Netievsky from the Ural dumplings biography. It turned out why Sergei Netievsky actually left the TV show “Ural Dumplings”

February 28 visiting the show's hosts Week & Star by Alexander Generozov and Lena Rodak visited by one of the funniest people on the planet, a popular TV presenter, actor, screenwriter, as well as an ex-member of the KVN team “Ural Dumplings” - Sergey Netievsky.

Missed Sunday's Week & Star? Read the interview with Sergei, and you will learn the most interesting details from the professional and personal life of the artist!

Sasha: Brutal Ural guys, with an amazingly strong and funny show “Ural Dumplings”! Probably everyone who watches TV at least occasionally knows them. Charismatic, positive and funny, no nutritionist will object to such dumplings! When one of the show's creators announced his departure from the team last year, we were shocked! How? Where? For what? Friends, today Sergei Netievsky himself, a man who has invested a considerable part of himself in the show, one of its founders, will tell you what he is doing now, what he plans to do, and whether one dumpling on a big plate is boring! Hello, Sergey! You've been sailing solo for six months... Or not solo? Tell us who you work with!

Sergey Netievsky: In single, solo swimming. As a producer, I am implementing new projects that I have long dreamed of implementing, but did not have enough time. Of course, “dumplings” took up most of the working time. This is a wonderful project, but there comes a time when you want to do something of your own, to realize your dreams, otherwise there will be people who will do them faster, for you.

Lena: Screenwriter, producer, artist - who are you most now?

Sergey Netievsky: Yes, I’m somehow in different guises, nothing is alien. Of course, the producer’s role probably prevails a little, because I know and understand how to turn a group into a television project that can be aired.

Sasha: Parting after two decades of working side by side. Was it hard for you?

Sergey Netievsky: You are always moving forward. You look at what awaits you ahead, it is always with anticipation. Living off the nostalgia that was somewhere, once in the past. You need to move forward, and when you plunge into this wave, into a new whirlpool, new adrenaline, new sensations. The new projects that I am currently doing with my production, they excite me very much.

Sasha: What kind of projects?

Sergey Netievsky: We are launching the “League of Improvisations”, this is the first all-Russian festival. We unite all groups that engage in the genre of improvisation. This is a new movement, we have been moving it for three years together with Sasha Pushny in our “Show from the Air”. The show on TNT appeared with the same name. This suggests that the direction is popular.

Lena: We prepare a certificate for all guests. This is what we got for you, Sergey. Listen.

Sasha: Sergei was born on the banks of Tagil, studied at the Ural Polytechnic Institute, was even a store director - and where, one wonders, is the humor here? But humor was always there, you just had to get into KVN, and then it began! Rise to the big leagues, the title of “the last champions of the 20th century”, TV shows, tours – a great path! Since 2015, in solo projects, Sergey is also a screenwriter, TV presenter and producer. “Seasons of Love”, “Freaks”, “Unreal Story” - these are just some of the projects with his participation! Yes, it really is an unreal story!

Sergey Netievsky: There was a lot, yes.

Lena: Sergey, you have an engineering degree in an absolutely humanitarian field. Is this truly universal education?

Sergey Netievsky: You can say that I work in my specialty. My specialty is mechanical engineering technology. So the technology, it is actually the same in the production of the show, the same stages. Everything is divided into small stages, you must divide complex tasks into easy paths and quietly move progressively from one to another in order to achieve results.

Lena: How did you get into KVN? University team?

Sergey Netievsky: Yes, of course, a university team. It was a long time ago, 1994, we started playing in KVN, got into the major leagues and off we went. This is in the past, now I am more interested in the projects that I do, starting from the huge background that I had as a student, when I was doing KVN, when I was doing the show. Now I want to do something new, the world is moving.

Sasha: Comedians, as a rule, dream of playing Hamlet, of drama. Don’t you want to try something unfunny or sad?

Sergey Netievsky: I really want to. I really want to play something non-humorous. I go to both directing and acting courses. Of course, there is such a distant, deep, I hope, achievable dream, to play some kind of dramatic role.

Sasha: Sergey, the name seems clear, “League of Improvisations”, that is, no framework at all?

Sergey Netievsky: One might say, practically none. We have several engines, several improvisational forms in which we will play. We are now collecting applications from all interested teams, there are not many of them, we know almost all of them. There are about 20 groups that work professionally. If we don’t know someone, we are happy to invite everyone, go to the website, register, send your applications.

Lena: What are the application requirements?

Sergey Netievsky: The name of the group, a short resume of where you are participating and, preferably, send at least some video so that we can see how the guys behave on stage. Next we select and invite you here. We will have three days: April 8, 9 and 10 at the Central House of Artists. There will be qualifying games, master classes, trainings, brainstorming sessions, and the generation of new ideas. We have an interesting, extensive program there.

Lena: Will there be a winner and what awaits him?

Sergey Netievsky: Yes, there will be a winner. The title and money are usually of interest to everyone. On April 10 there will be a gala concert, which will include the best groups, and they will compete for the title of the best improvisational group.

Sasha: Sasha Pushnoy is with you in this project. So there is also a musical part?

Sergey Netievsky: We are currently negotiating with Sasha Pushny, there is an idea to do musical improvisation inside. What are we doing? We have complete improvisation: improvisation with a partner, with text, with space, with music, with a stage, with an audience. You try to liberate your brain in all directions. This is a very interesting direction, which is why we are trying to promote it.

Lena: How interesting is it to the viewer?

Sergey Netievsky: Here’s the point: not everyone will make it to the gala concert, but only those who can create some kind of coherent story in a short time on stage so that it is understandable to the viewer. It's interesting to watch. This is an entertaining and humorous project.

Lena: For those who can't watch it live, will there be a TV version?

Sergey Netievsky: We will film a pilot, which we will send to a TV channel. We really hope this turns into a show.

Lena: Time for a quick poll on Europa Plus. Short question - short answer.

Three greatest comedians of all time according to Sergei Netievsky?

Sergey Netievsky: Petrosyan, Galustyan, Martirosyan.

Favorite cuisine, dish. What can you cook yourself?

Sergey Netievsky: Dumplings. I can cook them with different, different fillings.

Is it true that people who make others laugh professionally are gloomy misanthropes in everyday life?

Sergey Netievsky: Well no, of course not. It's like the law of conservation of energy... True!

Who is your main critic? Whose opinion do you trust?

Sergey Netievsky: Parents.

Is it true that speaking at a corporate event is more exhausting than any other?

Sergey Netievsky: Of course of course. All your energy, all your strength is sucked out of you.

Are you a superstitious person?

Sergey Netievsky: Probably not.

Is it normal to use obscenities or euphemisms?

Sergey Netievsky: I think yes.

What do you consider your main weakness?

Sergey Netievsky: Laziness.

Are you afraid to fly? Were you afraid before?

Sergey Netievsky: No, but I haven’t jumped with a parachute yet.

What programs do you watch on TV?

Sergey Netievsky: I watch very little TV. I watch a lot of foreign TV series and programs. From the humorous side, I sometimes watch: Urgant, Comedy Club, KVN, news.

Would you support moving the capital of Russia to the center of the country, say to the Urals?

Sergey Netievsky: It would be unexpected. The air is cleaner there.

Favorite hour of the day?

Sergey Netievsky: An hour before bed.

Have you been betrayed? Can this be forgiven and forgotten?

Sergey Netievsky: There were times when I was betrayed, but I am not vindictive. I quickly cool down and forgive. I approach this very philosophically. Everyone has the right to make a mistake and has the right to correct it.

Did you have a nickname in childhood and does it still remain?

Sergey Netievsky: Yes, there were, different. There are none left now. When I was a student, my name was Basyan or Basya, this is from the village where I come from. Village Basyanovsky.

There is a time machine in front of you, where will you go?

Sergey Netievsky: Oh. Immediately the thought arose to go back in time and correct some mistakes. It's more interesting to look into the future.

Sasha: Sergey, humor is a fickle substance, for example, I see two opposing trends: jokes have practically disappeared from life, but stand-up has become one of the most relevant genres. What happened to jokes? Why is stand-up growing so much?

Sergey Netievsky: Probably every humor has its time. There were jokes when there were a lot of prohibitions, some kind of allegory was needed. Now, in principle, there is no particular censorship; you can talk about anything you want. A stand-up comedian is a person who lets himself through and gives the viewer information, his attitude to the topic he is talking about.

Lena: Sergey, let’s say a guy or girl is a great joker, the life of the party. What's next? Do you need to penetrate the big media in any way - TV, radio? Or maybe a good video channel, say on Youtube, will be enough?

Sergey Netievsky: There are so many opportunities on the Internet now. You can shoot a video at home at minimal cost and post it on the Internet. In principle, you can promote yourself via the Internet.

Sasha: KVN has always been a good place to start, how are things going now?

Sergey Netievsky: Similar. This is still a source of talent. Those who come out from there, they are all in demand.

Sasha: Sergey, you also have a project called “Theatre Games”. Are you aiming for serious dramatic art or are these primarily games?

Sergey Netievsky: We are launching a casting call for STEM teams. These are groups that, as it happens, did not go to KVN and did not go to Comedy. Student theater of variety miniatures, but they are not exactly student theaters, they have turned into mini-studios, theater groups, mini-theatres. There are a lot of them around the country. There are about 15 festivals across the country where such groups compete. We want to collect them. Teams that have something to show can send their applications to First round – we select based on the video. Secondly, we help refine the materials they have. About 20 teams will be invited to Moscow, where filming and knockout games will take place.

Sasha: What kind of “Show out of thin air” then?

Sergey Netievsky:“Show Out of Air” is the improv show that started it all, and that’s where the “League of Improv” was born. This is what we did with Sasha Pushny, and are going to do in the future, together with Theater 05, this is our team from St. Petersburg, the best improvisers today. “Show from the Air” is a concert version, but we filmed a pilot and are showing it to TV channels.

Lena: TV series. Will you continue this experience?

Sergey Netievsky: I like to move more towards the show, something that I understand more how to do. TV series... There are mega-professionals, the guys on TNT - such a high bar.

Sasha: Sergey, the week is ending, and we propose to go through the main events. We will read out the news that excited us, and you will give your short comment, let's go?

In the US, one company intends to release the world's first flying car by 2018.It has retractable wings with 300 hp engines, with which it can reach a speed of 322 km/h. The only thing the driver will have to do when entering the cab is to start the control computer and enter the address. The rest will be done automatically. A flying car could go on sale no later than 2025. Sergey, will you buy yourself such a car?

Sergey Netievsky: That is, nothing will change in Moscow until 25?! In the same way, it takes 4 hours to drive from home to the airport, and 2 hours to fly to Yekaterinburg. Let's see in 2025, it will be possible to fly.

Two news that my feed brought me in a row: British scientists have identified 25 signs of suffering in cats, at the same time, physicists from Chicago have discovered a tetraquark - a new particle! In simple terms, it is one of the products of proton-antiproton collisions. Whose discovery excited you more, Sergey?

Sergey Netievsky: The tetraquark is more interesting.

Sergey Netievsky: I did not like.

A young scientist from Tomsk said that the content of the first film of the fantastic saga “Star Wars” is 96 percent a copy of the Soviet film fairy tale “Kashchei the Immortal.” He also claims that Harry Potter is a remake of our Cinderella.

Sergey Netievsky: Wow! Even if this is true, these are cool interpretations! I'm waiting for Geese and Swan to make some kind of sequel.

A personal fitness trainer took an unprecedented step to help his client.For three months he did not exercise and ate high-calorie foods, consuming up to 8,000 calories a day, resulting in a gain of 30 kg. And all this in order to lose weight together with the client. The couple worked in tandem for four months, and both lost weight as a result.

Sergey Netievsky: This is great! It’s my 45th birthday in a month, and I thought, I wish I could lose 200 grams a day and start running. This is an action!

Sasha: We discussed global news, how was your week? What is the focus?

Sergey Netievsky: I played hockey in the Komar team, a wonderful hockey team of artists.

Lena: Your 45th birthday is coming soon. What are your feelings?

Sergey Netievsky: March 27, yes, 45 years old. I suddenly learned that 45 years is a milestone. Up to 45, a man is considered an adult. From 45 to 65 is mature. I'm becoming mature. What do you think every man should do before he turns 45? I have exactly a month left to catch up. Register on my social networks and send me a summary of “What you need to do before you turn 45.”

Sasha: People believe that Monday is a hard day. Do you have a recipe for making your first day at work easy?

Sergey Netievsky: On Sunday evening, think a little, sort out what needs to be done first on Monday, what needs to be done second, what needs to be done third. Be sure to leave time for your personal life, for normal food, for your family.

Sasha:, thank you very much for coming to us, come again! Good luck in your new projects, surprise us to the fullest!

Lena: Let me remind you that you can listen to the Week & Star show on podcasts. Download them via iTunes, and also download them via the Internet portal

Sasha: And we say goodbye to you for exactly a week, we will meet on Sunday, at 17.00 Moscow time. Were with you Alexander Generozov and Lena Rodak, Bye!

At the end of October, “Ural Dumplings” held a meeting at which the show participants decided to. The decision can be called collegial - according to the constituent documents, all team members who, to one degree or another, own a stake in the Ural Dumplings Creative Association company have the right to vote.

The team explained the sudden resignation of its director by the fact that Sergei Netievsky is busy (he is the producer of Idea Fix Media and the founder of First Hand Media), rarely appears in Yekaterinburg and, therefore, can no longer effectively fulfill his duties. The team says that all changes have already been legally enshrined.

From now on, the director of the group is Sergei Isaev. We met with the new leader of the Ural Dumplings and asked what he would do better than Netievsky.

The resignation of Sergei Netievsky, who had held the position of director for the last 17 years, came as a big surprise to everyone. Many rumors appeared, including that the reason for the resignation was a financial conflict. What happened?
- Everything is quite simple here. Sergei felt cramped in Yekaterinburg and, no matter how it may sound, he exchanged our city for Moscow. Sergei himself has said more than once in interviews that he has become a Muscovite, that he is much more comfortable in the capital, that he feels like a fish in water there. In other words, Sergei ceased to be a “dumpling in a pan” and became a “fish in water.”

All this affected his work at Ural Dumplings. You cannot compose something, be in close contact with the team, be at training camps, while remaining in Moscow. We ourselves are not going to move to Moscow. We decided for ourselves a long time ago that the rehearsal base would be where our parents and children live.

As for rumors about political or financial disputes, we do not even comment on this. If you comment on something, it means that you begin to relate to it somehow, reason, analyze, make excuses... We don’t want to make excuses to anyone. We are honest with each other. We have no behind-the-scenes games, no kitchen secrets. It's funny for us to read about this in the media.

- Will Netievsky remain on the team?
- No one was kicked out, no one was fired. Now Sergey will be working on his projects in Moscow, and we wish him success in this. I think time will tell. If Sergei Netievsky wants to continue working in the team, then we will sit down with him and discuss everything.

It is normal that someone goes on a separate voyage. At one time, Sergei Svetlakov left, but no one caused a tragedy about this. If Svetlakov wants to take part in the concert, he will come and say: “Guys, I have time. Can?" - we will answer: “Grey, no questions!” We have no prohibition on communicating with this or that person.

Next year is the anniversary of KVN, followed by the anniversary of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov. I think that the show “Ural Dumplings” will take part in it. We already have a preliminary invitation. We will be happy to invite both Sergei Svetlakov and Sergei Netievsky.

- Sergei Netievsky worked on the New Year's show, and if so, in what capacity?
- He did not work on the last two shows as a writer, director or manager.

- Did you and other team members manage to maintain friendly relations with him?
- Certainly. I think that this is such a feature of the Urals - we are kind, reasonable people. Normal, friendly relationships are important to us, because it’s easier to live this way. I won't say that we are as pure as white snow. You won't find white snow here now. (laughs - site note). Of course, everyone has their own character, their own material values, each of us has their own energy, each of us has our own faith. But the main value is decency and kind attitude towards each other, which we will always maintain as a team.

It was largely thanks to Sergei Netievsky that several years ago an agreement was concluded with the STS television company to broadcast the show “Ural Dumplings”. This helped the team reach the federal level. How would you evaluate Netievsky’s work now?
- I will not underestimate what Sergei did. He really brought the finished project to the STS TV channel to our good comrade Vyacheslav Murugov (adviser to the general director of the media holding "STS Media", - website note), with whom we are familiar from KVN. Vyacheslav gave us the opportunity to appear on STS and gain a foothold on the TV channel. But today we are an independent project. We do everything ourselves: from writing jokes to filming, editing and broadcasting. We do not depend on the production, on the manager, on the mood of the people on the channel. We are an interesting, competitive program. This became possible thanks to each of the team members. What we see at STS is the work of all the guys.

- Why did you become the new director?
- The position itself is appointed. The guys trust me, so they unanimously voted for me to take over.

- Was the appointment unexpected for you?
“It wasn’t some kind of surprise; rather, I was pleased with it.” The team entrusted me with the steering wheel! You can go right, you can go left, give gas, or just stand there and warm up the engine. It is important not to screw up the mechanism that is in your hands. Therefore, I try to treat it with trepidation: I warm it up on time, refuel it, do maintenance, clean it if necessary, change something, improve it.

In fact, this is a constant job, 24 hours a day. I have to deal with issues that I cannot put off until tomorrow. You need to answer here and now. Sometimes it happens that an issue requires a collegial discussion, but there is simply no time to consult with everyone, then I take responsibility for myself and make decisions for the entire team. This is perhaps the most difficult thing. But you need to be prepared for this. If I don’t have time to do something, the guys help.

What was the first management decision you made in your new position? Will you radically change the system that Sergei Netievsky built?
- We have several changes planned, which we discussed with the whole team. My task in this case was to carefully convey the tasks that we have to solve. There will be changes in the posters, in our name, brand. Our work with partners, with services that constantly work behind the scenes of the show, will change. Few people think about it, but 130 people work at the Ural Dumplings concert. These are make-up artists, costume designers, decorators, props specialists, catering service, transport service, people who are involved in the selection of actors... My task in this case is to make sure that the team rises one step higher, reaches a new level.

- What is the next level for Ural Dumplings?
- Now we are faced with the task of maintaining popularity and continuing to develop in the format of a family show, not to go into commercial humor, which sometimes slips through. I want us to remain the “Ural dumplings” from Yekaterinburg that everyone knows now. New projects are also planned. Many on the team are interested in making sitcoms, feature films, sports shows...

- All this on STS?
- We do not plan to leave the channel, we are happy with everything. We hear each other, the audience sees us. We recently spoke with the general directors of STS. They made it clear that they were interested in our new projects and offered us more television time before the New Year. We have very big plans, which I can’t talk about yet. In order for everything to go as expected, we made changes in the management team. I hope that new people who have extensive experience in launching different projects will help us show a new side of ourselves.

Sergei Aleksandrovich Netievsky(born March 27, 1971) - Russian actor, screenwriter, TV presenter, ex-participant and producer of the Ural Dumplings Show. Owner of the production company First Hand Media. Elected Ambassador of the XXIX World Winter Universiade - 2019.


Television career

In 2012, he founded the production company “Fest Hand Media”, releasing the sketch “Seasons of Love” (2014), broadcast on the “Domashny” channel, the improvisational humor show “Show from the Air”, the sketch show “Fathers and These”, the sitcom “ Life after the wedding,” the documentary “Beyond Laughter,” organized a master class with Hollywood acting teacher Dmitry Budrin.


  • Producer, screenwriter, actor and host of the humorous Show “Ural Dumplings” (2009-2015) on the STS TV channel,
  • Director, screenwriter of the sketch comedy “Seasons of Love” (2014) on the Domashny TV channel,
  • Participant in the comedy show Big Question (2014) on the STS TV channel,
  • Member of the jury of the TV show Creative Class (2013) on the STS TV channel,
  • Producer, author and host of the humorous talent show “MyasorUPka” (2012) on the STS TV channel,
  • Creative producer of the sketch show “Unreal Story” (2011) on the STS TV channel,
  • Screenwriter of the feature film “Freaks” (2010),
  • Producer and host of the sketch show Show News (2007) on the TNT channel,
  • Actor of the sitcom Outside the Native Square Meters (2001) on the TV-6 channel



  • Producer, screenwriter, director of the feature-length comedy “March 9” (in production since 2016)
  • Producer of the TV project STEM show “Theater Games” (in production since 2016)
  • Producer and presenter of the entertainment and humorous project “League of Improvisations” (2016)

Social activity

In 2015, he was dedicated as an ambassador of the XXIX World Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk by the head of the Universiade Directorate, Maxim Urazov. In 2016, he was invited to be the chairman of the jury of the All-Russian STEM festival-competition “ISS”-2016 in Samara.


Cars, philosophy, hockey. Favorite film is “Pokrovsky Gate”, favorite books are the fantasy genre and the entire Dahl dictionary. Does yoga.

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An excerpt characterizing Netievsky, Sergei Alexandrovich

“We deigned to lie down and put out the fire, your Excellency.”
“No reason, no reason...” the prince said quickly and, putting his feet into his shoes and his hands into his robe, went to the sofa on which he was sleeping.
Despite the fact that nothing was said between Anatole and m lle Bourienne, they completely understood each other regarding the first part of the novel, before the appearance of pauvre mere, they realized that they had a lot to say to each other secretly, and therefore in the morning they looked for an opportunity see you alone. While the princess went to her father at the usual hour, m lle Bourienne met with Anatole in the winter garden.
Princess Marya approached the office door that day with special trepidation. It seemed to her that not only did everyone know that her fate would be decided today, but that they also knew what she thought about it. She read this expression in Tikhon’s face and in the face of Prince Vasily’s valet, who met the hot water in the corridor and bowed deeply to her.
The old prince that morning was extremely affectionate and diligent in his treatment of his daughter. Princess Marya knew this expression of diligence well. This was the expression that happened on his face in those moments when his dry hands clenched into a fist out of frustration because Princess Marya did not understand the arithmetic problem, and he, getting up, walked away from her and repeated the same words several times in a quiet voice. the same words.
He immediately got down to business and started the conversation by saying “you.”
“They made me a proposition about you,” he said, smiling unnaturally. “I think you guessed,” he continued, “that Prince Vasily came here and brought with him his pupil (for some reason Prince Nikolai Andreich called Anatoly his pupil) not for my beautiful eyes.” Yesterday they made a proposition about you. And since you know my rules, I treated you.
– How should I understand you, mon pere? - said the princess, turning pale and red.
- How to understand! – the father shouted angrily. “Prince Vasily finds you to his liking for his daughter-in-law and makes a proposal to you for his pupil. Here's how to understand it. How to understand?!... And I’m asking you.
“I don’t know how you are, mon pere,” the princess said in a whisper.
- I? I? what am I doing? Leave me aside. I'm not the one getting married. What do you? This is what it would be good to know.
The princess saw that her father looked at this matter unkindly, but at that very moment the thought came to her that now or never the fate of her life would be decided. She lowered her eyes so as not to see the gaze, under the influence of which she felt that she could not think, but could only obey out of habit, and said:
“I wish only one thing - to fulfill your will,” she said, “but if my desire had to be expressed...
She didn't have time to finish. The prince interrupted her.
“And wonderful,” he shouted. - He will take you with a dowry, and by the way, he will capture m lle Bourienne. She will be the wife, and you...
The prince stopped. He noticed the impression these words made on his daughter. She lowered her head and was about to cry.
“Well, well, just kidding, just kidding,” he said. “Remember one thing, princess: I adhere to the rules that a girl has every right to choose.” And I give you freedom. Remember one thing: the happiness of your life depends on your decision. There's nothing to say about me.
- Yes, I don’t know... mon pere.
- Nothing to say! They tell him, he doesn’t just marry you, whoever you want; and you are free to choose... Go to your room, think it over and in an hour come to me and say in front of him: yes or no. I know you will pray. Well, maybe pray. Just think better. Go. Yes or no, yes or no, yes or no! - he shouted even as the princess, as if in a fog, staggered out of the office.
Her fate was decided and decided happily. But what my father said about m lle Bourienne - this hint was terrible. It’s not true, let’s face it, but it was still terrible, she couldn’t help but think about it. She walked straight ahead through the winter garden, seeing and hearing nothing, when suddenly the familiar whisper of M lle Bourienne woke her up. She raised her eyes and, two steps away, saw Anatole, who was hugging the Frenchwoman and whispering something to her. Anatole, with a terrible expression on his beautiful face, looked back at Princess Marya and did not release the waist of m lle Bourienne, who did not see her, at the first second.
"Who is here? For what? Wait!" Anatole’s face seemed to speak. Princess Marya looked at them silently. She couldn't understand it. Finally, M lle Bourienne screamed and ran away, and Anatole bowed to Princess Marya with a cheerful smile, as if inviting her to laugh at this strange incident, and, shrugging his shoulders, walked through the door leading to his half.
An hour later Tikhon came to call Princess Marya. He called her to the prince and added that Prince Vasily Sergeich was there. The princess, when Tikhon arrived, was sitting on the sofa in her room and holding the crying Mlla Bourienne in her arms. Princess Marya quietly stroked her head. The beautiful eyes of the princess, with all their former calm and radiance, looked with tender love and regret at the pretty face of m lle Bourienne.
“Non, princesse, je suis perdue pour toujours dans votre coeur, [No, princess, I have forever lost your favor,” said m lle Bourienne.
– Pourquoi? “Je vous aime plus, que jamais,” said Princess Marya, “et je tacherai de faire tout ce qui est en mon pouvoir pour votre bonheur.” [Why? I love you more than ever, and I will try to do everything in my power for your happiness.]
– Mais vous me meprisez, vous si pure, vous ne comprendrez jamais cet egarement de la passion. Ah, ce n "est que ma pauvre mere... [But you are so pure, you despise me; you will never understand this passion of passion. Ah, my poor mother...]
“Je comprends tout, [I understand everything,”] answered Princess Marya, smiling sadly. - Calm down, my friend. “I’ll go to my father,” she said and left.
Prince Vasily, bending his leg high, with a snuffbox in his hands and as if extremely emotional, as if he himself was regretting and laughing at his sensitivity, sat with a smile of tenderness on his face when Princess Marya entered. He hurriedly brought a pinch of tobacco to his nose.
“Ah, ma bonne, ma bonne, [Ah, darling, darling.],” he said, standing up and taking her by both hands. He sighed and added: “Le sort de mon fils est en vos mains.” Decidez, ma bonne, ma chere, ma douee Marieie qui j"ai toujours aimee, comme ma fille. [The fate of my son is in your hands. Decide, my dear, my dear, my meek Marie, whom I have always loved like a daughter. ]

Sergey Aleksandrovich Netievsky is a Russian actor, TV presenter, screenwriter, general producer of Idea Fix Media, former member of the KVN team “Ural Dumplings”.

Childhood and youth

Born on March 27, 1971 in the village of Basyanovsky, Verkhnesaldinsky district. Here he received his secondary education at school No. 12. After graduating, he entered the Ural Polytechnic Institute. In 1993 he graduated and received an engineer's diploma with a specialty in Mechanical Engineering Development.

Sergei Netievsky is considered one of the most mysterious members of the Ural Dumplings team, part-time director of a TV show on the STS channel, concert host and actor. His biography is full of interesting events related to his participation in “Dumplings” and work on television. After graduating from Polytechnic, he combines participation in KVN with work as a director in a hardware store.

The popularity of “Ural dumplings” grew rapidly. The team toured extensively, preparation for performances required not only time, but also responsibility. Netievsky had to make a choice between a job that promised a business career and participation in a popular show. The artistic nature of Sergei Netievsky chose the club of cheerful and resourceful people.


1995 became a landmark year for the team, when “Ural Dumplings” took part in the festival in Sochi. Unexpectedly for themselves, they get into the gala concert and into the KVN Major League based on the results of the festival.

Sergey Netievsky with the Ural dumplings team

The period from 1995 to 2000 was complex and eventful, filled with creativity. In 1995, Ural Dumplings fell out of the 1/8. In 1996 they were already in 1/4, but lost again, and in 1997 they finished the season in 1/8. In the 1998 semi-finals, the Urals lost to the future champions - “Children of Lieutenant Schmidt”. At this time, Sergei makes a difficult decision: he quits his job at the store and becomes a team manager.

The year 2000 becomes triumphant for Pelmeni. Overcoming all stages, they win and become the best in the Major League, receiving the unofficial status of “the last champion of the twentieth century.”

In 2002, the team received the KVN Summer Cup (the team participated in the Cup games three times - in 2001, 2002 and 2003). In 2001, Sergei made his debut as an actor, starring in a comedy series on television called “Outside Native Square Meters.”

The team achieves significant success by participating in the “Voting KiViN” in Jurmala. In 2002 they became the owners of the “Big KiViN in Gold”, in 1999 and 2004 – the “Big KiViN in Light”, and in 2005 and 2006 – the “Big KiViN in the Dark”.

In 2007, as part of the Ural Dumplings, Sergei participated in the game between Asia and Europe. The result was a draw. In the same year, in September, he becomes a producer and presenter on the TNT television channel. A new humorous sketch show is being released under the name “Show News”. The preparation of the program was carried out by the creative team of “Ural Dumplings” commissioned by Comedy Club Production.

In 2009, the STS TV channel aired its own Ural Dumplings show called “Blaze It All... With a Horse!” The first official release took place in Moscow. Sergei Netievsky was remembered by TV viewers for his vivid images - the busty teacher Malvina Karlovna, one of the trio of mosquitoes, the head of a typical Russian family on vacation.

In 2011, the STS TV channel launched a new project, “Unreal Stories,” of which Sergey became the creative producer. The project format is a sketch show with a constant storyline and characters. Sergei gets used to the role of the lazy tramp Peter, begging for alms from merchants passing by. In parallel with this, he acts as a screenwriter for the popular, audience-favorite comedy “Freaks.”

As an artist, Sergei Netievsky participated in the show program “The Beard is Crushed,” where he performed in a duet with the team “Not Guys” with the vocal number “Acquaintance in a Bar.”

In the fall of 2012, the STS TV channel aired the competition project “MyasorUPka”, in which groups of 2-5 people participate in 3-5 minute performances in the style of “Dumplings” sketches. In each round, the jury eliminates participants, and the winners receive 500 thousand rubles. Sergey is not only a producer and jury member of this show, but also a creator and mentor of teams.

The best from Sergei Netievsky

In May 2013, Netievsky became a member of the jury of the “Creative Class” project, an analogue of the English mental show “Nation’s brightest” for schoolchildren.

On November 8, 2013, the anniversary concert of “Ural Dumplings” took place in the Kremlin Palace under the title “20 years in the test!”

In 2013-2014, Sergei studied directing and screenwriting courses. Thus, he plans to make his long-standing dream of making a feature film with the participation of “Ural Dumplings” come true. He is developing a sitcom on a family theme, and is conducting post-production of a documentary about the twenty-year history of the popular team. But for now, Sergei’s filmography consists of only one film, “Monsters on the Island 3D,” in the dubbing of which the artist participated in 2013.

In March 2014, pilot episodes of “Show from the Air” will start – a 100% improvisational project in which the presenter communicates with the audience. Sergei is the producer and TV presenter of the program. His co-host is.

At the end of 2015, Netievsky disappears from the screen, and in the latest episodes of the Ural Dumplings show, the place of the director is taken by. The team surprised fans with the scandal that broke out within the creative association.

It was not possible to get an answer from the producer himself as to why he left Ural Dumplings, since Sergei did not answer calls. According to Sergei’s colleagues, he was “kicked out for theft.” A financial conflict led to the disintegration of the team. Netievsky still lives in Moscow, is the owner of Idea Fix Media and produces TV series.

Personal life

Information appeared in the media that Netievsky was in a relationship that was closer than friendly, but these rumors were not confirmed. Sergei's personal life was going well. In the early 2000s, the actor had a family, his beloved wife Natalya and children. He has three children: Timofey (2002), Ivan (2005) and Maria (2007).

He enjoys computers, cars, yoga and traveling around India. Natalya does not work, she takes care of the house and children. Sergei does not like to advertise his family life, even on his page "Instagram" Not family photos are posted, but photographs of participants in projects in which Sergei participates. The artist’s height is 182 cm, and his weight does not exceed 85 kg.

In 2015, Netievsky changed his marital status. On June 22, Sergei and Natalia divorced. The wife remained in Yekaterinburg with the children, and the producer went to Moscow to build a new life.

Sergey Netievsky now

In 2016, Sergei Netievsky began collaborating with the Moscow 24 TV channel, where his original project “Ear of Moscow” was broadcast, and a year later the “News Battle Prevention” program was released. On STS, Sergei appeared in the show “One Hundred to One”. Netievsky’s producing project was the program “League of Improvisations,” which he launched in 2017.

In addition to working on television, the artist performs at corporate events. Interactive program “Show out of thin air!” was a success at New Year's corporate parties on the eve of 2018. Netievsky participated in the Multimir festival for children, which took place in the summer of 2017 on the territory of the VDNKh pavilions.

Even before the divorce, the comedian began investing in real estate and cars. At the time of his departure to the capital of Russia, Sergei’s car fleet consisted of several luxury cars and a BMW motorcycle. In Moscow, in a house on Pogonny Proezd, more than one apartment was purchased from Netievsky. Along with his main business, Sergei became a co-owner of the LOS ISLAND fitness club. Such expenses, incommensurate with the earnings of colleagues at Ural Dumplings, who live much more modestly than their former leader, may have given rise to the idea of ​​stolen millions. Based on them, KVN members sued the producer.

The trial took place in early 2018. Sergei was charged with illegally appropriating 28 million rubles, earned from broadcasting episodes of the show “Ural Dumplings”. While the rest of the project participants and its co-founders, owners of equal shares of the Creative Association, received salaries, Sergei Netievsky allegedly appropriated all the profits for himself. But Netievsky’s lawyers managed to convince the judges of the legality of his actions.

The Yekaterinburg Arbitration Court sided with the producer. The recognition of Sergei Netievsky as having resigned as the head of the show was declared invalid, and subsequent directors were declared illegitimate. Now Sergei Netievsky maintains relations only with Yulia Mikhalkova. The rest of the Ural Dumplings colleagues prefer not to communicate with the producer due to the protracted conflict.


  • 2001 – sitcom “Outside Native Square Meters”
  • 2007 – sketch show “Show News”
  • 2009-2015 – show “Ural dumplings”
  • 2010 – film “Freaks”
  • 2011 – sketch show “Unreal Story”
  • 2012 – “MyasorUPka” program
  • 2013 – program “Creative Class”
  • 2014 – sitcom “Seasons of Love”
  • 2014 – show “The Big Question”
  • 2016 – show “Ear of Moscow”
  • 2017 – show “News Battle Prevention”

TV star Sergei Netievsky: who is the wife of a Russian celebrity?

Sergey Netievsky is a famous comedian, member of the famous group “Ural Dumplings”, performing in KVN. During his career, he began producing and became well known in the media sphere, creating many fans of his talent. How did a man build a successful career and become so popular? Who is his wife, and how many children does Sergei have? In this material we will answer these questions.

Brief biography: key stages in the development of a celebrity

The future KVN star was born in the Sverdlovsk region on March 27, 1971 in the village. Basyanovsky, where the boy spent his childhood and graduated from school. Internal energy prompted him not to stay too long in the provinces, go to Yekaterinburg (regional center), submit documents to the UPI (Polytechnic Institute) and graduate with a degree in Mechanical Engineering Development. Sergei received his diploma in 1993.

At the institute, the man showed his leadership qualities, participated in various productions, and was remembered for his activities in the “Merry and Resourceful Club.”

After college, he began working in a store as a director, but it only lasted for a year. Sergei returned to his native KVN, the creative nature of a person wanted improvisation, creation and positivity. The talented actor easily coped with the assigned tasks and was a person you could trust.

Sergey helped lift himself and his team “Ural Dumplings” to the pinnacle of glory. The years 1995-2000 were filled with intense work and performances. The guys annually participated in the KVN festival in Sochi, reaching the one-eighth, quarter-finals and semi-finals of the Major League. This required Sergei to completely immerse himself in the affairs of the team; he is ending his business activities and is engaged only in creativity.

In 2000, through joint efforts, the team took first place at the festival. In 2001, Netievsky expanded his activities: along with participation in KVN, he played roles in television projects (his debut took place in the program “Outside Native Square Meters”).

A year later, the team wins an award at the KVN summer festival, takes part in the Jurmala “Voting Kivin” and repeatedly receives significant awards (the last one was received in 2006).

Soon, Sergei began producing on the TNT channel and became the TV presenter of the Show News project. This show was the brainchild of the entire Ural Dumplings team: Netievsky left KVN, but maintained relationships with people from his team. On television, his popularity has grown significantly; he has established himself as an excellent and versatile actor.

Sergey Netievsky - founder of the Ural Dumplings show

The man continued to develop, began writing scripts for the TV show “Unreal Stories”, and also starred in the movie “Freaks”.

In 2013, Sergei was on the jury of the “Creative Class” show and took directing courses. He took part in the anniversary concert of the Ural Dumplings in the Kremlin Palace. A year later, he began producing the improvisational program “Show from the Air”, also becoming its host together with Alexander Pushny.

A year later, the star left her native KVN team, but not of her own free will, but by the decision of her colleagues. Sergei did not agree and appealed the decision in court, after which in the fall of 2016 the actor was reinstated as the director of the group.

Now the man is involved in several projects, works as a presenter, producer and director, and attends festivals to search for new talents. It also became known that during the Winter Universiade 2019 Sergei will be a goodwill ambassador and will engage in volunteer work.

Personal life of a TV star: who are his wife and children?

Sergei leads a hidden personal life

There are many rumors about Sergei’s love and family relationships, since he does not like to talk about it. Not so long ago, journalists talked about his affair with Yulia Mikhalkova, but these turned out to be just rumors.

In fact, the man already has a family. As you know, his wife Natalya is now completely devoting herself to raising three young offspring: if the eldest Timofey and the middle Ivan were born in 2002 and 2005, respectively, then the youngest daughter Maria was born only in 2007.

Sergey is engaged in spiritual self-improvement, loves to travel around Asia and, specifically, visit India. He is successful and happy, he has a wife and many children - and with this material the reader learned a little more about the life of a Russian celebrity.

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