Mathematical KVN in the preparatory group. mathematics material (preparatory group) on the topic

Age: 6 - 7 years.

Location: gym.


— introduce children to the history of their people, their culture and oral folk art: riddles, games, nursery rhymes, chants;

— cultivate a respectful attitude towards Russian original culture;

— provide preschoolers with the opportunity to apply motor skills and abilities acquired in physical education classes.

Equipment: audio equipment, Russian recordings folk songs, stopwatch; 2 landmarks, 4 buckets, 2 rockers, bags, shovels, balls; sheets with puzzles, satin ribbon, scarf, costumes for dramatizing fairy tales.

Dictionary: buffoon, plowman.

The gym is designed as peasant hut. A Russian folk melody sounds.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we are holding KVN, in which two teams take part: “Russian Guys” and “Pretty Maidens”.

So, let's meet the teams.

To the music, team members enter the hall and take their places. The team greeting begins.

Captain of the 1st team. The “Russian Guys” team welcomes you! Our motto:

“More jokes, smiles and laughter.

They are not a hindrance for a Russian guy.”

Captain of the 2nd team. The Red Maidens team welcomes you! Our motto:

We, beauties - maidens,

Real queens.

Jury presentation.


Within two minutes, each team is asked 5 Russians folk riddles. One point is awarded for each correct answer.

Riddles for the first team

Little blue fur coat

Covered the whole world. (Sky.)

Walking in the field, but not a horse,

It flies freely, but is not a bird. (Wind.)

She was white and gray

A green, young one came. (Winter and spring.)

I'm spinning and spinning and I'm not lazy

Spin around even all day long. (Yula.)

We cry without him.

And how will it appear?

We are hiding from him. (Sun.)

Riddles for the second team

Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn,

Not a person, but a storyteller. (Book.)

What is higher than the forest,

More beautiful than the world

Does it burn without fire? (Sun.)

The golden bridge spreads

Seven villages, seven miles. (Rainbow.)

Largely, fractionally frequented,

He watered the whole earth. (Rain.)

No arms, no legs,

And he can draw. (Freezing.)

The jury gives the floor.

Task “Guess the rebus”

Each team needs to solve two puzzles. For each correctly guessed puzzle - 3 points. Maximum amount Points in this task are 6.

Puzzles for the first team:

Answers: village, grip.

Puzzles for the second team:

Answers: bast shoes, cow.

Relay 1. “Bring water”

A member of each team must, with a yoke on which children's buckets are hung, run to a landmark, run around it, return to his team and pass the yoke with buckets to his friend.

Relay 2. “Running with a kolobok”

A member of each team must carry the ball on a shovel to a landmark, go around it, return to his team and pass the shovel and ball to his friend.

Relay 3. “Jumping in bags”

At the command of the leader, a member of each team jumps into a bag and performs jumps in it to a landmark. Then he runs back to his team and passes the bag to his comrade.

The jury gives the floor.

In the next competition - the captains' competition - the captains take turns performing some Russian exercise with the opposing team. folk game, the rules of which should be well known to everyone. The maximum number of points in this task is 3.

Game "Zarya"

The game is led by the captain of the Red Maidens team. Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - Zarya (team captain) - walks behind with a ribbon and says:


Red maiden,

I walked across the field,

Dropped the keys

Golden keys

Blue ribbons,

entwined in a ring -

I went to get water.

WITH last words The driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon and, together with the driver, runs in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes Dawn. Game continues.

Game "Ordinary blind man's buff"

The game is led by the captain of the Russian Boys team. One of the players - the blind man's buff - is blindfolded, taken to the middle of the circle and turned around several times, then he is asked:

- Cat, cat, what are you standing on?

- In the kettle.

- What's in the kneader?

- Catch mice, not us!

After these words, the participants in the game run away, and the blind man’s buff catches them. Whoever he catches becomes a blind man's buff himself. In this way the game is played several times.

Competition “Speech is beautiful with a proverb”

Participants of both teams need to remember as many Russian folk nursery rhymes, chants, teasers, proverbs and sayings as possible. The team whose members name the most wins large quantity examples of oral folk art. The number of points in this task corresponds to the number of examples.

Competition “Soon the fairy tale will tell...”

In this competition, participants from both teams are required to stage a Russian folk tale. For the “Russian Boys” team this is the fairy tale “Teremok”. For the team “Red Maidens” - “Turnip”. For preschoolers, the necessary costumes, music recordings and decorations are prepared in advance.

The participation of teams in this competition is assessed by a jury.

Leading. Well, guys, I would like to thank you for your knowledge, dexterity, patience and will to win. While the jury deliberates and sums up the results, you and I will start dancing.

Children stand in a circle and perform rhythmic gymnastics using Russian dance elements to the soundtrack of the song “The Moon Is Shining.”

The floor is given to the jury, which determines the winner and conducts the award ceremony. This is where KVN ends.

Form of conduct: competition

Progress of the event


"Smart Guys"

Presentation of the jury members.

1. Competition “Warm-up”

Game "Yes - no"

Questions for the 1st team:

Zero less than three?

Does the year start in March?

Is the earth square?

Do you use scales to measure temperature?

Is the sound "M" a vowel?

Is beet a fruit?

Questions for the 2nd team:

Does a lion have four paws?

Do you measure length with a thermometer?

Does a pentagon have six sides?

Are grapes a fruit?

The jury evaluates the competition

2. Competition " Homework»

The jury evaluates the competition

3.Competition "Educational"

Questions for the first team:

Horse in childhood.

Car house.

Appliance for ironing clothes.

Ambulance number

Stinging grass.

When do children go to school?

Questions for the 2nd team:

Firefighter telephone number. (01)

What herb is used to treat wounds?

Appliance for washing clothes.

Mother of the calf.

Owl's house.

What does it mean to “knuckle down”

When do the leaves fall?

When do snowdrops appear?

Which tree has catkins?

The jury evaluates the competition.

4. Competition "Mathematical"

5.Competition “Number series”

6. “Literature” competition

1) Choose words-buddies:

Cold, sad, icy

Smart, handsome, smart.

Kind. Cheerful, joyful.

7. Puzzles.

8. The fourth is extra.

10. Competition “Indicate sounds”

11. Competition for parents.

General additional questions:

Entertaining and educational KVN “Soon to school.”

Purpose: To determine the level of readiness of children for school.

Form of conduct: competition

Materials and equipment: multimedia projector, handouts, radio tape recorder.

Progress of the event

The game begins with the familiar melody of the KVN game (the KVN splash screen appears on the screen)

Presenter: We are pleased to welcome you to the final final game of KVN, which is dedicated to the theme “Soon to school”, our participants will today demonstrate to parents and teachers their knowledge acquired during childbirth, aimed at the formation of elementary mathematical representations, familiarization with the environment, in preparation for learning to read and write.

We have two teams: “Umniki” and “Knowledgeable”. Teams present their motto.


We are know-it-all guys, know-it-all guys!

We play different games and win in KVN!

"Smart Guys"

We are smart kids, naughty kids!

Love in KVN play and, of course, win!

Presentation of the jury members.

1. Competition “Warm-up”

Game "Yes - no"

Questions for the 1st team:

1. Is zero less than three?

2. Does the year start in March?

3. Is the earth square?

4. Do they measure temperature with scales?

5. Are there numbers greater than a thousand?

6. Is “A” the last letter in the alphabet?

7. Is the sound “M” a vowel?

8. Are beets a fruit?

Questions for the 2nd team:

1. Does the week start on Tuesday?

2. Does a lion have four paws?

3. Do you measure length with a thermometer?

4. Can Friday come after Thursday?

5. Does a pentagon have six sides?

6. Is “I” the first letter in the alphabet?

7. Does the sentence start with a capital letter?

8. Are grapes a fruit?

The jury evaluates the competition

2. Competition “Homework”

Leading. Our players have prepared proverbs and sayings about learning, knowledge and mind.

The jury evaluates the competition

3.Competition "Educational"

Questions for the first team:

1. How many months are there in a year? List.

2. Horse in childhood.

3. Car house.

4. Fairytale hero, which lay on the stove for 33 years.

5. Equipment for ironing clothes.

6. Ambulance number

7. Stinging grass.

8. What does it mean to “bite your tongue” (be silent)

9. At what time of year do birds build nests?

10. When do children go to school?

11. On what tree do acorns grow?

12. Finish the proverb “I did the job...”

Questions for the 2nd team:

1. How many days are there in a week? List them.

2. Fire department telephone number. (01)

3. What herb is used to treat wounds?

4. Appliance for washing clothes.

5. Mother of the calf.

6. Owl's house.

7. A fairy-tale hero who deafened everyone with his whistle.

8. What does it mean to “knuckle down”

9. When do the leaves fall?

10. When do snowdrops appear?

11. Which tree has catkins?

12. Complete the proverb “You like to ride...”

The jury evaluates the competition.

4. Competition "Mathematical"

Exercise " Number houses", children fill in the missing numbers.

5.Competition “Number series”

Each participant receives a number, everyone is lined up in order.

6. “Literature” competition

1) Choose words-buddies:

Cold, sad, icy

Smart, handsome, smart.

2) - cheerful, brave, courageous.

Kind. Cheerful, joyful.

7. Puzzles.

8. The fourth is extra.

9. Captains competition. Cut pictures.

10. Competition “Indicate sounds”

Children do sound analysis of words.

11. Competition for parents.

If it rains at 12 o'clock at night, can you expect it to be sunny 72 hours later? (in 72 hours, i.e. in three days, it will be 12 o’clock at night, so there cannot be sunny weather)

Not far from the shore there is a ship with a rope ladder lowered into the water. The staircase has five steps. The lowest step touches the surface of the water. The distance between the steps is 30 cm. The ocean is calm, but the tide begins, during which the water rises 30 cm every hour. How long will it take for the middle step to be covered with water? (water will never cover the step, because with the tide both the ship and the ladder on it rise at the same time).

General additional questions:

1. What can you hear but never see? (echo)

2. Who has a hat without a head and a foot without a boot? (mushroom)

3. Which tree does the crow sit on after the rain?

4. What never comes back? (time)

5. What is a wing without feathers? (airplane wing)

6. What does the heron have in front, and what does the hare have behind? (letter "C")

Entertaining and educational KVN “Soon to school.”

Purpose: To determine the level of readiness of children for school.

Form of conduct: competition

Materials and equipment: multimedia projector, handouts, radio tape recorder.

Progress of the event

The game begins with the familiar melody of the KVN game (the KVN splash screen appears on the screen)

Presenter: We are pleased to welcome you to the final final game of KVN, which is dedicated to the theme “Soon to school”, our participants today will demonstrate to parents and teachers their knowledge acquired during childbirth, aimed at the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, familiarization with the environment, and preparation to literacy learning.

We have two teams: “Umniki” and “Knowledgeable”. Teams present their motto.


We are know-it-all guys, know-it-all guys!

We play different games and win in KVN!

"Smart Guys"

We are smart kids, naughty kids!

We love to play KVN and, of course, win!

Presentation of the jury members.

1. Competition “Warm-up”

Game "Yes - no"

Questions for the 1st team:

Zero less than three?

Does the year start in March?

Is the earth square?

Do you use scales to measure temperature?

Are there numbers greater than a thousand?

Is "A" the last letter in the alphabet?

Is the sound "M" a vowel?

Is beet a fruit?

Questions for the 2nd team:

Does the week start on Tuesday?

Does a lion have four paws?

Do you measure length with a thermometer?

Can it be Friday after Thursday?

Does a pentagon have six sides?

Is "I" the first letter in the alphabet?

Does the sentence start with a capital letter?

Are grapes a fruit?

The jury evaluates the competition

2. Competition “Homework”

Leading. Our players have prepared proverbs and sayings about learning, knowledge and mind.

The jury evaluates the competition

3.Competition "Educational"

Questions for the first team:

How many months are there in a year? List.

Horse in childhood.

Car house.

A fairy-tale hero who lay on the stove for 33 years.

Appliance for ironing clothes.

Ambulance number

Stinging grass.

What does it mean to “bite your tongue” (to shut up)

At what time of year do birds build nests?

When do children go to school?

What tree do acorns grow on?

Finish the proverb “I did the job...”

Questions for the 2nd team:

How many days are there in a week? List them.

Firefighter telephone number. (01)

What herb is used to treat wounds?

Appliance for washing clothes.

Mother of the calf.

Owl's house.

A fairy-tale hero who stunned everyone with his whistle.

What does it mean to “knuckle down”

When do the leaves fall?

When do snowdrops appear?

Which tree has catkins?

Complete the proverb “You like to ride...”

The jury evaluates the competition.

4. Competition "Mathematical"

Exercise “Number houses”, children fill in the missing numbers.

5.Competition “Number series”

Each participant receives a number, everyone is lined up in order.

6. “Literature” competition

1) Choose words-buddies:

Cold, sad, icy

Smart, handsome, smart.

2) - cheerful, brave, courageous.

Kind. Cheerful, joyful.

7. Puzzles.

8. The fourth is extra.

9. Captains competition. Cut pictures.

10. Competition “Indicate sounds”

Children do sound analysis of words.

11. Competition for parents.

If it rains at 12 o'clock at night, can you expect it to be sunny 72 hours later? (in 72 hours, i.e. in three days, it will be 12 o’clock at night, so there cannot be sunny weather)

Not far from the shore there is a ship with a rope ladder lowered into the water. The staircase has five steps. The lowest step touches the surface of the water. The distance between the steps is 30 cm. The ocean is calm, but the tide begins, during which the water rises 30 cm every hour. How long will it take for the middle step to be covered with water? (water will never cover the step, because with the tide both the ship and the ladder on it rise at the same time).

General additional questions:

What can you hear but never see? (echo)

Who has a hat without a head and a foot without a boot? (mushroom)

Which tree does a crow sit on after rain?

What never comes back? (time)

What is a wing without feathers? (airplane wing)

What is the heron in front and the hare behind? (letter "C")

KVN in mathematics (FEMP) in the preparatory school group

"Math Experts"

Target :

To support children's interest in intellectual activity, the desire to play games with mathematical content, showing persistence, determination, resourcefulness, ingenuity, mutual assistance, and understanding of humor. Bring children joy and pleasure from educational games.

Training tasks:

    Continue to develop decision-making skills arithmetic examples.

    Strengthen children's ability to analyze and synthesize, constructive thinking: to build new, more complex ones along a given contour from the simplest geometric figures.

    Practice counting within 10, and the ability to distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting within 10.

    Reinforce knowledge of the composition of numbers within 10 of the two smaller numbers.

    To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, months of the year, seasons.

    Consolidate children's knowledge about the cage, continue to teach them how to work on them.

Developmental tasks:

    Contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to give reasons for one’s statements.

    Create conditions for development logical thinking, intelligence, attention.

    Develop ingenuity, visual memory, imagination.

Educational tasks:

    Develop independence, the ability to understand a learning task and complete it independently.

    Cultivate interest in mathematical studies.

Preliminary work with kids:

individual sessions, study of geometric shapes; conversations about the seasons, days of the week; solving mathematical and logical problems; learning the composition of numbers; telling time using a clock, solving riddles, solving constructive problems, watching the cartoon “Twelve Months”

Preliminary work of the teacher:

    Prepare demonstration and handout materials.

    Prepare slides for class.

Methodical techniques

    Verbal (reminder, instructions, questions, individual answers from children).

    Visual (use of illustration).


    Encouragement, lesson analysis.

Demo material:

Houses with numbers on the roof, pictures with seasons.

Handout: Numbers from 1 to 10 for each child, pictures of the seasons, a “Tangram” with a diagram for each, a sheet of paper in a large square, a pen

counting sticks.

Activating the dictionary: names of geometric shapes; names of days of the week, months; use of words “plus”, “minus”, “equal” in speech

Progress of the event:

Music sounds, teams enter the hall and take their seats.

Educator: You all know that KVN is a game of cheerful and resourceful people.Two intelligent and attentive teams will compete with each other and go through several stages of testing. Mathematics is a wonderful science, it develops logical thinking, attention, and the brain. It’s not for nothing that they call it “mental gymnastics” and doing it is as exciting as playing KVN.There are many tasks ahead. For each correct answer or completed task, the team is awarded a chip at the end of the game, a summary will be drawn, and we will count the number of chips for each team.

So, let's start KVN.Now I will introduce you to the teams that will participate in the game:

Team "Znayki"

Our motto:"Knowledge is power"

We are funny guys

We play different games

We are winning in KVN!

Team "Why Chicks"

Our motto: “A mind is good, but two are better”

We are not afraid of obstacles.

We love to play KVN,

Together, win fairly!

Educator: Time for business, time for fun,

We are starting KVN.

1) Marina (Znayki) tore into the mug

10 raspberries,

I gave 6 to my girlfriend.

How many berries are there in the mug?


1) Six nuts for mommy pig (Pochemuchki)

I carried it in a basket for the children.

The hedgehog met a pig

And he gave four more.

How many nuts pig

Did you bring it to the kids in a basket?


2) Our cat has five kittens, (Znayki)

They sit side by side in a basket.

And the neighbor's cat has three!

So cute, look!

What is three and five?


2) Seven geese set off on their journey. (Why)

The two decided to rest.

How many are there under the clouds?

Count it yourself, children.


3) The hedgehog went mushroom picking, (Znayki)
I found 8 saffron milk caps.
6 mushrooms in a basket
The rest are on the back.
-How many saffron milk caps are you bringing?
On your needles, hedgehog?


3) Stumps have 5 mushrooms (Pochemuchki)
And under the tree 3.
How many mushrooms will there be?
Come on, speak up! (5+3=8)

4) Gave the ducklings a hedgehog, (Znayki)
8 leather boots.
Which one of the guys will answer?
How many ducklings were there?

(4 ducklings)

4) Two nimble piglets (Pochemuchki)
They were so cold, they were shaking.
Count and say
How many boots should I buy them?

(8 pieces 4 pairs)

5) The loaf was cut into three parts. How many cuts were made? (Znayki)


5) What is lighter than 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron? (Why)


II contest: "We moved in the tenants" (Composition of a number from two smaller ones)

Each team has a set of cards with numbers from 1 to 9. Only those numbers that add up to the number on the cards that is indicated by the number on the roof of the house can be moved into the house.

(team Znayka 7 and 10, team whychek 8 and 9.)

III competition: “Guess the numbers” (Establishing connections and relationships between numbers in the natural series)

Educator: I will tell you the numbers, and you, taking the desired card with numbers, show which number is greater (less) than the one named by 1. So:

What number comes before 7? After 7? (Children show cards with numbers 6 and 8).

What number is greater than 3? (4)

Show me which number is greater than 6 and less than 8? (Children show the number 7).

Show the neighbors of the number 8 (7 and 9)

What number is less than 10? (9)

Show the neighbors of the number 5 (4 and 6)

What number comes after 8? (9)

What number is greater than 4? (5)

Physical education minute:

Leading: And now I suggest you relax a little and play with me

On Monday I swam (pretend swimming)
And on Tuesday I painted. (pretend to be drawing)
On Wednesday I took a long time to wash my face, (wash my face)
And on Thursday I played football. (running in place)
On Friday I jumped, ran, (jumping in place)
I danced for a very long time. (spinning in place)
And on Saturday, Sunday (claps hands)
I rested the whole day. (we squat down and fall asleep.

IV contest - "Seasons".

A) Answer the questions:

1) How many seasons are there? (4)

1) What are the seasons? (Winter spring Summer Autumn)

2) How many months are there in a year? Name them. (12)

2) How many days are there in a week? Name them (7)

3) What are the winter months? (December January February)

3) What are the spring months? (March April May)

4) Name it summer months? (June July August)

4) Name the autumn months? (September October November)

5) What month does the year start from? (From January)

5) What month does the year end? (December)

B) Lay out the cards.

Assignment: Choose one picture from each season and put them in order. Explain your answer.

V competition D/i "Tangram" is being held. Children lay out geometric shapes according to a pattern (each has their own pattern) Tell me what each one did?

V I competition Working with sticks

Part 1 (you need to fold the house according to the model)

Part 2 (move one stick so that the house turns in the other direction)

(Compare with samples on the slide)

VI I graphic dictation competition

1 cl . right ,1 cl down ,1 cl . right ,1 cl . down ,1 cl . right ,1 cl down ,1 cl right ,3 cl . down ,3 cl . left ,1 cl . down , 5 cl . right ,1 cl . down ,1 cl . left , 1 cl . down , 1 cl . left , 1 cl . down ,

7 cl . left ,1 cl . up , 1 cl . left , 1 cl . up , 1 cl . left ,1 cl . up , 5 cl . right ,7 cl . up .

Which team finished first?

What did you get?

KVN has come to an end. You completed all the tasks perfectly! Now you are “Math Experts”. Let's summarize the game. Friendship, ingenuity and resourcefulness won.

I see all the tasks, you completed them without difficulty, all the children received medals.

Did you like our game?

Were the tasks difficult?

What was the most difficult thing for you?

Which task is the easiest?

What was interesting?

Children's answers, lesson is over.

Educator. So the game is over

It's time for us to part.

We say thank you to everyone,

Thank you for the game.

Musical KVN for children of the preparatory group

The script is intelligent - entertainment event for children seven years of age

Expanded summary music lesson in the form of KVN

Competition "Team Presentation"
Musical director:

And now I suggest you get to know our teams better. I invite the “Mischievous” team to perform. Children run out.
Look at these beautiful faces.
These are our mischievous men and women.

Presentation of the "Mischievous" team:
Today there will be jokes in the hall. All: That's good!
Laughter, smiles, jokes. All: We are all lucky!

There's no point in grumbling and getting angry,
Let's have fun!

We mischief makers have this rule:
All: We will boldly stand up for our friend!
The “Mischief” team performs “Song of Friends,” music by V. Gerchik.
We'll be together today
Songs to sing and dance.
We'll be together today
Win in KVN.

"Naughty ones" are funny
And very cute.
Support us in the game.
All: Guys, we are great!
The musical director thanks the guys for their performance and invites the “Scamps” team to perform.
Musical director:
These naughty girls didn’t come to us from a book.
They are from our kindergarten. We must greet them!

Presentation of the "Naughty" team:
“Naughty girls” send greetings to everyone!
There is no more friendly team than ours.

Here, of course, are all friends:
Kolya, Lisa, Vova, me!
The “Scamps” team performs “Song of Friendship,” music by Yu. Rozhavskaya.
We are playing in KVN for the first time.
We're a little worried. Please support us.

And then we will certainly win in KVN.
After all, we are serious guys, even though we are a little naughty.

Long live smiles and cheerful laughter!
The best medicine for all diseases.

Everyone who is sad, everyone who is gloomy,
And I'm ready to burst into tears,
Come for a treat
From a bad mood!
Musical director:
The teams were introduced.
Teams get ready to warm up.

Competition "Warm-up"
Musical director:

Let's start warming up.
In the first part of our warm-up
Real teasers.

Children take turns running out into the middle of the hall and shouting funny poems, pretending to tease their rivals.

Crybaby, polish, shoe polish,
There's a hot pancake on my nose.
It's no good to cry
You might catch a cold.

Lenchik - donut,
Ate a candy bar
Pig and bull
I drank a barrel of milk!

Bass drum!
Who plays it?
All: Red cockroach!

Your Andryusha the little one.
I ate a watermelon at my grandmother's.
Grandma swears
Andryusha opens up:
This, grandma, is not me,
This is your cat!

And your Vanya is simplicity.
I bought a horse without a tail!
Sat backwards
And I went to the garden.

Fedya - Redya ate the bear.
Early in the morning I ate a lamb.
I ate a frog for a snack.
Eat the goose! All: Oh, I'm afraid!

Petya rode on a bull,
Balalaika in hand.
Balalaika fell
She broke the bull's leg.

Salty sneak,
Boiled in a pot,
Stuffed with pine cones,
So as not to be angry.

There is a stump in the swamp,
He's too lazy to move
The neck doesn't move
And I want to laugh.

Vanka-stand-up little one!
Put on a big cap
Eat a lot of bread
You will grow to the sky!

Musical director:
The “Warm-Up” doesn’t end there.

Competition "Warm-up" (second part)
The second part of this competition is dance and game.
The soundtrack of the song “Fun for Mom” from music collection“Favorite Vacations”, music by K. Busygin. Children improvise dance and play movements.

Each team takes turns depicting how they gallop as horses and fly as eagles, so that mom will have fun. At the end of the song the children dance together.

Jury sums up the results of the first two competitions.
For a victory, a smiley face of the corresponding color is attached to the magnetic board under the team name.
After the results of the competition are announced, the winning team completes the next task first.
The music director announces the next competition.

Competition "Find out the melody"
The captains come to the table and choose any of the flowers on back side which indicate the number by which it is determined which piece of music the team will characterize. Despite the fact that only two teams participate in KVN, a larger number of musical works are prepared for audition. This is necessary so that the intrigue is maintained and the spirit of competition does not fade away. The captains announce the number on their flower. List with musical works and their verbal characteristics are kept by the jury and the music director. .
The musical director performs a piece of music or puts on the required phonogram corresponding to the voiced number.

After listening to the work, the children of the team raise their hands to name the work and the composer, and give a verbal description of the music. It is advisable to use works of different musical genres, contrasting in character.

In this competition we used the following works:
1. “Clowns”, Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky. The music is cheerful, mischievous, playful, sunny, comic, light, fast, abrupt.

2. “Lullaby”, Sviridov Georgy Vasilievich. The music is gentle, soft, smooth, calm, soothing, quiet, kind.

3. “March of the Wooden Soldiers”, Tchaikovsky by Pyotr Ilyich. The music is ringing, marching, courageous, loud, abrupt, joyful, clear, perky.

Parents of children of this team can join to help. For each correct answer, the team receives a smiley face. Incorrect answers do not count.
After all the answers, opponents can express their additions and receive a smiley face.
The jury watches very carefully to ensure that children do not repeat the answers of others.
At the end of the competition, the jury announces the results. The required number of emoticons is added to the magnetic board.

"Captain Competition"
The captains sing comic songs by Andrei Usachev: “What kind of pillows are there” and “Eh!”

First, the Captains evaluate each other. For example: Anton sang a song joyfully (cheerful, mischievous, good, excellent, loud - quiet).
He smiled. I liked (disliked) the way he sang the song.
Then the jury comments on the performance.

First of all, the jury evaluates the emotionality of the performance. Then, how accurately the children described each other’s performance.
Captains can add one to two emoticons to their team.

Competition "Homework"
Musical director:
: Next competition “Homework”.
Theme of the competition: funny songs.
Children perform songs that they have learned and staged in advance with the help of the music director and group teachers.

“The Mischiefmakers” stage Andrei Usachev’s song “The Cheerful Mouse.”
Children become a semicircle. In the center is a toy piano.
Children soloists portray the Mouse, the Master and the Instrument Tuner.

“The Naughty Ones” perform Andrei Usachev’s song “The Little Pig Was Riding at Dawn.”
The choir stands in a group in the right corner of the hall. Pig and Pig exit from the left.
They are dressed as described in the song: a checkered suit, a flowered Panama hat on their heads, and white gloves on their “hooves.”

In the center there is a children's car, which Piglet will get into for a ride.
This competition evaluates the artistry and emotionality of the performance.

Musical director:
At KVN we have music and laughter.
I invite everyone, everyone, everyone to the fun.
Fairy Domisolka appears to the music.
Fairy Domisolka:
Fairy Domisolka I.
Hello my friends!
I want to make friends with you,
Dance and have fun.
Girlfriends - notes, hurry up.
Start your speech. Girls run out - Notes:
We are funny notes
Everyone is louder and friendlier.
In the circle of perky musicians
We invite all friends.

What is our name, ask!?
Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si!

All melodies and songs
Both on stage and in the orchestra
They always consist of notes.
Even the cat knows this.

The notes perform the song “The Magic Seven”, music by V. Rubashevskaya.
Musical director:
You sang a wonderful song just now.
Please us all with a mischievous dance.
To the soundtrack of the song “Domisolka”, the notes and the Fairy perform a “Naughty Dance”.

Competition "Guess and name"
Fairy Domisolka:

My girlfriends never get bored: they dance or sing songs.
I won’t let you get bored either. I invite you to play.
This competition is held by Fairy Domisolka.
The winning team lines up with its back to the table with musical instruments.

The music director plays any children's musical instrument. Fairy Domisolka touches children in random order with her magic wand. The child who was touched, without turning around, calls musical instrument.
The game is repeated with the other team.
The jury takes into account the number of correct answers.

Competition “We are all musicians!”
Fairy Domisolka:

The tools you have learned
But they weren't played.
I announce the final competition: “We are all musicians!”

Performance by the “Mischievous” team:
Our orchestra has a little bit of everything.
There are drums and tambourines and spoons.

We have a metallophone.
I really like him.

We learned to play
Now we will perform.

We know a lot of melodies.
“Oh, you canopy” we’ll play for you.
Children perform the Russian melody “Oh, you canopy” in the orchestra.

Performance by the team "Scamps":
In our group we have countless instruments:
There is a drum and a guitar.

Funny music is flowing,
Mischievous, lively.

I was walking up the hill
I found the song.
Children perform the Russian folk melody “I went up the hill” in the orchestra.

Fairy Domisolka thanks the guys.
Musical director:
: The final competition has come to an end.
While our esteemed jury is summing up the results, I propose to organize a fun disco with Fairy Domisolka.
Children dance freely to fun, modern music.

The jury sums up the results.
It is desirable that friendship wins at the end of the competition.
For this purpose, the jury gives teams additional emoticons for the will to win, for unity and friendship, for creativity and ingenuity.

Training tasks:

Continue learning to solve arithmetic examples and write their solutions using numbers.
Continue learning to solve inequalities.
Continue to teach children analysis and synthesis, constructive thinking: to build new, more complex ones along a given contour from the simplest geometric figures.
Practice counting within 10, and the ability to distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting within 10.
Reinforce knowledge of the composition of numbers within 10 of the two smaller numbers.
To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, seasons, months of the year.
Strengthen the ability to distinguish between concepts: higher - lower, wider - narrower, longer - shorter, thicker - thinner, older - younger.
Strengthen the ability to use tables to solve logical problems.

Developmental tasks:

Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, intelligence, and attention.
Develop ingenuity, visual memory, imagination.
Contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to give reasons for one’s statements.

Educational tasks:

Develop independence, the ability to understand a learning task and complete it independently.
Cultivate interest in mathematical studies.

Preliminary work with children:

guessing riddles, solving logical problems, solving constructive problems, observing the calendar, individual lessons.

Preliminary work of the teacher:

Prepare demonstration and handout materials.
Prepare visual aids “Azbukoved”, “Robot+”, “Robot-”.
Prepare a soundtrack.

Methodical techniques:

Calming exercises before class.
Game (trip to the land of Mathematics).
Visual (use of illustration).
Verbal (reminder, instructions, questions, individual answers from children).
Encouragement, lesson analysis.


Magnetic board, numbers, signs.

Demo material:

“Number Track”, “Azbukoved”, “Robot+”, “Robot-”.


task cards, envelopes with geometric shapes, pencils, cards with logic symbols, train sets.

Lesson structure:

Game situation: a journey to the land of mathematics.
Greetings from the teams.
Warm up.
Selecting lanes for teams to occupy their starting positions.
Finding a pair (composition of a number).
Logical trains - definition of loads.
Construction of a “SCHOOL” from geometric shapes.
Solving examples, identifying a letter, composing a word.
Coordination and development exercise “Japanese car”
Summary of the lesson.

Progress of the lesson:


Today we are holding a real, very serious and very responsible KVN - KVN for preschool mathematics students. Two intelligent and attentive teams will compete with each other and go through several stages of testing. Then we will sum up the results, and at the end there will be an awards ceremony for the participants. I would like to introduce you to the members of the jury. (Introduces the jury members.) And now - the team presentations. We welcome the team “Pochemuchki” (represents the team captain)!

Members of the Pochemuchki team:

We are preschool children,
We are not afraid of obstacles.
We love to play KVN,
Together, win fairly!


Team "Curious". Welcome her! (Represents the team captain).

Members of the "Lyuboznayki" team:

We are funny guys
We don't get bored in kindergarten
We play different games
We are winning in KVN!



Let's do a warm-up: If a tree is taller than a bush, then the bush...?


Below the tree.


If the ruler longer than a pencil, then a pencil...?


In short, rulers.


If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread...?


Thinner than a rope.


If sister older than brother, then brother...?


Younger than my sister.


If a river is wider than a stream, then the stream...?


Already rivers.


Is March the second month of spring?
Will spring be replaced by winter?
What day of the week is it today?
What day of the week comes after Wednesday?
So, the teams are ready to compete.


And now our teams have to choose a playing track for their competition tasks. Teams can confer and explain their decision.


In order to go to your gaming tables and take your jobs, you need to split into pairs and make a pair of numbers that add up to the number 8.


In a few days there will be a graduation party in our kindergarten group, you will go to school life. Each of you will have to go to school. Let's build ours future school. You need to distribute cargo among logical trains (solving inequalities).


To build a school, building materials must be brought to the construction site. To do this, teams receive “Real Estate Catalogs”, fill out order forms, calculate what and how many building materials are needed, and receive building materials ( geometric figures) and begin building a school (modeled on a real estate catalogue).


Well done, you completed the task. You can enter the school building by reading the encrypted word. Our faithful friends: Grandfather-Azbukoved, Robot+, Robot -. (Children solve examples, find a number, the number corresponds to the letter of the ABC, find all the letters, read encrypted words).


Well done, teams. And now I suggest you relax while the jury sums up the results and play “Japanese Car”.

Japanese typewriter

Everyone stands (or sits, as desired) facing in a circle. Each player receives his own serial number, according to the number of players. A person is chosen to start the game. His task is to pass the move to another player as follows. He says his number, and then the number of the person to whom he wants to pass the move. He, in turn, pronounces his number, and then the number of any of the players. The transfer of power is accompanied by movements that simulate the sound of a typewriter: everyone simultaneously hits their knees 2 times, then lifts them up right hand(here we say our number), then left (we say the number of the person to whom we are passing the move). The rhythm becomes faster with each move. If a person makes a mistake, he is eliminated from the game, and so is his number. The game is played until the most attentive ones remain, this is 2-5 people. Give them a round of applause.
This warm-up game trains: a) coordination of movements, b) the connection between coordination and pronouncing words, c) the ability to distribute attention. Not all students manage to quickly master the sequence of movements; they confuse the order of gestures, do not fall into the general rhythm, and cannot cope with its changes. But this only stimulates their interest. The introduction of a number, a number, that is, speech on clicks when passing the baton with the eyes of “one-one”, “two-two”, etc., creates a new difficulty. Then the “voice” transmission begins - “five-five, five-one”, “one-one, one-seven”, etc., here you already need to send the word and be ready to receive the “voice”; both require organized attention and allow you to learn to distribute it correctly.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Lessons for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.

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