"Matilda". Opinions about the film

There is one month left before the release of the film directed by Alexei Uchitel “Matilda”. Nezavisimaya Gazeta turned to the Chairman of the Patriarchal Council for Culture, Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov) of Yegoryevsk, with a request to express his personal point of view, and, if possible, the official position of the Russian Orthodox Church on the conflict around the film “Matilda”.

Before starting a conversation about the film “Matilda”, which has not yet been released, but has already caused so many storms and, frankly, has pretty much annoyed everyone, I would like to remember that at the beginning of this year there was an unprecedented wide screening of another film, also dedicated to a real historical character, who was also the head of the Russian state and also glorified as a saint in the Russian Orthodox Church.

“Viking,” which thundered throughout the country, unlike “Matilda,” did not cause any mass protests. There were no demonstrations or demands for a ban (with the exception of a few isolated letters). And this despite the fact that he main characterGrand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavich - shown in the film during the period of his life before the adoption of Christianity truly as a wild monster: he kills sibling Yaropolk, rapes the Polotsk princess Rogneda in front of her parents, and then kills her father, erects pagan temples and makes human sacrifices to idols. And for all that, this masterfully shot naturalistic film story does not cause protests either in the country as a whole or in the church community. But the seemingly “innocent” film story about the youthful romance of the Heir Russian throne and ballerinas imperial theaters responded in society with 100,000-strong petitions demanding a ban on the film, demonstrations, and lawsuits. I'm not even talking about extreme excesses - but this topic is more likely either medical or criminal.

So what's going on? The answer seems quite clear. In the case of “Viking,” the filmmakers presented on the screen, albeit very bitter, but the truth of history. Ancient chronicles and lives tell us about this ugly truth. They convey to their descendants the truly terrifying image of Prince Vladimir before his baptism and only then talk about his amazing transformation from a pagan monster into that merciful, wise and powerful Vladimir the Red Sun, whom our people have revered and loved for more than 1000 years.

In the case of Matilda, unfortunately, everything happens differently. The plot and script of the film are based on lies. And many, having become acquainted with the film’s advertising trailer that was widely released on the Internet or, as I happened to have read the script, felt this untruth especially acutely. Why? And because, of course, for a considerable number of people the last Russian Emperor is a holy passion-bearer. And also because no matter how differently one treats Nicholas II, one cannot help but admit that over the past 100 years such streams of slander, falsehoods and dirt have been poured on him, which, perhaps, not a single one of our compatriots has received. Today, when objective information about our history is available, the usual stereotypes about the last Tsar and his Family are crumbling for many. For some, Soviet clichés are sometimes replaced by excessive idealization. But the majority of sober-minded people undergo a revision of values ​​towards an objective assessment based on the true facts of history.

And now, on the anniversary of the Russian revolutions, a film appears in which, again, it is clearly untrue. Moreover, the fabrications, alas, concern privacy Nicholas II, his relationship with his wife, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. This topic is even Soviet time Self-respecting researchers did not subject them to distortions for the sake of ideological conjuncture. And today in this issue There is, perhaps, the only case of complete agreement among historians of diametrically opposed beliefs, schools and trends: everyone is unanimous that the relationship between Nikolai Alexandrovich and Alexandra Fedorovna was fulfilled by the most high love, absolute fidelity, responsibility, tenderness and care. Their feelings, amazing in depth and strength, could not be shaken by anyone or anything, not even the most terrible, unimaginable trials that befell this family.

What about Matilda Kshesinskaya? Quite a number of critics of the film's plot are accused of denying the very fact of the romantic relationship between the Heir and the young dancer. In fact, this is distortion. No one denies that such a relationship really existed.

The Heir, who was then 22 years old, met 18-year-old Matilda Feliksovna Kshesinskaya during a difficult period of his life: the girl whom he recently fell in love with forever and selflessly at first sight, Princess Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt (a few years later she would become his wife - Empress Alexandra Feodorovna), then refused him, because she did not find it possible to change her religion - to move from Protestantism to Orthodoxy, about which she had the most vague ideas.

Meanwhile, according to the laws of the Russian Empire, this was mandatory for the future queen. In addition, the father, Alexander III, firmly opposed his son’s choice: the Emperor had other plans for the heir’s marriage.

And so, rejected by the girl he loved, having received a stern admonition from his father about the impossibility of the desired marriage, Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich allowed himself to fall in love with the talented ballerina. What was their relationship like? Some historians say that the young people were very close. Others claim that the connection was only platonic. Be that as it may, in the end, it is none of our business. They communicated from 1892 to 1894. And in the spring of 1894, Princess Alice finally agreed to become Nicholas's wife; Alexander III also gave consent to their marriage. Nikolai Alexandrovich was immensely happy. The separation from Matilda happened without drama or stress: he asked her for forgiveness and promised to help in everything. They decided to remain sincere friends forever, to address each other as “you”... But - in correspondence communication. Face-to-face communication was broken off once and for all in the same year, 1894, in which the engagement and then the wedding of Nikolai and Alexandra took place.

Nikolai considered it his duty to tell the bride about Matilda. This is what Alix wrote to her fiancé after these difficult confessions: “I love you even more since you told me this story. Your trust touches me so deeply... Will I be able to be worthy of it?”

The period from 1894 - when Princess Alice arrives in Russia, converts to Orthodoxy and marries Nicholas II, who has just become Emperor of All Russia - until 1896, when the film narrative ends, were the most serene and happy in the life of the young woman. married couple.

But what happens in the script of the film, presented to the public as “the main historical blockbuster of the year”? And in it all this time Nikolai rushes about in suffering, hysteria and intimate scenes between Matilda and Alexandra, between Alexandra and Matilda...

Well, the “historical canvas” is complemented by such dramatic discoveries as, for example, an episode in which Alexandra Fedorovna, like a gloomy fury, sharp knife goes to Matilda to get her blood. Or the cheerful film image of Alexander III: in the life of this unusually noble Sovereign, alien to any vulgarity, the creators of the film force him to declare that he is “the only one of the Romanovs who did not live with ballerinas”...

I will not multiply bitter examples. In general, the story boils down to the fact that Nikolai, of course, loves the democratic, brave, free-thinking Matilda, but “for the sake of duty and the throne” he marries Alexandra - and makes his heart fall in love with her. In general, this is an adaptation of the famous song: “Kings can do anything,” except perhaps marry for love.

As it became known, several months ago the film script was handed over to two famous historians for review, with whose permission I am posting their brief summary here.

“About the script for the feature film “Matilda”
(script writer: Alexander Terekhov)

There is no need to seriously analyze this work, and it is impossible. The script of the film “Matilda” has nothing to do with the historical events it tells about, except that only the names of the characters correspond to reality, and the Heir to the Tsarevich had an affair with Matilda Kshesinskaya. The rest is pure fiction in the worst taste. Already the first scene causes a smile and great bewilderment. Matilda Kshesinskaya did not run up to the choir of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin during the coronation of Emperor Nicholas II, did not shout: “Niki, Niki!”, and the Emperor himself did not faint. All this is an invention of the script authors, recalling lines from famous novel Ilf and Petrov: “The Countess runs across the pond with a changed face.” Only in Ilf and Petrov it is grotesque and irony, but in the script it is the harsh “truth” of the heroes’ lives, as it appears to the author.

The script is teeming with inventions of the worst taste, which have nothing to do with real events, much less to the feelings of the heroes. Just look at the scene when Nicholas’s father, Emperor Alexander III, chooses a mistress from among the ballerinas for his son. Mariinsky Theater. Do I need to explain that such vulgarity could only be born in the head of a person who has no idea about real relationships in To the Royal Family, and even in the court environment.

Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna are canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as passion-bearers. But holiness is not sterility. And there were different situations in their lives (for example, relations with Rasputin), and their activities are assessed differently by historians. There was only one thing missing - vulgarity and dirt. Namely, the author of the script passes off vulgarity and dirt of the lowest level as historical truth.

President of the Faculty of History
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov,
professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Head of the Department of History Russia XIX century - early 20th century
Faculty of History, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov,
Professor .

The director of the film, Alexey Uchitel, has repeatedly stated that he did not and does not have any intention to insult the memory of Nicholas II. And what is presented in the plot of the film is nothing more than fiction, without which not a single historical painting can do. There is no reason not to believe Alexey Efimovich. I would only dare to recall the statement of the 7th century ascetic Saint Isaac the Syrian: “Every thing is beautiful in measure. Without measure, even what is considered beautiful turns into harm.” There is no doubt that the artist has the right to creative invention. The only question is to what extent this right can be applied so that the work becomes part of high culture.

In discussions about Matilda, those who defend the presumption of the boundless freedom of the artist’s creativity often remember in vain great names, in particular Pushkin and Tolstoy. There is no point in giving such examples! Just in " The captain's daughter", and in "War and Peace" we have before us examples of the ingenious measure of the careful attitude to history and its personalities during artistic reconstruction historical events.

“Fiction is not deception” - we remember these words of Bulat Okudzhava. Fiction should never be a deception. For no purpose. No matter what creative, dramatic and aesthetic reasons they try to justify this deception. It is inconceivable to imagine that, for the sake of conveying some special “creativity” of the plot in “The Captain’s Daughter,” the author, for example, would have made Catherine II Pugachev’s mistress, and in “War and Peace,” for greater “dramatic tension,” the writer, inflamed by “inspiration,” gave up to Napoleon, and then burned not only Moscow, but also St. Petersburg. And what? Nothing personal, just artistic fiction. After all, the author (or, as they like to say now, “creator”) has every right

As for the official position of the Russian Orthodox Church in relation to the film “Matilda”, she was the chairman of the Patriarchal Council for Culture last year in “ Rossiyskaya newspaper": we will not demand a ban on the film, considering this path a dead end. But we reserve the right to refute untruths and convey to those who want to hear a reliable story about this period in the life of the holy passion-bearer Tsar Nicholas. Also, the unconditional position of the Russian Orthodox Church is the repeated strong condemnation of any extremist actions drawn into the discussion about this film.

In this article I will not talk about insulting religious feelings - this matter is really too fragile, especially when it is supported by an article of the Criminal Code. But I would like to highlight the issue of insulting the sense of historical truth, which is not subject to any criminal punishment. About the artist’s responsibility—moral, nothing more—for obvious historical untruths that lead to useless social conflicts, similar to today.

And finally, the last thing. If a considerable number of my compatriots today vividly and personally feel insulted when encountering historical untruths, if they consider it important for themselves to stand up for the honor of their history, for the honor of their great and small fellow citizens who have long since passed into eternity, using for this purpose, first of all, discussion, and if they consider it necessary, their legal civil rights, is a good, very good sign.

What about the movie? In a month it will be shown on the screens of many Russian cities. Separately, it should be noted that “Matilda” is the only Feature Film, created in our country for the 100th anniversary of the revolutions. It is this film work with such a plot and with such an author’s approach that will especially clearly mark the scale of understanding the most tragic and fateful events of our new and modern history.

But maybe this will at least become a countdown point?

" Why did a seemingly ordinary film provoke such heated discussions? TUT.BY formulated six naive questions about the painting and tried to answer them.

Still from the film "Matilda"

Who is Matilda?

First of all, Matilda Kshesinskaya (1872−1971) is known as the beloved of the future Emperor Nicholas II. Their relationship lasted about two years (1892−1894) and ended after the engagement of the heir to the throne to Alyssa of Hesse (future Empress Alexandra Feodorovna). But Kshesinskaya is also known as a talented ballerina, a star of Russian ballet of the early twentieth century, who danced in the Mariinsky Theater troupe in 1890-1917. In 1911, she took part in the famous “Russian Seasons” in London. Kshesinskaya is known for interrupting the hegemony of talented foreigners (primarily Italians) on the Russian stage and opening the path to fame for many Russian stars (including Anna Pavlova). After the revolution, Kshesinskaya emigrated, lived in Paris and died, just short of her centenary.

What kind of Matilda scandal is happening in Russia?

At the end of 2016, the official trailer for the film appeared, which included several love and erotic scenes. After this, Russian State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya spoke out against the screening of the film. After Crimea became part of Russia, she became a member of the peninsula and even a hero of online games.

Poklonskaya collected about 100 thousand signatures against the film and sent a request to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Culture "to take measures to prevent insulting the religious feelings of believers and the desecration of Orthodox shrines storyline film." Since that time, prayer stands “For the Faith!” have been held in some cities of Russia. For the people and the Tsar!”, directed against the release of the film. In different Russian cities There were a series of arson attacks that were associated with the release of the film. So, in St. Petersburg, unknown Molotov cocktails were thrown into the building of the Lendok studio directed by Alexei Uchitel. In September 2017, it became known that the combined cinema chain Cinema Park and Formula Kino refused to show the film for security reasons. In addition, some regions of Russia (including Ingushetia) have already refused to show the film.

What is the “insult to religious feelings”?

Most critics of the film have not yet seen it, since the film was not released in wide release. The claims are caused by the allegedly frivolous presentation of the life of Nicholas II, which is incompatible with his status in the eyes of the Orthodox Church.

Back in 2000, the Russian Orthodox Church canonized Nicholas II and members of his family as saints as part of the Council of New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, revealed and unrevealed. Let's clarify two important points. The cathedral in this context is religious holiday in honor of the saints of the Russian Orthodox Church who suffered martyrdom for Christ or were subjected to repression after the 1917 revolution. Nicholas and his family members are not “saints” (in the classical sense of the word), but “passion-bearers” - Christian martyrs who suffered in the name of Christ. We are, of course, talking about the execution of the Romanovs in 1918. The film takes place long before these events.

What is the position of the Orthodox Church?

Frame with film set film "Matilda"

Russian Orthodox Church(remember that the BOC is subordinate to it) clearly did not oppose the showing of the film. At present, no such categorical statement is known. Nevertheless, some high-ranking hierarchs allowed themselves to speak out against the picture. Thus, Metropolitan Pavel of Surgut blessed the collection of signatures to ban the production and distribution of the film. Now Metropolitan Pavel parishioners do not go to the film “Matilda”. Let us clarify that both hierarchs have not yet seen the film. As Pavel admits, he watched several videos, after which he had “a very unpleasant impression of the film.”

Does an affair with Kshesinskaya really discredit Nicholas II?

If you call a spade a spade, then no. Almost all Russian emperors and empresses had affairs on the side. Catherine II changed almost a dozen favorites. But the showing of the series “Ekaterina”, “Great” and “Ekaterina. Takeoff,” which aired in prime time on major Russian channels, did not cause any public outrage. Although there personal life Catherine II received no less attention than public policy. Emperor Alexander II, after the death of his legal wife, married his beloved in a morganatic marriage.

Perhaps only two rulers of Russia - Nicholas II and his father Alexander III - could boast of unconditional fidelity in marriage and allowed themselves affairs before him. True, judging by the description of the film, the love relationship between Nicholas and Matilda continued during the marriage of the future emperor, forming a “love triangle.” That is, there is a departure from historical truth here. But it’s still difficult to give any categorical assessments without watching the film.

Will the film be shown in Belarus?

Due to the Matilda scandal, the company that owns the film in Belarus, Gelvars Cinema, initiated a review of the film by a commission of the Ministry of Culture of Belarus in order to receive an early response on the possibility of the film being released in wide release. The commission included First Deputy Minister of Culture of Belarus Irina Driga, the recently appointed head of the cinematography department of the Ministry of Culture of Belarus Alexander Rydvan, representatives of Minsk and regional film and video distribution offices, cinema directors, heads of licensing departments of Belarusian television channels, and a representative of the church clergy.

The decision to release the film was unanimous.

— The picture is rich, high-quality and very beautiful. There is artistic fiction in it, but there is no sedition, this is how members of the Ministry of Culture commission commented on their decision.

Therefore, the premiere of “Matilda” should take place at the end of October according to the schedule of Belarusian cinemas.

“The Church should not evaluate cultural phenomena,” said the press secretary of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill, priest Alexander Volkov, commenting on the situation with the film “Matilda” directed by Alexei Uchitel.

“It is important that the assessment of this film, like any other work of culture, does not come from the church, from the pulpit,

- RT quotes the speaker of the Patriarchate. “We must categorically avoid the priest, standing on the pulpit, saying in his sermon: this work is good, but this is bad, you can’t go to see this film, but go burn down the cinemas.”

At the same time, speaking about the picture itself, Volkov noted that it can touch the nerves of many people. “The reaction that exists is something quite natural. The film will obviously cause a mixed reaction and will not go unnoticed, including from a negative point of view,” he said.

The statement of the representative of the Russian Orthodox Church regarding the film by Alexei Uchitel, which even before its release became the subject of exaggerated attention from the conservative public, looks more liberal than the church’s previous statements about the film. Thus, earlier the abbot of the Sretensky Monastery, Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov), in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta, said that the task of the church in relation to the film is “not to demand prohibitions, but to warn about truth and untruth.” At the same time, according to Shevkunov,

If a film is going to artistically reimagine real historical events, then it should declare itself to be a historical “fantasy.”

Perhaps the new statements are related to the activity of law enforcement (or rather, supervisory) authorities in relation to the film and the campaign launched against it. So, the day before it became known that

The Moscow prosecutor's office sent materials and a presentation to investigators of the capital's Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to resolve the issue of criminal prosecution based on the results of the prosecutor's audit of the actions of members of the public organization "Christian State - Holy Rus'".

As RNS recalls, several months ago, on behalf of this organization, letters were sent to several hundred cinemas and film distribution companies threatening to set fire to cinemas if they did not refuse to distribute the film. Apparently, the check was carried out at the request of director Alexei Uchitel and his lawyers in connection with threats received against the filmmakers.

The supervisory authority found that in the actions of the leadership of the organization “Christian State - Holy Rus'”

there is evidence of a crime under Part 1 of Art. 179 of the Criminal Code of Russia (coercion to refuse to complete a transaction under the threat of violence, destruction or damage to someone else’s property).

A private screening that never happened

Earlier it became known that in June there was closed Show“Matilda”, which, according to some sources, was attended by State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin and Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture Pavel Pozhigailo. The latter allegedly persuaded the director to make some amendments both to the film’s trailer and to the film itself. True, the director himself, in a conversation with Gazeta.Ru, denied this information, saying that

considers “ridiculous” the assumption that the chairman of a public structure under a federal ministry can recommend changes to a film director.

In an interview with TASS, Alexey Uchitel said that Pavel Pozhigailo “was at the screening, spoke words of praise, and did not suggest any changes.”

Poklonskaya and boxes

Meanwhile, at the end of last week, the initiator of the campaign against the film, State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya, collected signatures from 37 deputies, as well as more than 100 thousand appeals against the film “Matilda” directed by Alexei Uchitel. According to her, the request to take measures “within the scope of their competence” was sent to the Minister of Culture, the Prosecutor General, as well as the Minister of Internal Affairs. Attached to the request and signatures of citizens was information from the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation that the state allocated 280 million rubles for the creation of the picture. In the attachment to the request, Poklonskaya sent the signatures and appeals of those same hundreds of thousands of citizens “about insulting their feelings.”

In fact, this particular application barely fit into 13 boxes, Poklonskaya said.

The request asks that the necessary measures be taken to prevent “insults to the religious feelings of believers and the desecration of Orthodox shrines by the film’s storyline.” She and her like-minded people consider it offensive to assume that Nicholas II had an affair with Matilda Kshesinskaya after marriage. Russian Emperor with Alexandra Feodorovna, as well as the fact that in the film Empress Alexandra Feodorovna is shown as a fan of the occult.

In addition, the rejection of Poklonskaya herself was caused by the execution leading role German artist Lars Eidinger, whom the deputy repeatedly called a porn actor (apparently for his role in Peter Greenaway’s film “Goltzius and the Pelican Company,” where he played naked).

"Matilda" is a film directed by Alexei Uchitel, causing a battle of opinions. The premiere of the film "Matilda", unfortunately, may take place in 2017. Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) and Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov) expressed their opinions about the film.

After the official trailer for the film “Matilda” was released in 2016, representatives of the social movement “Royal Cross” announced “distortion of historical events” and “anti-Russian and anti-religious provocation in the field of culture,” prompting Natalia Poklonskaya, a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, to contact the Prosecutor General’s Office , known for its veneration of Nicholas II. The latter believes that the film “Matilda” contains scenes that offend the feelings of believers, and declares the need to “prevent the violation of anyone’s rights,” avoiding both restrictions on freedom of creativity and encroachment on the “constitutional rights of citizens.” In December 2016, it was reported that the prosecutor's office would request the script for the film "Matilda" as part of an investigation at the request of deputy Poklonskaya.

In January 2017, it became known that the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of Russia received 20 thousand signatures demanding a ban on the film, a random check of which confirmed the real existence of the signatories. The number of official appeals against the film's distribution addressed to Natalia Poklonskaya reached a similar value.

In April 2017, another commission, which Poklonskaya insisted on, having examined the text of the script and two trailers, saw in the film the imposition of a false image of St. Nicholas II on the viewer and an insult to the religious feelings of believers.

Natalya Poklonskaya collected more than one hundred thousand signatures against this film. And 37 more Duma members signed up there. Deputy requests were sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Culture.

“I hope that the positions of the competent authorities will be heard and appropriate measures will be taken within the limits of their authority,” Poklonskaya spoke. “In order to protect and prevent violations of the rights of people who have been knocking for 11 months and waiting for a reaction. But in accordance with the law, a distribution certificate for a film, filmed for state money cannot be extradited if it causes discord and incites hatred on religious grounds. This is what we are seeing. The Minister of Culture and the Russian Prosecutor's Office should pay attention to this. rights and insults to our Orthodox shrines. Even from Ukraine we receive letters in defense of our sovereign. Our history is great and the sovereign is a saint.”

Orthodox residents of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Irkutsk, Omsk, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Tyumen, Biysk, Samara, Syzran, Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd, Vladimir, and Moscow took part in the standings.

The prayerful standing of opponents of the film is a civil action, and not an action organized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

The attitude towards the film "Matilda" is largely connected with the attitude towards the Russian Orthodox Church, holy people, holy truth, historical memory and repentance. The premiere of the film, unfortunately, may take place at a time when we need to better understand the revolutionary bloody events of a hundred years ago. Unfortunately, the revolution is not a thing of the past and is not over Civil War, and the treacherous mockery of native shrines did not stop.

Discussion: 15 comments

    The Moscow Patriarchate considers it a mistake to collect signatures for the ban on Alexei Uchitel’s film “Matilda,” which was organized by the Khanty-Mansi diocese. The Head of the Synodal Department for Relations of the Church with Society and the Media, Vladimir Legoida, wrote about this on Facebook. But Kadyrov, like Patriarch Kirill, was not afraid of his boss Putin and asked Medinsky not to show “Matilda” in Chechnya. And the Simferopol prosecutor’s office warned the city’s cinemas against showing the trailer for Alexei Uchitel’s film “Matilda,” said the director’s lawyer Konstantin Dobrynin.

    The first deputy head of the government of Dagestan, Anatoly Karibov, asked the Ministry of Culture to ban the screening of Alexei Uchitel’s film “Matilda” in the republic. ---- It seems that Muslims understand better what the “Orthodox” Putin, Medinsky and the office of the Patriarch do not want to understand.

    Director Alexei Uchitel wants to nominate his film “Matilda” for the main American film award “Oscar”. The teacher emphasized that preliminary screenings of the film in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Vladivostok will allow the film to comply with the rules of the American Film Academy and qualify for nomination from Russia. To qualify for an Oscar in the category Best movie on foreign language“The film needs to be released before October 1st. A main premiere scheduled for October 6, 2017 at the Mariinsky Theater.

    It’s kind of strange that I have to repeat myself. Okay, the topic is on the other side - Ulyanov-Blank proclaimed: Post, Telephone, Telegraph! This is what we need to get our hands on first! That is, the media information system. IN OUR 21st century, this whole system, plus bank cards and the banks themselves, under the complete control of the Zionists, who are the owners of the natural resources of the country of RUSSIA! And there’s nothing to say about the media and cinema!!! The Zionist CENZ always interrupts the “Constitution” of the country of RUSSIA! Where is the "guarantor" located? Yes on the throne!!! On which he was put by the Zionists and whose interests he sacredly, according to the agreements, PROTECTS!!!

    The biggest and simply huge problem is that the Zionists, after seizing power by armed means (coup d'etat in October 1993), established censorship over everyone! The media!!! The Zionists have taken control of the media!!! And over cinema in particular! Take as an example the series “Liquidation”, where G. K. Zhukov, three times Hero Soviet Union, is presented as narrow-minded, bloodthirsty and simply anti-Semitic. At the same time, Gotsman and the bandits with the thieves of Odessa, the overwhelming majority of whom are Jews, are presented as “innocent victims” of the repressions of the “fool” Zhukov!

    “We have issued a distribution certificate for the entire territory of Russia; in each territory there are distribution film companies that screen in the regions,” explained Vyacheslav Telnov, director of the Cinematography Department, and added that it is impossible to exclude any subjects from the distribution certificate. Nevertheless, regional executive authorities, guided by the traditions and customs of the peoples living on their territory, can independently determine the advisability of showing a particular film. http://www.interfax-religion.ru/?act=dujour&div=160

    Moscow. 10th of August. INTERFAX - Speaker of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia Borukh Gorin considers it correct to issue a distribution certificate for Alexei Uchitel's film "Matilda" and calls on the investigative authorities to investigate speculation around the director's nationality. "The rising Black Hundred anti-Semitic views are part of this disgusting campaign." http://www.interfax-religion.ru/?act=news&div=67894

    Perhaps the satirical exposure of the vulgar, blasphemous lampoon will have a greater effect on the millions of Russian ordinary people for whom this market product (according to the Hollywood recipe - food for the redneck people) was concocted.
    A few short, ironic feuilletons and witty caricatures thrown into the Internet space will do more than hundreds of long publications that the average person does not read.
    For example, in the top picture the ballerina has the head of Mr. Teacher, and the faces on the sides are Prime Minister Medvedev and Speaker Gorin, and SPONSORS are looking at all this from above from the clouds...

    Poklonskaya accused the Ministry of Culture of extremism after the permission of “Matilda”
    Officials of the Ministry of Culture may be held accountable “for violating the law on combating extremist activities” for allowing the screening of “Matilda” in Russia, MP Natalya Poklonskaya is sure.

    Magas. 11th August. INTERFAX - Head of Ingushetia Yunus-bek Yevkurov:
    “It seems to me that films like the one we are talking about should undergo good censorship. At least “Matilda” makes us think about this. We should not be afraid of this. This does not weaken democracy, but, on the contrary, exalts it,” - Yu. Yevkurov said in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda radio.

    According to him, taking into account the existing realities, it is necessary to make more films that form spiritual values, patriotic views and beliefs and introduce viewers to the cultural traditions of the country. And they should be based on love for the Motherland, love for history. Films are needed for young people and about young people. Raise again the topics of respect for elders and care for younger ones. Raise the layer interethnic relations. This is what we need now! And - not “Matilda,” says the Ingush leader.

    He noted that what made the authorities doubt the screening of the film in Ingushetia was its blasphemous attitude towards the Russian Emperor Nicholas II.
    As reported, the film distributor of Ingushetia, the Druzhba cinema, said that it would refuse to show the film Matilda due to the presence of scenes in it that “contradict religious canons and traditions local residents that offend the feelings of believers, no matter what denomination they belong to."

    It is necessary to understand the roots of the “creative workshop” that “teachers” and others like them represent. As well as the direct connection of this workshop with budget managers Russian Federation. Russian composer Leonid Leonidovich Sabaneev wrote in his book “Memories of Russia” that the great Russian composers of the 19th century, in general, almost all came from the noble class, and at the Moscow Conservatory almost the entire teaching staff was purely national, that is, Russian. The same can be said about artists. historical Russia, writers, poets, in a word, about culture Russian Empire. She was Russian. The 1917 coup changed the country's cultural pantheon. So, in place of the Russians Nekrasov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Fet, Tyutchev, Gumilyov, Lermontov, Bunin, Yesenin, Leskov, Kuprin, Turgenev and many others came Marshak, Vooznesensky, Ehrenburg, Pasternak, Gudzenko, Svetlov, Zabolotsky, Brodsky, Slutsky and others. The Russian spirit was emasculated from literature and, in general, from the culture of the country. The destruction and expulsion of the noble class led to the seizure of literature and art in the USSR by the “small people”. Soviet literature and cinema glorified the Chekists, leaders and their revolution, Marxism, and did not even allow the sprouts of Russian national identity. Therefore, they are still promoting their people through their career elevators in the culture and are at war with Russian ideology and the Russian spirit. The Holy Emperor Nicholas II is their main target, for he protected the Russian people and Russian culture from them, for which he suffered a martyr’s death.

    Yesterday, Metropolitan Veniamin of Vladivostok and Primorsky sent an appeal to the founder of the film festival “Pacific Meridians” - the Administration of the Primorsky Territory (Governor V.V. Miklushevsky), to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, to members of the Organizing Committee and the XV Jury International Film Festival countries of the Asia-Pacific region "Pacific Meridians", in which he called not to show the provocative film "Matilda", reports the press service of the Vladivostok diocese.

    Metropolitan of Smolensk and Dorogobuzh issued an appeal about the film “Matilda”

    During the days of the Dormition Fast - a time of deep prayer, keeping peace and chastity in our hearts, abstaining from discord and condemnation - we are forced into the controversy surrounding Alexei Uchitel's film "Matilda".<...>Let us honestly answer ourselves, do we have the right to look at fantasies, implausible images, experiences concerning the personal life of the holy royal passion-bearers? Can we dare to enter into discussions about the lives of saints, based not on their feats, and not even on historical, documented biographical facts, but on such fictions? Will we be worthy of the feat of our holy predecessors, who bequeathed to us to preserve Holy Rus' with its centuries-old religious and cultural traditions? Will we be able to call ourselves successors of our glorious history? great country? Will we fulfill our fatherly duty if we allow these fictions to become accessible to our younger generation?

    This is what we must remember when we make our personal free choice: watch or not this movie.

    Looking at the noisy, deliberately inflamed discussion around the film "Matilda", I urge you to remember that the main response of Christians to emerging threats is to imitate Christ in love, generosity and patience towards everyone who does injustice. This is exactly how the first Christians and the new martyrs of the Russian Church won victory over the persecutors of Christianity... ISIDORUS,
    Metropolitan of Smolensk and Dorogobuzh,
    (website of the Smolensk Metropolitanate)

    You're lying, dog. Orthodoxy teaches us to love the truth and hate untruth. You preach PINK Orthodoxy. Behind the grave you will answer to St. John Chrysostom, Rev. Joseph of Volotsk, king and psalmist David, prophet Elijah and many, many chosen ones of God. Get lost, unclean one. I went back to where I came from.

    In the year of the centenary of the bloody catastrophe of 1917, which became the beginning of the most severe persecution of the Church and all believers, a blow is again being prepared for the spiritual foundations of our Fatherland. The revolution led to the brutal murder of the All-Russian Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov and his entire innocent family. And now forces are rising up, seeking to violate the memory of our Tsar, already glorified along with his family in the guise of the holy Passion-Bearers. The creators of the deceitful and provocative film “Matilda” intend to carry out this desecration.
    We appealed to the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, the governor and administration of the Primorsky Territory, who founded the Pacific Meridian Film Festival, and to the organizers of the film festival, with a request to refuse to show this film. However, for now they do not intend to abandon the demonstration of “Matilda” in Vladivostok.

    We oppose the desecration of the name of the holy Tsar Martyr Nicholas and his entire holy family! We pray to the Lord that He will not allow this atrocity! So that the Lord will show His mercy to our people and the entire Russian country!

-Where will we pray? In the temple or on the street? — believers ask as they enter the territory of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Kadashi.

- And as God willing. If there are only a few of us, then in the church, and if there are a lot of us, then on the street,” answers one of the organizers of the prayer stand against the film “Matilda.”

At first, Orthodox activists wanted to hold a rally in one of the city squares, but the Moscow mayor’s office refused them this, so they had to confine themselves to the territory of the temple.

Not far from the gate there is a coffee table with books on it. Participants in the prayer standing are offered to buy “The Tsar and Russia” for 500 rubles, as well as the magazine “The World of God” for 200. It soon becomes clear that the temple will not be able to accommodate everyone: people have filled almost the entire area around the church building.

Many in the crowd are worried and are looking for State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya. Hearing their negotiations, others grumble: “You should come to church to pray, and not stare at politicians.” Women are scurrying back and forth through the crowd with stacks of papers - these are activists collecting signatures to ban the film "Matilda".

Finally, around the temple there is a religious procession with two dozen clergy and several hundred believers. Newly arrived people gradually join the moving crowd. Now about a thousand people are slowly moving towards the backyard of the church, where, as the organizers announced, the prayer standing will take place.

The high wall separating the temple area from the construction site was covered with posters depicting the family of the last Russian emperor and the inscriptions “For the Faith, for the Fatherland, for the Tsar!” The huge construction crane towering above the wall gives life to the spectacle. Despite mass event next door, he continues his work, dragging loads. But on the crane there is a sign “Vertical”, so it seems that it is another decoration for a prayer standing.

The essence of the claims

“We evaluate the film based on publicly available trailers posted on the Internet... In Matilda, our holy emperor appears as a fornicator, and Empress Alexandra as a witch. This is a lie that offends the feelings of believers,” announces the coordinator of the Orthodox social movement “Forty Forty” and the organizer of the standing Andrey Kormukhin.

He emphasizes that the Orthodox cannot take the position “if we don’t like it, we don’t look” in this situation, since for them Nicholas II is “like a relative.”

“Gentlemen, officials! We, the Orthodox people, do not want this film, which discredits the saints of the Russian Orthodox Church and directly offends our religious feelings, to be released,” the leader of “Forty Forties” addresses the audience.

He also assured that if believers are not heard today, similar actions will be held again. Then everyone prayed for an hour and a half. Until recently, the organizers of the action themselves hoped that Poklonskaya, who so actively supported the standing, would be able to come. Only at the very end of the prayer did it become known that the deputy was at an important meeting and would not be able to participate in the action this time.

Matilda Passion

The scandal surrounding "Matilda" broke out back in 2016. Then the little-known social movement “Royal Cross” considered the painting a “threat to national security.” Probably no one would have known about this if Natalya Poklonskaya had not become interested in the story.

The deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption sent a request to Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika asking him to check the film. Although the filmmakers insisted that “Matilda” was not ready yet, and no one had seen it yet, the deputy replied that written and oral appeals from the public were sufficient to contact the Prosecutor General’s Office.

Later, the director of the film, Alexei Uchitel, stated that no violations of the law were found in his film. And Poklonskaya soon said that the prosecutor’s office would also request the approved film script in order to conduct its research and examination. However, so far there have been no official decisions on the discovery of violations of the law.

At the end of January, the NTV channel broadcast a letter that the organization “Christian State - Holy Rus'” sent to movie theater directors demanding that they refuse to rent “Matilda.” Later, Uchitel’s lawyer reported that the director submitted a statement to the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation with a request to protect the film’s team from “threats and illegal actions of extremist individuals,” as well as from slander by State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya.

“I haven’t read it, but I condemn it”

At Poklonskaya’s request, a commission of experts made a conclusion about “Matilda” by examining the film’s trailers and script. Verdict: the image of Nicholas II in the film does not correspond to the image of the emperor canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church. The Ministry of Culture refused to accept this conclusion, indignant that the experts made it “without seeing the film.”

State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin called the request for inspections of the film company of director Uchitel a personal initiative of deputy Natalia Poklonskaya. At the same time, he emphasized that inspection agencies in such a situation can either order an inspection or refuse it.

The deputy herself flatly refused to watch “Matilda,” not wanting to “get dirty.” “People already regard this film as an anti-Orthodox provocation and have the right to say so, because they express their opinion,” Poklonskaya wrote on her LiveJournal blog. She also expressed doubt that the film would glorify and cultivate patriotism and high moral principles.

Poklonskaya’s position is shared by Orthodox Christians public organizations throughout the country, in particular, the Forty Forties movement. It was they who initiated the all-Russian prayer stand against Matilda. Poklonskaya also invited the Teacher to stand so that he could communicate with his opponents. The director responded with an invitation to the premiere of the film being prepared for release.

Position of the Church

The Russian Orthodox Church has not yet voiced its official position regarding Matilda. However, some of its representatives expressed their opinions. Thus, the chairman of the department for external church relations, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, even watched the film. However, he later admitted to the Teacher that he could not say anything good about his film and considered it “the apotheosis of vulgarity.”

Another hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov) of Yegoryevsk, did not like the distortion of history in Matilda. The creators of the film have Nicholas II rushing between Matilda and Alexandra Feodorovna - this, according to the bishop, is nothing more than slander, since in reality, according to him, there is no love triangle did not have.

“Why, who do they want to fool with another masterpiece slogan: “The Secret of the House of Romanov”? What other secret? All secular Petersburg knew about the relationship between the heir and Kshesinskaya,” Bishop Tikhon was indignant.

However, a representative of the Russian Orthodox Church emphasized that it is wrong to demand a ban on the film. In his opinion, it is enough to warn viewers about historical truth and lies in "Matilda". The plot of the film, the bishop believes, allows it to be classified only in the fantasy genre.

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