How to make a home puppet theater. Organizing a home theater for your children How to make a home performance

Consultation for parents “How to organize a performance at home”

Dear parents!

If you want your child to be successful, socially liberated and sociable, read smart books to him cautionary tales, stories, stories. put home performances for children, involving children, tabletop, with toys. let your imagination never run out.

think over the content, draw up a script, take into account the age of the audience.

There should be few artists and the performance should last no more than 15 minutes, so as not to tire the children.

Depending on the age and content, you do several rehearsals

There should be enough space for the performance so that the artists have room to spread out.

help make scenery and costumes from scrap materials.

be grateful spectators.

If they put performance adults who are quite capable of combining several roles, then there should be no more than three actors behind the screen. And if in performance kids take part, then, of course, each of them gets one role and play It must be short, for example, one scene from “Masha and the Bear” or “Teremok” or “Kolobok”, where there is little text and everything happens quickly.

First, before rehearsal, read the text, discuss the plot, characters, personalities. If these are dolls, hand out the characters to get into character and practice bringing them to life. It is very useful to do this in front of a mirror to see yourself from the outside. It is important that the doll for the little actor becomes not a glove, but a hero with his own character, with his own habits, habits, poses and antics. Coming up with them for your character is a most exciting game that children play with pleasure. If you issue performance with music, sound effects, then it will be almost professional. Go for it!

Play Can be timed to coincide with any family celebration. The main thing is that there is attention, interested participation, assistance in design, and that the premises are suitable. The room should not be cluttered with furniture, where you could put a screen or string a rope for a makeshift partition. Children spectators do not necessarily need to be seated on chairs; pillows on the carpet will suffice. In summer you can put play right on the street - in the country or in the yard.

For home theater - puppet theater is best suited because it does not limit either the composition of the characters, or the location of the action, or the outfits, or the scenery. In addition, making dolls and decorations is a separate, very exciting activity that has much in common with natural children's games about device doll life and wardrobe.

Before the beginning performance There should be applause, like in the theater. And throughout performance encourage the artists, this will give them confidence and they will be eager to continue participating in productions. A creative kids they will never say - we don’t want to rehearse, they love it and are eager to perform. If a child does not agree to play in a production, do not rush it, he is not yet mature. All people in relation to this type of art are divided into those who want to surprise and those who want to be surprised. Give time to understand your child. The main thing is to find in advance those viewers who want your you'll definitely like the performance, because the first success is so important for children in any of their endeavors.

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In this article we will talk about home puppet theater not in terms of entertaining our own offspring, but about a promising business idea.

If you creative person and think creatively, then this idea should come to your liking. Moreover, today entertainment industry is going great with the population, people are ready to invest money in having a blast.

Nowadays it is fashionable to organize fun celebrations by inviting animators to your home. Spider-Man, Thumbelina, Chip and Dale can entertain the little birthday boy and his guests. But two or three years of such “entertainment” - and the child will want something new. Yes, and age is already gravitating towards a different perception of interesting leisure time than games, competitions and dances.

Although one does not interfere with the other, of course. So, puppet show at home, as a business idea, this is what it is. At the appointed “X” hour, a mini-troupe arrives at the birthday person’s house (this could be another celebration) and will show the children and their parents a performance, say a fairy tale.

From businessmen - availability of everything necessary equipment and talent, from the owners - providing an impromptu theater hall(chairs, sofas, poufs) and discipline (be sure to have an educational conversation with the audience before the start of the performance!).

Equipment for puppet theater at home

Slats, pieces of thick cardboard, and even sewer pipes that fit together, which are sold in hardware stores, are suitable for this.

You should choose your curtain option taking into account the following factors:

  • how quickly will it unfold
  • what style it will look like (to match with various fairy tales)
  • how durable and easy to use it will be (so that it doesn’t fold in half at the most crucial moment).
  • ease of transportation (so that the elevator can also fit into the trunk of a car).

So, the folding screen and curtain are ready for it - great! The next point will be the “heroes” of all performances - dolls. For a real puppet theater, they are sewn to order by craftsmen and puppeteers.

You, of course, can also order, although at first, while there are no first profits, you can also use purchased dolls. Online and in local stores, you can find a hero for just about any story.

You will also need to stock up the rest of the inventory for performances: toy furniture, clothes for the characters, some items for the performance (a magic wand, for example).

The last thing included in the “equipment” list is musical accompaniment your action. Whether it will be only music or a pre-recorded “reading” at home in the voices of dolls is up to you. Music Center with speakers or a laptop that will be located behind the scenes - here are ideas on how to make a home puppet theater.


There is no doubt that if you want to successfully develop such a business idea, then an important point is that you or your assistants have at least some acting skills. If you hire people from outside, then most of the profit will go to the side.

If you still decide to show such performances yourself for money, then perhaps your household can help you. for example, teenagers do an excellent job of playing a role if you rehearse a lot beforehand and don’t forget to promise them your own salary.

Fairy tales for home puppet theater

On the Internet and books in your home library, you can easily find a lot of scripts for puppet theater at home. You need to choose from them to your taste, adapt them to your conditions, assign roles and start rehearsing!

Here is an excellent resource where the most popular and adapted fairy tale scenarios for performances are collected:

Experience has shown that two people can play four characters at the same time. Another one can turn music on and off or play some sounds (knocking, ringing, etc.). And even be a storyteller and a sort of entertainer, speaking in front of the audience.


How to determine how much to charge for a performance? find out prices for the services of one animator in our city, add up to the number of your people. This way you can calculate the approximate cost of the “ticket”.

Develop your business, create groups on social networks, advertise yourself to relatives and friends, perform for free for promotion. Go with performances as volunteers to children's hospitals and orphanages, give children joy! And the practice will be good, and word of mouth can work - thousands of people will know about you.

And one more thing: only a truly passionate person can achieve success. It’s not worth starting this business just for the sake of money - then it’s better to buy a point on the market.

Finally, let us remind you, as theatergoers say: the audience will feel everything. The strictest judge is the person (no matter whether an adult or a child) who came to you to have fun.

How children's performance different from an adult? It should have a topic that interests children, and child-friendly language. You can talk about anything, even about death, the main thing is that it’s clear. If you are staging a play at home, without a professional team, then it is best not to role-play it as in classical psychological theater: it is difficult for non-professional actors not to fake it. We offer several formats modern theater who will help stage a performance for small company and at the same time do not require special skills, special props and long preparation.

Subject theater

From 1 to 3 participants

Shadow play

From 3 to 5 participants

Theater designation

From 3 to 7 participants

From 1 to 15 participants

Subject theater

From 1 to 3 participants

What it is

A performance with objects is one of the most accessible options for a home performance. It is set up like a puppet theater, only instead of dolls there are any objects that can be found at home, and before the eyes of the audience they will turn into heroes of the play. For example, you tell “Hen Ryab”, and the phone charger becomes a mouse breaking an egg with its tail-wire, and the kettle, on the handle of which you put glasses on, becomes a sad grandfather. Thanks to the fact that the object begins to perform a function other than its own, a transformation occurs, the “miracle of the theater.”

The method of narration in such a performance is storytelling, retelling the plot from the first person. The actor does not try to act, he acts as a storyteller, and thanks to his distance from the plot, the technique turns out to be more honest: I am Glasha, and I am telling you the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” - and I am not playing Ryaba Hen at all.

How long does the performance last?

You need to limit yourself in advance in time: 7 minutes for a home children's performance is ideal, more than 15 should not be exact.

What you will need

In addition to the objects themselves - the heroes of the play, you need to prepare the stage: it is most convenient to perform the play on a well-lit table (a table lamp can help).

What to put

A good option- take your favorite book. You need to find it storyline, where there is a problem and its solution or a change in the hero. Here, for example, is the problem in Kolobok: it didn’t work. Kolobok's song worked on a bear, a wolf, and a hare, but not on a fox. Why? Because it is impossible to solve all life problems in the same way. And to brag at the same time.

How to bet

If you are heavily adapting a book, you need to write a script. If you leave the text unchanged, it’s enough just to collect all the necessary pieces in one place (or bookmark it in a book). You also need to write down all the characters and come up with ideas for them suitable images. For example, a mouse is a shoe with a long cord-tail and two socks-ears inside, a mouse-knot is a smaller shoe. The big snail is a tape measure, the small snail is a twisted centimeter. There are special manuals that will help you train your imagination and think about how an object can be used.

If suddenly during the preparation you successfully came up with a character who is not in the book, it’s okay, it’s quite possible to add him to the script or replace him with someone else. It is not necessary to visualize all the characters, but it is advisable to visualize all the important ones. And the main characters should be specifically identified: for example, it’s good if they are present on stage all the time.

What is important to consider: all objects must become heroes in front of the viewer, only then will it be theater. That is, blanks, for example, a teapot and glasses, should be at hand, but they should turn into a character - in this case, a grandfather - only during the performance, when the grandfather is first mentioned. If there are a lot of objects, then, in addition to the narrator, one or two participants can be involved in the performance.

Scene from the play "Tales from Mom's Bag." Directed by Marfa Gorwitz, artist Alexandra Lovyannikova. Festival "KRYAKK", 2013

You can limit yourself in the choice of objects, agree, for example, that a fairy tale is created only from things that may end up in the kitchen, pantry or mother’s bag. You can even come up with a beautiful approach: for example, a mother comes home from work, sits down at the table with a computer to work, and next to her are two bored daughters who start playing and disturb her. Then mom decides to tell a fairy tale to captivate them: she takes a comb out of her bag - it becomes a hedgehog, turns over the laptop - it becomes a house, and so on. Moreover, in addition to the bag, of course, many items can be prepared in advance in boxes and on shelves around.

Theatrical effects will help develop the action. If you cut the paper finely and sprinkle the scene on top, you get snow; if you point a hairdryer or fan at the pieces of paper, you get a blizzard; if you crumple the foil over the characters, you get lightning; put blue cellophane on the table — the sea; and if you put transparent cellophane — ice . Theatrical effects can also depict turning points: if a hero dies, you can effectively pull a red handkerchief out of your sleeve and throw it over him. Plot twists can also be easily shown by changing light or sounds: an egg fell and broke - hitting a cup with a spoon or clapping your hands.

Performance "Tales from Mom's Bag." Directed by Marfa Gorwitz, artist Alexandra Lovyannikova. "Theater of Taste", 2016

For the entire performance, you can take the soundtrack from your favorite movie (a safe bet, by the way, is music from Wes Anderson’s films) or just your favorite song or classical composition.

Shadow play

From 3 to 5 participants

What it is

The shadow play is also based on storytelling: the play is led by a narrator, and the others use shadows to illustrate his story. Shadows can be different: there are silhouette shadows (when the shadow is cast by specially carved figures), live shadows (the shadow is cast by the entire person) and the actor’s fingers (“playing” them). All shadow techniques can be combined, sometimes the shadow can even go beyond the screen, and this is very spectacular: a boat floats in front of the screen, and then drives behind it, and we can already see its retreating shadow.

How long does the performance last?

The optimal time for a home performance is 7-15 minutes.

What you will need

For a shadow theater you will need a screen (a sheet will do) and several light sources. The narrator is in front of the screen, and the actors and lighting are behind it. It is most convenient to place a projector or table lamp in the middle on the floor or on a table - this is general light. To highlight specific shadows, each actor must have a flashlight or phone with a flashlight in their hand. If there are many participants, then you can appoint illuminators - they will be responsible for both the lanterns for individual shadows and the lamp.

If you are working with silhouette shadows, you need to cut them out and prepare them in advance. It will be most convenient to control them using chopsticks (sushi sticks are suitable), and secure the figures with plasticine.

What to put

The literary basis can be the same as in subject theater: a favorite book adapted for a performance - you need to highlight a storyline in which there is a problem that interests you and its solution.

How to bet

It’s good if the decision of the play is immediately clear from the book: for example, if this is a work about adults and children, or about giants and midgets, then the play can be based on playing with the sizes of shadows. Let's say you take the story of Odysseus and the Cyclops. Then one person stands closer to the lamp, further from the screen - he gets a large shadow, this is the giant Cyclops. The other one is closer to the screen, further from the lamp - he has a smaller shadow, this is the hero Odysseus. In the story, Odysseus pierces the Cyclops' eye - the actor only needs to extend his arm diagonally upward so that the audience gets the impression that his finger hits the Cyclops.

Scene from the play “The Tale That Was Not Written.” Directors Vyacheslav Ignatov, Maria Litvinova, production designer Maxim Obrezkov. Trickster Theater, 2015 International festival puppet theaters "Ark"

Shadow art requires rehearsals, so for such a performance you will definitely need a director - a person who will be in front of the screen during all rehearsals to monitor whether the shadows overlap each other and whether they are clearly visible.

It's interesting when the shadows begin to interact with the narrator. For example, he tells how the heroes went into the forest, and a bird (silhouette shadow) lands on his shoulder, the narrator blows on it, and the bird flies away. Another successful technique is to use the contrast of one and the crowd, when all the actors behind the screen respond equally to the words of the narrator. Then the forest scene will look like this. The narrator says: “And they went into the forest,” - all the other actors depict swaying branches with their hands. Narrator: “And they saw a cat,” all the actors begin to meow and raise their hands with bent fingers, as if they were scratching.

The image of the narrator should always be associated with the performance. Think about who could tell your story? If it's a fairy tale - grandma or grandpa. If ancient greek myth- a Greek in a toga. From whose face do you suddenly hear a familiar story? The narrator of “The Wizard of Oz” can be not only Ellie, but also Totoshka, and even an oak tree near Lukomorye can tell Pushkin’s fairy tales.

How to make a performance more interesting

Theater can be extracted from everything. The screen can also be playful: for example, if it is a play based on Mary Poppins, then it can begin with the Banks family looking for a nanny, all the actors walking around the stage with newspapers, and then the wind changes, and a screen moves in from above, glued together from pieces of newspaper. You can play with lighting: change the projector light to blue (if something magical is happening), red (if you need to depict danger). A wandering lantern can be used to show dangerous moments, a climax, or some kind of instability. They should focus on the hero. Very interesting in shadow theater look staged dances. If you work with the lamps differently, the image will be refracted - this will be a spectacular interruption in the performance. Music will also help to enliven the performance: it is better if it is live, for example a drum or a bell for accents or general background.

Theater designation

From 3 to 7 participants

What it is

This theatrical form will be most similar to the type of theater that is most familiar to children: there is still a narrator, but the play is no longer performed by puppets or shadows, but by actors. The difference is that the actors here also do not really play, as in psychological theater, but rather indicate actions and reactions, distancing themselves from their characters Such a theater is close " epic theater”, which was invented by the German playwright Bertolt Brecht. In Brecht's theater, the actors did not identify themselves with the characters and did not strive for “authenticity”, but on the contrary, they presented the familiar with unexpected side. The sets were laconic and the plays were responsive to contemporary issues..

Let's say the narrator is talking about a competition for the heart of a princess: the hero must hit the target with a bow in order to marry the girl. Then one artist shoots, the second takes his arrow, slowly shows its progress, brings it to the target, shows that the arrow hits - bam! (to enhance the effect, you can add musical accompaniment) - and the wedding celebration begins at normal speed. And death, for example, is depicted like this: one hero shoots at the second, he freezes, the third comes up and draws a red circle on his chest with makeup or paint - it is important that during the drawing the victim does not move, and only when this process is completed -shen, the deceased may leave the stage (or start dancing or moving strangely - to depict a transition to another state). It's like living pictures: an ordinary picture captures some an important event, and the live one captures the entire process that led to this event.

Scene from the play "Caucasian Chalk Circle". Directed by Nikita Kobelev. Moscow academic theater named after Vladimir Mayakovsky, 2016

How long does the performance last?

Just like in previous versions, the production’s timing is from 7 to 15 minutes.

What you will need

There are no required props, but it would be great to use in the play live music: for example, drums.

What to put

For such a performance, it would be most convenient to take fairy tales, where there are obvious transformations that will be interesting to show “close-up” and slow down.

How to bet

Favorite trick: a child falls asleep while reading a book. Let's say he sits at the table, reads the end of the paragraph and falls asleep. Heroes of the fairy tale he was reading appear around him, perhaps objects come to life: a vase of flowers is removed from the table, and instead an actor in a floral suit leans on the table. And these heroes continue the fairy tale, and the child himself becomes, for example, a prince. In this case, the performance will not have one narrator, but a whole group: one will convey the word to the other. You can end the fairy tale with the sound of an alarm clock or the voice of your mother - a ring composition always gives integrity to the action.

The play “Cinderella” is based on the play by Joël Pomert - it is a social drama about how the memory of her deceased mother does not let go of the girl Zoya, nicknamed Zola, which is why she takes on all the menial work and does not find a place for herself. In this scene, the sisters and father mark the corners of a small, cramped room and convince Zola (Nadezhda Lumpova) that the room suits her just fine. Behind the scenes is the Fairy Godmother, the narrator who leads the play.

© Praktika Theater

Scene from the play "Cinderella". Directed by Marfa Horwitz

The first meeting of Zola's stepmother (Katerina Vasilyeva) and father (Alexander Userdin). All the characters froze, and everyone expressed their attitude towards this meeting: the stepmother and father are happy new love, the sisters are unhappy that they now have to live together, and look at Zola in a pointedly arrogant and condescending manner. As a talisman, Zola puts forward an alarm clock that rings every five minutes, reminding her of her mother.

© Praktika Theater

You need to come up with costumes for the heroes: things from the closet, sheets, colored paper and everything you can find at home. If this is a prince and princess, you can make them crowns from foil or paper and golden cloaks - buy a thermal blanket at a store for hunters and fishermen.

Wrapping paper (for example, free from IKEA) will also come in handy. Such paper can even become the solution to the entire performance: you can cut out all the props from it and make one-color costumes for all the characters. For example, if we're talking about about a boring life that is transformed thanks to love or creativity, then the costumes can be painted with paints and felt-tip pens during the performance.

In order to create an image, one piece of the costume will be enough. Ask yourself: what is the most important thing about your character? Let's say you're playing the dog from " Bremen Town Musicians”, who was kicked out of the house by her owners because she “had become old.” Her main characteristic maybe old age. Fantasize: why exactly was she kicked out? Perhaps she went blind or lost her sense of smell? Then the costume could be glasses, which the dog sometimes loses, takes a long time to find, and is therefore late everywhere. And if you have a dog from the “Magic Ring,” then its main quality is devotion. A leash is enough to show how the dog follows its owner and how happy it is to serve him.

How to make a performance more interesting

To make the story look more theatrical, effective theatrical techniques will help. The narrator says: “Once upon a time there was a girl, and suddenly she...” - the girl throws out a red ribbon from her bosom. Narrator (after a pause): “I fell in love.”

The sea, flood or waterfall can be depicted with cellophane or a blanket. Sheets are good for showing snowdrifts. The actors themselves can convey the weather: for example, one character picks up the corners of the second’s cloak and shakes the fabric, as if the cloak is inflated by the wind. Or you can do without decorations altogether and solve everything with sound: if you crush starch in a bag, it will sound like the creaking of steps in the snow; if you blow into a corrugated pipe or start waving it, you will get wind or a blizzard; Moreover, it will be interesting to produce sounds not behind the stage, but in front of the viewer, in an open manner.

From 1 to 15 participants

What it is

Reading is the most adult format of a home performance; it is suitable for children over 12 years old. From the outside, the reading looks very simple matter: actors sit on chairs and read the play by role. But for this to become a performance, and not just a reading, serious preparation is needed: analyzing the play and thinking through the transitions between scenes, so you need someone to take on the function of the director (you may need the help of an adult).

How long does the performance last?

There can be no time limit here: you need to play as long as it takes to read.

What you will need

Chairs on which the actors will sit, and printed texts of the play.

What to put

Suitable plays can be found on the website of the children's drama competition "Little Remark" and in collections modern dramaturgy adult authors. Here are the plays to watch:

  • Anastasia Bukreeva. "Gandhi was silent on Saturdays"10 characters
  • Irina Vaskovskaya. "God Rides a Bicycle"8 characters
  • Ivan Vyrypaev. "What I Learned from the Snake" Monopoly
  • Vadim Klimovsky. "Mitina's War"8 characters
  • Masha Kontorovich. “Mom, my arm was torn off”12 characters
  • Serafima Orlova. "Asta"10 characters
  • Dana Sideros. "To everyone concerned"13 characters
  • Yulia Tupikina. "Inhale-exhale"6 characters

How to bet

After you have chosen the text, you need to assign roles and choose a narrator who will read the stage directions. An analysis of roles is always welcome - it usually happens like this: the director and the actors talk about what they like about the play, what excites them, and discuss each role separately.

There is a simple version of the analysis: you need to determine the main theme of the play and formulate a question related to this theme. For example, if the theme is the pursuit of happiness, then the question could be “What is happiness for my character?” To answer this question, you need to trace the entire character arc. When you find the answer, it will help you correctly place the emphasis in the play and better understand which scenes are key for the character.

And analyzing the play will help you figure out how to respond to the stage directions that the narrator reads. The author's explanations and instructions on how to play are the most interesting part of reading. Actors should not respond to them literally, otherwise it will be boring. If it is written “speaks, smiling” - this does not mean that you must definitely smile, you can not react in any way and continue speaking as before, if “out of breath” - on the contrary, you can read it extremely calmly if “the heroes are quarreling”, and we know that the heroes are married couple who does nothing but quarrel, then they can speak deliberately lazily or tenderly. The solution must be paradoxical - this is the law of the theater. But it is always based on text: actor play gives the remark an additional dimension and reveals the character of the hero, expands the meaning of the text, and does not contradict it.

"Gandhi was silent on Saturdays." Playwright Anastasia Bukreeva, director Kirill Vytoptov. Festival "Lyubimovka", 2017

The narrator can be combined with a small role or a separate character can be invented for him: for example, if you are staging a play where the main motive is some kind of competition between the heroes, then the narrator can be a football commentator. But it is very important to test any idea in rehearsals: sometimes what seems very good in theory does not work at all on stage. Therefore, rehearsal is an endless change in search of the ideal formula. At the same time, you need to remember that the acting in the reading should be minimal, the main principle is concentration on the text. Therefore, the presentation, musical accompaniment, and stage solutions will be minimalist.

In order not to distract the viewer from the text, the actors should hardly move - it will be most convenient for them to sit on chairs. But you can organize space in different ways: for example, the characters participating in the scene can move forward. If this is a story about a quarrel, let the actors sit like in a ring, opposite each other. If there are not many participants, then one person can play two roles. Then he moves from place to place so that the viewer can understand who he is reading for. If the hero in the story dies, then he leaves or closes his eyes, sits with his back to the audience or stands on a chair (to get closer to the sky) - visually something should change.

How to end the reading? Always a winning move is a choreographic exercise when the action on stage obeys some kind of law. There is, for example, the “exhalation movement” exercise. The actors begin to breathe in rhythm, and for each exhalation they make any movement: a step, a turn, a tilt of the head, a wave of the hand. As soon as the exhalation ends, the movement ends. When you are focused on breathing, you don’t have time to fuss with your face, and this action looks incomprehensible and fascinating. For example, in a play about a family, this way everyone can gather into a family portrait.

If this is a play about creation, then in parallel with the reading, the actors can draw pictures, fold origami and create a collage - by the end of the reading, their work should be ready. The ending can also be decided by sound: for example, if the actors begin to depict the departure of the train - “chuchuh-chuchuh” - everything will be clear even without scenery. The main thing is that all decisions should be organic to the play itself - that is why the director (or directors) needs to work with the text and think about the characters, meanings and main topic performance.

How to make a performance more interesting

To make the reading more than just reading a text, you can come up with theatrical effects. For example, if this is a play about how the past cannot be returned, then everyone can simultaneously take the sheet they read and throw it on the floor. You can add details of props that will help the actors feel like characters and will develop the action: take an apple, a hat, a bag, and so on. For example, if one character sits with an apple throughout the play and then passes it to another, it becomes clear that this is a scene about trust, about love. And if, for example, under his pathetic text, Romeo takes out a lollipop, unwraps it and gives it to Juliet, then we understand that in fact they are still children.

Zaitsev's cubes, Nikitin's games, lacing - all these words are well known to mothers. Modern society got very carried away early development children. It seems that every year there are some new techniques that are immediately used caring mothers, and grandmothers just shrug their shoulders, wondering how they were able to raise their children without all these clever methods.

But weren’t there any ways to develop children before? Of course they were! Moreover, some of them are still very popular. One such method is puppet show. It helps not only to develop various skills in a child, but also allows adults to once again look into such a desired country of childhood.

How is puppet theater useful for children?

Puppet show- an exciting, vibrant spectacle that allows spectators and participants to be transported to a fairyland. But besides the fact that such an event brings joy and pleasure, The puppet theater will also help:

1. Develop memory and imagination. In preparation for his role, the baby listens, remembers and repeats the words of his hero, which helps train his memory. In the future, he will learn not only to remember, but also to invent and construct his own correct sentences. And then maybe he’ll come up with his own script.

2. Develop hand motor skills. Taking the doll in his hands, the child begins to feel it and try it on, which contributes to the development fine motor skills hands And by controlling his hero, setting him in motion, the child learns to control his actions.

3. Understand what is good and what is bad. The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it... With the help of a fairy tale, you can not only entertain a child, but also explain to him which actions are good and which are bad.

4. Teach communication skills. During the game, the baby communicates with other children and learns to cooperate with them - not to take away toys, not to shout out his words first.

5. Overcome shyness. Once the child gets a taste for the game, he will be able to feel like a real little actor performing on his own improvised stage, which will undoubtedly teach him to continue to be more self-confident.

6. Get joy from communicating with loved ones. Time spent with parents is the most valuable thing for a child, and if this time is so exciting, it is three times more interesting.

How to organize a children's puppet theater at home

Having decided to organize a puppet show at home, you need to decide on the following things: where to play and what to play with.

Venue for home puppet theater

The convenience of a puppet theater is that it can be played anywhere. Even if the apartment is very small, you can always find a place where you can improvise with dolls. It could be:

— Any flat surface - table, chair, floor. This kind of theater is more suitable for very young children, when a parent takes any toy and brings it to life with his own hands and words.

- Cardboard box. By taking such a box and cutting out one of the walls, you can get a wonderful scene. And if you also make holes and hang the fabric on a wire, you will get a real curtain.

— Ready-made puppet theater. Today in a toy store you can find a ready-made screen for puppet shows. And they happen different sizes: from the smallest ones that fit on the table to the large ones that take up half the room.

Choosing characters for a theatrical performance

Having decided on the venue, you need to “hire actors”.

Selection of toys for puppet theater very large, it could be:

— Everyday child’s toys. Your favorite doll Masha, a teddy bear and even a tractor - all this can be used in a puppet show. It would be good if the dolls had several outfits that could be changed during the performance.

- Available materials. IN fairy tales everything comes to life, which means that their characters can be anything: twigs, cones, leaves, chestnuts - the main thing is to show your imagination.The result will be something like an eco-theater.

— Glove dolls. These are perhaps the most popular puppet show actors. By putting such a glove on your hand, you can revive a frog, a bear cub, and even a dragon. You can buy them in stores, or you can make them yourself - on the Internet you can find a lot of instructions for sewing such dolls.

— Finger puppets. These dolls are designed for mini-theatres. They are very comfortable for small fingers, even the smallest novice actors will have no difficulty in controlling them.

— Dolls on sticks. Suitable for horseback theater when the puppeteers are hidden behind a screen. Such dolls are made mainly by hand. A wand is attached to a base made of paper or wood (or you can take a finger puppet), with the help of which the future character is controlled.

- Puppets. The most interesting and complex dolls. By pulling the strings that are attached to the doll's arms, legs and head, the puppeteer sets it in motion. But learning to control such a character takes time and dexterity.Suitable for children aged 4-5 years and adults.

Creating your own home puppet theater is not at all difficult, you just need to show imagination and imagination. And you should definitely involve children in this exciting activity - by making toys and a stage together, you can not only spend time together with interest, but also teach your child to be creative and independent. And it will be so wonderful to then say: “Attention, curtain!”

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Have you decided to organize something for your child and don’t know what to come up with that is original? Why not organize home for your children!

Create DIY home theater only at first glance it seems challenging task. In fact, with a large dose of creativity and relatively small investments, you can get a real holiday that both you and your child will remember for a long time.

How to make a home theater

The format and technologies for organizing a home theater will vary, depending on the purpose of the performance. If you decide to make an impromptu show one of the components children's day birth, then most likely it should be a mini-performance that will not be devoted to the entire holiday. And of course main role must be performed by the birthday boy! If organizing children's parties seems overwhelming to you, then it is better to entrust it to professional producers.

Another criterion is the age of the child. If the baby is no more than three years old, there is no need to arrange great show- let it be small children's home puppet theater , where the main actors will be finger puppets. It can be placed anywhere - at the table, on the bed or sofa, on the floor. The fairy tales that you read with your child are suitable as a script - it is best if the characters are familiar to him. Such home puppet theater - this is not just entertainment, but also a way of development for your child. While playing with finger puppets Fantasy, memory develops, imagination turns on.

For older children it is possible to arrange home show more seriously - with the choice of script, distribution and memorization of roles, preparation of scenery, costumes and makeup. Here you can already invite the child’s friends to take part in the event, as well as invite spectators. As a rule, the latter will be the children's parents, grandparents, and neighbors.

Home theater for children - stages of organization

The first step is to choose the work that will be staged. By the way, it is imperative to make a stage - to fence off some space, otherwise the feeling of the theater will be incomplete. It is best if the book you are using as a basis is known to everyone involved in preparing the event. For example, if you arrange children's party Alice in Wonderland, you are unlikely to get into trouble - most children still read this book, or watched the movie.

Next, roles should be assigned. Of course, all children will want to play beautiful, smart, brave and strong characters. But what then to do with negative heroes? Try to present their images young actors so that these characters seem interesting to them.

The next stage is that each artist must take charge of preparing the costumes. Of course, not without the help of your parents. By the way, as for costumes and makeup for your child, old parental things, as well as mother’s cosmetic bag, will be used here.

It is best to create the decorations through the joint efforts of the event participants - everyone can bring from home everything that can pass for theatrical props. Be sure to invite children to do something with their own hands - this will also contribute to their development.

OK it's all over Now! All that remains is to learn the roles, charge the video camera in advance and invite the audience to sit comfortably. The show begins...

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