Extracurricular activities in literature. Summary of an extracurricular event in literature “literary tournament” Will help identify various tasks

Literary tournament.
Extracurricular activity in literature for 10th grade.
Conducted as part of the subject week of Russian language and literature by 1st category teacher E.A. Khorubko. MKOU secondary school No. 4 village. Moscow Stavropol Territory.
This event is intended for teachers of Russian language and literature. Can be used as an extracurricular activity in grades 9-11 during the Russian Language and Literature Week, at the end of the year as a repetition and consolidation of the material studied.
Goals and objectives:
- expand and deepen students’ knowledge of 19th century literature
-development creativity, logical thinking children;
-increasing intellectual and cultural level, broadening the horizons of students;
-increasing interest in educational and cognitive activities;
- formation of the ability to work in a group, in a team, to collaborate;
- formation and development of the ability to clearly and correctly formulate answers, quickly find the right solution;
- fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect; tolerant attitude towards each other.

Two teams of 6-8 people are formed. As homework they must come up with a name, emblem and motto for their team, an original idea.

Tournament progress:
I. Organizing time. Introduction.

Reader: I.
The tombs, mummies and bones are silent, -
Only the word is given life:
From ancient darkness, on the world graveyard,
Only the Letters sound.
And we have no other property!
Know how to take care
At least to the best of my ability, in days of anger and suffering,
Our immortal gift is speech.

Leader's word:
From the early childhood and until old age, a person’s entire life is inextricably linked with language, words, and literature. We grow up, go to school, enter college, a whole sea of ​​words, a whole ocean of speech catches us. We can be proud of the Russian language and Russian literature. Our compatriots have created wonderful works of literature and art. Today we will touch on their beauty and enduring value.
Let's lift the mysterious curtain together - we'll hold a tournament of literature experts among 10th grade students. Teams will compete for the title of winner.
The jury consists of 11th grade students:

II. Tournament program.

1st round “Introduction of teams”.
Name, motto, team composition.

2 round The literature of every nation begins with oral folk art. The second round is called “Continue the Proverb.” Each team is invited to continue the proverb (teams take turns continuing the proverbs named by the leader):

I took up the tug... (don’t say it’s not hefty).
Make a fool pray... (he will even hurt his forehead).
Who got burned on milk (blows on the water).
The woman with the cart - (it’s easier for the mare).
Two deaths cannot happen (and one cannot be avoided).
The head is curled (but not busy).
If you want to eat rolls - (don’t sit on the stove).
A lively cow (God does not give a horn).
Go to someone else’s monastery (don’t meddle with your own rules).
The raven won't peck out the crow's eye.
Every cricket (know your nest).

3rd round “Sherlock Holmes” (points are awarded to the team that gives the correct answer faster).
Presenter: - According to the description of the portrait literary character name the hero, as well as the work and the author:
1) Cropped latest fashion dressed like a London dandy. (Onegin)
2) A handsome man in the full bloom of his years, an admirer of Kant and a poet. (Lensky).
3) Wild, sad, silent, like a forest deer, fearful. (Tatiana).
4) “This character cannot be called positive or negative. He is rather a typical representative of his time. Smart, well educated. He was so thin and white, his uniform was so new that I immediately guessed. That he’s only recently arrived in the Caucasus... He was a nice guy, just a little strange.”
Answer: M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”
5) “Of all her servants, the most remarkable person was the janitor..., a man twelve inches tall, built like a hero and deaf-mute from birth. The lady took him from the village, where he lived alone, in a small hut. Gerasim I.S. Turgenev “Mumu”.

6) In the chaise sat a gentleman, not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin; One cannot say that he is old, but not that he is too young. His entry made absolutely no noise in the city and was not accompanied by anything special.
Chichikov Gogol “Dead Souls”

7) He is all made up of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blooded English horse. He is thin; he has almost no cheeks at all, that is, there is bone and muscle, but no sign of fatty roundness; complexion is even, darkish and no blush; The eyes, although a little greenish, are expressive.
Stolz Goncharov “Oblomov”

8) in a rare girl you will find such simplicity and natural freedom of look, word, and action. You’ll never read in her eyes: “Now I’ll purse my lip a little and think—I’m so pretty. I’ll look there and get scared, I’ll scream a little, and now they’ll run up to me. I’ll sit by the piano and stick out the tip of my leg a little bit”...
No affectation, no coquetry, no lies, no tinsel, no intent! Olga Ilyinskaya Goncharov"Oblomov"

Round 4 “Remember famous poems”
Presenter: - Now words from the lines of famous poems will be heard. The task of the teams is within 1 minute. remember and read the stanza of this poem, the name of the author.
1. What did he throw in his native land? (Lermontov The sail turns white...)

The lonely sail turns white
In the blue sea fog!..
What is he looking for in a distant land?
What did he throw in his native land?..
2. I don’t want to make you sad in any way. (Pushkin. I loved you)
I loved you: love is still, perhaps,
My soul has not completely died out;
But don't let it bother you anymore;
I don't want to make you sad in any way.
I loved you silently, hopelessly,
Now we are tormented by timidity, now by jealousy;
I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,
How God grant you, your beloved, to be different.

Round 5 “Black box”. You have to guess what is in the box and who it belongs to.
1. This is the object with which the evil stepmother wanted to destroy the princess in “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights.” (Apple).
2. “He settled in that chamber,\nWhere the village old-timer had been arguing with the housekeeper for 40 years,\nLooked out the window and crushed flies.”\nIn the black box is a device with which Eugene Onegin’s uncle crushed flies. glass
1. Olga Ilyinskaya forgot this item when she came to Oblomov’s apartment. “The next day, Zakhar, while cleaning the room, found this object on the desk, looked at it for a long time, grinned, then gave it to Oblomov.
“The Ilyinskaya young lady must have forgotten,” he said.”
2. This is an item sent by the heroine of Pushkin’s novel to her lover. Tatiana's letter to Onegin.
1. In the black box there is something about which the French writer Guy de Maupassant said: “So charming, this silent beating of wings, white, motley and black, which flutter like captive moths.” FAN
2. What did Olga throw out in frustration on her date with Oblomov? “He again walked quietly along the same alley and reached half of it quietly, came across ....., which she tore off and threw away with annoyance.” lilac branch
Round 6 Restore poetic lines by rhyme.
1 team:
Love, hope, quiet glory
Deception did not last long for us,
The youthful fun has disappeared
Like a dream, like morning fog.
2nd team
I sprinkled ashes on my head,
I fled the cities as a beggar,
And here I live in the desert,
Like birds, God's gift of food;

Answers: A.S. Pushkin “To Chaadaev”, M.Yu. Lermontov “The Prophet”.

7th round Using an excerpt from a work, find out the name of the literary work and name the author. You have 30 seconds to answer the question. Correct answers are scored 1 point.
1. . “Many of the ladies were well dressed and in fashion, others dressed in what God sent them to provincial town. The men here, as elsewhere, were of two kinds: some thin, who all hovered around the ladies. Another class of men were fat or the same as..., that is, not too fat, but not thin either.... Alas! Fat people know how to manage their affairs in this world better than thin people. The thin ones serve more on special assignments or are just registered, wandering here and there. Fat people never occupy indirect places, but all are straight, and if they sit somewhere, they will sit securely, firmly, so that the place will most likely crack and bend under them, and they won’t fly off...”
Gogol "Dead Souls"
2. “What, your honor?” - he told me. - “You were afraid, admit it, when my fellows threw a rope around your neck? I’m having tea, the sky seemed the size of a sheepskin... And I would have swung on the crossbar if it weren’t for your servant. I immediately recognized the old guy. Well, did you think, your honor, that the man who brought you to the skill was the great sovereign himself? (Here he assumed an important and mysterious look.) You are deeply to blame for me,” he continued, “but I pardoned you for your virtue, for the fact that you did me a favor when I was forced to hide from my enemies . You'll see again! Will I still favor you when I get my own state? Do you promise to serve me with diligence? Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"
3. In the evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,
There was darkness in the cloudy sky,
The moon is like a pale spot
Through the dark clouds it turned yellow,
And you sat sad -
And now... look out the window...
Pushkin "Winter morning"

Frost and sun; wonderful day!
You are still dozing, dear friend.
It's time, beauty, wake up:
Open your closed eyes
Towards northern Aurora,
Be the star of the north!
In the evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,
There was darkness in the cloudy sky;
The moon is like a pale spot
Through the dark clouds it turned yellow,
And you sat sad -
And now... look out the window:

4. Then in vain you will resort to slander:
It won't help you again
And you won't wash away with all your black blood
Poet's righteous blood!
Lermontov "Death of a Poet"

Round 8 “Get to know me!”
Teams are given cards with their names written on them. literary works, as well as the names of the writers. The teams' task is to match these cards with portraits of writers.
1st team: M.Yu. Lermontov: Mikhail Yuryevich, “Hero of Our Time”, “Mtsyri”.
N.A. Nekrasov: Nikolai Alekseevich, “Who can live well in Rus'?”,
"Grandfather Mazay and the Hares."

L.N. Tolstoy: Lev Nikolaevich, “War and Peace”
"Anna Karenina" "After the Ball"
2nd team:
A.S. Pushkin: Alexander Sergeevich, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “Dubrovsky”,
A.P. Chekhov: Anton Pavlovich, “Thick and Thin”, “The Seagull”.

F.M. Dostoevsky: Fyodor Mikhailovich, “Crime and Punishment”,
"The Brothers Karamazov".

Round 9 "Poster".
Teams need to determine from the drawing which work the poster is for. It is necessary to write on the poster the author and the title of the play.
Fonvizin "Nedorosl"
Gogol "The Inspector General"
10th round Captains' competition

We ask the captains to come on stage.

Blitz tournament.
1. Nickname of the horse Kazbich (Karagyoz)
2. Pushkin’s opponent in a duel (Dantes)
3. Author of the painting “Barge Haulers on the Volga” (Repin)
4. What was the name of Pushkin’s wife (Natalia Goncharova)
5. Comrade Zilina (Kostylin)
6. Author of the story “Chameleon” (A.P. Chekhov)
7. Nanny Pushkina (Arina Rodionovna)
8. Name the epigraph to the story “The Captain’s Daughter”
9. Author of the poem “Frost, Red Nose. (Nekrasov)
10. Author of the comedy “Woe from Wit” (Griboyedov)
11. Not only a geometric curve, but also a strong exaggeration to create an artistic image.
12. Author of the stories “Fat and Thin”, “Death of an Official”. (A.P. Chekhov)

Our literary tournament is over.
The jury tallies the results.
While the jury sums up the results, the guys will recite a poem. Poems - 8 people.

Thanks to all the tournament participants, spectators and jury. We hope that our event inspired you to further explore Russian literature.

Municipal educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 55"

city ​​of Saratov Saratov region

Extracurricular activity on literature
in grades 5-6



teacher of Russian language and literature

Kulakova Flyura Farvazovna



Extracurricular activity on literature

Age: 5-6 grades. Number of participants: two teams of players, spectators. Location: Class.


Children! Help me correct these proverbs! Dear student! Help, help me quickly assemble the boots in pairs!


Take a closer look, think a little, complete the drawing so that it rhymes.

    Competition "Fairy Tales"

Remember the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. Answer the questions and name the fairy tale

    From three girls one became a queen, the other a weaver. And who did their sister become? (Cook. “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”) Did Tsar Saltan punish Baba Babarikha and the queen’s envious sisters with matchmaking? (No. “Sent all three home.” “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”). How many years did the old man and the old woman live in a dugout near the blue sea? (Exactly thirty years and three years. “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”). Who helped Elisha find a bride? (Wind. “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”).

New fairy tales were brought to the library. Listen to the names of the fairy tales, in my opinion, something is confused here. Correct errors in the title.

    "Turkey Princess." ("Princess Frog"). "At the dog's command." ("By pike command»). "Red Skin" ("Little Red Riding Hood"). "Axe noodles." (“Porridge from an axe”). "Boy with a fist." ("Tom Thumb"). "Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Wolf." ("Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf").
    Competition "Burim"
    Competition "Literary Works"

Name the genres of works.

Task for the first team:
    "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber." (Bylina). "Vasilisa the Wise". (Fairy tale).
Task for the second team:
    "A Crow and a fox". (Fable). "May Night, or the Drowned Woman." (Tale).
    Competition "Tale within a Fairy Tale"

Key:"Turnip"; “Silver Hoof” (P.P. Bazhov); "Chicken Ryaba";

“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” (A.S. Pushkin); "Petukhan Kurikhanych"; " Black chicken"(A. Pogorelsky); “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel” (A.S. Pushkin); “The Little Humpbacked Horse” (P.P. Ershov); “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”; "Princess Frog"; "By magic"; "Sivka-Burka"; "Teremok"; “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...” (A.S. Pushkin); “Ruslan and Lyudmila” (A.S. Pushkin); “The Tale of the Dead Princess...” (A.S. Pushkin).

List of used literature

1. Comprehensive educational project"Step by step". The author of the borrowing is unknown.

2. N.A. Shaulskaya “Let’s play at being erudite.” Rostov on Don. "Phoenix", 2005

3. O.N. Zaitseva, M.B. Ladygin " Literary education" M.: “Bustard”, 2000.

Extracurricular activity on literature.

Oral journal

“Every living thing is nearby!”

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Zaripova Nafisa Munirovna,


Subject extracurricular reading. Oral journal. All living things are nearby! (for students in grades 6-8)


To interest children in environmental problems of their street, village, city;

Teach children to be sensitive, kind, attentive;

- generalize, systematize, deepen students’ knowledge about nature and ecology.

Form: oral journal

Design: Folding book made from large sheets Whatman paper, consisting of pages, each of which has its own name.



3. Correspondent

4. Literary

5. Interrogative

Good afternoon, dear guys. Everyone knows what it is amazing world– forests, rivers, seas, sky, sun, animals, birds. All this is nature. Our life is inseparable from it. She is generous and selfless, she gives us everything for life and requires us to treat ourselves with respect. The poet Yakov Akim has wonderful poems about our planet:

There is one planet - a garden,

In this cold space.

Only here the forests are noisy,

Calling migratory birds.

It's the only one they bloom on

Lilies of the valley in green grass,

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet -

After all, there is no other one like it!

1st page.


Our whole life is connected with nature. Nature brightens our lives. She brings us a lot of joy. With what pleasure we listen to the singing of birds, the babbling of a brook, the mysterious whisper of the forest! With what pleasure we admire the expanse of fields, the mirror-like surface of rivers and the majestic bulk of mountains!

(students listen to the recording of “Bird Voices”).

. Reading poetry by students.

1." The smell of roses and jasmine"

The smell of roses and jasmine,
The trembling of leaves, the shine of the moon...
From open windows pours
Song of the South Side...
And they languish and pamper the soul
This night and song to me;
What is quiet, what is asleep -
They wake up in her again.
And suddenly perked up
A string of old dreams;
And it seemed like forever
Fate took away these dreams;
And that everything is different than when you were young
For days my soul was full
Absorbed irrevocably
Life is a muddy wave!
But again the flame went out
Lights up in the blood
And again the heart opened
For delight and love!
Roses and jasmines smell,
Silvered by the moon...
And he sings and sings about happiness
Someone's voice is young!..


The field spreads out like a wavy fabric
And merged with the sky as a dark blue edge,
And in the transparent sky a golden shield
The brilliant sun shines above him;
Like the sea, the wind blows through the fields
And the hills are covered with white fog,
He's talking about something furtively with the grass.
And boldly makes noise in the golden rye.
I am alone... And freedom in my heart and thoughts...
Here is my mother, friend and mentor - nature.
And life seems brighter ahead for me,
When to your powerful, wide chest
She tolerates me like a baby
And it pours part of its strength into my soul.


Make noise, make noise, green forest!
I know your majestic noise,
And your peace and the shine of heaven
Over your curly head.
Since childhood I have become accustomed to understanding
Your silence is mute
And your mysterious tongue
Like something close and dear.
How I loved it when sometimes
The gloomy beauty of nature,
You argued with a strong thunderstorm
In moments of terrible weather,
When your big oaks
The dark peaks swayed
And hundreds of different voices
In your wilderness they called to each other...
Or when it's daylight
In the far west it shone
And the bright purple of fire
Your clothes were illuminated.
Meanwhile, in the wilderness of your trees
It was already night, and above you
Chain of colorful clouds
Stretched out in a motley ridge.
And here I come again
To you with my fruitless longing,
Again I look at your twilight
And I listen to a free voice.
And maybe in your wilderness,
Like a prisoner brought to life by will,
I will forget the sorrow of my soul
And the bitterness of everyday life.

- Poems about nature - glorify the beauty and uniqueness of our planet, its diversity and splendor. Endless forests and steppes, snow-capped peaks, a bewitching play of water and light and a unique sunrise.

2nd page


- After all, for rich life For a person, he needs, like air, an introduction to the beautiful and the quiet soothing sounds of the river and the air filled with the aromas of the morning and the soothing colors of the dawn, instilling peace and tranquility in the heart. Nothing can compare with the state of a person who finds himself in this world of euphony and nirvana, while dreams and thoughts become deeper and sharper.

Students' essays.

"Human and nature"

I live in the urban-type settlement of Nizhnyaya Maktama, Almetyevsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan, and often with my parents I came to visit my grandmother in the village of Sugushly, Leninogorsk district.

The village is located in a mountain hollow. We often climbed the mountain, especially in the summer. The view of the village from above is beautiful, clean and full of greenery. There is a clearing at the top. Daisies, bluebells and many other flowers grew on it. We often saw and heard gophers whistling. They were picking strawberries. Tekla pure mountain spring water. The whole village came for healing water.

On the green grass, closer to the houses, small calves, sheep, and geese grazed. True, there were fewer of them every year. It smelled like a nice, clean, country smell.

Now everything looks completely different from what it used to be: the clearing has disappeared, people have made a quarry and quarries. paved the road through the clearings. Drivers from their cars throw bottles, sacks, packages and a lot of different garbage into the clearings. There are many oil stains where grass will no longer grow, the air is not clean, and there is a constant smell of either gas or gasoline. She has turned yellow and is painful to look at. The berries are no longer growing, there are no flowers. The beautiful meadow died, for some reason people forgot about the beauty of nature.

I think that people should protect and preserve nature. It may be that with man’s careless attitude towards nature, first all animals will disappear, and then we too...

8b grade student Khairullina Guzel.

People or planet?

Humans exploit technical superiority over other organisms. They use various resources of the planet for their needs, pollute the atmosphere, destroy the ozone layer, cut down forests, and kill animals. They are destroying the planet! Is it possible to re-educate people? It's too difficult!

Conclusion: the complete destruction of our species will bring the planet back to normal.

8b grade student Alina Khanipova.

Some day…

We do not take care of the world that we have. We know about the existence of the “Red Book”, however, we continue to kill animals and destroy plants. When we relax in nature, we forget to put out fires, which subsequently harm hectares of forest and hundreds of animals.

People do not protect nature, do not know how to enjoy its beauty, and do not understand its significance. If only we were more careful with nature! Perhaps someday a person will learn to do this. Keyword"some day"…

Tukhbatov Arthur 8th grade

Our smaller friends.

How can you not love animals? Is there such a person who would not be touched by the sight of a furry little ball with a curious wet nose? For us, any animal will forever remain a child, completely dependent, defenseless. A pet becomes a member of the family, loved and pampered. The homeless are doomed.

In our village there are many stray dogs and cats - victims of human cruelty, because many drive their pets out into the street, throw them away, as if unnecessary thing. Once on the street, they become dangerous.

Of course, we feed them; many are hungry. But there is no shelter for them. How to provide all possible assistance in solving this problem? We drew pictures and pasted them on bulletin boards: “You are responsible for those you have tamed!”

I have a pet- Umka the dog, whose life and happiness completely depends on me. She gives me selfless love, devotion and friendship. I would like to say to all people: “Don’t betray your friends!”

Student Amir Harrasov, 6a grade,

Caring for nature is the manifestation of good deeds and actions in cases where it is necessary, and you guys should know how to care for plants and animals, what conditions to create for their favorable growth and development. Of particular importance for the formation of a caring attitude towards nature is knowledge about a living organism, the ability to distinguish them from objects of inanimate nature. Such knowledge in the process of communicating with nature provides you with an understanding of specific situations in the behavior of animals and the state of plants.

3rd page


- As society develops, ecology becomes increasingly social significance. It has become a science that should help people survive, make their habitat acceptable for existence. Unfortunately, society realized this when the negative consequences of people’s consumer attitude towards nature became visible, when the state of the environment had already negatively affected the health of a huge number of people. From the problem of “organism – environment”, ecology approached the problem of “man – nature”.

Reading student articles .

Dear editors of the newspaper “Znamya Truda”!

As you know, our village of Nizhnyaya Maktama with a population of 11 thousand is located in the industrial area of ​​the city of Almetyevsk. Why shouldn't we, the young ones, worry about future fate village We want to see her beautiful, clean. We want to breathe fresh air.

And the air demands to be better. Often in the mornings and evenings there is a smell of gas. It is impossible to go outside. There is a gas processing plant not far from us. So the plant produces gas emissions. Hence the diseases.

ABOUT careful attitude to nature

Nature surrounds man from birth to last day life. And now, with high level development of civilization, people's lives are still subject to biological laws.

Man is inside nature and belongs to it. Nature has been and remains the nurse of humanity, its resources serve as the main source of its vitality.

Today, in some parts of the planet, living conditions are catastrophically deteriorating under the influence of air, water and soil pollution. There is also a constant increase in the number of various harmful irritants affecting both humans and the world around them.

The singer of Russian nature K. G. Paustovsky was right when he argued that to modern man, we all need ship forests, deep rivers, oceans of healing air, rich gardens and flowering meadows. We need fresh lakes, ringing springs, flocks of birds stretching in the foggy sky above the golden autumn groves, the whistling of birds, the radiance of night constellations in the smokeless sky and wide bright rainbows - harbingers of rich harvests.

In our country protected places known since the 11th-12th centuries. IN modern world Nature conservation is a complex concept. This is government policy, and a social movement, and a branch of practice, and new science. Remember that from birth a person has a huge potential for love of nature...

So let's develop it in ourselves, let's care for and love the parent of all living things, live in harmony with both plants and our little brothers!

And as a conclusion, you can take the wonderful poem by A. Usachev:

Run, bug,

Cricket, cricket,

And the butterfly - fly...

I won't offend you

Bon Voyage!

4th page


- “We are the masters of our Motherland, and for us it is a storehouse of the sun with a great treasure of life. Not only do these treasures need to be protected, they need to be opened and shown. Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs. There are various valuable animals in the forests, steppes, and mountains - we will protect the forests, steppes, and mountains. For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, steppes, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland,” wrote M.M. Prishvin.

Reading passages about nature from works of fiction to students.

"Gray Neck"

Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak

“Soon the first snow fell, but the river still did not succumb to the cold. Everything that froze at night was broken by the water. The fight was not to the stomach, but to death. The most dangerous were the clear starry nights, when everything was quiet and there was no one on the river waves. The river seemed to fall asleep, and the cold tried to freeze it with sleepy ice. And so it was quiet. Starlight Night. stood quietly dark forest on the shore, like a guard of giants. The mountains seemed higher, as they do at night. The high month bathed everything in its sparkling light. The mountain river that was seething during the day became quiet, and the cold quietly crept up on her, hugged the rebellious beauty tightly and as if covered her with mirror glass." Mamin-Sibiryak "Grey Neck"

"Forest in Autumn"

Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov

The Russian forest is beautiful and sad in the early autumn days. Bright spots of red-yellow maples and aspens stand out against the golden background of yellowed foliage. Slowly circling in the air, light, weightless ones fall and fall from the birches. yellow leaves. Thin silver threads of light cobwebs stretched from tree to tree. Late autumn flowers are still blooming.

The air is transparent and clean. The water in forest ditches and streams is clear. Every pebble at the bottom is visible.

Quiet in autumn forest. Only fallen leaves rustle underfoot. Sometimes a hazel grouse whistles subtly. And this makes the silence even more audible.

It's easy to breathe in the autumn forest. And I don’t want to leave it for a long time. It’s good in the autumn flowery forest... But something sad, farewell is heard and seen in it.

"Good girl"

K.V. Lukashevich

It was a harsh winter. Everything was covered with snow. It was hard for the sparrows. The poor creatures could not find food anywhere. Sparrows flew around the house and chirped pitifully.
The kind girl Masha took pity on the sparrows. She began collecting bread crumbs and sprinkled them on her porch every day. The sparrows flew in to feed and soon stopped being afraid of Masha. So the kind girl fed the poor birds until spring...

"Hello, winter!"

Sholokhov Mikhail Alexandrovich

So, it has come, the long-awaited winter! It's good to run through the frost on the first winter morning! The streets, still gloomy like autumn yesterday, are completely covered with white snow, and the sun shimmers in it with a blinding brilliance. Fancy pattern frost fell on shop windows and tightly closed house windows, frost covered the branches of poplars. Whether you look along the street, which stretches out like a smooth ribbon, or whether you look around you closely, everything is the same everywhere: snow, snow, snow. Occasionally a rising breeze pricks your face and ears, but how beautiful everything is around! What gentle, soft snowflakes smoothly swirl in the air. No matter how prickly the frost is, it is also pleasant. Isn’t that why we all love winter because, just like spring, it fills our chests with an exciting feeling. Everything is alive, everything is bright in the transformed nature, everything is full of invigorating freshness. It’s so easy to breathe and so good at heart that you involuntarily smile and want to say in a friendly manner to this wonderful winter morning: “Hello, winter!”

"Morning Rays"

Ushinsky Konstantin Dmitrievich

The red sun floated into the sky and began to send its golden rays everywhere - waking up the earth.
The first ray flew and hit the lark. The lark started, flew out of the nest, rose high, high and sang its silver song: “Oh, how good it is in the fresh morning air! How good! How fun!”
The second beam hit the bunny. The bunny twitched his ears and hopped merrily across the dewy meadow: he ran to get some juicy grass for breakfast.
The third beam hit the chicken coop. The rooster flapped his wings and sang: ku-ka-re-ku! The chickens flew away from their infestations, clucked, and began to rake away the rubbish and look for worms. The fourth beam hit the hive. A bee crawled out of its wax cell, sat on the window, spread its wings and - zoom-zoom-zoom! - flew off to collect honey from fragrant flowers.
The fifth ray hit the nursery, on the little lazy man’s bed: it hit him right in the eyes, and he turned on the other side and fell asleep again.

5th page


Ecology is a topic both important and complex. Health, well-being, and well-being of a person are closely related to the condition environment. Therefore, information about ecology is perceived acutely by the population.

Student performances


Rapid and extensive industrial development in Soviet times left the Republic of Tatarstan with a difficult environmental situation in most of its territory.

oil industry, chemical and engineering production, construction complex, agriculture, increase in the number of vehicles are the reason higher level air pollution in the republic, and for last decade the latter factor became dominant.

The problem is most pronounced in major cities such as Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk, Almetyevsk, Bugulma and Zainsk. Today, the level of pollution in the atmosphere of the capital of the republic is characterized as “high”, and in Naberezhnye Chelny and Nizhnekamsk - as “very high”.

Water spaces

Problem clean water relevant all over the world. Tatarstan is one of the most socio-economically developed regions of the country. The republic is also the most water-rich region in the Volga basin.

The quality of surface waters of the Kuibyshev and Nizhnekamsk reservoirs and large rivers of Tatarstan is characterized as “dirty” 4 “a” class.

In Tatarstan, water from surface and underground sources is used for drinking. 80 percent of the population of Kazan drinks water from the Volga. The largest Kuibyshev reservoir in Europe on this river is the main drinking reservoir for the capital.

Due to oil production enterprises in the Almetyevsky, Bavlinsky, Oktyabrsky districts, and because of the sugar plant in Buinsk, groundwater is rapidly polluted in these territories.

No less a problem for the republic is soil contamination with pesticides, heavy metal salts, and oil slags.

In areas of oil production, severe soil contamination is observed, exceeding the background content by 10 to 100 times.

poem. students of Khabibullina Kamilla to poems by V.V. Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad?”

“What is good and what is bad in ecology?”

Little son came to his father

And the little one asked:

"Garbage is good

Or is it bad?

Sitting on my knees

Your son

Dad reasoned sensibly:

“Must know, period!”

If the trash is not removed

From courtyards and squares,

There will be nowhere for you to play -

This will be bad!

There's a big factory smoking,

Waste is pouring into the river.

The water is already “boiling” -

This is very bad.

If you walked through the forest

Without breaking the branches,

This is very good

And the owl and the squirrel.

If there is a gust on the pipe,

Oil flows across the field

This, guy, is like an abscess,

Worse than any pain.

If you did good

People and animals

This, my friend, is good

The world will be kind!

Remember this, every son,

Know any child,

How to protect nature

Need to know from the cradle

Every citizen knows

" Protect nature!".

This is a slogan like one

We'll take it to work.

Ecology, son,

Important science.

If you have learned your lesson,

This is very cool!

The boy went joyfully

And the little one decided:

"I will do well

And I won’t be bad!”

Bottom line. The pages of our environmental magazine have now run out. Everything that surrounds us is alive! I want to remind you once again: love nature, take care of it and protect it!

Equipment: Cards with poems, with descriptions and words of the characters, with a table for composing words (k-k), envelope + letter (2 pcs.), exhibition of drawings and books



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Cossack secondary school

Yakovlevsky district, Belgorod region"




Teacher of Russian language

and literature

Lyubova A.O.

S. Kazatskoye, 2013

Target: develop students' communication skills and creative imagination.
Tasks: show the beauty, expressiveness, melodiousness of the Russian language, develop public speaking skills, cultivate a sense of patriotism, aesthetic taste, interest in Russian literature, the ability to navigate the world of literary works and heroes, correction and development of oral speech abilities, cognitive activity.
Equipment: Cards with poems, with descriptions and words of the characters, with a table for composing words (k-k), envelope + letter (2 pcs.), exhibition of drawings and books.

Progress of the lesson:

A riddle is written on the board:

  1. Not a tree, but with leaves.
    Not a shirt, but a sewn one.
    Not a person, but a storyteller. What is this?

Right. This is a book.
- The book helps you learn a lot of new and interesting things. Books teach us goodness and wisdom. Books allow you to find new and true friends.
Today we will test your ingenuity, erudition and literacy.
- Letters lined up for roll call. (alphabet)
- Hunter of other people's furs. (mol)
- A clerical “wit”. (button)
- Home porthole. (window)
- Part of the face that is sometimes hanged. (nose)
- “Egg” in geometry. (oval)
- It’s time, which in September is “womanish”. (summer)
- Green, which “kills flies.” (yearning)
- A stranger where they throw stones, but don’t let the goat in. (garden)
- A set of means with which you can make Baba Yaga

Say the word!
- More friendly than these two guys
You won't find it in the world.
They usually say about them:
(“You can’t spill it with water”)
- We left the town
Literally (up and down).
- And we are so tired on the road,
What barely (they dragged their feet).
- They are false, they confuse the words.
They sing (some into the forest, some for firewood).
What does this mean? (Presentation)
- Lead by the nose - deceive
- Putting a spoke in the wheels - getting in the way
- With a tight grip - strictly
- To turn one's nose up means to be proud, arrogant.
- Far, far away - far away
- Run very fast – headlong
- Work very well - roll up your sleeves
- Long time no see - how many years, how many winters. Vasilisa the Beautiful. (cosmetics)

(Having correctly arranged the lines, adding the right word, participants must read the quatrain)
I love the thunderstorm at the beginning...
Covered up with snow, for sure......
And he said, his eyes sparkling: “Guys, don’t ………………..behind us!”
The wind is blowing across the sea And the boat…………….
Evening, do you remember, there was a blizzard……… There was a haze in the cloudy sky
And walking importantly, in decorous calm, he leads the Horse by the bridle………….
And you, friends, no matter how you sit down, everyone is not a musician……………
We are free birds, it’s time, brother, it’s time To go there, where behind the clouds it’s white……………
Lamb on a hot day Came to the stream…………….
And the casket is just ………………….

(Objects are taken out of it when the audience guesses them from the description)
1. Hercules followed them to the gardens of the Hesperides. It also became a point of contention between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. When it's cramped, there's nowhere for him to fall. What do you think this item is? (apple)
2. It can be essential, but it can also be alien; sometimes they subsist on kvass; and he is friends with salt. What is this? (bread)
3. The name of the Apostle Peter, translated from Hebrew, means exactly what is in this box. It can be a cornerstone, and sometimes it can be a stumbling block. Bad person wears it in his bosom. In a dispute, the scythe can find him. (stone)
4. It is very small, but with its help you can interrupt the life of one influential gentleman, distinguished by his excessive thinness. A stupid person will look for it among the mown grass, and one who is very worried will sit on them. What is this item? (needle)
5. You need to eat 16.36 kg to get to know a person better. Once upon a time, she was almost worth her weight in gold. It was placed directly into the dishes for the guest. If the guest was respected, then they put a lot of it, and if not, then they didn’t put it at all. What kind of edible product is this? (salt)
6. It has the strange ability to ignite on someone who participated in the theft. You can take it off, break it, grab it in your arms. You can even throw them at them! There is no way to do without it ordinary life, taking into account the peculiarities of our climate. And fairy-tale heroes it is often invisible. And what is this necessary item? (a cap)
7. It can sometimes roll up to the throat and get stuck in it. Contradictions are intertwined in it. And in folk tales he shows the way to Ivan Tsarevich. What kind of folklore assistant is this? (clew)
8. He can hit and he can open. It may be wet, or it may be dry. Sometimes it is just a means to unravel or understand something. What is in the Black Box? (key)
9. It can be placed on a waterfowl, but it will be to no avail. It can be pounded in a mortar and carried in a sieve. You can hide the ends in it and run a pitchfork along it. It can be dead and on jelly. And if you don’t want to answer my question, then you can put it in your mouth. But it is in your best interest to respond. What is this? (water)
10. When there is a whole vessel of it, then there are, dare I say it, pests who are ready to spoil it by adding at least a little something bitter and inedible. (honey)

1. KulaK 2.KunaK 3.Kulik 4.KuroK 5.Clerk 6.Kazak 7.KabaK 8.KotiK 9.KomoK 10.KushaK
11.KuboK 12.KivoK 13.KatoK 14.ShoalK 15.KadyK 16.KulyoK

(Solve riddles about literary heroes. Identify the work based on music or a still from a movie)
Pushkin's fairy tales, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “Dubrovsky”, “Blizzard”, “The Night Before Christmas”, “Taras Bulba”, “French Lessons”, “Children of Captain Grant”.
(Children are given cards with descriptions and phrases of heroes of literary works. They read out, the rest must say the name of the hero)
“I am Odikhmanty’s son, I sit on an oak tree, I whistle when I want.”(Nightingale the Robber)
“About nine heads, the horse stumbled under him”(Miracle Yudo)
« Such a meek person has a temperament, and a groom was found for her...”(Princess)
« He took two roosters and smashed them against each other, so they didn’t fight anymore.”(Gerasim)
“I put a gun in the bear’s ear and fired.”(Dubrovsky)
“Wearing big mittens, and he’s as small as a fingernail.”(Vlas)
“I have no brothers, not yet a year old”(Lamb)
“The hair is plucked, there are no buttons, and the little guy is old.”(Left-handed)
“I don’t want to be a free queen, I want to be the mistress of the sea”(Old woman)
“He was wounded in battle, and everyone considered it their duty to feed him”(Horse)
-Remember who was the creator of the first Slavic alphabet?
a) Boris and Gleb
b) Cyril and Methodius
c) Minin and Pozharsky
d) Chuk and Gek
- Did you know that the most laconic correspondence in the world took place between French writer Victor Hugo and the publisher of his book Les Misérables. Hugo sent a letter to his publisher with only “?”. What did the writer receive in response?
a) A blank sheet of paper
b) Empty sms
c) “Yo”
- This is how the writer found out that his book aroused great interest among readers.
- Onegin liked Byron, so he hung it over his bed.
- I met M.Yu. Lermontov in kindergarten.
- The writer in his works shows us a simple language.
- Mumu pressed herself against the wall when the lady approached and bared her teeth.
- The soldiers took pity on the hungry children and gave them cans.
- Taras Bulba’s belt held a cradle, a pistol and a mustache.

MBOU "Zolotukhinskaya Secondary School"

Extracurricular activity on literature

for 6th, 7th grades

“A book is a great thing...”

prepared by the teacher

Russian language and literature

Kuzmina Valentina Fedorovna

year 2013

"A book is a great thing..."


to interest children in reading books, to expand the horizons and vocabulary of students;

provide students with the opportunity to discover their abilities; develop thinking, memory, and the ability to use previously acquired knowledge;

develop the ability to work in a team, bear responsibility to team members.

Just as rubles are made from kopecks, so

knowledge is formed from grains of what is read.

V. I. Dal.

Advance homework:

each team must prepare

1) presentation literary hero(suit + phrase),

2) a literary crossword for your competitors.


1) 2 teams consisting of students of 6th and 7th grades take part in the game;

2) for each correct answer, the jury (2 9th grade students) awards 1 point, the team receives a token - the key to knowledge; for the presentation of a literary hero - 2 points.

Progress of the event

Teacher: I am glad to welcome you here, and today we will hold an event dedicated to the book. A. Blok said: “A book is a great thing as long as a person knows how to use it.” First, I would like to introduce you to the history of the book.

1 presenter: A book is a periodical publication in the form of bound sheets of printed material, a means of mass, scientific and technical information. One of the oldest forms of a book is a scroll (6th - 3rd millennium BC, later replaced by a codex). The main material for making books: initially - papyrus, from the 2nd century BC - parchment and from the 13th century (in Europe) - paper.

2 presenter:

IN ancient world In the Middle Ages, books were reproduced by rewriting. The first printed book is considered to be a text reproduced by woodcut (the image was obtained from a flat wooden printing plate) in Korea (704-751). Printing originated in China (11th century); printed books appeared in Europe in the mid-15th century (creator Johann Guttenberg, 1456).

1 competition. "Blitz Intelligence"

List all the proverbs and sayings about books that you know.

(A book decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune.

Not everyone who reads knows the power of reading.

One book teaches a thousand people.

A book is a book, and move your mind.

He who reads a lot knows a lot.

A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.

It is wasted effort to fish without a hook and to study without a book.

I read new book– met with a friend (Chinese).

Gold comes from the earth, and knowledge comes from books.

A book is to the mind what warm rain is to sunrise.)

2 competition. “It’s elementary”

    The title page is... (the beginning of the book).

    A book lover is a person...(loves books).

    Notes, literary memoirs about simple events, made by a contemporary or participant in these events (memoirs).

    An ancient bound manuscript that replaced a scroll (codex).

    Creator of the first library in Rus' (Yaroslav the Wise, 1037).

    In the 15th century, the first printed book appeared in Europe. Who is its creator? (Johann Guttenberg.)

    In 1564, Ivan Fedorov published the first printed book in Russia. What was her name? (“Apostle.”)

    The number of copies of the book published by the publishing house (circulation).

    What is the name of an academic subject that allows you to think deeply, be able to reason, ask questions and simply help you live? (literature)

    What was a plowman called? Ancient Rus'? (oratay)

    The robber who killed people with the sound of his voice was defeated by a man who had barely learned to walk. Name their names (Nightingale the Robber and Ilya Muromets).

    I. I. Pushchin recalled: “At my friend’s, famous poet and the writer, had the nickname Frenchman.” What is this writer's last name? (A. Pushkin)

    Which Russian poet called winter “the enchantress”? (F. Tyutchev)

    Name the object that Huckleberry Finn, having fun, enthusiastically twirled on a rope above his head? (dead cat)

3 competition. "Carry on"

Team representatives come out and pull out tickets. You need to continue the poem for at least 1 quatrain. Name the poem and author.

1. It’s time, beauty, wake up... (A. Pushkin “Winter Morning.”)

2. Below him is a stream of lighter azure... (M. Lermontov “Sail.”)

3. Who is driving you: is it fate... (M. Lermontov “Clouds.”)

4. Don’t be shy for your dear fatherland... (The Russian people have endured enough, / They have endured this railway too - / They will endure everything that the Lord sends! N. Nekrasov “The Railway.”)

4 competition. "Where does the proverb come from"

Teams must determine from what source the proverb originated.

1. The beaten one brings the unbeaten one (from the fairy tale “The Fox and the Wolf”).

2. For the strong, the powerless is always to blame (from the fable “The Wolf and the Lamb”).

3. And Vaska listens and eats (from the fable “The Cat and the Cook”).

4.And the cart is still there (from the fable “Swan, Pike and Crayfish”).

5 competition. "Library"

Each team receives a list of works. The author must be signed correctly.

“Demyanov’s ear” (I. Krylov.)

“The Night Before Christmas” (N. Gogol.)

“Horse surname” (A. Chekhov.)

“The Peasant Young Lady” (A. Pushkin.)

“Three Palms” (M. Lermontov.)

“Grandfather” (N. Nekrasov.)

"Black chicken, or Underground inhabitants"(A. Pogorelsky.)

“Frost, Red Nose” (N. Nekrasov.)

“The Sleeping Princess” (V. Zhukovsky.)

“Enchanted Place” (N. Gogol.)

“French Lessons” (V. Rasputin.)

“Surgery” (A. Chekhov.)

6 competition

Identify the work and name the author based on the set of characters:

1) mirror, boy, girl, troll; (H. Andersen “The Snow Queen”)

2) janitor, wardrobemaid, Tatyana, lady; (I. Turgenev “Mumu”)

3) grandfather, letter, witches, cards; (N. Gogol “The Missing Letter”)

4) robber, kennel, Vereisky, bear; (A. Pushkin “Dubrovsky”)

5) Alexander Pavlovich, Count Kiselvrode, Platov; (N. Leskov “Lefty”)

6) dead people, Count Kleinmichel, road, hunger. (N. Nekrasov “Railway”)

7 competition. “Restore the proverb in 2 words” (proverbs are written on tablets).

For example: business is idleness (A small business is better than a big idleness).

1) barks - bites (the dog barks at the brave, but bites the cowardly);

2) hands - boredom (Don’t sit idly by, there will be no boredom);

3) labor - laziness (Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him);

4) Motherland - stand up (Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her);

5) kopek - ruble (Kopek saves the ruble);

6) if it comes around, it will respond (As it comes around, so it will respond);

7) silver is gold (The Word is silver, and silence is gold);

8) pen - ax (What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax).

8 competition. “Restore the stanza by rhyme”:

1) will allow, along the stream, I drink, if you please.

(When the brightest Wolf allows,

I dare say that down the stream...)

2) out the window, alone, on our own, we’ll fly away.

(Pecks, and throws, and looks out the window,

It’s as if he had the same idea with me...)

9 competition. The game "Burime" (a French word, translated as "rhymed ends"). The game is to write poems to given rhymes:





For example: Our Petrusha knows the business.

At least ask the whole class.

Twenty sandwiches

Eats it in one go.

10 competition. "Crossword"

Teams must solve a literary crossword puzzle prepared for them by their competitors. Time -10 minutes.

At this time, a competition “How tall...” is held for spectators.

1) How tall was A. Pushkin, if the poet’s brother Lev Sergeevich recalled: “He was small in stature (he was a little over 5 inches)…”? (As a matter of course, Lev Pushkin did not mention 2 arshins, because in the old days it was customary to denote height by the number of vershoks in excess of 2 arshins; an arshin is 71.12 cm, an vershok is 4.45, i.e. 165 cm.)

2) How tall was he? main character story “Mumu” ​​- Gerasim, if I. Turgenev writes that he was “a man 12 inches tall”? (196 cm)

11 competition. “Get to know the hero” (homework).

Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.

List of used literature

1. Zhirenko O.E., Savchenko E.V., Lobacheva S.I. The world of holidays, shows and quizzes: 5th – 11th grade. M.: LLC “5 for knowledge”, 2008.

2.Malyugina V.A., Chernykh O.G. Game lessons in literature: 6th grade. M.: Vako, 2009.

3. Creative work in Russian language lessons. 5 – 11 grades. Compiled by: Sulitskaya N.M. and others. Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

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