How to draw a girl's face easy for beginners. Learn to draw a portrait of any person with a pencil: step-by-step instructions

This is an average difficulty lesson. It can be difficult for adults to repeat this lesson, so I don’t recommend drawing a face for young children using this lesson, but if you really want to, you can try. I also want to note the lesson “” - be sure to try it again if you still have time and desire to draw today.

What you will need

In order to draw a face we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grain special paper: beginning artists will find it much more pleasant to draw on this kind of paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Different parts of the human body and organs should be drawn with a certain degree of realism. Academic drawing requires this. Also, he strongly recommends drawing a face from life or, in extreme cases, from a photograph. This is the only way to achieve high realism and elaboration.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Please note that every object, every living creature, every phenomenon on paper can be depicted using simple geometric objects: circles, squares and triangles. They are the ones who create the form; they are the ones the artist needs to see in the surrounding objects. There is no house, there are several large rectangles and a triangle. This makes building complex objects much easier.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

Step one. This face is oval shaped. First, let's make an oval and divide it with lines. A vertical line crosses it exactly in the middle, and horizontal lines are located as follows. The first divides the face just below half, and the second another half from the remaining lower part of the face. We cannot give exact sizes, since everyone's face is different.

But the task of these lines is to outline the approximate location (this is the vertical line), as well as the location of the lips (the horizontal bottom line). Don't forget that you'll have to erase them later, so don't press the stylus too hard on the paper.

If you press hard on the paper, it will become deformed, and the drawing will look like a girl getting ready for a wedding. plastic surgery. (She will be “beautiful” like a gargoyle)

Step two. Make approximate strokes where the nose will be located. And also add lines for the mouth, and halfway between the nose and chin. Make the line that marks the lower lip wider.

Step three. Let's move on to drawing the eyes. They are located just above the nose. The outer edges of the nose indicate where the inner corners of the eyes will go. Make a sketch as shown in the picture. Consider another important factor here.

Human anatomy is designed in such a way that the distance between the eyes is equal to the size of another eye. This is indicated by a red arrow in the figure.

Now let's add the eyebrows.

Tip: Even if one eyebrow is raised and the eyebrows are the same height, start drawing from inside(points closer to the nose). To get an idea of ​​how high the eyebrows are, add another dummy eye above the left eye - this should give you more or less the correct height for the eyebrows.

Step 4. Add a mouth. In the previous lesson we already covered some points. For example, we tried to depict the lips of a person. But there is another important point; aspiring artists have many questions about how big the mouth should be? Mentally draw two lines from the inner edges of your eyes down. This will be the approximate size of the mouth; when smiling it may be a little wider.

Step 5. Now we erase the auxiliary lines that we made in the first two steps. Let's see what we got. In principle, the sketch is ready. Now all that remains is to decorate and add shadows.

Step six. Give your face shape more specificity. Pay attention to the cheekbones and the shape of the chin. This one has a strong chin, but try not to get it too strong or she'll turn into a . Sketch in the black pupils and add eyelids.

Drawing eyes requires concentration. This is the mirror of the soul.

Look closely at the animation. You will see in what order it is best to do this.

The last step. We add shadows with a simple pencil to give the drawing volume and make it more realistic.

That's all. We will look in more detail about other parts of the human body in the following lessons. Also leave your works and write comments about how to draw a girl’s face with a pencil!

So you learned how to draw a face. If you put in the effort, I believe you will achieve everything you set your mind to. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Well, the buttons social networks It's not just like that =)

Learning the basics of drawing will help you become a good painter in the future. People who are just learning the basics of drawing often have difficulties with how to draw with a simple pencil. In this article we will talk about techniques that will make this complex process interesting and less intimidating. The lesson will be based on simple ones that we will use to “dress” the face. We will figure it out step by step, the girl’s face from the front will not be very good challenging task. So let's get started.

Of course, without anatomical knowledge it is difficult to tell how to draw a person’s face, so we will use the so-called basis, which will help us determine the exact location of the eyes, nose, ears and mouth. In the future, if you decide to continue drawing, you will definitely need to master the anatomical drawing of the human body.

Face oval

So, today we are learning to draw a person’s face, and we will start our drawing with an oval of the head. If we miss all the anatomical details and look at a person’s head schematically, we will see an oval resembling egg. Divide it into symmetrical halves vertical line, and then horizontal (the line of the pupils). We will start from these lines.

Auxiliary lines


The place where the ears should be is marked on the diagram yellow. Extend the line of the nose until it intersects with the width of the head; at these points we will have earlobes. We will adjust the height a little later.

Turn on your imagination

At this stage we outline the contours of the eyes, eyebrows, tip of the nose, lips and ears. Here you will see where your ears will end, approximately this will be the line of the eyebrows. Draw a little oval of the head in the area of ​​the ears.

The final stage

We slowly erase unnecessary and interfering lines and add details. We draw stronger, add shadows, make the drawing three-dimensional. The hairstyle is already to your taste.

When you draw a drawing and remember how to draw a person’s face, check the proportions in parallel. The placement of the eyes and mouth fits into an equilateral triangle. The peaks will be located at the corners of the eyes and on the lower edge of the lips. The height of the mouth will be equal to half the width female eye, as well as the distance from the tip of the nose to the lips. And the chin in a woman’s face will be equal to the width of the eye.

Now you know how to draw a person's face without knowledge of anatomy. This method is one of many that help you master the basics of drawing. Try hard and you will succeed.

To know how to draw a girl with a pencil, you don’t have to study art and be an artist. Any beginner can try his hand at it. It is enough to be persistent and gradually master some skills. It is important to keep in mind the aspects below.

What materials are needed

Before starting the lesson, novice creators should stock up on materials such as:

You should not skimp on basic drawing materials, even if we're talking about about a novice amateur. Poor quality materials can discourage interest in drawing and complicate the first steps in art. For newbies optimal choice There will be mid-price products.

Female body proportions

Proportions female body differ from men's in some respects. Besides, in different times for the standard of beauty in fine arts were accepted different proportions.

Nowadays, the following parameters of the female body are relevant for drawing:

  1. To measure height, you need to calculate the height of the woman’s head and multiply this parameter by 7-8.5 times. It is useful to know that a person’s height is divided exactly in half at the point of the pubic symphysis.
  2. To calculate shoulder width, you will need an average of 1.5 head heights.
  3. The width of the pelvic bone is directly proportional to the width of her shoulder, and the height of a woman's pelvis is slightly lower than the height of her head.
  4. The waist is on average equal to 1 head height.
  5. To calculate the height between the base of the chest and the hip joint, you should divide the height of the head in half.

Axes and proportions of the face

Not everyone knows the tricks on how to draw a girl with a pencil. It is easy to explain this process step by step for beginners.

It is enough just to know about the following proportions of facial features and about the universal axes on which you can rely on in the process of constructing a face:

Face drawing scheme


How to draw a girl in profile

When wondering how to draw a girl with a pencil step by step for beginners, you need to look for the answer in the same measurements and center lines as when drawing from the front. You should start drawing by drawing auxiliary lines in the form of a square. Its height should be 1/8 greater than its width. All the main axes need to be transferred to it, as if a face was inscribed in it from the front.

Then, you should inscribe an inclined ovoid oval into a rectangle between the axis on which the tip of the nose is located and the top of the entire square. This oval helps build the correct shape of the skull, back of the head and forehead.

The part of the side of the skull that connects to the neck should be angled downward.

  • From the top extreme point oval, you should start drawing the line of the forehead, eyebrows, nose, mouth and chin. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the drawn auxiliary lines. The most prominent point of the forehead, closer to the eyebrows, is in contact with the edge of the square.
  • The eyes are located on their own axis. On the face in profile, the eyes take the shape of an arrowhead. The iris changes from round to a thin, elongated oval with a pointed top and bottom.
  • The tip of the nose will protrude slightly beyond the square. The depression of the bridge of the nose falls on the same axis on which the eyes are located.
  • Lips on a profile face will appear prominent, especially the lower lip. The line where the lips meet goes slightly downward from the lips. Even if a person smiles, the line goes straight at first and then smoothly curves upward.
  • When viewed in profile, the ears take on a C-shape. An arc of thin cartilage runs along the edge of the ear. Also, be aware of your earlobe. When drawing a woman's face, the ears are often covered with hair.

How to draw a girl in full height

When drawing a girl with a pencil step by step, it is extremely important for beginners to maintain the body proportions discussed earlier. Only compliance with proportions will help avoid depicting an awkward, unrealistic body.

To portray a girl in full height, it is recommended to consider the following aspects:

  • Image central axis. This axis coincides with the girl’s spine. On entry level When drawing, it is recommended to draw the figure standing straight and level, from the front. Therefore, the central axis will also be straight.
  • Torso. It is recommended to depict it schematically in the form of an inverted triangle. You should not make it too large or wide, as female figure, on average, has more graceful shoulders and chest.
  • Breast. To determine the correct location of the chest, another smaller one is inserted into the torso triangle, pointing upward. At its corners you need to draw two identical circles, which are the chest.
  • Hips. To depict the hips, it is convenient to draw a circle, a small part of which extends to the lower corner of the triangle representing the torso.

Using the obtained guidelines, you need to connect them with smooth, rounded lines. The figure should acquire the contours of a female body. Next, you need to draw the arms and legs. The length of the arms is just below the groin area.

Important points when drawing hair


  • When drawing hair, it is important to pay attention to how the light falls on them. As a rule, the roots of the hair are in the shadow, and at some distance from them a highlight is noticeable on the hair. It should be left unpainted, or only a few strokes should be added around the edges. Next, it is important to pay attention to how the hair lies in the strands. In the drawing, you should combine small strands into larger ones and depict a highlight on them as the light falls. Also, it is necessary to highlight the darker, shadow areas so that the drawing does not look flat.
  • The hair lies luxuriantly on the head, covering part of the forehead, cheeks, and ears. Depending on the structure of the hair (curly, straight), it can be more voluminous or, on the contrary, smooth. It is important to notice the direction in which the hair grows to reflect them as realistically as possible.
  • There is a lot of hair on a person's head, but you shouldn't depict all of them.. You just need to show their overall texture. Pencils of varying hardness are used for shading hair. For shady areas, take the most soft pencil and hatch with pressure. Hard pencils are needed to define hairs in lighter parts and highlights. It is important that the strokes are confident and long. To do this, it is recommended to rest your hand with a pencil on your elbow, and not on your wrist, and draw from the elbow.

Step by step drawing of hair

Now we know how to draw a girl with a pencil.

Step by step for beginners it is realistic to master such a complex detail as hair:

How to draw a girl with long flowing hair

However, some distinctive features should be taken into account:

How to draw a girl with short hair

Short hair during the drawing process have several distinctive features:

How to draw a girl from the back

Many people don’t know how to draw a girl with a pencil step by step. For beginners, it will not be difficult to master drawing a girl from the back.

This is a simpler option where you won’t need to depict her face, breasts and other complex details.

However, drawing a girl from the back has its own nuances:

  • The width of the shoulders and back should be indicated. The overall shape will resemble a triangle, however, it should not be too large or wide. Otherwise, the girl will look too strong and masculine.
  • The spine runs vertically in the center of the back, which must be reflected in the form of several strokes.
  • At the level where the arms are attached to the body, the shoulder blades are visible on the back. They should not be highlighted too clearly. But if the picture shows a slender girl, it is advisable to indicate the shoulder blades with light strokes.
  • Often the back and neck are covered with loose hair. Drawing a girl from the back – good opportunity depict beautiful curls scattered over the shoulders.

Anime style

Anime style involves a stylized image of the girl's figure and face. Generally, anime characters have exaggeratedly large and round eyes in a small face, and a small mouth and nose (which may be indicated by a dash or a dot). The arms and legs are thin and slender. The girl herself is most often petite and graceful, with thin waist. The legs are exaggeratedly long.

First you need to make a sketch, depict the head, facial features and hairstyle. Anime hairstyles suggest some carelessness and volume. Next, you should detail the sketch, adding details and paying attention to the location of shadow and light in the drawing.

In a dress

Pencil drawing girls in a dress should start with a step-by-step sketch of the girl’s figure as if without a dress. For beginners, this will help to correctly build her figure in clothes. It is advisable to take into account that clothing helps to hide those details that turn out poorly. Therefore, it is important to choose a dress style that will cover the most complex elements of the design.

In addition, the style of the dress should suit the drawn girl and fit her well.

When drawing a dress, it is important to take into account the material from which it is supposed to be made. Soft and delicate material will flow or hug the figure, dense material will not deform along the lines of the girl’s body. In addition, the direction and distribution of light should be considered to reflect soft lighting on the fabric. This will make the drawing more voluminous and naturalistic.

How to apply chiaroscuro using strokes

Hatching is an important element of drawing a girl with a pencil, and for beginners, first of all, it requires step-by-step training. You need to learn how to apply strokes, changing the saturation from dark to light as softly as possible. The softer and smoother the transition, the better the shading is mastered.

To draw a girl, you should take into account the rules of construction and proportions of her body and face. In drawing, training and observation are important, which will help you depict what you want with the greatest accuracy.

Video: how to draw a girl with a pencil

How to draw a portrait of a girl with a pencil, watch the video:

How to draw a person's face correctly, watch the video:

Hello, dear readers of my blog. I’m in touch with you, Timur Mustaev. Quite recently, I started to get interested in pencil drawing. My friend is so good at it that I asked him for a couple of lessons. I also asked him to write an article specifically for beginners in drawing, like me, where all the stages of drawing are described in detail. Today, in this article, he shares his tips and secrets.

Before I start, I want to tell you the secret of how my friend learned to draw. He took the video course" Drawing a portrait from a photograph"and the result is obvious. Moreover, the author of the course promises a full refund if you don’t learn how to draw. But as my friend says, this is simply not possible! The course is very clear and everything is shown with examples.

Drawing a portrait from a photograph

Drawing something is not easy, but the process of mastering the technique of creating a portrait will go much faster if you take a few tips from this article.

After all, as it happens, you seem to draw, erase, draw again, waste “tons” of paper, but there are no results. What is the reason for such failures?

The thing is that, when trying to draw the eyes, nose or other parts of the model, beginners lose sight of the fact that the picture should be painted from the whole to the particular.

How to draw a portrait with a pencil step by step for beginners? Moving from simple to complex. Let me give you an example. Remember how a man emerges from the fog? At first, vague outlines appear. As the haze disappears, facial features become clearer. It should also be on paper.

There are three angles: profile, full face and half-turn - the so-called three-quarters.

Beginners can be advised to try painting a portrait of a person sitting in three-quarter or side view. Then, when the technique of creating a face in a half-turn has been perfected, it will be possible to do more complex techniques, write the face from the front.

However, if you believe in your abilities, you can try to draw a person sitting upright from life.

Where to start?

The frame or basis of the portrait is the oval of the head and the location of the eyes, ears, chin, nose, eyebrows. To make it clearer, I’ll show you how to mark the contours of the face. Let's take, for example, a portrait of a girl.

What head shape does she have? Ovoid? Round? Oval with a square chin?

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Stretch the pencil in your hand, pointing it towards the model. Mark the distance between the top of your head and your chin on paper. We also mark the width. Now put all these values ​​on paper using dots, not forgetting about proportions and scale.

To draw from a photo, measure the parameters with a ruler, mark the expected width and height of the head. Write the shape of the head.

Remember that the width of the head is ¾ of the height. In reality, there may be deviations of 1-2 cm. So, carefully measure the height and width, check their ratio.

The outlines should be light and delicate, barely noticeable. An HB pencil is suitable for this. Now you are ready for the next step.

Many people try to master the art of drawing a portrait, but they fail. Either the nose is swollen, like a pig's, or the eyes are too small. It is important at this stage to compare the standard with the original (model or photo).

Each person has his own characteristics. These could be wide cheekbones, a large bulbous nose, and deep-set eyes. Look closely and notice. How do you usually draw? Where do you start your work?


The golden rule of portrait painters is the so-called standard. A unique masterpiece, that is, a face, is subsequently sculpted from it.

It incorporated the following components:

  1. The segment exactly halfway between the crown of the head and the chin marks the eye line.
  2. The next line runs halfway between the eyebrow line and the end of the chin. This is the nose line.
  3. Divide the section between the nose and chin into three parts. The lower border of the upper third is where the lips are located. It may be slightly higher or lower, it all depends on the characteristics of the person.
  4. To find your eyebrow line, divide your head height by three and a half. Half of the three parts indicate the hairline. The second feature behind it is the eyebrow line. The third feature is the line of the nose.

After you have outlined the oval, mark the protruding elements:

  • cheekbones;
  • chin.

Divide your face in half vertically. In the case of a half turn, look at the example.

The line goes through and divides the “egg” in half. One half should be smaller than the other, as it is further away.

Chopping head

In professional art schools, aspiring portrait painters study the so-called “stumping.” This is a human head presented in a simplified version.

We will try to draw a kind of stump of our model in a simple design.

This is the second stage.

Note the person's characteristics:

  • the thickness of the cheekbones, the falling and protruding parts of the face, a kind of relief;
  • thickness of the bridge of the nose, base of the nose;
  • the width and height of the eyes, their location;
  • thickness and width of lips;
  • eyebrows, their bend, direction, thickness;
  • chin shape: triangular, square, etc.

Now, let me show you how to draw eyes.

Spherical mirrors

The eyes are a round sphere. This roundness must be conveyed on the sheet. At the same time, the white of the eye is never left white, but is shaded, adding more color. To make it clear that the eye has a spherical shape.

Finding the eye is quite easy. Divide the width of the head into five parts. The 2nd and 4th parts represent the eyes. But these are the proportions for the front view. How to draw eyes in a half-turn?

In this case, you simply mark the same eye socket, notch or temporal part of the head and dance from it. Measure the farthest eye; it is smaller in size than the second one. Measure the distance between the eyes and mark it on paper. Repeat for the other eye as well.

Outline the eye with a quadrangle, marking the width and height with notches.

Take a close look at the model or photo. What eye shape does the original have? How do the width and height of the eye relate?

Sketch line segments showing the position of the eyelids.

At the same time, the lower eyelid is never made dark. Take a closer look at how to depict the thickness of the lower eyelid. It is a shade darker than the whites of the eyes.


Now let's start creating the plane of the nose. To do this, you need to know several relationships:

  1. Draw lines parallel to each other from the corners of the inner eyelid down. Mark the location of the wings of the nose.
  2. When creating a face in a half turn, the second line coming from the far eye will disappear behind the bridge of the nose.

Construct a trapezoid at the base of the nose, first drawing the lines of the back of the nose. To do this, place a pencil parallel to the vertical axis and remember the angle between the back of the nose and the axis, transfer it to paper.


The location of the lips can be found like this. If you divide the height of the head into 8 parts, then the fifth line down from the top of the head will be the line of the lips.

Write the mouth as if it were drawn on a cylinder.

The upper lip should be 1/3 of the height of the lips. The width of the lips is equal to the distance between the center of the pupils. Measure in a half turn in the photo and adjust to your scale.

There is another measure of the width of the lips: it is equal to a segment of one and a half eyes.


Look at the pictures to see how to draw ears. The ear is located between the brow and nasal lines.

In the ¾ portrait the man is depicted with one ear, the other ear is “hidden”. Remember, the ear should be tilted towards the head.

It can be determined by drawing a straight line connecting the jugular cavity and the ear. Or simply attach a pencil to the photo and measure the angle of inclination by eye.


And some more rules:

  1. If you are painting a portrait of a person from the waist up, identify the axis that bisects the face so that you can determine the location of the eyes, nose and ears, eyebrows, etc. It passes through the jugular cavity or between the collarbones in the center;
  2. The width of the head along the eye line is 2/3 of its height;
  3. The widest part of the head is the basis for finding the width of the lower jaw (¾ of the larger value).


The third stage of creating a portrait includes detailed drawing. Remove unnecessary lines, start to achieve similarity with the photo. At the same time, measure the width of the eyes, nose and other parts and compare them with the width of the face. Draw smooth lines and roundness.

The last final stage is shading.

Shade from the dark areas gradually moving to the lightest ones. Lastly, lighten and add highlights to the pupils, tip of the nose and other parts.

The picture is ready.

Finally, I want to tell you that portraits can be without shading. For example, a linear portrait uses visual medium line.

See how to draw a girl.

Only those who have studied in special courses or in art school because this is not an easy task. To fully transfer proportions to paper, you need to know many of the nuances of each element.

However, if you are a beginner who already has some drawing skills, you can try your hand at drawing a face. First, you should practice drawing various features on a rough sketch: lips, eyebrows, nose. Then you can take Blank sheet paper and move on to the first stage of this lesson.

Necessary materials:

  • paper;
  • eraser;
  • pencil;
  • marker;
  • colored pencils in red, brown, blue, orange.

Drawing steps:

1. Let's draw an oval. This will be the head. Let's draw two auxiliary lines in the center.

2. Now let's adjust the shape of the face. Simple curved lines Let's label the hair.

3. Draw the eyebrows and the upper eyelid of the eye, which should be on a horizontal line.

4. We finish drawing the eyes, namely the lower eyelid, eyeball and pupil, as well as eyelashes. Add a line in the center where the nose is located.

5. Draw the nose and mouth. The lips will be wide and large.

6. Let's draw general shape hairstyles around the head.

7. Let’s draw the neck and shoulders below.

8. Let's detail the girl's hair - draw strands.

9. Outline the outline of the face, eyes, eyebrows, nose and lips with a black marker. We will also go over each line of the neck, shoulders, and hair.

10. Let's start coloring step by step drawing faces. First of all, let's add color to the girl's hair. They will be red. Take an orange pencil and completely shade it along the contour of the hairstyle. In some places you can add volume using a brown pencil. You can also give the girl a different hair color.

11. Now we move on to the girl’s delicate and sensitive skin. To give a natural look, we first use a pink pencil, then to create a penumbra - red, and for shadow areas - brown.

12. Let’s make the girl’s lips bright red.

13. Decorate the gorgeous eyebrows on your face with a brown pencil.

14. Then let's move on to the eyes. Lower and upper eyelids Color it with a black marker. Let's make the iris blue tone. We will also decorate the pupil with a marker.

The result is a beautiful portrait of a girl, and you learned how to draw woman's face. To draw a man's face, use the same steps, just change their features. After all, a man's is rougher.

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