What to eat on the bus ride. What to cook on the road, on a trip by train or car

A journey awaits you, all your things are already packed, tickets are in hand, there are a few days left before departure, and you are thinking about what to eat on the road? It’s good if the entire route takes a couple of hours and you can get by with a bottle of mineral water, but what if the journey is long and you have to spend from 12 hours to several days in transport?

Especially for those who are setting out on a similar journey, we have selected a list of products that will help you eat nourishingly and healthy without spending a lot of time, money and effort.

Before purchasing or preparing food for travel, check whether it meets several basic rules:

  • products must have a long shelf life and be able to withstand temperature changes normally;
  • all products must be ready to eat without additional or minimal preparation;
  • products should not wrinkle, crumble, or lose shape;
  • It is better to pack food not in bags, but in containers with tight lids;
  • food should be tasty and at the same time healthy, and also not take up much space and not weigh several kilograms.

Groceries on the train

If you have to spend more than a day on a train (and this is easily possible in the vast expanses of our vast homeland), do not count too much on the dining car. Of course, you can eat in it, but, firstly, it will not be cheap at all, and secondly, it will not taste good and is not very safe.

Also leave the option of buying pies and chicken on the platform from old women as a last resort: when a three-day old pie with a poorly defined filling affects your body, both the ill-fated platform and the enterprising old lady will already be far away.

The advantage of traveling by train is the large amount of luggage that you can take with you and into which a cooler bag that can even store dairy products and refreshing drinks fits perfectly. And one more thing: in any carriage there is always boiling water, which means you can brew quick porridge, tea, mashed potatoes and pasta in glasses.

You can take with you on the train:

  • smoked sausage,
  • hard cheese (it is better to cut both in advance),
  • bread or sheet pita bread,
  • cucumbers, tomatoes,
  • hard fruits (it is better to take bananas a little unripe),
  • canned food (with key!).

In addition, you can take boiled eggs, fried or smoked chicken, boiled potatoes, but all this must be eaten on the first day, and the rest must be mercilessly thrown away.

For tea, you should bring sweets, waffles, and corn sticks, but avoid chocolate, which will melt, and cookies, which will quickly crumble.

For a snack, you should take dried fruits, pre-washed and dried.

For drinks, you should stock up on bottled water, preferably still, tea or coffee in a thermos. But regarding beer, it is worth remembering that drinking alcoholic beverages on trains is prohibited.

Products on the plane

Flying on an airplane is much easier in terms of groceries. Firstly, there are few places you can fly for more than ten hours, and secondly, you will be fed along the way. In addition, importing food into many countries is prohibited, so there is no point in stuffing your luggage with sandwiches.

If you are not sure about the service of the airline you are traveling with, take with you mineral water or juice (purchased at the airport after security), chocolate or snacks that can satisfy a slight hunger, and in extreme cases, salads in transparent containers are suitable.

By the way, remember that animal products such as milk, cheese and meat are prohibited in hand luggage on connecting flights, so security may ask you to eat all of this before boarding. Yoghurts are also liquids that can only be transported in containers up to 100 milliliters and packaged in a transparent bag. You need to pack all the food you take with you to the salon in the same bags.

Groceries for the car

Traveling by car is convenient because you can plan your own route, stop at cafes and hypermarkets along the route and replenish your food supply.

By the way, you should choose a cafe based not on the sign, but on the number of cars in the parking lot in front of it. As a rule, the best and most inexpensive cafes are those where truckers dine, so a line of trucks in the parking lot guarantees tasty and fresh food and low prices.

  • In the car itself, you should take with you a supply of drinking water, a thermos with tea or coffee, energy drinks for the driver (if he drinks them), sandwiches for the first time, sweets for tea, fruits and vegetables, sausage and cheese. If you have a thermal bag, you can also carry yogurt or milk for cereal.
  • Also an excellent option for long trips is a small gas burner, on which you can quickly cook soup from a bag or heat up what you took with you from home.
  • In addition, you can take baked goods with you in the car, since you will not be constantly transferring food, and it will not wrinkle or crumble.

And one more thing: it is better to store all products in the trunk, having previously packed them in sealed containers. This way they won’t disturb you in the cabin, but they won’t become saturated with the smell of gasoline.

In case you have a child traveling with you, know that it is extremely important not to disrupt his diet so that the long-awaited vacation does not turn into hard labor. You can read about what you should take on the road for your baby in the special material “Feeding a child on vacation.”

Try to pay attention to the freshness of the products and do not hesitate to throw away anything that causes even the slightest suspicion. After all, you have a resort ahead of you with dozens of exotic dishes, and it would be a shame to arrive with an upset stomach.

When planning a long trip, you need to think over not only the list of necessary things, medications and documents, but also the travel menu: you will probably get hungry along the way, so a snack will not hurt, reports. What should food be like on the road?

What food to take with you on the road

Eating on the road is usually not very comfortable, so there are several requirements for road food. Firstly, it must have a fairly long shelf life without refrigeration and not be afraid of heat and sunlight. Secondly, it should not get dirty, crumble, wrinkle, or have a strong smell - think not only about yourself, but also about your fellow travelers. Finally, you need to choose food that doesn't leave a lot of peelings or other debris, is easy to prepare, and best of all, requires no cooking or even cutting at all.


Sandwiches, which are advised not to be overused in everyday life (dry meat, after all), are ideal for the road: here you have bread, vegetables, meat or cheese. Plus, you can eat sandwiches without getting your hands dirty (that's why they were invented).

There are a lot of sandwich recipes - there is room for your imagination to run wild. However, some foods should still be avoided. It is better to replace boiled sausage with meat baked in foil or boiled - it has a longer shelf life. Spices will also help extend the shelf life of meat.

Try not to use “wet” vegetables such as tomatoes in sandwiches - they may leak. It is better to take cucumbers, lettuce, sweet peppers. Wrap each sandwich tightly in cling film.

Vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits will be a good snack. But it is better to leave soft and juicy fruits, berries and vegetables at home: they will not be very convenient to eat on the road. You can take cucumbers, bell peppers, radishes, celery, carrot sticks, leafy vegetables and herbs, and fruits - hard apples and pears, and slightly under-ripe bananas.

What not to take on the road

You should only take fresh bread with you if you plan to eat it right away (and if you are not afraid of crumbs). When traveling, it is better to give preference to bread or pita bread, which last longer and crumble less.

Leave chips, crackers and other snacks at home: they have very little nutritional value and will only make you thirsty. If you definitely want something crunchy on the road, grab unsalted nuts (they are very nutritious), dried fruits or apple chips (which, in fact, are also a type of dried fruit).


If you want to take something sweet on the road, stick to marshmallows and marshmallows, which do not melt in the heat/sun and store quite well without refrigeration. But it’s also better to eat them as soon as possible. You can also take granola bars, nuts, dried fruits, etc. But you shouldn’t take chocolate and cookies: the chocolate will melt and get your hands dirty, and the cookies will crumble. If you take pies with you, the filling should not be liquid.

You need to be very careful with dairy products. Recently, yoghurts have become a popular “travel food”, but they do not last long without refrigeration. Therefore, yoghurts should be consumed first. During long journeys, it is better to buy dairy products during stops along the way (be sure to look at the expiration date). It is preferable to take cheese on the road processed and in slices (thin slices in individual packaging).

If you can’t imagine your diet without hot food, you can afford instant food: porridge, soup, mashed potatoes, noodles, etc. Buy semi-finished products not in bags, but in individual glasses, so you don’t have to worry about dishes.

You should not take jacket potatoes and boiled eggs with you (you will encounter the problem of peeling, and boiled eggs also have a rather specific smell), sausages and boiled sausage, deli meats (smoked meats, etc.), fatty fried meat.

How much food to take with you on the road?

It’s difficult to say the exact amount: it will depend on the duration of the trip, the number of people traveling, your appetite, etc. In general, on the road, due to low physical activity, the appetite is usually less, and people eat more likely not out of hunger, but out of boredom. Therefore, there is no need to take too much food: it will only increase the volume and weight of your luggage.

It’s better to take less and then buy more food on the road (you’re unlikely to be driving through remote areas where you won’t even find yogurt or a candy bar) than to take too much food and then throw it away. But what you need to take more on the road is water (and regular drinking water, not sweet soda).

Buy food for the road at your usual store, be sure to look at the expiration date and storage conditions (you need products that can be stored at room temperature). All food must be sealed in plastic containers or individual bags. Vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly washed, dried and only then packaged.

Be sure to take dry and wet wipes, hand sanitizer, several garbage bags, disposable tableware, and a folding knife on your trip. You can also grab sugar, salt, instant coffee and tea, packaged in bags.

Bus tours this is the most interesting type of tourism. During one trip you will have a unique opportunity to cross the borders of several states. You will be able to see the sights of European capitals, compare them, appreciate each on its merits and return here again. In order for you to have a good time while traveling, we have created this guide, in which we give you useful rules and recommendations.

Bus tours have their own specifics:

It is impossible to determine the exact time of arrival at the hotels due to the fact that during the trip we cross many borders, the time of passage of which cannot be accurately determined. Weather conditions, traffic jams and traffic congestion, and border situations play a big role in bus tours. Therefore, we recommend that you be patient, don’t worry, and, of course, take an interesting book, a good magazine and your favorite videotape with you on the road. During the journey, the bus makes technical stops every 4-5 hours, the duration of which is regulated by international rules. The exact time of departures from cities, excursions, breakfast, and additional program is also announced by the group leader. This is the time that is MANDATORY. Organize and plan your time correctly. Try not to be late and arrive at the group meeting place at the appointed time, because the bus waits no more than 15 minutes, because it is necessary to follow the tour program. Remember, late tourists catch up with the group on their own and at their own expense. The excursion program in the cities is conducted by both local licensed guides and our employees with extensive experience. Getting to know each other and walking around the city is not the equivalent of a sightseeing tour, i.e. the information is given briefly. Free time in cities is provided for sightseeing. Without plunging into the life of the city, without wandering around, without getting lost, without talking with local residents, you will not feel the atmosphere of countries and cities.

What are the restrictions?

If you are over 70 or overweight (clothing size greater than 56), tall (above 195 cm), then you should be prepared for some inconvenience when traveling on a bus. We also strongly do not recommend taking children under 5 years old on the trip. Attention! Due to the fact that some of our compatriots use inexpensive bus tours for the purpose of illegal emigration, please note that information about such tourists is immediately submitted to the police and embassy.

Who is an attendant?

An accompanying person is not only an employee of a travel company, whose responsibilities include accompanying tourists on a bus along the route, organizing accommodation, transportation, crossing borders and ensuring meetings with guides, but also your assistant, who will always try to answer any question and solve any problems that arise.

What to take with you on the road?

Your luggage must include a small pillow, a blanket and comfortable shoes, as well as an umbrella for changeable weather. It is better to divide your luggage into several bags: with food and things you need on the bus, as well as things that you will only need at the hotel. The best products to take are dry soups, vegetables, fruits, sliced ​​bread, tea and coffee, packaged in bags, and refined sugar. You must have dishes with you. It is very convenient to use wet alcohol wipes when traveling. Take a personal first aid kit. When visiting the water park, you must have swimwear; on tours with seaside holidays, glasses and a hat are recommended for protection from the sun.

How to plan your expenses?

You paid the travel agency for the trip, but this is only part of your expenses. What other expenses await you? First of all, this is payment for food, transport, entertainment, souvenirs, etc. For a full meal in most European countries, you should reserve about 12 € (euros) per person; dinner without alcoholic drinks can cost a little more 15-20 €. In Eastern European countries, prices are usually 2 times lower. Hotels may not always be located within the city, so you need to include about 40 € in your budget for travel on public transport. The cost of travel on public transport ranges from 0.5 to 5 € depending on the country and city. The bus you are traveling on takes you to your hotels, where you can take sightseeing and optional excursions. You organize your free time at your own request and, of course, at your own expense. The company reserves the right to replace the hotel with an equivalent one and prioritize excursions within the cost of the tour. The cost of entrance tickets to museums is from 2 to 20 €. Ticket prices for concerts and performances range from 25 € and above. We recommend having at least 3 00600 USD with you. for personal expenses depending on the route you choose.

Border control and customs.

In each country you will go through customs and border control. When crossing the border, it is strictly prohibited to get off the bus, enter into negotiations with officials at the border, or take photographs or film a video camera. In this case, the cameras may be confiscated by border guards and cannot be returned. At border control, a foreign passport with the necessary visas is presented. If your passport and visas are in order, then you will pass border control, as evidenced by the stamp in your passport about crossing the border at this border point. If your passport is false or expired, as well as if your passport is missing a visa or contains erroneous data, which can happen, you may be removed from the route. At Russian customs, you, your luggage and your hand luggage are subject to inspection. At the same time, you present a customs declaration. At each border, the procedure for passing through customs and passport control is repeated. You can export up to 000 (with filling out a declaration), and up to 00 (without filling out a declaration) or the equivalent in any other currency, including Russian rubles, without a certificate. For the surplus, a certificate is required, which is obtained from any bank when purchasing currency. We recommend having an internal Russian passport or a copy of it with you. Since 2005, the import of animal products into the territory of EU countries (including Poland and Finland) has been STRICTLY PROHIBITED. For violation of the rules, customs will levy a fine.

Which currency is more profitable to take?

In order for you to feel comfortable in Europe, it would be good to have the currency of all the countries you pass through or the countries where you spend most of the tour, and, nevertheless, if you take the main amount in euros, try to have small bills . Please use the opportunity to exchange on the road, because... Upon arrival in the city, exchange offices may already be closed.

How to navigate the city?

If you get lost in an unfamiliar city in a foreign country, we recommend several options:
1. Take a taxi, for this you just need to know the name of your hotel and the street where it is located. When staying at a hotel, do not forget to take a business card or hotel brochure with you.
2. Get to a place from which you know the way.
3. Find out the way from passers-by or find your way on the map.

How to protect yourself from theft?

Almost every city has crime-prone areas that you simply don’t need to visit. They steal from tourists and in crowded places (in the subway, at train stations and while sightseeing), especially handbags. To avoid losing your money: do not keep all your cash together, break the amount you have into several parts and store it in different places. Do not carry money in open pockets or wallets in transparent bags; do not leave valuables and money unattended in a visible place in a hotel room, bus, or restaurant; You must always have your passport with you. REMEMBER that if you lose your passport, you will have to deal with its restoration at the Russian consulate on your own (the accompanying person has no right to violate the tour program) and at your own expense.

How to exchange currency?

Money is exchanged either in banks (savings banks) or in exchange offices. Small amounts can always be exchanged at the hotel for the first time, but the rate may be lower. Upon exchange, a receipt is issued. It is not recommended to exchange money by hand You may be deceived. The money exchange system in Western Europe provides for commissions (any). Therefore, try to find an exchange office with the inscription “No commission” (no commission), or inquire about the “pure” exchange rate. Only after this make a currency exchange.

If YOU fall behind the group...

It is sad. However, do not lose your head and panic. We considered the simplest case above. It’s worse if it happened outside the city or in another city. You will have to catch up with the group on your own. At such distances, a taxi will cost you a pretty penny, so you need to find a way to get there by train or regular bus. If you find it difficult to do this, then contact the police station or the Russian Embassy.

1. The bus will become a second home for you and your neighbors during the trip, so in order for the trip to pass in an unforgettable atmosphere, find a little patience, think not only about yourself, but also about others and concentrate your efforts on receiving only positive emotions .
2. We ask you to handle equipment on the bus with care, and put garbage in individual bags and throw it away in the parking lot.
3. Avoid walking around the bus while driving - in case of emergency braking, this can cause injuries and bruises and is strictly prohibited by traffic rules.
4. Unfortunately, toilets on buses have a limited capacity (about 20 liters), so they are intended for emergency situations, since on high-speed roads it is not always possible to stop immediately. In winter, the toilet can only operate at above-zero temperatures. Please use the restrooms in the parking lots. We recommend budgeting around 10 € for visiting the toilets along the way. In the toilet, you must throw paper and hygiene bags into the trash container and never into the toilet. It is strictly forbidden to stand with your feet on the toilet; a group of tourists is traveling on the bus, not just one person.
5. The shelves above the seats are intended only for light items: outerwear, pillows, blankets and washing supplies; heavy items may fall while moving and injure you or your neighbors.
6. If you need to recline the seat back, warn the neighbor behind you about this so that this does not come as a surprise to him. Try to do this smoothly so as not to cause injuries or bruises to tourists sitting behind.
7. You can use boiling water only with the permission of the group leader at a certain time (2 times a day). Since the capacity for boiling water is limited (about 5 liters), we recommend taking a thermos with you and periodically refilling it in cafes and hotels, but under no circumstances on the bus, think about your neighbors. Please note that in winter (at sub-zero temperatures) there may be interruptions in the supply of hot water. And do not forget that excessive fluid consumption while traveling leads to swelling of the limbs.
8. It is strictly forbidden to place bags in the aisle. For traffic safety reasons, the passage must be free.
9. After 10 p.m., we ask you to remain quiet on the bus; your neighbors may need peace.
10. Drinking alcohol and smoking on the bus is strictly prohibited!
11. Please note that the bus makes stops in accordance with traffic rules. In large cities there are pedestrian zones where vehicle traffic is prohibited, so walking tours are held.
12. In European countries, the rules of conduct may differ slightly from those accepted in Russia, for example, you may
fine for throwing garbage (cigarette butts), smoking in public places or crossing the road in the wrong place.

Tourists who grossly violate the rules of behavior on the bus and threaten the safety and good mood of others with their actions are disembarked without compensation for the cost of the trip.


1. Hotels must be kept quiet and clean, and household waste must be thrown into trash bins.
2. It should be borne in mind that hotel check-in is carried out after 14:00, and check-out time in most European hotels is 10:00 am, regardless of the time of arrival at the hotel.
3. If you use a minibar, telephone, or video channel in your room, do not forget to pay for these services at the reception.
4. Do not use excessive force when using the room equipment; treat it with care; the costs of compensating for possible damage can amount to a significant amount.
5. In many hotels during the autumn-winter season, the desired temperature in the room is set by a special thermostat on the heating radiators.
6. Remember, taking food away from the buffet (spoil the opinion of Russian tourists) is prohibited, otherwise hotels may impose large fines on violators.
7. Before you take brochures, postcards, etc. from the hotel stand, find out their cost.
8. You must come to breakfast at the time appointed by the group leader yourself.
9. Be attentive and try not to forget anything anywhere. The hotel administration, as a rule, is not responsible for the loss of valuables, money and documents left in the room.

Before a long journey, the question arises: “What food should I take with me?” To avoid discomfort and unforeseen situations, you should think about this in advance, and once you decide, write a list so as not to forget anything.

Food for the road if you are traveling by train

On a long journey by train, car or bus, you need to take fresh food that is not perishable; you need to be especially careful not only in the summer. After all, in winter it is often hotter on the train than in summer.

Place all foods separately and pack them well.

List of such products:

  • Smoked sausage;
  • Vegetables;
  • Bread;
  • Boiled eggs;
  • Cookie;
  • Fruits;
  • Vacuum-packed food.
  • Salt, sugar.

(you should not consider “liquid dishes”: soups, stews, purees).

You can take bread with you (having sliced ​​it in advance, it’s inconvenient to do this on the train and your neighbors are unlikely to like crumbs everywhere), smoked sausage - a favorite product of most when traveling (also pre-prepared for use) or vacuum-sealed ham, potatoes (baked in the skin — it doesn’t spoil for quite a long time).

Potato recipe:

Wash the potatoes (medium size) thoroughly, cut them into 4 lengthwise pieces, place them on a baking sheet (after laying down baking paper), salt and sprinkle with herbs de Provence (or other spices to your taste), add a tablespoon of sunflower oil. Then mix everything well and put in the oven.

In the summer, everything is in favor of giving preference to vegetables and fruits and it is better to wash and dry them in advance, and put them in separate bags.

Do not take with you on a train trip:

  • Sweet sparkling water;
  • Juices;
  • Bananas;
  • Cheese (even if it does not spoil, it will become soft and taste unpleasant);

Why shouldn't you take sweet water? It doesn’t quench your thirst, and it’s not always possible to go to the restroom. You can't go wrong with regular water and tea.

Do not take salads and dishes seasoned with mayonnaise, this is a perishable product.

What food to take on the road by car

On the one hand, it may seem that it is more comfortable to eat in a car, there are no prying eyes or neighbors who sometimes confuse you, but on the other hand, the car does not have a place for eating.

It is more convenient and safer to travel by car with a thermal bag (or travel refrigerator) - it maintains the temperature of food, but does not cool it. In the summer, it is possible to cool the water in advance and it will remain cool in the travel refrigerator.

Take with you on your car trip:

  • Flour, including sausages in dough (find the recipe below);
  • Fruits (washed in advance);
  • Potato;
  • Cereals;
  • Smoked sausages;
  • Sliced ​​bread;
  • Water;
  • Tea and coffee in a thermal mug;
  • It is also possible to grab soup in a thermos;
  • Vegetables.

Recipe for sausages in dough

There is an extremely simple and quick recipe for this delicacy that even those who are not familiar with cooking will like. They are perfect for traveling in both summer and winter - in any season, and for two-day trips.

Buy ready-made dough - puff pastry (it is in the form of square plates) and sausages.

This dough is usually frozen, you need to leave it for 15 minutes, then roll it out with a rolling pin (layer height 0.5-1 cm) and cut into rectangles. Then simply wrap the sausage in it, place it on a baking sheet and brush with yolk.

Place in the oven for 15 - 20 minutes.

These sausages in dough remain tasty even when cold.

Before traveling, be sure to cool the product, wrap it in foil and put it in a thermal bag.

It is better to wash vegetables and fruits before the trip (cut them if necessary).

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We take food on a bus trip

What food is not suitable for a long journey by bus? You should not take fatty food or buns on the road (they crumble a lot - this is inconvenient and do not forget about the presence of neighbors who will also not be happy with excess garbage). Do not take salty, spicy or sweet foods, such foods make you thirsty, and on a bus trip this is an unnecessary inconvenience.

Take with you on your bus trip:

  • Fresh vegetables, pre-cut;
  • Bread;
  • Not sweet cookies;
  • Fruits;
  • Water.

In the summer, you can prepare a salad from fresh vegetables by putting it in a disposable container; it will not spoil and will satisfy your hunger.

What kind of food should you prepare for your child on the road?

If you are traveling by train

The question of what to pack becomes more serious when you have children traveling with you. In this case, it is worth considering the diet more carefully.

Under no circumstances should you take your child on the road:

  • Porridge with milk - if this dish is fundamentally important, take instant porridge. Better than poisoning;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Boiled meat.

What to take?

  • Boiled or baked potatoes (not mashed);
  • Vegetables;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Apples;
  • Cookie;
  • Water;
  • Juice (store-bought is better - it lasts longer).

If your child loves meat and cannot live without it, cook 1-2 cutlets on the grill, for example, so that he eats it in one (next) meal.

If you are traveling by car

What about food if you have children traveling with you?

If you have a “travel refrigerator” at your disposal, you can take your child’s usual diet; along the way, you can always stop at a roadside cafe and ask to heat up the food in the microwave.

Do not forget! Refrigerate or freeze all food before traveling to prevent spoilage.

When traveling by car, things are easier than on the train when it comes to shopping. There are many shops and gas stations along the road. But carefully monitor the shelf life of the goods.

Proper nutrition on a long journey

For those who monitor their figure and health, it is important to adhere to a certain menu.

An important question arises - what to prepare for the trip:

Salad recipe

It's very simple, and you have to try to make sure it gets ruined on the road.

Tear the lettuce leaves (the quantity according to your eye, but don’t be stingy) into a container with your hands, chop a lot of greens (any you like), then cut the cucumber into quarters and radishes. Sprinkle everything with sesame seeds and season with a teaspoon of olive oil. Salad ready!

Separately cut a fresh cucumber; it can be eaten for dinner along with chicken.

Possible breakfast option: a slice of whole grain bread with fresh vegetables or cheese.

It is important to pack all products separately.

Food you should never take on the road

What foods are contraindicated on the road? Everything is obvious:

  • It’s better to forget everything related to fish at home, because even if temperature standards are observed, the “life” of this product is not long;
  • Milk (and it is better to protect yourself from fermented milk products) - the reason is the same, it does not have a long shelf life and the consequences of poisoning with milk or cottage cheese are severe.
  • Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, French fries and other similar dishes are very fatty and difficult to digest, which absolutely causes discomfort.
  • Snacks and instant noodles. Regular nuts don't count.

What medications to take with you on a trip

There is always a chance that your digestive system will fail at the most inopportune moment, even if you only ate fresh foods.

In such a case, you should put “saving tools” in your bag, such as:

  • And activated carbon (everyone’s favorite and reliable);
  • Smecta;
  • Polysorb;
  • Enterofuril (for frequent bowel movements);
  • Loperamide (for loose stools);
  • Regidron (for dehydration);
  • No-shpa;
  • Mezim.

In the summer, be sure to take alcohol wipes on a long trip; they will come in handy when traveling by train, car, or bus.

Undoubtedly, eating on the road is a kind of stress, but it is possible to make this process safer and more comfortable. Approach the preparation of your diet for the road with special trepidation and compliance with all the rules, then most likely the trip will go smoothly. The products must be fresh and it is better not to take semi-finished products with you, but to prepare everything yourself. And in case of an emergency, don’t forget to take your medications with you on a long journey.

Happy road!

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The long-awaited vacation is just around the corner: you have already started packing your bags and are already dreaming of fashionable resorts and exotic countries. The future route has been drawn up, tickets have been purchased, and you are impatiently awaiting the start of the trip.

It seems that you managed to provide for absolutely everything. But have you thought about eating on the road? Many travelers do not pay due attention to this problem and take with them chocolate, chips, instant noodles and other similar products.

But, as you know, fast food is extremely harmful, not only for the figure, but also for the stomach, which can cause a ruined vacation. Especially if you plan to have a snack at roadside cafes, where sanitary conditions are often not observed.

To solve this problem, you should prepare your own food for the road! We will tell you how to properly create a menu for a future trip and help you avoid many troubles.

Food for travel: how to choose the right food for the road

If the journey will take you more than a day, you should approach the preparation of the travel menu especially responsibly. You will need to bring food for several meals. Be sure to agree on the future menu with your fellow travelers, which will help you avoid disputes that can ruin your mood.

If you will be on the road for no more than a day, and your route will be close to civilization, the problem with road rations is not too big. One way or another, when choosing food for the road, you should follow certain requirements, which will allow you to avoid unnecessary hassle.

The products you take on the road must:

  • be stored for a long time without losing its shape (do not melt, do not crumble);
  • be completely ready to eat (washed, dried, peeled and cut);
  • satisfy the tourist’s needs for vitamins and calories;
  • be tasty, healthy and healthy;
  • have little weight.

Travel food: vegetables, fruits, herbs

Vegetables, fruits and herbs should be a mandatory part of your planned travel menu. Plant foods are necessary for the proper functioning of the intestines. It provides the body with the microelements and vitamins it needs. In addition, it is a source of energy, as well as a good mood, without harming the figure and stomach.

Potatoes are quite filling and contain a lot of carbohydrates. Two hundred grams of boiled potatoes satisfy the body's daily requirement for ascorbic acid. Potato tubers contain a large amount of potassium, so eating potatoes has a positive effect on metabolic processes and removes salts and water from the body.

Please note that potatoes spoil quickly in the summer heat. Therefore, you should not keep it for a long time.

Celery stalks have a mild soothing and rejuvenating effect. They help to calm down on the road, reduce stress and fatigue that accumulated before the vacation.

Eating carrots improves vision, which is extremely important for people driving. A couple of carrots a day will strengthen your immune system, which will be extremely useful when acclimatizing on a trip.

Tomatoes, which are low in calories, contain almost a complete set of vitamins, as well as many minerals. What will help you the most on the road is the chromium present in tomatoes, which dulls the feeling of hunger. Tomatoes will also prepare your skin for tanning: the lycopene contained in ripe fruits will protect the skin from aging and ultraviolet radiation, and prevent the formation of wrinkles and sunburn.

Cucumbers are an ideal travel food. By crunching them appetizingly, you will receive a healthy dose of potassium, iodine, and vitamins. The bioactive substances contained in these vegetables will slow down the formation of the fat layer, which is very important during long trips, and sulfur will make hair shiny and strengthen nails.

Pre-washed and dried pears, apples and citrus fruits are an excellent source of minerals and vitamins on the go. Sour apples will save you from motion sickness.

Bananas are an excellent source of calcium, as well as calories, which can quickly satisfy hunger and get rid of heartburn. The amino acid tryptophan included in their composition helps improve mood, as well as feel a surge of strength and vigor after a sleepless night. Purchased slightly unripe, bananas keep well in a warm place.

Travel food: eggs and

Hard-boiled eggs are a great food to eat on the go. They contain important substances in a small volume: proteins, fats, a complex of minerals, and vitamins.

The substances present in eggs improve the functioning of the brain, stimulate thought processes, make the trip more vivid, sharpen the senses, and enhance the production of sex hormones.

People with gallbladder disease and allergies should refrain from eating eggs on the road. But remember that in hot weather eggs can spoil in four to five hours.

Cheese is the only dairy product that can be taken on the road without fear. Cheese is rightfully considered the most important product for long-livers: two hundred grams of this product contains about sixty percent of the protein requirement, and the nutritional value of this slice is equal to the nutritional value of two liters of milk.

The cheese is perfectly preserved on the road. Its only disadvantage is the ability to lose its shape in the heat. To avoid this problem, you should prepare your cheese sandwiches in advance.

Travel food: and

You can take dried fruits or nuts with you on your trip, having prepared these products for consumption in advance. Nuts should be peeled, then calcined on a baking sheet or fried in a frying pan. Dried fruits must be scalded with boiling water and dried.

Please note that nuts are an extremely allergenic product. You can quietly eat a large portion of nuts while chatting with fellow travelers, and then wake up in the morning with a rash on your skin.

Travel food: fish or meat

If you are a big fan of meat or fish, you can take them with you on your trip. If you do not have stomach or intestinal problems, you can take raw smoked sausage with you, which should be wrapped in paper or a dry, clean cloth. In this state, the sausage can be stored for a long time even in heat.

You can also take with you canned fish, characterized by a high concentration of phosphorus and calcium. The polyunsaturated fatty acids present in their composition will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and fat metabolism. It is very convenient to use canned food while traveling: once you open the can, you will receive a completely ready-to-eat product.

But there are also some nuances. You should not take sprats in oil on a trip, as well as other fatty, smoked canned food that can cause digestive upset, especially when consumed dry and on an empty stomach. Also keep in mind that heat causes rapid oxidation of the walls of an open tin can, which leads to spoilage of the product.

Also make sure that the jar you plan to take on a trip is free of rust, dents and other deformations.

If you have free time before leaving, you can prepare meat dishes yourself. On your trip, you can take a small amount of chicken or meat baked with natural preservatives: spices and salt. But homemade delicacies should be eaten in the first hours of the journey, since long-term storage is contraindicated for them.

Travel food: baking and

Here your choice is great: white, brown bread, bread with various additives, butter pastries, crackers, cookies - everything that does not contain whipped cream and other perishable fillings is at your disposal.

Muffins, sponge cakes and pastries made from shortcrust pastry go stale more slowly than regular baked goods, which should be taken into account when going on a long trip. Choose cookies that crumble less. Drying and crackers also withstand transportation and long-term storage very well.

Travel food: drinks

In the summer heat, it is more important to take with you on the road not even food, but drink. Sufficient amounts of fluid are needed so as not to overheat on the road and not lose strength from dehydration. Usually it’s not a problem to buy bottled water on the road, but for the first time you should take a small amount of such water with you.

It is advisable to take still water on your trip: it is easier to quench your thirst, and you can also dilute the tea brought by the conductor.

Also take with you a lemon, cut into slices and sprinkled with sugar. It can be added to tea or water. In addition to the pleasant aroma and vitamins, homemade lemonade refreshes, gives vigor, and alleviates the symptoms of motion sickness.

Travelers suffering from seasickness can take a ginger drink on a trip, to prepare which, grated (large) ginger root 3-4 centimeters long is poured with a couple of liters of boiling water, then mixed with the juice of half a lemon and honey or sugar to taste. After this, the drink is infused until it cools, then filtered and poured into containers convenient for transportation. If desired, you can add mint. This ginger drink is incredibly tasty, perfectly quenches thirst, strengthens the immune system and helps cope with the symptoms of motion sickness.

Making a menu for a road trip

When planning to travel by car, pay special attention to creating a road menu:

Avoid frequent, heavy snacks that cause drowsiness. Plan meals no more than once during the five to six hour journey.

Give preference to foods rich in carbohydrates: glucose ensures normal brain functioning and high reaction speed. Eating simple sugars provides quick energy to nerve cells, helps relieve stress from driving and improves performance.

Drinks must be placed in a place accessible to the driver. The most convenient is a car thermal mug, equipped with a non-spill lid, easily fixed in a car cup holder and well retaining the temperature of the liquid poured into it: both cold mineral water and hot tea;

It is better not to use coffee, cola, energy drinks, or strong tea while driving. The caffeine present in their composition has a deceptive effect: it creates the effect of vigor, while dulling the feeling of drowsiness and fatigue.

A driver who has taken a large dose of caffeine often overestimates his own strength, which increases the risk of an accident. In addition, caffeine has a diuretic effect.

When choosing a roadside cafe, give preference to establishments around which trucks are parked. Truckers try to visit trusted establishments where the risk of poisoning from low-quality food is minimal.

Today, tourist trips and travel have become much more comfortable, thanks to the advent of ergonomic backpacks, GPS navigators and other innovative devices. If you want to maintain your usual diet while traveling, you can use a thermos bag or a car refrigerator. If you prefer the romance of real travel, set off on foot, stocking up on camp supplies. In the latter case, the above tips will be especially useful to you.

2014 -5-15 21:45

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