Bride's Diary: Rita Dakota about her wedding with Vlad Sokolovsky. Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky: love story, wedding Everyday life of family

Rita Dakota's real name is Margarita Gerasimovich. This girl had every chance to become popular in the world of music and how solo artist, and as a songwriter. She has repeatedly participated in various competitions, the most significant of which was “Star Factory”. She took part in it twice and after the second time she declared that she was disillusioned with show business.

Then she was brought out of depression by the support of friends, who advised her to pay more attention to songwriting. After listening to them, Rita was able to achieve some success in composing her own songs.

A little later, the girl took part in another performing competition, where she performed exclusively the songs of her own composition. She was only able to reach the semifinals.

The girl does not hide that participation in the “Star Factory” became for her important stage in life. And it’s not just that this competition helped her decide what was important to her, but also introduced her to her future husband.

Charming manufacturer

Unlike Margarita, who grew up in a family where no one was involved in creativity, Vlad Sokolovsky learned all the intricacies of show business from childhood. His parents were very close to creative environment. It was not a surprise to them when their son decided to take part in “Star Factory 7”.

They simply warned Vlad about possible disappointments, but the guy was determined and went to the casting. Rita Dakota's husband, a blonde with an angelic look, was supposed to become the favorite of all the girls. And so it happened. The guy has become a winner more than once audience votes and thus reached the finals of the competition.

Already, being a participant in the competition, he decided to create a group with one more contestant. The group was named "BiS" and took third place in the competition.

Love and music

These two concepts became practically inseparable for Vlad. All romantic relationships are connected in one way or another musical career. Your first love future husband I met Rita Dakota at the Star Factory. It was his colleague in the competition Yulia Parshuta, but love story turned out to be a fiction. It was invented in order to gain popularity among viewers. As soon as the competition ended, the novel was finished.

Interesting notes:

Also, participation in the competition gave rise to a lot of rumors about the romance between Vlad and designer Kira Plastinina. They were often seen together. The couple vacationed together at various resorts, but both denied a romantic relationship. They unanimously asserted that they were connected exclusively by friendly relations.

Another girl with whom Vlad met Rita Dakota while participating in the show. On the way to the finals of the competition, they became very friendly and supported each other. But after the show ended, their paths diverged. We parted ways to meet again

The path between friendship and love

Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky initially treated each other like sister to brother. However, after the end of the competition, the paths of the young people diverged. They no longer had anything in common. Rita wrote lyrics and created her own rock band. Vlad was always on tour with the group “BiS”.

Young people met only occasionally musical events and exchanged standard phrases.

Interesting notes:

Once, on a wonderful day Rita decided to leave frosty Moscow and live in sunny Bali for a while. It so happened that Vlad also flew there. He met a girl. At this meeting they looked at each other with different eyes. A spark flashed between them, which developed into a romantic relationship.

The romance was bright and fleeting: Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky were happy. Within a few months, Vlad invited the girl to become his wife. Rita promised to think about it. After some hesitation, she agreed to the guy’s proposal. For fans, this turn of events came as a complete surprise.

The painting was scheduled for July 3, 2015. And this date was not chosen by chance. It was on this day that Vlad’s parents celebrated their silver wedding.

The main part of the celebration was planned for July 8, 2015. Then the newlyweds celebrated their wedding magnificently. Many guests were present at the celebration, among whom famous artists could be seen.

Everyday life of family

After the wedding, the couple decided to live a little for their own pleasure. In an interview, Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky said that for now they want to postpone having a child. Young people began to arrange family nest and started thinking about moving to Bali. At the same time, they did not forget about creativity.

Vlad Sokolovsky created a solo project, shot videos, and even starred in several small episodes in feature films. Rita became a songwriter for famous performers.

In 2017, information appeared online that a new addition to the family was expected. In October of the same year, Rita gave birth to a daughter, who was beautiful name Mia. Now the couple is seriously thinking about changing the climate to a warmer one. The desire to leave cold Moscow never left Rita. Perhaps the move will not take place this year.

In the meantime, mutual understanding and idyll reign in the family. Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky blog and often share photos together and video. Many people wanted this happiness to last their whole lives.

However, in August 2018, it became known that the star couple was divorcing. As it turned out, Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky divorced due to the singer's infidelity. Rita spoke about this on her Instagram.

The girl said that she did not want pity and insults towards Vlad; she also stated this on social networks: “I no longer need compassion, I officially refuse to be a victim in this situation and I also do not intend to feed on pity.”

Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky - young married couple, who has been married for just over 2 years. Their wedding took place on June 3, 2015, and 5 days later a grandiose gangsta-style party was held in the capital’s Royal Bar, which was attended by about 200 guests.

Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky at the “Star Factory”

The young couple has been together for 3 years. The relationship between Margarita and Vlad can be characterized using a concept that is a little outdated for our time - “companionship”, since between Rita and Vlad there is not only infatuation, passion and love, but also strong friendship and partnership.

Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky met at Star Factory-7. The young people did not immediately start dating; there were friendly relations between them, like between brother and sister. The guys were friends, communicated, shared their musical victories and losses.

When the project ended, Vlad Sokolovsky became members of the musical duet “BiS”, and Margarita Gerasimovich lived in Moscow for some time, after which she was forced to return home to Belarus. Thus the paths are roads young musicians They separated for a while.

However, already in 2011, the young beauty perked up and decided to conquer Russia again. She created the rock group "Monroe", which after a while became a regular at such music festivals, like “Invasion” and “Cubana”.

Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky: a love story

Time passed and 8 years later, the grown-up celebrities accidentally ran into each other at a party. Margarita changed her role as a punk rebel to a more feminine image, and Sokolovsky was no longer one of the cute boys of the boy band “BiS”. A spark flashed between the young people and from that moment they never parted.

Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota, on the air of one of the TV shows, the heroes of which they recently became, talked about their love story. Thus, the star couple shared with the presenter and the viewer memories of their first meeting after a long separation.

As it turned out, the fateful event, which a little later brought the young couple to the altar, took place in a strip club in the capital, where Rita and Vlad were invited to a closed event.

Young people started whirlwind romance, and a year and a half after the relationship, Vlad proposed marriage to Margarita. Former member group "BiS" decided to get married during a joint vacation on the island of Bali.

Dakota's mom was against the marriage of factory owners

After some time it resolved. As it turned out, during phone call Rita's mother was in the studio and thought that the conversation with Vlad was a practical joke. The woman didn't know what she had star couple romance and that their relationship had long ago grown into something more than just friendship.

Parents of Vlad and Rita

Speaking of young families. It is worth saying that Vlad Sokolovsky’s parents are talented, multifaceted individuals. Vlad's dad, Andrei Aleksandrovich Sokolovsky, is a famous choreographer, soloist, and also the founder of the vocal and dance group "X-Mission". His mother, Irina Vsevolodovna Sokolovskaya, is an Honored Artist Russian Federation. In the past, Vlad’s mother was a circus performer, performing complex dances on a wire, and later became a sought-after stage director. Vlad Sokolovsky also has a sister, whose name is Darina Serbina.

There is much less information about the parents of Margarita Gerasimovich (real name Rita Dakota). It is only known that her mother and father - ordinary people holding average positions. However, they always made efforts to ensure that their daughter had a happy childhood and a decent education.

Wedding and Sokolovsky

The official registration at the registry office took place on June 3, 2015, after which the newlyweds went to the wedding in the church. The couple decided to postpone the celebration of the solemn event to the 8th of the same month.

The young celebrities decided to have a wedding in the style of the film “Once Upon a Time in America,” which is the favorite gangster film of the heroes of the occasion. The popular owner of a wedding agency called “Svadberry” took on the task of organizing the holiday. The wedding of Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky, at the request of the newlyweds, took place in the capital's Royal Bar restaurant, which is located on the shore of the Khimki reservoir.

The solemn holiday began with an official wedding ceremony, where the host of the event felt like a holy father and re-performed the wedding ritual. The couple exchanged vows of love and fidelity, gold rings, and a passionate kiss. The gala event lasted for a luxurious festive table, after which unbridled fun began.

Wedding script

The visiting guests congratulated the young people with enchanting performances, including songs and magic tricks performed by Sergei Listopad himself. A little later, an impressive-sized cake with silver patterns and a symbolic inscription on it was brought into the ceremony hall. English language. The first piece of cake was immediately put up for auction. One of the invited guests purchased it during the auction, paying $5,000.

A little later, at the wedding of Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky, the guests began to shower the young wife with money so that the family could live in abundance and not need anything. In the middle of the evening Margarita, by old tradition, threw the wedding bouquet to her unmarried friends, and the young husband, having removed the garter from the bride’s leg, threw it to her unmarried friends. Then the evening continued fiery dances And brilliant performances celebrities invited to the gala evening.

Among the guests were the parents of Vlad Sokolovsky and Dakota, Vadim Galygin with his wife and son, Sergey Lazarev and Yulia Kovalchuk, Svetlana Loboda and Yegor Creed, Anita Tsoi and Natalya Rudova, Alexander Revva and Bianka, Yolka, Olga Marques, Arseny Borodin, Alexander Panayotov (whom the bride invited especially for young spouse to surprise him), as well as many other popular representatives of modern show business.

Happy coincidence

As it turned out, the day of the newlyweds’ solemn wedding coincided with the 25th wedding anniversary of the groom’s parents. In addition, on June 3, 27 years ago, Vlad Sokolovsky’s father, Andrei Aleksandrovich Sokolovsky, like his son, was also 23 years old.

The couple is expecting a new baby

Sometime early 2017 in funds mass media they started talking about the fact that Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky are expecting their first child. The young couple admitted that happy event should happen later this year.

Initially, the gender of the child famous parents kept secret, but now it has become known that Vlad and Margarita are expecting a girl. The future parents shared that they had already decided what they would name the baby. They want to name her Mia. The star parents also said that at the first two ultrasounds, the doctor stated that, most likely, they would have a boy, after which Rita and Vlad purchased a lot of children's things. However, after a while, a repeat ultrasound showed that the doctors had made a false assumption.

Happy parents claim that it really doesn’t matter to them whether they have a boy or a girl. They will love a child of any gender, both a daughter and a son.

Last night, singer Rita Dakota announced that she was divorcing her husband Vlad Sokolovsky. Today, the artist’s lawyer commented on the division of joint property.

Yesterday the media was shocked by the news that one of the strongest couples Russian show business– Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky – getting divorced. The singer herself announced her intention to break off the relationship by publishing a voluminous post on her microblog on Instagram. The star admitted that her husband cheated on her throughout the relationship, and she filed for divorce as soon as she found out about it. Now the legal spouses are still at the stage of dividing property. Yesterday it became known that the singer’s interests will be defended by star human rights activist Katya Gordon.

Gordon shared the news on her microblog on Instagram, saying that the truth is entirely on the side of Vlad Sokolovsky’s wife: “ Needless to say, all of Rita’s legal issues are resolved by my Gordon and Sons Team. The truth is 100% on Rita’s side, and I can assure you that if she wrote this, it means her patience is at its limit... Until today, I had one task - to agree on everything behind the scenes and peacefully. But, alas, trusting someone who has lied so much... is quite difficult. Nevertheless... we believe in the best! Rita, hold on! All women in the world know what it’s like to be devoted, and for you!».

Later, Katya also commented on Vlad Sokolovsky’s intention to divide the property. According to the human rights activist, post-Soviet mothers raised their sons to hate women, and now the latter are reaping the fruits of improper upbringing: “ We live in a world where everything means nothing. Unpunished lies, momentary promises forever. I think that morality needs to start being protected at the legal level. The first post-Soviet generation of single mothers brought into the world many boys raised in hatred of women, be careful, she will chop off the apartment! She got knocked up on purpose! - mothers who are sick in heart and spirit whisper in their ears. We are reaping the benefits of this upbringing. A complete generation of 30-40 year old freaks. What to do? Spit. And raise your sons to be generous and responsible. I will raise all my grandchildren and without hesitation I will tell my son, give it to me if there is a separation. Today we are fighting for the toilet, losing the essence. When we die, we will not remember any of our everyday items. We will remember a couple of days of crazy happiness of love... childhood... children... I wish the next generation of girls real Men. I make my contribution by raising my own».

Vlad Sokolovsky has not yet responded to his wife’s public confession - he only limited comments on his microblog on Instagram. It is noteworthy that star friends the couples sided with the singer and supported her, writing encouraging wishes under the confession post. Meanwhile, some fans accused the couple of wanting to promote themselves, but Katya Gordon put an end to all speculation, saying that the divorce is not a PR campaign.

Strong emotions - those that always provide ratings for reality and other shows on television - work great on social networks. Scandalous separation Rita Dakota And Vlad Sokolovsky almost in live Instagram has confirmed this rule.

On August 12, Rita informed her 1.4 million subscribers about her divorce from her husband. The most emotional part of her post was the description of Sokolovsky’s behavior: “It turned out that Vlad cheated on me throughout our entire relationship, cheated on me when we got married, cheated on me when I was pregnant, cheated on me from the first days of Mia’s life, cheated on me right up to the moment when I found out about this. These were dozens of “girls”, many of them I know personally, many of them were my “friends” who entered my house. Almost all of our mutual friends who met me from the maternity hospital knew about this and covered for him; many of them had his infidelities right at home, with their consent. Some members of his family, including his father, also knew. I understand that this sounds like a horror movie script, it sounds incredible, and I would never have believed it myself if I didn’t have ironclad evidence, but, alas, this is bitter and terrible truth. My world will never be the same, but I have to get through this for my daughter.”

We will not be mistaken if we say that this recognition came as a shock to everyone. Stars reached out to Dakota’s Instagram with sympathetic and condemning comments about Sokolovsky. Many posts began with the words “Rita, we don’t know each other, but...” It quickly became clear that the deceived wife took upon herself legal support Katya Gordon(she has her own law office). Even Vlad’s aunt Tatyana Nesterova joined the dialogue, who registered on Instagram specifically for this: “Today, an extremely difficult and ugly situation has occurred in our family. A situation that is incredibly difficult for all of us to survive, a situation that is impossible to understand and accept. Now the entire network is replete with the fact that our children are getting divorced, that Vlad turned out to be (I quote) a “dog” (thank God, at least not gay, which our entire stage is already full of). And I can’t understand and accept this hype.” Tatyana said that in no case and considers his act disgusting. But she asked Dakota’s blog subscribers to take into account that they only know one of two truths.

However, except for the aunt, no one else from Sokolovsky’s relatives spoke out. The “hero of the occasion” himself remains silent on this topic. In his account since the breakup, only video of a walk with my daughter Mia.

It’s interesting that before this, the spouses’ blogs were a pure, unadulterated example of glamor: photos from vacations, cool parties, advertising posts and cute joint selfies. True, the texts that Rita and Vlad wrote under the glossy pictures were somewhat different. You won’t find anything in Sokolovsky that is in any way different from standard set to demonstrate a successful “dolce life”. Rita periodically surprised her subscribers with sincere and sharp posts.

For example, this is what she said about her father: “I grew up in a family with the worst father in the universe. Just try to imagine a list of all the most terrible qualities of an anti-dad, for example, from heroin to prison, from family violence to complete indifference in a child’s life (I don’t know which is worse). And I always dreamed that the father of my child would be a handsome, kind, caring prince, I just prayed about it. And now I have grown up, I have a husband and a daughter, and I suddenly find myself at the very point where my childhood dreams became a reality. I don’t know what I did to deserve this, but Vlad is not only the most best dad for Mia, but also for the FIRST TIME IN YOUR LIFE - a real man for me, when I feel small, “in the arms” of a big, reliable man, I feel that same man’s shoulder, I trust, I confide, I rely, I feel weak, which has never happened in my life before. This is such happiness, girls!”

And so, it turns out that, perhaps, at the moment when Dakota was writing this post, her husband was having fun with his next passion in someone else’s bed.

What awaits us next, what continuation will this story have? The division of property is unlikely to be loud: Dakota has already softened the impression of the first post by publishing an appeal to subscribers with the following words: “My pain will one day subside and only gratitude will remain for growth, for experience, for everything bright that I had for him, and finally, for the most main value our union - for our daughter."

Of course, Vlad's image will suffer some reputational losses. But not at all the kind that kill the careers of Western stars - in our country, treason, traditionally, is not considered something serious (if it is not treason). Well, went to the left, who is not without sin? The creators of the show “The Bachelor” are already quite rubbing their hands: another great candidate has appeared on the horizon.

Dakota suffered the most in this story. What was for Rita real life, real feelings, for Sokolovsky it turned out to be just a game, an imitation, a glossy picture necessary for image and business. It is strange that Vlad chose a sincere girl who believes in marriage and family as his partner for this game.

), her husband cheated on her, and allegedly did this from the first day of the relationship.

But let’s return to where it all began, and we suggest remembering how the love story of Sokolovsky and Dakota developed.


Vlad and Rita met back in 2007. 17-year-old Gerasimovich (that’s the actual name of the singer) then came from Minsk to the Moscow casting of the next season of “Star Factory” simply because she wanted to present CDs with her music famous producers. Belarusian girl I didn’t even dream of becoming one of the “manufacturers”. However, in the end, she was not only accepted for the project - she even became a finalist.

16-year-old Vlad also ended up among the finalists. At the seventh “Factory”, he and Dmitry Bikbaev created the duet “BiS”, which led young people to success.

The young people met at the Star Factory. In the photo, Vlad is on the far right, Rita is a girl in plaid trousers, standing in the center

Vlad and Rita were at the Star Factory good friends and even called each other “brother” and “sister”. But after the project, the paths diverged.

Sokolovsky’s group “BiS” won first places in the charts of music channels and radio stations; only the lazy did not hear their song “Katya, take the phone”. Blue-eyed and blond-haired Vlad found an army of loving fans and became a recognizable hero of domestic show business.

Dakota, on the contrary, disappeared from the screens and created an independent rock band Monroe. The singer does not hide the reasons for leaving show business: “When I realized that this is a cruel, dishonest, “show-off” world, in which there is no place for music, and there is only continuous gossip and deception, I decided to leave the stage as an artist.”

The young people became friends on the project, but after graduating from the “Factory” they rarely communicated

Dakota chose her image to match the music - quite aggressive. Dreadlocks, tattoos, bright makeup - the girl was even called Russian. And Vlad at this time performed romantic ballads and wore wavy hair to his shoulders. “The main thing is not our shell and musical preferences, but what is inside us. Inside, we are absolutely identical,” Rita later admits.

At that moment, however, it seemed as if Vlad and Rita had less and less in common: they did not participate in joint projects and only occasionally crossed paths at social parties, only having time to say hello and inquire about each other’s affairs.

Couple of old friends

It seemed that the musicians would forever remain only old acquaintances and colleagues. Indeed: what could a cute boy and a brave rock singer have in common? In addition, Dakota is older than Vlad - even if the age difference is small, most girls choose men older than themselves (and, as a result, more experienced) as partners.

Sokolovsky's private life was always in plain sight. The performer's fans and journalists followed with passion the changes on his personal front. Who wasn’t counted among Vlad’s chosen ones! MGIMO student Dasha, DJ Karina, designer and even singer Nyusha. True, Vlad himself told practically nothing to the press about personal life. The singer is used to sharing such things only with his parents and close friends.

As a result, Vlad managed to hide his relationship with Dakota for almost six months: he was afraid that they would jinx him! By the time the novel finally became public, Vlad’s chosen one was already familiar with his family. The singer spoke frankly about his feelings:

I'm incredibly happy - and that's the most important thing. My heart... I don't like the word "busy." It's happy!

How did it all happen? Sokolovsky met old girlfriend Ritu at the party. As Dakota recalls, she was very surprised when she saw her friend after a long separation: “At first I didn’t recognize Vlad - for the first time in my life I saw him in a suit and with short hair" By that time, Vlad had really noticeably matured: he got rid of his wavy locks, grew stubble and began wearing classic jackets and jackets.

Dakota has changed too better side. According to the singer, Sokolovsky greeted her at that party with the words: “Come on, Dakota, where are your sneakers and dreadlocks?” After that meeting, the couple never separated.

Soul to soul

From the very beginning, Vlad and Dakota's relationship was natural. And it’s true: what should people who have known each other for eight years and lived in the same walls during the “Star Factory” project hide from each other? In an interview, Rita admitted:

There was no opportunity to “show off.” Because you remember very well how you woke up at 4 in the morning on the same tour bus: both swollen, hungry, sleep-deprived, with unwashed heads.

The couple's romance developed extremely quickly: Rita moved in with Vlad, the couple began to be regularly caught kissing at various events, and soon they completely amazed fans with the news of their upcoming wedding.

Vlad proposed marriage to his beloved while on vacation in Bali

23-year-old Sokolovsky during a holiday in Bali. In the midst of a joint vacation, the couple had a straight Talk: Vlad spent a long time telling Dakota how much he loves her and how important she is to him. As a result, Sokolovsky blurted out: “Be my wife!”

Gangster party

The bride and groom decided not only to legalize their relationship in the registry office, but also to get married in church. The newlyweds set a date for the celebration - June 3, 2015. However, shortly before the wedding, the couple announced that they were postponing the celebration to the 8th. Gossips they immediately started talking about changing the wedding day - Bad sign. The newlyweds themselves said that they had to do this because of the MUZ-TV award, where most of the invited guests went.

The celebration turned out to be friendly and magnificent - to the envy of ill-wishers. Dakota and Vlad invited close friends and colleagues: Alexander Revva, Yulia Kovalchuk, Alexander Panayotov, Elka and many others (about 150 people were present in total). Instead of the traditional celebration with rose petals and limousines, there is a gangster party in the spirit of the film “Once Upon a Time in America,” Vlad and Rita’s favorite picture.

The theme of the wedding was a gangster party in the spirit of the film “Once Upon a Time in America,” Vlad and Rita’s favorite film

Guests arrived in vintage cars. The holiday accessories were playing cards, revolvers and aromatic cigars. Vlad was wearing a three-piece suit and a white shirt. Dakota chose a white lace dress created by a Belarusian designer. The venue of the celebration was the Royal Bar on the shore of the Khimki reservoir. The newlyweds and guests walked until the morning, not forgetting to post photos of the party on Instagram.

There were about 150 guests at the celebration who came to congratulate Sokolovsky and Dakota on the birth of their family

By the way, the couple prepared extremely carefully for the wedding. “We even chose the caviar for a very long time,” said Sokolovsky. According to Dakota, the pre-wedding efforts only strengthened the relationship: the lovers took great pleasure in resolving issues related to organizing the celebration.

Rita and Vlad managed to collaborate well in their work. Dakota, a singer and composer, wrote songs that Sokolovsky performed. Vlad helped Rita with producing her tracks.


In October 2017, the couple had their first child, a daughter, whom the artists named Mia. The performers hid for quite a long time the fact that they were expecting a child, but when she was five months pregnant.

The couple seemed perfect, even Dakota

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