Highly paid and interesting professions. Highly paid professions for girls

The demand for specialties directly depends on socio-economic conditions. This affects the level of wages and shapes the specifics of the market. There are many jobs that pay well in most countries in the world. There are such specialties in every field of activity.

The highest paid professions in Russia

There are many specialties that, once mastered, can make a good profit. Highly paid jobs in Russia:

  1. High level manager. This is the highest paid profession in Russia and other countries of the world. Banking executives earn more. The work requires maximum employment; you will have to work 14–15 hours a day. Salary is up to 500 thousand rubles.
  2. Internal Communications Manager. This specialty involves organizing the work of company employees. For this you can receive from 100 thousand rubles per month.
  3. IT specialist. Salary – from 60 thousand rubles. Knowledge of several programming languages ​​and world-class certificates, for example, Microsoft, are required. This direction is the leader among those in demand.
  4. Accountant. A specialist with work experience can receive from 55 thousand rubles. It is important to understand that accountants have enormous responsibility. The upper level is 350 tr.
  5. Auditor. Salary starts from 100 thousand rubles.
  6. Lawyer. Specialists in this field are in great demand. On entry level salary is from 35 thousand rubles. You need to constantly improve your skills. A specialist with extensive work experience and education receives up to 350 thousand rubles.
  7. Sales and purchasing managers. The size of the salary is influenced by the region, business sector, corporate policy and other factors. Average level payment – ​​45 tr.
  8. Marketer. A specialist with extensive work experience and recommendations receives 100–200 rubles.
  9. Logistician The average payment is 45 thousand rubles. What is important here is not theoretical knowledge, but practical skills and experience.

For girls

The popular belief that it is difficult for a woman to find a well-paid job is wrong. Profitable options for girls:

  1. Internal communications specialist – 100–300 tr.
  2. Advertising Manager. Girls are successful in this area. By getting a job as an advertising manager and proving yourself early on, you can earn up to 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Beauty industry specialties. There are many professions in this area, each of which can be highly paid. It is impossible to define salary limits. Income depends on the girl’s skill level, the range of services provided, and the level of workload.
  4. Accountant - up to 350 tr.
  5. Tourism manager. Having taken a leadership position, you can receive up to 10 thousand dollars per month. An additional bonus is frequent travel.

For men

Representatives of the stronger sex have access to almost all highly paid professions. The following categories can be distinguished:

  1. Pilots. This job is responsible, so the salary is up to half a million rubles per month.
  2. Construction sector. Most specialties in this category are for men. Engineers and architects are especially valued. A construction specialist receives at least 50 thousand rubles.
  3. SMM specialists. This direction has recently gained popularity, but is considered in demand and highly paid. SMM specialists are engaged in promotion in in social networks.
  4. Programmers (50 thousand rubles and above).

Medical specialties in Russia

It's sad, but in our country doctors don't earn too much. List of lucrative medical jobs:


Average monthly salary (rubles)




Ultrasound specialist





Working professions

Physical labor can also be profitable. Some blue-collar jobs don't even require higher education. To receive a good salary, you need to diligently fulfill your responsibilities and develop. You can become an employee large company, a small team or even start your own business. Rating of highly paid and in-demand working specialties:

IT industry specialists

Earnings in this area are good. The highest paid IT specialties:


Software engineer

System engineer

System Administrator

Software Developer


Web developer

Graphic Designer

Systems Analyst


Financial analyst

In the gas and oil industry

The pay in this area is decent. Profitable vacancies:


Average monthly salary (thousand rubles)

Director of Geology

Drilling Director

Directional or directional drilling engineer




Automatic operator and surveyor

Desalting and dewatering plant operator and technologist


For humanists

You don't have to be technically minded to make good money. There are many humanities professions that bring good income. The following are well paid:

  1. Brand manager. These specialists are required in many enterprises. To become a good brand manager, you need to have a creative streak. The salary is unlimited, depends on the level of the company, starts from 50 thousand rubles.
  2. Etiquette specialist. This direction has received a second life. A person giving private etiquette lessons receives 70–100 thousand rubles.
  3. Politician. This profession also falls into the humanitarian category, there is no upper limit here.

For an ambitious and purposeful person who dreams of achieving global recognition, before starting his ascent to the top of Olympus, it is important to study the labor market offers, analyze what are the most highly paid professions in Moscow and other cities of the country, what kind of remuneration do true professionals receive.

In this article we will analyze the highest paid professions in Moscow in 2013-2015. But even if your position is not on the list of the highest paid, this is not a reason to be upset. There is no limit to perfection, and you can achieve success in any professional field.

The highest paid professions in Moscow

Obviously, the highest levels are received by heads of enterprises, top managers of organizations, senior management in commercial organizations and government agencies. The managing director of an investment bank has a salary of $3 million per year. The annual salary of presidents is more than 2 million. Analysts, chairmen of the boards of investment banks, and marketing directors receive about $1 million a year. The success of the company as a whole depends on how competently they organize the work of the organization and how the product promotion strategy is implemented.

What distinguishes a person applying for a specific position from many others? The ability to combine technical knowledge with management skills, creativity and innovative thinking will always be held in high esteem. But we should also not forget that the chances of getting into the management team of a bank or enterprise are negligible. Therefore, it is worth considering the highest paid professions in Moscow of a lower order.

Accountants, IT specialists

One of the main specialists of any enterprise is an accountant, a person without whom the organization of financial distribution is in principle impossible. His responsibilities include preparing periodic reports, calculating taxes, maintaining an archive financial activities, control of consumption and income. Applicant for this position must have a higher education degree and work experience in this specialty for at least three years. It is unclear what university graduates with no experience should do.

Accounting occupies an honorable place in the list entitled “The highest paid professions in Moscow for women.” A qualified specialist holding the position of chief accountant in a reputable company can receive more than 200 thousand rubles per month.

Considering that the demand information technologies is constantly growing, there is a constant computerization of society, the demand for specialists in the field of IT technologies does not fade. They can do a lot: create software for organizing the work of a supermarket, prevent information leakage, organize the network, protect it from hacking, ensure the operation of important sites and Internet services. The highest paid professions in Moscow in the field of IT technologies are the professions of programmers and web developers. Their salary ranges from 60 to 200 thousand rubles per month.

Field of jurisprudence

Another important link in any company is the lawyer. For the fact that he can defend the rights of the company and help maintain a balance on such a thin and unstable line of the law, they are willing to pay him from 35 to 100 thousand rubles a month.

What can be called highly paid professions in Moscow in this field of work? A directive lawyer receives a high salary - this is a person who deals with the financial papers of an enterprise. Another interesting position in the field of jurisprudence is counsel law firm. Such a person can receive both meager fees for consulting a company and absolutely incredible rewards just for using his name in advertising. This profession requires intellectual expenditure; usually such people have several academic degrees.

Managers and marketers

Employers value people who promote brands, deal with advertising issues, and promote the product on the market in every possible way. Meet the marketers. Their salary can be 50 thousand rubles per month.

Managers are different, but they all receive good salaries. They are willing to pay HR managers 45 thousand rubles a month. Employees who are able to analyze the quality of goods, make purchases, and analyze the market situation are paid from 35 to 50 thousand. There are also risk managers who know the market situation well during a crisis, control, analyze and reduce various risks. They are willing to pay them 500 thousand rubles a month.

Even if you have absolutely no experience in this field, but you can unobtrusively convince a person to use the service offered, you can become a sales manager. Their monthly rate is about 50 thousand rubles.

Manufacturing sector

Production has always been held in high esteem and stood at high level. Nowadays you can meet many psychologists, sociologists, designers and lawyers, and very few truly talented engineers, people who are capable of taking charge of workshops. They can rightfully claim a salary of 80 thousand rubles.

It is believed that in the future engineers will be included in the list of “Highest Paid Professions in Moscow”, especially development and maintenance engineers. American researchers have estimated that by 2020 the number of vacancies will increase by 61% compared to the current situation.

The highest paid professions in Moscow for girls and women

What first comes to mind when talking about women's professions? Nurse, teacher, hairdresser or manicurist. But there are other areas where women’s work will be well paid.

A purposeful woman can always open her own business. And it doesn’t matter what industry, the main thing is that you have business acumen and hard work. Of course, girls and women do not strive to open their own tire service or car dealership; they would rather run the business of a beauty salon, hairdresser, or wedding salon. Women achieve success in the sales of toys, jewelry, cosmetics, products self made, for example embroidery, knitted items, souvenirs. Here you can’t sit still for a minute, you need to constantly move forward, establish contacts, organize the work of your staff, otherwise you won’t be able to cope with the competition.

Services sector

In the service sector, women are undoubtedly valued, because they are more flexible and find mutual language with clients, there are fewer conflicts. Flight attendants, cafe administrators and human resources workers are the highest paid professions in Moscow for women. The list could go on for a long time.

Both in Moscow and in any other city you can get a job as a copywriter. This is a person who, in accordance with the requirements, writes competent texts for companies. Monthly earnings can reach 40 thousand rubles. The position of call center operator also does not require work experience. If you can talk beautifully about the sights hometown If you have good diction, you can get a job as a tour guide, where you can earn about 50 thousand rubles a month.

Requirements for applicants

Which ones can be identified? General requirements employers? For leadership positions they are always very high. This includes having a higher education and competent knowledge of foreign languages; undoubtedly, you need experience in this field. Skills and practical knowledge in the field of management and law are also welcome.

For any highly paid position, a person must have high stress tolerance and be prepared to work irregular hours and work on weekends. But, as they say, you can’t catch a fish out of a pond without difficulty. Everything is in your hands, good luck labor activity!

Choosing a profession is a very responsible step, it is a choice not only of work and financial well-being, it is a choice of the soul that helps to achieve unprecedented heights in her career and can even make a girl’s life happy!

See the list of interesting and in-demand professions:


A very good profession! How in general outline, and in terms of salary. But it’s not a dream for those beauties who are afraid of heights and don’t tolerate flying well.


This profession is quite in demand. Designers do more than just select furniture. If anyone likes to work with clothes and shoes…. We'll make you happy! There is also a clothing designer on the labor market.


It seems that the salary is not bad, and you can choose a more or less convenient schedule... There is one huge “but”! Waitresses are often pestered by customers.


Nanotechnology is an excellent and bright future. Many girls strive to provide it for themselves. For this reason, the specialty quickly “earned” demand. This profession is modern times not only promising, but also popular.


Quite interesting and creative profession. There are several disadvantages to this profession. The first is that a person (who has associated himself with this area) gets tired of his legs very quickly. The second disadvantage may appear along with allergic reactions to certain “components” contained in hair dyes.

Seller - cashier

That’s how the stereotypes “ordained”... If we see a man standing behind the counter or sitting at cash register, we have a mockery in our voice or a smile on our lips. Therefore, male cashiers are rarely found in stores and hypermarkets (although they cope with their duties no worse than women).


An excellent “find” for those who love communication, travel and variety of life! True, people of this profession are rarely at home. Something always has to be sacrificed.

Secretary - assistant

Luck! This profession does not always “require” higher education (courses are enough). But the employer will only look for a specialist who speaks foreign languages ​​and is computer friendly.


This profession is one of those “relevant forever”. Advice for those who are going to study to become an accountant: do not chase a high position and a “fabulous” salary. The profession you choose will not “bring” you luck right away. If you have enough patience, the career ladder will “lead” you to the light of promotion.


The most in-demand positions are taxi dispatcher. However, there is a high staff turnover there. Not everyone can handle this job.

Call center operator

Special skills this work does not require. Answering calls, conducting negotiations, “fixing” the client base. Nothing complicated, right? But you also need to be able to do all this. And do well to pass an interview at this or that organization (company).


People in this profession are not treated with much respect. The fact is that female secretaries have affairs with their bosses and sleep with them for the sake of promotion. But it’s not a fact that this is always the case!


A person of this profession is the face of the company. At its core, the professional responsibilities of which depend on the specialization of the institution in which the hostess works. This job is suitable for both girls and boys.

Stylist (cosmetologist)

This profession gives you the opportunity to express yourself creatively and make a lot of new acquaintances. A stylist or cosmetologist is a person who understands fashion and sees it with different eyes.


The work is low-paid, but women who love children work in the educational sector with great pleasure, trying not to think about “salary figures.”

Tourism manager

More and more people want to go somewhere to relax and forget about their problems. Thanks to this excitement, the tourism business is one of the win-win employment options. To work in tourism business You need a little: sociability, a friendly voice, goodwill, perseverance and patience. What do we have to do? Communicate with clients, book flights, advise travel routes…. Without higher education in travel agency You can “work up” to the director’s chair!


What can you say about this specialty? Those who work as nurses go to work as nurses kind heart and nerves of iron. If this “combination” is not there, the woman has chosen the wrong “path.”

Creative, unusual and interesting specialties (professions) for girls


The profession is suitable for those who cannot live without dancing and without everything connected with it.


Imagine! There are people who get tremendous pleasure from nail extensions and decorations.


There are so many positive things in this profession! There is so much that you can’t tell everything about her…. The artist commands respect from those around him.

Singer, model, actress

In these professions there is a sea of ​​opportunities to express one’s self. In addition, these are very prestigious and popular professions.


Unusual? Women love to call themselves angels. Those who really need wings look for them in airplanes and helicopters!

Simple (and not so simple) professions for girls


What to do if it is impossible for a girl to choose a profession?

  • Continue searching

Until you find “what you need.” There must be patience here and it must win!

  • Read (in detail) about each profession separately

There is enough information everywhere (and in virtual world, and in books, and in newspapers, and in magazines).

  • See how others work...

Observation (in this case) is the “guarantee” of the definition. It’s hard to live when the decision is in some kind of “suspended” state.

  • Option: consult with relatives and friends

Maybe they will “suggest” something if it is impossible to make an independent choice.

When choosing a profession, a girl should know the following

  1. Finding a job is not so easy.
  2. They don’t hire you everywhere and not always.
  3. An interview can (often) be compared to the most difficult exam.
  4. You shouldn’t try to do anything supernatural in the first days of work.
  5. You cannot be good to all people.
  6. Professions for girls' lungs there are none, especially technical specialties!

Funny photos of some professions for girls

Distract your attention and recharge yourself with positivity. For you, we have prepared photographs of people who are very funny at their work.

Choosing a profession is difficult task for every person. After all, when choosing a specialty, you want it to be to your liking and make you happy.

Note! To ensure that a person does not have problems finding a job in the future, it is worth choosing a profession that is in demand in your country or city.

Professions in demand in 2017–2018:

  1. Information technology specialist.
  2. Design engineer.
  3. Teacher.
  4. Lawyer.
  5. Police officer.
  6. Doctor.
  7. Logistician
  8. Professional worker.

When choosing, do not confuse in-demand professions with highly paid or prestigious ones. This in-demand field does not always pay well, which is why it has become in demand due to the shortage of people willing to find a job at low wages. But it is not always the case.

Often, popular areas are paid decently, and many of these areas are prestigious in the Russian Federation.

In Russia there is a separate list of in-demand specialties, which includes 1,769 professions, 50 of which are recognized as prestigious.

List of prestigious professions:

  1. Specialist in the field of information technology.
  2. Dentist.
  3. Logistician
  4. Engineer.
  5. Business consultant.

In-demand professions that can be obtained after 9th grade

After 9th grade a person can go to study at a technical school, college, lyceum or Professional institute. Studying in such institutions provides a person with a chance to quickly master a specialty and work skills.

  1. Chefs are pastry chefs.
  2. Aircraft technicians.
  3. System administrators.
  4. Automotive mechanics.

Important! After 9th grade you can get what is popularly called “working specialties”. To obtain higher education you will have to study at a higher education institution. educational institution at least four years.

Specialties that can be obtained after graduation

After finishing 11th grade, a person can enter a lyceum or higher education institution.

In Russia there is a demand for:

  1. Engineers.
  2. Information technology specialists.
  3. Chemists.
  4. Marketers.

Job in Moscow

Moscow is a city with a lot of vacancies in different areas. But not all destinations in this city are in demand. Sometimes popular destinations in other cities are not in demand in the capital of Russia and a person finds it difficult to find a decent job in this city.

Note! Today this city is actively developing catering business Therefore, restaurants, clubs and cafes need professional labor. Most restaurants require waiters, cooks, bartenders, cleaners, hostesses and receptionists.

Table: the most popular professions in Moscow.

When choosing a specialty, focus on the future. According to forecasts, new ones will appear in 5–10 years. modern professions, which will take precedence in the labor market.

List of popular specialties in the future:

  • Engineer. This direction is relevant at any time. Humanity always needs designers and engineers.
  • A gerontologist is a doctor who diagnoses pathologies in older people.
  • An urbanist is a person who specializes in urban planning.

Important! Experts note that in the future people will value hard work, qualifications, professionalism, diligence and tact. Therefore, if a person possesses these qualities at the proper level, then he will not have problems finding a job.

How to choose a profession for girls and men

The choice of future specialty should be given special attention.

When choosing a profession, you should consider:

  • Wish. Choose a direction you like, which will later bring joy and moral satisfaction.
  • Own abilities. Soberly assess your own abilities. Ambition is good, but some areas require talent. Therefore, if you want to become a theater artist, initially try yourself in this role.
  • Place of training. It is very important to focus on the university where you plan to receive your education.
  • Labor market assessment. Conduct an analysis of in-demand specialties. Analyze the number of free places in this direction.
  • Perspective. It is worth remembering that a profession should give a start to a career and self-development. Don't choose the direction where to climb career ladder will not work.

It is better for girls to choose a profession:

  • Accountant.
  • Pharmacist.
  • Pharmacist.
  • Makeup artist.
  • Obstetrician-gynecologist.
  • Teachers.
  • Cooks.
  • Marketer.
  • Secretary.
  • Designer.
  • Veterinarian.
  • Nurses.

Guys should choose a specialty:

  • Builder.
  • Engineer.
  • Doctor.
  • Programmer.
  • Financier.

Guys should also take a closer look at the following professions:

  • Driller.
  • Surveyor.
  • Welder.
  • Bricklayer.
  • Geologist.
  • Crane operator.

Important! These men's specialties are popular in the North of Russia. They are well paid. But it is worth remembering that working in the North requires strong physical condition and difficult and dangerous working conditions.

Talented and ambitious young people should pay attention to creative and interesting highly paid professions:

  1. Theater and film actor.
  2. Visagiste.
  3. A gallerist is a specialist in the field of art. The specialty is suitable for both girls and boys. The gallery owner's responsibilities include organizing exhibitions and advertising paintings.
  4. Designer.
  5. Illustrator.
  6. Fashion designer.
  7. Director.
  8. Animator.
  9. Stylist.
  10. Photographer.
  11. Jeweler.

These specialties will help to fully reveal a person’s potential and talent.

Harmful professions for early retirement

According to the law, each person is required to work a certain amount of time to retire.

Note! But there are a number of specialties with harmful conditions work for a long-term pension.

These specialties are divided into 2 groups:

Industries for early retirement:

  1. Mining.
  2. Production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
  3. Production of explosives.
  4. Processing of petroleum products.
  5. Chemical production.
  6. Production of materials intended for construction.
  7. Production of cellulose.
  8. Glass production.
  9. Electronics manufacturing.
  10. Nuclear energy sector.

Table: norms insurance period by groups.

Civil servants have the right to retire early if they have at least 15 years of work experience.

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Every person dreams of getting not only an interesting and prestigious, but also a highly paid profession. Most of these professions require special skills and abilities, but today the majority of the population has access to mastering these professions. The list of the highest paid professions in Russia, as well as throughout the world, is dynamic.

Jobs that have become low-income leave this list, and occupations that have become profitable move into the top of highly paid professions in Russia. For example, blue-collar jobs like turners, mechanics, etc. have practically disappeared from among the most profitable professions. With the development of the Internet, the payment for the work of people working in this field: IT specialists, webmasters, copywriters.

The highest paid professions in Russia

In addition, salaries in Russia differ by region, and therefore the list of the highest paid professions in Moscow may differ slightly from similar list compiled in the province. This may be due to the fact that people come to Moscow talented people from all over the country and abroad who cannot small homeland realize professional ambitions.

Highly paid professions in Russia in 2017

According to labor exchange data, in 2017, the most in-demand and highly paid professions in Russia include:

Auditors. The development of all forms of business certainly entails a demand for people who are involved in auditing the enterprise regarding the payment of taxes. Today, representatives of this profession can count on average salary about 40 thousand rubles;

. The Internet in Russia has already reached even remote remote villages, and, as a result, the salaries of specialists who can create websites, fill them with content, and monitor their content and condition have increased. The profession is in demand both in Moscow and on the outskirts of the country, and provides workers with a salary of 30-120 thousand rubles, excluding possible third-party earnings;

The key to successful business is the ability to win over the client and attract him with your services. For successful work this profession requires not only professional skills, but also knowledge of psychology, however, this job is also among the ones in demand and highly paid;

Collectors. Difficult situation in the economy leads to an increase in the number of overdue debts, and therefore banking and credit institutions are increasingly resorting to the help of collectors. The profession remains in demand and highly paid, despite a number of recent scandals and incidents related to this type of activity. The top monthly income of a collector can be up to 300-400 thousand rubles;

IT specialists. Not a single enterprise today can do without specialists in information leakage prevention, protection against hacker attacks and break-ins, development software. The shortage of personnel in this profession makes the average salary of employees equal to 60 thousand rubles;

. The number of catering establishments in Russia is growing by leaps and bounds, and therefore any restaurant or cafe would like to have among its employees a qualified chef who has experience, culinary knowledge and talent. Salary reaches 90 thousand rubles per month;

Personal drivers. Despite its low prospects and prestige, employers offer about 70 thousand rudders for it. In some cases, car owners allow drivers to earn extra money from their cars in their free time. This is predominantly male profession, among personal drivers almost no girls.

Highly paid work depending on gender

Work for men

In the labor market, different demands are placed on people of different sexes, and therefore the highest paid professions for women and men differ. Thus, a representative of the strong half of humanity has the maximum opportunity to earn money in the following occupations:

Oil and gas industry employee. These usually include engineers, drillers, site foremen, etc. Natural resources constitute a significant part of domestic exports, and therefore competent specialists in this field have been valued since Soviet times to this day;

. Strictly speaking, a woman can be a dentist, but society has already formed a stereotype that this is a predominantly male profession. The honorable work of a dentist in Russia is adequately paid, especially if we're talking about about private clinics;

Logistician. Russia is a country of endless territories, and therefore the ability to quickly and efficiently ensure the safety of goods and organize their delivery to one point or another, for example, from Moscow to Tyumen, is especially valued here. Experience is especially valued in this profession;

Work specialist. Behind last years the professions of welder, turner, mechanic have undeservedly lost their former prestige and honor. However, specialists who continue to work in these specialties can boast of high earnings both in Moscow and in the regions;

Military specialist. The increasingly tense international situation in recent years and the growth in exports of domestic military products have made the professions of military engineers, technicians, and testers very highly paid. The military industry is developing widely in Moscow and in the regions, and there is a great need for workers there.

Work for women

The highest paid professions for girls today are:

. The profession has not lost its relevance for many years and provides specialists with a salary of 100-200 thousand rubles;

Managers. Work at an enterprise must be smoothly run like clockwork, and therefore internal communications specialists, sales managers, and customer service specialists are highly valued by employers;

Accountants. This is a very complex and responsible specialty that requires, in addition to professional skills, also knowledge of various acts, regulations, and laws. On the other hand, this work is usually highly paid;

Manicurists, makeup, stylists, hairdressers. Skill, experience, knowledge of their field will help beauty specialists create an extensive client base from girls and boys and ensure high wages.

Strictly speaking, these lists are very arbitrary, since, in fact, there are very few purely male or women's professions. The main thing is to be a high-quality specialist and love your job, and this is valued higher than belonging to one gender or another.

Highly paid professions in the future

For those young people who are just going to decide on their choice of profession in the coming years, it will be very necessary information, what professions will be well paid in Russia in a few years. Experts and analysts believe that after 5-10 years it will be possible to count on high earnings in such specialties as:

In addition, webmasters, logisticians, accountants, and lawyers will remain on the list of potentially highly paid professions.

It is worth keeping in mind that a young specialist, having received a highly paid profession, is unlikely to be able to count on a really high salary in the first years of his working life. High competition and employers' distrust of employees without experience lead to the fact that employee income during this period is relatively low. If a young specialist’s income turns out to be lower than desired, you should not give up and complain about fate. It will be much more productive to remember the proverb “Moscow was not built in a day” and try to become a high-quality specialist in order to gradually reach the desired level within 5-10 years wages. For this preferably:

  • gain comprehensive knowledge on the subject of your work,
  • get another one higher education,
  • learn at least one foreign language(English is best)
  • develop positive personal qualities,
  • resort to irregular working hours when necessary,
  • learn to make non-standard decisions to achieve your goals.

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