Correct pronunciation is the key to correct reading and writing. Development of pronunciation of speech sounds

1. Disadvantages of pronunciation of soundsR And R (distortion - rotacism, replacements - pararotacism).

The structure of the organs of articulation. The lips are open and take the position of the next vowel sound, the distance between the teeth is 4-5 mm. The tip of the tongue rises to the base of the upper teeth. It is tense and vibrates in the passing air stream. The anterior-middle part of the back of the tongue bends. The back of the tongue is pushed back and rises slightly towards the soft palate. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars, the vocal-exhalatory stream passes through the middle. The soft palate is raised and closes the passage to the nose,

Rice.1. Articulation of sounds r, r. _______ R; _ . _ . _ R

Soft sound R differs from the hard palate in that when it is articulated, the middle part of the back of the tongue rises to the hard palate (approximately as with the vowel And), the tip of the tongue is slightly lower than when R, the back of the back of the tongue, together with the root, is moved forward (Fig. 1).

Violation of the solid R It happens velar or uvular. With velar articulation, a gap is formed at the point where the root of the tongue approaches the soft palate; exhaled air, passing through this gap, causes random multi-impact vibration of the soft palate. As a result, noise arises that mixes with the tone of the voice. With uvular R only the small tongue vibrates; the vibration is harmonic in nature and is not accompanied by noise.

Lateral articulation is complex and difficult to correct. R(lateral rotacism). One of the lateral edges of the tongue vibrates, the closure between the tongue and the molars breaks, and a voice-exhalatory stream emerges through it, as with a sound l, as a result, a sound is pronounced in which the R and l.

With buccal pronunciation R a gap for an exhaled stream of air is formed between the lateral edge of the tongue and the upper molars, as a result of which the cheek vibrates (vibrates). At the same time, noise is superimposed on the tone of voice. Rarely, the disorder is bilateral.

Single-impact is somewhat less common R, in which there is no vibration, but the place of articulation is the same as with a normally pronounced sound; it is sometimes called spacious.

Even less common coachman's r, when lips close together vibrate.

Among pararotacisms there are sound substitutions R steamy soft R, as well as l, / (iot), g, d and etc.

Soft R can be violated in the same way as the hard one, but at the same time there are often cases when only the hard sound is violated, and the soft one turns out to be undisturbed.

Sound production techniques.

By imitation. This technique only occasionally leads to positive results, so others have to be used more often.

The most common method is sound productionR from d, repeating on one exhalation: ddd, ddd, s followed by a more forced pronunciation of the latter. Alternating pronunciation of soundsT And d in combination etc, etc or tdd, tdd at a fast pace, rhythmically. They are articulated when slightly open mouth and when the tongue closes not with the incisors, but with the gums of the upper incisors or alveoli. Repeatedly pronouncing a series of sounds d k t the child is asked to blow strongly on the tip of the tongue, and at this moment a vibration occurs.

However, this technique does not always lead to success. With posterior lingual articulation R or its velar (uvelar) articulation, the appearance of bifocal vibration is possible: posterior and new, anterior. The simultaneous combination of two types of vibration creates a rough noise, and the child refuses to accept such a sound. In addition, when front vibration is achieved, the sound often turns out to be excessively long (rolling) and noisy.

StagingR in two stages. At the first stage, a fricative is placed R no vibration from sound and when pronounced in a drawn-out manner without rounding the lips and moving the front edge of the tongue slightly forward, towards the gums of the upper teeth or alveoli. In this case, the sound is pronounced with a significant air pressure (as when pronouncing a dull sound) and a minimal gap between the front edge of the tongue and the gums.

The resulting fricative sound is fixed in syllables. You can, without fixing the sound in the syllables, move on to the second stage of production: with mechanical assistance, using a ball probe. It is inserted under the tongue and, touching the lower surface of the front part of the tongue, rapid movements of the probe to the right and left cause vibrations of the tongue, its front edges alternately close and open with the alveoli. These movements can be carried out with a regular flat spatula (wooden or plastic) or probe No. 1 (Fig. 8). A child can do home workouts using the handle of a teaspoon or a clean index finger. During training, the exhaled stream should be strong.

The described technique is used in cases where the child’s hissing sounds are not impaired.

This technique leads to positive results. However, its disadvantages are that the sound turns out to be booming, is pronounced in isolation, and the child has difficulty mastering the transition from it to combinations of sound with vowels.

The most effective technique is staging R from syllabic combination behind with a slightly lengthened pronunciation of the first sound of a syllable: zzza. During repeated repetition of syllables, the child, following the instructions of the speech therapist, moves the front part of the tongue up and forward to the alveoli until the acoustic effect of a fricative is obtained R in combination with the vowel a. After this, a probe is inserted, and it is used to make quick movements from left to right and right to left. At the moment of vibration, a fairly clear sound is heard R, of normal length, without excessive rollout. With this method of sound production, no special introduction of the sound in combination with a vowel is required, since a syllable is immediately formed. In subsequent work, it is important to conduct training in evoking syllables ra, ru, ry.

When setting soft R the same technique is used, but using the syllable zi, and in the future ze, ze, ze, ze.

Usually for hard and soft sound disorders R first the hard sound is placed, and then the soft sound, but this order is not rigid, it can be changed arbitrarily; It is only not recommended to place them simultaneously to avoid displacement.

2. Disadvantages of pronunciation of sounds l and l(distortions- lambdacism, replacements- paralambdacism).

The structure of the organs of articulation. At l the lips are neutral and take the position of the next vowel. The distance between the upper and lower incisors is 2-4 mm. The tip of the tongue is raised and pressed against the base of the upper incisors (but can also occupy a lower position). The anterior-middle part of the back of the tongue is lowered, the root part is raised towards the soft palate and is pulled back, a spoon-shaped depression is formed in the middle. The lateral edges of the tongue are lowered, an exhaled stream of air passes through them, weak, as when pronouncing all voiced consonants. The soft palate is raised and closes the passage to the nose. The vocal folds vibrate to produce voice.

Articulation of the soft l differs from the hard one in that the lips move slightly to the side when pronouncing it.

Rice. 2. Articulation of sounds l, l.

us (which is typical for soft consonants). The anterior-middle part of the back of the tongue rises towards the hard palate and moves forward slightly, the back part of the back of the tongue, together with the root, is significantly moved forward and lowered (Fig. 2).

Among the violations l a widespread distortion of sound in which a two-lipped sonorant sound is pronounced, like a short y, found in some dialects, or sound w, characteristic of the phonetic system in English. More numerous are cases of paralambdacism in the form of replacements with the short vowel ы, fricative G(as in southern Russian dialects), soft and semi-soft l, j(yot), sometimes there is a replacement with sound R and some others.

Soft l it is violated very rarely: a semi-soft pronunciation or replacement with the sound / (iot) is observed.

Sound production techniques. The child is asked to open his mouth slightly and say the combination ya. In this case, y is pronounced briefly, with tension in the organs of articulation (as if on a firm attack of the voice). The speech therapist shows a sample pronunciation. As soon as the child has mastered the desired pronunciation, the speech therapist asks him to pronounce this combination again, but with his tongue clamped between his teeth. At this moment the combination is clearly heard la. When performing the task, the speech therapist ensures that the tip of the child’s tongue remains between the teeth.

You can use another technique. Using soft as a base sound l, ask your child to repeat the syllable several times la, then insert probe No. 4 (Fig. 8) so that it is between the hard palate and the middle part of the back of the tongue; press the probe down on the tongue - to the right or left, and ask the child to say the combination several times la. At the moment of pronunciation, adjust the movement of the probe until the acoustic effect of a solid sound is obtained. l. The main difficulty in producing sound l lies in the fact that, pronouncing a sound correctly, the child continues to hear his previous sound. Therefore, it is necessary to attract the child’s auditory attention to the sound that is produced at the moment of its production. The sound l can be obtained by auditory imitation if, at the preparatory stage, the child has learned to recognize it and distinguish the correct sound from the incorrect one.

3. Disadvantages of pronunciation of soundsWith - s, s - z, c (distortions- sigmatism, replacements- parasigmatism).

The structure of the organs of articulation when pronouncing sounds s, s, s, s. When pronouncing a sound With the lips are slightly stretched into a smile, the front teeth are visible. Before labialized vowels, the lips are rounded, the teeth are brought together to a distance of 1-2 mm. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, the front part of the back of the tongue is curved. Its lateral edges are pressed against the molars. With this arrangement, a narrow passage (round gap) is formed between the tip of the tongue and the upper front teeth. Along the tongue along it midline a groove is formed. A strong stream of exhaled air passing through this gap causes a whistling noise. The narrower the gap, the higher the noise; the wider the gap, the lower the noise, turning into a “lisp” (the sound is pronounced with a “lisp”). The soft palate is raised and closes the passage into the nasal cavity; The vocal folds are open and do not produce voice.

When pronouncing soft With the lips stretch more than with s and become tense. The anteromedial part of the back rises higher to the hard palate and moves slightly forward in the direction of the alveoli, as a result of which it narrows even more, and the noise becomes higher (Fig. 3).

When articulating z and z, in addition to the paired deaf ones, a voice is added and the pressure of the air stream weakens.

The structure of the organs of articulation and when pronouncing a sound ts. The lips are neutral and take the position of the next vowel. The distance between the teeth is 1-2 mm. The sound is characterized by complex lingual articulation: it begins with a stop element (as with t), while the tip of the tongue is lowered and touches

Rice. 3. Articulation of sounds

s, s; z, z.

Rice. 4. Articulation of the sound ts ___bow moment; __.__. -slot

lower teeth. The front part of the back of the tongue rises to the upper teeth or alveoli, with which it makes a bow. Its lateral edges are pressed against the molars; the sound ends with a slotted element (as in c), which sounds very short. The boundary between the plosive and fricative elements is not detected either audibly or articulatory, since they are fused together. The soft palate is raised and closes the passage to the nose,

Main types of sigmatism. Interdental sigmatism is the most common in this group of disorders. Characteristic of sound With there is no whistle. Instead, a lower and weaker noise is heard, caused by the position of the tongue inserted between the teeth: the round gap is replaced by a flat one. The same disadvantage applies to paired voiced h and affricate c.

Labial-dental sigmatism. With it, in addition to the tongue, the lower lip, which moves closer to the upper incisors, participates in the formation of the gap (as in the formation of sound f), therefore the acoustic effect when distorted With close to sound f. A similar defect is observed when pronouncing other sibilants.

Lateral sigmatism. The exhaled stream of air does not pass along the midline of the tongue, but through the lateral gap, one-sided or two-sided, so the lateral edges of the tongue are not adjacent to the molars. The tip of the tongue and the front part of the back form a bridge with the incisors and alveoli. With such articulation, instead of With noise is heard. The same noise, only voiced, is heard when pronouncing h. With lateral articulation it can also be pronounced c. The defect also extends to the corresponding paired soft whistling sounds. Dental parasigmatism. The tongue acquires anterior occlusive articulation instead of fricative, a plosive-type sound is heard That or, when calling, - d. At the sound ts its articulation is simplified, and it becomes single-element, pronounced as With or something like that.

Hissing parasigmatism. The tongue takes on the articulation characteristic of w, or articulation of a softened hissing sound, reminiscent of a shortened sch.

Techniques for producing whistling sounds.

The production usually starts with a dull hard With.

In case of labiodental sigmatism, the labial articulation must be removed. This is achieved by demonstrating the correct position of the lips when articulating this sound, or with mechanical assistance (with a spatula or finger, the lower lip is pulled away from the teeth). In other cases, the child is asked to smile, pull back the corners of the mouth slightly so that the teeth are visible, and blow on the tip of the tongue to produce a whistling noise typical of s. Mechanical assistance can be used. The child pronounces a syllable repeatedly ta, The speech therapist inserts probe No. 2 (Fig. 8) between the alveoli and the tip (as well as the front part of the back of the tongue) and gently presses it down. A round gap is formed, passing through which the exhaled stream of air produces a whistling noise. By controlling the probe, the speech therapist can change the size of the gap until the desired acoustic effect is obtained

For interdental sigmatism, you can use the technique described above. To avoid associations with a broken whistling sound, you need to pronounce the syllable sa with clenched teeth at the beginning of its pronunciation or slightly lengthen the pronunciation of the consonant, and lower the jaw on the vowel a. Special attention refers to visual and auditory control.

For lateral sigmatism, special treatment is required preparatory work by activating the muscles of the lateral edges of the tongue, which, as a result of the exercises performed, can rise to close contact with the lateral teeth.

To obtain a clear pronunciation, a two-stage method of producing this sound is used: they cause interdental pronunciation to get rid of the squelching noise, and then move the tongue to the interdental position.

Sound ts placed from the sound of the lowered tip of the tongue to the lower incisors and the front part of the back of the tongue pressed against the upper incisors. The child is asked to pronounce the sound then with a strong exhalation. At the same time, they seem to pronounce this and that sequentially. The whistling sound element turns out to be extended. To obtain a continuous sound with a shortened whistling element, the child is asked to pronounce the reverse syllable with the vowel a. When pronounced it sounds like a combination ats. Then you need to bring the front part of the back of the tongue closer to the teeth (until they touch both the upper and lower incisors) and pronounce the combination again automatic telephone exchange with with a strong exhalation at the moment of transition from a to ts. In cases where it is difficult for a child to hold the tip of the tongue against the lower incisors, mechanical assistance is used. Using a spatula or probe No. 2 (Fig. 8), the speech therapist holds the tip of the tongue at the lower incisors or places the probe between the front part of the back of the tongue and the teeth and asks the child to pronounce a syllable with a strong exhalation ta. At the moment the child pronounces the explosive element of the syllable, the speech therapist lightly presses the tongue. A fricative noise is heard, joining the plosive noise without an interval, resulting in a continuous sound. c.

In cases where all whistling sounds are defective, production usually begins with a dull, hard sound. With. In the future, it becomes the basis for the production of other whistling, as well as hissing ones. In some cases, with impaired fricative sibilants, the sound ts Children pronounce it without distortion. In such situations, you can call the sound from the sound c. The speech therapist asks the child to say at length ts, extended s: shhh. Then the speech therapist asks to pronounce this element without closing the tongue with the teeth. A condition that facilitates articulation is the position ts at the beginning of an open syllable, for example tsa.

4. Disadvantages of pronunciation of hissing soundsw, w , sch, h in some cases similar to the disadvantages of whistling: interdental, buccal, lateral pronunciation. In addition, there are defects inherent in the pronunciation of only hissing sounds.

The structure of the organs of articulation. When pronouncing a sound w lips are extended forward and rounded (in front of a - rounding is minimal, in front s(s) there may not be any rounding). The distance between the teeth is greater than with whistling teeth - 4-5 mm. The tip of the tongue is raised towards the beginning of the hard palate or alveoli, the middle part of the back of the tongue bends, and the back rises towards the soft palate and is pulled towards the wall of the pharynx. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars; The velum palatine is raised and closes the passage to the nose. The vocal folds are open; a strong exhalation stream of air passes through two slits: between the back of the tongue and the soft palate, and between the tip of the tongue and the hard palate. This produces a complex noise, lower than when pronouncing whistling sounds, reminiscent of hissing.

When forming a voiced and the same articulation as when producing sound w; it is complemented by the work of closed and oscillating vocal folds that produce voice. The exhaled stream of air is somewhat weaker and the gap between the tip of the tongue and the hard palate is smaller than during the formation w(Fig. 5).

Main types of sound disordersw and f. Among the violations of these sounds, several types of distorted pronunciation are noted.

"Buccal" pronunciation w And and. The tongue does not take part in articulation; the exhaled stream of air encounters an obstacle not between the tongue and lips, but between the teeth that are close together (sometimes clenched) and the corners of the mouth pressed against them from the sides. A “dull” noise is formed, and when pronouncing a voiced and a voice is added to the noise; Pronunciation of the sound is accompanied by swelling of the cheeks.

"Bottom" pronunciation w and f. The gap is formed not by the approach of the tip of the tongue to the hard palate, but by the front part of its back. With this articulation, sibilants acquire a soft shade, reminiscent of the sound sch, pronounced without any inherent length. In some cases, such articulation may produce a hard sound.

Back-lingual pronunciation w k f. The gap is formed by the convergence of the back of the tongue with the hard palate. In this case, the noise resembles the noise of the sound x or voiced fricative g, as in the southern Russian regions.

Except in cases of distorted pronunciation w And and, Various replacements of hissing sounds with other sounds are observed. Among them, the most common are the replacements of hissing ones with whistling ones. The replacement of hissing sounds with whistling ones is not always complete, since they are very often observed acoustic differences whistling substitute for the normalized sound s.

Sound production techniques w And and. First the sound sh is placed, and then on its base is placed and.

Sound production w carried out in a number of ways.

Rice. 5. Articulation of the sounds sh, zh, shch.---------w, w; - - - . -sch.

sa and during its pronunciation gradually (smoothly) raises the tip of the tongue towards the alveoli. As the tongue rises, the nature of the noise of the consonant changes. At the moment of the appearance of a hissing noise corresponding to the acoustic effect of a normalized w, The speech therapist fixes the child’s attention using a mirror in this position. Then he asks you to blow strongly on the tip of your tongue, adding the sound to the exhalation. A(as a result the syllable is heard sha). The child pronounces a syllable sa with the tongue in the upper position and listens carefully to what sound is produced.

The child pronounces the syllable several times sa, and the speech therapist inserts probe No. 5 under the tongue (Fig. 8). With its help, it moves the tip of the tongue to the upper position and adjusts the degree of its rise until a normal-sounding sound appears. w. The speech therapist fixes the probe in this position, asks the child to pronounce the same syllable again and listen carefully. After several practice in pronunciation sha with Using a probe, the speech therapist fixes the child’s attention on the position of the tongue and finds out whether he can independently put the tongue in the desired position.

With unimpaired pronunciation R can be supplied w And and from this sound. The child pronounces a syllable ra and at this moment the speech therapist touches the lower surface of his tongue with a spatula or probe No. 5 (Fig. 8) to slow down the vibration. When spoken in a whisper ra can be heard sha, and when loud - Ms.

Sound and usually based on sound w by turning on the voice when pronouncing it, but it can also be delivered by sound h, How w from With.

Disadvantages of sound pronunciationsch. Sound sch in Russian it is pronounced as a long soft fricative sibilant, which is characterized by the following structure of articulation organs: lips, as in w, extended forward and rounded, the tip of the tongue is raised to the level of the upper teeth (lower than with w). The front part of the back of the tongue bends slightly, the middle part rises towards the hard palate, the back part is lowered and moved forward; the velum is raised, the vocal folds are open. A strong stream of exhaled air passes through two slits: between the middle part of the back of the tongue and the hard palate and between the tip of the tongue and the front teeth or alveoli. A complex noise is produced, higher than with w(Fig. 5).

Among disadvantages of sound pronunciationsch there is a shortened pronunciation (the duration of such a sound is the same as with w), replacing with a soft whistling sound with, as well as pronouncing sch with an affricative element in the final phase, as a combination shch(“stuff” instead of pike).

For sound production sch you can use sound With. The child pronounces the syllable several times si or sa with extended whistling element: si, si... Then the speech therapist inserts a spatula or probe under the tongue and, at the moment of pronouncing the syllables, slightly lifts it, moving it slightly back. The same acoustic effect can be achieved without lifting the tongue, but only by moving it back slightly with the touch of a spatula.

If the sound h is pronounced correctly, then it is easy to get the sound from it sch, extending the final sound h fricative. A long sound is heard sch, which is subsequently easily separated from the explosive element. The sound is immediately introduced into syllables and then into words.

Disadvantages of pronunciation of the sound h. When pronouncing the sound h, the lips, as with all hissing sounds, are elongated and rounded. The distance between the teeth is 1-2 mm. The sound has complex lingual articulation: it begins with a closing element (as with the sound t) - The tip of the tongue is lowered and touches the lower incisors. The front part of the back of the tongue is pressed against the upper incisors or alveoli. Its middle part is curved towards the hard palate. The whole language moves forward somewhat. The sound ends with a slot element (as in sch), which sounds short. The boundary between the plosive and fricative (fricative) elements is not perceived either aurally or articulatory, since the elements are fused together. The soft palate is raised and closes the passage to the nose, the vocal folds are open, the sound is dull (Fig. 6).

Among the disadvantages of pronunciation of the sound h, in addition to those that are common to all sibilants, it should be noted the replacement of h with a soft sibilant affricate ts, not characteristic of the Russian phonetic system literary language, and T or w.

Rice. 6 Articulation of sound h. ---------bow moment; _ . _ . _slot

The sound h can be set from soft T, pronounced in a direct syllable (ti) or reverse (am/). The child pronounces one of these syllables several times with some increased exhalation on the consonant element. At the moment of pronouncing, the speech therapist, using a spatula or probe No. 5 (Fig. 8), slightly moves the tip of the tongue back (as for articulation sch). The same acoustic effect can be obtained by inserting a probe under the tongue. At the moment of pronunciation, the speech therapist slightly lifts the tongue and at the same time moves it back slightly. The h sound is easier to produce in reverse syllables.

In some cases, disturbances of all whistling and hissing sounds are observed. There have been cases when all these sounds are realized in only one articulatory variant - a softened hissing sound. When encountering such cases, the speech therapist analyzes the defect in order to properly organize speech therapy intervention. If the disorder is classified as dyslalia, it is necessary to determine the sequence in the production of sounds. It is customary to place whistling sounds first (primarily voiceless ones), and on their basis - voiced ones. Hissing sounds are placed after the whistling sounds: first - hard, then - soft. When staging hissing sounds, the sequence of sounds being practiced is freer. It is determined by a speech therapist based on the characteristics of the manifestation of the defect.

5. Disadvantages of pronunciation of the sound j (yot)(yotocism).

The structure of the organs of articulation. The lips are somewhat stretched, but less than with And. The distance between the incisors is 1-2 mm. The tip of the tongue lies at the lower incisors. The middle part of the back of the tongue is strongly raised towards the hard palate. Its back part and root are moved forward. The edges rest against the upper lateral teeth. The soft palate is raised and closes the passage into the nasal cavity. The vocal folds vibrate and form the voice. Depending on the phonetic position of the sound, it can be articulated with a narrower or wider gap. The exhaled stream of air is weak.

Sound j(yot) is violated less frequently than the sounds described above. Its defective pronunciation most often comes down to replacing it with a soft l(in his lower or upper articulation).

You can correct the sound by relying on the vowel and: the child pronounces the combination several times ia or aia. The exhalation intensifies somewhat at the moment of pronouncing and, and a is pronounced immediately without interruption. After such a pronunciation has been mastered, the speech therapist gives instructions for a shorter pronunciation of ts. In addition to the combination ia, useful to pronounce oh, oh etc. As a result, the child develops a diphthongoid pronunciation

Another example of setting the sound / (iot) is setting it from soft z s mechanical assistance. The child pronounces a syllable for (zya), repeating it several times.

During pronunciation, the speech therapist presses the front part of the tongue with a spatula and moves it back a little until the desired sound is obtained.

6. Disadvantages of pronunciation of sounds k,g, x, k, g, x (kappacism, gammacism, hitism).

The structure of the organs of articulation. When pronouncing a sound, the lips are neutral and take the position of the next vowel. The distance between the upper and lower incisors is up to 5 mm. The tip of the tongue is lowered and touches the lower incisors, the front and middle parts of the back of the tongue are lowered, the back part closes with the palate. The place where the tongue connects with the palate changes under different phonetic conditions: when ka it appears on the border of the hard and soft palate, when combined with labialized vowels O And at the bow appears lower (with the soft palate). The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the back upper teeth. The soft palate is raised and closes the passage into the nasal cavity. The vocal folds are open. The exhaled stream explodes the closure between the tongue and the palate, resulting in a characteristic noise.

When articulating sound X in contrast to the back of the tongue, it does not completely close with the palate: a gap is created along the midline of the tongue, through which the exhaled air produces noise.

When pronouncing soft k, g, x the tongue moves forward and makes a contact with the palate (and for X- gap). The middle part of the back of the tongue approaches the hard palate. The front part (as with hard k, g, x) omitted. The tip of the tongue is slightly closer to the lower teeth, but does not touch them. The lips stretch somewhat and reveal the teeth (Fig. 7).

With kappacism and gammacism, the following disorders are observed: sound is formed by closing the vocal folds,

which sharply diverge when a high-pressure air jet passes through them. Air rushes noisily through the glottis. Instead of k, a guttural click is heard. When pronouncing a voiced voice, a voice is added to the hum. With chitism, a weak guttural noise is heard.

Rice.7. Articulation of sounds k, k; g, g; x, x.

There are cases of replacing the posterior lingual plosives k and g with the anterior lingual plosives m and d, which are called parakappacism and paratammacism. Occasionally, a type of paracappacism occurs, when the sound k is replaced X. With gammacism, replacement with a fricative is velar or pharyngeal G denoted in transcription by the Greek letter (gamma).

Soft violations g, k, x similar to hard tissue disorders g, k, x, but in some cases there is a lateral pronunciation of k and g.

Techniques for correcting these sounds come down to placing plosives in the back of the tongue from plosives in the front of the tongue, and fricatives in the back of the tongue from fricatives in the front of the tongue. Soft sounds are placed from soft ones, and hard sounds are placed from hard ones. Sounds are produced with mechanical assistance. The child pronounces the syllable several times ta, at the moment of pronunciation, the speech therapist gradually moves the tongue back with a spatula by pressing on the front part of the back of the tongue. As the tongue moves deeper, the syllable is heard first you, Then kya, and after him ka. The sound is also set G from syllable Yes, but it can also be obtained by voicing k. Sound X placed by sound With in a similar manner: first one hears xia, after him hya and finally Ha.

The described methods of producing sounds are used for both functional and mechanical dyslalia. The production of sounds in mechanical dyslalia must be preceded by more preparatory work than in functional dyslalia. In the process, much attention is paid to “pronunciation tests”, allowing you to

Rice. 9.Diagram of the relationship between sounds when they are produced in children with dyslalia

to clarify which of the systems of articulation organs can produce an acoustic effect that is closest to the normalized sound.

In different phonetic environments, the same phoneme is realized in different articulatory variants, so the most frequent variants of combinations should be practiced.

A condition that promotes the development of standardized sounds and facilitates the child’s process of mastering the skills of sound production of speech is an adequately chosen path of sound production. The most justified is the one that takes into account the articulatory proximity of sounds and the natural ways of its implementation inherent in speech.

Relying on this or that sound as a base one, the speech therapist, when setting it up, must proceed from the fact that only a syllable is the minimum unit in which it is realized. Therefore, we can talk about the production of a sound only if it appears as part of a syllable. All attempts to create sounds based on imitation of surrounding noises (the hiss of a goose, the noise of a train, the crackle of a machine gun, etc.) to work on pronunciation with dyslalia can only have an auxiliary value.

The proposed scheme (Fig. 9) highlights the sounds that are disrupted during dyslalia. Each of them has arrows from basic sounds. In some cases, the arrows turn out to be bidirectional, meaning that there are different options for approaching correction depending on which of the sounds is formed. The diagram shows that the same sound can be obtained in different ways. The order of sounds is determined by the degree of their acoustic contrast. The sounds are grouped under a phonemic feature that is essential for the work.

This scheme reflected the ideas of F. A. Pay and A. G. Ippolitova.

Conclusions and problems

In domestic speech therapy, the concept of dyslalia has developed as a type of sound pronunciation disorder that is not caused by organic disorders of the central order.

In the concept of dyslalia, functionally caused pronunciation disorders and organically caused disorders (with anatomical anomalies of the organs of articulation) are divided into independent forms of dyslalia. From dyslalia, rhinolalia is isolated into a separate form. For modern speech therapy, the search for methodologically justified ways to develop correct sound pronunciation continues to be relevant.

Test questions and assignments

1. Compare the definitions of dyslalia in the works of M. E. Khvattsev, O. V. Pravdina, O. A. Tokareva, K. P. Bekker and M. Sovak. Establish their similarities and differences.

2. Name the main forms of dyslalia, indicate the criteria for their identification.

3. Name the main types of violations of individual sounds.

4. Describe the articulation of sound (optional).

5. Describe the defects in sound pronunciation (optional).

6. When visiting a special institution, check the state of sound pronunciation in children and determine the identified violations.

7. Attending speech therapy session, note the techniques and aids used to eliminate defects in sound pronunciation.


1. Matusevich M.I. Modern Russian language. Phonetics. - M., 1976.

2. Panov M.V. Russian phonetics. -M., 1967.

3. Pravdiva O.V. Speech therapy. - 2nd ed. - M., 1973.

4. Pay F. F. Techniques for correcting deficiencies in the pronunciation of phonemes // Fundamentals of the theory and practice of speech therapy. - M., 1968.

5. Speech disorders in children and adolescents / Ed. S.S. Lyapidevsky. - M., 1969.

6. Fomicheva M.F. Education of correct pronunciation. - M., 1971.

7. Khvattsev M. E. Speech therapy. - M., 1959.

8. Reader on speech therapy / Ed. L.S. Volkova, V.I. Seliverstova. - M., 1997. - Part I. - P. 8-119.

Speech therapy: Textbook for students of defectology. fak. ped. universities / Ed. L.S. Volkova, S.N. Shakhovskaya. -- M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 1998. - 680 p.

With correct articulation sound "S" pronounced as follows: the lips are stretched in a slight smile, the teeth are at some distance from each other.
The tip of the tongue is pressed against the front lower teeth, while the tongue itself is curved, and its sides rest against the molars. The air stream is narrow and strong.
Violations in the pronunciation of this sound can be of three types:
The child replaces the sound “C” with another sound that is easier to articulate;
The sound “S” is completely absent in children’s speech (this phenomenon is called sigmatism);
The child distorts the sound “S”.
Before working on producing the “C” sound, you need to make sure that the child’s articulation apparatus is completely ready to pronounce whistling sounds. Articulation gymnastics is used to prepare it. A set of articulation exercises that are best suited for producing a given sound is selected by a specialist.
After preparation, you can begin sound production. There are several ways:
1. Sound production based on imitation. Sit with your child in front of the mirror and show him the correct articulation of the sound “C”. Make sure your child carefully follows your movements, as the correct pronunciation of the sound depends on this. Let the child open his mouth after you, smile a little, put his tongue out, press the tip of his tongue to his lower teeth and blow a stream of air over his tongue. As a result of the actions taken, the sound “C” will be heard.
2. Sound production based on imitation using game moments. Speech therapist uses special exercises to imitate certain actions, for example: balloon deflates (s-s-s-s). Moreover, in such simulation exercises, real objects are sometimes used, which further arouse the child’s interest, since he can independently interact with them.
3. Sound production based on reference sounds. The specialist selects those sounds that are reference for the desired sound. For the sound “S” these are the sounds “I” and “F”. Having learned to pronounce support sounds correctly, it will be easier for the child to slightly change their articulation to produce the sound “C”.
4. Mechanical sound production. The specialist, using available means, independently places the child’s articulatory organs in the correct position and asks him to smoothly but forcefully blow out the air. When a child gets the sound “C”, he can pronounce it independently without the help of adults.
As soon as the child learns to pronounce the sound “C” in isolation, you can move on to the next step - sound automation.
To automate the sound “C”, experts use a specially selected series of syllables and words that contain this sound, and various exercises that are interesting for children. Poetry is also widely used. Children love poetry very much, which has a positive effect on the result.

Sound "Z" in terms of the position of the organs of articulation, it is very similar to the sound “C”. The difference is that the sound “Z” is voiced, so when it is pronounced, a voice appears.

The production of this sound begins only after the sound “C” is fully automated and the child pronounces it well both in isolation and in a variety of speech structures, since it is on its basis that one can easily the best way put the sound "Z". In this regard, the child must understand well the differences in the pronunciation of these sounds. During games to practice the air stream, it is necessary to draw the child’s attention to the fact that it should not be too strong. To help your child better understand the difference between two similar sounds, you can invite him to put his hand on his throat and pronounce both sounds. When pronouncing the sound “Z”, he will feel a characteristic vibration produced by the vocal folds. When the voice is not turned on, we will not detect such vibration.

After the child begins to confidently pronounce the sound “Z,” you need to ask him to make his voice louder and pronounce this sound clearly and distinctly in order to better learn and remember the correct pronunciation of the sound “Z.” This is necessary for the next stage of work - sound automation.

In order to automate this sound, specialists use various games and game exercises based on working with syllables and words, as well as poems that help children in an unobtrusive form to reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sound “Z”. Properly selected and interesting material for children that motivates them to play also helps with this. After all, you must admit that the task of finding from several bright cards with images of familiar objects, an object with the desired sound, will arouse the interest of almost any child. In this regard, sound automation taking place in favorable, natural conditions for children, on the one hand, is very effective, and on the other hand, does not cause difficulties for children.

Sound "Ts" has a position of articulation organs similar to the sounds “S” and “Z”. This sound is considered an affricate, i.e. a sound consisting of two sounds: “T” and “S”. Therefore, when pronouncing it, we hear the sound “T” smoothly turning into the sound “S”. It's playing big role when making the sound “C”, since for its implementation the child must at least pronounce both of these sounds correctly.

When pronouncing the sound “C”, the same strong, explosive air stream is observed as when pronouncing a separate sound “T”, and the whistling tone of this affricate is given by the sound “C”. But a child’s good pronunciation of these sounds does not always guarantee the production of the “C” sound through imitation.

Since the position of the organs of articulation of the sounds “S” and “Ts” is very similar, the sound “Ts” is quite easily placed on the basis of the correctly pronounced sound “S”, but requires extra work with the tip of the tongue, since its movements when pronouncing all the mentioned sounds are very similar. Therefore, it is important to explain to the child the principle of operation of the tip of the tongue when pronouncing each individual letter, for greater clarity, resorting to comparing them.

As soon as the child begins to correctly pronounce the isolated sound “C”, it is necessary to immediately begin to automate it.

Automation of the sound “Ts” can be carried out different ways, depending on many factors. For each child, the specialist selects his own method, taking into account all the information he has about the child, and which, in his opinion, will give the best result. The more creatively a specialist approaches the choice of ways to automate sound for each baby, the more noticeable the results will be.

To automate the sound “Ts”, various exercises are used with syllables, words and sentences that include the desired sound. Exercises with pictures that depict words with the sound “C” are very interesting for young children and introduce them to the atmosphere of the game, which makes learning easier and faster. The sound “Ts” can be automated with the help of poetry, where there is a clear emphasis on this sound. Automation of sound in texts based on imitation helps to recreate a real speaking situation. Thus, sound automation can be made interesting and exciting for the child. But it is worth remembering that the production and automation of sounds should be carried out by a specialist who can comprehensively assess the child’s speech level and select an individual set of classes and exercises for him.

sound "SH" the organs of articulation should be in the following position: the lips are stretched in a slight half-smile, the mouth is slightly open, the teeth are at a distance of 3-5 mm from each other. The wide base of the tongue is slightly raised to the alveoli or to the edge of the hard palate, but not pressed against it. In the middle, the tongue bends slightly, and its sides rest against the lateral teeth. A stream of warm air flows through this groove, which can be easily felt in the palm of your hand if you bring it to your mouth. The soft palate rests against the back wall of the pharynx and is in an elevated position, thereby closing the passage into the nasal cavity, allowing air to pass through the mouth. When pronouncing the sound “Ш”, the voice should not appear.

Staging the sound “Ш” begins with working out the statics of the sound. The organs of articulation involved must be in the correct position. Only after achieving this goal can you move on to practicing the sound “Ш” in dynamics.

Most often, when pronouncing the sound “Ш”, children make the following mistakes:

incorrect actions with lips;
in the process of pronouncing the sound “Ш” the teeth are clenched;
the tongue is in close contact with the alveoli, as a result of which a stream of air passes through the sagging side edge;
tongue narrows too much;
weak exhalation when pronouncing a sound or passing air into the nasal cavity.

If there are any difficulties, it is necessary to return to the stage of practicing the static sound and assess the degree to which the child is accessible to the position in which his articulatory apparatus should be when pronouncing the sound “Ш”. In most cases, this is where some problems are discovered that need to be corrected in order to return to the stage of working out the sound in dynamics. But sometimes even the static sound is not available to the child; in this case, it is necessary to return to the preparatory stage, namely, to articulation exercises, modifying their complex taking into account the difficulties of the given child.

The sound begins to be automated when the child pronounces it correctly. Automation of the sound “Ш” occurs in the same way as automation of other sounds. That is, the speech therapist, in accordance with the child’s speech characteristics, selects for him a set of exercises and games that in an accessible form will help him master the pronunciation of the sound “Ш”. For games and exercises, the specialist uses a variety of visual materials. The specialist works on the sound “Ш” in syllables, words of varying complexity, sentences, achieving absolutely correct pronunciation in all these cases.

During classes on producing the sound “Ш”, the specialist monitors the correct pronunciation of this sound by the children, i.e. checks the position of the organs of articulation involved in pronouncing a given sound (lips, tongue) and the presence of a stream of air passing through the middle of the tongue.

If there are problems in pronunciation, the specialist should once again pronounce the sound “SH” together with the children and practice the correct position of the organs of articulation. In this process, you can involve a child who pronounces this sound well.

With correct articulation sound "Zh" rounded lips move forward, teeth are close to each other. The wide tip of the tongue is raised to the alveoli or to the anterior edge of the hard palate, forming a gap through which air passes. The middle part of the tongue drops, while the edges of the tongue are pressed against the lateral teeth. At the same time, the posterior region of the tongue takes on an elevated position and is pulled back. The soft palate is in close contact with the back wall of the pharynx, acting as a barrier that prevents air from passing through the nose, but directs it through the mouth.

The voice is involved in pronouncing the sound “Zh”. When pronounced, the sound “Zh” is very similar to the sound “Sh”. The lips, teeth and tongue are in the same position. It is these facts that allow us to conclude that the sound “Zh” can be placed on the basis of the sound “Sh”, provided that it is pronounced correctly by the child.

First, you need to make sure that the sound “Ш” is sufficiently automated in the child’s speech, and only after that start producing the sound “Zh”. The specialist focuses the child’s attention on pronouncing the sound “SH” and asks him to add his voice to make the sound “Zh”. When producing sound using this method, it is very important to explain to the child the difference in pronouncing the sounds “Sh” and “Zh” and to let the child feel the vibration in his neck that is caused by the vocal cords when accompanied by the sound “Zh”. In order to reinforce the sound “Zh”, various onomatopoeias are usually used (the buzzing of a bee, a beetle). As soon as the child begins to correctly pronounce the isolated sound “Zh,” you need to begin automating it and introducing it into the active dictionary.

Automation of sound must necessarily take place in game form. These can be specially selected games, activities, exercises, etc. They can last from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the age of the child. Ideally, this time should pass as least noticeably for the child and as fruitfully as possible for the speech therapist. Under no circumstances should the baby be overtired.

Classes on automating the sound “F” should be based on exercises based on the inclusion of the sound “F” in syllables, words and phrases. Such exercises help to connect the child’s visual, auditory and articulatory control while pronouncing sounds, but at the same time not forget the meaning of the spoken speech structures. In selecting words, the specialist is guided by the principle from simple to complex.

To pronounce correctly sound "Ch" the organs of articulation should be in the following position: the lips are slightly rounded into a tube and slightly extended. The teeth are located at some distance from each other, so they do not close. The tongue, with its tip and back, connects to the upper teeth or alveoli, thereby imperceptibly forming a gap between them. A short stream of air passes through the middle of the tongue. The soft palate is raised and pressed against the back wall of the pharynx, blocking the passage of exhaled air into the nose. The vocal cords are in a relaxed state, they are spread apart, so the voice is not formed.

The sound “Ch” is an affricate and consists of two sounds: “Ть” and “Ш”. If the child pronounces these two sounds correctly, then there should be no difficulty in producing the “Ch” sound.

That is why, to produce the sound “CH”, a specialist can use several methods based on the correct pronunciation of the sounds “TH” and “SH”.

For example, let's look at two methods:

The speech therapist asks the child to very quickly pronounce the combination of sounds “THUGH-THUGH” (the tip of the tongue should touch the base of the upper teeth). Next, you need to gradually begin to move the tip of your tongue back, touching the upper alveoli. At the same time, the lips stretch into a smile.
The specialist asks the child to slowly and then quickly pronounce the sounds “TH” and “SH”, so that it turns out TSH. A wide smile must be present; this is an important factor in correct pronunciation.

After making the sound “Ch” in any way, you need to practice pronouncing this sound in isolation in a playful way. To do this, you can, for example, invite the child to depict a ticking clock “ch-ch-ch” or show how he would calm a noisy child “ch-ch-ch”.

As soon as the child begins to correctly pronounce the sound “Ch” in isolation from other sounds, you can begin to work on its automation.

Automation of the sound “Ch” should also take place in a playful form adapted for the child, i.e. be based on games, tasks and exercises interesting to children. When selecting forms that will be used to automate the sound “Ch,” you need to take into account the age of the child. For each age, certain pictures and toys are selected that have the sound “Ch” in their names. Dramatizations of rhymes, fairy tales, and stories are well suited. Small children remember visual images more easily, so the presence visual material Such classes will only bring benefits.

When automating the sound “Ch”, the child must pronounce this sound in words and phrases in a somewhat exaggerated manner, i.e. clearly, clearly, emphasizing it intonationally.

When pronounced correctly sound "L" the lips are stretched in a slight smile, the teeth are close to each other, but do not touch. The tip of the tongue rises to the upper alveoli and forms a bridge with them. The back of the tongue rises towards the palate, while all other parts, including the edges, descend towards the lower teeth. The exhaled air passes along the sides of the tongue. Air passes through the mouth thanks to the soft palate, which is raised and pressed against the back wall of the pharynx. Sound "L" voiced, i.e. when pronouncing it, the voice is involved. The voice is formed as a result of tension and vibration of the vocal folds.

Let's look at some mistakes that lead to failure correct pronunciation sound "L":

The tongue is pulled too far into the mouth, as a result of which a sound more like “Y” is heard. In this case, the child’s attention should be concentrated on the interdental position of the tongue.
Not a tight bow. The child is asked not only to touch his teeth with his tongue, but to press against them with force.
Incorrect lip position. That is, the replacement of dento-lingual articulation, characteristic of the pronunciation of the sound “L”, with labio-labial or labio-dental articulation. The desired position of the lips is achieved with the help of a specialist who holds them with his hands or a probe.
Incorrect exhalation. It can be forced when a sound similar to “F” is formed, which occurs with the participation of the cheeks. Or it can be nasal, when the sound is similar to “N”. The specialist directs the child’s attention to the soft palate, the exhalation of an air stream through the mouth and its smoothness.

The sound “L” is produced by imitation using a mirror. To begin with, the child needs to be taught to bite the wide tip of the tongue and hold it in place when opening the mouth. Only after the child learns to reproduce this action without errors can you begin to make the sound “L” with an emphasis on the interdental position. Here the specialist again uses a mirror and exercises with syllables that contain the sound “L”. Classes on producing this sound continue until the child begins to clearly and distinctly pronounce the isolated sound “L”.

Once the sound production is completely completed, you can begin to automate it. Automating the sound “L” will give better results if done in a playful way. Audio automation classes don't have to be long and tedious. Depending on the age of the child, the duration of the lesson on automating the sound “L” varies between 15-30 minutes. During a lesson on sound automation, the child must pronounce the sound “L” for a long time and with a motionless tongue. When the tongue is separated from the alveoli, the sound "L" will turn into a vowel sound.

In order to pronounce correctly sound "R" you need to open your mouth slightly (lips and teeth should not be closed) and point the tip of your tongue to the base of your upper teeth. When pronouncing the sound “R”, the tip of the tongue should be tense and vibrate. The middle part of the tongue should take the shape of a spoon (ladle). The sides of the tongue are in contact with the upper molars. A warm and strong stream of air passes through the center of the tongue.

There are several types of violations:

the child does not pronounce the sound “R” at all (this phenomenon is called rhotacism);
the child replaces the sound “R” with another sound (parorotacism). Most often, the child replaces the sound “R” with “L”, “Y”, “Y”, “G”, “V”;
The child distorts the sound “R”.

Experts consider the sound “R” to be the most difficult to produce. Before making the sound “R”, you need to practice several positions that are necessary for its correct pronunciation. The child should be able to open his mouth wide and remain in this position for some time, hold his tongue in the shape of a spoon (bucket), freely raise and lower his tongue, vibrate his tongue, while fixing the side edges in one position.

There are several ways to make the sound “R”.

The sound “R” is placed on the basis of other sounds, for example the sound “D”. The specialist also often uses a combination of the sounds “T” and “D”. When pronouncing a series of these sounds, the child is asked to blow strongly on the tip of the tongue to cause vibration. But this method is not always successful.
The sound “R” is made in 2 stages. To begin with, at the first stage, the child should be taught to pronounce the sound “R” without vibration (fricative). When the goal is achieved, it is recommended to consolidate it in syllables. At the second stage, the sound “P” begins to be practiced with vibration (rolling).

Producing the sound “R” using these and other methods requires a professional approach, since it is very difficult to produce this sound for a child at home and without the use of special mechanical devices and articulatory massage techniques.

You can move on to automating the sound “R” only after the child has learned to clearly pronounce the isolated sound “R”. After this, you can begin to insert this sound into syllables, words and phrases. Work on automating the sound “R” should be built according to the degree of complexity and take place in a playful way, using a variety of games, rhymes, songs, etc. For this purpose, classes are organized with a speech therapist on automating the sound “R”, during which children reinforce the pronunciation of the sound “R” in an understandable and accessible form. For the most successful result, the specialist must organize all classes according to a certain system, so it is not recommended to do this on your own without certain knowledge.

Many children experience minor difficulties with speech and articulation, but, as a rule, by the age of 5–7 years such problems disappear on their own. The child’s speech apparatus develops, sound production improves, and the baby begins to speak clearly. There are also problems that, without proper attention to them, persist throughout life. This may require a speech therapist or independent speech therapy and articulation exercises. The sooner you start correcting and overcoming speech disorders, the easier this process will be for the child. You can start sound production yourself - in most cases, speech therapy and speech therapy exercises are not difficult.

In speech therapy, the production of a sound is a special process that combines the development of pronunciation skills of a certain letter, as well as the formation of a connection between kinesthetics, vision and the nervous system. Thus, during the production, the child learns to pronounce the letter on demand in various combinations and isolated.

Children often encounter problems with the pronunciation of whistling sounds - these can be sigmatisms (when, instead of the sound s or s, the child pronounces a distorted version of them), or parasigmatisms - in this case, the whistling sound is replaced by some other one (forelingual, hissing).

Sound production is very, very important. The fact is that any speech disorders affect nervous system. Incorrect or impaired sound pronunciation can cause the following diseases:

  • dysgraphia - various disorders writing, automatic rearrangement of letters while writing, substitution of letters, etc.;
  • dyslexia - the inability to adequately read text and put letters into coherent text;
  • dyslalia - serious disturbances in the pronunciation of certain sounds.

How to say the sound S and soft S

The correct pronunciation of sibilants depends on the shape of the tongue muscle - you need to make sure that the tongue is in the correct position. Normal pronunciation occurs like this: a relaxed, flat tongue is pressed against the teeth with its lateral edges, and its tip rests against the base of the lower front incisors. The tongue takes the shape of a hill and has a hollow in the middle.

If the baby did not part with the pacifier in childhood, then he probably has an even, flat tongue, and the cleavage and transition are poorly expressed. If there is no hollow, with the help of which a stream of air is formed when exhaling, then a stream that forms whistling sounds will not appear.

Correct articulation of S and S

The lips should be stretched in a slight smile so that the teeth are exposed. The gap between the teeth is no more than two millimeters. The relaxed tip of the tongue is fixed on the lower dentition. The anterior segment of the dorsum of the tongue forms a cleft with the upper incisors, while the middle of the dorsum of the tongue rises towards the hard part of the palate. The side edges of the tongue are pressed against the teeth, the soft part of the palate is raised and pressed against the pharynx, thereby blocking air from accessing the nasal cavity. The ligaments should be relaxed at this time, without vocal vibration.

Exercises for pronunciation of the sounds С and Сь

To develop the correct pronunciation of the sound Сь, you will need to perform phonemic awareness exercises. Before doing the exercises, make sure that the child knows how to pronounce the sounds S and S (there have already been classes of this kind), and is able to distinguish between the sounds D and T, as well as V and F.

Best exercises, which help develop phonemic awareness and come close to the correct pronunciation of the sounds C and S, are based on sound imitation. Offer your child several pictures that show:

  • ordinary pump;
  • a bicycle tire punctured by a nail;
  • a balloon with air coming out of it.

The set of pictures may differ depending on the age and interests of the child, the main thing is clearly, in accessible and child-friendly Examples show how the sounds S and S differ. Continue sound memorization exercises by guessing sounds, or developing phonemic awareness skills.

Correct articulation when pronouncing the sound C

The tip of the tongue is fixed on the lower teeth, the lips are very apart in a smile and do not overlap the teeth, the teeth are almost closed. The air should be released with force, feeling its movement along the groove. If you bring your palm to your mouth and pronounce the sound C, you will feel a cool air stream on your skin.

After the exercises with the sound Сь are completed, you can move on to the sound С. It is important to explain the difference to the child, show it clearly and let him feel kinesthetically and articulatory the difference between the sounds С and Сь. Emphasize that when pronouncing the sound S, the child smiles, while a hard, dull S causes a grimace, more like a grin.

Preparatory exercises

First of all, you need to identify the ability to release a stream of air with force. You need to take in air, blow with force through your lips, folded into a tube. You can control the stream of air with your hand (for adults), but it is better to let a child blow a piece of cotton wool, a feather or a small piece of paper from his hand.

To better feel the formation of the groove during the pronunciation of S or S, you need to perform exercises for flexibility and mobility of the tongue. You need to stretch out your tongue and calmly place it on your lip. You need to place a smooth stick, match or toothpick along the tongue (where the groove appears) and then press down to make a groove appear. The teeth are wide open, the lips are slightly rounded, in this position you need to blow out a strong stream of air several times. Exercises should be repeated until the results are consolidated.

Over time, you can move on to a more complex version of this exercise - repeat the same thing, but without a stick.

To correctly pronounce the sound C, you need to control the position of your tongue and lips, and also feel the stream of cool air that moves along the tongue during pronunciation. If for some reason you cannot pronounce the sound C correctly, you should return to the preparatory exercises and go through them again, only after this automation of pronunciation is possible.

Articulation exercises

  • Wide smile - you need to keep your lips in a smile (similar to pronouncing the sound and), while controlling the tension of your lips - your teeth should be open.
  • Whistling - with clenched teeth, you need to stretch your lips with a tube, as when whistling.
  • When both exercises are mastered, you need to alternate them with a slow count, rhythmically and measuredly.
  • Brushing your teeth is a good exercise for articulation; it is done like this: lips are open in a wide smile, the tip of the tongue strokes the teeth - first the upper ones, from bottom to top and from left to right, then the lower ones.
  • It is useful to perform the following exercises in turn.
  • The clock hand - the lips are open in a smile, the teeth are slightly open, the tip of the tongue alternately touches the corners of the mouth. It is necessary to control the immobility of the lower jaw (the chin should not move).
  • Swing - with this exercise you can achieve high tongue mobility. A relaxed, wide tongue rises as far as possible to the tip of the nose, then extends towards the chin. After this, the tongue rises to the upper lip and falls to the lower, then touches the space between the upper teeth and the lip, and then rests on the space between the lower teeth and the lower lip. You need to make sure that your tongue remains flat and wide at all times, and your lips do not hug the line of your teeth.

Automation Exercises

Sound production begins with identifying problems in pronunciation, then it is necessary to prepare the speech apparatus and oral cavity for correct pronunciation, learn to pronounce the sound correctly, set up easy pronunciation and automate it. To do this, the following method is used: you need to gradually introduce sound first into syllables, then into simple and Difficult words, followed by sentences and free speech.

Isolated pronunciation is achieved by repeatedly pronouncing an isolated sound while constantly monitoring the movement of the teeth, tongue and lips.

When the child begins to easily perform simple and complex articulation exercises and produces sounds correctly, the pronunciation of forward and backward syllables should be introduced into the lesson. Straight syllables - Sa, Sy, Se, So, Su. Reverse - Ac, Ys, Es, Os, Us. Automation of soft X is also important - Xia, Xiu, Xi, Syo and in the reverse position.

Producing sound (automation) in independent speech is the most difficult stage; it’s hard to get used to speaking correctly, so in Everyday life and in everyday life you need to focus on erroneous pronunciation and strive for the correct one.

Sound production and automation in speech therapy are determined not only by the need to establish pronunciation, but also to overcome incorrect conditioned reflex connections and ligaments.

Not only the production of sounds is important, but also the automation of pronunciation; the lips and tongue must automatically take the desired position in order to pronounce the sound correctly. Automation live colloquial speech can be done by memorizing poems and songs - speech therapy pays great attention to nominal rhythmic exercises. If you have difficulty selecting suitable material, you can always watch a video that shows the correct automation of sound using songs, poems and tongue twisters.

“First of all, it was necessary to understand at what position of the mouth, lips, and tongue the correct sounds of consonants are created.”


Let's start looking at the work to correct the most frequently distorted sounds, dwelling in detail on each of them separately. · ·



Sound "S" - correct articulation:

When pronouncing the sound “s” correctly, the organs of articulation work as follows:

The lips are half-opened, the corners of the mouth are slightly stretched to the sides.

The lower jaw is slightly lowered, the distance between the upper and lower incisors is 1-1.5 mm. The tongue is flattened, spade-shaped, slightly arched upward towards the hard palate.

The sides of the tongue are adjacent from the inside to the upper lateral teeth and at the same time touch the lower teeth. A small depression is formed along the middle longitudinal line of the front part of the back of the tongue. At the upper lateral incisors, contact between the lateral edges of the tongue and the teeth ceases. The front part of the back of the tongue is curved upward and, as it were, tends to the alveoli of the upper teeth. A gap forms between the tongue and the alveoli.

The tip of the tongue is tucked down and touches the lower incisors and partially the alveoli.

The air stream passes through the slot narrowing along the created tongue to the lungs longitudinal groove, and the sound “s” is formed between the incisors.

When pronouncing a soft “s,” the middle part of the back of the tongue rises upward.

The sound “z” is formed with the same position of the organs of articulation as “s”, only the tongue is less tense and the vocal cords are involved in the work. The tip of the tongue vibrates slightly.

Options for distorting the sound "s".· In live speech, the options for pronouncing this sound are extremely diverse, but when developing stage speech skills, it is usually necessary to eliminate shortcomings, which can be conditionally divided into four groups: ·

1. There is a sharply mutilated “DULL SOUND “S”, shades of distortion come in all kinds of character.

2. Hissing "S".

3. Sibilant "S". The sound "s" whistles, this overtone has an irritating effect on the listener, the "s" seems to be mixed with the "ts", in most cases this "s" is weak, "thin".

4. Inaudible, missing "s". Let's consider under what conditions distorted sibilants arise and how they are normalized.

Blunt "s" · Blunt "s" occurs if one of the following cases occurs. ·

1. The tip of the tongue will fall between the front teeth, moving slightly outward, the tongue being flat.

2. The tip of the tongue rests from the inside against the closed teeth; the tongue is also sheet-like and smooth.

In both cases, both the body of the tongue and the tip are in the wrong position. The entire body of the tongue is inert.

3. The lateral edges of the tongue do not fit tightly enough to the lateral teeth, since the tongue is significantly displaced downward compared to what is necessary: ​​it lies on the bottom of the oral cavity and does not bend upward. The tip of the tongue can be bent down. Thus, the tip of the tongue is in the correct position, but the middle and posterior segments of the edges of the tongue are passive.

4. The tongue is raised slightly higher than in the previous case, and its middle and back sides touch the molars. The tip of the tongue lies at the lower teeth. However, there is no or insufficient lifting of the anterior part of the back of the tongue to the alveoli, i.e. the anterior part of the back of the tongue is passive. The resulting sound is perceived as a “toothless” “s”.

5. The upper or lower lip, or both together, “stick” to the teeth, block the path of the outgoing air stream, and with their mass they, as it were, eat up, absorb the sharpness, sonority of this sound: “s” becomes dark, dull, dull, (sometimes inert lips contribute to the occurrence of “whispering”).

Correcting the stupid "s".· 1. With a blunt “s” the tongue is usually extremely passive, therefore, when mastering correct pronunciation, you should do tongue gymnastics. ·

It is useful, when preparing the apparatus for pronouncing the correct “s,” to use “chewing” of the tongue. The lateral teeth slightly compress the wide elastic tongue, and it resists pressure, as if springing. The tip of the tongue is located at the front incisors, and the sides extend beyond the teeth; the distance between the teeth during maximum - but not painful - pressure on the tongue is 1.2 cm. Then “push” the closed lateral teeth to the sides with your tongue (the tongue springs in the horizontal direction). These exercises train the sensitivity of the lateral edges of the tongue and the controllability of their movements.

2. Having prepared the muscles of the tongue in this way, we master the articulatory setup described above, characteristic of the correct pronunciation of the sound “s”.

We make sure that the lower jaw is slightly pushed forward compared to the resting position: the lower incisors should be under the upper ones, on the same vertical line with them.

3. Having properly installed the organs of articulation, carefully blow air through a small depression located along the middle longitudinal line of the tongue. ·

The lips should not meet in the path of the air stream passing between the incisors. They diverge slightly up and down, as if they are “opening”, making way for her. When the described conditions are met, a sound is formed that has the obligatory features characteristic of the correct consonant “C”.


During this period, the formation of this sound should be purely mechanical: a certain articulatory structure is created through which the exhaled air stream is blown. If, using a new articulation setting, you begin to try to pronounce the correct speech sound “s”, then the newly mastered position of the organs of articulation will be destroyed by the old incorrect skills in pronouncing this consonant.

During the first period of work to correct defective sound pronunciation, the muscle sensations that accompany the work of our articulatory apparatus often deceive us: the actual position of the organs of articulation does not correspond to the apparent position represented. Muscle sensations will only be analyzed accurately by us over time. In connection with the above, articulation training and subsequent work on mastering the correct articulatory setting must necessarily be carried out with a mirror, i.e. The leading role in this work should be given to the visual controller.

“Vision is one of the most important natural habitual regulators in our activities. Due to the anatomical and physical connection of the visual systems of the brain with the auditory motor systems, it is an excellent controller that promotes the development of correct musculocutaneous sensation in the articular apparatus. The visual controller not only clarifies, but also strengthens the movement,” we read in “Speech Therapy” by M.E. Khvattsev. ("Speech Therapy", 1951, p. 93). Thus, in the work of re-educating speech skills, vision should become our assistant, especially at first. ·

If the correct pronunciation of the sound “s” in isolated form is mastered, the student can proceed to the next stage of work - incorporating the corrected sound into speech.

Difficulties in correcting a blunt “s” and ways to overcome them · Sometimes, when correcting a blunt “s”, a student fails to “find” the desired position of the tongue for quite a long time. He cannot force the body of the tongue to rise upward, cannot establish contact between the back of the back of the tongue and the molars, and the front part of the back of the tongue does not rise sufficiently towards the alveoli. The laxity of the tongue muscles prevents him from achieving the correct position. ·

In addition, it is often difficult for a student to regard the “s” sound pronounced “in a new way” as mechanical and not related to speech.


h;f;sh;sch;ts;x | Use tongue twisters, riddles, retellings (teaching retelling), stories, fairy tales to develop speech. Teach sound synthesis to children with pronunciation problems. Classes with a specialist and computer programs

will help your child improve memory and attention. Correctional work with children involves overcoming speech and psychophysical disorders in children. Online speech therapy exercises () can serve as a useful tool for speech therapists working with preschoolers.

Sound production techniques S.

· Invite the baby to smile broadly, leaving a small space between the teeth, place the tongue on the lower teeth, and try to pronounce the song of flowing water: “S-s-s-s.”

· Take a light plastic ball and build a gate. Sit down at table. Let the baby smile, place the tip of his tongue on his lower lip and, pronouncing the letter “F”, try to score the ball. Make sure your baby doesn't bite his lip or puff out his cheeks. The sound should come out in the center of the tongue.

Setting sounds [С], [Сь], [З], [Зь].

1. WHAT CAN BE THE DEFECTS OF WHISTLING SOUNDS? Whistling sound defects are especially common in children. Sigmatisms (distorted pronunciation of whistlers) and parasigmatisms

(replacing whistling sounds with others: hissing, front-lingual, etc.) greatly spoil the child’s speech.

- Sigmatisms can be: labiodental sigmatism

- : whistling [s], [s"] are replaced with sounds close to [f], [f"]: “fabaka” (dog), “funka” (sledge), “finiy” (blue), “pheno” ( hay); sounds [z], [z"] – to sounds reminiscent of [v], [v"]: “vaika” (bunny), “vuby” (teeth), “vebra” (zebra), “veleny” (green) ; interdental sigmatism

- : the tip of the tongue is placed between the teeth, causing words with whistling sounds to acquire a “lisp” sound; lateral sigmatism

- : the lateral edge of the tongue or the tip of the tongue, when pronouncing whistling sounds, appears between the molars on the right or left, while the tongue “falls” to the side, hence the name; nasal sigmatism open rhinolalia(splitting of the hard and soft palate) and rhinophony(paresis, paralysis of the soft palate), when air goes into the nasal cavity when pronouncing sounds.

Parasigmatisms can be:

- parasigmatism: replacing the sounds [s] - [s"] with [t] - [t"] respectively: “tanki” (sledge), “tom” (catfish), “teno” (hay), “tiny” (blue) ; replacing the sounds [z] - [z"] with [d] - [d"]: “dvuk” (sound), “oak” (tooth), “Dina” (Zina), “dileny” (green);

- hissing parasigmatism: sounds [s] - [s"] are replaced with sounds [sh] or [sch]: “shanki”, “shanki” (sledges), “shushki”, “shushki” (drying); sounds [z] - [z" ] to the sounds [zh] or [zh"]: “zhuby”, “zhyuby” (teeth), “zhima” (winter), “zhaika”, “zhaika” (bunny).

- softening defects (substitutions for hardness - softness): this is when hard sounds [s] - [z] are pronounced accordingly, as paired [s"] - [z"]: “syup” (soup), “syanki” (sledge), “sin” (son), “son-in-law” (bunny), “zyuby” (teeth), “kozi” (goats). Or vice versa: “son” (blue), “seno” (hay), “Soma” (Syoma), “zyma” (winter), “zyleny” (green);

- substitutions for deafness - voicedness: the sound [z] is replaced by the sound [s], the sound [z"] is replaced by the sound [s"] and vice versa: “suba” (teeth), “sima” (winter), “zanki” (sledge), “zeno” ( hay).

Such violations of sound pronunciation can lead not only to dyslalia(violation of sound pronunciation), but also to dyslexia(reading disorder) and dysgraphia(writing disorder) .


For whistling sounds, the shape of the tongue and its position in the oral cavity are very important. Normally, on [С], [Сь, [З], [Зь], the wide tongue with its tip rests against the base of the lower front teeth. In this case, the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars. It turns out to be a mound with a hollow in the middle.

Some children (especially those who were close friends with the pacifier!) have a flat tongue, with a weakly defined hollow. But it is the groove that directs the stream of exhaled air during whistling sounds in the right direction: strictly in the middle of the tongue. There is no well-defined groove - and a trickle of air spreads out in all directions. In addition, the child’s tongue sometimes cannot rest its tip against the base of the lower incisors: it keeps slipping. The child doesn’t even feel it: for some reason, sensitivity in the tip of the tongue is lost.

3. INITIAL STAGE OF PRODUCING WHISTLING SOUNDS [С], [С"], [З], [З"] WITH INTERDENTAL Sigmaticism and Predental Parasigmatism

Start working on whistling sounds with the sound [C]. Try, sitting with your child in front of a mirror, to “construct” a “peacock” in your mouth (exercise “Mountain Hill”). It’s good if you succeed, but if you don’t, you’ll have to call on articulation gymnastics and all sorts of fairy tales for help (articulation exercises, “ Fairy tales from the life of Tongue" are presented on our website).

It's time to remember the gnome Tongue. This time he will play the role of a climber. (Exercise “Climber”: the tip of the tongue “clings” to the lower incisors, the back of the tongue arches). So, the lower teeth are a rock ledge on which you must stay on at all costs! After all, it’s scary to think what will happen if a climber loses support under his feet! (An adult counts how many seconds the “climber” can stay on the ledge: the longer, the better). Of course, you will have to control the accuracy of your movements using a mirror. The child will try very hard: the gnome Tongue must not fall off the cliff!

To prevent the tip of the child’s tongue from sticking out behind the teeth (with interdental sigmatism), teach the child to squeeze them by telling a story called “A Stream” (Articulation exercise “A Stream”). “Once upon a time there was a stream. Very restless and talkative. He brought down a whole waterfall of sounds. Only, here’s the problem, the sounds weren’t quite right, they were kind of lisping and splashed in all directions. No one could understand what the stream was talking about. To make the stream's voice clear, a dam had to be built. Clench your teeth. Like this. Amazing! Smile. The stream was left with a small crack between the front teeth, and it began to flow down in a cold, even stream.” Say “S________” for a long time, demonstrating to the child the correct articulation of the sound [s]. Let the baby place his hand under his chin and make sure that the stream of air is cold and narrow. Now ask your child to organize his own “stream”. This will not happen right away. The most important thing is that the tongue does not stick out between the teeth and does not interfere with the pronunciation of the sound [C]. If this time nothing succeeds, a match (without the head of sulfur) and the continuation of the story about the talkative brook will help. “One day the passage of the stream was blocked by a log. (Place a match with one end between the baby’s incisors and ask to hold it in this position. The tongue is at the bottom of the oral cavity and does not protrude!). The stream had to try very hard to remove the obstacle!” And now the child must forcefully pronounce the sound [C], directing a stream of air directly at the match. It should fly out like a cork from a bottle. The exercise is done under the strictest supervision of adults, God forbid if a match ends up in the baby’s respiratory tract!

Another exercise that will help cope with interdental sigmatism. It's fabulous and very funny. It's time to remember with your child about the gnome's friend Tongue - Kitten. He loves to play with reels. Knowing this, the tongue itself often turns into a funny reel.

Exercise " Reel" Take the mirror again. The tip of the tongue, as in previous exercises (“ Gorochka», « Climber», « Brook"), pressed against the lower incisors from the inside. The middle part of the tongue curves sharply and becomes wide, with a hollow in the middle. The “coil” tongue either rolls forward or moves back. And so - several times. The most important thing is that the tip of the tongue is securely attached to the teeth.

These four exercises (“Mountain”, “Climber”, “Rivek”, “Coil”) must be performed for at least a month. The muscles of the tongue should become stronger, and movements should gain precision and confidence. They will help get rid of interdental sigmatism.


What if the child’s problem is not in the tongue, but in the lower lip, which tries to connect with the upper teeth due to whistling sounds? And then “dog” turns into “fabaka”, “soup” into “foop”, “bunny” into “vaika”, “fence” into “vabor”. In this case, as you remember, they talk about labiodental sigmatism. But you can deal with it too. One has only to call the lower lip to obedience. Take a mirror, demonstrate a Hollywood smile and, holding the baby’s lower lip with your finger, ask the child with an equally dazzling smile to pronounce the sounds [С______], [С"______] for a long time. Did it work? Now remove the support and let the child repeat these sounds again. What- Isn’t that right? You’ll have to repeat everything over and over again until it doesn’t work. If this doesn’t help, you need to teach the child to lower his lower lip voluntarily for some time. Do the same articulation exercises (“Gorochka”). , “Climber”, “Stream”, “Coil”), which is used in the fight against interdental sigmatism (see above).

Finally everything is ok. To reinforce the correct pronunciation, use the syllables: S___A, S___I, S___Y, S___E, S___U, S___I, S___E, S___E, (Whistling sounds [S], [S"] are pronounced for a long time!) Here the lower lip can again play against the rules! It's okay, you'll have to hold it for a while longer.


If, when pronouncing [S] - [S"] and [Z] - [Z"], some kind of squelching is heard, we can confidently talk about lateral sigmatism. Now the problem lies both in the tongue itself and in the direction of the air stream. With lateral sigmatism, it does not go in the middle of the tongue, but slides either to the left or to the right, and maybe in both directions... Such deviations from the course are easy to detect if you put your palms on the child’s cheeks.

Very often, lateral sigmatism indicates serious disorders: paralysis or paresis in the muscles of the tongue. Eliminating this defect is not so easy. You will probably need massage and articulation gymnastics (exercises “Mountain Hill”, “Climber”, “Rivek”, “Coil”, etc.). The most important thing is to strengthen the side edges of the tongue, make them rise, and direct the air stream in the middle of the tongue. It's unlikely to succeed the first time. Start the work of correction with... punishment. No, not a child, but a tongue.

Tell your child that the gnome Tongue is not distinguished by exemplary behavior. And therefore, he also has to be punished by spanking with his lips: “five-five-five-...” (Exercise “ Let's punish the naughty tongue"). The wide, relaxed tongue should be between the lips, not moving or moving to the side! Oddly enough, the child will do this exercise with great pleasure! After educational work, the tongue will certainly become obedient. It's time to use the reward and play something interesting with him, for example, football. Make an improvised goal on the table from two cubes, place a cotton ball in front of the child, and let the gnome Tongue score goals into the goal (“exercise “Let’s score a goal into the goal”). The more goals, the better. Make sure that your tongue lies flat on your lower lip when performing the exercise, and that your cheeks do not swell in any way! Don't forget to remind your child that the game is fun, so your lips should smile.

Soccer ball.

There's a soccer ball in the yard

He ran around at a gallop all day.

He played with us

But I didn’t see the bitch.

I ran into him:


We feel so sorry for him!

(E.G. Karelskaya)

The child must show what sound the ball deflated with: “S_________.”

The ball has been sealed, and now it needs to be pumped up. Show how the gnome Tongue inflates the ball using a pump. True, without the help of a child, he is unlikely to cope! The child demonstrates the operation of the pump, and at the same time trains in correctly pronouncing the sound [C] (exercise “ Pump"). Articulation should be clear: the lips are smiling, the tip of the tongue is securely attached to the lower incisors, the air is pushed out abruptly: s-s-s-s... The tongue must be absolutely symmetrical (do not move to the side!). By doing all this, the child will learn to direct the air stream in the middle of the tongue.


Apparently, the child has hypertonicity in the muscles of the tongue, the tip of the tongue does not rest against the lower teeth, but is pulled back, deep into the mouth, the tongue is excessively raised. Hypertonicity is relieved with the help of a relaxing massage and articulation exercises (“Pancake”, “Let’s punish the naughty tongue”, “Let’s score a goal”). Then the production of whistling sounds proceeds in the same way as with interdental sigmatism (third section of this article).


a) in isolated utterance:

Following the advice of the previous sections, you and your child have already begun to automate isolated sound [C].

Now the child will perform the “Water Song” (pronounce the sound [С_____] for a long time), listening to this poem. (You read the lines, the child pronounces the sound [C]):

Little sisters

A wave splashes in the sea.

Can you hear how she sings?


This song of water

Drops, friendly sisters,

Humming in silence

Wind, fish and moon.

“S_______” - they rustle the sand,

A pebble at the bottom of the sea.

“S________” - crushed against a rock,

“S_________” - flow down the glass.

“S________” - and hid in a shell.

We will put it to your ear...

And you will hear again

The sound of the surf, the splash of the wave:


(E.G. Karelskaya)

(We hope you haven’t forgotten that the baby’s tongue should not stick out between the teeth or move to the side at the sound [С__]?)

b) in syllables, words and phrases

When the isolated sound [С___] comes out perfectly, consolidate your success on the material of syllables, words, phrases and phrases:


SA: himself, garden, salad, Sanya, boot, cod, samovar, plane, saury, net, lard, saber

SO: catfish, sleep, soda, juice, salt, Sonya, owls, litter, hundred, honeycomb, solo, juicy, variety

SU: soup, bag, knot, knot, court, Saturday. marmot, pike perch, drying, knot, sum, essence

SY: son, cheese, damp, full, satisfying, owl, son, cheese, etc.

AS: us, pineapple, kvass, breaststroke, now, hour, class, palace, Karabas Barabas, atlas

US-US: mousse, minus, bus, crocus, focus, bite, vinegar, plus, gumboil

IS: rice, miss, cypress, daffodil, Paris, Boris

SA-SA-SA: A fox is running in the forest. A wasp is flying in the garden. Light braid.

SO-SO-SO: The fox has a wheel. In the cinema Sophie Marceau.

SU-SU-SU: We are not afraid of the fox. It's snowing in the forest. Father sharpened his braid.

SY-SY-SY: The fox has a fluffy tail. It’s bad for Sonya without a braid.

Sa-sa-sa, sa-sa-sa, - there is a wasp on our table.

Sy-sy-sy, sy-sy-sy, - we are not afraid of wasps.

Su-su-su, su-su-su, we won’t drive away the wasp.

AS-AS-AS: Sonya has pineapple. Let's go to class today. We have a free hour.

OS-OS-OS: The dog hurt his nose. Senya has a question. Senya was carrying hay into the canopy.

US-US-US: This is a string of beads. Let's put a plus sign. From a wasp - a bite.

IS-IS-IS: Cook rice in a bowl. Boris entered the class. Narcissus blooms in the garden.



SI: strength, blue, silhouette, Sima, strong, blue, blue, Siberia, lilac

SE: hay, Seva, Sergey, Semyon, north, gray, village, semaphore, herring

SE: salmon, Syoma, cheerful

SI-SI-SI: Bring the hay to the hayloft. Bring Sima some blue. Invite Seva to visit.

SE-SE-SE: Let's sing a song to the fox. Blue bow on the braid. There are spokes on the wheel.

SE-SE-SE: We'll give the syrup to the wasp. Everyone went to the forest today!

SIO-SIO-SIO: We told Vasya everything.

SYU-SYU-SYU: We danced with all our might. They gave hay to the crucian carp.

Continue in the same spirit, choosing new words with the sounds [С] and [С"].

c) in tongue twisters

Senya and Sanya have catfish with mustaches.

Forty forty ate a piece of cheese.

There are ducks and geese in Dusya's garden.

Sanya and Kostya go to visit Sonya.

Sanya and his bride are kneading dough.

Sanya mows hay, and Sonya carries hay.

Senya sits on a pine tree in a dream.

A neighbor - a homebody - has a neighbor - a fidget.

There are delicious sausages in the pussy's bowl.

Grandma's geese scared Lucy.

Frosya has pineapple and apricots on a tray.

Sonya and Stas ate pineapple.

Vlas ate the lard at Slava's, and Nazar licked the cream.

A couch potato's neighbor has a fidgety neighbor.

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled.

d) in riddles

If all seven are together,

It turns out... (FAMILY).

The third day is fragrant

In the garden there is a Persian... (LILAC).

This bird loves lard

Yellow-breasted... (TIT).

A mustachioed beetle crawled to the swift,

He asked me to cut him... (FURTURE).

Invites all the guys

Taste the harvest... (GARDEN).

A lot of wasps flew in,

Take care, baby, of your... (NOS).

He is not afraid of the heat.

He is the children's favorite

Good-natured and smart

This lop-eared... (ELEPHANT).

She doesn't sleep at night,

He looks very keenly into the distance.

Like a pumpkin head

This is a predatory... (OWL).

(Riddles of E.G. Karelskaya)


The sounds [З], [Зь] may have the same defect as the sounds [С], [С"]. You need to work on them in the same way. The only difference is that [З], [Зь] are voiced (with their when pronouncing there is a voice, the vocal cords work). If the child deafens these sounds (pronounces them without a voice), you need to tell a story about the voice that lives in the throat. The child puts his hand on the throat (his own or an adult’s) and listens to the story [p. ] [s"] the voice “sleeps” and the smelt of his house does not tremble, but at the sounds [z] [z"] the voice wakes up and begins to sing and the walls of his house tremble and vibrate. Demonstrate this clearly by saying in turn first the deaf ones, and. then sonorous whistling sounds. Then proceed to consolidate the sounds [з] [з"] in the same sequence as the sounds [С] [С"]. The only thing you need to remember is that the sounds [з] [з "] are at the end. words are deafened and turned into sounds [s] [s"]


FOR: hall, factory, hare, bunny, fence, outpost, dawn, test, why, patch, corral, task

ZO: Zoya, Zosya, Zosim, call, dawn, dawn, goiter, zombie, vigilant, vigilant, gold

Memory: tooth, teeth, buzzer, bison

Having practiced syllables and words, take sentences, pure phrases and poems replete with the sounds [З], [Зь].

For-for-for, for-for-for,

A goat is chasing after Zina.

Zu-zu-zu, zu-zu-zu,

Let's put the goat in the pen.

Zy-zy-zy, zy-zy-zy, zy-zy-zy,

Goat's bell.

Ze-ze-ze, ze-ze-ze,

We will give the hay to the goat.

Zoya and Zina have elderberries in their basket.

Buba the bunny has a toothache.

Zosya invited the bunny to visit.

Nazar goes to the market and buys a goat Nazar.

Zoya is the bunny's mistress, but the bunny is an arrogant one.

The zoo has monkeys, snakes, bison and pheasants.

Zoya has mimosas, and Zina has roses.

The bell rang loudly, calling Zoya to class.

Rose is freezing from the frost.

Zina forgot her basket at the store.

The store bought Zina a basket.

Staging sounds and their automation

Correction of violations of the pronunciation of the sound /С/

Set of exercises: “Smile”, “Shovel”, “Reel”, “Brushing teeth”, “Swing”, “Tasty jam”.

Correction of interdental sigmatism.

A). The child is invited to perform the “Coil” exercise; when the child learns to perform this exercise well, it is suggested that the “Coil” be removed into the back of the mouth, but the tip of the tongue should be kept in place - behind the lower teeth. The speech therapist places a match in the middle of the tongue and asks to blow quietly so that the air stream passes through the middle of the tongue. Then the match is removed. The sound /S/ is pronounced. If the defect still persists, it is recommended to pronounce syllables for a while, then words with a match in the middle of the tongue or with closed teeth.

b). If the child does not hold the tongue behind the lower teeth, the speech therapist holds it in the following way: we put a bent match into the mouth, one end of which is located towards the roots of the lower teeth, and the other is held by the speech therapist. We ask the child to reach the edge of the match with the tip of his tongue and in this position pronounce the sound /S/.

V). If it is not possible to teach the child to hold the tongue behind the lower incisors for a long time, we teach the child to pronounce the sound /S/ with closed teeth.

Correction of hissing sigmatism.

First, the child is asked to distinguish between the correct and incorrect sounds of the sound /S/ (whistle - hiss). The differences between correct and defective articulation are then shown in front of a mirror. Additionally, kinesthetic sensations are used, depicting articulation with the hands. Having achieved correct articulation, exhalation is activated, giving the opportunity to feel the cold stream of exhaled air.

You can temporarily use interdental articulation of the sound /S/. In the future, it is necessary to switch to normal dental pronunciation with clenched teeth, as is done when correcting interdental sigmatism (option c).

Correction of lateral sigmatism.

I believe that this is one of the most persistent defects, and without massage in the mouth and physical treatment, it is difficult to achieve a positive result.

After a course of massage, the speech therapist (speech pathologist) can begin to perform those exercises that the child did not succeed in (for example, “Fipe”, “Cup”, etc.), that is, we achieve the formation of a “groove” along the midline of the tongue.

The sound /T/ is used as a base. The sound /T/ is pronounced with some aspiration. The presence of aspiration is controlled by feeling a stream of air on the hand.

At the next stage of work, the child is asked to lower the tip of the tongue behind the lower incisors. The teeth are clenched and a sound close to /Ts/ is pronounced, in which the sounds /T/ and /S/ are heard.

Gradually, during the exercises, the sound /S/ is lengthened and then separated. After which the child is explained that this is the correctly pronounced sound /S/.

Setting the sound /S/ from the sound /I/.

This is the method I use most often. The child is asked to perform the “Smile” exercise, then open his mouth slightly and pronounce the sound /I/. At this time, we draw his attention to the position of the tongue (lies in the oral cavity, the tip is behind the lower incisors). We ask the child to say /I/ several times, then, holding the tongue in the same position, pronounce /S/.

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