Astronomer: features of the “star” profession. What do astrophysicists study? Modern astrophysics

– What does the State Astronomical Institute named after P.K. do? Sternberg Moscow State University?
– This is one of the main astrophysical institutes in Russia. It conducts research in the field of astronomy and astrophysics, ranging from the study of planets, astrometry (a branch of astronomy whose main task is the study of apparent positions and movements celestial bodies) and celestial mechanics and ending with high-energy astrophysics, relativistic astrophysics (studying on the basis general theory relativity properties of super-dense cosmic bodies - neutron stars and black holes - approx. site) and cosmology.

– How does astronomy differ from astrophysics?
– These are related, interpenetrating and sometimes even interchangeable concepts. In everyday life, astronomy and astrophysics in general are often used as synonyms. Astrophysics is the branch of physics that deals with the physics of phenomena occurring in the Universe. Classical astronomy is rather the science of interpreting those observations of celestial bodies that we have. This science uses its own specific methods: measuring the brightness of stars, measuring positions, velocities, coordinates.
For example, there is such a discipline as stellar astronomy, which studies the structure and kinematics of various stellar systems. For example, our Galaxy. But how the Galaxy was formed and how it evolves are questions of the physics of galaxies, which, however, is based on knowledge obtained from stellar astronomy.

– How do astrophysicists study various objects and phenomena?
– Our main method of understanding the Universe is observation. And the most convenient way to observe celestial bodies is, of course, with the help of telescopes. Our staff uses ground-based telescopes located around the world, as well as orbital observatories. For example, one of the largest devices in the world (and the largest in Russia) is located in the North Caucasus. And recently the Institute acquired a 2.5-meter telescope in Kislovodsk.

– How do astrophysicists know what exactly to look at?
– Astrophysicists can be divided into theorists and observers. Theorists are those who know exactly where to look and why. And observers know how to look and how to extract meaningful physical knowledge from the received signal.
To conduct observations on any relatively large telescope, a theorist needs a well-written application. It is being considered by a special commission consisting of other theoretical astrophysicists and observers. If the application is considered good, the scientist is said to get "time on the telescope" and then the data. At the same time, the applicant most often does not participate in the observations themselves. Because, firstly, it is usually far away. And secondly, the observation process from a technical point of view is quite complex and is carried out by individual specialists. No one will just let you “steer the telescope” in a large observatory.

– Why are these studies needed? How can the results be applied in practice?
– We are engaged in fundamental science - we understand the structure of the world around us. However, subsequently applied science grows out of fundamental science. For example, today the theory of relativity helps us track the movement of a called taxi with high accuracy thanks to the GPS navigation system.

– What exactly do you do?
– Mostly I do research on neutron stars. These stars are one of the possible final stages of the evolution of ordinary stars - after a massive star exhausts its thermonuclear fuel, the internal pressure can no longer contain the forces of gravity, the star's core collapses, and a rapidly rotating dense object with a radius of 12 km and a strong magnetic field is formed. Russian astrophysicist Sergei Popov, for example, calls such stars superobjects. I think this is a very apt name, because, indeed, they all have “super” - super high densities, super large magnetic fields, super-large gravitational fields.
I also participate in the creation of devices and software for spacecraft - some such devices are being developed by our laboratory. In addition, I try not only to study astrophysics, but also to popularize this discipline. For example, now in the VDNH “Cosmos” pavilion they are preparing to open a large museum center, which will be dedicated to aviation and astronautics. I am working on a section dedicated to astronomy and astrophysics.

– What does an astrophysicist’s working day consist of?
– An astrophysicist builds models of various physical phenomena. This specialist collects observational data - images from telescopes, graphs, columns of numbers, processes them and analyzes them using mathematical and statistical analysis. Then, looking at the resulting result, the astrophysicist proposes hypotheses, builds physical models (in the language of equations, for example), thinks about how they can be verified with new observations, initiates these observations, and then the circle closes.
For example, after the interview I will go to my laboratory and start writing a program that embodies one of the physical models of rotation solid in space. I will sit at the computer and program, compile, run, look for errors, compile again, run again, and so on many, many times.

– How did you become an astrophysicist?
– I graduated from the Lyceum of Information Technologies No. 1537, receiving a degree in programming. It was assumed that I would continue my education in the field of computer science and programming, because I was good at these disciplines. However, in the 11th grade, I surprised everyone by declaring that I wanted to study astronomy, not programming. Of course, the teachers asked why I decided this way. I answered that I didn’t want to sit in front of a monitor all my life and write programs. And here I am an astrophysicist, and I sit in front of a monitor for days and write programs.

– What higher education is needed to become an astrophysicist?
– To become an astrophysicist, you can go to study at the astronomical department of the Faculty of Physics (that’s where I studied), at the astronomical department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, or at the Department of Astronomy in. Also the Department of Astronomy, Geodesy and Monitoring environment is in .
On the other hand, you can get not a degree in astronomy, but a good physics education, for example, at, and then go to graduate school in an astrophysics group.

– How can a graduate without work experience build a career in science?
– For a person who is just starting to work in science (that is, while still studying at the university), it is important to find a good professional environment. More specifically, a scientific group that is known for producing strong results in one of the areas of astrophysics. At first, the group's reputation will work in favor of the young scientist. But over time, he will begin to earn his own reputation as a professional, which will allow him to receive new good positions.
At the same time, we must remember that in modern astrophysics there are fewer and fewer individual scientists. Problems are becoming more and more complex, and they can only be solved collectively, within the framework of collaboration.

– Can an astrophysicist change the sphere of his professional interests?
– Usually people change topics, but within the framework of their direction. But changing direction is already quite difficult. For example, if I suddenly wanted to do extragalactic astronomy (the branch of astronomy that studies objects outside our galaxy - approx. site), it would be difficult for me to make such a transition. However, once you set a goal, you can certainly acquire the necessary knowledge.

– What subjects should high school students who want to become astrophysicists focus on?
– First of all, physics and mathematics. Moreover, I advise reading not only school textbooks - sometimes they can be published twenty years ago, but also all kinds of Additional materials- recordings of lectures by modern scientists (Russian and English-speaking), serious scientific research, projects aimed at in-depth understanding of physics and mathematics.
It seems to me that in modern world knowledge is no longer the same power. There is no problem with obtaining knowledge - it is all on the Internet, and it is easy to search for it. The main thing is to understand the essence of physical phenomena. And it is this understanding that needs to be read.
I would also recommend that schoolchildren study programming in order to solve problems not on paper using a calculator, but on a computer. You also need to know English language and train to search for information on the Internet - not to get lost among a large amount of data and be able to find the necessary articles.

– How much does an astrophysicist earn?
– Most often we receive 30–50 thousand rubles per month, although sometimes the salary ranges from 15 to 150 thousand per month. The rate itself is usually very small, but scientists also receive grant funding, bonuses, incentive payments, etc. However, often a person does not know in advance how much he will receive next month. This creates certain inconveniences.

– What can an astrophysicist get tired of?
– From a lot of work, because many scientists simultaneously participate in several projects. In addition, constant deadlines are stressful: you need to have time to prepare for the conference, prepare an article, write a grant application on time, and then a report on the grant, etc.

– How many articles should a scientist publish per year?
– Some universities introduce clear criteria for how many publications their employees should have. It seems to me that a person who is active and works well should have at least 3-4 articles published per year in which he will make a significant contribution.
However, if a scientist works in a large collaboration (or even several collaborations), then dozens of articles with his co-authorship can be published per year! True, one must understand that his contribution to them will be quite small.

– What can an astrophysicist do if he decides to try himself in something new?
– In principle, he is capable of becoming a good programmer or teaching physics and astronomy. You can also switch to related physics specialties and get a job in a company that develops various technologies. This specialist can also go into the banking sector and become, for example, an analyst, because studying at the physics department taught him analytical thinking.

– What clubs are there for schoolchildren who want to gain practical knowledge in astrophysics?
– I myself teach at the Astroschool of the State Aviation Institute and at the Astrophysical School of the Trajectory Foundation. The Trajectory Foundation, which supports scientific educational initiatives, organized the school, bringing together 40 interested eighth-graders. Astronomers, physicists, and mathematicians will work with them for four years. The guys do a lot correspondence work, carry out their projects, go to full-time schools at different scientific institutes twice a year. I hope that the studies will help schoolchildren come to universities more prepared, and then become strong scientists. So far this is the first set, but if this experience is successful, I hope this project will be implemented again and again.

– What would you recommend reading or watching for people who want to learn more about the work of an astrophysicist?
– I recommend the popular science book “Distant Beacons of the Universe,” written by astrophysicist Pavel Amnuel, who studied neutron stars. The book tells the story of the discovery of neutron stars. It clearly shows the process of searching, thinking, mistakes, discoveries and analysis. You can also read “Monday Begins on Saturday” by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. It seems to me that the feelings towards work that the characters in this book experience are very similar to what we experience.
You can also watch the film “Contact”, based on the novel of the same name by astronomer Carl Sagan, as well as the American TV series “The Big Bang Theory” about young scientists.

– Humanity already understands the structure of the Universe quite well. Will astrophysicists be in demand in the future?
– As often happens in science, the number of questions is proportional to the amount of our knowledge. The more we know, the more new tasks scientists will face. Therefore, I believe that astrophysicists still for a long time there will be something to do.

An astrophysicist is a scientist who studies the structure of various celestial bodies. The profession of astrophysics is close to the profession of astronomer; it combines the techniques and methods of physics and astronomy.

Astrophysicist's work

An astrophysicist studies celestial bodies such as the Sun, Moon, and planets solar system, stars and comets. The scientist is interested in their structure, properties, chemical composition and physical processes occurring in them. The astrophysicist also studies the Universe as a whole, individual galaxies and black holes. Space is fraught with many mysteries, which astrophysicists are trying to solve.

Astrophysicists mainly work in observatories, which are located in places with the highest best review starry sky. There they observe celestial bodies using special super-powerful telescopes. Moreover, observations of various space objects require different equipment and must be carried out in different time days.

Based on the results of observations, astrophysicists conduct research and analyze the data obtained. Research works mainly carried out in research centers and institutes. The work done allows astrophysicists to put forward hypotheses and scientific theories about the organization of space, as well as explain various cosmic phenomena. In their work, astrophysicists actively use modern computer technologies.

Another important task of astrophysicists is to participate in the preparation of space flights. Here their task is to determine the conditions in which the astronaut will be in flight. It is astrophysicists who must predict the location and behavior of various celestial bodies and space debris that may in some way affect the astronauts. The task of astrophysicists is extremely responsible and important.

Astrophysicist - training

In order to become an astrophysicist, you need to obtain a higher technical education. This profession requires a long period of study - after a bachelor’s degree it is necessary to complete a master’s or graduate school, and you can also further increase your academic degree. Universities train future astrophysicists in the specialty “Astronomy” in the following profiles:

  • Astrophysics
  • Astrometry
  • Galactic astronomy
  • Gravimetry, geodesy and space navigation
  • Celestial mechanics

Even after receiving an academic degree, an astrophysicist must periodically attend various domestic and international seminars and conferences to exchange experiences with colleagues and learn about new achievements.

Career as an astrophysicist

Astrophysics does not stand still and in the near future many discoveries will be made in it. The profession of astrophysics is quite rare and highly specialized. It is not in great demand, however, astrophysics largely holds the future, so highly qualified specialists are very much needed in this field. Astrophysicists are mainly in demand in organizations that deal with scientific research in this area. World-famous corporations are Roscosmos or NASA. Such employees are also needed in observatories and research institutes. The higher the level of qualification of an astrophysicist, the more chances he has to build a brilliant career.

An astronomer is a scientist who studies celestial objects such as stars, planets and their satellites, comets, etc.

From Greek astronomía, from astro and nómos - law. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, mathematics and chemistry (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Astronomer- a scientist who studies celestial objects: stars, planets and their satellites, comets, etc.

Features of the profession

Astronomy is the science of the structure and development of cosmic bodies, their systems and the Universe.
Astronomer is a very rare profession.
A theoretical astronomer deals with theoretical astronomy and cosmology (the science of the birth and development of the Universe and objects in it). He summarizes the data obtained during observations.
Observational astronomers develop observational methods, obtain data, which then become the basis for scientific conclusions and hypotheses.
The specific job of an astronomer depends on the specialization. There are many areas: cosmology, celestial mechanics and stellar dynamics, astrophysics, radio astronomy, physics of galaxies, stars, astronomical instrumentation.
However, astronomy will not develop without the constant development of technology. The development of new observational instruments is carried out by engineers (astronomers - “equipment specialists”).

Astronomy is closely connected with other exact sciences, primarily with mathematics, physics and some branches of mechanics, using the achievements of these sciences and, in turn, influencing their development.
Career path Russian astronomer is the same as in any other field of science: university studies, postgraduate studies, Ph.D. thesis, defense, scientific work, doctoral thesis, etc. With the receipt of a new scientific title, the qualification level also increases, on which the salary primarily depends.

In addition to astronomy itself, there are applied specialties directly or indirectly related to this science (Space and information Technology, Astronomical geodesy, Research natural resources aerospace, Space and information technology).


Russian astronomers work at the State Astronomical Institute named after. PC. Sternberg (GAISH) Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov,
Institute of Space Research,
Institute of Astronomy and Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Main (Pulkovo) Astronomical Observatory,
Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the North Caucasus.

Where do they teach

Astronomers are trained in physics and mechanics and mathematics departments of the country's leading universities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Ekaterinburg.
However, universal astronomers in Moscow are trained only at the astronomy department of the physics faculty Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

Astronomy is a field of scientific knowledge about the development and structure of cosmic bodies and the Universe as a whole. Many people have an erroneous opinion about the activities of an astronomer: people believe that he just observes the starry sky.

But in practice, it turns out that the astronomer spends most of his time analyzing and comparing the data obtained based on his observations. Let's tell you how you can become an astronomer.

The price of a super-powerful telescope that reads information from the air is quite high, and not all observatories have such equipment. Although no modern scientist can do without a telescope, one should have very good computer skills since the organization of most research is computerized.

As a rule, an astronomer studies the starry sky for only a few days, but interpreting the data obtained can take months or even years. Therefore, a person who wants to obtain such a rare and unusual profession must also have such personal qualities, How:

  • perseverance;
  • patience;
  • ability to work monotonously for long periods of time;
  • focus on long-term results;
  • a thirst for scientific knowledge and a desire to constantly improve in the field of astronomy.

Where to go to study?

The profession of astronomer can be obtained in technical universities at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics or Physics. Since the main subjects to study are mathematics and physics, it is easier for an applicant with an analytical mind to complete the training. It will be more difficult for humanities students to master such a science.

A student who wants to become an astronomer should remember that upon receipt only higher education his training does not end. Thus, to further work in the profession, it is necessary to complete graduate school, defend a Ph.D. thesis, and then engage in more in-depth scientific work.

Is the profession of astronomer necessary in Russia?

Even if technical universities in our country train specialists, providing decent theoretical and practical training, then working in their specialty may not be profitable from a financial point of view. The salaries of Russian astronomers can differ significantly from the salaries of their foreign colleagues.


For friends!


Astrophysics is a science on the border of astronomy and physics, the study of the universe, its structure, physical processes and chemical properties celestial objects - stars and galaxies (planets, Sun, comets, nebulae).

Space is a little-studied space that makes us ask many questions. For example, astrophysicists are making assumptions about what happens inside black holes, trying to understand what dark matter is and what the properties of gravity are. The search for answers to these questions forces scientists to conduct different studies. For example, astrophysicists are soon planning to send a colony to Mars, and to build a super-powerful telescope on the Moon.

Astrophysics does not stand still and many discoveries will be made in it in the near future.

Description of activity

Astrophysicist is a rare and highly specialized profession. There is little demand for it. But in such world-famous corporations as Roscosmos or NASA, talented specialists are simply necessary.

Almost all astrophysicists have. All of them once graduated, defended dissertations, have scientific publications, etc. This is due to the fact that astrophysicists are required mainly in organizations that engage in scientific research. These are universities and scientific institutes, observatories and the above-mentioned corporations Roscosomos and NASA.

The majority of astrophysicists work at observatories. This is an institution where the movement of celestial bodies is recorded. Its location is not accidental - it is built on an elevated area and at a point with the best view of the starry sky. Climate and atmospheric visibility are also taken into account.

Usually the observatory belongs to a university or scientific institute and may be located quite far from them. Thus, the main office of Roscosmos is located in Moscow, and its observatories are in Baikonur (Kazakhstan), Kislovodsk and Kamchatka.

Working at an observatory is, first of all, observing celestial bodies. However, the working conditions of the astrophysicist depend on the method and purpose of observation.

Observation of cosmic bodies close to Earth.

This includes observing the planets of the solar system, its satellites, nearby stars - everything that we can see in the sky with the naked eye. Since these objects are quite close to Earth, the astrophysicist uses a telescope with magnifying lenses - thanks to multiple magnification, he can see, for example, the craters of the Moon, hurricanes on Jupiter or the rings of Saturn.

The main condition for such work is night time, so the astrophysicist works at night, for 8-14 hours, depending on the time of year.

Observation of cosmic bodies located far from Earth.

The visible stars and planets are just a small fraction of what is in the Universe. There are many other celestial bodies that are so far from us that the light from them simply does not reach the Earth. We can hardly see anything where these objects are located, so the astrophysicist searches for them only using invisible radio waves.

The device that records these waves is a radio telescope. With the help of such equipment, astrophysicists obtain data on accumulations of interstellar gas, dust clouds, relict radiation (these are the so-called “remnants of Big Bang, from which the formation of our Universe began). The radio telescope allows you to “look” much further than our galaxy.

He obtains the location (coordinates) of these objects using a radio interfermometer - this is a huge structure, the size of the observatory itself. Outwardly, it resembles a locator.

Analysis of the obtained data.

Observations are only part great job, which is done by an astrophysicist. He writes down all the data received and then examines it. Such work already takes place in a research center or institute on weekdays, from morning to evening.

The astrophysicist describes all the conclusions obtained and gives arguments to them. Then he puts them into the basis of research work.

Space observatories

An astrophysicist can also observe celestial bodies while sitting in the main office research center or company. To do this, he does not need to wait for sunset or clear weather - he receives data directly from space to his computer. The information received is saved and a specialist can look at it at any time. Therefore, he works like an ordinary office employee - on weekdays, from morning to evening.

The data comes from the space observatory - this is an independent device that is equipped with super-powerful telescopes and various sensors. These devices fly in Earth orbit and automatically send data from sensors and images to the astrophysicist’s computer. There are 9 of them in total, and most of them belong to NASA.

Information from space observatories comes in different ways. It can tell an experienced astrophysicist not only the location of an object, but also what it is. For example, variable gamma radiation is characteristic of a recently born star. X-rays can indicate black holes, ultraviolet rays can indicate accumulations of interstellar gas, and infrared rays can indicate water vapor and the chemical composition of a celestial body. Recently, astrophysicists using infrared space observatories discovered organic matter 375 light years from the Sun. This means that besides Earth, life can exist in other parts of our Universe.

Space flights

Flight into space is a huge job of different specialists. Astrophysicists play an important role in this process. Previously, two corporations were involved in space flights: Roscosmos (Russia) and NASA (USA). However, over the past 5 years, the Americans have not sent their ships, so our domestic astrophysicists are preparing for the flight.

The specialists' task is to determine the purpose of the flight and the conditions that the astronaut will have to face. The stage of work of astrophysicists is the most critical. They inform the main and physical conditions V outer space(and this is a temperature of -270°C, dangerous doses of radiation, pressure and other factors). They report the location of space debris that can injure an astronaut, the influence of other celestial bodies and possible difficulties and obstacles. Space is little known and dangerous, but astrophysicists know more about it than others.

Experience exchange

An important part of the work of a good astrophysicist is visiting various conferences, international meetings, and observatories where his foreign colleagues work. It's not only good opportunity learn better about the experience of other astrophysicists, but also see foreign countries and cities.


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Job responsibilities

The purpose of the specialist’s work is to update information about space.

Working as an astrophysicist, you can choose one of the directions: theorist - works with archival material, studying it and formulating conclusions; practitioner - he himself obtains data for further study; teacher - transmits knowledge through lectures, reports, lessons.

Astrophysicists monitor celestial objects using modern magnifying equipment; create and explain theories about the organization of space; examine experimental material; develop and test hypotheses; write scientific articles; use computer and mathematical modeling to explain cosmic events and phenomena; participate in scientific symposia (meeting of scientists from different countries), conferences.

Astrophysicists study specific objects, describe certain physical mechanisms: acceleration of cosmic rays, explosions on stars, the occurrence of gamma-ray bursts, supernovae, etc.

In their work, scientists use special methods: spectral analysis (determining chemical composition and physical parameters), photography, photometry (determining brightness), astronomical observations.

Features of career growth

If you want to achieve professional success and growth, it is necessary to continuously learn, accumulate practical knowledge and skills, and establish important contacts. Then there will be an opportunity to get a good position and participate in international projects.
Different levels higher education allows an astrophysicist to apply for various positions:

  • (physics/astronomy) - work
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