the beach, aero-helio-thalasso-kinesic influences are usually combined. Walking along the shore is aero-kinesic or aero-helio-kinesic effects, etc. Despite the noted diversity and complexity of recreation, two main types can be distinguished, depending differently on climatic and weather conditions.

Recreational activities of the first type can be called passive. These include sun and air baths at rest. They are usually carried out in beach conditions. People are naked. This type of recreation makes strict demands on the weather.

The second type is active recreation: walks, sports games, etc. What distinguishes active recreation from passive recreation, firstly, is that physical activity causes increased heat production. Secondly, during active recreation people are usually clothed. And although in this case light clothing with a thermal protection level of 0.5-1.0 clo is usually used, in combination with increased heat production this makes lower air temperatures comfortable than for passive recreation. Weather requirements are less stringent compared to passive recreation.

The health tourism market is very wide and is associated with recreational resources. Everyone needs a wellness holiday. Even lovers of sports or adventure tourism need a health-improving vacation at least once a year and need to accompany their family, loved ones or friends on such a vacation.

Wellness holiday - stay at resorts of practically healthy persons who do not need special medical care, medical supervision and treatment. The main health-improving factors are physical culture and sports, short- and long-distance tourism, natural healing factors used to harden the body, as well as cultural events.

In world practice, the concept of a resort includes the concept of both recreation and sanatorium, i.e. spa services are also part of health tourism.

For health tourism, the main factor is a resort area with favorable climatic conditions, located in a picturesque area, with the obligatory presence of health-improving natural factors.

Health tour programs are varied, but there are general specific requirements for organizing just such tours. When preparing a tourist product, it is necessary to remember that this is being done for people who want to relax and improve their health. Therefore, it is necessary to plan and create such a combination of all the qualities of a tourism product that will most successfully satisfy the needs and requests of clients during a recreational holiday.

Wellness tour programs are built taking into account the fact that approximately half of the time must be devoted to wellness procedures.

The excursion program should not be too eventful. When organizing leisure programs, it is necessary to give preference to healthier events such as competitions, dance evenings, quizzes, as well as hobby activities that allow you to diversify your leisure time. Conducted sports programs in the form of walks and hikes in the surrounding area, aerobics classes, shaping, swimming, etc.

At the present stage of development of health tourism in Russia, resort and tourist complexes are being created in resort areas that gravitate toward family vacations, allowing healthy family members to engage in sports and tourism, and those in need of treatment to receive treatment and relax.

Wellness programs, depending on the location of the tour, may include special sea health procedures, relaxation in solariums, aerariums, mud and hydrotherapy, drinking mineral waters, etc.

To organize health tours, convenient, comfortable buildings are used, located mainly in green areas, preferably near water bodies. One of the main places is given to healthy nutrition. As a rule, it necessarily includes options for dietary tables.

Recreational tourism is a certain type of tourism that has a main goal function - the restoration of a person’s physical and mental strength through tourism. The main effect for which recreational tourism is used is to increase a person’s performance, which is subjectively expressed in the form of relieving fatigue, creating a feeling of vigor and a surge of strength, and objectively - in improving the functional state of the body. This is active recreation and health tourism, which is why it is often called health tourism.

In general, recreational tourism is considered as a form of active tourism within the framework of physical recreation with certain restrictions on physical activity. Exceeding the upper limits leads to sports tourism, going beyond the lower limits leads to rehabilitation tourism, i.e., treatment in a sanatorium.

Thus, the program for organizing this type of tourism should be multifunctional in nature: recreation, leisure and entertainment activities, a health program that can raise the vitality of vacationers and satisfy their spiritual and emotional needs.

The system-forming factors of recreational tourism are identified:

a change of scenery;

Ensuring sufficient muscle activity;

stimulation of natural immunity - the body's immunity to pathogenic bacteria.

A change of environment is associated with a person’s “exit” from everyday, monotonous and therefore already tiresome living conditions, ensuring a switch of the neuro-emotional sphere to new objects of the external environment, distracting him from the tiring and sometimes negative impacts of everyday life. Tourist trips and travels, which transport a city dweller to a new landscape and climatic environment, are associated with direct contact with nature.

The healing process is based on the use of natural healing resources in combination with recreational and healing techniques (air and sunbathing, health path, herbal medicine, florotherapy, light physical activity, etc.), and natural resources, which include landscapes, bioclimate, hydromineral resources (mineral waters and therapeutic muds) play a leading role. At the same time, the use of natural health factors, medical and health-improving areas in improving the health of the population is a profitable and cost-effective direction.

The main objectives of recreational tourism are:

harmonious physical development and promotion of comprehensive human development;

health promotion and disease prevention;

providing adequate rest for different ages and professions;

maintaining high performance;

achieving active creative longevity.

Thus, in order to organize a recreational and health-improving type of tourism, the territory must have natural and health-improving resources, which include landscape, bioclimate, hydromineral resources, and, as can be seen from the analysis of tourism and resource potential, the city of Gelendzhik has these favorable natural factors.

Understanding sanatorium-resort services in the narrow sense is the provision of accommodation by enterprises located in resort areas to vacationers in order to satisfy their needs for sanatorium recovery and resort recreation.

Tourism is a combination of recreation, business and other travel. This combination is shown in Figure 2. Most tourism is recreational in nature. At the same time, recreation, implemented within the framework of both tourism and resort activities, is the main motive and at the same time their most important function.

Figure 2 - Place of health resort services in the service system

Resorts in Russia are located in areas with natural health resources. For the most effective use of such areas for recreational purposes, it is necessary to have a resort infrastructure.

Resort infrastructure should be understood as a system of material objects and activities to provide resort services to the population that promote health. The resort infrastructure includes health, cultural, social and entertainment facilities, sports grounds, qualified personnel, etc. Resort infrastructure is a subsystem of social infrastructure and has its own subsystem of auxiliary facilities (communications, roads, transport, etc.)

The resort industry, the function of which is to serve people for the purpose of recovery and recreation, is a complex of preventive institutions: sanatoriums, boarding houses, beaches, mineral water galleries, solariums. Swimming pools and water parks, theme and nature parks, etc.

Thus, practical activities at resorts are quite diverse and are shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - Types of resort activities

The health-improving effects of resort factors have been studied for many decades, and now a harmonious system of their classification has been formed, and rational schemes for their use have been worked out.

According to modern scientific knowledge in the field of balneology, the classification of resort factors can be presented as follows (Fig. 4).

Figure 4 - Resort factors and their use for health purposes

Currently, these natural and climatic factors are created artificially, for example, in the leading resort complexes of the Moscow region and the Black Sea coast Krasnodar region, Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Scientific study and use of resort factors are carried out in the following directions, which are shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 - Natural and climatic factors and scientific directions for their use at the resort

For many domestic resorts, natural and climatic factors are the basis of resort health improvement. In accordance with the natural, climatic and landscape characteristics of recreational regions, the following types of resorts are created on their territory, presented in Figure 6.

In the Russian Federation, resorts of all main types are represented, where complex health improvement schemes are used for rehabilitation, therapeutic and preventive purposes, providing for the comprehensive use of resort factors. First of all, this applies to mixed-type resorts and resorts using natural and climatic factors.

Figure 6 - Main types of resorts by the nature of the leading health factors

Thus, in the domestic resort business there are all the necessary resort factors for methodological developments on the methods and forms of their use for health purposes. At the same time modern problems socio-economic plan require the development of new approaches to the sanatorium and resort business in various regions of Russia. To attract citizens of foreign countries to our resorts, the comfort of sanatoriums, boarding houses and hotels, as well as the level of service, should be significantly improved.


Ilyin A.

Youth is a specific socio-demographic group of society, including young people aged 16 to 30 years.

IN modern society the development and formation of young people occurs to a greater extent outside the primary institution of guardianship - the family. Currently, they play a more significant role in this process social institutions: school, universities, media, sociocultural institutions, peer groups. Free time is one of the important means of shaping the personality of a young person.

Leisure time for young people is characterized by increased emotional and physical mobility, dynamic changes in mood, visual and intellectual sensitivity.

Currently, there is an increasing tendency to increase the workload of young people. The accelerating pace of life requires younger generation more and more strength, the ability to quickly decide and think.

In such conditions, a special place in the system of organizing leisure time for young people is occupied by recreational and health technologies, which contribute to the physical and spiritual rehabilitation of young people, contribute to the introduction to a healthy lifestyle, maximum development of initiative, human independence, stimulate social activity and create optimal conditions for creative self-expression of the individual.

The problem of organizing proper rest and health improvement for young people is the subject of study of many sciences - medicine, sociology, psychology, jurisprudence, pedagogy, social education, socio-cultural activities

Despite a significant number of publications on the problem of “recreation”, “recreational and health activities”, most researchers do not give a clear definition of this concept.

L.A. Akimova, when defining the term “recreation,” notes that this is a specific type of biological social and physical activity, accompanied by the experience of a recreational effect. Recreation as a phenomenon represents different priority areas: rest, leisure, free time, play.

Recreational and health-improving leisure promotes the physical and spiritual rehabilitation of youth, the maximum development of initiative, human independence, relieves physical, mental and intellectual stress, stimulating social activity and creating optimal conditions for creative self-expression of the individual.

Recreational and health activities are activities that have great potential for the manifestation of human activity, depending on age characteristics, interests, physical abilities and individual preferences and is focused on improving the culture of life and creating healthy image life.

Recreational and health technologies are the organization of recreational, gaming, entertainment, physical culture and health activities, a focus on improving lifestyle and improving the culture of life, relying on the active use of the latest achievements of biology, physiology, psychology, and medicine.

T.G. Kiseleva and Yu.D. Dyers classify recreational technologies into two groups. The first group is recreational technologies, which are focused on the transition to the creation of long-term “end-to-end” leisure programs that involve consistent participation of the population in entertainment, games, physical education, ritual-festive and other leisure activities. They include the use of bioenergy methods, rebirthing, shaping, musical healing, etc. in health work; implementation of specific opportunities of musical-meditative and theatrical-health programs, the use of conversational psychotherapy, bibliotherapy, psycho-gymnastics.

The second group consists of technologies for organizing recreation and entertainment. They include the following to this type of technology: the use of traditions of revived folk culture; restoration of old and emergence of new folk holidays, rites and rituals; enrichment of competitive, gaming, artistic and entertainment leisure programs; individual, group, family tourism.

Thus, recreational and health-improving types of leisure activities include: games, communication, sports, tourism, shows and other group and mass forms of recreation and entertainment.

The most favorable conditions for introducing the younger generation to a healthy lifestyle can be created in the system of social education and socio-cultural institutions that have a wide range of recreational and health services.

Today, the sphere of social recreational and health services, unfortunately, is clearly underestimated.

Consequently, in the modern socio-cultural situation, the organization of recreational and health-improving leisure activities for the younger generation appears as a socially conscious need. Society is interested in effective use free time of people - in general, socio-ecological development and spiritual renewal of all life.

But this is impossible without overcoming existing problems in the field of organizing recreation and recreation for young people. Among them are many problems of a socio-economic nature: the lack of socio-cultural and sports recreation and recreation facilities for teenagers and young people in rural areas, regions and cities; insufficient number of institutions that satisfy the needs of young people in organizing recreation; poor material and technical equipment of institutions that does not meet the level of needs of youth; the content of the work of social and leisure institutions is not always adequate to the social order of youth.

The problem of organizing recreational and health leisure for young people has recently received more and more attention. This is a special type of pedagogical activity of a worker in the socio-cultural sphere, the specificity of which is manifested in its dual nature. On the one hand, in order to organize recreation and entertainment in an interesting way, you need high level organizing an audience for which, with the help of theatrical methods, games, and the skillful use of all types of art, one can create the desired, imaginary world. At the same time, when organizing recreation and entertainment, it is necessary to create a real picture, since the direct involvement of people in action causes strong, varied emotions, conflicts, and a struggle of opinions.

IN modern conditions The organization of recreational and health activities provides special scope for imagination and invention, and involves a broad everyday search for original solutions.

Thus, recreational and health activities have great potential for the manifestation of human activity, depending on age characteristics, interests, physical abilities and individual preferences and are focused on improving the culture of life and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Recreational and health technologies are the organization of recreational, gaming, entertainment, physical culture and health activities, a focus on improving lifestyle and improving the culture of life, relying on the active use of the latest achievements of biology, physiology, psychology, and medicine.

List of sources used:

  1. Social and cultural activities: A short course of lectures to prepare for the state exam / E.I. Grigorieva, scientific. editor.- Tambov: 2007.- 276 p.

Akimova, L.A. Sociology of leisure: Proc. allowance / L.A. Akimova - M.: MGUKI, 2003. – 124 p.

Kiseleva T.G., Krasilnikov Yu.D. Social and cultural activities. Program. M., MGUKI, 2001, p. 103

Gerasimova G. N. Physical culture in the life of young people / G. N. Gerasimova // Soviet pedagogy.- 1990.- No. 3, pp. 24 – 29

Recreational and health-improving types of leisure activities include: games, communication, sports, tourism, shows and other group and mass forms of recreation and entertainment. An effective solution to the problem of the intelligent use of these diverse forms requires certain methods based on the laws of psychology, pedagogy and with the goal of restoring and developing the physical and spiritual powers of a person.

The methodology of recreational and health activities is one of the most complex and least developed due to the minimal controllability of this type of activity. The main methods used in organizing recreational and recreational activities include:

    method of involvement in one or another recreational and health activity;

    a method of replacing or displacing low-value activities with ones that promote a healthy lifestyle;

    the example method, the specificity and attractiveness of which is used in promoting a healthy lifestyle;

    method of organizing game action

TO universal methods The system of recreational and health activities includes a game and a method of programming communication. Psychologists and physiologists have proven that play, as a historically formed form of leisure, is useful for people of all ages. The game can act both as a form and as a method. As a method, play is a conscious, proactive activity aimed at restoring a person’s physical and mental strength. The recreation situation is achieved by taking into account the following factors:

    For play activity what is characteristic is not the product, but the process itself;

    the game is considered as a “mechanism for switching” from obligatory to optional tasks, serious to fun, from mental stress to physical, from cognition to entertainment, from passive relaxation to active;

    Intellectual, emotional, and physical release or stress occupy a large place in the game.

The communication programming method is used in organizing mass and group forms of recreational and health activities. It allows you to “switch” the event participant’s attitude from passive contemplation to active action. Communication in various forms of recreational and health activities involves the inclusion of all methods of its organization: entertainment-game, intellectual-game, ritual-symbolic, sports-game. Play and communication as methods are used in organizing any form of recreational and health activities.

The use of other methods in organizing recreational and health activities depends on the implementation of one or more functions: cognitive, hedonic, communicative, compensatory, entertaining, educational, etc.

Activities with a pronounced recreational content can be divided into three main groups: everyday recreation, weekly and holiday. Special attention should be given to daily rest. Forms of such recreation, organized in living rooms and recreation rooms in nature, include casual friendly conversation, conversations on topics that are expediently justified from a recreational point of view, collective viewing of television programs, etc.

Popular forms of weekly events in the system of recreation and entertainment are recreation evenings as a symbiosis of performance and mass action, theatrical gaming competitions etc. Festive events and preparation for them are of great importance in recreational and educational terms.

The methodology of recreational and health activities must be constantly improved and updated in accordance with the conditions and possibilities of its application. The use of methods, techniques and methods in organizing recreational and health activities should be aimed at solving the following specific tasks:

    relieving mental and physical fatigue, tiredness, restoring wasted human strength. Achieving physical relaxation of the body and emotional and mental release.

    Recreational and health activities should be associated with the hedonic functions of leisure. It should give a person pleasure, enjoyment and include elements of an entertaining nature.

    In the process of organizing recreational and health activities, developmental and educational tasks and promotion of a healthy lifestyle must be solved.

    Recreational and health-improving opportunities in the field of leisure are fully realized in the presence of a scientifically based methodology, strictly differentiated in accordance with the characteristics of different categories of the population.

(according to A.V. Turkin, A.A. Klechkovskaya)

The use of territories for recreational and health activities is closely related to their natural potential (assessment of natural conditions for organizing recreation, prevention of danger from natural processes, optimization of the choice of tourist sites, taking into account seasonality). When carrying out recreational activities, it is necessary to prepare appropriate material, technical, cultural and recreational bases (stationary and mobile housing, transport, infrastructure, specialists in psychological and pedagogical, sports and recreational and cultural and leisure activities), accounting social needs society, which consists in reducing morbidity, increasing the educational and cultural level of the population, increasing working age, reducing emotional stress his physical development. As noted above, recreational and health activities are carried out taking into account the characteristics of a certain territory.

Territorial recreational and health system– a set consisting of interconnected subsystems: natural and cultural complexes, engineering structures, service personnel, management bodies and vacationers. The subsystem “natural and cultural complexes” is the territorial basis for the formation of a territorial recreational and health system and acts as resources and conditions for satisfying recreational and health needs.

The “engineering structures” subsystem provides the normal life activities of vacationers and service personnel (accommodation, food, transportation services) and specific recreational needs (treatment services, excursions, cultural and leisure services, consumer services). The entire complex of recreational and service enterprises inevitably forms a recreational infrastructure, which is characterized by indicators of sustainability, capacity, comfort, operational readiness, diversity, and workload.

The functions of the “service personnel” subsystem are aimed at servicing vacationers, which are characterized by the number of personnel of specialized enterprises, the level of qualifications and professionalism of personnel serving tourists.

The governing body ensures optimal relationships between all subsystems, receiving information about the properties and capacity of the subsystem, and provides information, legislative, financial and logistical support for recreational activities.

The “vacationers” subsystem is central and determines the requirements for other elements of the territorial and recreational health system, depending on the national, age, socio-demographic, and regional characteristics of recreationists. It is characterized by the volume and structure of recreational needs, selectivity and geography of recreational demand, seasonality and diversity.

The economic potential of recreational activity refers to the fixed assets with the help of which direct production, sale and provision of goods and services to recreationists are carried out, as well as those additional means of labor that are not directly involved in the process, but serve to improve recreational conditions.

Common properties of natural complexes for recreation are health-improving properties (that is, psychophysiological comfort), diversity (potential information content, exoticism, uniqueness, variability).

For economic justification investments in the reproduction, protection and improvement of the use of recreational resources require a comprehensive assessment of natural recreational resources, which is closely related to the type of resource, its quality, location relative to areas of demand, technology of use, and environmental qualities.

The development of recreational activities in every historical period has always been associated with the socio-economic situation in the country. Changes in politics, economics and social sphere affected the current state and future development of the recreational and health sector in Russia. This refers to the needs and effective demand of the population, the types and forms of its organization and management. Sanatorium-resort holidays are increasingly becoming accessible only to the wealthy part of the population. For 8% of the population, recreation becomes not so much a means of reproducing physical and spiritual strength, but rather an object of prestigious consumption of expensive services. For the majority of the population, organized recreation in health resorts and tourist establishments is becoming increasingly inaccessible, because due to the general rise in the cost of living, the size and share of costs for recreational services are being reduced. According to expert estimates, for 30% of the Russian population, members of the least affluent group, vacation can only be organized at home or with relatives in the village. Residents of Russia began to vacation near their places of permanent residence. There is a clear trend towards seasonality of holidays, mainly summer. The requirements for the quality of recreational services have changed: comprehensive services on vouchers, including accommodation in multi-bed rooms, selected excursions, cultural and leisure events, etc., are not popular. In recent years, the popularity of recreation in garden plots and in the countryside has sharply increased. The demand for Russians to travel abroad has increased significantly. The flow is foreign tourists to Russia decreased by almost half due to interethnic conflicts, economic instability, and environmental problems.

IN last decade As a result of the collapse of the USSR, the geography of recreational areas changed. The number of popular seaside resorts for residents of Russia has sharply decreased, since a significant part of them ended up on the territory of the so-called near abroad and became practically inaccessible due to political or economic reasons. Many resort and mountain sports centers in the North Caucasus, which find themselves adjacent to hot spots, have also become inaccessible. For the same reasons, the number of tourist excursion trips has decreased, and they have practically stopped in the Transcaucasus and Central Asia.

I would also like to emphasize that recently the problems of using recreational potential have become more acute. There is a shortage of recreational reservoirs, the sustainability of natural forests is decreasing, landscapes are becoming polluted and littered, and recreational areas are being taken away. Recreational zones often become places of acute conflict between recreational and other forms of economic use of territories. Although it is obvious that the development of a recreational zone in a large agglomeration is unthinkable without protecting the natural environment and streamlining the territorial organization of all types of economic activity. An integrated organizational approach to solving emerging problems is needed, where linking the development of recreation with the main directions of development of the agglomeration comes to the fore.

Prospects for the development of the recreational and health sector will depend on the situation in Russia. In the coming years, apparently, trends in changes in recreational needs and demand in the structure of recreational institutions and the territorial organization of recreational and health activities will generally continue. As a result further growth prices for services will reduce the number of solvent vacationers who are in demand for traditional recreational facilities. Investments by the state and trade unions in the field of recreation will also be reduced. All this will reduce the number of vacationers and increase the number of people spending their free time and vacations at home or in their own second homes. The demand for recreational services will be sharply differentiated: a layer of vacationers will be formed, representing the sphere of private business and having large incomes; and a layer of the poor population - with minimal demand. Increasingly, the population will strive to relax in the summer, although not all vacation time will be devoted to recreation. The process of downsizing and repurposing recreational and health facilities will continue due to rising prices for fuel, building materials, and food. New recreational institutions, such as small rural hotels, tourist villages and recreational centers for family holidays, will also become widespread.

Key concepts and terms: recreational system, territorial recreational system, governing body, group of vacationers, technical systems, natural and cultural complexes, service personnel, agglomeration, hierarchical structure, territorial structure, recreational network, recreational infrastructure, material base of tourism, tourist infrastructure, attractiveness, attractiveness of recreational activities, sanatorium, sanatorium-preventorium, recreation center, holiday home, boarding house, tourist institutions.

Control questions

s Recreational system and its component subsystems.

s Give examples of hierarchical and territorial structures of recreational systems.

s Name the main components and properties of territorial recreational systems.

s Determination of territorial recreational systems (according to T.V. Nikolaenko and V.S. Preobrazhensky).

s Draw a schematic diagram of the basic model of the recreational system.

s What criteria are used to assess the effectiveness of the recreational system?

s How are recreational facilities classified?

s Identify the main global and Russian trends in the construction of recreational institutions and their complexes.

s How are areas assessed for further recreational use?

s What methods of recreational assessment of the territory exist? Briefly describe the content of one of these methods.

s Assessment of the recreational quality of the territory (according to A. S. Kuskov).

s Attractiveness as a fundamental characteristic of natural and cultural complexes and its role in the design of recreational facilities and systems.

s Give examples of health care institutions. Briefly describe the main ones.

s What features of the territorial organization of functional recreational networks can be identified?

s What are the criteria for the optimal placement of recreational infrastructure facilities?




Tourist environmental management can be defined as an area of ​​theory and practice related to search optimal modes use of natural resources for tourism purposes. At the same time, the functional model of tourist environmental management is concentrated around the natural complex (Appendix, Fig. 2.).

Natural complex is the central subsystem of the functional model of tourism environmental management. The state of the natural complex is measured by the following parameters, as area, capacity, load (person/ha) and is characterized specific properties– stability, attractiveness, reliability. Particular attention is paid to studying the load on the natural complex from vacationers and developing maximum permissible norms of recreational loads for various types of landscapes. It is equally important to take into account the level and nature of technological impacts during construction and during the operation of tourist institutions and routes, as well as the parameters of anthropogenic household loads on the natural complex from the local population.

This territorial system consists of the following subsystems:

· management of technological impact on the natural complex from the material base of tourism and recreational infrastructure;

· management of recreational impacts on the natural complex;

· management of household anthropogenic impacts on the natural complex;

· management of production impacts on natural complexes and recreational resources.

The issue of establishing territorial types of environmental management is being resolved 2 ways: a) through a typology of recreational lands, b) through the development of a system of functional zoning of territories.

Depending on the level of recreational specialization, 3 main types of recreational land use can be distinguished:

1) territories with high recreational intensity, where other land users are absent or are of secondary importance (parks, beaches and other public recreation areas);

2) territories with average recreational intensity, simultaneously fulfilling some environmental and production functions(suburban green spaces, erosion control forests);

3) territories with an insignificant share of recreation.

Stands out 4 main types of environmental management, and within their framework – a series functional zones :

1. Reserved nature management– available only to scientists for experiments and research, students for practice, and the general public only for short excursions.

· specially protected zone– a functional zone, within which conditions are provided for the conservation of natural complexes and objects, on the territory of which strictly regulated visits are allowed;

· protected areas– functional areas within which any economic activity and recreational use of the territory.

2.Recreational nature management based on a developed network of suburban suburban parks for long-term recreation and tourism, that is, it assumes moderate exploitation of natural complexes of natural origin. Here excursions are of great importance and the landscape remains an important factor. In this zone you are allowed to lie on the grass, fish, swim, and pick mushrooms and berries. There are tourist centers, holiday villages, a network of hiking trails and routes:

· sanitary protection zone (district)– a specially protected natural area with a regime of management, residence, and environmental management established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, ensuring the protection and preservation of natural healing complexes and health-improving areas with adjacent areas from pollution and premature depletion;

· recreational zone– a functional area intended for relaxation;

· personal territory zone– zones of specific individual behavior. In tourism, these zones include zonal spaces: intimate, personal, social, public;

· rest zone– a specially organized territory for receiving a large number of short-term visits (weekends), provided with transport connections with big city, water supply, sewerage, catering, recreation and entertainment establishments.

3.Rural nature management characterized by medium and high intensity of farming.

· zone of traditional extensive nature management– a functional zone allocated in areas inhabited by the indigenous population, where traditional economic activities, handicrafts and folk crafts, as well as related types of use of natural resources are allowed;

· economic zone– a functional zone within which economic activities necessary to ensure the functioning of the recreational area are carried out.

4.Urbanized environmental management– city parks and squares for everyday use;

· visitor service area– a functional area designed to accommodate overnight accommodations, tent camps and other tourist service facilities, cultural, consumer and information services for visitors;

· protection zone for cultural and community facilities– a functional zone within which conditions for the preservation of historical and cultural objects are provided;

· educational tourism zone– a functional area intended for organizing environmental education and familiarization with places of interest.

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