We set up a home theater with our own hands. Organizing a home theater for your children How to stage a children's play

Zaitsev's cubes, Nikitin's games, lacing - all these words are well known to mothers. Modern society got very carried away early development children. It seems that every year there are some new techniques that are immediately used caring mothers, and grandmothers just shrug their shoulders, wondering how they were able to raise their children without all these clever methods.

But weren’t there any ways to develop children before? Of course they were! Moreover, some of them are still very popular. One such method is puppet show . It helps not only to develop various skills in a child, but also allows adults to once again look into such a desired country of childhood.

How is puppet theater useful for children?

Puppet show- an exciting, vibrant spectacle that allows spectators and participants to be transported to a fairyland. But besides the fact that such an event brings joy and pleasure, The puppet theater will also help:

1. Develop memory and imagination. In preparation for his role, the baby listens, remembers and repeats the words of his hero, which helps train his memory. In the future, he will learn not only to remember, but also to invent and construct his own correct sentences. And then maybe he’ll come up with his own script.

2. Develop hand motor skills. Taking the doll in his hands, the child begins to feel it and try it on, which contributes to the development of fine motor skills. And by controlling his hero, setting him in motion, the child learns to control his actions.

3. Understand what is good and what is bad. The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it... With the help of a fairy tale, you can not only entertain a child, but also explain to him which actions are good and which are bad.

4. Teach communication skills. During the game, the baby communicates with other children and learns to cooperate with them - not to take away toys, not to shout out his words first.

5. Overcome shyness. Once your child gets a taste for the game, he will be able to feel like a real little actor performing on his own improvised stage, which will undoubtedly teach him to continue to be more self-confident.

6. Get joy from communicating with loved ones. Time spent with parents is the most valuable thing for a child, and if this time is so exciting, it is three times more interesting.

How to organize a children's puppet theater at home

Having decided to organize puppet show at home, you need to decide on the following things: where to play and what to play.

Venue for home puppet theater

The convenience of a puppet theater is that it can be played anywhere. Even if the apartment is very small, you can always find a place where you can improvise with dolls. It could be:

— Any flat surface - table, chair, floor. This kind of theater is more suitable for very young children, when a parent takes any toy and brings it to life with his own hands and words.

— Cardboard box. By taking such a box and cutting out one of the walls, you can get a wonderful scene. And if you also make holes and hang the fabric on a wire, you will get a real curtain.

— Ready-made puppet theater. Today in a toy store you can find a ready-made screen for puppet shows. And they happen different sizes: from the smallest ones that fit on the table to the large ones that take up half the room.

Choosing characters for a theatrical performance

Having decided on the venue, you need to “hire actors”.

Selection of toys for puppet theater very large, it could be:

— Everyday child’s toys. Your favorite doll Masha, a teddy bear and even a tractor - all this can be used in a puppet show. It would be good if the dolls had several outfits that could be changed during the performance.

- Available materials. IN fairy tales everything comes to life, which means that their characters can be anything: twigs, cones, leaves, chestnuts - the main thing is to show your imagination.The result will be something like an eco-theater.

— Glove dolls. These are perhaps the most popular puppet show actors. By putting such a glove on your hand, you can revive a frog, a bear cub, and even a dragon. You can buy them in stores, or you can make them yourself - on the Internet you can find a lot of instructions for sewing such dolls.

— Finger puppets. These dolls are designed for mini-theatres. They are very comfortable for small fingers, even the smallest novice actors will have no difficulty in controlling them.

— Dolls on sticks. Suitable for horseback theater when the puppeteers are hidden behind a screen. Such dolls are made mainly by hand. To a base made of paper or wood (or you can take finger puppet) a wand is attached, with the help of which the future character is controlled.

- Puppets. The most interesting and complex dolls. By pulling the strings that are attached to the doll's arms, legs and head, the puppeteer sets it in motion. But learning to control such a character takes time and dexterity.Suitable for children aged 4-5 years and adults.

Creating your own home puppet theater is not at all difficult, you just need to show imagination and imagination. And you should definitely involve children in this exciting activity - by making toys and a stage together, you can not only spend time together with interest, but also teach your child to be creative and independent. And it will be so wonderful to then say: “Attention, curtain!”

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For most children home theater- this is a significant event, because it is much more exciting than traditional games. You can act out funny scenes together, introduce your child to the fairy tale and its characters, and introduce an element of fantasy. Believe me, the child himself will not notice how he will become the main participant and director of the fairy tale.

Try everything together with your child and you will become for him best friend and an assistant. By creating a home theater, you learn together how to make puppets, sew costumes, draw scenery, write a script, design a stage and, of course, perform the play itself.

Home puppet theater for little ones

Puppet theater is ideal for the little ones, since they are not yet ready to learn roles and go on stage in front of their parents or relatives. Puppet theater is very similar to a regular game with toys. Familiar ones are suitable for kids folk tales.

Don't forget to use your imagination: introduce new characters, add funny episodes, or change the ending.

It is no less interesting to compose and act out your own story. To begin with, it will be better if you put on a performance yourself. And over time, the baby will join the game, choosing his favorite character. You can buy a puppet theater or create it yourself, it’s up to you.

Separately, it is worth mentioning magnetic theaters as a wonderful way to develop imaginative and creative thinking in preschoolers. Magnetic kits allow children preschool age independently create your own fairy tales and stories.

Costumes and scenery for home theater

For slightly older children, you can move from puppet theater to “real” theater with roles, costumes and scenery.

  • When preparing costumes, old dresses, scraps of fabric, and scarves will be used.
  • For makeup, donate the contents of your cosmetic bag; there will probably be a lot of unnecessary cosmetics in there.
  • Music is what helps a fairy tale come to life. To make the performance more fun and vibrant, you can choose musical accompaniment. Burn it onto a disc and play soft music during the performance.
  • Stretch the rope and hang a large piece of canvas or curtain on it - and you have a screen. You can decorate the screen with flowers, birds, stars or snowflakes cut out of paper, depending on your imagination and the theme of the performance.
  • What is a theater without decorations? Preparing them at home may take time. Make the scenery so that it can be used in other performances. For example, trees can be painted green on one side and yellow to show autumn and summer. You can stretch a thread and hang sun and clouds cut out of cardboard on it. Create together with the baby, figure out together what else you can do.

The child will be happy to take part in the design of the stage. It doesn’t matter if something is cut out and painted sloppily, it’s important that the child did it with pleasure. Create with your baby, invent with him.

For yourself, reserve the role of a storyteller - someone must lead the story: “Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman...” and manage the whole process: monitor the performance of the little artists, suggest words if someone gets excited.

The main thing to remember is that children are not actors. They won't have the patience to learn their role by heart, so don't try to get them to perform well and have perfect coherence. This way you can easily discourage interest in your exciting venture.

Do not waste time on home performances - the result will be worth it, because for the children this is a real holiday.

You can arrange a real celebration with a performance. Hand over theater tickets, specially drawn for this occasion, for relatives, neighbors or loved ones. Also, don’t forget to have an intermission with sweets and drinks.

The benefits of home theater

Home theater will help teach your child how to conduct a dialogue correctly and look for a way out. difficult situations, develop memory and independent thinking, enrich vocabulary. And the children's memory will preserve vivid impressions about your exciting time together.

Theatrical games develop expressive speech in children and Creative skills. And although the hobby for home theater, as a rule, ends with childhood, communication skills, improvisation, fantasy, and most importantly, speaking skills remain. Any performances liberate the child and help overcome shyness.

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil

Imagine - evening twilight, a tightly drawn curtain and spectators frozen in anticipation of a miracle. Soon, next to the most ordinary lamp, a magical performance will begin, woven from almost nothing. Shadow theater is a fascinating spectacle that appeals to children of any age, from one-year-old babies to primary schoolchildren, who happily take part in the preparation of the performance and come up with their own fairy tales for the shadow performance.

In order to look theatrical performance of light and shadow, it is not necessary to go to a real theater. All this can be done at home using available materials. Home shadow theater - exciting and useful activity for the whole family. Everyone can participate in the preparation and performance of the performance, imagination is in full swing, the plot is full of surprises, and the level of complexity of the scenery and figures depends on the interest of the kids and the time that everyone is ready to devote to it.

What kind of shadow theater is there?

Finger theater represents shadows that appear on the screen thanks to various provisions hands and intertwined fingers of the “director”. Most often these are images of well-known animals, but professionals can show human faces or some inanimate objects. This is great training fine motor skills and coordination.

Puppet theater is a performance using ready-made figures and scenery. The characters are cut out of cardboard, mounted on sticks and moved according to the action. Due to the fact that almost anything can be cut out of cardboard, the shadow puppet theater provides a boundless field for the flight of children's imagination.

What do you need for a home shadow theater?

1. Light source - this can be a simple table lamp, a travel flashlight or any other lamp with directional light.

2. Screen - is a translucent white plane that can be made from different materials- tracing paper, a thin white sheet, ordinary Whatman paper or sheets of white paper fastened together. The frame for the screen can be a cut-out lid from any box, an artistic stretcher, a two-story children's bed - any structure on which you can stretch the screen. You can make it from a laid out shoe box and pull a sheet over a bunk bed. A small “stage” is suitable for simple finger performances, but if you want to prepare a real puppet show, it is better to make a spacious one big screen, where the whole story will fit.

3. Setting and Characters – Choose where you want to start. If you decide to try finger theater, practice with your child to fold your palms and fingers in such a way that “live” images of animals appear on the screen. A dog can bark, a crocodile can open its toothy mouth, a bunny can move its ears - whatever you imagine. For the puppet theater you will need thick cardboard from which you will cut out decorations and figures.

Helpful Tips:

1. The screen should be located between the audience and the lamp. The actors are between the lamp and the screen. Remember that the lamp gets hot and it is best not to touch the light source during the performance.

2. In order for the shadows to be clear, the light should fall directly, and not from the side, and the lamp should not be close, but two or three meters from the wall.

3. The light source should always be behind the screen and slightly to the side. Position yourself so that the shadow of your body almost does not fall on the screen, and the shadow of your hands is evenly clear.

4. It is better to paint cardboard figures with black paint, then they will be contrasting and noticeable on the screen.

5. The size of the shadows on the screen depends on the distance from the figure to the light source. To make the figure smaller, bring it close to the screen. To make it grow in size, place it further away. It is better to secure the scenery close to the screen with tape or bent paper clips so that they do not move during the performance, and little directors will have extra pair hands

6. If the children like the home theater, make a real curtain, tickets and programs. During the performance, you can arrange a real intermission with an impromptu buffet.

5. Start with a small number of characters - two or three are enough for the first time. With practice, you can easily move on to more complex performances.

6. To make the performance “colorful,” use colored light bulbs or filters that can be attached to the lamp. For night scenes - a blue filter, for morning scenes - a red one, and so on.

7. The figures can be made movable by wrapping their arms, legs, wings and tails with soft wire. Instead of sticks that hold characters up, use regular drinking straws.

In this article we will talk about home puppet theater not in terms of entertaining our own offspring, but about a promising business idea.

If you creative person and think creatively, then this idea should come to your liking. Moreover, today entertainment industry is going great with the population, people are ready to invest money in having a blast.

Nowadays it is fashionable to organize fun celebrations by inviting animators to your home. Spider-Man, Thumbelina, Chip and Dale can entertain the little birthday boy and his guests. But two or three years of such “entertainment” - and the child will want something new. Yes, and age is already gravitating towards a different perception of interesting leisure time than games, competitions and dances.

Although one does not interfere with the other, of course. So, puppet theater at home as a business idea is like this. At the appointed “X” hour, a mini-troupe arrives at the birthday person’s house (this could be another celebration) and will show the children and their parents a performance, say a fairy tale.

From businessmen - availability of everything necessary equipment and talent, from the owners - providing an impromptu theater hall(chairs, sofas, poufs) and discipline (be sure to have an educational conversation with the audience before the start of the performance!).

Equipment for puppet theater at home

Slats, pieces of thick cardboard, and even sewer pipes that fit together, which are sold in hardware stores, are suitable for this.

You should choose your curtain option taking into account the following factors:

  • how quickly will it unfold
  • what style it will look like (to match with various fairy tales)
  • how durable and easy to use it will be (so that it doesn’t fold in half at the most crucial moment).
  • ease of transportation (so that the elevator can also fit into the trunk of a car).

So, the folding screen and curtain are ready for it - great! The next point will be the “heroes” of all performances - dolls. For a real puppet theater, they are sewn to order by craftsmen and puppeteers.

You, of course, can also order, although at first, while there are no first profits, you can also use purchased dolls. Online and in local stores, you can find a hero for just about any story.

You will also need to stock up the rest of the inventory for performances: toy furniture, clothes for the characters, some items for the performance (a magic wand, for example).

The last thing included in the “equipment” list is musical accompaniment your action. Whether it will be only music or a pre-recorded “reading” at home in the voices of dolls is up to you. Music Center with speakers or a laptop that will be located behind the scenes - here are ideas on how to make a home puppet theater.


There is no doubt that if you want to successfully develop such a business idea, then an important point is that you or your assistants have at least some acting skills. If you hire people from outside, then most of the profit will go to the side.

If you still decide to show such performances yourself for money, then perhaps your household can help you. for example, teenagers do an excellent job of playing a role if you rehearse a lot beforehand and don’t forget to promise them your own salary.

Fairy tales for home puppet theater

On the Internet and books in your home library, you can easily find a lot of scripts for puppet theater at home. You need to choose from them to your taste, adapt them to your conditions, assign roles and start rehearsing!

Here is an excellent resource where the most popular and adapted fairy tale scenarios for performances are collected: http://www.olesya-emelyanova.ru/

Experience has shown that two people can play four characters at the same time. Another one can turn music on and off or play some sounds (knocking, ringing, etc.). And even be a storyteller and a sort of entertainer, speaking in front of the audience.


How to determine how much to charge for a performance? find out prices for the services of one animator in our city, add up to the number of your people. This way you can calculate the approximate cost of the “ticket”.

Develop your business, create groups on social networks, advertise yourself to relatives and friends, perform for free for promotion. Go with performances as volunteers to children's hospitals and orphanages, give children joy! And the practice will be good, and word of mouth can work - thousands of people will know about you.

And one more thing: only a truly passionate person can achieve success. It’s not worth starting this business just for the sake of money - then it’s better to buy a point on the market.

Finally, let us remind you, as theatergoers say: the audience will feel everything. The strictest judge is the person (no matter whether an adult or a child) who came to you to have fun.

Kids learn to interact with other children and master various skills. Only play can be the key to a child’s reading, counting, and memorization. various facts and completing tasks on .

One of the most striking options for educational games is children's puppet theater. This fairy world fantasy and magic was created a very long time ago. And now parents all over the world are actively using children's theater, not only as a method of teaching a child, but also as a way to understand him inner world, penetrate into his experiences and talk with the baby about all the topics that concern him.

Puppet theater for children can become an integral part of your child’s life almost from his birth. Of course, at an early age, the baby will not be able to take part in a theatrical production. But he can be the most curious and attentive viewer. Modern performances are designed for children of primary preschool age, and theater for children is becoming increasingly popular among both parents and teachers. In many preschool institutions are being created theater groups, and puppet theater in kindergarten It is an integral part educational program. IN junior groups the actors are teachers and music workers, and in older groups they actively involve everyone in the productions.

Puppet theater at home

How to set up a puppet theater at home? Starting from the age of 3, you can act out simple scenes with your child, using his favorite toys, and fantasizing on any topic. As soon as you understand that the child has mastered the rules tabletop theater, begin to gradually accustom him to following the plot of the chosen fairy tale and accurate pronunciation of the text. This will not be difficult, since young children usually always remember by heart 2-3 books that their parents read to them every day.

When your child turns 4 years old, you can purchase a paper kit for a homemade theater at a bookstore. Such sets contain images of heroes from various fairy tales. Together you can cut them out and glue them in the shape of cones, and this is an additional activity for the little one.

You can also make paper dolls on sticks and start working with the screen. An alternative to such a theater on sticks is a finger theater, which you can purchase in a store or make from scrap materials.

At the age of 5-6 years, children's preferences change. Now they can fully participate in productions. To make your performances bright and lively, you can use a puppet theater. Such theater puppets They have many varieties, and you can choose the right set for yourself in a specialized store.

In addition, one of the most popular children's theaters is still the shadow theater. Shadow plays for children are quite easy to put on and very fun to watch. After all, all that children see on the glowing screen are the silhouettes of the heroes. But a child’s imagination is capable of drawing the smallest features and details to everyone. fairy tale characters. To use such a theater at home, you will have to make a screen from stretched white fabric. And then we put the screen on a low table, illuminate it with a lamp and play the show. Besides paper silhouettes fairy-tale heroes You can try to imitate animals and people with your fingers. You will get an excellent one, the benefits of which we have already written about on Bambino Story.

You don't have to limit yourself to just traditional types theatrical productions. You can stage fantastic children's performances using various available materials, playing up the situation in your apartment or using outdoor conditions. But every time, in addition to organizing entertainment for the baby, try to get the maximum benefit from such unconventional shape communication.

Try to act out in your puppet theater various controversial situations that your baby or even your entire family is going through. Give your child the opportunity to express his attitude to what is happening. Sometimes it’s even useful to play out some tragic situations in order to slightly prepare the baby for the fact that anything can happen in life.

Allow your child to be a negative hero at least sometimes. Usually children only like to play positive characters. But by trying on the mask of the hero he doesn’t want to be, the baby will be able to overcome his little fear and look at the situation from the other side. Although, of course, you shouldn’t put a lot of pressure on your child and force him to play someone he doesn’t like.

Try to do everything to help your child overcome his shyness. Praise him, laugh together, play your role imaginatively and vividly. Give your child an example that the more relaxed he feels on stage, the more interesting it is for the viewer, and the more positive emotions he himself experiences.

To get children interested in acting, never scold them or try to perfect their acting skills. The process is important to you, not the result. Cut out all the author's uninteresting text, and let little actors direct the scene. Of course, it’s good if children know the words by heart, but improvisation is also welcome.

The older the child gets, the deeper the content of the performances should be and the more complex the props should be. Perhaps you will like this kind of family time, and you will be happy to organize such interesting mini-productions in your home. Meanwhile, your baby will learn to speak beautifully and competently, present himself advantageously to others, and also convey his thoughts and experiences very emotionally and sensually. This will certainly become an excellent basis for the development of an interesting and multifaceted personality.

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