Singing lesson notes. Summary of an open lesson in the vocal studio "mood"

Hello guys and dear guests!

Throughout school year We teach a lot of interesting and varied songs, each of them has its own story and meaning. Guys, please tell me, without what we cannot convey the meaning and content of the work to the viewer? (Children answer) Correct! Without clearly spoken lyrics.

Today we will conduct an open lesson, the topic of which is “Articulation and vocal speech.” Singing is the only type of musical performing art where musical performance organically combined with the need for expressive delivery of speech text.

But before we begin articulatory and vocal work, we will do what is necessary for a real singer, breathing exercises.

Guys, you probably love everything very much. air balloons. Let's imagine that you and I swallowed a balloon, now when you and I take a breath, our balloon inflates right in our stomach. Then we exhale and our balloon deflates! Well done, now let’s inflate and deflate the balloon 5 more times.

Okay, now let's play a game called "Snake". Let's turn our faces to each other, and now imagine that our right hand- it's a snake. Let's take some air into our stomach, raise our hand and form our hand in the shape of a snake's muzzle, and with the sound "Ssss" the snake crawls. Okay, now let’s imagine that our snakes want to scare each other. We draw air into the stomach again, make the sound “Ssss”, and at the moment when the breathing ends, we will make a sharp active exhalation with the same sound, and our snake will throw accordingly. Now let's play this game again. Smart girls!

Now we move on to articulatory gymnastics. Guys, let’s all stand in front of the mirror and you and I will now go to the zoo. First we will visit the aquarium. The first fish we saw was the needle fish, a thin, thin fish. Let's suck in our cheeks to be like her. And after the needle fish swims a ball fish, puffed up the cheeks like this fish, well done! And a seahorse is swimming behind her, look how his lips are stretched forward, let’s stretch our lips the same way! And finally, we will look at the ball fish and puff out our cheeks just as much! We leave the aquarium, move on, and a horse runs towards us, let's make the sound of clattering hooves, first quickly, and then the horse saw us and slowed down a little (we make the sound of clattering hooves slower). The horse ran far away, and we move on and see a giraffe. The giraffe not only has a long neck, but also a long tongue. And now you and I will make our tongue long like a giraffe’s, stretch our tongue to our nose, don’t help ourselves with our hands! Okay, now let's pull it out to the chin. Great! Let's go further and see a hippopotamus, and it has a big mouth! Come on, they opened their mouths like hippos, wide and wide. And let's stand like that for a little while. Well done, we gave you a tour of the zoo, now let's go play ball.

Now we will remember the tongue twisters that we learned in previous lessons, the first one was “Roading the Greek”, we pronounce each word loudly, slowly.

(Children tell a tongue twister)

Greek rode across the river,

The cancer sees the Greek in the river

Stuck the Greek's hand in the river

Cancer by the hand of the Greek DAC.

And in the same way, we clearly and actively pronounce with you the second “Cuckoo Cuckoo”

"Cuckoo cuckoo

I bought a hood

Like in the hood

He's funny"

(Take a small tennis ball) And now, as promised, we will play ball! Please break into pairs and stand opposite each other (children are divided into pairs). Now each of you will recite one line from the tongue twister and the last word, on a stressed syllable, throw the ball to your partner. Left-hand side says the first line, the right one says the second, and so on until the end of each tongue twister. (Children complete the task). Well done boys!


TARGET – developing the ability to correctly pronounce vowels and consonants in words, the ability to breathe correctly when performing a song.

Tasks – teach how to clearly and actively pronounce and sing words in a song,

Development of collective creativity,

Education of aesthetic taste

Equipment and musical material:



Notes of the song “Kindness”

Illustration of Kustodiev’s painting “Merchant’s Wife”

Progress of the lesson

  1. Organizing time. Musical greeting "Good afternoon". Indicating the purpose of the lesson.
  2. Updating of reference knowledge. A conversation about the voice apparatus. What is involved in the appearance of voice? What are vocal cords? What happens to them while singing? How to take care of your " musical instrument"? How should you breathe and sit to make singing pleasant and comfortable?

The teacher reads the poem “Singing is pleasant and comfortable.”

3. Execution gymnastics for the correct pronunciation of vowels and consonants sounds (a.o,u.i; m, n, p, t, k, l, r). Children pronounce sounds together with the teacher, with hand movements helping.

Performance exercises to activate facial expressions(lips, tongue, cheeks):

- “Duck Nose”

- "Piglet"

- "Eight"

- "Circle"

- "Football"

- "Smile"

Children use facial expressions to depict the teacher’s assignments, without using their hands.

Performance Exercises "Dinosaur"on high-pitched intonation of sound.Children, together with the teacher, draw a dinosaur with their hands and voice, changing the pitch of their voice.

  1. Working on breathing.

- "Flower". Students imagine a flower in their hands and calmly inhale its aroma through their noses, while the teacher makes sure that the children’s shoulders do not rise up, but remain in place. Exhale through your mouth.

- “A saucer with tea.” Children calmly inhale through their noses and exhale carefully “on a saucer of hot tea.” At the same time, the teacher monitors the long exhalation of the students.

5. What is kindness? (talk about kindness)

Vocal and choral work on the song “Kindness”.Repeating the lyrics of the song and singing the melody with correct intonation.

Performance of the song “Kindness”with musical accompaniment.

6. Summing up the lesson.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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The vocal notes developed by me help to monitor the dynamics of the student’s development. Notes in three parts: breathing exercises, work on the voice and work with the song....

Summary of a vocal lesson in a secondary vocal group

Lesson topic: Visiting the sorceress of music

MBOU DOD "KHRTSDT" Palatka village

"Musical Carousel"

Lesson objectives:

Develop pitch hearing and sense of rhythm.

Achieve correct sound production. Activate the marginal closure of the vocal folds at the moment of sound attack, which underlies the correct sound production.

Encourage children to expressively, emotionally, responsively sing songs.

Teaching methods: Conversation, story, comparison, method of play, method of looking ahead and returning to what has been covered, Strelnikov breathing exercises technique.

Form: health-saving activity


Reader musical material, song material, lyrics " Sunny bunnies", "Scarecrow", CD with recordings of phonograms of songs (minus voice), articulation gymnastics "The Adventures of the Tongue".

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment

· Greetings

· Positive attitude towards vocal practice.

· Checking readiness for class.

2. Development of the topic.

· Message topic, goal setting.

· Articulation gymnastics “The Adventures of the Tongue”

· Chanting.

· Singing canons.

4. Video pause

5. Work on songs: “Sunny Bunnies”, “Scarecrow”.

6. Summary of the lesson.


Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys!

I'm glad to see you at the vocal lesson.

Checking readiness for class.

Psychological mood.

Now you have to sing songs, listen to music, study vocal exercises. To do this, we will carry out a special setup. Sit comfortably, close your eyes. Take a deep breath and exhale. Now I will pronounce phrases, and you repeat them in chorus, quietly, calmly.

· We are ready to work on vocal lessons.

· We have good mood.

· We will try to do vocal exercises and sing songs.

Open your eyes, take another deep breath. Exhale and get ready to work in class.

2. Work on the topic.

1. Message of the topic, goal setting.

Remember and tell us, guys, what you did in your last vocal lesson. ( performed vocal exercises. We were learning the song " Live music", worked on the part of the second voice in the song "Sunny Bunnies").

Today we will continue to work on the first and second parts of the songs.

· Breathing exercises by Strelnikova.

You guys know that before starting class you need to do breathing exercises. Why are breathing exercises needed? (While singing great importance has your breath. If you don’t take a breath before you start singing, the sound won’t sound as it should).

Now, we will do breathing exercises. Make sure that your shoulders do not rise while inhaling.

Today we will perform breathing exercises using Strelnikova’s method.

When performing exercises, you must follow certain rules:

a) Inhalation - “loud”, short. Active (just sniff your nose noisily throughout the entire office, as if sniffing the smell of burning).

b) Exhalation is absolutely passive, leaves through the nose. It is forbidden to think about exhalation. If you think about exhaling, you will get lost! Exhalation is an outgoing inhalation.

The air should leave on its own through the mouth after each inhalation through the nose. Inhalation is extremely active, exhalation is absolutely passive.

c) in Strelnikov breathing exercises, short noisy breaths through the nose are taken only simultaneously with movements.

Children perform exercises together with the teacher: “Riders”, “Pump”, “Cat”, “Rolls”.

· Articulation gymnastics “The Adventures of the Tongue” application No. 1.doc

· Chanting.

Let's continue the lesson with vocal warm-up. Why do you need a vocal warm-up? Or maybe it’s not at all necessary to sing at every lesson? (It is necessary to sing at every lesson, as the vocal cords become stronger and grow. We acquire the skill correct pronunciation words in a song. The voice, like any musical instrument, requires proper tuning.

Absolutely right. Tongue twisters liberate the speech apparatus, and vocal exercises develop the vocal apparatus.

You want your song to sound good, right? (Answers children)

Then you need to try and do exercises to develop clear diction.

Tell me, guys, what is diction? (Diction is a clear, clear, legible pronunciation (singing) of all sounds of a text or vocal work. It depends on the activity of the lips and tongue, correct breathing and articulation in general).

Children sing tongue twisters “Three Magpies Taratorki”, “Thirty-three Egorki”, “Brooms-Pomeliki” appendix No. 2.doc

Now let’s sing the exercise “Our Motherland.” Sing the exercise expressively. Round your mouth muscles when singing vowels (a), (o). Pronouncing every word clearly and clearly. Don't forget about proper breathing.

Performing the exercise “Our Motherland.”

Children perform a singing exercise by A. Sveshnikov.

· Work on the canons “Brother Yakov” and “Quail”.

The choir consists of different voices and parts. Each party has its own role. Everyone in the choir listens to each other. They complement and enrich each other. The singers' voices are different, but they don't stand out. They affirm not themselves, but the whole. When everything is interconnected. If everything is on time and in the right place, then harmony and beauty are born. When agreement arises between sounds, they complement each other and thus euphony is born.

What is canon? (This musical exercise, in which the same melody is performed by 2 or more groups. Only one group enters before the other).

Children are divided into two groups and perform the canons “Brother Jacob” and “Quail”. During repetitions, children change groups and enter later or earlier.

4. Video break

Guys, I suggest you watch a video clip of a performance by our studio graduate, Polina Pogorelova, at international competition in Moscow " Finest hour", where she received a worthy assessment and became a 2nd degree laureate. Please pay attention to articulation and stage movement.

Watching a video clip.

5. Work on the songs “Scarecrow”, “Sunny Bunnies”.

Performance of the song “Sunny Bunnies” appendix No. 3.doc (lyrics by A. Bochkovskaya and music by A. Ermolov).

Working on the 1st and 2nd parts in the chorus of the song.

Singing techniques:

"a capella"

· Singer and choir

Well done guys, and we will finish our lesson by singing the song “Scarecrow”. Try to convey a cheerful mood in the song. Watch for the harmony of the sound of the ensemble, the simultaneous entry of all voices.

Performance of the song “Scarecrow” by A. Petryasheva appendix No. 4.doc

Technical tasks: achieve purity of intonation, clear diction, timely beginning and ending of musical phrases.

Emotional and artistic tasks : achieve a bright, sublime, spiritual state when performing, feel joy and satisfaction from performing music.

6. Summary of the lesson.

Evaluation of each performer, analysis of achievements and failures.


Repeat the lyrics and their rhythmic pattern; standing in front of the mirror, look for the necessary gestures, facial expressions for songs; work on your diction using tongue twisters.

Used Books:

Shchetinin breathing exercises (methodological manual)

Iris Press - M. 2007.

Health-saving aspect of the lesson “Visiting the sorceress of music”

MBOU DOD "KHRTSDT" Palatka village

Teacher additional education

Supervisor vocal studio

"Musical Carousel"

Today before educational institutions there is an important task - creating conditions for preserving the health of students, that is, developing health-saving measures, introducing health-saving technologies in educational process. In this regard, the possibilities of vocal lessons are unique, since all types creative activity contribute to improving the health of students.

Health-saving technologies used in vocal lessons:

vocal therapy, rhythm therapy, musical-rhythmic exercises, rhythmic exercises, music therapy, Strelnikova breathing exercises, folk art therapy, musical-rational psychotherapy, creative therapy, fairy tale therapy, smile therapy.

To ensure the implementation of educational programs based on comprehensive consideration of the individual health of students, the characteristics of their age, psychophysical, spiritual and moral state and development, preservation and promotion of health, when building the course of classes, the main attention is paid to special development abilities of natural, joyful existence in the process musical activity: removal of internal clamps, breathing, motor emancipation of the child.

In his pedagogical activity The teacher relies on a methodology aimed at expanding and enriching the range of experiences available to students and forming a worldview that helps them become happy and healthy and includes movement, dancing, singing, and watching a video recording of a studio graduate’s performance. Thus, during the lesson they use not only musically - pedagogical methods education, but also music therapy, contributing to the restoration and strengthening of the health of students.

Based on health-saving technologies, Special attention is given to vocal and choral work with students, which helps the formation, especially in the younger school age, optimistic and life-affirming worldview. Choral and solo performance of songs carries the beginning of the following types of training: intonation, breathing, diction, figurative-visual, rhythmic. The voice is a kind of indicator of human health. Exercises for the rehabilitation of the vocal cords improve health through spoken and sung sound combinations, help improve articulation and diction, and develop coordination of breathing with speech.

Music therapy is an interesting and promising area that is used in many countries in medicinal purposes. Scientists have experimentally proven that music has a beneficial effect on the body and psyche of children.

I can sing beautifully.

Vocal club lesson notes

V senior group, first year of study.

Compiled by S. L. Golubtsova, music director

MDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 86"

city ​​of Severodvinsk.

Program content:

  1. Encourage children to be active vocally.
  2. Strengthen the ability to sing in unison, a cappella , sing sounds using hand movements.
  3. Develop children's pitch, dynamic and rhythmic hearing.
  4. Continue working on developing breathing.
  5. To promote the development of expressive, emotional performance in children: singing without tension, smooth, melodious.
  6. Practice singing into a microphone.


  1. Microphone.
  2. Cups of boiled water, straws for cocktails.
  3. Cards with vowel letters.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall.

Musical director.Guys, I'm glad our new meeting. Look how many guests we have today. Let's say hello to them.

Children sing: "Hello" by showing their hands

Now let's say hello to each other.

Let your controlling ears choose the best greeting today.

Children stand in a circle.

“Say a friendly hello to your neighbor on the right,” into the microphone.

Musical director.Whose greeting did you like better? Why?

Listen to some of the children's answers.

Musical director.Today in class we will remember some important rules beautiful singing. You have already mentioned one thing: we need to try to draw out vowel sounds so that our singing differs from ordinary speech. You agree with me? You have good controller ears. Now listen carefully to the music and try to show the rhythm correctly. (Half, 2 quarters).

To the music of “Polka Flapper”, held

rhythm game “I am my friends.”

At the end of the game, the children go to the chairs near the piano.

Musical director.What wonderful friends we are, attentive and kind, we treat each other with care. Do you think our voice needs to be treated with care?

Musical director.What should we do to ensure that our voice always remains beautiful?

Children's answers:

Don't shout, don't eat ice cream outside in winter,

not to drink cold water, do not wallow in the snow.

Harden your throat.

Musical director.Raise your hand, who's hardening their throats at home? Let's remember how we did it.

Give children glasses of water.

Take a small sip, raise your head up,

and pronounce the sounds drawn out: A, E, I, O, U.

Musical director.Well done! But to sing beautifully, you need to know one more important rule: to be able to control your breathing. Make the inhalation short and silent, and the exhalation long and smooth.

Hand out cocktail straws.

At the conductor's signal, the children take a breath,

and exhale into the water through a tube.

Musical director.The next important rule: you need to open your mouth well and pronounce words clearly, both quietly and loudly.

“I’m walking down the stairs” - chant.

Sing, changing the dynamics: f, p.

Musical director. (Scared)Our friend is a crocodile, he swallowed someone. Whom?

Children offer their own options.

The chant “How a crocodile screams” is sung.

Musical director.I looked at you and remembered another important rule: you need to be able to sit or stand correctly while singing. Do you remember this rule?

The song “It’s nice and comfortable to sing” is performed.

Musical director.To make a song interesting to listen to, you need to convey its mood and character. In the song “Mama”, what is the character, how should it be sung?

Children's answers.

Musical director.Try to sing as you said. And let our guests appreciate your performance.

Children sing the song "Mama".

Summarize the speech.

Musical director.Behind good performance entertainment is supposed.

We begin to play and walk to the music.

Held music game"Sing your letter."

Play 2-3 times.

Musical director.Our game is over. And our lesson came to an end. Today in class we remembered the important rules of beautiful singing. List them again.

Children call.

Musical director.Now, as polite people, let's say goodbye to our guests and each other until we meet again.

Children sing: ""See-bye-da-ni-ya"

They leave the hall.

Description of material: abstract presented by me open class vocally designed for working with children younger age(5-7 years old). Topic of the lesson: “ Magic massage" This material is offered to teachers of additional education and music directors in kindergartens.

Health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing


TOPIC: “Magic massage”

TARGET: To increase the adaptive capabilities of the child’s body by becoming familiar with the types of massage used in vocal classes.


Educational: teach how to perform hygienic and vibration massages.

Developmental: to promote the development of singing skills using health-saving technologies, based on age characteristics children.

Educational: to form ideas about health care, careful attitude to yourself and to your young body.

Health-improving: creating a system for the prevention and correction of children’s health through teaching methods: breathing exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova, hygienic and vibration massages, vocal exercises, speech therapy exercises (tongue twisters), articulatory gymnastics, games.

Equipment, teaching material:

Piano, musical equipment, stave, hats with the names of notes, reproductions of paintings visual arts, musical works classical and modern trends.


1. Organizational moment.

2. Repetition of the material covered.

3. Study new topic.

4. Consolidating a new topic.

5. Creative part.

6. Summing up the lesson.


1. Organizational moment (2 min.)

Teacher: Hello my friends! Are you all here today?

Children's response (checking those present)

I am very glad to see you, and I hope you also came to class in a good mood. Moreover, today you and I have a very interesting topic: “Magic massage” And so that nothing overshadows our lesson, I want to remind you what you need:

· be polite and careful in class;

· Do not turn on or touch any equipment yourself.

· Do not insert pens, hairpins, paper clips or other foreign objects into the outlet.

· Do not use electrical appliances if the wire is damaged.

2. Repetition of the material covered (10 min.)

Teacher: Guys, please tell me the notes that you know.

(children's answer: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si). Right! And now we will find ourselves in a fairy tale, where each of you will be a note. I will be the note - DO, and you...

Each child wears a headdress that corresponds to a certain note.

Teacher: Well, you have already turned into notes. All notes live in a house - a staff. On the stage you see a staff of music. But it's empty. Each note has its place in the house, but which one? Come on, show the notes where your place is in the house.

Children take turns standing near the staff and showing where each note is located.

Teacher: My dear notes! Please remind us what young vocalists must do in order to sing notes well.

(children's answers)

Teacher: That’s right, do vocal exercises, breathing and speech gymnastics, and let’s not forget about the series of exercises “The Adventure of the Tongue.” To do this, we will carry out a special setup. Are we in a good mood? (children's answers)

Teacher: Sit comfortably, close your eyes (children sit on chairs in a semicircle). We are ready to start our vocal lessons. Take a deep breath and exhale (children repeat this exercise 2-3 times). Open your eyes, take another deep breath and exhale. We start our lesson with a group of exercises “The Adventure of the Tongue”

We raise the tongue to the nose and lower it to the chin (the lower part of the tongue is stretched and the muscles of the lower jaw are strengthened), repeat each exercise 10 times

We roll the tongue into a tube and inhale through the nose, and exhale through the tongue tube (exercise for firmness of form)

Lick the upper and lower lips clockwise and then counterclockwise (tongue mobility exercise)

Teacher: You guys are doing great. We continue our work and move on to the development and strengthening of the articulatory apparatus. And I have a question for you. What is it and why do we need it? (children's answer). You answered my question absolutely correctly. We move on to the next series of exercises:

Pull the upper jaw down and return it to its original position

Pull the lower lip forward and then hide it under the upper lip

We stretch our lips forward and make movements up and down, left and right

Using elongated lips, make circular movements in different directions.

Exercise "Kiss"

We stretch our lips wide in a smile so that all the teeth are visible.

Exercise "Fish"

Exercise "Machine"

Teacher: We have completed the first block of exercises and to move on to the next one, I want you to relax as much as possible while sitting on your chairs. We listened with our eyes closed classic Claude Debussy "Moonlight" (children listen to music in silence).

Teacher: Let's continue the lesson with vocal warm-up. Why do you need a vocal warm-up? Or maybe it’s not at all necessary to sing at every lesson? (pupils' answers). That's right guys. It is mandatory to sing at every lesson, as the vocal cords become stronger and grow. We acquire the skill of correct pronunciation of a word in a song. The voice, like any musical instrument, requires proper tuning. Correctly performed singing organizes the activity of the vocal apparatus, strengthens the vocal cords, and develops a pleasant timbre of the voice. Correct posture affects even and deeper breathing. Singing develops coordination of voice and hearing, improves children's speech. Singing with movements forms good posture and coordinates walking. Therefore, the manner of sound production plays a huge role in the positive orientation of the individual during singing: the sound is sent into space, the lips stretch into a smile. The sound produced by a smile becomes bright, clear and free. As a result of constant training of a smile, the quality of sound is transferred to a person’s personality. Soon the external smile becomes an internal smile, and already singing people look at the world and other people with a smile. Let's smile at each other and continue our lesson. Let's start with the chants:

Exercise No. 1

On one note let's sing ma-e-i-o-u(ascending movement along chromatism)

Exercise No. 2

We sing syllable-by-syllable “I sing” using the sounds T53 with a downward movement.

Exercise No. 3

According to the ascending and descending chromatic movement we sing da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da.

Exercise No. 4

We sing syllable-by-syllable “The night was shining” using the sounds T53 with a downward movement.

Exercise No. 5

We sing “Here I go up, here I go down”

Exercise No. 6

Do-re-do; do-re-mi-re-do; do-re-mi-fa-sol-fa-mi-re-do. The chant is sung upward in chromaticity.

Exercise No. 7

We sing the syllables “We are coming” using the sounds T53 with a downward movement.

Exercise No. 8

According to the sounds of T53, with an upward movement, we sing da-de-di-do-doo; bra-bra-bri-bro-bru; za-ze-zi-zo-zu.

Teacher: We always end the block of chants with tongue twisters. Why do we need tongue twisters? (pupils' answers). Absolutely right. Tongue twisters liberate the speech apparatus.

Exercise No. 9

We sing the tongue twister “Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.”

Exercise No. 10

We recite the tongue twister “The mouse washed the bear with the cone”

Exercise No. 11

We pronounce the tongue twister “The tiger cub roared loudly r-r-r-r.

3. Studying a new topic (20 min.)

Teacher: We have repeated all the exercises you are familiar with and are ready to start a new topic. And it’s called “Magic Massage”. Have you ever had a massage? (pupils' answers). You are absolutely right, massage comes in different forms, including for vocalists. Today we will introduce you to hygienic and vibration massages. These exercises are simple, but very necessary when practicing vocals. Are you ready for new exercises? (pupils' answers).

Hygienic massage exercises:

1. Using the fingers of both hands, make light strokes, from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

2. Using the fingers of both hands, we make light strokes from the middle of the nose along the wings of the nose, along the maxillary sinuses up to the temples.

3. Relaxed lips (mouth slightly open). From the middle of the upper lip down to the corners, massage index fingers both hands alternately. The lower lip is massaged in the same way, only upwards.

4. Chin - perform active tangential movements left and right.

Teacher: We got acquainted with hygienic massage. And for the resonators to work well, it is necessary for all vocalists to perform the following vibration massage exercises.

Vibration massage

1. Forehead - perform light tapping with the highest sound “m”.

2. Maxillary sinuses - perform light tapping, lowering the pitch of the “m” sound.

3. Upper lip - perform light tapping, lowering the pitch of the “v” sound.

4. Lower lip - perform light tapping, lowering the pitch of the “z” sound.

5. Upper back and chest - perform light tapping, lowering the pitch of the “m” sound.

Teacher: Thanks a lot. Now remind me what exercises we haven’t done yet today? (children's answers). Right. Breathing exercises. After all, we really need them before starting vocal lessons, because if you don’t take your breath before you start singing, the sound won’t sound as it should. Now, we will do breathing exercises. Make sure that your shoulders do not rise while inhaling. Remind me what rules need to be followed when performing these exercises (students’ answers and performing the exercise together with the teacher “Pendulum”, “Pump”, “Cat”, “Rolls”).

4. Pinning a new topic (5 min.)

Unexpectedly for all the children, Shapoklyak enters the hall. Humming a song.

Teacher: Who are you? What are you doing here?


Who helps people

He's wasting his time.

Good deeds

You can't become famous

Ha ha ha ha.

I am old woman Shapoklyak.

Teacher: Why did you come to us?

Shapoklyak: Even though I am an old woman, or rather a woman of respectable age, I still know how to sing and what to do for it. Now I'll tell you. Want to? (children's answers). So, listen to me carefully and write it down in your notebooks. It is necessary to eat sweets before class and skip classes regularly. Breathe through your mouth...

Teacher: Shapoklyak, you're confusing something. The guys already know everything. How to maintain vocal hygiene. They regularly attend all classes and enjoy doing all the exercises shown by the teacher. Really, guys? Come on, tell old lady Shapoklyak what we learned in class today.

(children's answer)

Shapoklyak: And, really, you know a lot. Apparently my information is out of date. Guys, can you give me some good song sing. Do you agree?

Children: We agree. We will sing you the song “Balloons”.

5. Creative part (4 min.)

Children sing the song: “Balloons.”

Shapoklyak: What a great fellow you are. Now I know for sure that you can sing correctly, and now I can calmly go home. But remember that my Rat - Lariska is watching you. Study well, perform, win competitions and maybe you will become real artists. Goodbye.

Shapoklyak leaves.

6. Summing up the lesson (4 min.)

Teacher: Well, it's time for us to return from the fairy tale.

The teacher removes the children's hats.

Teacher: I'm very proud of you guys. Our lesson is coming to an end. I hope that you learned a lot today and that you had fun in class. If this is really the case, attach smiling notes to our stave, and if not, then sad ones.

Children attach notes.

Teacher: Thanks guys. Until the next lesson.

Used Books.

1. Dubrovskaya S.V. Strelnikova’s famous breathing exercises. - M.: RIPOL classic, 2008.

3. Zhavinina O., Zats L. Musical education: searches and finds // Art at school. - 2003. - No. 5.

4. Morozov V.P. The art of resonant singing. Fundamentals of resonance theory and technology. - M., 2002.

5. Psychotherapeutic encyclopedia. - SPb: PETER, 2000.

6. Razumov A. N., Ponomarenko V. A., Piskunov V. A. Health of a healthy person. - M., 1996.

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