Dream about the apocalypse: the best interpretations.

Why do you dream about the end of the world?

Modern dream book

If you saw the end of the world in a dream - in the near future. quarrel with a loved one, this quarrel will have the most unpleasant consequences, you will forever part with the one you care about.

Why do you dream about the end of the world?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

The end of the world - a painful breakup love relationship; ruin for a businessman; as the highest, quantitative measure of delight, surprise, something good.

Why do you dream about the end of the world?

Stuart Robinson's Dream Book

If you dreamed about the end of the world, do not be alarmed; the dream usually does not foretell terrible events. More often similar dream– only an indicator of the internal state. The end of the world due to flooding - significant changes are planned in your life. The end of the world from the explosion of the sun - you are not mentally ready to take a decisive step in something important. The end of the world with zombies walking around - you feel uncertainty, fear of the unknown. The apocalypse from fire is explained by important, exciting, and sometimes tragic phenomena in real life. The dreamer feels helpless, lonely, and the current life situation is perceived as hopeless, unpredictable, hopeless. See your own death during the end of the world in a dream - such a dream indicates that you will live for a long time.

Why do you dream about the end of the world?

Home dream book

The end of the world in a dream - If a woman had a dream, then she will soon become a mother or grandmother. If a man had a dream, then in the near future you will have major financial problems. To avoid them, bury a handful of salt and coffee beans in the cemetery at midnight. The end of the world in a dream prophesies grandiose changes in fate. A dream about the end of the world indicates to you certain karmic voids in a person’s energy. Life situation in the previous incarnation it developed in such a way that the person did not receive some role-playing social experience. If you dreamed that your close person, then this is clear evidence that this person will have a long and happy life.

Why do you dream about the end of the world?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning: If a woman had a dream, then she will soon become a mother or grandmother. Take old photograph, wrap it in it gold decoration and put it in a dark place until the baby appears, then you will have a happy and long life.

Bad meaning: If a man had a dream, then in the near future you will have major financial problems. To avoid them, bury a handful of salt and coffee beans in the cemetery at midnight.

Why do you dream about the end of the world?

Online dream book

If you dreamed about the end of the world, it means that you are afraid of making a fatal mistake; now you are on the threshold of a new stage in your life, in which everything will turn out as favorably as possible for you. More interpretations If our dream book turned out to be useful for you, then add it to your browser so that it is always at your fingertips. Already used by more than 450 users!© Author-compiler: Alexey Krivenky. Photo: depositphotos.com

Why do you dream about the end of the world?

Loff's Dream Book

Apocalypse, end of the world, cataclysms - Final destruction peace theme, which is affected in many world CULTURES, cults and RELIGIONS. In some of them, the end of the world is followed by a renewal and reorganization of the world order, which implies the supremacy of a certain group of people. Other worldviews envisage the reincarnation of the chosen sons of humanity into a structured paradise on earth, and the most pessimistic teachings depict irrevocable destruction and merciless chaos on earth. Sometimes we treat dreams about the end of the world as a dire warning. We have strange feeling(or even a weak confidence) that what just happened in the land of dreams could soon happen in reality.

Dreaming about the End of the World can be seen in different ways - the exact picture depends on the personal, individual vision of the world - but the general feeling caused by such dreams comes down to approximately one thing: the days of the universe are numbered. Why do you dream about the end of the world - The meaning of such dreams can be sought using different approaches,These approaches depend on the individual’s personality, ,cultural beliefs, spiritual needs, and religious beliefs. The feeling that your life is getting out of control can lead to dreams about the end of the world - the APOCALYPSE. The reasons may be the activity of hormones in youth, the death of a dearly loved one (especially one of the parents), divorce, or other significant breakups and losses in relationships.

The end of the world is kind of defense mechanism, which our subconscious resorts to in order to avoid a devastated state and problems caused by new circumstances. In such dreams, the sleeper is usually alone among people unfamiliar to him. This is a reflection of the fact that people close to him have passed away. Culturally, dreams about the end of the world are due to universal fears about the fragility of our planet and humanity. It's the fear of what shouldn't happen. Such dreams are typical for periods of prevailing general hopelessness and unpredictability. Some people often have such dreams at the turn of the millennium. For some, they are inspired by messages about the catastrophic state of the Earth, global warming or possible space collisions. For others, doomsday dreams are a result of economic uncertainty. In general, moods of hopelessness and uncertainty are almost inevitably accompanied by apocalyptic dreams.

End of the world - When interpreting such dreams, answer the question: how does the end of the world come and who is to blame for it? The dream may be a call to protect yourself from an outside threat; calling for greater activity in specific cases; a call to think again about the rational essence of your fears. A powerful image is an end-of-the-world religious or spiritual revelation. As a rule, the sleeper dreams of how the pillars of his faith are the initiators of destruction or resist it. Here is another option: adherents of mysticism resist destruction due to their cohesion.

The end of the world - Such dreams symbolize the reorganization of the world order. They appear, as a rule, at such moments in a person’s life when it seems to him that the whole world has rebelled against him and only unification with something more powerful can show the path to success in the fight against earthly troubles, and perhaps this is an omen of the outcome of this peace...

Whatever it sometimes presents magical world dreams, containing countless secrets and incredible plots with an unexpected ending! People often see natural disasters and global disasters in their dreams. Why do you dream about the end of the world?

People often see natural disasters and global disasters in their dreams.

Even deadly natural disasters terrible disasters, about which films are often watched, appear to be quite realistic. Not only does what you see leave a bad taste in your soul and strange thoughts, it also means something, and, most likely, important. The dream book will tell you what it means to see the apocalypse in a dream.

It is not difficult to interpret such a dream: even if it looks large-scale and frightening, in reality it does not always foreshadow something bad. The main thing is to pay attention to the nuances and remember the scenario of events.

  1. Look at the end of the world as if from the outside;
  2. Dying due to Armageddon;
  3. Survive a disaster or experience a feeling of fear during the events taking place;
  4. Save yourself in time natural disaster;
  5. See a flood or tsunami;
  6. See ;
  7. Seeing a meteorite fall.

After such events in the world of dreams, emotions simply go off scale, but it is important to come to your senses, try to understand in time that this is a dream and ask what it is about.

The end in the dream book (video)

Why do you dream about the end of the world: interpretations in dream books

When you contemplate Armageddon as an outside spectator, in reality you are expected big changes. Very soon something will change significantly in a positive way.

  1. Do you dream that you are dying during a disaster? Don't worry, it won't turn out bad. You'll just start new life, you yourself will change, and fate will rebuild in a new direction. You'll even have the opportunity to start over and fix some mistakes.
  2. If you dream that you are participating in the end of the world and at the same time experiencing great horror, it means that you are currently worried and afraid about something. These fears poison your life and greatly interfere with moving forward. Work a little on yourself, understand yourself.
  3. Escaping from a natural disaster means that at this stage in life you don’t want to change yourself and change own life, you create many obstacles to this only because you are afraid of change. This attitude will lead to stagnation and degradation, think about it, overcome your fear of the unknown and take a step forward to the new.
  4. The end of the world due to explosions is a warning dream. Disappointment and/or failure awaits you life path in the near future. Most likely, you are moving in the wrong direction and you need to change it.
  5. I had a dream in which a meteorite falls to the ground - something very good and extraordinary will happen in reality soon. You will simply be shocked by such a surprise, but it will change a lot in a positive way.

When you contemplate Armageddon as an outside spectator, big changes await you in reality

The world is dying in flames, there is a big threat mutual love. You just need to not be afraid to open up to her.

What does apocalypse mean according to Vanga’s dream book

According to Vanga, Armageddon is dreamed of when a person is unsure of himself and what is happening now. Another interpretation says that such a dream speaks of the individual’s inability to find a non-standard solution to problems. As a rule, in her opinion, such catastrophes in a person’s dream world occur when he is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

According to Vanga, Armageddon is dreamed of when a person is unsure of himself and what is happening now

In such cases, you just need to relax a little, calm down, and look at your problems from a different angle. Try to avoid overexertion and shock.

Seeing Armageddon in a dream: meanings in the Islamic dream book

For Muslims, the interpretation of dreams is of particular importance. A hadith from Abu Hurayrah says that on the eve of the end of the world, every dream of a Muslim is prophetic.

Some dream books under the end of the world imply renewal of life, reorganization of order in the world
  • Negative meaning. Islamic dream book states that if you saw the death of the whole world in a dream, in reality people laugh at you and your nonsense.
  • Positive value. Some dream books refer to the end of the world as a renewal of life, a reorganization of order in the world.

Why do you dream about a global flood?

World flooding is a large-scale sign. Why is he dreaming?

  • If you dreamed of such a thing, expect enormous changes on the path of life, and very soon. Nothing will necessarily change in everyday life, rather, you will change your own attitude towards certain people and things.
  • If you dreamed of a flood, which you watched from the side, as if you were watching a movie, you are overwhelmed with feelings, you are unable to control them. That's not bad. It's much worse to live without feeling anything. But don’t forget to stay on the ground and try to take control of the situation yourself.
  • Seeing large expanses of land covered with water in your dream world means that very soon everything that worries you will go away, you will gain peace.
  • A flood that takes people with it is an alarming sign. It indicates your fear of losing someone you know. Often people are afraid of losing their loved ones.
  • If water quietly spills over the ground, slowly absorbing the earth centimeter by centimeter, they are coming serious changes. Perhaps unforeseen circumstances will arise that will take the immediate situation out of control - be prepared for this.
  • If you are drowning in a flood, but trying to get out, your train of thought will change direction. Most likely, you will rethink your lifestyle, your attitude towards yourself, and current events. The subconscious mind tells you that you must understand that everything will turn out good or bad depending on your behavior and thinking. Think positively and everything will be fine.

If you dreamed of this, expect huge changes on your life’s path, and very soon.

If the stormy water of the flood pulls you along with the debris, temporary obstacles will appear on your path and the work you have started will slow down its development a little. But you have the power not to panic, but to approach the issue calmly and judiciously.

Interpretation of Armageddon from other cultural figures

The end of the world according to Freud

A person may dream of such a natural disaster when he has lost something. A job, a loved one, big plans have been ruined - this is a kind of defensive reaction of the subconscious to what is happening. For a person who has lost something, this dream is a cleansing of his subconscious from “garbage”, from negativity. After a natural disaster in the world of waking dreams, the individual loses the feeling that he is helpless and the pessimistic mood goes away.

According to Tsvetkov

The end of the world speaks of separation from a loved one. Although, most likely, this is for the better, since everything went out between you a long time ago. Don’t regret it too much, move forward to new acquaintances.

According to Felomen

An apocalypse in a dream means joyless and sometimes tragic events that will radically change the worldview of the sleeper. Perhaps in life you will make a serious, rash step that will miserably fail the business you have started and ruin you.

Dreams about the end of the world are most often scary. However, in real life it rarely means disasters and cataclysms. Most often, such a dream indicates uncertainty about something or emotional overload.

Modern dream book: the end of the world - how is it deciphered?

If a person has dreamed of the end of the world, then in the near future one should expect quarrels with loved ones. This conflict will have extremely unpleasant consequences and can lead to a complete break with those who are dear to you. The dream book also interprets the end of the world as a feeling that a person’s life is becoming beyond his control. The reasons for this may be: death dear people, adolescent hormonal activity, breakup (divorce) or any other significant events and loss. This dream is a kind of defense mechanism that a person’s subconscious resorts to in order to avoid difficulties, serious problems and moral devastation caused by some new circumstances in life. In such visions, the dreamer is most often among strangers. This reflects the fact that close people have left a person’s life or do not pay attention to it in reality.

ABC of dream interpretation

If you dreamed about the end of the world, as well as those associated with it terrible events, then in reality this reflects a person’s fear of making a mistake or failing in some enterprise. This dream may mean the end of some life stage, after which a happy streak will come.

Master of Dreams (dream book)

The end of the world symbolizes a painful and difficult break in a relationship with a loved one. For entrepreneurs, it can portend ruin. This dream can also become a manifestation highest degree surprise or delight.

Hasse dream book: the end of the world - what did you dream about?

This dream means that everyone is laughing at the dreamer's stupidity.

Loffa dream book: the end of the world - interpretation of the dream

After such a dream, people most often have a feeling (weak confidence) that what happened in the dream could very soon happen in real life. Each person can perceive the Apocalypse differently. Its exact picture depends greatly on the individual's worldview. The common feeling in such dreams is the belief that this world will not last long. Such dreams can be interpreted using different approaches, which depend on the personality and culture of the dreamer. One of the main reasons that can cause such visions is a person’s loss of control over some extremely important situation or his life.

From a cultural point of view, the end of the world in a dream is due to concerns about the fragility of the universe, the planet and all humanity. These dreams are caused by fear of something that should not happen under any circumstances. They are most common during periods of unpredictability, desperation and hopelessness, and economic uncertainty. Supporters of mysticism resist apocalyptic disasters thanks to their cohesion. Such dreams are a symbol of reorganization or a complete change in the world order. They come to a person at such moments in life when it seems to him that the whole world has rebelled against him.

Combined dream book: the end of the world ( atomic war) - interpretation

Seen in nuclear explosion in real life, it predicts to the dreamer troubles and sorrows that will haunt him and his loved ones. A dream of a full-scale nuclear war suggests that in reality a lot of anger and aggression has accumulated in the dreamer. This can spill out and lead to extremely negative consequences.

Psychological analysis of a dream in which the Apocalypse was dreamed (interpretation by psychologist D. Loff)

Apocalypse, end of the world, cataclysms - The final destruction of the world is a theme that is touched upon in many world CULTURES, cults and RELIGIONS. In some of them, the end of the world is followed by a renewal and reorganization of the world order, which implies the supremacy of a certain group of people. Other worldviews envisage the reincarnation of the chosen sons of humanity into a structured paradise on earth, and the most pessimistic teachings depict irrevocable destruction and merciless chaos on earth. Sometimes we treat dreams about the end of the world as a dire warning. We have a strange feeling (or even a faint confidence) that what just happened in the land of dreams could soon happen in reality.

Seeing the end of the world can be seen in different ways - the exact picture depends on the personal, individual dream of the world - but the general feeling caused by such dreams comes down to approximately one thing: the days of the universe are numbered. Why do you dream about the end of the world - The meaning of such dreams can be sought using various approaches. These approaches depend on the person’s personality, cultural ideas, spiritual needs and religious beliefs. The feeling that your life is getting out of control can lead to dreams about the end of the world - the APOCALYPSE. The reasons may be the activity of hormones in youth, the death of a dearly loved one (especially one of the parents), divorce, or other significant breakups and losses in relationships.

The end of the world is a kind of defense mechanism that our subconscious resorts to in order to avoid the devastation and problems caused by new circumstances. In such dreams, the sleeper is usually alone among people unfamiliar to him. This is a reflection of the fact that people close to him have passed away. Culturally, dreams about the end of the world are due to universal fears about the fragility of our planet and humanity. It's the fear of what shouldn't happen. Such dreams are typical for periods of prevailing general hopelessness and unpredictability. Some people often have such dreams at the turn of the millennium. For some, they are inspired by messages about the catastrophic state of the Earth, global warming or possible space collisions. For others, doomsday dreams are a result of economic uncertainty. In general, moods of hopelessness and uncertainty are almost inevitably accompanied by apocalyptic dreams.

End of the world - When interpreting such dreams, answer the question: how does the end of the world come and who is to blame for it? The dream is a call to protect yourself from a threat coming from outside; calling for greater activity in specific cases; a call to think again about the rational essence of your fears. A powerful image is an end-of-the-world religious or spiritual revelation. As a rule, the sleeper dreams of how the pillars of his faith are the initiators of destruction or resist it. Here is another option: adherents of mysticism resist destruction due to their cohesion.

The end of the world - Such dreams symbolize the reorganization of the world order. They appear at such moments in a person’s life when it seems to him that the whole world has rebelled against him and only unification with something more powerful can show the path to success in the fight against earthly troubles, and perhaps this is an omen of the outcome of this world.. .

Dictionary of Dreams / Stern Robinson and Tom Corbett (Russian translation)

Dream about the end of the world

If you dreamed about the end of the world, do not be alarmed; the dream usually does not foretell terrible events. Most often, such a dream is only an indicator of an internal state. The end of the world due to flooding - significant changes are planned in your life. The end of the world from the explosion of the sun - you are not mentally ready to take a decisive step in something important. The end of the world with zombies walking around - you experience uncertainty, fear of the unknown. The apocalypse from fire is explained by important, exciting, and sometimes tragic phenomena in reality. The dreamer feels helpless, lonely, and the current life situation is perceived as hopeless, unpredictable, hopeless. Seeing your own death during the end of the world in a dream - the dream indicates that you will live for a long time.

Seeing the End of the World, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

The end of the world in a dream - If a woman had a dream, then she will soon become a mother or grandmother. If a man had a dream, then in the near future you will have major financial problems. To avoid them, bury a handful of salt and coffee beans in the cemetery at midnight. The end of the world in a dream prophesies grandiose changes in fate. A dream about the end of the world indicates to you certain karmic voids in a person’s energy. The life situation in the past incarnation developed in such a way that the person did not receive some role-playing social experience. Why dream that your loved one dies in such a disaster? This is clear evidence that this person will have a long and happy life.

Numerological horoscope for the number of the day - 23

2 gives the opportunity to cooperate with other people, gives faith in good deeds. 3 is cheerfulness, the ability to discard previous negative experiences in order to step forward with faith. It's time to manifest out-of-the-box thinking, expand interests. Any complex matters and problems can be solved if you use intuition and the ability to introspect.

The 23rd will allow you to adapt to any unusual situation that arises. You can be flexible in your mind to appreciate prospects that seemed too far away.


09.02.2019, 19:36:31

I’m walking down the street and suddenly it starts to rain, in such large drops. I somehow understand that it’s the end of the world. I’m running, hiding. Then suddenly the snow began to fall in clumps. Then I woke up.

14.01.2019, 07:19:51

14.01.2019, 07:19:16

I dream about the end of the world that is approaching us black hole and it started to suck me in and somehow my family and I flew to the moon with my parents and I saw all this, you can’t imagine how scared I was after sleep

11.12.2018, 12:19:14

I saw how the storm demolishes brick houses like cards. It was far away. I immediately realized that this was the end of the world. I ran in the opposite direction, but I knew that I couldn’t run far, and there was no point in running from the end of the world. I feverishly wondered where I could hide, if not in buildings. And yet I found a solution... to hide in the sewer. I had doubts that I would not be able to open the hatch with my bare hands. And for some reason I didn’t call my daughter, either because I was already hopeless, or because I thought that the tower cellular communication not anymore. I woke up without having time to hide.

And as it is written in your article. have a financial plan problem.

23.11.2018, 12:17:31

Today I have a terrible dream that supposedly I see that the sky is getting dark and a storm is starting, we all ran home and some man I didn’t know screamed, it’s the Apocalypse, I scared me, I’m only 13 and I ran to tell everyone, everyone heard and ran through the fire to some bomb shelter there. I was scared of someone’s corpses and bones, but they calmed me down, and at that time my mother was in Ukraine and I asked, is it also the end of the world? They answered me - The end of the world is the end of all living things!!! I started calling my mother and all my relatives to get help. Afterwards we were given jackets so that until the end of the world came we would not freeze and two men from the TV series “Matchmakers” were Berkovich and they began to make some kind of design, they say it would help avoid the terrible lightning that was supposed to punish the whole world, as soon as they completed it we all lay down and fell asleep, and then woke up somewhere high where the clouds were. After that I woke up. I would like to know what this dream is about???

Tell me what you dreamed about:

The text should describe in detail the content of the dream. The impressions, emotions and thoughts of the dreamer are important. Irregularities in spelling and spelling are not welcome. Interpretations already included in the article in the dream book The End of the World cannot be copied. To find out why you dream about the End of the World, it is advisable to interest our readers and experts in your dream.

Anchor points:

What does a dream about the end of the world mean?

You may dream about the end of the world if the dreamer has decided to make drastic changes in his life, but fear does not allow him to take the last step. This dream in such a case - auspicious sign, prosperity awaits you. The end of the world looks like this, which means that as a result of luck, you can remain unharmed in dangerous situation. You saw an all-consuming flame in a dream; in reality you will experience the loss of one of your loved ones. The world collapsed as a result of an earthquake - you will have problems with property. TO unfulfilled dreams I dream about the fall of cosmic bodies. If you see yourself dying in the first minutes of the end of the world, such a dream means that you are not sure of your further actions and do not know what to do. To miraculously escape from cataclysms will lead to self-confidence; you will be able to surpass all competitors and rivals. Fear symbolizes a dream in which you learned about the impending end of the world from means mass media. To see how our planet reacts to the end of the world - volcanoes become active, rivers overflow their banks, animals flee, buildings collapse, fires start - to the impossibility of carrying out your plans.

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