Fitball classes for infants 1 month. The best exercises on a fitball for infants

Ball activities will help raise a strong, active, healthy child.

At what age can you start exercising?

Handle your newborn only when good mood him

If mommy doubts whether to start gymnastics or wait until he grows up, it will take no more than a month to wait. The child is ready for classes from the 3rd week of life. When lactation and daily routine are formed, the baby adapts to the surrounding conditions. Only then is it allowed to introduce anything new . At first, you should exercise in a gentle manner: basic light rolls on the floor. Rocking will have a calming effect on the baby, reminding him of being in his mother's belly and will significantly improve his mood. This will help you quickly get used to the outside world. Exercises are especially useful in the early stages of life. Some mothers rock their babies to sleep this way.

The baby should be satisfied, well-rested, and active. It is better to start gymnastics in the morning. If he is not in a good mood, there is no need to impose irritating procedures, they will not bring any benefit. The room should be ventilated, not hot or stuffy. During the exercises, you can undress the baby, and at the same time he will take air baths. The duration of the initial lessons is 5-10 minutes. It is advisable to place a diaper on the ball so that it does not feel discomfort from the cold and does not slip off the surface. Before starting, do a light massage to warm up. It is necessary to avoid sudden, frightening movements and control the ball so that it does not roll and injure the baby.

You are allowed to exercise 50 minutes after eating, otherwise digestive problems may occur. But even if you’re hungry, you can’t start work.

If the baby gets scared, feels uncomfortable, and begins to act up, classes are stopped immediately. You should not grab his hands or feet - they are very fragile and susceptible to injury.

How to choose a fitball for kids

To practice, you need to buy a fitball not in the market, but in a specialized store.

When a new parent decides to use a fitball with her child, she is faced with the question of how to choose a fitball for her baby and not make a mistake?

There are such balls:

  1. Classical. Smooth, with small grooves, not causing any discomfort.
  2. Massage. The pimpled surface has a massage effect and, in contact with the body, stimulates the blood circulation process.
  3. With handles and horns. The diameter of this fitball is smaller than usual. It is convenient to practice jumping on it. Orthopedists recommend purchasing such balls to correct X-shaped legs in children. But it will be impossible to exercise at full strength with a baby on such a fitball; the handles will prevent you from fully swinging it.

Important! For newborns, you should purchase the classic version. Horns, spikes and handles are suitable for older children.

Fitballs with the following parameters are suitable for infants:

  1. Material. Hypoallergenic, safe, environmental. It is important that it has electrostatic properties: dirt, dust, threads and small specks do not stick to it.
  2. Rigidity. When pressed, the hand should push off and spring back. You can check the quality of the fitball by pinching it; if wrinkles form, it is better not to buy such a ball. When pressure is applied to the ball, it should not shrink, deform or wrinkle.
  3. Size. It is better for a baby to buy a ball 45 cm in diameter, but if there are older children at home or the mother will study on her own, then you can buy 75 cm.
  4. Surface. Fake balls are slippery, unpleasant to the touch and cold. A quality ball is warm, smooth and comfortable. The nipple through which it is inflated must be soldered and recessed, not interfering with movements. If the fibers protrude and the seams are visible, the fitball is fake.
  5. Anti-explosion properties. The certified sports product does not burst and, if damaged, deflates quietly. Durable rubber can withstand a load of 300 kg. A ball marked ABS or BRQ guarantees anti-explosion protection.
  6. Color. Poisonous, brightly saturated indicates that the product is fake. Good balls have a muted, uniform color and sometimes a pattern.
  7. Manufacturers. It is better to buy Italian, American and German children's fitballs. The reliability and quality of the product will be reflected in its price. In order for it to last a long time and please the whole family, you don’t need to save money.

8 rules for choosing a fitball

Effective exercises on a fitball

The following exercise is suitable for children up to six months old:

Exercise 1. Rocking on your tummy. The baby is placed on the ball with its tummy and gently rocked. The first exercises should be smooth, barely noticeable.

Exercise 2. Back swing. The child is placed on his back and slowly rocked in different directions. It is important to prevent sagging and tilting. Such movements will promote the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Exercise 3. Clock. The baby is rocked counterclockwise and counterclockwise on his back, and then on his tummy.

Exercise 4. Spring. The child lies on his tummy, and the mother carefully presses on the back, belaying the legs with her free hand. The results are soft springy movements.

Exercise 5. Push. The baby, lying on the crib, pushes with his feet the ball that the mother brings, encouraging him to push off.

Classes are conducted to rhythmic, quiet music or to mother’s songs and favorite nursery rhymes.

After six months, the baby can be occupied with other exercises:

Exercise 6. Jumping. The mother, sitting on the floor, clamps the ball with her knees and places the child on it. The baby jumps with pleasure, feeling the spring vibrations. This exercise brings a lot of positivity to both mother and child.

Exercise 7. Take out the toy. The baby is placed on a ball, and several objects are laid out in front of it. By rolling the ball, let the baby reach one of them. In this case, the child is held by both shins. The essence of the exercise is that, while trying to grab the toy, he tears the handles off the rubber surface of the ball. Additional side belay wouldn't hurt.

Exercise 8. Wheelbarrow. The child, lying on his tummy, rests his arms. Mom gently pulls his legs, like handrails on a wheelbarrow, and rocks him.

Exercise 9. Stretching. The baby, lying on his tummy, is stretched by the father and mother alternately by the arms and legs, swinging him on a fitball. Movements must be done extremely carefully.

Exercise 10. Press. When the baby lies on his back, the mother gently holds his shoulders, slightly lifting him and sitting him down. Then she lays him down again. The exercise is repeated several times.

Exercise 11. Soldier. This exercise is great for children who can stand. The child is given the opportunity to stand on the ball, holding it under his armpits. The baby will rise on his toes, balance, and then suddenly relax. At this moment, he needs to be allowed to descend from the surface of the fitball. This is how the ankle joint and coordination develop.

Exercise 12. Lifting with pumping on the back. Mommy holds the baby by the hands. When the ball rolls towards her, she picks it up; when it rolls away, she puts it down again.

Exercise 13. Lifting with pumping on the stomach. It is carried out in the same way as when pumping on the back.

Exercise 14. Airplane. The baby is placed on its side, supported by the left arm and shin. So they rock it several times, then lay it on the left side.

Exercise 15. Support. The essence of the exercise is to let the child stand for a while near the ball, clasping it with his hands.

Video: How to do gymnastics with a baby on a ball

Taking Precautions

  1. You should start doing gymnastics by visiting a doctor and getting permission from him. If there are any contraindications, wait until classes become possible.
  2. There is no need to exercise based on advice from the Internet. It is advisable to consult with an experienced instructor who will show by example how to do them correctly.
  3. It is necessary to secure the training area in order to avoid consequences from falling.
  4. The first lessons are done very carefully, without overloading the child.

Nowadays, doctors believe that a baby should not be swaddled tightly; on the contrary, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to move independently. The physical exercise regimen is significantly different from the exercise routine our parents used.

Modern medicine moves inexorably forward. From birth, a child is recommended to do gymnastics, because it helps the baby’s proper physiological development. Experts also recommend swimming in the pool with a trainer, as such training has a positive effect.

If it is not possible to pay for a trainer, then you can resort to more budget-friendly methods of child development: bathing at home (in the bathroom), performing therapeutic exercises for infants. Recently, exercises on a gymnastic ball for infants have become increasingly popular. This is a very accessible method, which is already widely used by advanced mothers in all cities and regions of Russia. What are the benefits of such training?

What are the benefits of exercising on a gymnastic ball?

  1. They relieve muscle tone, which is present in all babies.
  2. Strengthen the muscles of the body and prepare the back and abs for the further development of the child’s motor activity.
  3. They help the proper functioning of organs and systems through massage movements during training.
  4. Helps normalize the digestive process.
  5. Affect the proper development of the vestibular apparatus.

Fitball exercises for infants 2 months (3 months)

As a rule, it is better to start training at this age. In order for the classes to bring maximum benefit, basic rules should be followed:

Ball exercises for infants

In order for the baby to enjoy contact with the ball, cover him with a diaper. This will help establish their contact and ensure the correct sliding process.

Fitball for infants is especially good because it is a simulator and during some exercises the child receives a relaxing massage, that is, motor activity is replaced by a state of rest in the body’s muscles. Many trainers recommend performing the same tasks at different speeds, which helps to carry out the correct gymnastics for a newborn, taking into account the age characteristics of the child. Parents decide on their own what month to start training; however, they should not ignore the advice of pediatricians.

How to choose the right fitball for gymnastics for a newborn?

You can choose a ball for doing gymnastics for a 2-3 month old baby at a sporting goods store, as well as in the children's department. In order to choose a ball, you should know its basic parameters:

  • size (from 45 to 75 cm);
  • surface (smooth or spiked);
  • anti-burst function.

As a rule, parents prefer fitball maximum size with anti-burst function. It is very convenient when the ball has handles, this will help ensure safe training with a 2-month-old baby. The surface can be any, depending on the wishes of the coach or parents. Also an important component is the pump, whether it is included in the kit, because this may be associated with additional costs. The cost of a fitball varies from 500 to 1000 rubles, depending on the strength, configuration and brand of the manufacturer. The choice is yours.

A lot depends on raising a child, because his future is at stake. How successful a child he will be depends only on you. A lot of children receive miseducation, carrying psychological trauma into adulthood. What does this lead to?

Improper upbringing can manifest itself in the form of frequent illnesses of the child or in the form of behavioral deviations, which lead to greater consequences with age. It is not at all necessary that a child’s deviant behavior will become delinquent, but at the same time there is a fairly high probability that the child will become withdrawn. Such children are unlikely to achieve career heights and social recognition, therefore it is worth devoting time to both the physical and emotional development of the child.

At this moment you should correctly determine its potential and direct all efforts to develop this talent. “There is sun in every person, just let it shine.” If you are not able to cope with this point on your own, then do not regret the money and time spent and seek help from a specially trained person. Remember: only those children who have been trained have a great chance of achieving any heights in the future. Only those who have been loved will be able to love and build strong families.

As you know, gymnastics and physical exercises are useful for absolutely everyone, no matter how old a person is. There are many different sports equipment suitable even for newborns and preschool children. A good example is a children's fitball - a special ball of fairly large diameter, exercises on which are useful starting from the age of two weeks. What can we say about older children and adults! And for new mothers, such sports equipment will help them quickly get in shape.

Exercises on a fitball will bring undoubted benefits to infants - both healthy children and those who have any problems. Such exercise will very soon give positive results, literally within a month.

  • Firstly, exercises with a fitball help relieve muscle hypertonicity, which is often found in infants. Rocking on the ball helps develop the baby's vestibular system and establish coordination of movements.
  • Secondly, exercises on the tummy relieve children from stomach colic, increased gas formation and help improve the functioning of the digestive system. Even during exercise, blood circulation improves and proper breathing is established. Exercises are an excellent prevention of spinal diseases and promote correct posture.

Gymnastics on a fitball is a source of positive emotions for infants. Swinging on the ball, the baby makes swimming movements, which he is accustomed to while in his mother’s belly. Familiar actions help the baby quickly adapt to the outside world, give him confidence, and give him a feeling of security. These sensations are especially important in the first 3 months of life. Many parents prefer to rock their baby to sleep on a fitball before bed.

We are afraid of fakes

How to choose a fitball intended for infants? An important factor is the size of the ball. The diameter varies from 45 to 75 cm. It is better to immediately choose a large ball, since it is convenient for a child to sit on it, and adults can use it during sports activities.

Choose a ball material that is dense, elastic, smooth, but not slippery. You can try pinching the surface. The appearance of numerous small folds, and the surface of the ball is in no hurry to return to its original state, indicates the poor quality of the product. Check whether the nipple of the fitball is soldered and deepened, whether it interferes during movement, and whether there are visible and easily palpable seams on the ball itself. It should not emit any rubbery or synthetic odor that could cause an allergic reaction in newborns.

An important characteristic of a gymnastic ball is the presence of an anti-explosion function (indicated by the ABS marking). These are the safest fitballs. In general, you should not skimp on the quality of sports equipment and it is better to buy it in specialized stores. A good fitball will serve faithfully for many years.

Basic rules of classes

Fitball exercises should only bring pleasure, so you need to follow a few simple rules.

  • You need to hold the baby carefully by the forearms, tummy, back, butt, and ankles. A special ankle grip is used in many exercises. We advise you to look at the photos and videos in our article for correct execution. Under no circumstances should you pull the baby by the hands and feet, because... Such actions often lead to injury.
  • It is better to leave the child naked. Clothing gets bunched up and thus causes discomfort during exercise. Unpleasant sensations from the surface of the ball can be easily removed by covering it with a diaper.
  • It is permissible to play with a child on a ball no earlier than an hour after eating. The baby must be in a good mood. Light, quiet music will create the appropriate atmosphere.
  • Gymnastics will bring your child even more pleasure if parents accompany all exercises and actions with children's jokes and nursery rhymes. Newborn babies especially enjoy doing this.

Health and pleasure with exercise

Exercises for infants are divided into two categories: intended for children from 1-2 weeks to 6 months and from six months and older. The gradation is associated with the motor skills that the baby develops every month.

Children under 6 months:

  • Rocking on the tummy. The child is placed face down on the fitball and, holding the back or butt, is swung back and forth, right and left. Exercise helps relieve colic and improve digestion.
  • Rocking on the back. Similar to the previous description: the child is placed on the ball with his back down and rocked, holding his tummy. In this position, it is necessary to ensure that the baby’s head does not fall back.
  • "Spring." The child is placed with his tummy on the ball and, holding his back with one hand and the legs with a special grip with the other, soft springy movements are made.
  • "Watch." The baby is placed on the ball with his back and, holding his stomach or chest, gently makes circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Repulsing the ball. The baby is placed on his back on a sofa or bed, and a fitball is rolled to his legs. Instinctively, the child begins to push the ball away.

Children over 6 months:

  • Jumping on the ball. The gymnastic ball is firmly fixed between the legs, the baby is placed on it, holding the body, and they demonstrate how to spring and jump on the ball. Usually this is perhaps the most favorite exercise among children.
  • “Grab it quickly.” In front of the fitball, several toys are laid out at a short distance. The child is placed with his tummy on the ball, held by his legs, tilted forward, helping the baby grab one of the toys. In an effort to take his favorite toy, the baby will tear off the first and then the second handle from the ball. The exercise easily turns into a fun game.
  • "Shuttle". Two adults are required to participate. The baby is placed on his tummy, one adult holds him by the arms in the forearm area, the second - by the shins, and they begin to roll him back and forth. The exercise strengthens the spine and back muscles well.
  • "Wheelbarrow". The baby is placed on his tummy, taken by the legs and raised so that the baby rests on the ball only with his hands. They pull the ball towards themselves, bending the legs, and roll it back, returning it to its original position.
  • Abdominal strengthening exercise. The baby is placed on his back and, pulling his arms, is forced to sit on the ball. You need to stay in this position for a few seconds, and then put it back again.
  • "Airplane". A rather difficult exercise to master, requiring considerable diligence and patience from an adult. The baby is placed on his tummy, then, lifting him by the right shin and right forearm, he gently rolls the baby on his left side from side to side. Then they change the arm and leg and roll it on the right side.
  • "Learning to stand." The exercise should be done when the child begins to stand on his feet, that is, at about 7-8 months. The ball is firmly fixed and placed in front of the baby. He stands and holds the fitball with his palms. At first, the adult secures the child, then gives him the opportunity to stand on his own for a certain time.

To perform gymnastics with a fitball correctly and not cause inconvenience to your child, watch special video tutorials. They are especially suitable for young and inexperienced parents who are not yet very confident and are afraid to handle their baby more actively.

In any case, don’t be afraid of anything, experiment, turn gymnastics with your child into fun entertainment, use fitball in games. The main thing is to let everyone have a good mood and a positive attitude during classes.

A gymnastic ball or fitball is an excellent exercise machine for both baby and mother. With its help, the mother will be able and the baby will be able to get good gymnastics for all muscle groups. Working on such a ball stimulates the early physical development of children. First, choose the right ball. It should be made of high-quality latex, smooth without horns, pimples, etc., the size of the ball is 75 cm in diameter. Children especially like multi-colored and brightly colored balls.

You can start exercising on a fitball from two weeks of age., that is, when the umbilical wound has healed, and the baby can already be placed on the tummy. Ball exercises for infants should be carried out no earlier than 45 minutes after feeding. The first lesson can be very short, just put the baby on the ball and rock it, master all the exercises gradually, if the baby doesn’t like any of them, don’t force him, but just finish the gymnastics for today. For practice, it is better to undress the baby, so he will stay on the ball more steadily. During exercises, do not pull the child by the hands or feet, his joints are not yet ready for such loads. You need to do all the exercises 3-4 times, the entire exercise should take you no more than 15 minutes so that the baby doesn’t get tired and start being capricious.

Gymnastics on a fitball relaxes and relieves the child’s muscle tone, gives a good massage for the back and tummy, the child relaxes, his gas goes away, and colic is relieved. Rolling out on a ball for an umbilical hernia is very useful.

Here is a set of exercises on a ball for infants

1. Place your baby on the ball on his tummy and rock him back and forth, left and right, in a circle. You can make small amplitude vibrating movements. Increase your range of motion every day. This will develop the child's vestibular apparatus.

2. Place your baby on his back and let him relax on the ball.. Perform rolls back and forth, left and right, in a circle. This exercise strengthens your back muscles.

3. The baby lies on his tummy on the ball, press the baby’s butt and back with one hand and make springy movements up and down, as if jumping. The second hand holds the baby by the ankles with a “fork” grip, which is used in dynamic. Legs should be straight. When the baby grows up, do this exercise on his back; a six-month-old baby will strain his abdominal muscles and rise, which trains his muscles well.

4. The baby lies on his back, holding his chest with both hands, make movements on the ball in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise.

5. This exercise is suitable for the lateral abdominal muscles.: the child lies on his stomach, turn the ball to the right, then to the left, the baby will try to bend his torso.

6. The baby lies on the ball with his stomach, with one hand press his knees to the ball, with the other support the baby under the chest. Roll the fitball forward so that the back bends and the chest rises. This exercise perfectly stretches the spine and strengthens the neck muscles.

7.Exercise for the hip joints. The child lies on the ball with his stomach, legs bent at the knees and spread apart (frog pose), roll the ball back and forth and left and right.

8. The child lies on his tummy, you let him grab your thumbs with his hands, holding the baby by the hands, tilt the ball so that the baby touches the floor with his feet, return to the starting position.

9. Exercise for children over 6 months. Place the child on the fitball with his stomach, he rests his hands on the ball, we lift him by the legs like a wheelbarrow and try to maintain balance.

10. Place the baby on the ball with his stomach and roll it forward until the baby touches the floor with his hands, we return to the starting position.

11. From a lying position, we lift the baby by the arms to a sitting position, and balance in such a way as to keep the sitting baby balanced on the ball.

12. Place your baby sideways on the ball in a curl-up position, roll it back and forth and left and right, then change sides. This exercise strengthens the neck muscles well.

The ball is an excellent exercise machine for a child, because it strengthens the vestibular apparatus, relaxes muscles, reducing their tone, helps strengthen the back and abdominals, vibration exercises stimulate the work of internal organs, exercises on it develop and amuse the child. Don’t forget to take advantage of the benefits of fitball. While the baby is sleeping, the mother can do a complex for the muscles of the abdomen, legs, and back, which will allow her to quickly get into good shape after childbirth.

All modern pediatricians, as well as parents, are well aware that exercises on a fitball for infants at 5 months are very important. Kids get freedom of action immediately, from the first moment of life - they feel free in spacious blouses and pants, therefore, in order for them to be healthy and well developed in the future, it is necessary to do similar exercises with them.

The benefits of exercises on a fitball for children aged 5 months

There is no need to talk much about the positive impact of health-improving gymnastics, since there is a lot of literature devoted to this topic. Exercise and massage are very good, but it’s even better if you combine all this with exercises on a fitball. Some skeptics may wonder what this is for.

Let's look at what good the child will get from this:

— lying on the fitball, the child relaxes and straightens up as much as possible;
- with correctly selected sets of exercises, all muscles develop as they should and parents forever forget about some neurological problems, as well as excessive muscle tightness of their child;

- at five months, children are already quite strong and many are already trying to sit on their own. Thanks to exercises on a fitball, the muscles of both boys and girls become much stronger and more resilient, which allows them to sit well;
- at this age, everyone is often advised to have a massage, and at the end of the session, the child is required to ride on a fitball in order to quickly achieve the desired positive result.

An important point about ball exercises is that doctors prescribe them for children with problems - for therapeutic purposes, as well as for healthy kids - for preventive purposes, simply to strengthen the muscular system.

Such activities are useful for everyone and have no contraindications. They are universal. The main thing is that the child has no fever, that time has passed after feeding (at least an hour) and that he reacts positively to all types of activities.

You shouldn’t force anything beyond your desire, since nothing good comes out of force. Ideally, the best time to exercise on a fitball for infants is in the morning. Children aged 5 months at this time perceive all vigorous activities better. So, the benefits of exercise are clear. Now let's move on to practice.

A small set of exercises that can be done every day:

  • Approach 1: rocking on the tummy - we put the baby with his tummy down, hold him on his back with one hand, and take him by the legs with the other. We swing back and forth, as well as left and right 5-6 times.
  • Approach 2: rocking on the back - the system is the same as on the stomach, only we place the child with his back on the ball. The quantity is the same.
  • Approach 3: jumper - alternately laying the baby on different sides (stomach and back), press on the ball, forcing it to spring, and hold the child by the legs.
  • Approach 4: young football players - place the child on the sofa or table on his back, tuck the knives to his chest, bring the ball to his feet and apply light pressure, soon the child will begin to push the fitball away on his own.
  • Approach 4: try to reach it - placing the baby on his stomach, roll the ball so that the child can reach the floor or a toy on the floor with his hand.

Security measures

Whatever they do with children, adults should always think about caution. Fitball is a rather specific piece of equipment. To begin with, parents must feel confident and be able to control the situation from the first lesson.

For greater comfort, as well as to avoid unnecessary sliding, the fitball should be covered with a diaper. This way the child will not experience any discomfort, his body will be soft and pleasant.

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