The theme of love is traditional in Russian literature. Necessity for me; and I loved

Love in its various manifestations has been the most common theme in works of art throughout human history. Let's try to illustrate the types of love using an example for everyone famous personalities And literary heroes.

1. LOVE-PHILIA. This is a deep spiritual intimacy that is built on a community of interests or serving a common goal. Experiencing such love, people feel so happy that they do not need anyone except each other and a common cause that provides a constant influx of new impressions against the backdrop of deep mutual understanding. Philia manifests itself most clearly if it is expressed in both partners.

For example, the spouses Marie and Pierre Curie, physicists. It can be assumed that they belonged, conditionally, as in other examples), to the types: Analyst and Innovator. The Curies devoted themselves entirely to a common goal - serving science and found in each other everything they needed for happiness. Their relationship was full of respect and constant interest in each other, as it was built on intellectual closeness. It can be assumed that they lacked emotional and sensory complement. But Filia can live with it. For her, the main thing is mutual understanding and common interests.

2. LOVE-AGAPE. The most sublime, beautiful, spiritual, idealistic feeling, for which time and distance are not afraid. The sensual side of life can be sacrificed to a distant ideal. Even when people are together, the most important thing for them is spiritual closeness, poetic consonance of thoughts and feelings. At the same time, commonality of activities and hobbies is not as important as similarity in views on life. This love is patient; she is able to wait for reciprocity for a long time and believe in it even with minimal chances.

Such is the love of Honore de Balzac and Evelina Ganskaya, types - Mentor. Despite the fact that they, like the Curie spouses, also have the same form of love. Their long sublime love, who endured long separations, was not easy, with mental crises and upheavals. This feeling remained so long due to its stable form and distance, so beneficial for this type of love. For the same reason, after getting closer, they became disappointed in each other.

The grotesque image of this love was created by N. Gogol in the novel " Dead Souls" - these are the Manilovs, identical in type. Their types are idealists Lyricists who have extraordinary talent harmonizer. They focused all their diplomatic skill and sacrifice of Agape love on each other. Their mutual idealism and ability to build castles in the air did not change them even in old age.

3. LOVE-MANIA. The feeling is blind, romantic, very emotional, enslaving both the lover and the one to whom it is directed. This, like Victoria, is a powerful feeling, but power is manifested not so much in physical possession of a partner, but rather in trying to subjugate his emotions. Physical betrayal here is not as terrible as betrayal in feelings, emotional preference for another partner. Jealousy in this kind of love is the most dramatic; cooling in the feelings of a loved one is difficult to bear and can lead to murder or suicide, since this love becomes a super value, subordinating the person completely. It gives rise to most tragedies.

Such is the love of Anna Karenina and Vronsky, who have sociotypes - Mentor. Their stormy, all-consuming and dramatic feelings, which they showed for each other and for which they made any sacrifices, did not stand the test of time. Their situation was aggravated by the fact that identical relationships are good only as long as people bring each other new information.

Vronsky and Anna eventually grew tired of the stormy emotions that initially attracted both of them so much with their high intensity. After some time, hunger set in new information, which they could no longer give to each other. During the breakup, Anna lost much more than Vronsky, since she put everything on the line: family, child, position in society. Having lost everything and received nothing in return except the collapse of illusions, Anna Karenina committed suicide. Love subjugated her and destroyed her.

Exactly the same outcome befell the hero famous story Kuprin" Garnet bracelet", belonging to the same type of personality, who also put everything on the line for the sake of his love, even committed a crime - embezzlement government money to give a gift to your beloved woman. Without reciprocity on her part, life lost its meaning for him, and he decided to commit suicide.

As a result of such love-supervalue, Shakespeare's heroes Romeo and Juliet (types - Mentor) died. More often, love-mania takes this outcome in combination with idealistic Agape. But there are also less dramatic endings in such love.

For example, another well-known case is the love of Georges Sand and Musset (both Mentors). They tormented each other with their passionate and contradictory love, which it was difficult for them to stop, so great was its power over them, but in the end they still parted.

4. LOVE-STORGE. This is a love full of delicacy and tact, prone to constancy and compromise in order to maintain harmony in the relationship. Ideal shape family love, based on the ability to maintain calm friendly relationships for a long time, full of tenderness and simple, deeply humane love for a partner, full of sympathy and condescension for shortcomings. This love is liberating, when everyone can be themselves, body and soul; when they love a person simply for who they are. The only thing she does not forgive is rudeness, selfishness, pretense and insincerity, which are contrary to her very essence. The most valuable thing about her is attention to each other even in small things.

Natasha Rostova’s love-Storge is vividly depicted in L. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” In this example we're talking about about dual love. Her husband, Pierre Bezukhov (Critic type), is characterized by love-Pragma. Complementary types of love - Natasha's Victoria and Pierre's Agape give their feelings peculiar shades that are in harmonious combination. The power of Natasha (presumably a Politician type) and the possessive side of her love were manifested in selfless love to her husband, who completely submitted to her soft power. Pierre's love is complemented by his sublime sacrifice and gratitude for the stability of family happiness.

This is necessary for his love-Pragma, which partly loses its rationality due to the admixture of feelings like Agape. It is difficult for Pierre to understand his feelings, but having fallen in love, he tends to idealize the object of his feelings. He loves Natasha the more the more she cares about strong family without unnecessary philosophies and spiritual quests, leaving all this to her husband. There is no emotional intensity in their relationship: they are natural, reliable and constant, which is characteristic of the Storge-Pragma combination.

Tolstoy depicted a similar combination of this type of dual love in another happy couple: Nikolai Rostov (Manager) and Marya Bolkonskaya (Humanist). Love-Pragma in Nikolai is expressed in a harsher form than in Pierre Bezukhov - it is imprinted by the harsh nature of the Manager personality type. In turn, Marya Bolkonskaya has a more pronounced spiritual component of relationships than Natasha Rostova, since her love-Storge is complemented by the type of love-friendship Filia. Therefore, Marya does not strive, like Natasha, to own her husband as property, but leads a constant educational work, softening its severity.

Thus, the same forms of love are manifested in different types personalities differently. They are affected by both typical features and the combination of the predominant form emotional attitude with additional

Old-world landowners - Pulcheria Ivanovna and Afanasy Ivanovich (both, presumably, Humanists, type of relationship - Storge), are also very attentive to each other, like the Manilov couple, but in their feelings there is less idealism, but more genuine sincerity. They found their happiness, since both met the high moral requirements of love - Storge: fidelity, tact, mutual care, courtesy. Their relationship is simple and natural, without the elements of play and pathos inherent in the Manilov couple.

5. LOVE-PRAGMA. It is commonly called rational love. This is a logical form of love that cannot arise spontaneously, be too sensual or spiritual. Moreover, if it contradicts common sense and carries destructive tendencies, a person quickly recovers from it. As a rule, the one who expresses Pragma love is not inclined to remember, worry and analyze his failure for a long time. What is not rational is discarded.

Thus, Pierre Bezukhov, in his first marriage to the beautiful Helen Kuragina, having not met reciprocity on her part, quickly lost interest and easily crossed her out of his heart. Avoiding gossip in society, he maintained the appearance of this marriage for a long time, without trying to dissolve it. At the same time, he gave his wife freedom in choosing activities and entertainment. At the same time, Pierre was not worried about her betrayal. It was as if she didn’t exist for him.

Love-Pragma is not necessarily a marriage of convenience, especially material. It’s just a choice, or more precisely, the ability to get along with a partner who meets not the abstract, but the completely everyday requirements of a normal life. family life- calm and well-adjusted everyday life. Otherwise, disappointment and cooling sets in. A person with this form of love needs constancy in relationships and stability. A suitable partner becomes his favorite acquisition, which he takes care of like a good owner.

Such is the love of Nikolai Rostov from L.N. Tolstoy. He portrayed her well and Somerset Maugham in the novel "Theater" using the example of a dual couple - actress Julia and her husband and director - Michael. Julia (Politician) loved Michael with calm family love - Storge, and Michael - Critic, answered her with sober, rational love - Pragma. They saw each other's shortcomings and treated them condescendingly. Even minor hobbies on the side did not affect the strength of their union. When Julia became very infatuated with Tom, she had the tact to hide it from her husband and not to traumatize him. The thunderstorm passed by without affecting their family well-being.

6. LOVE-ANALYTIC. The coldest and most demanding type of love. After the beginning, which is accompanied by emotions, like any hobby or love, a period of cold analysis begins, as a result of which many of the partner’s virtues that nourished the feelings at the beginning of love may fade. Those who have the Analyst form of love tend, in the first period of falling in love, to endow their partner with desirable, but often illusory, virtues, the absence of which, upon closer examination, can cool this feeling.

This form of love can sometimes make very unique demands on a partner. A loved one “should” so much, and even more “shouldn’t”, that over time it can be very difficult not to be disappointed in him. A marriage can be saved if it is based on a sense of duty, but the relationship can be very cool.

This is the most emotionally independent form of love that does not tolerate compromise in relationships. It is difficult for her to impose anything or limit her in anything. A person with this form of relationship insists that his demands be respected, but he himself is not always able to take into account the demands of his partner. It is a feeling from the mind, not from the heart, so it often lacks compassion, unless it is softened by an additional form of love that makes its own adjustments.

This is how Prince Bolkonsky (Analyst type) loved his daughter Marya. He devoted a lot of time to daily lessons with her, trying to develop her abilities and intelligence, but did not care at all about arranging personal life daughters. The goal of her life was to be constant self-education, fulfilling her father's demands and boundless love in response to his coldness. He didn't understand that she could suffer because of this. Prince Bolkonsky was in the mood for a less vulnerable, more optimistic and self-confident partner. The French governess Amelia was such a person for him. Her constant cheerfulness and talkativeness softened his stern disposition. He was especially impressed by the fact that she was not touchy. The daughter (Humanist type), on the contrary, has a form of love - Storge, absolutely opposite to love - Analita; she needed a more caring partner. That's why the relationship between father and daughter was so dramatic.

What happens if two people with the Analyte form of relationship fall in love with each other? This was well shown by I. Turgenev in the novel “Fathers and Sons” using the example of the relationship between Yevgeny Bazarov and Olga Odintsova. These relationships were reminiscent famous fairy tale about the crane and the heron. Mutual respect and admiration now and then gave way to bewilderment, since the initiative in expressing feelings was not supported by the partner. Their relationship lacked warmth, simplicity, and the ability to compromise.

Each saw in the other an attractive image of a partner of equal intelligence, but they were repelled by their mutual independence. Both needed a partner capable of melting the ice of their rational feelings with his strong emotional expansion and at the same time capable of making many concessions in order to preserve the relationship. A person with a form of love-mania is capable of this.

Their intellectual duel showed that their demands on each other would not be met, so it was better not to risk getting closer. The first to show a willingness to compromise was Bazarov (presumably an Analyst or Mentor type with an emphasis on structural logic, who is often mistaken for an Analyst), who believed that a woman is a weaker being and therefore will sooner or later give in to him, but Odintsova (possibly a Leader type), rejected his proposal in order to preserve her freedom. She understood that there would be a long struggle between them, which would not end in anything, since she was not the woman who could submit. They broke up and it was the best thing they could do.

It’s another matter if partners with the Analyte type of love and the Philia love that complements it have a common cause (as was the case with the Curie spouses). In this case, mutual respect and common interests can save this emotionally problematic union.

7. LOVE-VICTORIA. This is predominantly physical love - victory over many or over one person. A feeling of ownership, regardless of whether this property is carefully preserved or done with it as they please, with the full right of the owner. Much depends on the complementary form of love.

If it is complemented by the type of love - Storge, then the imperious love - Victoria manifests itself more in the form of guardianship. Among ethicists - Politics and especially among the Guardian, love-Victoria is significantly softened and full of not only patronage, but also tender care. She does not forgive only one thing - infidelity. She is characterized by unbending integrity and stubbornness, which gives rise to many family problems. Therefore, a partner who is compliant and flexible in relationships is needed.

If the Victoria type of love is combined with Analyte love, at the level of the type or in combination of the type and the accent of the type, such a feeling becomes very demanding, oppressive. There is little spirituality and warmth in this love, little romantic feelings and desire for common interests. The main thing here is submission to the demands and will of the powerful partner. This type of sexual behavior is enlivened and aggravated by the resistance of the subordinate, unless it is too long. Otherwise, the latter risks getting bored, and then a break in the relationship or a rude attitude on the part of the representative of love, Victoria, is possible.

For estroverts, love-Victoria manifests itself in the form of a penchant for more and more victories. This is Casanova (Mentor with an overly developed emphasis on volitional sensory type), a passionate hunter and winner of women. True, he was a gentle and delicate lover who did not promise women fidelity and therefore did not deceive them, unlike another of the same type with two highly developed accents that were inadequate for this type - on volitional sensory and the logic of relationships - Don Juan.

People usually weren't angry with Casanova. He was little interested in the spiritual side of relationships; every time he experienced gloric emotions of satisfied vanity. Don Juan is another matter. His inherent form of love - Victoria in alliance with Analita - made him a particularly ruthless winner, causing suffering to women. Often he tried to humiliate a woman and laugh at her. All means were good: vows of love, promises to love forever, etc. He invariably demonstrated his superiority over those he conquered.

In his heart, he despised and hated women because he could not meet the real ideal, to which his subtype love Agape and the second side of his love, the picky Analita, strived. His requirements were unique; he wanted a woman to combine even opposite qualities. Carried away and disappointed, he spent his whole life looking for an unreal woman, without thinking whether he himself was worthy of the expected ideal. He was never able to love a woman with all her shortcomings, but he never found one without them.

Love-Victoria is expressed somewhat differently among introverts. It is more interesting for them to constantly fight and defeat one partner, rather than many. Such love is described by L. Tolstoy in the novel “Anna Karenina”. Her representative is Karenin, Anna's husband.

At first, Anna (her type is Mentor) had a good, dual union. They lived calmly and measuredly. But Anna's romantic nature did not receive the opportunity for its realization in the area of ​​feelings. She was bored. For a person belonging to the Mentor type, love is main value in life. Such a person needs not so much the distracting and balancing influence of the love of his dual, but rather a strong reciprocal feeling.

Anna's husband type is Inspector, he has a combination of Victoria's imperious love and Analyte's uncompromising love. Despite the duality of his relationship with his wife, he caused her a lot of suffering when she destroyed their marriage, which seemed so strong and successful. His imperious, jealous-possessive feeling like Victoria did not allow him to let his wife go to someone else, to give her freedom. In alliance with the Analyte type of love, it was alien to compassion and therefore Karenin created a hopeless situation for his wife, which led her to suicide.

Apparently, dualization is not a panacea for all ills, especially in this couple. In another couple, one of the partners has a combination of Victoria and Analyte forms of love, which sometimes creates hopeless situations. This type of love is inherent in a Leader. If he is loved, he considers the object of feelings his property and is ready to kill him rather than give him to another.

This is what Prokhor Gromov (presumably Leader type) did in V. Shishkov’s novel “The Gloomy River” by shooting Anfisa (her type is Mentor with an emphasis on volitional sensory). The physical passion of this couple was very strong, but Anfisa’s rebellion (associated with the predominance of the same form of love in her as Prokhor’s - Victoria) finally drove him crazy. In the struggle between two representatives of love, Victoria, the stronger one won.

8. LOVE-EROS. Includes erotic attraction and the desire for harmony of sensations. It blinds a person and makes him idealize his partner. She has a lot of physical sensuality, but she does not seek to dominate or suppress. On the other hand, her spirituality is quite superficial and illusory.

This is a romantic feeling that can burn long and brightly, but can go out without a trace from one harsh word or shocking deed. Some are able to experience this feeling once in their entire life, some - several times. But it always happens spontaneously, swoops in like a hurricane and intoxicates a person. There is no drama in this love, it is like a holiday that is awaited with joy and parted with without regrets. This love cannot exist for long without reciprocity; it gives as much as it takes. She craves fullness of feelings and a combination of attractions of the mind, soul and body, but without erotic harmony for her everything else can lose meaning.

Passionate and sensual was the love of Aksinya and Grigory Melekhov in Sholokhov's novel " Quiet Don"Most likely, Aksinya has a Mentor type with an emphasis on sensory sensations (this version of this type is often mistaken for a Communicator), and Melekhov is closer in character to the Manager type. Both had a pronounced Eros type of love. It burned violently, softening Gregory's harsh character and releasing the restrained passion of his nature. But, if not for the accident that ended their love, it is unlikely that this romantic feeling would have been durable.

Knowing the type of relationship of this couple, and this is the “Superego” relationship, you can try to model it further development. The second component of Aksinya's love - Mania (incompatible with Gregory's second type of love - Pragma) could over time begin to embarrass him and tire him. He would try to create a strong family with his beloved wife, but her uneven character and emotional outbursts could periodically strain the relationship. There could be, on the one hand, erotic satiety, on the other, emotional overstrain, and as a result, mutual cooling, which is very destructive for this love.

The main thing in Eros love is to maintain romance in feelings for as long as possible. Mutual psychoanalysis is not the best The best way strengthen such relationships. Great importance has preservation of external attractiveness, outfits, decorations, surprises, entertainment - everything that can maintain a festive mood. In any case, no matter how difficult everyday life may be, you need to organize holidays more often, which are so necessary for this feeling.

Note: Perhaps there were some inaccuracies in the interpretation of the personality types of literary heroes and their inherent forms of love. When dealing with fictional characters and relying only on the talent of the writers who portrayed them, it is difficult to imagine that they all have exact prototypes in life. Therefore, I do not insist on the correctness of my conclusions in relation to all the examples given here. My goal in this case is an analysis of types of love, and not a scientifically based determination of the personality types of fictional characters.


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Epigraph: “It’s easier to live without love. But without it there is no point.” (L.N. Tolstoy)

What is love? This question undoubtedly worries every person. It is not for nothing that many works are devoted to the eternal problems of love. fiction. This topic especially worried the great Russian writers: A.P. Chekhov, I.S. Turgeneva, I.A. Bunina, A.I. Kuprina. Each of them had his own, personal attitude towards love experiences, which were either a serious test for their heroes, or became the cause of heavy drama, or led to serious thoughts and spiritual renewal.

How does he reason? main character Chekhov's story “On Love” Pavel Konstantinovich Alekhine, a Russian intelligentsia who is very interested in questions of love, complicates everything and prefers to “decorate their feelings with fatal questions”: fair or dishonest, smart or stupid, and what can all this lead to? In his opinion, love does not tolerate any laws, and for each lover or lover it manifests itself in its own way.

Other people's experience is completely useless. It was precisely doubts about the correctness of his attraction that prevented Alekhine himself from loving Anna openly and boldly, admitting this not only to her, but also to himself. The understanding that there should be no barriers or reservations for love came to him too late and brought only pain and sad memories. And yet he realized his fatal mistake: “I realized that when you love, then in your reasoning about this love you need to proceed from the highest, from what is more important than happiness or misfortune, sin or virtue in their current sense, or it is not necessary reason at all." I understood, but I was already deeply unhappy.

Turgenev writes in his story “Asya” about how important it is not to overlook your happiness.

The main character N, like Alekhine in Chekhov's story “About Love,” begins to understand how strong his feelings for Asya were only when he lost her love forever. He ruined everything with his indecisiveness and rationality. In general, he was afraid of the light and strong feeling girls, offending her and pushing her away. Years later, he, “having lost all winged hopes and aspirations,” sacredly keeps objects that remind him of Asa, and yearns in complete loneliness.

About difficulties love relationship Bunin and Kuprin also wrote. But they approached this topic differently. For Bunin, love is a strong and at the same time disturbing emotion. Sometimes everything ends in tragedy, because the actions of heroes in love are not always noble and honest. Passionate and irresponsible feelings are destructive. Thus, in the story “Caucasus,” a deceived husband kills himself because of the betrayal of his wife, who loved another man and secretly went on vacation with him to the Caucasus, although she was afraid and suffered. Her stolen love was not happy, unlike Verochka’s love in Kuprin’s story “The Lilac Bush”. Vera not only loves her husband Almazov, but sacrifices a lot for him, supports him and helps him in everything. Love gives strength for this, which Vera needs also because Almazov is weak, nervous and not very clever man. But that doesn't matter to her. She is happy when her husband is calm and satisfied with himself.

Love is a very strong and multifaceted feeling. Its power can be directed towards both creation and destruction. No matter how much one thinks, no matter how much one writes, each person finds the answer to the question of what love should be for himself. The poet K. Janet said this simply and accurately:

Two guys argued so heatedly

That anyone would hear them.

They talked again and again

About what love is.

“Love is joy!” - one said.

“No, victim,” replied another.

“Love is a power that is higher than all pitchforks!”

“No is weakness,” said another.

"Love is happiness! Love is light!” -

One shouted with inspiration.

“Happy love does not exist and does not exist,” -

The other answered gloomily.

Realizing that their conversation had reached a dead end,

The friends approached the old man.

“Father, will you help resolve this dispute,

You have seen a lot throughout your life."

But he answered them: “It’s difficult for you, friends,

Understand where the truth is and where the lies are.

Unfortunately, love cannot be explained:

If you fall in love, then you will understand!”

Updated: 2018-04-26

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For the essay, I chose a topic related to the work of the famous Russian writer Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. The choice of this name is explained by the fact that it is quite famous and interesting writer, but in school curriculum not much time is devoted to his work, but when working on an essay, you can study the writer’s work in detail. The very life of the writer, his personality produces strong impression. This is a person of integrity, distinguished by firmness life position, true intelligence and kindness, the ability to understand life.

The purpose of my work:

Reveal the features of the depiction of the theme of love in Kuprin’s works;

Show the significance of this theme in his work.

Show the place of the theme of love in world and Russian literature;

Reveal the peculiarities of understanding this feeling by different authors;

Using the example of a trilogy about love, reveal its different sides and faces;

Show the writer's skill in depicting characters.

Sometimes it seems that everything has been said about love in world literature. What can you tell about love after Shakespeare’s story of Romeo and Juliet, after Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin”, after Leo Tolstoy’s “Anna Karenina”? This list of creations that glorify love can be continued. But love has thousands of shades, and each of its manifestations has its own light, its own sadness, its own fracture and its own fragrance.

Kuprin has many subtle and excellent stories about love, about the expectation of love, about its tragic outcomes, about longing and eternal youth in the human soul. Kuprin always and everywhere blessed love. You cannot hide anything from love: either it highlights the true nobility of the human soul, or it reveals vices and base desires. Many writers in their books have tested and will test their heroes, sending them this feeling. Each author tries to explain love in his own way, to contribute to its definition. For Kuprin, love is a gift from God, not available to everyone. Love has its peaks, which only a few out of millions can overcome. Unfortunately, now it is increasingly rare to find great fiery love between a man and a woman. People stopped bowing and revering her. Love has become an ordinary, everyday feeling. The relevance of this work is that it is addressed to the eternal feeling, it shows an example of extraordinary, bright, selfless love and makes us, living in such an unromantic and sometimes spiritless time, once again think about the meaning of the most amazing meeting on the roads of life - the meeting of a Man and a Woman.

creativity kuprin love story


The theme of love is eternal, as the very feeling that gave birth to it, has inspired the art of all times and peoples. But in each era it expressed some special moral and aesthetic values. After all, love is a feeling that makes you perform feats and commit crimes, a feeling that can move mountains, change the course of history, a feeling that gives happiness and inspiration and makes you suffer, a feeling without which life has no meaning.

Like all other literatures of the world, Russian literature devotes considerable space to the theme of love, its “specific” weight is no less than in French or English literature. Although " love stories"in its pure form are not found very often in Russian literature; more often the love plot is burdened with side lines and themes. However, the implementation of this topic in various texts belonging to Russian classical literature, is distinguished by its great originality, which sharply distinguishes it from all other literatures of the world.

This originality lies, first of all, in the fact that Russian literature is characterized by a serious and close look at love and, more broadly, at intimate relationships between a man and a woman. The motto of such an attitude can be famous proverb"You don't joke with love." There is only one reason for such seriousness - love in Russian literature almost always belongs to the realm of dramatic and very often tragic pathos, but extremely rarely the history of relations between a man and a woman - whether in prose or poetry - gives reason for fun. Happy ending loved by many foreign writers and sometimes admitted even by Balzac, he is not only absent from Russian literature, he is alien to it. All the famous love stories of Russian classics, from " Poor Lisa" Karamzin to Bunin's "Dark Alleys" proceed very intensely and end very badly.

Tragedy in the making love theme stems from several sources, the oldest of which is, of course, folk tradition. Only in Russian folklore love ditties are called “suffering,” only in the Russian village a synonym for the word love was the word “pity.” Thus, the emphasis is placed precisely on the sad, painful side of the relationship between a man and a woman, and the head of the relationship is placed spirituality. The popular understanding of marriage and love echoes the Christian, Orthodox understanding of marriage as a test of the strength of spiritual and physical strength a person who works hard for a common goal.

The understanding of love as a higher power connecting the divine with the human is characteristic of 20th-century literature. It can be argued that writers largely defined the holistic concept of life through comprehension of the essence of love. First of all, this aspiration was expressed in the prose of Alexander Kuprin and Ivan Bunin. Writers were attracted not so much by the history of the relationship of a loving couple or the development of their psychological duel, but by the influence of the experience on the hero’s understanding of himself and the whole world. Therefore, the outline of events in their works is extremely simplified, and attention is focused on moments of insight, turning points in the internal states of the characters:

Love, love - says the legend -

Union of the soul with the dear soul -

Their connection, combination,

And their fatal merger,

And... the fatal duel...

(F. Tyutchev)

Bunin's love stories are a story about the mystery of love. He had his own concept of love: it arises as sunstroke and strikes a person. IN true love, Bunin believes, has something in common with eternal nature. Only that feeling is beautiful that is natural, not false, not invented. I. Bunin’s book “Dark Alleys” can be considered an encyclopedia of love. The author himself considered her his most perfect creation. The writer poses a difficult artistic task: thirty-eight times (this is the number of stories in the book) write about the same thing - about love. Bunin shows the varied and bizarre faces of love: love is enmity, corrupt love, love is pity, love is compassion, carnal love. The book opens with the story of the same name, “Dark Alleys.” Despite the fact that it is small, the action develops quickly, the author managed to fully develop the theme tragic love people of different classes. At an inn, an old gray-haired officer Nikolai Alekseevich meets a woman with whom he was in love in his youth, and then abandoned him. She carried her feeling throughout her life. “Everyone’s youth passes, but love is another matter,” says the heroine. This huge passionate feeling passes through her destiny like a bright ray, filling her with happiness, albeit alone. Their love was born in the shadow of the alleys and Nikolai Alekseevich himself will say at the end of the story: “Yes, of course, the best moments. And not the best, but truly magical!” Love is like " easy breath"visits the heroes and disappears. Fragile and fragile, she is doomed to death: Nikolai Alekseevich abandons Nadezhda, and, having met many years later, they are forced to part again. Love turned into tragedy. The hero now understands which moments of his life were the most important. There was no place for happiness in his life: his wife left him, his son “turned out to be a scoundrel, an insolent man, without a heart, without honor, without a conscience.” The story could not have a happy ending, but still does not leave a painful impression, since according to Bunin, “all love is great happiness.” One short moment is enough to illuminate the entire life of the heroes. In love, as in life, light and dark principles always conflict. Along with the feeling that illuminates life, every lover has his own dark alleys. About this and best pages love prose of another representative of Russian literature - A. Kuprin.

(The image shows the ball of Andrei Bolkonsky and Natasha Rostova)

People are always waiting for a miracle, looking at the sky, looking for it in books, looking for it in life. And this miracle is most often love. It is love, this all-consuming feeling that most often leads in literary works, because it forces a person to commit crimes, exploits, change history, give happiness to a person or cause suffering. Being an amazing human asset, love helps shape personality.

This theme is eternal in literature. All creative people at least one of their works was and is dedicated to great love.

Take, for example, “Quiet Don”. It has one of the main themes of love. Here the author revealed all its facets, making it clear that love is not unambiguous.

A striking example of this is G. Melekhov’s feeling for Aksinya. It was so strong that it made them not pay attention to the opinions of others. But after Gregory’s wedding with Natalya, Aksinya goes from being a happy woman to becoming a suffering woman. Melekhov loved both women in his own way. Love was his spiritual salvation when there was cruelty around him

Turgenev's heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” - strong people, collided on life path. Love came as a shock to Bazarov. Before meeting Odintsova, love meant nothing to this man, which is why it is difficult for Bazarov to admit his love. But Odintsova does not respond to his feelings. The girl lives in her own world. She is not interested in Bazarov.

(Asya and Mr. NN.)

Another fragrant and languid and sad work about love by this writer: the story “Asya”. Here this feeling brought suffering to a girl who fell in love for the first time and was not reciprocated.

(The Master's tender feelings for Margarita)

Love permeates the work “The Master and Margarita”. The name itself speaks about this. All the happiness that a person experiences comes from love. This is the feeling loving heroes elevates them above the world, helps them withstand any trials, purifying and transforming them for the sake of love.
In Kuprin’s story “The Garnet Bracelet,” love is deified. Hopelessly in love, Zheltkov saw in his woman the embodiment of all earthly beauty. But disappointment in his love led to a more tragic end than Asya’s feelings.

Poetic works are even more dedicated to love. There is no poet who has not written at least one poem on a love theme.

Let us remember the lines of F.I. Tyutchev, written to his illegitimate wife and mother of his three children, Elena Denisyeva, rejected by society and everyone she cherished, just because of one incredible love for her husband:

Oh, how murderously we love,

As in the violent blindness of passions

We are most likely to destroy,

What is dear to our hearts!

This feeling is no less clearly shown in “Eugene Onegin,” where Tatyana’s poor soul in love rushes about, not knowing how to confess her love to Onegin, and finally writes him a letter. Unrequited love is also shown here.

One could go on for a long time listing works of Russian literature that touch on this topic. Russian literature is one of the richest in works about love. It is depicted in the works, as if to say: even if at the moment of its highest manifestation it rained, the gardens bloomed, or the sand sang on the dunes. But two people learned the great mystery of love, insidious and beautiful, all-destroying and creative. These are the many facets of this feeling described in the literature of all times.

The theme of love has always played a primary role in the work of writers and poets. Admiring the beauty and grace of their muses, poems, ballads and poems, short stories and tales, entire novels came out from under the pens of talented creators.

Russian literature is imbued with this sublime feeling - love, sometimes tragic and sad, but full of selfless devotion and tenderness.

Great poets and prose writers - Pushkin and Lermontov, for the most part spoke the language of love. A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Eugene Onegin” is full of unrequited and extinguished love - the main characters Eugene and Tatyana, whose hearts never united, faced the realities of a cruel world, misunderstood by each other, in the end, turned away from the past and tried to forget .

Poem by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Demon" talks about unearthly love, the ardent passion of a demon for an earthly girl, sweet and gentle, innocent Tamara. But this love, impossible and unnatural, was destroyed by the demon himself, cruel and outcast, who was never able to cast aside the call of his nature and the evil intentions that tormented his soul.

These literary creations seem to me very dramatic and depressing, and yet the bright feeling of love in which the creators believe is truly multifaceted.

Let the moments of love be fleeting, but they are happy. The idyll does not last long, as it is threatened by envious people and fatal circumstances. Love, according to writers, hard labour and a talent not given to everyone. It’s easy to let the bird of Love slip from your hands, but it’s not easy to get it back.

Works by Kuprin (“Olesya”, “Garnet Bracelet”) by Bunin (“ Dark alleys") are also tragic and end with the victory of cruel reality and the collapse of dreams and hopes.

V. Mayakovsky’s poem “Lilychka!” is unusual and piercingly truthful. – lyrical hero full of crazy, obsessed and frenzied love for a woman. Words seem to be carved from stone, piercing, piercing armor, “cutting” to the heart.

I also like A. Akhmatova’s poem “The Gray-Eyed King,” which tells about the pain and sadness of the loss of a secret lover, the love of the lyrical heroine’s life.

N. Gumilev in his poem “She” paints a beloved woman, simple and at the same time mysterious, incomprehensible and bright.

Poetry and prose are created in the name of love, precisely this highly moral and deep feeling, and I am sure that as long as humanity is alive, love lyrics will be written and composed.

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