The meaning of the word wealth. What is wealth? Lexical meaning

Once we discussed this topic with our employees. It all started when one girl, sighing heavily, said: “How lucky he is - he’s so rich!”
A discussion broke out on the topic “and what is wealth, what does it mean to be rich?

The answers were very different: wealth is when you have a lot of money, when you go to Prague for the weekend, etc...

So let's figure out what wealth is.
Wikipedia says:

Wealth is the abundance of a person or society of material and intangible values, such as money, means of production, real estate or personal property. Wealth can also include access to healthcare, education and culture. In sociology, a rich person is considered to be a person who has significant values ​​in relation to other members of society. In economics, wealth is defined as the difference between assets and liabilities by this moment time.

Let us also turn to the school etymological dictionary:

RICH. Obsesslav. Suf. derived from god “wealth, property, share” (cf. happiness - I have no share). Structurally exactly corresponds to Lat. fortunatus “rich” (from fortuna “wealth, happiness, fate”).

We can often meet people who will talk about wealth for hours. However, if we ask them to describe wealth, they are stumped. The seemingly easy question: “What is wealth?” The answer is not so easy.

If you look in Dictionary, then you can read different interpretations this word. So, V.I. Dal explains how

multitude, abundance, abundance, excess, superfluity.

In S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary the interpretation is slightly different:

« Wealth- abundance of material values, money.”

We are accustomed to thinking that wealth is an unlimited amount of money and material goods. A rich person has every opportunity to spend money in unlimited quantities. However, can a person who spends 12-18 hours a day on his business be called rich? And even though he earns a sufficient amount of money, however, he cannot leave the business without damaging his wallet.

Now let's imagine that a person has neither money nor material strength. However, he has the ability to write poetry like Lermontov, paint pictures like Repin or write music like Beethoven. Can human knowledge and skills be considered valuable?

I think it is possible, because he can any day receive a decent amount of money for his talent, for his knowledge. Only in this case these values ​​are intangible.
It turns out that the formulation of wealth should sound differently: “Wealth is material and intangible values, as well as money for which these values ​​can be exchanged.”

There is a paradox called "Columbus's gold." After the colonization of America, huge amounts of gold were brought to Spain. According to our ideas of wealth, Spain should have become more rich country. And after the import of gold, it turned out to be a poor outskirts of Europe. Something doesn't fit here.

Most likely there is a lack of proportion between money and goods. This means that the formulation of wealth needs to be changed again. “Wealth” is material and intangible values ​​that are in the right proportion to the money for which these values ​​can be exchanged.”

According to Robert Kiyosaki, it's not money at all, but time! This is time that you can live for your own pleasure without working.

Let's turn to morphology: in a word GOD ATSTVO main root base – GOD.
Old Slavic root GOD means “ bestowing wealth" , “bestower of well-being" .
Indo-European origins say the same thing: bhaga- “welfare" , “happiness" , and " endowing" , “bestower” .

While studying this issue, I came to the conclusion that “wealth” can be identified with the concept of “happiness”.

Each person has his own happiness. For some, happiness is health, for others, their children, family, for others, certain opportunities, for others, material well-being is not enough for complete happiness... And only the person who is happy (and let him be happy in his own way) is immensely rich.

These are my thoughts and observations. Readers' opinions on this matter are very interesting. I will be glad to see your comments.

See you in the next articles.

What is wealth? What meaning does this word carry? What image is behind it?

For some people, this word is associated with the desire to live in abundance, to have money. For others, wealth is spiritual development. Remember? “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” And I really want to go to heaven.

How to resolve this contradiction?

For myself personally, I have already resolved it. I have my own image of this word.

Let's look into the Russian language dictionary...

“Wealth is an abundance of material values, money.”

Now let's turn to the etymology, that is, the origin of this word.

In the word WEALTH, the main root basis is GOD.

The ancient Slavic root BOG means “endowing wealth”, “giving well-being”.

Interestingly, the Indo-European origin says the same thing: bhaga- “well-being”, “happiness”, as well as “endowing”, “giving”.

In Greek, this word carries such concepts as “loaf of bread”, “lord”, “king”.

As we see, in modern definition There is a big difference between this word and the root semantic meaning. What it is - we will show further.

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And if you, my precious reader, are already ready for wealth, then go ahead! After all, it is very close. You don't even realize how close it is

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Our plane was gaining altitude. The tedious registration and boarding of the plane is over. There are two and a half hours of flight ahead. There is time to think, reflect.

“I wonder,” I thought, “what about this

When I touched on this topic, many questions immediately arose in front of me: - What is wealth?
- Why do some people have material wealth and others do not?- Why mothers world of things Human civilization

follows the technocratic path of development, using the Earth's resources, creating from them
various items

, supposedly making a person’s life easier and more beautiful. These items and what for h
What does it mean to become RICH?

But before answering this question, let's introduce the concept of hypostases into our narrative.
Most people associate wealth with receiving money, material and spiritual values, power, and fame. But, as we remember from the definition of the word, GOD is the giver, the endower.

Measure and
Immersion in trance

When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was a strong smell of coffee and heard voices coming from the kitchen. They spoke Greek.
I looked at my watch. It was five o'clock in the evening. I only slept through

Attitude to money
Let us proclaim another universal formula: “The presence of any object in your life will depend solely on your thoughts regarding this object itself.”

Attitude towards yourself

Having money in your life is directly related to how you feel about yourself. How much do you value and respect yourself?
I remember one situation that happened to me. I stood in line at

The main reasons for lack of money
The first reason - and the most important one - is the reluctance to act and live in this world. A simple example. If you don't need to hammer nails, then you won't need a hammer, which means you won't need to Goal or means?

Money is a tool, that is, a means, not a goal.
Remember the function, that is, the purpose of money. Money is used to purchase goods, labor and services. MONEY SERVES!

And many
Denial of money

One of the most destructive programs is a negative attitude towards money. And what a person denies will not happen in his life.
During the years of developed socialism, Soviet power it hit us Is money good or evil? We have already figured out that money is an object with a specific function. And it depends only on you for what purposes you will use it. With money you can buy weapons, or you can imprison

What is freedom?
You can't be free from anything. This is no longer freedom, but denial. This ultimately leads to separation from the World. Freedom is the ability to control everything. The ability to manifest oneself in this world as God.

Everything in nature strives for profit
In order to cope with any fear, we must become aware of how we create it. It is important to understand the structure of fear, then it will be easy to overcome it.

I will now remind you of the law of energy
Amount of money

“Tell me, Shura, honestly, how much money do you need to be happy?” asked Ostap. “Just count it all.” “One hundred rubles,” answered Balaganov, regretfully looking up from his bread and sausage

This is another internal block that stands in the way of wealth.
A greedy person excessively strives to satisfy any of his desires. And at the same time, he has a consumer attitude towards the environment

Developing an Abundance Consciousness
On the path to wealth, you and I need to develop a consciousness of abundance.

First, let's formulate the principle of abundance: . "This world has everything I need, and in sufficient quantity&"
Respect for the environment

Touch the world around you, Nature and people very carefully. Take what you need in moderation. No more, no less. By the way, it is greed and stinginess that give rise to shortages and hunger.
Be generous. Learn to give

Generosity is the widespread provision of help. A generous person willingly spends money on others. He believes in the abundance of the universe. This very word already contains wealth. He gives from his bounties. That is, it is divided

You need to do good wisely.
This should not be a handout to a beggar.

Your help should be beneficial. That is, to make the one you helped richer and happier. If he came again
Pity, compassion and a new attitude towards the poor

When you talk about money, you can’t ignore this topic.
“Here you are, Valery Vladimirovich,” says a man at one of the seminars, “teach that everyone in this world should be treated according to

When you take out goods on credit, you incur debt. Your liability grows, which takes money out of your pocket. You enrich the banker. Part of your life is spent on this.

Yes, you use
Giving money in growth

In Rus', people who gave money on interest, that is, at interest, were despised. They were called Jews and were persecuted. The Koran says that giving on interest is the greatest sin.
If you give

Debt recovery
Let's consider two options: the first - when you owe, and the second - when you owe.

If You Should If by this point you have managed to get into debt, do not despair. From any situation
That is the question!

If they come to you and ask for something, think about it. It's time to give something back to the world. But what? You can only give what you have. What do we have an infinite amount of? Love, joy! So start giving this to someone In search of treasure For an hour now, our jeep has been rapidly rushing along the Halkidiki peninsula - this mysterious paradise of Greece, as the Greeks themselves call it. Raced to the place where the treasure is supposed to be buried

Dear reader, let me ask immodestly and to some extent
naive question

: "You need money?" If you are not a hermit and do not live in the forest, then you really need money.
How to find your favorite thing?

How to determine where to direct your efforts, what kind of work to do so that it brings joy, moral and material satisfaction?
It turns out that in that part of life that contributes

Individual labor activity
This sector is more suitable for those people who do not like to depend on others. They themselves want to control their income, they want to have a free work schedule. They understand perfectly well that the more they Social subsidies This sector is used by pensioners, disabled people and some types of “beneficiaries”.

I do not consider this sector very important in terms of generating income, since it has a direct dependence
Business Ownership

If you decide to play the role of the master of your life, then this role will extend to all areas, be it your
physical body , home and family, society. Your position as a master will also be reflected in

Forming an Intention
Of course, these are like-minded people who will help you build your dream world. Therefore, it is important to have good relationships with people. Love for people.

An enterprise is a common cause in which
Possible obstacles when starting a business

The most basic ones are fears and doubts.
We discussed them in detail at the beginning of this book and in other books. I just want to add that fear is always aggression. Therefore, there is no need to spend

This is one of the main obstacles to prosperity and development. Thoughts about competition, and even competitors themselves, appear only when you are not creating, but “making money.” But on the lane

This is an unusual sector. It has its own personal characteristics, like the previous sectors. Its main feature can be stated as follows: you invest your time, effort and money in something that will bring

This is one of my favorite topics. And not just because I love giving and receiving gifts. But the most important thing is that this sector corresponds to a special internal state. It's difficult to describe in words. His

Parting words
Dear reader!

We have looked at all six sources of cash.
Financial literacy One of the main reasons for problems with money is the lack of financial wisdom and literacy. In other words, inability to use the tool. What to do with the money when it comes to you

Smart management of money

American writer
Richard Bach unexpectedly learned that his books became bestsellers, and his bank account increased to a million. Money fell on him like snow. Distribution of money according to statistics The Americans conducted an experiment. A group of people were given $10,000 each at the beginning of the year. At the end of the year there was the following picture in the reports: - 80% had nothing left. They spent money on

What is wealth? This is the number of days you can go without working and still maintain your

high level

Please note that wealth is not measured by
If you, my dear person, have decided to stay in this world and live forever, then let’s build a fulfilling life together. Raise healthy and happy children. Create beautiful paradise gardens.

Goodbye Greece!
Valentina and I were sitting in a small cafe in the airport terminal building. There was half an hour left before check-in and we had time to talk.

The seminar was a success. Valentina has become a real translator
Money formulas

Money is metal and paper tokens that are a measure of value during purchase and sale.
Money is a means for purchasing goods, services and labor.

Money is an inorganic item
  • The worldview of a poor and a rich man
  • The worldview of a poor man (corresponds to the old model of consciousness) The worldview of a rich man (corresponds to the new model of consciousness) The poor man believes in need and deprivation.
  • Sees A.G. Dolzhenko
  • N.V. Somin
  • prof.
  • Bible Dictionary
  • Getse
  • Treasury of Spiritual Wisdom A.G. Dolzhenko

    Symphony based on the works of the Optina elders

    saint Wealth– 1) spiritual and material given to a person; 2) material benefits in general, which accrue to a person regardless of whether he obtains them in accordance with God’s wishes or not; 3) something that is dear to a person in some respect (example: children are our wealth; my years are my wealth).

    The highest wealth is spiritual wealth - this is life in, the possibility of union with God.

    Spiritual wealth in the exact sense of the word is God Himself, the grace of the Holy Spirit abiding in man, which is more valuable than anything in the world. This is incorruptible, enduring, inalienable wealth. With him a person goes into eternal life". Moreover, a rich person is not an owner in the strict sense of the word. " According to the teachings of the Church, people receive all earthly blessings from God, Who has the absolute right to own them. The Savior repeatedly shows the relativity of property rights for a person in parables: this is either a vineyard given for use (), or talents distributed among people (), or an estate given for temporary management ()". The True Owner of everything is the Creator of everything, God. And therefore, the correct disposal of property is possible only through observance of His commandments.

    The divine commandment requires helping those in need. The Christian norm of attitude towards property must be based on the Gospel principle of love for one’s neighbor, expressed in the words of the Savior: “ I give you a new commandment, that you love one another." (). This commandment should serve for Christians and, from the point of view of the Church, for other people as an imperative in the sphere of regulation of all types of interhuman relations, including property relations. " Owning significant property, he does not sin who uses it in accordance with the will of God, to Whom all things belong, and with the law of love, for the joy and fullness of life is not in acquisition and possession, but in giving and sacrifice» .

    The very process of giving gifts to a person in need, the act of helping him, is the direct duty of a wealthy person. Possessing an excess of property, a wealthy person possesses not his own, but someone else’s. He has God-given goods that God gave him to meet the needs of the poor. Ultimately, he has the property of the have-not, which he must simply return. And here the paradox of the Christian ethic of serving the poor arises. " You do not give to the poor from yours, but give back to him from his own.", teaches the saint. And the one who distributes wealth is not a philanthropist in the strict sense of the word, but even a guilty one. " Therefore, the one who distributes the money he has collected to everyone should not receive a reward for this, but rather remains guilty of the fact that he had previously unjustly deprived others of it.", says the saint.
    teaches that, without helping his neighbor, the rich turns into a robber. Interpreting the Savior’s teaching about unrighteous wealth (), the blessed one emphasizes that all wealth that remains with us becomes unrighteous, is retained and is not alienated to the needs of the poor. Moreover, such behavior has serious social consequences and provokes social instability, tension and conflicts. " A sinful attitude towards property, manifested in oblivion or conscious rejection of this spiritual principle, gives rise to division and alienation between people» .

    Thus, economic inequality, expressed in the division of society into rich and poor, is not some static reality justified from above. It is allowed to humanity as a test, as a given, which it must not cultivate and preserve, but change and overcome. Kept as a given, economic inequality is tantamount to the dominance of passion. And when overcome in the unity of love, it testifies to the fulfillment of duty to one’s neighbor.

    Apostle James says: Listen, my beloved brothers: has not God chosen the poor of the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the Kingdom that He promised to those who love Him?(). True, spiritual wealth is available to any person, the Lord immeasurably grants it to everyone who wants it, regardless of their social status, innate abilities and business qualities.

    Do not be grieved when a man becomes rich, or when the glory of his house increases; for when he dies he will not take anything with him, and his glory will not go down with him into the earth. ().

    When wealth increases, do not put your heart on it” ()

    Wealth will not help in the day of wrath ().

    A good name is better than great wealth, and good fame is better than silver and gold” ().

    Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and into a snare and into many reckless and harmful lusts” ().

    Don't worry about acquiring wealth; leave such thoughts of yours. You fix your eyes on him, and he is no longer there; because it will make wings for itself and, like an eagle, will fly to the sky ().

    An envious person rushes to wealth, and does not think that poverty will befall him ().

    Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness ().

    How difficult it is for those who hope for wealth to enter the Kingdom of God! ().

    Wealth in itself is nothing. But in a sense, it is talent... Talent, which can either be increased or buried in the ground. Either acquired for eternity, through waste in this temporary life, or, conversely, lost in its selfish preservation...
    Hieromonk Methodius

    I was once amazed (this was before perestroika, in the 80s) when my spiritual father, Archpriest Vladimir Rozhkov, seeing a large family with five children at the entrance to the church, said: “Look - a rich man, he has five children.” Since then, my attitude towards this word has warmed. Real wealth, of course, is not in what kind of car a person has (especially since in one second it can simply turn into nothing, into junk), but in something more...
    Archpriest Andrey Lorgus

    Even while we are still outside the Kingdom of God, we are already amazingly rich. God has given us so much: we are gifted mentally and emotionally, our lives are so full that it may seem to us that nothing more can be done, that we have reached completeness, wholeness, the limit of our search. But we must understand and we must remember that there is always something more. We can rejoice that no matter how poor we are, we So rich, but at the same time strive for the true treasure of the Kingdom of God, not allowing ourselves to be carried away by what we already have, so as not to turn away from what is still ahead.
    We must remember that everything we have has been given to us as a gift. The first beatitude speaks of beggary, and only if we live by this commandment can we enter the Kingdom of God. This commandment has a double meaning; on the one hand, it is obvious that, whether we like it or not, we have nothing that we could hold; we discover that we are nothing and have nothing: endless, gaping, hopeless poverty. We exist because God called us into being, brought us into being; we had nothing to do with it, it was not an act of our free will. We do not own life in such a way that someone could not take it away from us at any moment, and in this sense, everything that we are and everything that we have is short-lived. We have a body - but it will die; we have a mind - but it only takes a tiny vessel to burst in the brain for the greatest mind to fade away; We have a sensitive, living heart, but a moment comes when we would like to express all our sympathy, all our understanding to someone who needs it - but we only have a stone in our chest...
    So in a sense we can say that we do not possess anything, because we are not free in anything that we have. And this could lead us not to the feeling that we belong to the Kingdom of God, and to joy about this, but to despair - if we did not remember that, although nothing is ours that could not be taken away from us, - however we have all this. We are rich, and everything we possess is a gift and evidence of the love of God and the love of man, everything is a continuous flow Divine love; and because of this (and because we possess nothing) the love of God is manifested with constancy and completeness. And everything that we grab into our own hands in order to appropriate is thereby taken out of the realm of love. Yes, it becomes ours - but love is lost. And only those who give everything receive the experience of genuine, complete, final, inescapable spiritual poverty - and possess the love of God, expressed in all His gifts. One of our Russian theologians, Father, said: “All the food of the world is the love of God made edible.” I think this is true; and the moment we try to get rich by holding something in our hands for safekeeping, we find ourselves a loser, because while we have nothing in our hands, we can take it or not take it, or do whatever we want with it.
    This is the Kingdom of God: we feel that we are free from possession; and this freedom establishes us in a relationship where everything is human love and God’s love.
    So if you think in these categories, you can transfer this to what I already talked about earlier. Yes, we are rich; but we should never be deluded by this wealth and imagine that it is possible to destroy old granaries, old barns and build new ones in order to put more and more goods there (see.

    Money is a universal tool that allows you to solve almost all material issues in a person’s life. And if everything is lined up in the picture of life, but the issue of money is not resolved, then life becomes tense, with many problems that take a lot of energy. Money today is an important part of our lives, so it is necessary to be able to interact with it. To do this, you need to incorporate certain principles of interaction with money into your worldview.
    The first thing that needs to be realized as deeply as possible: money is a means, not a goal, it is a very subtle means of interacting with oneself and outside world. This is one of the means of educating a person and tempting him.
    Few people consider money, but it can help a person realize himself, or it can turn him into a nonentity. The task of man: not to be a slave to money, but to be its master; do not depend on them, but have as much as you need; be able to receive them and be able to use them.

    The most effective way to interact with money is through love!

    Second: All matter is energy. Both thoughts and feelings are all energy. Money is also energy. Consequently, money is subject to the same laws and principles by which energies exist and interact.
    Money can arise from some energies and be transformed into other energies and other types of matter. For example, money can be turned into human health, into joy, into creativity, into household items, into science and art... This type of energy can also accumulate and be lost (“slip through your fingers”). Obstacles can arise between money and a person, created by other energies.
    Money-energy leaves its mark on those who interact with it. Secretly or openly, the energy of money leaves its mark on a person’s life. People often do not realize this influence, but it is present and, based on this, problems can arise in health and in the family.

    Third: There is another, moral side of money. Money is the concentrated energy of ideas, desires, creativity, and labor of many people of many generations, and therefore it must be treated with respect.
    The energy of money is based on the energies of people extracting minerals, producing different kinds energy producing goods. Based on the labor of billions of people, the energy of money is formed. Hence their high energy saturation and strong influence on people. Therefore, it is necessary to treat this energy and money with respect.
    The question arises, is it possible to love money? Some say with fear: “What are you talking about, this is a sin!” What is "sin"? The religious definition says this is what gives rise to evil. But if you stay in the sun for a long time, you can get sunstroke! Consequently, everything in this world can bring both evil and good, if it is not managed wisely. It is sometimes difficult for a person to determine this line between good and evil, which is why religions say: “Don’t love the world.” But in this way, through love not for the earthly world, but only for the “heavenly world,” you will not come to the truth. Daniil Andreev said: “When a person loves the devil, he will not be on Earth,” love will transform him too.
    Thoughts and words are also energies, and very strong ones at that, and therefore they have a great influence on everything in this world, including the energy of money. If, for example, you constantly repeat that you don’t have enough money, or that you don’t have it, then you will always have little of it. A negative attitude towards money, certain prejudices and complexes regarding it, will constantly create obstacles to its emergence. This can lead to difficulties at work: low wages, delays in payment, layoffs, bankruptcy...
    Many people simply do not imagine that they can have a lot of money. (Remember Shura Balaganov from The Golden Calf.) Even if such a thought sometimes appears, they drive it away from themselves: “Ah, this will never happen,” “All this is fantasy” ... Thus, people are artificially set a financial ceiling, and then complain about the lack of necessary funds.
    Sometimes people have a fear of big money caused by for various reasons: fear of responsibility, taxes, racketeering; fear based on inability to manage large sums; fear of standing out from others (the desire to live by the principle: “we are like everyone else!”). And these fears sometimes live very deep in the subconscious and are difficult to realize, but they exist and show their destructive power.
    The attitude towards money is an important part of understanding the World. There are four main options for relationships with money.

    First option- This DEPENDENCE ON MONEY, right up to slavery.
    In this case, money performs functions unusual for it. They become the main unifying force in life. And not only in the sphere of material relations, but also in the sphere of mental and spiritual relations. That is, in the mosaic panel of life they can become main force instead of love connecting material fragments. For example, a “nuptial agreement” builds material (monetary) relations between spouses. Relationships with friends are also sometimes built on money: if you have money, you have a lot of friends; if you have no money, you have no friends.
    For many people, money is the only basis of life. But money is an unreliable foundation. When money disappears, your whole life literally falls to pieces, and a person can die mentally and even physically. Dependence on money may not be related to its quantity. A person can become a slave to money when he has none at all.
    How to get out of this state? By replacing the god of money in the soul, in the consciousness of a person, with the true God - with love. A religious worldview can help in the first steps here. Religions say a lot that the main wealth is not in the material world. Spirituality takes money down from its false pedestal. Love can help in this process.

    The experience of love, the awareness of its great value, takes a person out of the power of money. Thus, harmony of the material and spiritual worlds can take place in a person.

    Second option- is it subconscious or conscious? FEAR OF MONEY.
    Subconsciously or consciously being afraid of money, a person strives to create his own little world where he can spend money in small portions so as not to fall into temptation. Religions and communist ideology have instilled in people a negative attitude towards material wealth and money. And what a person denies, he does not love, and what he does not love, he is afraid of. Here there is also a deep subconscious fear of big money, of the egregor of money.

    People who are afraid of wealth and money need to learn to love them. And in general - learn to love yourself and everyone the world. Love dissolves all fears. It is in love that harmonious interaction with any egregor is possible, including the egregor of money.

    Third option- This AN OVERALL FOCUS ON MONEY.
    As a rule, strong-willed, purposeful, decisive people find themselves in such relationships with money. They subordinate everything to the achievement of material wealth. Money becomes the meaning of their life. This focus on material wealth allows you to achieve it in life, because the power of a person’s thoughts and desires is very great. But in this way a person leaves the plans of his soul, limits himself and solves only one of his problems. Harmony is disrupted, and after some time the world will affect a person, different ways correcting his one-sidedness. For example, problems may arise with health or with family or relatives...
    The most harmonious figure is a sphere. The earth and stars have a spherical shape, a drop of water in weightlessness takes the shape of a ball. That’s why it sounds: the “sphere of interests” of a person, the “sphere of life,” that is, a full, harmonious life creates a corresponding figure. This is exactly what the World is striving for, and if a person insists on a different understanding of the World, then his life has a different form and he gradually comes into more and more conflict with the World and increases his problems.
    People have learned to program themselves for success, to fulfill certain plans, but here it is easy to cross the line and commit violence against the world. And then a “reverse wave” may come and destroy what has been achieved. They draw their loved ones into their sense of purpose and force them to live also purposefully, which is unusual for them. Such a person himself feels comfortable in such a sense of purpose and often does not understand that others have a different perception of life and that they are strained by his desire. He doesn't understand that everyone is different. The consequence of this can be the broken destinies of children, destroyed families, broken ties of friendship, and loss of love.
    You can put everything on the altar of material wealth, but the end does not justify the means. For such people, it is important to understand that the meaning of life lies in realizing oneself in the entire spectrum of human manifestations, in the fullness of life. There is no need to highlight anything in life or remove anything from it!

    Fourth option - Freedom.
    Freedom does not come from money! Although there are people who strive to be independent of money. People often flaunt such freedom. We cannot be independent of anything - we are all one. Any independence from something, freedom from something, is artificial and leads to separation from the world with all subsequent problems.

    True Freedom manifests itself in a person when he discovers the entire spectrum of wealth within himself..

    In this case, he always has enough money: little or much. They bring joy to both him and those around him. He gives joyfully and receives gratefully. And his wealth increases all the time, and at the same time he remains free. In this case, the person is harmonious and enters into harmonious interaction with the whole world, including the egregor of money.
    Money is really much more than money. In our enlightened age, many already understand that money is energy, the concentrated energy of the labor of a huge number of people. Naturally, money is an active component of many processes occurring on Earth and, therefore, is closely interconnected with most egregors. Considering the high importance of money in people’s lives, it can be argued that for many egregors, money is an important element of their existence. By collecting money from their flock, egregors collect energy.
    Having enormous energy power, money has long had separate egregorial associations at the level of some states, and in the 20th century it united into a single planetary egregor of money. At the end of the last century, the egregor of money displaced the egregor of power from the first position and topped the list of man-made egregors of our planet. And this reflected the true interests of humanity. Neither religion and science, nor culture and health took the first three places in the list of egregors of the Earth, but money, power and sex.
    Almost all people on Earth deal with them every day; money has become the main equivalent of labor and the most common form of exchange. Huge passions boil around money, and various ideas arise. Enormous efforts are made to possess them. Therefore, we can safely put forward one more statement - people, by their attitude towards money, by their actions, help form the egregor of money, consisting of a hierarchy of egregors of national currencies and various financial institutions.
    In the world, the number of banks exceeds the number of libraries and museums, and the banks themselves, in terms of their equipment and appearance, as a rule, are the best structures. Economists and financiers have become the most prestigious profession. Thousands of works in literature and art are devoted to money. And books from the “How to Become Rich” series are distributed in millions of copies.
    The energy of money leaves its mark on those who interact with it. Working in a bank and interacting with a lot of money, a person becomes influenced by it. Owning a large amount of money, a person finds himself under the influence of the egregor of money and becomes its active employee. Secretly or openly, the energy of money leaves its mark on a person’s life. Those who have little money, but feel the need for it and think a lot about it, also become members of the money group. People often do not realize this influence, but it is present.
    At some stage of its development, the egregor of money became independent and lives its own life, obeying its own laws, and drawing everything into its sphere large quantity of people.
    Most of humanity works for the egregor of money, increases its importance by extracting raw materials, producing goods, providing services, while receiving a tiny part of the invested energy for their labor. Another, smaller part is engaged in servicing the money itself, being officials in the hierarchy of the egregor of money. Still others - there are few of them, a small handful, own the bulk of the money and distribute their flows. And the first, and the second, and even the third - all of them, to one degree or another, are dependent on the egregor of money and are his servants.
    The power of the egregor of money extends to all spheres of people’s lives, penetrating into its most intimate parts. Money actively participates in the formation of relationships between people. For example, in the relationship of two lovers who are starting a family, the power of this egregor penetrates in the form of a “Marriage Contract”. Not only modern economy, but other areas of life are becoming more and more monetarist. Look at glossy magazines and you will see obvious and hidden traces of the egregor of money.
    You can clearly see how the egregor of money works using the example of the merging of the criminal world and state power. Both there and there are the same values ​​- money. There is not a fight against crime, but actually a redistribution of spheres of influence between state and criminal organizations. Where money becomes the main thing actor, crime also appears. Take, for example, show business and sports, which have become breeding grounds for crime and drug addiction.
    Money often turns from a means into a goal, from a tool for interaction between people into a tool for influencing people. Having created its own rules, having its own institutions, organizing people’s relationships to its liking, the egregor of money, today, is more powerful than religion and power. The scope of distribution of the egregor of money is constantly growing. Internet banks already exist, they sell plots on the Moon, for money they give names to stars in Space... Having turned from a means into an end, money is increasingly turning other goals, such as science, art, power and even spirituality and love, into their means.
    Everything is in a person and everything starts with a person, and therefore the issue of interaction with the energy of money must be considered through the psychology of a person, through his worldview. Exactly human passions, like envy, greed, vanity and the like, are the main suppliers of energy for the egregor of money. The slave psychology of people makes them servants, and often slaves of this egregor. What energies do people fill the egregor of money with? They have to interact with such manifestations of it. Therefore, when people come into contact with money, they often lose their human qualities and commit various crimes. And a lot of such heavy energies have accumulated in this egregor over thousands of years, right up to the mass murder of people. Based on the main task with which man came to Earth, he needs to cleanse his creation, the egregor of money, from dirty energies and direct its enormous resources to creation, to the revelation of man, to the creation of beauty, joy and happiness. Man created money, filled negative energies, let him cleanse them now. After all, money is an integral part of a person’s happiness. Without money, a person's happiness will be incomplete. Therefore, in the egregor of money there are also light energies of respect, joy, love and happiness, and one must strive to ensure that there are as many such energies as possible. The task of every person, especially in new era, help the egregor of money become cleaner and brighter, so that it brings people as much joy and happiness as possible.

    Need to pawn new image money that goes primarily to those who do good deeds. And this process is already underway, amazing changes are taking place in the mental space of the planet! Today the egregor of money has already left the first position. This is a wonderful trend! Let egregors be established in life, bringing joy and happiness to a person. Let egregors that bring problems to a person, such as alcoholism, drug addiction, crime, egregors of diseases, etc., move further and further to the end of the list or even disappear altogether. Let the egregors that play an important role in the life of society, such as the egregors of power, sex, magic and others, become increasingly brighter and more creative! Let the egregors, increasingly filled with love, erase the boundaries between themselves and become a single space, interacting with a person on the basis of respect, love and friendship!
    And it depends on each of us!

    © Anatoly Nekrasov

    When you start “praying for money,” then you begin to despise those who don’t have it. Therefore, Christ said that “... it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.” That is, the rich have a greater temptation to make money the meaning of life. Oh, how simple I am! There is nothing definite about me, like a baby who has not yet reached childhood.
    It’s like I’m rushing, but I don’t know where or where I’ll stop.
    Many people are rich, but I have nothing, as if I had lost everything.
    I am simple, like the soul of a stupid man, but people of light shine.
    © Dao

    What is wealth?

    Human civilization follows a technocratic path of development, using the resources of the Earth, creating from them various objects that supposedly make human life easier and more beautiful. These items and what they can be purchased for, that is, money, people call wealth.
    But is this really wealth?

    We think that all kinds of things and money will bring us comfort, joy and satisfaction. Yes, most people experience fleeting joy from purchasing something. But not for long. Many things, as a rule, in addition to comfort and pleasure, also bring anxiety. First, we are forced to earn money for these things, voluntarily enslaving ourselves, then we worry about their safety, as these things are destroyed. And we constantly have to repair them or buy new ones.
    We don’t notice how we become slaves of objects and mechanisms, slaves of money.

    What is wealth? What meaning does this word carry? What image is behind it?

    For some people, this word is associated with the desire to live in abundance, to have money. For others, wealth is spiritual development. Remember? “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” And I really want to go to heaven.

    Let's look into the Russian language dictionary...
    “Wealth is an abundance of material values, money.”
    Now let's turn to the etymology, that is, the origin of this word.
    In the word WEALTH, the main root basis is GOD.
    The ancient Slavic root BOG means “endowing wealth”, “giving well-being”.
    Interestingly, the Indo-European origin says the same thing: bhaga- “well-being”, “happiness”, as well as “endowing”, “giving”.

    What does it mean to become RICH?
    All the energies of the Universe are hidden in man. He is created in the image and likeness of God. Man is a manifestation of the Creator on all planes of existence, in different forms, including in the material world.
    The most the main objective all our lives - become a Creator, prove yourself a Creator .
    Becoming rich means become self-sufficient in the SPIRITUAL and mental sphere. Show yourself like God in different forms .

    Wealth is realized DIVINE possibilities of the human Soul . And in all areas of life. This is life itself in its entirety.

    A RICH person is a person who owns different fortunes, manages his inner world, creator, giver of good.
    Only by achieving harmony in all spheres of his life can a person become a Creator who creates Good, and therefore becomes fabulously rich. The very desire to become a Creator, to become like our Heavenly Father, like the Creator, inevitably makes you rich people. If you are on the path to God, you are on the path to wealth, you are going through wealth. Because step by step you become the master of your life, your destiny.

    It is impossible to develop one-sidedly. If we only strive for material benefits, all other areas of life will suffer. And these benefits will only bring problems in other areas of life. There are many examples of this in life. In this way, people bring themselves to a state of personal default. They stop in their development.

    Material well-being - is the presence of a sufficient quantity material resources for a full life for a particular person.
    Spiritual, mental, moral well-being - this is the presence of a sufficient amount of spiritual strength for full, happy life. And this is, first of all, the presence of purity of thoughts.

    Tell me, dear, since you are so smart, why aren’t you rich?
    To which the sage, turning to his expensive caftan embroidered with gold, replied:
    - You see, dear caftan, my wealth is inside, not outside. After all, when your master falls asleep, he does not take with him either you, or his servants, or gold, or anything else. And if he dreams of a tiger running after him, then he will have to run away from the tiger in fear, and not call servants for help. Only the ability to run fast will save him from a tiger in a dream. If he dreams that he is freezing in severe frost, he will shake from the cold and will not be able to take cover with you - a warm caftan. Only the ability to light a fire will save him from the cold. TRUE WEALTH IS OUR ABILITIES! THEY ARE INSIDE, AND OUTSIDE IS ONLY THEIR MANIFESTATION.
    The rich man, amazed that the sage was speaking to his caftan and not to him, exclaimed:
    - Yes, you are crazy! How can you talk to my caftan and not see me, its owner!
    To which the sage, smiling, said:
    - That's how most people are. They speak to bodies and do not see those who are their owners.

    Wealth is an integral part of a person, it is his essence. Is it possible to admit that God is poor? No. And we are all GODS in our essence. The only question is what prevents us from manifesting ourselves as God, from revealing our wealth in life.
    Therefore, a truly rich person is a person who has discovered God within himself! And for wealth to be fully realized, it is important that your personal desires coincide with the aspirations of your soul. Then you become a creator, a magician.

    Every person is God. God of his world, which he created. Therefore, we need to make sure that everyone who lives in this world is happy.

    Wealth is a manifestation of harmony in life.

    The first step on the path to RICH is the realization that you are already RICH, here and now. You are a MAN, the master of the Earth, the entire Universe, the ruler of all energies and universal essences. There is no one higher and stronger than man!

    If you doubt this, then use the “Victim - Tyrant” model for your life. But still, it’s primarily your choice. It was you who wanted to live such a life. Realize this. Now take it and want to change your life. The victim depends on the opinions of others. The owner himself forms the good opinion of others about himself.
    It is this state that will be your starting point and at the same time your ultimate goal.
    Stop feeling sorry for yourself, indulging in your own stupidity and weakness.

    Accept your current level of wealth with peace of mind and realize your divine origin and your true wealth.

    Determine what you need, what you want and most importantly, WHO you want to be. And start taking small but concrete steps in this direction. That is, transfer yourself to this state. And after some time you will definitely find yourself in this state.

    Every person is already rich from the start, they just don’t know it . And the key to this wealth is already in his hands. Even the door is known. And the canvas with the painted hearth was torn from the wall...
    We are all GODS . And we have everything we need to achieve whatever we want in life.

    Most people associate wealth with receiving money, material and spiritual values, power, and fame. But, as we remember from the definition of the word, GOD is the giver, the endower.
    The measure and measure of wealth are different.

    Receiving- this is a consumer (to demand, to consume is the root of demand; the semantic field of the word is “need”, “sacrifice”, “torment”. From here it becomes clear that the psychology of the consumer, which most people now use, is the psychology of a victim tormenting the Earth and experiencing well, I'm waiting).

    Giver- this is the creator.

    How many people near you and around you have benefited? What do you good luck this World? This is the true measure of wealth. Through giving there is an influx of wealth.

    A poor person has destructive images in his subconscious, while a rich person has creative ones. That makes all the difference.

    As you understand, being rich and living in wealth is wonderful! Wealth should not be the goal of life; it should come to a person as a consequence of his constant development and self-improvement. Only then will it bring joy and it will be impossible to lose it.

    Well, let's go we will learn to create good, creative images and become rich people .

    © The path to wealth, or Where the treasures are buried. V.V. Sinelnikov

    Every person living in the world tends to understand the meaning of the word “wealth” in his own way. For some, wealth is material assets, in the form of a large amount of money in the bank, expensive real estate, securities, passive income.

    For the second, wealth is spiritual values, such as love, fidelity, friendship, devotion and others positive traits, spiritually developed personality.

    For still others, wealth is unlimited power, domination over others, with all the ensuing opportunities for personal enrichment.

    And in their own way, each person is right in choosing his own point of view on wealth.

    What is wealth? - This is how the Orthodox Encyclopedia interprets the meaning of the word “wealth”: WEALTH is a set of values ​​that serve to satisfy the material and spiritual needs of a person and are personal or public property.

    Source of wealth. Let's consider the main aspects on the issue of wealth from the perspective of the Word of God.

    1. The source of all wealth and the distributor of it is rightfully God, who created everything, and everything is supported by Him, and everything belongs to Him. -

    “The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine, says the Lord of hosts.” (Haggai 2.8)

    2. Wealth is a gift from God. - “And if God gave wealth and property to any person, and gave him the power to use them and take his share and enjoy from his labors, then this is the gift of God.” (Eccl. 5:18)

    3. God gives man the power to acquire wealth. - “... but remember the Lord your God, for He gives you power to acquire wealth.” (Deut. 8:18)

    4. What helps a person acquire wealth? - From the Holy Scripture it follows: to acquire wealth, a person needs the following qualities: hard work (Proverbs 11:16), humility before God (Proverbs 22:4), wisdom and intelligence (Proverbs 14:24), (Ezek. 28:4), righteousness (Psalm 111.3)

    This is not a complete list.

    Taken together, these qualities determine the character of God's man, who always acts wisely, acts under the guidance of God, hardworking and persistent in achieving any goal, unable to turn acquired wealth into evil for his neighbors, able to easily part with values ​​and share what he has acquired, with those in need.

    Now let's talk about this important issue question that arises in many people: Is wealth a blessing or a curse? - In a relationship this issue, people's opinions are different. Some people, whether they are believers or non-believers, consider wealth a curse. Others are a blessing. Whose point of view is correct? An authoritative and independent arbitrator is needed. This is God and His Word as written in the Bible.

    When we carefully study the Bible, we will not find anywhere that wealth is a curse. God did not allow man to use wealth in order to label it as a curse. God is a good God. He loves people and has given them everything they need for a blessed and fulfilling life. At all times, wealth has been a blessing from God. The Lord blessed Abraham, Jacob, King David, his son Solomon, many kings, prophets and many people on earth, both believers in God and unbelievers, with great wealth. He is the manager, it is His will to do as He pleases, and no one can change His decision. He makes princes poor and raises slaves. He overthrows kings and lifts up the simple.

    Therefore, people’s opinion that wealth is a curse has no basis. This point of view appeared as a result of observing the destinies of many previously rich people, for whom wealth was a stumbling block, having crashed against which, these people could no longer get up.

    God, knowing our imperfect nature, took care of us in advance, giving a clear and detailed instructions in the Bible, on dealing with the dangerous fire contained in wealth - excessive attachment and love for it.

    What does this mean? In the following: hoarding, love of money, envy, concern for wealth, insatiability of wealth, hope for wealth, trust in it, attachment to the heart when it multiplies, acquiring it through unrighteousness, exaltation in pride, deception of wealth, cares of this age, arrogance about oneself And so on.

    God gave man wealth to enjoy life, but at the same time, he commanded that all hope should be placed on Him, and not on perishable wealth. - “Admonish the rich in this age so that they do not think highly of [themselves] and do not trust in unfaithful riches, but in the living God, who richly gives us everything for our enjoyment.” (1 Tim. 6:17)

    Thus, we see from Scripture that the curse for a person is not wealth in itself, but excessive attachment to it. Judge for yourself: a scalpel in the hands of a surgeon is a weapon of salvation human life, that is, a blessing for him; in the hands of a repeat offender, the same scalpel turns into a murder weapon, that is, it brings a curse to a person. It all depends in whose hands this scalpel is. It’s the same with wealth: for some it brings a blessing, for others it brings a curse. Who is to blame here? God? Of course not. The person himself is the actor of his life. He chooses his own role: to be clothed in blessing, or to be clothed in the clothes of curse. This is his personal choice. There is no one to blame here. God gave him instructions, but how a person applies it depends on him personally.

    To use any item correctly, you must always carefully follow the operating instructions, be it a car or a juicer. Also in dealing with wealth, it is required to fulfill God's Word.

    People with wealth always walk on the edge of a knife.No wonder the Lord Jesus said to the disciples:“And, looking around, Jesus said to His disciples: How difficult it is for those who have riches to enter the Kingdom of God! The disciples were horrified at His words. But Jesus answers them again: Children! How difficult it is for those who hope for wealth to enter the Kingdom of God!” (Mark 10,23,24)

    See, two keywords: having and hoping. That is why many believers, realizing the danger of the seduction of wealth, went to monasteries, wandered through the deserts, thereby creating conditions for themselves to unhindered the search for the “Kingdom of God first of all,” and trusting in God in everything.

    God gave each person a measure of faith and the opportunity to act according to the evidence of his mind. For some, it is indeed useful to go to a monastery, while others are able, while in society, and without giving up the opportunity to be rich, to use great success what God gave him for the work of spreading the good news of salvation. That is why we are surrounded by a whole bunch of different churches, consisting of Orthodox Christians, Christians of the Evangelical faith, etc. It’s just that each church fulfills its mission as the Lord has ordained for it. “Let each one act according to the evidence of his own mind.”

    Sincerely, Vyacheslav Erogov

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