How to draw a rainbow and what colors. Drawing lesson “Rainbow-arc”

By learning to draw a rainbow, you can transform your landscape paintings. After all, this is a very beautiful phenomenon in the sky with many different colors that smoothly transition from one shade to another, and together create an incredible picture.

To draw the rainbow we used only a few colors - only five. However, if you have a large number of pencils different shades the same color, then use them all in the drawing. So, you will get a very beautiful and bright rainbow.

Necessary materials:

- black marker;

- a simple pencil;

- paper;

- eraser;

- colour pencils.

Drawing steps:

1. In the lower right corner and the upper left we will draw one small oval. We do this with a quick movement. Without carefully drawing the outline. After all, this is a sketch.

2. From the resulting ovals we create beautiful fluffy clouds. To do this, add wavy lines to them. different sizes, which may extend slightly beyond the oval.

3. Then we will draw six identical arcuate lines from one cloud to another. This is what the rainbow will be.

4. Now carefully outline all the lines in the drawing with a black marker.

5. Let's start adding color to the drawing with a blue pencil. We will decorate the clouds with it. We paint over them with a pencil not completely, but only partially, to give lightness and airiness.

6. Then the red pencil takes the baton. We will use it to decorate the first top stripe in a rainbow.

7. After the red stripe comes orange.

8. After orange color To show a smooth transition in the rainbow, use a yellow pencil.

9. Then use it for the fourth strip green color.

10. The last stripe in the rainbow will be colored Blue colour pencil.

This is our step by step drawing rainbows with colored pencils is ready because the drawing is absolutely ready!

Pictures for children with a rainbow are an opportunity, if not with your own eyes, then at least in pictures to see a real miracle of nature. Just like hundreds and thousands of years ago, so now, when a scientific explanation has been found for the phenomenon, people are amazed by the beauty of the colors spreading in the sky after the rain. Children especially enjoy the rainbow and consider it something magical that can make wishes come true.

Read our article, and then tell your child why and how a rainbow appears, admire beautiful photos and drawings, download them to your computer for free directly from the site catalog.

Photo of a rainbow in nature

It will not be easy for a kindergarten teacher or elementary school student to understand why a rainbow actually appears. To do this, you need to master at least a school physics course and find out what it consists of. sunlight. The kid is more likely to believe that a multi-colored arch in the sky is a bridge that Nature, or a Wizard, for example, threw over. Or what is it - a stairway to heaven. This is exactly what our ancestors thought.

But also small child It can be explained that a rainbow appears after rain, and sometimes during it, when the rays of the sun suddenly appearing from behind the clouds encounter drops of water hanging in the air and break up into 7 primary colors. If your baby has never seen this amazing natural phenomenon on the street or in books, show him the fun in pictures on a transparent background.

Sun and rainbow

In order for a rainbow to appear over a city, field, river, or mountains, certain conditions are necessary. The air should be moist, and the light source, that is, the sun, should be bright. But why is it not always visible in the summer, when rainy weather gives way to clear weather? For light to break up into colored stripes, it must fall on raindrops at an angle of 42 degrees. And the rainbow is visible only to those people who stand with their backs to the Sun.

Another interesting fact: despite the fact that the rainbow is depicted as an arch, an arc, a semicircle, it is a closed circle. We simply do not see its lower half beyond the horizon.
You can see a circular rainbow from an airplane window.

By the way, rainbows appear not only after rain. It can be observed near waterfalls, rivers and lakes, and other bodies of water in the heat. And at night, in the light of the moon, especially the full one, you can see a unique white sphere.

Seeing a rainbow in the sky is a good omen. A natural phenomenon symbolizes transformation, renewal, hope for the best. People believed that his eyewitnesses would definitely be lucky - their wishes would come true, they would definitely get rich.

Veselka colors

Passing through a drop of water, the light beam is divided into a spectrum consisting of 7 colors, visible to the naked eye. These colors always come in the same clear sequence.

The colors of the rainbow are:

  • red,
  • orange,
  • yellow,
  • green,
  • blue,
  • blue,
  • violet.

The sequence of rainbow colors is not always easy for young children to remember. There are several techniques and ways to do this, but the simplest is to learn the mnemonic verse “Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits.”

Beautiful drawn pictures

If a child has learned a mnemonic rhyme and memorized the sequence of 7 colors, you can invite him to take an album, markers or paints and draw a rainbow himself. One of these images will serve as a visual aid or a model for sketching.

Sun and rainbow, fairy meadow with rainbow, hand drawn talented artist, you can download, print and hang in your children's room.

Rhymes and videos for kindergarten and primary school children

Teachers of kindergarten and primary school, while studying colors or natural phenomena, tell kids about the rainbow. During classes, children draw 7 colored stripes, make appliqués from colored paper, and learn funny poems. If the equipment of a group room or office allows it, it is also worth showing the kids an educational video about the “sky rocker”.

Short poems for kindergarten

The famous children's poet S. Marshak suggests that along a rainbow you can rise to the very sky, and then from it roll somersault to the ground.

Indeed, rain and sun are powerful builders, capable of creating an incredibly beautiful, bright, colorful rainbow with their bare hands.

Video for children

Children aged 3-5 years are called the age of “why”. If you are tired of answering the endless questions of your inquisitive little one, and he really wants to know where the rainbow in the sky comes from, show him this educational video.

Dear colleagues, I want to offer a low-cost and effective method game design - wall painting. Most good way to bring a group to life is to draw drawing on the wall and color it bright colors. In all groups in our garden this sunshine and rainbow. And I decided to choose sunshine and rainbows, but in a slightly different version.

For this drawing I used:

Simple pencil;

Colors (remains after renovation) ;


Paint brushes.

And you can start working.

First let's prepare wall primed and painted it in White color, then draw a picture with a pencil, which we liked. And then we start painting. You need to be very careful, because the color is very liquid. But the result is worth it - drawing It turned out bright and rich.

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Today I want to show you our design. The idea from Elena Vlasenko’s fireplaces sunk into my soul. And now my fireplace is ready, it is made from boxes from.

You will need: number 9 made of plywood or chipboard measuring 120 cm * 60 cm, black and white prints of photographs of the war years, PVA glue, artificial ones.

A great date was approaching - the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Our garden is only 4 months old, the walls have not yet been decorated. We thought...

In our lessons, we have already mentioned more than once the famous animated series for children “Friendship is a Miracle!” And we have more than one lesson on our website where we taught you how to draw different heroes from this cartoon. But children want to learn to draw other heroes over and over again. We fulfill your request and now have another lesson on drawing another pony. This is the horse Rainbow Dash. This pony is from Ponyville. She is a pegasus pony. That is, it has wings and can fly across the sky and walk on the clouds. Pony Rainbow Dash monitors the weather, like all Pegasus ponies. She has a mischievous character. Let's draw it here step by step using a pencil, and then color it.

Stage 1. First, draw sketch lines as usual. This circle is the future head. It has a curved line at the top and two lines. Next, the neck line connects to the oval - the body. Two straight lines extend from the oval at the top, connected to curved lines. These are the front legs. Below are two lines of hind legs.

Stage 2. Draw the pony's face. On the back of the head we show the lines of the pointed ear. In front, the front part of the muzzle merges into the nose and open mouth and chin.

Stage 3. Now we draw a dashing bang on top of the head, thick, but not smoothed, like a modest pony, her hair lies in disarray above the forehead, like a pony Rainbow Dash- This is a mischievous sovan. Also, a lock of mane hair descends from the back of the neck.

Stage 4. Let's draw her eyes on her muzzle. They are quite big. We show the eyelids, then half a circle of eyeballs with pupils with light reflections reflected in them.

Stage 5. Draw the wings on the dorsal part of the body. Let's show the lines of the neck, abdomen and back.

Stage 6. Add the wing lines. Then we draw the pony's legs. One front and one back. The pony stands with its front legs raised.

Stage 7. Let's also add a little wing line. Let us now show the legs, one back and one front.

Stage 8. Draw a cloud on the pony’s thigh with lightning flying out of it. Pony Fluttershy can control the weather, which is what this sign indicates. Don’t forget to draw the pony’s thick tail right down to the ground.

Stage 9. Add a few features to the mane and tail for volume and beauty.

Stage 10. Let's paint our pony in all the colors of the rainbow, it's not for nothing that she was given such a name! Oh, and we have a bright horse!

A bright rainbow, provided the work is done well, can become a worthy interior decoration. These are especially attractive in the interiors of children's rooms. The process of painting walls is not easy, so the rainbow is just final part work. Before this, you need to carefully prepare the walls and transfer the outline of the drawing to them.

Preparing walls for painting

The walls should be carefully prepared before painting. To do this, they are cleaned and leveled with primer or putty, which depends on the scale of the unevenness. The final stage of wall preparation is priming. The most commonly used acrylic primer. It fits well and dries quickly enough, within 2 – 4 hours. If you are going to paint a rainbow indoors with high level humidity, make sure you have a special moisture-resistant primer. You can also draw a rainbow on wallpaper for painting. It is important that their texture is not pronounced.

Drawing an outline

Now you need to draw the outline of the image on the wall. There are several ways to draw a rainbow. The simplest one is the rainbow pattern. If the image is not very large, you can do this at a printing house. It is most convenient to use a vinyl-based template. It sticks quite easily and, after applying the design, can also be easily removed without leaving any traces behind.

The outlines of the rainbow can also be drawn by hand. If the drawing is very large, start drawing from the bottom line, make sure it is straight and then draw the rest of the rainbow parallel to this line.

For another way to outline a rainbow on a wall, you will need a long thread, a large thumbtack, and a pencil. Having decided on the center of the rainbow, secure a push pin with a thread tied to it a little lower. Tie a pencil to the free end of the thread. While pulling the thread, draw arcs with a pencil; to move to the next arc, simply increase the length of the thread.

Application of paints

To adjust the thickness of the colors when painting a rainbow on the wall, take a thick piece of cardboard and use it as a palette. If you want to make smooth color transitions, apply the main lines with a brush. And you can make transitions with a sponge brush, placing colors one on top of the other.

For well-defined rainbow lines, use a thin brush along the edges of the lines so as not to interfere with the arc of the next color. The colors of the rainbow are applied from top to bottom in the following order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.


  • How to paint a rainbow on a wall with paints?

Modern world drives a person into the trap of commercialism and social attitudes. But there is a way out towards individualization and expansion of consciousness. This is the only way to find true happiness.

“Denial of one’s talent is always a guarantee of talent”

William Shakespeare

Babies are born, and for all their similarities, they are completely different. Not only does the mother’s gaze “pick out” her little screaming bundles from the conveyor belt, but also the individuality of everyone is visible to someone else’s gaze.

Why, in the process of development, joining the general mass, do these little people, so different from each other, become absolutely identical, subsequently replenishing the gray mass?! How do you become “average”?! Where is individualism disappearing to?! Who “combs everyone’s hair with the same comb”?! Who needs this faceless herd?! Maybe the fear of chaos is driving everyone into the reservation of a gray society?!

General characteristics of the average person

The trends of recent times have increased a hundredfold the sameness of anxiety in the eyes: not being in time, not achieving, not overcoming. These “nots” are like a catalyst. But in the end everything is contrary to common sense! Contrary to desires, movements of the soul, promptings of intuition, impulses of the heart.

Brushing away your own “I” like an annoying fly, succumbing to demands to be successful, respected, deserved, noticeable, you lose your face. The place is occupied by the gray mask of an average man. And everything would be “nothing,” but just as dirt sticks to shoes, so does everything. negative qualities. They have now been given other characteristics: digestible, pleasant to the ear. So ordinary greed suddenly became thrift, rudeness and rudeness - brutality, promiscuity - sex appeal, indifference - prudence. A sort of society of gray sinners, gray and fluffy. Try to distinguish one rat from another!

How to get rid of the characteristics of an average person

“...the good thing about this courtyard was that it was always empty. Every day, the increasingly green linden trees and willows outside the window emitted a spring scent, and the beginning breeze carried it into the basement...” (M. A. Bulgakov).

To everyone who is in love with himself and his business, according to Pontius Pilate!

By exploding your own dullness, freeing yourself from the image created by society, you gain freedom of thought, words and actions. Only in reality a person is what he considers himself to be, looking deep into his consciousness, not guided by external assessments. The impossibility of superficial signs in the form of status, financial situation and other momentary benefits to make him absolutely happy depreciates everything at once.

The call for extraversion is now irrelevant. The imaginary openness and accessibility drives and depersonalizes. The faith of introversion has arrived. The deeper you dive, the more secrets emerge in the ocean of the soul.

Contemplation and detachment are not absent-mindedness, taciturnity is not gloominess, and restraint and prudence are not cowardice. These qualities can take a person to another level of development. The society of thinking, non-hysterical people is painted in the colors of the rainbow.

There is more information in silence than in a stream of meaningless phrases. Depth inner world(Introversion) is the one Lifebuoy in the ocean of everyday vanity.

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