Psychological characteristics of children 3 years old

"Consulting and Methodological Center "Development"


The period from 1 year to 3 years is the next stage in the development of the child - this is the psychological separation from the mother - and early childhood begins. This is due to the fact that the child not only develops new physical capabilities, but also intensively develops mental functions, and by the end of the period the initial foundations (rudiments) of self-awareness appear.

Development of mental functions:

This period is considered a sensitive period for speech acquisition.

Speech By the age of 3, a child’s speech acquires objective meaning and, in connection with this, objective generalizations appear. Active and passive vocabulary is growing rapidly. By the age of 3, a child understands almost everything. Speaks 1000 – 1500 words.

Perception. At an early age, other mental functions develop - perception, thinking, memory, attention. Perception dominates. This means a certain dependence of other mental processes on it. Children's behavior is spontaneous and impulsive; nothing that lies outside the visual situation attracts them. Until the age of 2, a child cannot act at all without relying on perception. Elementary forms of imagination are present. Small child incapable of inventing anything or lying. Perception is affectively colored - in connection with this, impulsive behavior is characteristic. Observed objects really “attract” the child, causing him to have a strong emotional reaction. The affective nature of perception leads to sensorimotor unity. The child sees a thing, he is attracted to it, and thanks to this, impulsive behavior begins to unfold - to get it, to do something with it.

Memory. Basically, this is recognition, there is no reliance on past experience.

Actions and thinking. Thinking in this age period is usually called visual-effective. It is based on the perceptions and actions carried out by the child. And although at about 2 years of age the child develops an internal plan of action, throughout early childhood Subject-based activity remains an important basis and source of intellectual development. IN joint activities With an adult, the child learns ways of operating with a variety of objects.

The main type of activity of the child is objective activity, during which the child becomes acquainted with various properties items; his sensory development continues.

IN game complex a child of the second year of life should include toys such as: cubes, balls, pyramids, nesting dolls, boards with inserts of various geometric shapes, building materials of various sizes.

Thinking initially manifests itself in the process itself practical activities, therefore, according to domestic psychologists, it lags behind it in terms of the general level of development and the composition of operations. The objective actions themselves are also improved. The mastered actions are transferred to other conditions.

The leading activity during this period is object-manipulative. The child does not play, but manipulates objects, including toys, focusing on the actions with them. However, at the end of early childhood, play with a plot still appears in its original forms. This is the so-called director's game, in which the objects used by the child are endowed with playful meaning. For the development of play, the appearance of symbolic or substitutive actions is important.

Emotional development. The development of mental functions is inseparable from the development of the emotional-need sphere of the child. The dominant perception at an early age is affectively colored. The child reacts emotionally only to what he directly perceives. The child’s desires are unstable and quickly passing, he cannot control and restrain them; They are limited only by punishments and rewards from adults. All desires have equal strength: in early childhood there is no subordination of motives. The child still cannot choose or settle on one thing - he is not able to make a decision.

The development of the emotional-need sphere depends on the nature of the child’s communication with adults and peers. In communication with close adults who help the child explore the world of “adult” objects, the motives of cooperation predominate, although purely emotional communication, which is necessary for everyone, also remains. age stages. A young child, when communicating with children, always proceeds from his own own desires, completely disregarding the wishes of the other. Egocentrism. Doesn't know how to empathize. Early childhood is characterized by vivid emotional reactions associated with the child’s immediate desires. At the end of this period, when approaching the 3-year crisis, affective reactions to the difficulties faced by the child are observed. A young child is easily distracted. If he is really upset, it is enough for an adult to show him his beloved or new toy, offer to do something interesting with him - and the child, for whom one desire is easily replaced by another, instantly switches and enjoys doing a new activity. The development of the child’s emotional-need sphere is closely related to the emerging self-awareness at this time. At about 2 years old, the child begins to recognize himself in the mirror. Self-recognition is the simplest, primary form of self-awareness. The consciousness of “I”, “I am good”, “I myself” and the emergence of personal actions propel the child to a new level of development. The transition period begins - a crisis of 3 years.

In early childhood, a child actively learns about the world of objects around him and, together with adults, masters ways of operating with them. Its leading activity is object-manipulative, within which the first primitive games arise. By the age of 3, personal actions and the consciousness of “I myself” appear - the central new formation of this period. A purely emotional inflated self-esteem arises. At the age of 3, a child’s behavior begins to be motivated not only by the content of the situation in which he is immersed, but also by relationships with other people. Although his behavior remains impulsive, actions appear that are associated not with immediate momentary desires, but with the manifestation of the child’s “I”." alt="psychological" align="left" width="120" height="105 src=">Предложите ребенку кубики размером 8 кубических см. Попросите его построить башню, поставив один кубик на другой. Ребенок должен это сделать без показа. Далее покажите ему, как можно построить из кубиков поезд с трубой. Ребенок строит поезд после показа (добавляет трубу).!}

or "What's drawn here?"
The child names many pictures from the group: animals, people, dishes, clothes, furniture.

8. Test for understanding instructions.

Invite your child to do a few simple instructions: “give mom the ball”, “put it on the table”, “give it to me”, “pick up the fallen cube”, “bring me the doll”, etc.

The child follows more than 10 instructions, demonstrating understanding of the speech addressed to him.

From two and a half to three years.

1. Test with cubes.

Determines the degree of development of perception, the ability to exercise independent control over the process of completing a task.

Invite your child to build a tower from 9 cubes (8 cubic cm in size).
The child completes this task without prior demonstration.
Then, after the show, he makes a model of a train with a pipe and builds, also after the show, a bridge.

2. Test with geometric shapes.

Offer your child a familiar board with cut out geometric shapes (circle, triangle, square), but now each shape consists of two parts.

The child independently copes with folding a circle from two parts and inserting it into the appropriate hole. An initial understanding of the relationship between part and whole is assessed.

3. Test with a pyramid to assess the ability to visually compare and differentiate the size of an object.

The child independently assembles a pyramid of several rings, focusing on their size. The child also copes with the task of nesting three nesting dolls into one another. But help is needed to close the nesting dolls.

4. Test with household objects to assess understanding.

A child of two and a half to three years old performs imitative actions with household objects during play, dresses independently, fastens buttons, and ties shoelaces with a little help from adults.

5. Memory test.

Ask your child to tell you who he lives with at home, what he ate for breakfast, what he likes to play, and also repeat the phrase: “In the summer there were a lot of mushrooms and berries in the forest,” and then repeat 3 numbers in a row: 2,5,9 . The child answers questions well, repeats a phrase of 6-7 words, and also repeats 3 numbers in a row.

6. Test for the development of spatial concepts.

Sit down with your child at the table, opposite each other. Place two identical toys in front of you and in front of the child: a doll on your right, a teddy bear on your left. Then say: “The bear and the doll went for a walk,” and remove your toys and the child’s toys from the table. Next, place the doll in front of you on the left and the teddy bear on the right and ask the child to do the same.

Now ask your child to hide the doll under the table and get the piece of paper from under the chair. Then ask where is up, where is down, what does it mean to go forward and what does it mean to go back, what is in the box and under the box.

A child of two and a half to three years old completes tasks with some help, and may make mistakes in 1-2 directions.

In general, the task demonstrates the development of the child’s ability to navigate in space using a model and a word.

7. Test "Paired pictures" to assess attention and visual perception.

Prepare four pairs of subject pictures (a frog and a boat, a bunny and a bucket, a bear and a fish, a car and a ball, etc.).

Place two object pictures (with a car and with a ball) in front of the child. Take the exact same pair for yourself. Show your child that his and your pictures are the same. Then put away your pictures, take out one of them and, showing it to the child, ask to see the same one.

The child copes with all the tasks and immediately understands the instructions.

8. Vocabulary assessment test.

By the age of three, a child can name all the objects depicted in the pictures from test No. 7 for children two to two and a half years old.

Three years is an age that can be considered as a certain milestone in the development of a child from the moment of his birth. The crisis of three years ends the period of “merging” with the mother, the baby begins to become more and more aware of his own “separateness”. The main needs at this age are the need for communication, respect and recognition. The main and most important type of activity for a child is play.

At this age, your child:

“Anti-will” is formed, which is expressed in the desire to do everything in one’s own way.(Read the section "Adult Crises" in the group. Crisis of 3 years old!) It is absolutely necessary for the child to have a successful separation. He will have to realize himself as an independent person. The child, separating from adults, tries to establish new, deeper relationships with them.

Manifestations of awareness of oneself as an individual person will be expressed in his need to reject almost everything that his parents offer and do something himself, even if he doesn’t really want it or is not yet able to do it. The child gives a negative reaction not to the action itself, which he refuses to perform, but to the adult’s demand or request. In this case, a child can obey one parent and contradict the other in everything.

It becomes possible to act not under the influence of any random desire, but to act on the basis of other, more complex and stable motives. This is an important achievement in his development and the next step in gaining independence.

There is an urgent need to communicate not only with the mother and family members, but also with peers. The child learns the rules of interaction through the feedback of both adults and children to his actions.

The game is becoming more and more collaborative. Playing with objects may already have some kind of plot content; it is increasingly becoming figurative and role-playing. In it, the child imagines himself as anyone and anything and acts accordingly. But at this age, it is enough for a child to play for 10-15 minutes, then he wants to switch to something else.

Children, when playing with peers, learn to feel and protect their personal boundaries and perceive their presence in other people.

The child is forced to learn to take into account the desires and feelings of his play partners, otherwise he risks being left alone and bored. Many new words appear.

The child actively masters speech, inventing non-existent words, giving already known words their own special personal meaning.

1. The child can count to three and show the corresponding number of fingers on his hand.
2. A child can be able to master the concepts: one - many, big - small, high - low, etc.
3. The child can know the primary colors (red, yellow, green, blue, white, black). 4. The child can know the basics geometric figures
(circle, square, triangle).
5. The child can be able to compare objects by size, color, shape. Be able to compare the number of objects.

6. A child can be able to match an object with a given characteristic.

Logical thinking
Development of Thinking, Memory, Attention
A child aged 3 to 4 years can be able to:
1. A child can be able to put together a cut picture from 2-4 parts.
2. The child can be able to find and explain inconsistencies in drawings.
3. The child may be able to find an extra object and explain why he made such a choice.
4. The child can be able to find similarities and differences between objects.
5. A child can be able to remember 2-3 pictures.
6. A child can be able to remember 3-4 words that an adult repeated several times.
7. The child can be able to remember and repeat the movements that an adult showed 1-2 times,
8. A child may be able to remember any detail or feature of an object.
9. A child can be able to complete a task within 5 minutes without being distracted.
10. The child can find paired objects. Be able to select the right one from a group of objects.

11. A child can be able to pay attention to the properties and characteristics of objects, find similarities and differences between objects.

Speech Development
A child aged 3 to 4 years can be able to:
1. A child can be able not only to visually perceive images, but also to describe what he saw.
2. The child easily forms simple sentences and gradually moves on to complex ones (5-6 words).
3. The child can be able to separate objects into groups: furniture, dishes, clothes, etc.
4. A child can be able to name one characteristic of each object.
6. A child can be able to repeat rhymes and songs after an adult.
7. The child can know his first and last name.
8. A child can be able to control the strength of his voice, speak loudly - quietly.

The world

Speech Development
1. The child can know the names and be able to show domestic (cow, goat, horse, cat, dog, etc.) and wild (wolf, hare, fox, etc.) animals.
2. A child can know the names of 3-4 birds (sparrow, swallow, crow), 3-4 fish (whale, catfish, shark) and 3-4 insects (grasshopper, butterfly, bee).
3. The child can know the names of the main plants: 3-4 trees (birch, oak, apple tree) and 3-4 flowers (chamomile, tulip, rose).
4. A child can know what vegetables, fruits, berries, and mushrooms are.
5. The child can have an idea of ​​the materials from which surrounding objects are made.
6. A child can know the parts of the day - morning, afternoon, evening, night.
7. A child can be able to name natural phenomena - rain, snow, wind.

Everyday Skills

Speech Development
1. The child can be able to put clothes on independently (without fasteners).
2. The child may be able to cut paper with scissors.
3. A child can be able to use pencils, markers, pens, etc. Be able to draw circles, dots, lines.
4. The child can trace and color pictures.
5. The child can know the basic rules of hygiene.

It is important for you as his parents:

Treat the child’s manifestations of “against the will” with patience and understanding. Remember that the child’s will suppressed at this age can subsequently lead to passivity, apathy, dependence and infantilism. You should allow your child to insist on his own (if it is not harmful to his life and health), even when it seems ridiculous or unnecessary to you.

Remember that so-called stubbornness is the reaction of a child who insists on something not because he really wants it, but because it is important for him that his opinion be taken into account.

Prepare your child for kindergarten or provide him with another opportunity to communicate. To do this, you need to help him master self-care skills, develop a suitable daily routine several months before entering kindergarten, set the child up for a positive attitude towards kindergarten and be prepared for possible negative reactions when parting. They are natural. A child can and has the right to experience grief from the loss of his familiar world.

Discuss with your child conflict situations in kindergarten or on the playground. Teach him to respect his own and others’ personal boundaries. To do this, it is important to be an example for him - that is, to treat him and your family members with respect.

Handle your child's feelings with care. Empathize with his grief, understand his anger, share his joy, feel his fatigue. It is important not to suppress his emotions, but to teach him how to properly deal with his own emotional reactions.

Continue to actively develop coordination of movements (learn to jump, stand on one leg, play with a ball), fine motor skills (this is facilitated by modeling classes, various lacing, folding pyramids). It is advisable that the child have a sports corner at home where he can practice physical exercises.

Realize that his speech patterns and vocabulary will be formed mainly from the speech he hears in the family. Reading age-appropriate children's books together is incredibly beneficial. This will expand the child’s vocabulary and help in his development. imaginative thinking, will create emotional intimacy and warmth in your relationship. Talk to your child more, discuss the day's events with him, ask him about what happened to him, and answer his questions patiently.

Information taken from the site

Lecture 7. Psychological characteristics early childhood

Lecture outline:

7.1. general characteristics child development and -3 years.

7.2. Manipulative and objective activities as the leading type of activity. Other activities.

7.3. Speech development.

7.4. Characteristics of the cognitive sphere of a young child.

7.5. Emotional-volitional sphere and its development.

7.6. Three-year-old crisis.

Basic concepts: manipulation; subject activity; sensitive period of speech development; formation of higher mental functions; emotional sphere; arbitrariness of actions; crisis of three years.

> General characteristics of child development 1-3 years old

What age requires the most attention in terms of opportunities for acceleration? mental development child, the use or non-use of which could have serious consequences? From a psychological and pedagogical point of view, this is an early childhood, from one to three years. According to the data available today psychological science, this age is one of the key ones in a child’s life and largely determines her future psychological development.

After the baby stage begins new stage human development - early childhood (from 1 year to 3 years). The child begins to master the body and control hand movements. At an early age, the child is no longer a helpless creature; she is extremely active in her actions and in her desire to communicate with adults.

In the first year of life, the infant developed the initial forms of mental actions characteristic of humans. The next two years - the period of early childhood - bring the child new fundamental achievements.

By the beginning of the second year of life, the social situation of development changes. The “world of things” comes first for the child. The leading activity becomes substantive activity. Emotional communication with an adult, as before, remains the most important for the development of a child’s psyche, but after the crisis of the first year it is mediated by objects. The most important task of early childhood is to comprehend the essence objective world. An adult is already interesting as a “user of objects,” as one who will help master human ways of using things.

The crisis of the first year laid the foundations for the formation of the child’s will, but it still has to mature. That is why, by the second year of life, prohibiting commands are ineffective. The child can be frightened, and then she may refuse what she planned to do. But during this period, distracting, motivating commands from an adult are more effective. Those that do not block the baby’s research initiative. Many children of the second year of life even perceive their peers as a toy - they are touched. they stroke, kiss, may push, bite. Only at the beginning of the third year, when self-awareness begins to develop, does the attitude towards a peer change.

Intensive physical growth of a child at the stage of early childhood (from one to three years) continues, although its pace slows down somewhat. Along with general growth, anatomical formation and functional development of tissues and organs occurs. Weight increases quickly. The ratio between the size of the head, torso and limbs changes. By the age of two, a child’s baby teeth will erupt. Respiratory and circulatory organs develop, etc.

Increased performance nervous system, the overall weight of the brain increases, the regulatory role of the cortex increases cerebral hemispheres and control on its part over the subcortical centers.

The social situation of development is in many ways similar to the situation at the previous stage. The child is not yet able to independently satisfy his life needs, and therefore communication with an adult is a necessary condition ensuring her life.

The development of the psyche during this period depends on a number of factors. A significant role is played by the child’s mastery of upright walking, which makes him communicate with the outside world independently, expands the range of things that become objects of knowledge, develops the ability to navigate in space and manipulate a wide variety of objects, and the like.

Acting as a “transformer of the objective world,” the child insists on his independence. During this period, personal autonomy is formed. An educational resource in this situation is the fact that, abstracting from the adult, independently managing the things around him, the child does this by following the adult. Thus, the determining educational direction for a child becomes how the adult himself manages the objective world.

The task of an adult during this period is to be a model in external behavior. It’s not always possible to manage a child, but to be an architect environment child - more effectively. Parents have created a safe environment for the child, which will allow him to develop research skills and give him the opportunity for a long time keeping oneself busy with any activity, changing types of activities, lays the foundations of creativity in your child.

In this article:

In the fourth year of a child’s life, all the important features of the psyche appear, the formation of personality and meaningful activity occurs. This is an important period, and parents should pay attention to how their baby is living.

For proper psychological development at this age, it is necessary to have friends, engage in creative activity and games. If the baby is deprived of all this, then he will have a hard time. Formation personal qualities may take longer, causing developmental delays.

By the age of 4, a child should already have learned a lot, including speaking correctly, communicating and making acquaintances, playing cooperative games. Now he is active, full of vital energy. Children actively want to play with each other. Be sure to give them this opportunity, otherwise development may begin to slow down.

What do children already know?

At the age of 3-4 years, children are already quite independent -

as far as it can be. They know how to play on their own, although they enjoy the attention of adults very much. Now they are occupied by mobile role-playing games. Concentration on the game lasts for a long time. For proper development The child needs to be in the company of other children. be at home all the time, even with the best toys and loving people, is not enough for its development.

A feature of this age is the rapid development of personality. The more time the baby spends among other children, the more he can learn.
Kindergarten usually contribute to the development. There children develop faster and gain greater independence. The process of adaptation to kindergarten takes psychological development to a new level.

The child's basic skills now determine the progress of psychological development. Speech, play and creative activities, thinking habits and the ability to communicate with other children and adults play a role here.


Peculiarities of speech of younger children preschool age are that the baby begins to talk not only with living objects. He needs speech during the game, he illustrates his actions, pronounces phrases and words. Now speech is more developed. Nouns and verbs are used correctly, sentences become longer and more complex.

The baby can now plan. He expresses his plans and ideas for games to his parents and other children. Now it is quite possible for him to use the future tense. With the help of speech, he fixes many things in memory. Memorization is easier if you say something out loud several times.


Children's games at this age change. Children come up with a developed plot that repeats their usual actions. Now game scenarios– this is a family, a trip to kindergarten, school, a walk. All this is combined, reproducing ordinary life child. Boys are interested in games with cars and equipment. Girls are already showing their first interest in children and babies. They can act as the doll's mother or sister.

Features of the game depend not only on gender, but also on the general baby development. The higher it is, the more complex the game scenario. It is necessary to involve other people. In extreme cases, they can be replaced with other toys. Children have a great desire to play. You can’t suppress it by imposing long-term classes or trips to developmental clubs.. There must be time for everything, but now play is the driving force for the development of the psyche, thinking, and speech.

Many schools early development use a playful approach to teaching children aged 4 years and older. Thus even foreign language can come very easily. Of course, games are and remain the most desirable children's activity. The baby can share his gaming experiences with his parents. For example, a toy/doll is sick - here the baby projects his past illness onto the toys. Thanks to children's well-developed situational logic, their games become more and more realistic.


Creativity for children 3-4 years old serves as the basis for further activities. The images are quite poor - few children now already have good inclinations for drawing, designing, and sculpting. Creative activity is aimed at development fine motor skills, general development psyche. This activity is calming and makes it possible to concentrate on the process.

Children are creative usually evokes positive emotions. This is the moment when you can show yourself, demonstrate your vision of the world. Feature This activity is a repetition according to the pattern. The child cannot come up with ideas on his own, but accumulates a variety of images and designs that adults show him. Only later will he be able to create on his own.

At the age of 4 years, if a child has been involved in creative activities, the first independence usually begins to appear. He no longer wants to use the colors shown to him for the drawing, but chooses his own. The result could be “green sun”, “ blue people"and other colors and shapes unusual for familiar objects.


Thinking develops actively only when there is a need for it. For children 3-4 years old, short classes are introduced in kindergarten: poetry, retelling a fairy tale, describing a picture, logic puzzles. This stimulates logical and situational thinking. Children already understand questions and can answer them. Communication and games also stimulate the thought process.

Now it is important to teach your child simple actions:

  • wash your hands before eating without being reminded;
  • collect toys after playing;
  • Tie your own shoelaces and fasten buttons.

Kids share their experiences with each other; in games and in classes they can already express their opinions. At this age, the baby's self-esteem begins to develop, his moral qualities. For example, a baby limits himself, accompanied by verbal instructions. He walks around the puddle, telling himself that this way he won’t get dirty.

Social life

Children happily communicate with each other. It is still very easy to make acquaintances and friendships. Of course, provided that the baby is not limited in healthy social contacts. Yet, even at the age of 4, children already subordinate communication to a number of norms and rules. They also use them to assess behavior. Moral standards play important– children try to stick to them.

IN play activity always clearly visible family relationships. Children copy them.

You definitely need to monitor your words and actions at home, otherwise later there may be a lot of questions from the kindergarten about the parents’ vocabulary.
The child in the game reproduces only images familiar to him:
  • family, home, relatives;
  • relations between the teacher and children in kindergarten;
  • fairy tales.

This is how kids affirm their vision of the world. By communicating, they learn, begin to speak better, and learn new words. Without play and frequent communication, the psyche comes into a state of stagnation. Kindergarten, preparatory classes to school, clubs, a walk in the park - everywhere you can find friends and the necessary communication.

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