The history of stellar life, seeds of Slepakov. Semyon Slepakov - biography, information, personal life Semyon Slepakov which KVN team he played on

FULL NAME: Slepakov Semyon Sergeevich

DATE OF BIRTH: 08/23/1979 (Virgo)

PLACE OF BIRTH: Pyatigorsk


HAIR COLOR: brunette


FAMILY: Parents: Slepakov Sergey Semyonovich, Slepakova Marina Borisovna. Spouse: Karina Slepakova

HEIGHT: 197 cm

OCCUPATION: singer, television producer


Russian actor, showman, producer, screenwriter.
The boy was born in southern Pyatigorsk into a family of professors. His parents enrolled him in music school. He didn't like to play the piano. Already in high school, everything changed a little, when Semyon picked up a guitar and began to learn to play. His father gave him the right direction, giving his son the Beatles, Vysotsky, “ Rolling Stones", Okudzhava. The boy always liked watching KVN on TV. At school, the kids created their own team and started playing. He started composing songs while still in school. They were kind and good works. After school, the young man entered the Pyatigorsk Linguistic University and studied in two faculties at once. At the end of the university, he received two honors diplomas - in economics and French. He really enjoyed learning and speaking French. The month-long practice took place in France, in the province of Auvergne. At that time, he even wanted to stay in this country to work, got a job in graduate school there, and planned to write a dissertation. But soon KVN appeared in his life.
After university, getting a job in Pyatigorsk was not an easy task, and Semyon decided to take up KVN, moreover, he always really liked it. Also in student years he started playing, and by the end of the university the team was already in Major League. He was the captain of the Pyatigorsk Team for six years, starting in 2000. In 2004, the team became a leader in the Major League. Garik Martirosyan suggested that Semyon move to Moscow from his native Pyatigorsk. Garik is his friend and a very important person for him, with whom Slepakov always consults. Martirosyan suggested that Semyon create a conglomerate of authors and monopolize authorship in KVN. This conglomerate included Garik and Semyon, as well as Sergei Ershov, Javid Kurbanov and Sergei Svetlakov. Everything changed a lot when the guys started working on creating the project " Comedy Club" This was six months after Slepakov moved. The work was interesting and enjoyable. Was created by friends new format on TV. The first broadcast took place in 2005. The format changes from season to season as it becomes outdated and the program requires updates. Slepakov took part in the creation of many popular comedy shows, which were and are broadcast on television. Another notable project that was loved by the audience was “Our Russia”. Several seasons have already been released, where some of the characters change from time to time.
Semyon recently got married. His wife is a non-public person and has no plans to change anything. The girl does not give interviews. According to friends, from the very first meeting the young people fell in love with each other. Semyon always said that he was looking for a girl who was far from show business. His wife's name is Karina, she is a lawyer by profession. The wedding took place in Italy in the fall of 2012.

Biography of Semyon Slepakov

Semyon Slepakov born in August 1979 in southern Pyatigorsk. The boy grew up in an intelligent professorial family. Also in early childhood mother took me away Seeds to a music school, but he categorically did not like the piano. True love to music Slepakov I felt it only when I picked up the guitar, already in high school. The father contributed to the development of his son’s hobby in the right direction: he introduced the boy to creativity The Beatles , Rolling Stones , Okudzhava, Vysotsky and other legendary performers.

Another serious hobby since childhood for Semyon Slepakova became KVN. The young man did not miss a single television episode of this program. At school, he gathered a group of like-minded people: children who also had a great sense of humor.

After school Semyon entered the Pyatigorsk Linguistic University, where he studied at two faculties: economics and linguistics. Upon graduation, he received two honors diplomas and two specialties. Although Seeds He was more interested in the French language; at the insistence of his mother, in 2004 he became a candidate of economic sciences, having successfully defended his dissertation. All this time Slepakov did not forget about KVN: even during his student years he started playing, and by the end of his student days his team was in the Major League.

Creative activity of Semyon Slepakov

In 2000 Semyon Slepakov became captain of the KVN team "Team of Pyatigorsk" and remained so for 6 years. The team performed successfully in the KVN Premier League and in 2004 became the champion of the Major League.

Soon friend Seeds, famous comedian and the showman, Garik Martirosyan, invited his friend to move from Pyatigorsk to Moscow. There Martirosyan filed Slepakov the idea of ​​organizing a community of authors and monopolizing it in KVN, which is what they did. This union, in addition to Garik and Semyon, included Sergei Ershov, Sergei Svetlakov and Javid Kurbanov.

Semyon Slepakov: “Garik is very cool. And the most important things in my life happened thanks to Garik. Apart from my birth, he has nothing to do with it, I hope. In 2005, he invited me to Moscow. By that time, we were all already champions of the KVN Major League and experienced similar feelings. At first we traveled around cities with concerts in a state of euphoria, and then we thought: what to do next? And there was nowhere to move further: no one gave money for television projects and films. It was a difficult period, but Martirosyan found a way out!”

In 2016, political songs on the “topic of the day” brought popularity to the performer. And in 2017 Semyon Slepakov confessed his love for a cat in a cat food advertisement Whiskas. New masterpiece was published on YouTube-channel Whiskas Russia. In the video, the famous comedian and producer plays the song “Cat Addiction” on the guitar.

Semyon Slepakov: “All my life I wanted to sing, I just thought that these would be sad songs. That I will stand with a guitar in laser smoke, and everyone around will cry. But it didn’t work out - everyone laughed. Of course, I made attempts to write tender lyrical songs. I composed the first one in my second year, when I was unrequitedly in love. It was called "New Year's Waltz" because it took place on New Year's Eve. My friend and I recorded this waltz all night. I thought I'd turn it on at a party and sit and just look out the window. And she will hear, understand everything - and everything in her heart will turn over. But she... she took it and didn’t come!”

In 2018, Slepakov took part in Yuri Dud’s author’s Internet show “vDud”, in which he spoke about the “Our Russia” project, his attitude to the scandal surrounding Harvey Weinstein, his own collection of guitars and the most unusual corporate party at which Semyon was the host. In the same year, Semyon produced the dramatic film Buy Me, directed by Oscar winner Vadim Perelman. The main roles in the film were played by Yulia Khlynina, Anna Adamovich, Svetlana Ustinova and others.

In June 2018, Semyon wrote and performed the song “Ole-Ole-Ole”, dedicated to the performance of the Russian football team at the World Cup, in which he jokingly offered to become the team’s coach Ramzan Kadyrov. Kadyrov, in turn, responded with a comic poem.

In August 2018, the sitcom “House Arrest” was released on TNT, for which Semyon wrote the script. The series stars Elena Korikova, Egor Klinaev, Yulia Sorokina, Pavel Derevyanko and Alexander Robak. Main character series - the mayor of a small town, placed under house arrest. His goal: to restore his good name and regain power.

Personal life of Semyon Slepakov

Semyon Slepakov does not like to talk about his personal life with the press. He did not invite any publication to his wedding, which took place in Italy in 2012. About his wife Karine All that was known was that she had nothing to do with show business and worked as a lawyer.

The personality we will talk about today is a man with an amazing sense of humor, outstanding acting abilities, captain of the KVN team of the city of Pyatigorsk Semyon Slepakov. The family of the future comedian was the most ordinary, average unit of society. The boy did not show his talents in any way until he became a student at a linguistic university. The biography of Semyon Slepakov will be briefly summarized in this article. We find out what propelled his career.

Biography of Semyon Slepakov: with humor in life

Semyon's hometown is Pyatigorsk, where he was born on August 23, 1979. As a child, the boy did not stand out among other guys, he was overly shy and unconfident, none of those around him could have thought that he would one day become one of the most popular and famous personalities modern show business. Today, Semyon Slepakov is not only a comedy actor, but also a producer and screenwriter; he also writes and performs his own humorous songs, which the people of our country love so much. Semyon showed his artistry at the university, where he entered after school. He became a member and since 2000 its captain. Already in 2004, the team won the title of champions of the KVN Major League.

Biography of Semyon Slepakov: life after KVN

In 2006, Semyon left KVN and moved to Moscow. Semyon Slepakov, Alexander Darailen and Garik Martirosyan created a television program called “Our Russia”. The project is still one of the most popular on Russian television. At the same time, Semyon worked as part of the author’s group of the project “ New Year on First" and the no less popular "Spring with Ivan Urgant". Slepakov’s amazingness allowed him to prove himself as a talented screenwriter and producer. His participation as a producer in the series “Interns”, as well as “Univer” and the continuation “Univer. New Dorm" guaranteed these projects success and recognition from the viewer. 2010 was another new page in life talented comedian— he became a resident of the Comedy Club show, where he still delights viewers with his brilliant performances with original songs about life. In 2010, Slepakov was part of the production team of the film “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny”, from 2012 - the series “Sashatanya”.

Biography of Semyon Slepakov: music in the life of an actor

It should be noted that Slepakov, like many others talented people, is not limited to success in any one area; he also shows his talent in music. In 2005, he released his first album, and in 2012, the second collection of his songs was released. Interesting fact from Slepakov’s life is that, in addition to all his other merits, he is also a candidate of economic sciences - he defended his dissertation immediately after graduating from university in 2004. For four seasons now, Semyon Slepakov has been a member of the jury of the show “ Comedy Battle", which takes place on the TNT channel.

Semyon Slepakov: biography

The actor-comedian's wife is a certain Karina (the girl's profession is a lawyer), whom he married in 2012. As you know, the wedding took place in one of the cities of Italy.

- one of the most popular comedians on Russian stage, and famous producer, an outstanding screenwriter, talented comedian and songwriter. The hero of our article became famous through KVN, where Semyon was the captain of the Pyatigorsk National Team. Semyon is thirty-nine years old, he is happily married, the couple has no children. All projects that a showman takes on are always different high ratings and public interest.

Biography of Semyon Sergeevich Slepakov

Was born August twenty-third 1979 year in the resort town of Pyatigorsk. In 2003, after graduating from the Pyatigorsky Faculty of French state university, Semyon defended scientific work and received an academic degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences.

In the early 2000s, he discovered the friendly KVN team, and until 2006 he was the captain of the Pyatigorsk National Team. In 2004, Slepakov’s team became the champion of the Major League. In 2005, the comedian moved to Moscow. In 2006, in collaboration with the producer of the TNT channel Alexander Dulerain and a resident of the comedy show "Comedy Club" implemented the project "Our Russia" which was based on the format of the sketch show Little Britain.

The same year, Semyon Slepakov joined the author’s group of special projects on Channel One such as: “New Year on Channel One” and “Spring with Ivan Urgant.” Since 2010, he has been a resident of the humorous TV show “Comedy Club”, as well as a permanent honorary member of the jury of the TNT channel project "Comedy Battle" on the TNT channel. In 2008, he participated in the creation of the script for the film “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny" and the TV series "Univer".

Since 2010, he has been the producer of the famous series “Interns”, and with next year is the producer of the no less famous series “Univer. New dorm." In 2012, he worked on the creation of the series “SashaTanya”, as well as on the sketch com “HB”. In 2015, he wrote the script for the series “Concerned, or Love is Evil.”

Family of a popular comedian

The future comedian grew up in an intelligent family of professors; they were Jewish by nationality. Slepakov’s father and mother work at higher universities in the city of Pyatigorsk. The head of the family, Sergei Semyonovich Slepakov, is a teacher at the Faculty of Economics of the North Caucasus Federal University. In 1994 he received the academic title of Doctor of Economic Sciences. From 1998 to 2013, he held the position of head of the department of management and economics at the Institute of Service, Tourism and Design.

Mother's name is Marina Borisovna Slepakova. The woman is a professor and teacher at the Faculty of French Philology at Penza State University. He has the academic title of Candidate of Philological Sciences. Uncle Semyon wrote bard songs, and his great-uncle was a playwright by profession and became famous in his time as a screenwriter of popular films Soviet Union, and my grandfather was an economist.

Slepakov's childhood and youth

The future showman was born on August 23, 1979, into a family of professors. Semyon spent his entire childhood and youth in the resort town of Pyatigorsk. The parents took the upbringing and education of their son seriously.

WITH early years his mother enrolled him in a music school. Initially, Semyon did not like playing musical instruments, but already in high school he showed a desire to learn to play the guitar. I really liked my new hobby and young talent and his parents. Together with his father, Semyon learned to play by listening to Okudzhava, the Beatles and the Rolling Stones on records.

In his free time from music lessons, Slepakov liked to watch KVN on TV. He was impressed by the humorous games of the program, and he also wanted to do something similar. IN school years Like-minded young men created a team and began to play. He started writing songs while still at school. good and good works School KVN audiences have always liked them.

Also, the hero of our article was engaged in theater club. Once at school they staged a play based on Oscar Wilde’s “The Canterville Ghost.” The main role went to Semyon. He had to walk on stage in a white sheet. The comedian was never an exemplary student; he was restless. His favorite pastime was football. In his free time from school, Slepakov spent time with friends in the yard; the guys often liked to play football.

After graduation high school the young man decides to enter Pyatigorsk Linguistic University. Slepakov simultaneously studied in two specialties. Thanks to this, the purposeful Semyon has two honors diplomas - in French and economics. In addition to this, the guy managed to defend his scientific work on economics, for which he was given a PhD degree.

The young man speaks good French and also likes the culture of France. Slepakova was lucky enough to undergo a month-long internship in the French province of Auvergne. At that time, he planned to stay in this country and work, even got into graduate school and began writing his dissertation. But soon KVN appeared in the life of our hero.

KVN in the life of Semyon Sergeevich

The comedian began building his career in KVN during his first years at university; already in his senior years, his team was already in the Major League. After graduating from PLU, Semyon was unable to get a job, because in his hometown it was a very difficult matter. For this reason, he decided to continue doing what he loved in KVN. For six years, the hero of our article was the captain of the Pyatigorsk Team. In 2004, his team became the leader of the Major League.

Slepakov conquers the big capital

It was Garik Martirosyan who helped Semyon Slepakov move from Pyatigorsk to Moscow. Our hero readily agreed since there was nothing to do in his hometown. Garik is best friend and a very important person for him, who will always help and advise.

Friends decided to start creating a conglomerate of authors, as well as monopolize it in KVN. The conglomerate of Garik and Semyon included: Sergei Ershov and Javid Kurbanov. All the comedians moved to the capital and began to bring their ideas to life. At first it was very difficult, since the time was quite unstable. But the guys managed to quickly adapt to this environment, and soon they were giving a lot of concerts and earning good money.

"Comedy Club"

In the lives of the guys they came big changes, when they began working on creating a new project, which they called “Comedy Club”. This idea came to bright minds just six months after Semyon moved. Things were looking up. The work was interesting and it brought pleasure to the authors. Friends have created a new and unique format for domestic television. The first broadcast took place in 2005. Every season the guys change the format of the project, as the program requires updates.

Semyon Sergeevich was involved in the creation of many different popular humorous projects that were broadcast, are broadcast and will be broadcast on Russian television, since his content is interesting to people. Slepakov wrote the script and was one of the producers of the comedy film “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny”, also created the series “Interns”, “Univer” and many other youth television series. Since 2010, the producer has been a resident of the Comedy Club, and it was he who introduced the new format “Laughter without Rules” into the show.

Songs Seeds

Semyon actively writes humorous songs, which he performs himself. His songs are very relevant for the country, so the producer has a large audience of fans of his work. He wrote many compositions, the most popular of which are: “Ass is growing”, “Every Friday I feel like shit”, “Gazprom” and “Liver”.

Despite his sociability and talent, Slepakov is very worried every time before going on stage. He is afraid that he will forget the lyrics to his songs. He always blames only himself if the applause wasn't loud enough or the jokes weren't funny enough.

Semyon Slepakov

Personal life

The showman does not like to talk about his personal life. He tries not to answer personal questions from journalists. He very rarely appears at social events and then always alone, without his wife. IN teenage years Relationships with girls did not work out, as he loved to make fun of his companion. Semyon got married at thirty-three years old.

My beloved wife's name is Karina. She is a lawyer by profession and has nothing to do with show business, which the comedian really likes. The wedding of the lovers took place in the fall of 2012 in Italy. Friends of the couple said that Semyon and Karina fell in love with each other from the very first meeting.

A woman feels like a princess next to her husband, and in turn tries to please everyone. Karina once took part in a master class by the famous French chef A. Garcia, so she often pampers her husband gourmet dishes. U married couple The Slepakovs have a hobby. They collect acoustic guitars.

Semyon Sergeevich Slepakov today

In 2017, a video featuring Semyon Slepakov appeared on the Whiskas Russia YouTube channel, in which he performs the song “Cat Addiction” with a guitar. In an ironic form, the showman describes the unpleasant situations that he finds himself in because of his love for his cat.

Semyon wrote two songs for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The first hit, “Coach of the Russian national team,” received conflicting reviews from fans. Slepakov was accused of ironic statement about the skill of Russian football players. This composition was asked to be rewritten. The second song was recorded together with the shocking group “Leningrad”. The hit “Champions” collected more than eight million views in a month.

At the end of the summer of 2018, Semyon Slepakov’s comedy series “House Arrest” was shown on the TNT-PREMIER platform. The main roles were played by: Marina Alexandrova, Alexander Robak, Pavel Derevyanko, Anna Ukolova, and many others. In the spring of the same year, the showman went on a tour of the United States of America. He visited New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles. After returning home, Slepakov is preparing for solo performances in the capital.

“I came with big ears, but became bald”: Semyon Slepakov

The showman is in great demand in Russian show business. He is one of the most bright characters on national stage, and also differs great feeling humor and excellent artistry. Colleagues of Semyon Sergeevich Slepakov consider him smart, creative and a very talented master of a sharp word. In the life and work of the hero of our article there is always room for bright and extraordinary achievements. At the comedian's large audience fans, although sometimes his causticity causes conflicting feelings among viewers.

Graduated from Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Faculty of French and Faculty of State Municipal Administration, majoring in linguist and manager. In 2004 he defended his PhD thesis in economics.

Childhood and family of Semyon Slepakov

The boy was born in southern Pyatigorsk into a family of professors. His parents enrolled him in a music school. He didn't like to play the piano. Already in high school, everything changed a little, when Semyon picked up a guitar and began to learn to play. His father set him in the right direction, playing his son the Beatles, Vysotsky, the Rolling Stones, Okudzhava.

The boy always liked to watch KVN on TV. At school, the kids created their own team and started playing. He started composing songs while still in school. These were kind and good works.

Semyon's sense of humor may be hereditary. It is known that his second cousin is a screenwriter of many famous domestic comedies, including comedies by Leonid Gaidai.

The school once staged the play “The Canterville Ghost.” Main role played by Semyon, who studied in the theater group. He walked around the stage in a white sheet.

According to Slepakov, school program passed by him, because as a schoolboy, everything free time he spent time in the yard with the guys or played football. After school, the young man entered the Pyatigorsk Linguistic University and studied in two faculties at once. At the end of the university, he received two honors diplomas - in economics and French.

Semyon's grandfather was a prominent economist. It was he who insisted that his grandson defend his Ph.D. And Slepakov defended himself, becoming a candidate of economic sciences.

He really enjoyed learning and speaking French. The month-long practice took place in France, in the province of Auvergne. At that time, he even wanted to stay in this country to work, got a job in graduate school there, and planned to write a dissertation. But soon KVN appeared in his life.

Semyon Slepakov in KVN

After university, getting a job in Pyatigorsk was not an easy task, and Semyon decided to take up KVN, especially since he always really liked it. He started playing while still a student, and by the time he graduated from university, the team was already in the Major League.

He was the captain of the Pyatigorsk Team for six years, starting in 2000. In 2004, the team became a leader in the Major League.

Semyon Slepakov's move to Moscow

Garik Martirosyan suggested that Semyon move to Moscow from his native Pyatigorsk. Garik is his friend and a very important person for him, with whom Slepakov always consults. Martirosyan suggested that Semyon create a conglomerate of authors and monopolize authorship in KVN. This conglomerate included Garik and Semyon, as well as Sergei Ershov, Javid Kurbanov and Sergei Svetlakov.

KVN Team of Pyatigorsk - Father and son decorate the Christmas tree. Semyon Slepakov

All the guys moved to Moscow. It was a rather unstable time, but they had money to live on, since at that time they gave a lot of concerts. There was nothing to do in Pyatigorsk, so Slepakov willingly agreed to move.

Semyon Slepakov at the Comedy Club

Everything changed a lot when the guys started working on the creation of the Comedy Club project. This was six months after Slepakov moved. The work was interesting and enjoyable. Friends created a new format on TV. The first broadcast took place in 2005. The format changes from season to season as it becomes outdated and the program requires updates.

Slepakov took part in the creation of many popular comedy shows that were and are broadcast on television. Another notable project that was loved by the audience was “Our Russia”. Several seasons have already been released, where some of the characters change from time to time.

Semyon was one of the producers and screenwriters of the comedy film “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny,” he also produced “Univer,” “Interns” and other youth television series.

Since 2010, he has been a resident of the Comedy Club. At the same time, Semyon came up with “Laughter without Rules,” which is a completely new format.

Songs of Semyon Slepakov

Slepakov goes on stage with his songs. He writes about what is relevant for today. His most famous songs are “The Ass is Growing”, “Liver”, “Gazprom”, “Every Friday I Feel Like Shit”, etc. Every time he gets excited before going on stage. Semyon's greatest fear is that he will forget the text. If the performance is not very funny, he always blames only himself.

Semyon has two of his own music album, one of them was released in 2005, and the second (non-commercial) was released in 2012.

Semyon Slepakov: Every Friday I feel like shit

One of Slepakov’s latest projects is the show “HB”. In this case, he is both the author and the producer.

At the Niki ceremony, Semyon performed a song about Russian cinema. Yuli Gusman asked him to write and perform such a song. It was very exciting to perform, since in the hall there were many, as Semyon put it, “bisons” and “mastodons” of Russian cinema.

Personal life of Semyon Slepakov

Semyon recently got married. His wife is a non-public person and has no plans to change anything. The girl does not give interviews. According to friends, from the very first meeting the young people fell in love with each other. Semyon always said that he was looking for a girl who was far from show business. His wife's name is Karina, she is a lawyer by profession. The wedding took place in Italy in the fall of 2012.

Slepakov began collecting a collection of guitars. Today he already has eight instruments. According to him, he always wanted to have different guitars, when the opportunity arose, he immediately purchased several.

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