Personnel motivation types, stages, methods. Personnel motivation system: concept, development

The issue of employee motivation interests almost every businessman. The most successful of them are well aware that employees need to be encouraged and stimulated in every possible way. After all, it is not often that you meet people who are completely and completely satisfied with their position, which they most likely did not occupy by calling. However, any manager can make the work process comfortable for the team, so that each person performs their duties with pleasure. Ultimately, labor productivity, the development prospects of the company, etc. will depend on this.

Many companies conduct castings, they search with staff, organize psychological trainings, etc. And all this is just to increase the interest of their employees in the final result by any means.


The issue of increasing staff interest in the final result of their work is relevant not only in our country, but throughout the world. After all, successfully motivating employees is the key to the success of the entire company as a whole. What does this concept mean?

Motivating employees is an internal process occurring within the enterprise. Its goal is to encourage each team member to work towards the final result.

In addition, employee motivation is an indispensable component personnel policy any institution. Its role in the management system is very significant. With a well-organized process of increasing staff interest, such events can significantly increase the profitability of a business. If the system is incompetent, then all the efforts of even the best specialists will be nullified.

Employee motivation is a set of incentives that determine the behavior of a particular individual. That is, it is a certain set of actions on the part of the leader. At the same time, the goal of motivating employees is to improve their ability to work, as well as attract talented and qualified specialists and retain them in the company.

Each manager independently determines methods that encourage the team to be active and creative, which allow people to satisfy their own needs and at the same time fulfill the general task set for the enterprise. If an employee is motivated, he will certainly enjoy his work. He becomes attached to her with his soul, experiencing joy from completing the tasks assigned to him. It is impossible to achieve this by force. But at the same time, encouraging employees and recognizing their achievements is a very difficult process. It requires taking into account the quality and quantity of labor, as well as those circumstances that serve as a prerequisite for the emergence and development of behavioral motives. In this regard, it is extremely important for every manager to choose the right motivation system for his subordinates for his enterprise, applying a special approach to each of them.

Performed tasks

Developing employee motivation is necessary to unite the interests of each team member and the entire enterprise. In other words, the company needs quality work done, and the staff needs a decent salary. However, this is far from the only task that the motivation system faces. Its implementation allows:

  • attract and interest valuable specialists;
  • eliminate the turnover of qualified personnel;
  • identify best employees and reward them;
  • control payments to employees.

Many novice businessmen do not fully understand the importance of addressing motivation issues. Thoughtlessly approaching the creation of an incentive system at their enterprise, they try to achieve the goal by paying bonuses alone. However, such actions will not fully solve this problem, which will require a complete analysis and competent resolution. This can be done by first studying the theories of motivation created by famous people. Let's take a closer look at them.

Maslow's theory

  1. Physical. These needs are a person’s desire to satisfy the physiological needs for food and drink, rest, home, etc.
  2. Security needs. Each of us strives to gain confidence in the future. At the same time, people need to feel emotional and physical safety.
  3. Social needs. Every person wants to be part of society. To do this, he makes friends, family, etc.
  4. The need for respect and recognition. All people dream of being independent, having authority and a certain status.
  5. The need for self-expression. People always strive to conquer peaks, develop their “I” and realize their own capabilities.

Maslow compiled a list of needs according to their importance. So, the first point is the most important, and the last is the least significant. A manager who chooses this author’s theory to increase employee motivation does not have to do everything one hundred percent. However, it is important to at least try to address each of the above needs.

McGregor's X and Y Theory

  1. Using Theory X. In this case, the manager adheres to an authoritarian management regime. This should happen in cases where the team is extremely disorganized, and people simply hate their work, trying in every possible way to withdraw themselves from fulfilling their job responsibilities. That is why they need strict control from the manager. Only this will allow the work to get better. The boss is forced not only to constantly monitor the staff, but also to encourage them to conscientiously perform their assigned duties by developing and implementing a system of punishments.
  2. Using Theory "Y". This direction of employee motivation is fundamentally different from the previous one. It is based on the work of the team, performed with complete dedication. At the same time, all employees take a responsible approach to fulfilling the duties assigned to them, show interest in them and strive to develop. That is why such employees should be managed using a loyal approach to each person.

Herzberg's motivational-hygiene theory

It is based on the statement that doing work can bring satisfaction to a person or leave him dissatisfied for various reasons. A person will receive pleasure from solving the tasks assigned to him if the final result becomes an opportunity for his self-expression. The main motivation of employees is to develop specialists. And it directly depends on the prospects for their career growth, recognition of achievements and the emergence of a sense of responsibility.

What factors motivate employees that lead to their dissatisfaction? They are associated with shortcomings in the organizational process of the enterprise, with poor working conditions. Their list includes low wages, an unhealthy atmosphere in the team, etc.

McClelland's theory

  1. The need to control and influence other people. Some of these workers simply want to manage others. Others strive to solve group problems.
  2. The need to achieve success. Such people like to work independently. They have a need to complete a new task better than the previous one.
  3. The need to participate in a particular process. Employees in this category want respect and recognition. They prefer to work in specially organized groups.

The manager, based on the needs of each member of the team, must implement a system of employee motivation.

Process theory of stimulation

This direction is based on the statement that it is important for a person to achieve pleasure without experiencing pain. This is something the leader must take into account. According to this theory, he needs to reward his employees more often, using punishment as little as possible.

Vroom's expectancy theory

In this case, the peculiarity of employee motivation lies in accepting the fact that a person will perform his work to the highest quality only if he understands that the end result will satisfy his needs. This is the main incentive for people.

Adams theory

The meaning of this author’s statements boils down to the fact that the work of any person should have an appropriate reward. If underpaid, the employee will work worse, and if overpaid, all his actions will remain at the same level. That is why each of the work performed must be remunerated fairly.

Direct and indirect motivation

There are a large number of ways that can increase labor productivity by influencing a team of employees. Depending on the form used, motivation can be direct or indirect. In the first case, the employee understands perfectly well that the task he completes quickly and efficiently will be additionally rewarded.

Indirect motivation is the implementation of stimulating activities that allow a person to renew his interest in performing his duties and give him satisfaction after completing the task assigned to him. In this case, each member of the team has a heightened sense of responsibility, which makes control by management unnecessary.

In turn, direct motivation can be material (economic) and intangible. Let's look at these categories in more detail.

Material motivation

Sometimes company managers are convinced that the most effective incentive for any employee is the amount of wages he receives. But actually it is not. If we consider the human needs that Maslow described in his theory, it becomes clear that money can satisfy only the first two of them. That is why the system of employee motivation in an organization, which provides for increasing the interest of specialists with only a high salary, is ineffective. Yes, it provides an increase in people's productivity, but not for long. Usually this period lasts no more than 3-4 months. Afterwards, specialists feel dissatisfied with all other needs, which are at a higher level compared to physiological and safety issues.

What are the material ways to motivate employees? There are only three types, which include financial incentives for staff of various forms, as well as penalties for late or incorrectly completed tasks.

Methods for motivating employees include:

  • monetary rewards;
  • non-monetary rewards;
  • system of fines.

Monetary rewards are considered to be:

  • allowances and bonuses;
  • wage growth;
  • benefits and social insurance;
  • percentage of sales;
  • monetary rewards for overperformance;
  • large discounts on company products or services.

For example, monetary rewards awarded for exceeding a pre-compiled plan are an excellent motivation for sales employees.

In addition to this, a financial incentive is also the reward that is due for winning a particular competition. For example, an employee adequately represented the company at an industry competition in the region, country or world. At the same time, the specialist took a prize, for which the company’s management rewarded him with a large bonus.

Non-monetary rewards include the implementation of social corporate projects:

  • providing discounts or free use of the organization’s institutions (kindergartens, clinics, etc.);
  • the opportunity to relax with a voucher purchased by the company in sanatoriums, holiday homes or health camps(children of company employees);
  • provision of tickets for various cultural events;
  • advanced training or completing a training course at the expense of the organization;
  • provision of paid time off or extraordinary days off;
  • sending on business trips abroad;
  • good equipment of the work place.
  • material punishments for a specific team member, which occur in the event of his lateness, failure to complete a task and other administrative violations;
  • deprivation of bonuses to all employees for failure to fulfill the plan for a separate time period;
  • introduction of so-called penalty hours.

When applying punishment as one of the ways to motivate employees, the manager must remember that the main objective of such an event is to prevent certain actions that could cause harm to the enterprise in a certain way. The employee, realizing that if he fails to fulfill the planned plan, he will certainly be fined, he will begin to treat his work with greater responsibility.

However, it is worth keeping in mind that the punishment system is effective in cases where it is not revenge for an employee’s misconduct. Fines should be a measure of psychological impact on a person. One example of this type of employee motivation is a slogan that says that in order to feel comfortable, an employee must play by the company’s rules. Moreover, failure to comply with such rules should be punished in accordance with the level of the offense committed.

Will it be enough to simply intimidate people with fines? Will they then work as efficiently as possible? No! Such a system should be applied only if it is closely linked with bonuses, bonuses and incentives. It is important for a leader to find a middle ground in order to act fairly, rewarding for success and punishing for failures.

Non-material motivation

This method should also be used when stimulating company employees. It will allow them to come to work with a genuine desire to outperform competing firms in everything.

What is non-material motivation of employees? It is a set of effective forms and types of personnel incentives, which are:

  • praise for successes and their public recognition;
  • career prospects;
  • a comfortable atmosphere in the team and throughout the organization;
  • holding cultural events and corporate events;
  • congratulations to employees on dates that are significant to them (birthday, wedding, anniversary);
  • holding motivating meetings;
  • prize draws and professional competitions;
  • involving specialists in making strategic decisions.

Non-material motivation of employees is understood as Feedback in the form of a manager’s response to employee complaints, their wishes, etc.

Other types of incentives

What other measures can a manager take to increase labor productivity in an enterprise? To achieve this, there are methods of motivating employees such as:

  1. Social. The person realizes that he is part of the team and an integral element of the entire mechanism. This makes him afraid of letting his colleagues down. To prevent this, he does everything to complete the task assigned to him with the highest possible quality.
  2. Psychological. The head of the enterprise must help create a friendly atmosphere within the team. Good relations in the company lead to the fact that a person willingly goes to work and takes part in the production process. At the same time, he receives psychological satisfaction.
  3. Labor. This method of stimulation is aimed at self-realization of the employee.
  4. Career. In this case, a good motive is to move around career ladder.
  5. Gender. The employee’s motivation in this case lies in his ability to brag about his own successes and successes to others.
  6. Educational. When applying this method, the desire to work appears when a person desires to learn, develop and receive an education.

To obtain an effective result, the employee motivation system must be structured in such a way as to use all methods of stimulating personnel in a complex, which will allow the enterprise to receive a good, stable profit.

Motivation levels

Each person is undoubtedly individual. Thus, in a team there will always be careerists for whom climbing the career ladder is extremely important in life. Others prefer the absence of change and stability. This is what the manager should take into account when developing a system for motivating employees. That is, each of them will need to find its own approach.

Today, there are three levels of motivation for the activities of enterprise employees. It happens:

  1. Individual. With such motivation, decent wages for workers are provided. When calculating the amount of payments, it is necessary to take into account the skills and abilities inherent in the employee. The subordinate must understand that if he performs the tasks assigned to him efficiently and on time, he will definitely rise in the rankings. career ladder.
  2. Team. With such motivation, a team united by one thing works more effectively. In this case, each team member understands that the success of the entire group directly depends on the results of his work. During development team motivation It is important to understand that the atmosphere that exists within the team must certainly be friendly.
  3. Organizational. In this case, the enterprise team must be united into a system. At the same time, people need to realize that their team is a single mechanism. All work performed will directly depend on the actions of each employee. Maintaining a company at this level is one of the most difficult tasks for a manager.

Organization of a systematic approach to the motivation system

How to properly carry out activities aimed at increasing employee productivity? To do this, you need to remember that motivation is a system consisting of 5 successive stages. Let's take a closer look at them.

  1. At the first stage, problems existing in personnel motivation are identified. To do this, the manager will need to conduct an appropriate analysis. Obtaining the necessary data is possible using an anonymous survey, which will reveal the reasons for the dissatisfaction of subordinates.
  2. At the second stage, taking into account the data obtained during the analysis, the team is managed. At the same time, the manager needs to interact closely with subordinates. Given the research data, it will be necessary to implement methods that can bring more benefits to the enterprise. One example of motivating employees to at this stage is to change the workday routine if the majority of specialists do not agree with the one that currently exists.
  3. At the third stage, there is a direct influence on the behavior of employees. But when carrying out activities to develop a motivation system, the manager must accept criticism and provide timely rewards to employees. Besides, correct behavior the boss must demonstrate it on himself, thereby teaching his employees the same.
  4. The fourth stage is characterized by activities aimed at improving the existing motivation system at the enterprise. During this period, non-material ways to motivate employees are introduced. Employees must be convinced of the importance of increasing productivity. The manager will need to “ignite” each of his subordinates, finding for each of them individual approach.
  5. At the fifth stage, employees must receive a well-deserved reward for their work. To achieve this, each company develops its own system of incentives and bonuses. When the team understands that their efforts do not go unrewarded, they will begin to work even more productively and with better quality.

Examples and methods of motivation

There are quite a large number of methods to increase employee activity at work. However, before putting them into practice, the manager should consider which of the methods are suitable specifically for his company.

Among the most best methods motivations can be distinguished as follows:

  1. Salary. It is a powerful motivator, forcing the employee to perform the tasks assigned to him efficiently. If wages are low, they are unlikely to satisfy the employee, who most likely will not give 100%.
  2. Praise. Every employee who does their job conscientiously wants to hear words of approval. The manager needs to regularly analyze the performance of tasks by specialists, without skimping on praise. With this method, without spending a single penny, the boss can significantly increase staff productivity.
  3. Calling by name. In order to constantly maintain the authority of the director, he needs to know his employees by name. Calling a person by a name other than their last name shows respect. In this case, the subordinate realizes that he is a person valued by the leader.
  4. Additional rest. This method allows you to encourage people to do their work better and faster. For example, department employees who are not directly involved with clients can be motivated. The team member who shows the best result for the week can go home early on Friday. The use of this method creates excitement among subordinates and the desire of each of them to become a winner.
  5. Prospect for promotion. People must understand that if they do their work well and quickly, they will definitely climb the career ladder. Such a prospect can motivate no worse than material reward.
  6. An opportunity to be heard and express your opinion. It is important for every specialist to know that his opinion is taken into account and listened to.
  7. Rewarding. When any memorable date comes, it is advisable to give gifts to employees. Such a sign of attention could be an ordinary trinket on which an engraving will be applied. A person will remember such a memorable gift for a lifetime.
  8. Hall of Fame. Placing photographs on it is one of the intangible methods of motivation that significantly increases labor productivity. The organization places photographs of the best employees of its team on such a board. This makes it possible to create such a direction as production competition, which allows stimulating personnel to improve their work performance.
  9. Providing the opportunity to work from home. This method of motivation is only suitable for certain companies. In the case when an office employee has to do routine work, he can do it without leaving the walls of his home. The main condition for this is the high-quality implementation of the assigned task.
  10. Corporate events. Many businesses throw parties to celebrate major holidays. People present at such celebrations relax, their communication takes place in an informal atmosphere. Corporate events help employees take their minds off and also demonstrate that the company cares about its employees.
  11. Public expression of gratitude. The manager should praise the employee not only personally. It would be very good if this was done publicly. The implementation of such an idea is possible in various ways. For example, announcing the best employee through the media, on the radio or through a loudspeaker installed in the enterprise. Such praise will encourage other workers to work much better so that as many people as possible will know about their successes.
  12. Motivational board. This method is simple but very effective. The idea is implemented by placing a graph of the productivity of each participant in the production process on the demonstration board. In this way, sales employees can be motivated. Each member of the team will immediately see who works better, and he will have the desire to become a leader himself.
  13. Formation of a bank of ideas. It can be created in an organization in the form of an electronic mailbox. Everyone is given the opportunity to send their letter with proposals. Thanks to this approach, employees will certainly develop a sense of self-worth.

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From this article you will learn:

  • What is the role of motivation in enterprise management
  • What are the ways to motivate employees?
  • How to use material methods correctly
  • Why are non-material methods of motivation important?
  • What are some non-standard ways of motivation?

Any manager of a company that has a stable and efficient workforce knows that they need to praise and encourage their team. Previously, an effective way was to place photographs of those who distinguished themselves on the honor board and organize corporate events. To date, these methods are ineffective. In personnel management, the emphasis should be on motivating employees. Every company manager should know how to motivate staff. Their use is necessary for effective management of employees and maintaining a conflict-free microclimate in the team.

What role do methods of motivating personnel play in managing an organization?

Staff motivation is necessary to increase productivity. Any enterprise does everything possible to ensure that its employees work to the maximum. How to achieve this? What should be the conditions and remuneration, how to attract and interest an employee in work, how to encourage his activities, how to retain highly qualified specialists in the company for many years?

These and other issues can be solved by applying various methods of motivating staff in an organization.

Insufficient use of incentive methods can lead to a large number of negative consequences for the company, such as:

  • Failure to comply with labor discipline (lateness to work, absenteeism, participation in conflict situations, etc.).
  • Increased employee turnover.
  • Failure to comply with the quality and scope of work.
  • Violation of the rules of communication with customers.
  • Being at work while intoxicated.
  • Theft.
  • Conscious search for difficulties in work in order to evade one’s immediate responsibilities, etc.

What methods of motivating staff should be used to avoid the above problems?

Fundamental stimulation methods are divided into material and moral-psychological (intangible).

There is no single way to motivate staff that is suitable for any company and any workforce. Human resource management is a whole science that contains various methods for improving the quality of work of company employees. Based practical activities, we can conclude that the incentive system should be comprehensive, i.e. combine both personal and collective motivation. It should also include both material and moral and psychological methods of encouragement.

How to properly use material ways to motivate staff

Not everyone will do a job they love, but it’s low-paid. A person will still look where there is an opportunity to obtain material benefits, or will begin to look for additional income, which is unlikely to have a positive impact on the quality of the main activity. However, not every company employee is suitable for a material method of motivation. If a person does not want to work well, then even with an increase in salary he will not begin to fulfill his duties more conscientiously. Only those who not only know how, but also want to work can be financially stimulated, and also strives for a specific, better result. Knowing your employees, you must clearly argue who should be rewarded in material form and for what merits.

There are two groups of methods of material motivation:

1. Direct methods:

  • bonus payments;
  • penalties.

These methods have their own definite result, but only at the very beginning of a career in the company. I would like to emphasize that the penalty imposed on an employee should not have anything to do with his salary. That is, both bonus payments and penalties are additional funds that can be given to the employee in full, or can be withdrawn as a punishment.

2. Indirect methods:

  • social package;
  • nutrition;
  • service living space.

Of course, the above options are effective, because... they allow the employee to realize his desires. At the same time, there may be people in the team who really want to receive increased wages, but they are unable to work efficiently and effectively. It is for such employees that the personnel service has completely different means of incentives.

Material motivation can be divided into 2 more groups:

  1. Fines system. In order to organize the work process as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to use penalties. That is, if an employee performs his duties poorly, a penalty is imposed on him, which is an incentive to work better and at a higher quality.
  2. Reward system. This is a diametrically opposed way to motivate staff, i.e. Bonus payments are provided to those employees who perform well and achieve their goals. As a result, any employee strives to fulfill his duties in full, because... understands that this will be followed by appropriate encouragement.

Why is it important to use non-material ways to motivate staff?

To form a highly effective organizational culture of the company, for positive attitude The employer must use not only material methods of motivating the work of staff, but also moral and psychological ones. Let's look at the main incentive principles:

  • An employer can entrust an employee with the management of one of the company’s projects. Thus, he will show his recognition of his merits, which in the future can lead to career growth.
  • If a person is proud of his professional skills and abilities, then the manager needs to set new ones for him complex tasks, which will motivate him to improve himself and improve his skills.
  • When an employee hates monotony and routine, but readily takes on risky assignments, offer him various old and new projects or interest him in finding optimal solutions to get the company out of critical situations.
  • If a person constantly violates the external structural framework, while performing work in his own unique style, the boss should set tasks for him that allow him to work autonomously with minimal control from the company administration.
  • If an employee is looking for stability and security, the manager can invite him to engage in long-term projects.
  • If a person is so kind that he always helps people, determine his workplace where there is a lot of interaction with clients or where it is necessary to resolve conflict situations a team.

These methods of motivating staff in an organization will help increase productivity and become the key to successful business activities.

Non-material motivation has many types:

  1. Leader's Praise. This method is extremely effective . Praise from the manager, both privately and in front of the team, forces the employee to improve his work results and move only forward. Therefore, many companies still use honor boards, which can be both real and virtual.
  2. Career. Any employee of the company must be sure that if he works efficiently and fulfills the required production volumes, then he can be promoted, which means that he will grow professionally.
  3. Company image. It is considered prestigious to work in a well-known organization that has demand in the business niche it occupies. In this case, not only the image of the company in the market is important, but also the positive characteristics of the employer itself.
  4. Good atmosphere in the team. Warm, friendly relationships in the team lead to the fact that the staff performs better than in teams where there are many conflict situations.
  5. Training at company expense. When an enterprise offers its employees to undergo training paid for by the employer, this is also in a good way non-material incentives.
  6. Sports and cultural events. Corporate events such as sports tournaments, group trips to concerts, cinemas, theaters, trips to nature, and joint celebrations of important events and dates become good motivation for company personnel. They bring employees closer together, and relationships between colleagues become more friendly. However, the employer must make it clear to his team that the willingness to sponsor such a vacation is directly proportional to the quality of work performed over a certain period of time.

Non-material methods of motivation can be divided into individual And collective.

1. Individual:

  • empowerment of the employee so that he can feel the prospects for career growth;
  • recognition of a person’s professional merits;
  • individual work schedule (for example, for an employee with young children);
  • constant investment in a person through his training, which provides the opportunity for professional growth;
  • improving working conditions for a specific employee in order to increase the value of activities in the company for the employee himself.

2. Collective:

  • joint celebration of certain dates and events, helping the team feel like a family;
  • commonality of idea. The company's purpose must be clear to staff. Each employee must be aware of the contribution he makes to achieving the overall mission of the company;
  • joint trainings that lead to close interaction within the team;
  • Availability of information on conducting the company’s business activities. A person must feel involved in the work of the enterprise;
  • public recognition of the employee’s services to the team, expression of gratitude;
  • a transparent form of personnel management and interaction with employees.

Personal awards do not cancel collective ones and lead to warmer relationships, cohesion and increased team performance.

It just seems that moral and psychological methods of motivating staff are nothing compared to material ones. In fact, it is they that make it possible to stimulate employees every day, to give them a sense of the importance of the tasks they perform, in contrast to material ones, which encourage them to be active only when they receive their wages.

The head of the company has the right to independently determine the methods of motivating personnel that are most suitable directly for his business and team. Having picked up optimal options, you can achieve high labor productivity and maximum output from the company's employees.

Effective ways to motivate staff: 35 ways to increase productivity

  1. Salary. This is the fundamental way to motivate staff in an organization. Therefore, if initially the manager cannot provide the employee with a decent salary, then other incentive methods may not give the desired result. It is necessary to determine the level of income that will be comfortable for everyone a certain person. It is also extremely important to understand the distribution of the fixed and flexible part of the salary.
  2. Social Security. It is important for any employee to feel protected and cared for. Undoubtedly, rewarding company personnel is a cost. But the presence of social security is perceived by employees as a sign of the financial well-being of the company. A person who works in such a company is confident in the future; he trusts the administration not only with his well-being, but also with the well-being of his family. The possibility of an employer providing a social package is one of the main incentives for enterprise personnel.
  3. Track your motivation levels. The head of the organization is obliged to know the actual degree of motivation of his subordinates. Even if a company analyzes the level of employee job satisfaction, it does not include an assessment of the incentive system. To manage staff motivation, you need to learn how to measure it. The level of incentives of employees should be constantly assessed, which can be done by department heads.
  4. Recognize that subordinates may be motivated by something not directly related to their work. Energetic employees who have significant development and growth potential in personal life, as a rule, are also active people who play sports or are passionate about any hobby. But these individual interests should not compete with work. In order to increase motivation to work, take advantage of the employee’s willingness to achieve certain results in the area in which he is passionate. The leader must recognize that his subordinates are people with specific loyalties and interests. By finding out what motivates them, the boss can find an effective approach to motivating staff. Show interest in the hobbies and achievements of your employees, because... approval of what they do in their free time cannot but affect the tasks they perform. Support your subordinates, because the more successful they are in life, the more success they will achieve in their main activities.
  5. Ask your employees what they would like. All people are different, they have different goals, different desires, accordingly, it is necessary to find an individual approach to each person in order to help him grow professionally in the company. The manager can delegate to the employee certain powers to set goals and objectives in preparation general plan enterprise development. The alternative is to allow the employee to develop his own assignments and set individual guidelines.
  6. Ask employees about their performance. Try to ask more questions of your subordinates so that they can think about the work performed and the contribution made to the development of the company. For example: “How effective was the department? What are the results?”, “How many clients were you able to have telephone conversations with today?” Such questions increase the employee’s level of self-information. Having the necessary data promotes intrinsic motivation.
  7. Teach subordinates to measure the degree of success of the work done. If employees observe their activities, record successes and mistakes, then they can evaluate their work better than their manager can. How to do it? Any work can be measured. The head of the department creates an appropriate scale of labor productivity, and subordinates will independently evaluate themselves.
  8. Explain your reward system to your employees. Giving out rewards left and right cannot lead to motivational growth. Carefully study the bonus and reward program, explain its goals and objectives to the company’s employees. Must be given to the team necessary information about how the incentive program can affect their work experience in the company.
  9. Mutual assistance or competition. What do you think has a more positive effect on employee productivity – providing mutual assistance or introducing competition? There is no definite answer, but we believe that it is mutual assistance. If competition is used as a way to motivate staff, then employees will try to be as energetic as possible in order to overtake others. But there is also a downside, a negative side to this approach - such an employee will not support his colleague, will not share knowledge and skills with him, and may hide the necessary information. In a team where competition comes first, you will not find goodwill and cohesion. It is difficult to distinguish healthy competition from unhealthy competition. Mutual assistance and support always lead the team to good production results.
  10. Address the employee by name. It is very important that a manager knows his subordinates by name. In a company where large number Of course, it’s difficult to remember all the staff. Difficult, but possible! If you have difficulty remembering employee names, write them down in your diary. After all, any employee is pleased to hear such a personal appeal.
  11. Increase interaction. It often happens that, due to busyness, a manager rarely sees his subordinates . Create a schedule of joint events and meetings so that bosses have the opportunity to communicate with employees. You can organize the work of the office in such a way that subordinates encounter their immediate supervisors as often as possible. Remember, you cannot increase the motivation of an employee you cannot see.
  12. Personal praise. A person with an analytical mindset expects individual praise, because... It is extremely important for him to know and understand what personal contribution he made to the common cause and how the company’s management evaluates his activities. When the implementation of a specific project is entrusted to a specific department of the organization, but large share The work is done by an employee with analytical thinking, it is necessary to highlight him, and in the future he will work even harder.
  13. Written reward. It is important for a person who loves formalities to know that his activities are the key to the success of the company. Such employees like their incentives to be documented. For them higher value will have a framed paper thank you note than public praise among colleagues.
  14. Create an idea bank. Do you know what your employees are thinking? Many employees may have a lot of good ideas they need, but they feel that company management doesn't care about them. In reality, bosses want their employees to share their thoughts. If an employee starts to suggest something, do not interrupt him, listen, do not immediately reject the idea, do not deprive the person of faith in himself. You can create a special album, folder, file, etc., where you will enter the thoughts of your subordinates. This method will force the administration to listen to its employees.
  15. Possibility to work from home. 25% of managers provide their subordinates with the opportunity to work remotely or on a flexible schedule. Based on practice, the productivity of employees working outside the office increases by almost 15%. But not every person with a certain position can be given the opportunity to work from home.
  16. Payment for travel and mobile communications. It is no secret that employee expenses on transportation, food, and mobile communications sometimes reach quite large amounts. When these costs are borne by the employer, the person is pleased with such attention and care from the company.
  17. Motivate with knowledge. In order to be a highly qualified specialist, you must try to become the best in your profession. When a person is passionate about learning, in the future he will definitely develop, grow, and gain more and more new skills and knowledge. An employer can use training as a way to motivate staff. Don't know how to do this? Send employees who achieve better results and have success in their work lives to conferences and trainings. Additional training can become the very advantage over other employees, thanks to which a person will be able to grow up the career ladder. Invite the employee to independently choose a training course and give him the opportunity to complete it at the expense of the organization. Knowledge is a strong motivating factor. The money spent on training is nothing compared to the acquired skills and motivation of the employee.
  18. Reward subordinates less, but more often. In many organizations, it is customary to praise and reward only based on the results of half a year or a year. Such rare public incentives do not pass by the company's employees, but, as a rule, they do not have the desired effect on staff motivation. Smaller but more frequent rewards provide the greatest incentive. By setting up a reward plan for the year ahead, you can more regularly recognize outstanding employees. Company personnel will see a direct correlation between a job well done and praise from management. If the employer does not want to give up large rewards, then they can consider the option of having a series of small incentives precede them. In this way, you attract the attention of the team to a gradual increase in the quality of the work performed, and not to bonuses.
  19. Presentation of memorable gifts. This motivation is widespread in manufacturing companies. Employees are presented with valuable gifts, certificates, etc. For example, the head of the Industrial Power Machines enterprise, Andrei Medvedev, is convinced that this is one of the most effective ways staff motivation. The company prepares valuable gifts not only for its employee, but also for his family, which is sometimes an even stronger incentive for the employee.
  20. Reward individuals for the group's total contribution. It is extremely important to reward employees individually, even if they have worked together as a team on a project. Recognize team success, and then highlight the specialists who especially distinguished themselves in implementing the task. Personal motivation of staff can be increased in this way. How to achieve this? Hold a meeting once a week where managers different levels will provide information on the successes of distinguished employees. Such reports will help to display objective results for a certain period of time.
  21. Take an unconventional approach. Innovative employees will be happy with this option, because For them, the person’s personality is more important than his actions. For these workers, the best way to motivate will be a non-traditional approach to rewarding their work. For example, buy equipment for an employee that is not yet in the office - it will be much more expensive for him than a certificate or an additional bonus.
  22. Confidentiality. Every organization has employees who do not like public praise for themselves, but this does not mean that they do not need it. Such humble employees need individual, one-on-one encouragement.
  23. Use open dialogue. For emotional workers best motivation- openness of the leader. Such a person has a lot of ideas in his head that he is happy to share. Allow them to communicate with you without having to make an appointment with a receptionist or wait in a reception area.
  24. Use a flexible approach. Employees with a soft character can adapt to the team and the production process, but only if they do not conflict with their moral qualities. Such employees will be glad to receive a bonus, a certificate of honor, and verbal encouragement in the form of praise. .
  25. Encourage positive communication between subordinates. Good grades given for the performance of your colleagues are a very effective way to motivate staff. A manager who supports the team for giving each other positive characteristics on completed tasks increases not only the level of stimulation, but also the labor productivity of his subordinates. What will this look like in practice? The first thing that can be done is to instill in employees the habit of respecting the merits of their colleagues. Prepare an incentive plan that includes rewarding employees based on a survey of the entire company team. The level of motivation will increase significantly when employees learn to recognize and appreciate the work of their colleagues.
  26. Motivational board. Many company managers are not aware of this method of stimulating staff. As a rule, this is an ordinary marker board on which the sales figures of each department or employee are noted every day. Based on the dynamics of the data, the best results of both a certain division and a specific manager will be visible. Practice shows that this method of motivating staff is very effective. Even a week of using a motivation board will give good results. In any department there are employees with poor performance, hiding behind active managers. With the introduction of a motivation board, work turns into a game, into a competition where there is always a first and last participant. Such rivalry does not at all prevent employees from supporting each other, because The sales plan implemented by each manager gives an excellent team result.
  27. Examples successful people This is a great way to motivate staff. You can give inspiring examples to employees famous people who have achieved great success. So, John Rockefeller, born in a very poor family and who early became the head of his family due to his father’s recklessness, could not imagine that in his less than 40 years he would be the owner of 80 percent of the US oil business. He started as an ordinary office clerk. Telling such examples, you will notice how the employees’ eyes begin to burn, how they will be eager to fight to move mountains.
  28. Find out if your subordinate is suited for his job. No method of motivating staff will produce results if the employee does not like what he does. As a rule, managers focus not on people, but on the work they do. Sometimes, by changing the work parameters of employees, it is already possible to achieve an increase in the level of motivation. The goals set for employees must correspond to their qualifications. You can break the task down into a number of subtasks and spend more time and attention explaining them. If your goal is to increase staff motivation and productivity, then you need to make adjustments to the instructions given to subordinate employees.
  29. Ask questions that require a detailed answer. Very often, in questionnaires, questions of interest to management can be answered unambiguously: “yes/no,” but such results are necessary only for numerical research. A conversation where “yes/no” counting is used seems rude and soulless, and the desire to control the interlocutor is especially evident in it. Questions like these emphasize that the interviewer is not interested in the answers they receive. However, managers often use colloquial speech exactly these formulations. Remember that when talking with subordinates, it is better to ask questions that a person can only answer in detail. In this case, he will feel your interest and respect. Ask questions that begin with the words: “How?”, “Why?”, “What do you mean?”, “Could you tell me...” and so on. And be sure to listen carefully to your interlocutor’s answer.
  30. Look for people with intrinsic motivation. When hiring, a manager is interested in the competence of the applicant, and not in his attitude to the duties performed. The disposition to work determines the incentive, which has a significant impact on the employee’s ability to work efficiently, as well as on his desire to learn and develop. It's time to start selecting applicants who have a high level of personal motivation. It’s worth asking yourself a question: maybe, rather than stimulating a professional, it’s better to train an employee already charged for success? Hire those specialists who are previous places showed their love of life, optimism, motivation to work, desire to grow and develop. How to find out? The results of the interview with the applicant and recommendations from the previous employer will help you.
  31. Motivation by control. Many managers believe that control over everything and everyone is their primary right. In fact, control is a motivator. Give subordinates the right to make decisions independently in cases where direct supervision by the company administration is not required. Allow employees to change their work environment as long as it does not harm the company's image and safety. For example, staff were allowed to work with headphones on, listening to music of their choice. Most organizations allow employees to decorate their workspace. Give a person more independence and thereby you can increase his motivation.
  32. Motivation through fun. If you look at the interiors of the offices of well-known large companies on the Internet, you will notice that they are equipped in such a way that employees are happy to come to work and go home with regret. The premises are decorated in such a way that you can not only work in them as comfortably as possible, but also relax. Every little detail has been thought out: recreation areas, entertainment areas, play areas and so on. The administration did everything possible to ensure that the employee’s 8-hour working day was as efficient as possible. Having worked actively, you can always go to the relaxation area and change the environment from an office environment to a more homely one.
  33. Payment for a fitness club subscription. A very effective way to motivate staff in an organization is to compensate an employee for sports or any hobby. If employees lead a healthy lifestyle and play sports, then they are more able to achieve their goals. Most often, the administration pays for its employees to visit a fitness club. But not everyone likes sports. Perhaps someone wants to draw, someone plays a musical instrument, so it’s worth approaching the employees’ hobbies individually.
  34. Make assignments clearer. If you give a specific assignment to your subordinate, make sure that he understands it. Studies have shown that clearly defined goals influence the motivation of sales employees more than the size of bonuses or their experience. Help each person see the personal contribution they make to the overall cause of the company, give people confidence that their work is noticed and appreciated by you.
  35. Career prospects. According to employees, this method of motivating staff is especially effective. The prospect of development in the company always attracts and inspires employees. When an employee understands that he has excellent chances to grow professionally, gain new knowledge and skills, and achieve his goals, his motivation increases, which undoubtedly benefits the enterprise. Many organizations independently develop top managers from lower-level employees, which has a beneficial effect on the successful development of the company.

The most important tool for increasing the efficiency of the company, achieving specified goals and objectives. The coincidence of the employee’s personal goals and the tasks facing the organization provides the most significant economic effect for both parties.

Typically, the task of developing a system for motivating personnel is dealt with by the HR department, which not only selects appropriate methods of motivating personnel, but also carefully calculates the financial side of the issue: how much will it cost to motivate personnel in the organization to perform current tasks?

According to classical definition, labor motivation is an incentive to action. Those. the employing company seeks to manage a person’s behavior and set the direction of his actions to achieve its own goals. At the same time, labor motivation at the enterprise increases employee engagement and increases his interest in the success of the common cause. To increase the effectiveness of employee motivation methods, it should be implemented systems approach, including different forms and types of staff motivation.

There are several ways to divide staff motivation into types, the first and most global being external and internal. External motivation of employees in an organization is an administrative influence that is exerted by a manager to encourage an employee to do quality work (order, threat of a fine, reward with a bonus).

Intrinsic motivation of employees refers to the category of a person’s psychological state when the employee himself has personal qualities allowing him to work effectively without administrative influence. The internal form of staff motivation can and should be developed. This requires significant effort, experience and deep knowledge in the field of personnel management theory from the manager.

To obtain sustainable internal motivation of enterprise employees, it is often necessary to use whole complexes various types motivation, starting with simple verbal praise, ending with an offer of career growth for the successful implementation of the project.

Typical work activity- this is a close interaction between internal and external motivation of work, allowing to obtain maximum economic effect.

What other types of staff motivation exist? Experts distinguish two main types of personnel incentives in management theory: material and intangible.

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Material types of staff motivation

In many companies and organizations, managers from the lower to the top level place the material motivation of employees as the basis for stimulating subordinate personnel. Managers who have special education in the field of personnel management, they know that financially motivating employees to work or rewarding them with money (salary) does not bring the necessary improvement, especially in the long term. But this type of staff incentives is the most common.

At lower levels, team leaders reward good workers with higher salaries and bonuses. If you work harder and better, you get more. The salaries of top managers are often directly dependent on the results of their work. For example, often when hiring top-level managers, a direct dependence of bonuses and bonuses on the level of profit received by the company or organization they manage is stipulated.

Modern management has several different methods of motivating employees at its disposal, including:

  1. Salary. Increasing earnings perfectly motivates employees: news of a salary increase is always received with enthusiasm. But the effectiveness of this type of staff motivation is far from 100%: an employee who no longer wants to work in a given position due to monotony and lack of development is unlikely to agree to continue working if his salary is raised. Salary increases work great when used across an entire enterprise, service team, or department.
  2. Awards. Rewards for achieving set goals are a strong motivator. This HR tool is most actively used in the sales area. A bonus for fulfilling a plan often makes up a significant part of earnings and morally stimulates staff to be active and take initiative.
  3. A percentage of a company's sales or performance. Most shining example- the same area of ​​sales where employees' earnings are often offered as a sum of the rate and a percentage of sales for the month, and sometimes even calculated only as a percentage without a base salary. So the percentage of sales becomes an effective motivation for sales personnel with minimal financial costs.

TO material types motivation includes monetary fines if an employee violates pre-agreed conditions: being late for work, failure to fulfill the plan, all kinds of administrative violations. The fine system is most often used in enterprises specializing in the production of products and associated with hazardous production, where discipline and order are important factors for normal operation. Penalties are applied in a single system with bonus payments, forming effective system motivation.

This category of personnel motivation and incentive system also includes indirect material motivation, which includes incentives for employees in the form of vouchers, tickets to cultural events, tuition fees, paid time off, etc.

Types of non-material motivation of personnel

Material methods of stimulating staff work are not only quite costly for the enterprise, but also sometimes turn out to be ineffective. Monetary incentives may not be enough to motivate employees to give 100%. In this case, tangible tools should be combined with intangible types of effective motivation for staff, which include:

  • career advancement opportunities;
  • recognition of employee successes, public expression of gratitude;
  • creating a friendly, welcoming atmosphere in the team;
  • improving working conditions for employees (opening canteens, gyms, organization of corporate lunches);
  • involving employees in meetings;
  • congratulations on significant dates;
  • professional competitions;
  • corporate events;
  • the opportunity to participate in important decisions.

Modern management of innovative companies sometimes practices such methods of staff motivation and stimulation as corporate quests, various competitions, rating tables, which stimulate the activity of specialists and professional growth. Employees develop a healthy passion and desire to stand out in the team. The winners of such gaming events receive valuable prizes or monetary rewards.

Types of personnel motivation at the enterprise

At enterprises, labor motivation and labor stimulation can be implemented in the form of a well-functioning system or within the competence of immediate supervisors - middle managers. In any of these cases, the types of staff motivation described above can be applied.

  1. Direct monetary motivation, paid in the form of a bonus for exceeding the plan, a percentage of sales, a bonus for working without violations or achieving certain indicators.
  2. Indirect monetary motivation, which is often included in the social package. This includes additional medical insurance, training or internship at the expense of the company, a flexible schedule, payment for travel or provision of company transport, work clothes, payment for mobile communications, Internet, and additional leave.
  3. Moral motivation. It can be expressed in the form of written gratitude, verbal praise, presentation of a certificate for the best employee, provision of additional time off, organization of an honor board.

The formation of a staff motivation mechanism that will be used at the enterprise largely depends on financial capabilities. Profitable company without financial problems, he often relies on material incentives, corporate events, and a powerful social package.

Small companies or organizations try to rely on moral motivation and stimulation of staff (intangible), and offer inexpensive indirect monetary options. Most often this is due to the inability to motivate employees with large bonuses.

All types of personnel motivation used at the enterprise must demonstrate an acceptable ratio of remuneration and results obtained. HR professionals should also constantly monitor employee satisfaction levels. This indicator is the most objective assessment of the value of the offered rewards. High performance is the reason high degree satisfaction, because employees not only receive decent pay for their work, but also feel in demand and fulfilled.

Main types of personnel motivation systems in an organization

The system of motivation and incentives for personnel in an organization is based on the types of motivation that are used to encourage employees to complete assigned tasks. The system includes material and non-material types of personnel motivation. At the same time, monetary rewards are clearly stated in the terms of the collective agreement or contract, and non-material types of motivation are used by managers based on their management style, the characteristics of the team and the current situation.

In foreign practice, specialists are faced with the use of various motivation theories based on the dominance of a certain group of factors in labor relations and on the performance of employees. The most prominent place here is occupied by the theory of needs, when their basic satisfaction entails the need to achieve a new level. Also, the choice of types of incentives for the organization’s personnel can be based on the theory of labor enrichment, fair remuneration, and expectation of results.

Such theories represent human work behavior from the point of view of various psychological or physiological concepts.

The use of an employee motivation system in an enterprise is the basis of result-oriented management. The transition to it, with a competent approach, is accompanied by a noticeable increase in labor productivity. This confirms one of the basic truths on which economics is based: the personal contribution of each employee in an organization plays a critical role in the success of the entire enterprise. In other words, proper motivation is the basis for the effectiveness of all categories of personnel.

Another system of staff motivation is based on status (it is called motivation by rank). This strategy is based on integral assessments of employee success. It includes data on the level of qualifications of personnel, the quality of their work, and their attitude towards their duties.

The indicators used make it possible to find out the main types of motivation to work, which will have the greatest effect when used in a specific team or for an individual employee. The choice of personnel incentive strategy is determined by the current management style in the company, the accepted corporate culture, and national traditions.

What is personnel motivation in a company? Who is responsible in the company for motivating employees? And in general, what is motivation? modern business? These and other questions periodically arise for modern managers. What will be the answers to them?

As the owner of a large industrial holding figuratively remarked when discussing a consulting project: “Make me a motivation system for staff so that my motivated employees run along the corridor, enthusiastically completing the task, and I would only have time to dodge.” This is truly the dream of any manager - when employees do not need to be constantly pushed, they work independently, enthusiastically, with a spark. How real is this picture? By the way, with such a remark, the consultants immediately asked the owner: “How do you want people to run along the corridor: quickly or efficiently?” By the way, these are different tasks.

First of all, you need to decide what motivation is? There are many definitions of this concept; it is often also replaced by the concept of “stimulation”. In Russian and Soviet literature, the concepts of stimulation and motivation have always been separated. In the first case we talked about the motivation of work behavior, in the second - about motivation in general. In Western literature such a division does not exist, in Western sources in labor behavior or in ordinary life always have only motivation in mind.

Motivation- a set of processes that encourage, direct and support human behavior towards achieving a specific goal.

"The essence motivation is to give people what they most want to get out of work. The more you can satisfy their desires, the more likely you are to get what you need: productivity, quality, service," writes Twyla Dell. (From the book "Honest working days" - Twyla Dell, "Honest Days Work", 1988.)

Of course, there are various motivation factors that determine what is most valuable and important to a person. As a rule, this is not one factor, but several, and together they make up a map or set of motivational factors. Motivation factors are divided into external and internal.

Internal motivation factors:

  • Dream, self-realization
  • Ideas, creativity
  • Self-affirmation
  • Conviction
  • Curiosity
  • Health
  • Need someone
  • Personal growth
  • Need for communication

External motivation factors:

  • Money
  • Career
  • Status
  • Prestigious things
  • Aesthetics of everyday life
  • The ability to travel

In addition, the motives of human behavior also differ in nature: they can be positive (acquire, save) or negative (get rid of, avoid). Thus, a positive external motive for behavior is the bonus that a person can receive for Good work, and negative - punishment for failure to comply; a positive internal motive is the fascination of the activity in which he is engaged, and a negative one is its routine nature, as a result of which a person, on the contrary, seeks to get rid of the activity.

Studies, for example, show that, provided they have sufficient wealth, 20% of people do not want to work under any circumstances; of the remaining 36% will work if interesting work; 36% - to avoid boredom and loneliness; 14% - for fear of “losing yourself”; 9% - because work brings joy. Only about 12% of people have money as their main motive for activity, while up to 45% prefer fame to it; 35% - satisfaction with the content of the work.

Thus, knowledge of employee motivation factors is fundamental for a manager, since it is the ratio of internal and external motivation factors that is the basis for coordinating the interests of the employee and the company and developing a motivation system for him. You can identify a set of motivational factors for an employee different ways. This could be an interview of the candidate, testing, or questioning. The choice of a specific tool always depends on the situation in the company, on the planned results, on the skills of the manager and/or HR specialist.

However, quite often there is a need to identify motivation factors for existing employees. This is especially important for management personnel and the personnel reserve. On one of the projects that our company implemented, the Customer set one of the tasks to identify the motivation of store directors and create a management team. The most effective in this case was a combination of testing and then a projective interview. Products of the English company TTI Ltd were used as testing tools, which, in a short period of testing time, make it possible to obtain a fairly complete report, including not only the employee’s motivation card, but also to identify the features of his management style, the features of his communication skills, managerial potential, etc. d. Then, based on the testing data, an interview was conducted, which made it possible to verify some of the test results and build a more complete picture.

Based on testing and interview data, it became possible to:

  • distribute management personnel into categories
  • build a motivation system for management personnel
  • determine the zone of proximal development of each employee, i.e. create an individual training program
  • create the prerequisites for building a management team
  • form a personnel reserve
  • prepare recommendations for the Customer for each employee, his efficient work in company

As a result, the Customer had the opportunity to create tools for the development and retention of management personnel in the company, in accordance with the aspirations of each manager to use someone when implementing new projects, someone to maintain standards on old projects.

So after motivational factors identified in various ways, it is necessary to understand what tools can be used to motivate an employee, how much will it cost the company and how to calculate the effectiveness of the system as a whole?

First of all, the main motivators for an employee may be:

  • Wage
  • Contents of work
  • Labor intensity
  • Protection of employee labor rights
  • Order at the enterprise
  • Management's attitude towards employees
  • Relationships in the team
  • Opportunity for advanced training

Those. These are exactly the tools that can be used in a company. On the other hand, from the company’s perspective, all possible motivation tools can be divided into two large groups: These are tangible and intangible motivators.

TO material motivation tools include (they are also called financial types of motivation):

  • Wage
  • Bonus (premium)
  • Compensation (social) package

Intangible (or non-financial) instruments much more. Here the options can be very different. For example:

  • Transferable title for a limited period
  • Certificate of honor, insignia
  • Placing a photo on the Honor Board
  • Rewarding with theater tickets (with family)
  • Personalized stationery (paper, folders, files, etc.)
  • Photo of the representative in the campaign booklet
  • Fare payment
  • Payment for a subscription to a sports club
  • New business supplies
  • Free meals for a week at a restaurant
  • Personalized watch (price varies)
  • Opportunity to test yourself as a leader during the day
  • Joint collective activities (sports and recreation)

For employees whose main motivators are recognition, career, status, self-affirmation, the manager has several more options for intangible tools:

  • Participation in decision making
  • Delegation of authority
  • Participation in a new company project
  • Transfer of an important (key) client

Each company uses those already described or comes up with its own options. It all depends on corporate culture company, its strategic objectives and goals. But, when combining certain motivation tools when building a common system, it is necessary to remember that intangible tools can only be used when employees are satisfied from a material point of view. Those. when their material expectations are satisfied, what does this have to do with we're talking about not only about wages, but also about the full content of the compensation package. Quite often, companies simply forget that in addition to wages and bonuses, employees are provided, for example, with free lunches, travel expenses, additional vacation days, and sick leave pay. larger volume than is provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This is also the entire financial component of the compensation package. You should not immediately increase your salary; you need to calculate all the components of the compensation package, and then it becomes clear that it is possible that your compensation package is not lower, and sometimes even higher than the market average.

The company's compensation system is also closely related to the motivation system. In essence, the compensation system is a reflection of both the company’s development strategy and the direction of employee motivation.

The company's motivation and compensation system is completely individual, and simply copying competitors practically does not lead to success. This is especially true for the company's top managers. Look, as a rule, top managers are motivated, i.e. encourages effective and responsible work:

  • Direct dependence of earnings on results
  • Transparency and controllability
  • Top manager status
  • Clear contract
  • System of requirements and tasks at the strategic planning stage

The main problem in motivating top managers is not even material factors. As a rule, everything is more or less consistent with the compensation system here; everyone knows what competitors offer and tries not to deviate from the general list, so to speak. If you analyze the list of motivators, you will see that the main thing that may be of interest to a top manager is his positioning within the company, the quality of the tasks being solved, and the relationship between power and resources and his responsibility.

Unfortunately, it is the latter that is most difficult to implement. It is here, when coordinating the interests of the top manager and owner, that the conflict of interests begins. This is due to the fact that, on the one hand, we do not have a full legislative framework for such a transfer of responsibility and authority, on the other hand, there is a mutual fear of both the owner and the top manager, which appears like this: “What if he cheats me (sets me up) , will take away my business...). The question “How can I trust him?” arises constantly in all consulting projects where such problems have to be solved.

The way out of this situation, in my opinion, is a very complete, detailed additional agreement to the employment contract, where all motivational programs, training opportunities, delegated tasks (along with resources and responsibilities), etc. are stipulated in advance.

And often the presence of just such an agreement, with clearly defined rights and obligations of the parties, with clearly formulated tasks outlined in stages, and correspondingly prescribed remuneration, is the reason why a top manager agrees to join the company even for less compensation (compared to competitors) plastic bag.

What else can you offer employees:

  • Brand
  • Product
  • Remuneration for work
  • Good team
  • Training opportunity
  • Career

So, employee motivation is an important resource for a company that allows it to move forward and achieve its goals. There are financial and non-financial motivation tools, the combination of which the company uses purely individually. And it is also necessary to remember that the basis is always a balance between the interests of the employee and the interests of the company.

  • 1 Staff motivation – what is it?
  • 2 Types of staff motivation
    • 2.1 According to needs
    • 2.2 By methods used
    • 2.3 According to the sources of motives
    • 2.4 By methods of stimulating personnel
  • 3 Features of motivation different types employees
    • 3.1 Toolkit
    • 3.2 Professional
    • 3.3 Patriot
    • 3.4 Host
    • 3.5 Lumpen
  • 4 How to motivate employees?
    • 4.1 Communication of plans to increase motivation
    • 4.2 Detailed study of the organization’s staff
    • 4.3 Analysis of the staff motivation system
    • 4.4 Conducting a survey among employees
    • 4.5 Implementation of a motivation system and notification of employees
  • 5 Non-standard methods of increasing motivation
    • 5.1 Arrangement of a place to relax in the office
    • 5.2 Prize for a good relationship with colleagues
    • 5.3 Bonuses for holidays used for recreation
    • 5.4 Encouraging marriages between company employees
  • 6 Is it worth contacting various organizations for motivational services?

For every company manager, the issues of increasing profits and optimizing working conditions for personnel are the most pressing. These concepts are inextricably linked, because the well-being of the organization as a whole depends on the quality of work of each employee.

There are many ways to increase labor efficiency, among which staff motivation takes a leading place. It is aimed at stimulating company employees to work, developing personal growth and professionalism of each employee.

Staff motivation – what is it?

What is staff motivation in an organization? In essence, this is a set of measures designed to influence the self-awareness of company employees in order to encourage them to perform their work effectively and conscientiously perform their official duties.

The personnel policy of any enterprise cannot do without motivating its employees. Competent personnel management inevitably leads to an increase in income and contributes to the growth of professionalism of each person.

Let's imagine that the head of the organization does not show interest in the activities of employees, but at the same time demands that they fulfill their duties in full. As a rule, such companies provide a system of fines and other types of punishment for employees who make mistakes.

If a person is not motivated to work for results, he will do the work under duress. As a result, such employees simply serve their time at the enterprise in order to receive wages, without showing any desire to show results.

If management puts the motivation of its employees at the forefront of the company's management processes, then the team becomes united, and everyone brings some benefit. In addition, employees clearly understand their importance in the organization, they have the necessary conditions for personal growth and professional development, and they also receive moral satisfaction from their employment.

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In a modern enterprise, the personnel motivation system is designed to solve the most important tasks necessary to increase labor productivity. These include:

  • stimulating labor efficiency of employees;
  • creating comfortable conditions for retaining highly qualified specialists;
  • increasing income from the activities of the enterprise;
  • creating a team of professionals;
  • attracting new people.

In order for the organization to develop steadily, the manager must create such working conditions for high-level specialists that will keep them on staff so that they do not go to competitors. Experience, as we know, is crucial; in addition, replacing a professional at an enterprise with one of the employees will require investing a considerable amount of money in training.

Attracting new forces to a team of professionals is one of the important tasks of any manager, and it will take a lot of effort to ensure that highly qualified personnel want to work in the company. To do this, it is necessary to offer applicants unique and effective methods of motivation, which will be fundamentally different from similar methods applied to personnel in competing companies.

Important: Any methods of motivating staff are aimed at fulfilling the main task of any company - increasing profits. This is facilitated by the exceptionally coordinated work of all team members.

Types of staff motivation

Let's consider the types of employee motivation.

According to needs

This type of motivation is based on the needs of the company’s personnel, and it can be material or intangible. In the first case, the management of the organization arouses the interest of employees with incentives, which are expressed in the payment of bonuses, salary increases, the accrual of all kinds of bonuses, etc.

This should also include non-monetary types of incentives in the form of payment for travel packages, trips to sanatorium treatment, and the issuance of certificates for receiving gifts. Non-material types of staff motivation can be status or labor.

The status look is also considered a psychological motivation, since a person is drawn to career and personal growth and wants to do responsible and more complex work. In addition, most enterprise employees strive for recognition of their professional qualities and increasing social status.

Work motivation of personnel is aimed at people's interest directly in the work itself. To achieve this, the company’s management creates the necessary working conditions, optimizes the daily schedule, provides the opportunity to arrange time off for employees if necessary, and manage their own working time.

By methods used

In their work, the management of the organization can apply the motivation of workers according to the methods used. These include the following ways to interest a person:

  • stimulating;
  • normative;
  • forced.

The first option creates the necessary conditions for staff through certain incentives aimed at inducing a person to perform the desired actions. Normative methods of motivating employees are associated with influencing consciousness through certain psychological techniques. This allows, through information or persuasion, to induce employees to perform certain actions of their own free will. As for the coercive method, the company's management can influence the consciousness of employees with its own power (authority) if someone does not fulfill the duties assigned to him. In contrast to the method of stimulating personnel, compulsory and normative types of motivation allow you to directly influence the consciousness of employees.

According to the sources of motives

Methods of motivating personnel of this type are external and internal, and they have a certain relationship. Extrinsic motivation helps motivate employees to perform certain actions with the help of external factors. For example, management can increase staff salaries, add some changes to the rules of human behavior in the workplace, and promote workers up the career ladder for a diligent attitude to work and strict fulfillment of assigned tasks.

Intrinsic motivation is directly related to the needs of each individual employee. It appears in cases where a person has an internal desire to improve the quality of the work performed, as well as his professional duties.

Important: despite the fact that high-quality personnel management is based on the principles of external motivation of employees, its maximum effectiveness can be achieved only if each of them has an internal motive. In turn, a person’s interest in performing a number of actions (improving the quality of work, realizing oneself as a professional in an enterprise, impeccably performing official duties, etc.) is influenced by both external and internal factors.

By methods of personnel incentives

You can stimulate company staff using positive and negative motivation. In the first case, management manages to interest employees in improving the quality of work using a system of incentives, and they can be both material and intangible. In every special case The possibility of increasing the salary supplement, the amount of bonus accruals, payment for employee training, social package, insurance, etc. is being considered. The use of intangible methods allows you to increase the status of an employee, entrust him with performing more complex projects in production, etc.

If an employee fails to fulfill his direct duties, the organization’s management may resort to methods of negative motivation. Financial penalties in the form of fines, as well as psychological impact, are applied to a negligent specialist. For example, a person may be transferred to unskilled labor or a position with a lower salary. This should also include reprimands and warnings, which may appear in each employee’s personal file.

Features of motivation of different types of employees

Depending on how a person feels about his work, it is customary to distinguish between certain categories of employees. In order to most effectively select a motivation method for a specific person, the head of the organization, as well as HR managers, need to know what types of personalities exist. To do this, it is enough to take a close look at people and analyze the behavior of each person.


Employees in this category represent a certain type of people who consider the size of their salary to be the main thing in their work. As a rule, such workers do not take an active part in the life of the company, and also do not attach significance to the events taking place in the team.

Despite this, such specialists can have quite good relationships with their colleagues, and they often enjoy the respect of their colleagues. Employees of the “toolkit” type do not value the moral and ethical values ​​of the company, moreover, if a more lucrative job offer is received from a competing company, they will not hesitate to write a letter of resignation and will not regret it.

In most cases, “toolmen” take their official duties responsibly and are highly qualified specialists. Managers of enterprises that employ such personnel will be interested in learning how to interest them in working for the benefit of the company. The answer is quite simple – of course, money.

Instrumentation employees will work with high efficiency if their salary is significantly increased, bonuses and all kinds of bonuses are paid. Please note that such people normally respond to healthy criticism about mistakes in their work, and therefore react adequately to penalties if they were received through their fault.


From the name itself, it is clear that professionals see work as a means of self-expression, and besides, it should bring them great pleasure. Highly qualified personnel are happy to solve the most complex production problems. In addition, professionals love to work with innovations, new equipment and unknown technologies. Often, their interest in the project allows them to complete large amounts of work in a short time.

The main motive of a professional employee is passion for the work performed and his own importance in the team. For this reason, the level of income for such people fades into the background. How to increase the motivation of professionals in an enterprise? As practice shows, you can interest them by elevating them to the rank of generally recognized experts in a certain field. To do this, it is necessary to constantly consult with such an employee, emphasize his contribution to the development of the organization, and also, at every opportunity, highlight the professional qualities of this person in the team.


Patriotic employees practically live their work, and they also feel like a significant and integral part of the organization. Such people do not separate their own success from the success of the company in which they work. The most important thing for such personnel is to know that their contribution to the development of the enterprise is significant.

Patriots often enjoy authority among their colleagues and are recognized leaders (experts) in a certain field. To motivate such individuals, the company management needs to equally offer them some material reward, as well as in every possible way emphasize the importance (literally indispensability) of a certain specialist.


Independence is the main thing for employees belonging to the “master” type, even though people work in hired jobs. It should be borne in mind that such a contingent does not accept any type of control over their activities.

In addition, the “owners” carry out their official duties very scrupulously, are highly qualified specialists, and often take responsibility for what is happening in the team, especially when it comes to making risky decisions.

As a rule, monetary incentives and salary come in the background for such people. The main motive of the “owner” will be full recognition of his authority, professional qualities, as well as the ability to independently make important decisions.


In the literal sense of the word, lumpen employees are “amoebas” in production. This contingent may make up the majority of employees, especially when it comes to large manufacturing companies. Lumpens are inactive, lack initiative, and are not interested in career, they do not strive to develop in the company as professionals and pursue the only goal - to minimize their own efforts in their place and wait for the end of the working day as soon as possible.

What motivation of employees in the organization will be effective in this case? As practice shows, it is quite difficult to interest lumpen people in work. About such people we can say that they:

  • not interested in improving personal well-being;
  • do not strive to build a successful career;
  • do not need various encouragements and signs of gratitude.

Nevertheless, it is possible to influence uninitiated employees through an authoritarian (hard) management style and increased control over their actions, since the only thing that can make the lumpen worry is the fear of being punished and losing their job.

How to motivate employees?

How is employee motivation systems developed in practice at an enterprise? Let us analyze step by step an approximate scheme of actions that will encourage employees to take certain actions. Let us immediately note that it can be adjusted, since, depending on the specifics of the company’s work and the type of workers, unforeseen situations may arise.

There are a huge number of ways to motivate a person to perform their job duties efficiently and cope with the assigned tasks. We will highlight the most effective of them, which will allow business managers and personnel department employees to create their own staff motivation program.

One of the most powerful motivators is salary. The higher its level, the better the quality of work within the company will be performed. The next thing you need to pay attention to is the respect of the organization’s management for each employee, regardless of their position. If a company director addresses his subordinates by name, this significantly increases his authority in the eyes of the staff. In addition, a person subconsciously understands that he is valued and is not treated like a faceless creature.

Employee praise increases productivity in a team. This method does not require financial investments, and every person will be pleased that his efforts do not go unnoticed. To motivate employees to improve their productivity, you should offer them additional rest. For example, at the end of the week a person proved himself to be the most productive employee, so on Friday he can go home from lunch.

Rewarding with valuable or memorable gifts is one of the effective ways to increase the desire of staff to work for the benefit of the enterprise. Such events can be timed to coincide with holidays and other memorable dates. Effective ways to motivate employees also include:

  • providing specialists with the opportunity to perform a certain amount of work at home;
  • awareness by employees of the real prospects for promotion;
  • employee expressing his own opinion;
  • obtaining a beautiful title for the position held;
  • gratitude to a person in the presence of a team;
  • advanced training at the expense of the enterprise;
  • organization of corporate events.

Some companies already practice allowing a person to perform a certain type of work at home. At the same time, he has the opportunity to work in comfortable conditions, and the schedule for visiting the workplace is agreed in advance with management.

As practice shows, along with wages A good effect for motivating staff is the possibility of career advancement. For this reason, every person should understand that the speed of obtaining a new status depends on the quality of his work.

An employee who feels proud of his job title will always be interested in the quality of the work performed. Feel the difference - a nurse and a junior nurse, the head of the HR department and the HR director, a senior sales agent and a supervisor.

If an employee is publicly thanked, he will continue to strive to perform his duties flawlessly. In addition, healthy competition will arise within the company’s team, because almost everyone wants management to pay attention to them.

An excellent method to interest a person in improving his own skills and productivity is to provide him with the opportunity to learn at the expense of the organization. By this, management expresses a direct interest in a specific employee, which again will make him realize his importance to the company.

Organizing corporate events at the expense of the enterprise is a good incentive for its employees. In this case, employees have the opportunity to communicate with each other in an informal setting and have a good rest. Corporate tours abroad or to interesting places For active rest, because people feel cared for by the company and are often tuned in to a positive result.

We also note that staff can be interested in various forms of incentives. For example, employees who show the best results at the end of the month can count on paying for the services of mobile operators, covering travel expenses, receiving a free membership to a sports club, etc.

Communication about plans to increase motivation

The main task of the company's management is to convey to each employee the common goal that the company faces. For this purpose, a certain system of incentives and motivation for employees is created, which is aimed at improving the qualifications of personnel and the implementation of certain actions by all departments. This must be done so that each team member feels like an integral part of the common cause.

Detailed study of the organization's staff

The correct choice of methods of influencing personnel cannot be made without a thorough study of the team. To do this, the company's management must analyze what people are interested in, how they live, what life problems and difficulties exist in the workplace.

To simplify this process, you can resort to a questionnaire and ask employees to answer all questions as honestly as possible. It is important to include in the list of questions those that will provide information about the desire of employees to move up the career ladder, ways to optimize production processes, and personal aspirations of the staff.

Important: By conducting a survey, you need to find out how well the company meets the needs of each employee. It is imperative to take into account the opinion of each team member, so it would be a good idea to ask your colleagues’ wishes for improving work processes. It is recommended to conduct the survey anonymously in order to obtain up-to-date information and analyze weak spots in the company's activities and improve the productivity of each person.

Analysis of the personnel motivation system

An integrated approach to motivating employees will quickly achieve the desired result. It is important to study how similar impact on employees is carried out in competing companies. Let's consider popular programs that can effectively interest employees of organizations:

  1. Imago. This method involves asking colleagues to come up with effective, in their opinion, solutions that will improve the organization’s performance. When the data is ready, the management of the enterprise analyzes the results obtained, after which the employees who have proven themselves receive a monetary reward or promotion.
  2. Golden fever. This method has become widespread in departments specializing in the sale of finished products. manufacturing enterprises. The idea is this: competitions are held in company branches based on the volume of goods sold or a specific product line. The winning team receives a bonus for its actions, and its success can be taken as a role model for the future work of the company.

Conducting a survey among employees

We considered a similar task above in the paragraph “Detailed study of the organization’s staff.” It is important to understand that, relying on the opinion of staff, you can easily develop the most effective motivation system. It is imperative to take into account the specifics of the work of each of the divisions of the enterprise, including regional representative offices.

Implementation of a motivation system and notification of employees

As soon as the motivational system for the company’s personnel is ready, it must be implemented. To do this, it is recommended to bring your colleagues up to date by talking about its specific goals, as well as the deadlines for implementation.

It is important to convey information to employees about proposed changes in the operation of the enterprise; in addition, the system must be specific in its actions, fair, and not arouse suspicion among people that they may be deceived.

Non-standard methods of increasing motivation

Usage non-standard ways engaging employees produces impressive results, which ultimately affect the well-being of the company. It is necessary to understand that a person is designed in such a way that during a break between work he wants to be distracted for a while and be in conditions that are comfortable for him.

Setting up a seating area in the office

Since a person spends a significant time of his life at work, he requires the necessary conditions for relaxation. Company employees have the right to have lunch, drink coffee or tea during breaks, so organizing a recreation area is an important condition in staff motivation. Please note that even a short break and communication with colleagues in an informal setting contribute to rapid recuperation, after which a person can continue to work effectively.

Award for good relations with colleagues

It is no secret that high labor productivity is achieved only by those teams that are a well-coordinated team of like-minded people. For this reason, the company’s management must create all the conditions for the formation of a microclimate and mutual assistance between employees.

Why is it important to reward people for having excellent relationships with their colleagues? The answer is simple: when a person feels a friendly atmosphere in a team and has the opportunity to receive bonuses for communicating with colleagues, it will be very difficult to lure him to another organization. This is especially true for highly qualified specialists whom competing firms want on their staff.

Bonuses for holidays used for holidays

It is known that many employees of various companies prefer the required monetary compensation to vacation. Some people never go anywhere on vacation, while doing repairs or other things.

Be that as it may, a person is obliged to fully rest, which contributes to his recovery and improvement of labor productivity. Many enterprises practice paying compensation for time spent in sanatoriums or rest homes. To receive money, an employee only needs to present a voucher or used travel documents.

Encouraging marriages between company employees

Is it worth saying that in developed countries family relationships (values) come first? Many companies are introducing incentives for marriage among their employees. This is easily explained by the fact that a team consisting of married couples is characterized by the warmth of relationships and high levels of labor productivity.

Many well-known Japanese companies can serve as an example of this type of motivation. The same applies to organizations various countries world, however, one should not confuse relationships between people who decide to start a family and banal romances in the workplace.

Is it worth contacting various organizations for motivation services?

This question can be answered unequivocally – yes, it is worth it. This is primarily due to the fact that companies that provide services for organizing business management systems also engage in vocational training HR specialists.

For clarity, let’s look at several companies that provide professional services for creating motivational systems at enterprises. Among them, one of the leaders is “As a Gift”. They have been operating on the market for more than 10 years, and during this time experienced specialists have trained personnel from well-known foreign and domestic companies (Beeline, Yandex, Mercedes-Benz, Rosneft, etc.). Vpodarok has a number of advantages:

  • prompt resolution of problems related to the work of personnel;
  • affordable prices for the services provided;
  • professional approach to each client.

You should also highlight the MAS Project company, which will help you effectively set up your business and bring it to a completely new level of development.

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As can be seen, staff motivation within each organization is carefully planned step by step process, which is designed to interest people in doing quality work and achieving their goals. It is important to understand that employee management is not only about finding effective methods of motivation, but also about preserving their effectiveness.

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