Where to work as an astronomer. Education

Astrophysics is a demanding field, but if you have a passion for the stars and love unraveling the mysteries of the universe, this is the profession for you. However, you will have to study a lot and gain a lot of practical experience before you can get a job. permanent job by specialty.


Section 1: First steps

  1. Study the subject. The earlier you start studying a subject, the further you will progress in mastering it. Take every opportunity to learn something new about a given topic. You should also familiarize yourself with what awaits you when choosing this profession.

    • IN general outline, astrophysics can be theoretical and experimental. Theoretical astrophysicists study the physical processes occurring in the universe, and experimental astrophysicists use mathematical models and computer simulations to explain astrophysical phenomena.
    • Regardless of your specialization, you must develop and explain theories about the structure of the universe, analyze experimental data, test hypotheses, and prepare scientific articles for publication.
  2. Get an appropriate higher education. If you are still studying at high school, take classes in subjects related to astrophysics. Study not only disciplines directly related to astrophysics, but also mathematics, as well as subjects you need to continue your studies.

    • Although studying any science is beneficial, physics and chemistry are most important to you. You should also study higher mathematics as deeply as possible.
    • Keep your GPA high and take advanced courses whenever possible. This will make it easier for you to study such a complex discipline as astrophysics at university.
  3. Join local clubs and get involved in activities. As a rule, astrophysics is not studied in depth in classes at such clubs, but if you are a beginner, this will allow you to learn the basics of astronomy as early as possible. There are several possibilities here.

    • Check to see if there are any astronomy clubs or classes at your school or somewhere nearby.
    • Become a member of your local planetarium.
    • Attend free or low-cost lectures at your local library or university.
    • Attend specialized astronomy events held by planetariums, universities, and other organizations.

    Section 2: higher education

    1. Get your bachelor's degree. Ideally, you should find a university with a master's program in astrophysics. However, such a program is quite rare, so it will be enough to complete a course in physics or astronomy.

      • You can graduate from university with two majors in physics and astronomy at once, but it will take longer. It is better to get a major in one of these subjects and a minor in the second.
      • Also consider taking computer courses as this will help you in further astrophysics research.
      • A bachelor's degree in physics or astronomy is just a junior level. With this degree, you will not take up a research position, but can only hope to work as a technician, laboratory assistant or research assistant at an observatory.
    2. Continue your studies and get a master's degree. If a bachelor's degree only allows you to enter the scientific community, with a master's degree in astrophysics you can already occupy some kind of low-level position.

      • Typically, a master's degree will allow you to work as a research assistant in a more established organization, or as a consultant.
      • If you are looking to advance your field of astrophysics as far as possible, consider going to graduate school after completing your master's degree. A PhD degree will open up broad prospects for you.
    3. Finish graduate school. If you want to get a job high level in astrophysics, you will most likely need an advanced degree in that field. Choose a graduate school with a program dedicated specifically to astrophysics, rather than related fields.

      • Get ready for an in-depth study of various sections of physics, astronomy, mathematics, computer science, and statistics. You will also need to conduct independent research and defend a Ph.D. dissertation.
      • Graduate study can take five or more years. During your studies, you may want to join a research group and do research while writing your dissertation.
      • You will almost certainly need a PhD if you want to work at a university as a lecturer or researcher. You will also need a degree if you want to conduct research for government programs.
      • Most graduate programs require a concentration in specific areas of astrophysics, such as cosmology, radio astronomy, etc.

    Section 3: Work Experience

    1. Dedicate summer holidays practice. When studying at school and university, look for research programs practical courses and other opportunities available in the summer.

      • Find out if your university's physics and/or astronomy department can help you participate in such a program. Some schools have "career services" that can also help you.
      • Also check with specialized organizations to see if they offer summer internships. Such organizations may be specialized institutes of the Academy of Sciences, observatories of state significance.
    2. Make active use of research programs. Even after completing your PhD, you will have to hold temporary positions for the first time before you get a permanent one. Many temporary positions for postgraduate researchers last for 2-3 years.

      • During this period of time, you will work alongside more experienced scientists in your and related fields.
      • At first you will work under someone else's direction and control. However, then, as you gain experience, you will acquire more and more O greater independence in their research.
    3. Make as many scientific contacts as possible. Because the field of astrophysics is so competitive, you will need to gain as much experience and make as many contacts as possible. Try to make a favorable impression on employers and employees. In the future, they will be able to give you good recommendations when competing for a vacant position; Such recommendations often play an important role when choosing between candidates.

      • Consider opportunities to work outside of your country. Even if your country has many research programs, if you want to achieve excellence in your field, do not limit yourself to working only within your country. Sometimes participation in research programs is available only to citizens of the country, but in most cases foreigners can also participate.

    Section 4: Finding a Job

    1. Choose between research and teaching. Regardless of which path you choose in the field of astrophysics, you will be involved in scientific research. However, some tenure-track positions are purely research-based, while others combine research and teaching. The former, as a rule, are more numerous, while the latter are limited mainly by the walls of universities.

      • Scientific research is often a completely independent activity, but sometimes collaboration with other scientific groups and organizations imposes restrictions.
      • Researchers have a fairly flexible work schedule, while teachers have a more rigid work schedule.
      • In addition to your official work as a teacher, you may give lectures on new scientific advances, etc. If you work in a planetarium or similar organization, you can give lessons to those who wish in your free time.
    2. Know where to look. Because astrophysics is a fairly specialized field, you may have limited job opportunities to choose from. Search among organizations that carry out any activity in the field of astrophysics. Usually the number of jobs is limited, so the search may take some time.

      • Most jobs are provided by schools and universities, followed by research institutes of the Academy of Sciences.
      • You can also get a job in private research organizations, science centers, and planetariums.
    3. Know what to expect. You will spend most of your working time in offices and laboratories. Although you will have unlimited opportunities for professional growth, the number of jobs is limited, which leads to competition.

      • According to statistics compiled by the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS), the average salary of astrophysicists in the US in May 2012 was about $106,360 per year. Those working under government programs earned an average of $111,020. average salary in private companies it is about 104,650 dollars, in universities - 81,180 dollars.
      • According to the BTS, expected job growth from 2012 to 2022 is comparable to that for other occupations. In other words, the number of jobs is expected to increase by 10 percent over this period.
    4. Maintain your professional level. Whether you want to keep your job or reach new heights, be prepared to be a lifelong learner. You will have to learn something new all the time, mastering new theories in astrophysics and keeping up with the times.

      • Not so much the acquisition of new degrees or certificates, but the need to constantly maintain a high professional level will require you to participate in lectures, seminars and scientific conferences. As your professional level grows, you will be invited to certain scientific events. On them you will often deal with an active and sometimes critical audience.

Translated from ancient Greek, astronomy is the science that studies celestial bodies. Since ancient times, humanity has shown interest in the stars and planets and their movement through celestial space. This is how the profession of astronomer arose.

The development of astronomy gave humanity knowledge that helps in housekeeping and travel. The first and most important achievement obtained as a result of observing the stars is the invention of solar and lunar calendars. IN Ancient China 2000 BC, people could already determine the dates of solar and lunar eclipses.

What does an astronomer do?

At first glance, the profession looks very romantic, but in practice everything is different. Observations of celestial objects occupy only a small part of the working time, the rest is spent on processing the data obtained as a result of observations. Currently, the work of an astronomer is somewhat facilitated by modern technologies. By using computer programs The trajectories of celestial objects are calculated and star maps are compiled.

There are several areas in astronomy: celestial mechanics, astrophysics, cosmology, astronomical instrumentation. In practice, an astronomer focuses on a specific topic (be it the study of galaxies, planets, or individual stars). As a result of this division of research, the need for coordination centers arose. The International Astronomical Union is engaged in this task throughout the world.

Over the past hundred years, the specifics of an astronomer's work have changed dramatically. There is no longer a need to conduct hours-long observations of celestial objects in observatories. Explorers of the Universe spend many hours in front of computer monitors, processing data obtained from space satellites. But among astronomers you can find true fans of their profession who easily give up the comfort of modern offices in order to communicate with the Universe. Therefore, those who are eager to learn the secrets of the starry sky can master this profession.

Having chosen the profession of an astronomer, you need to remember that this is a science where you will not immediately see the result of your work. This means you need to have enormous patience. One of the main personal qualities of an astronomer should be the desire for discovery. You also need to have perseverance and attentiveness. A professional astronomer must have a broad outlook, have an analytical mind, and be able to clearly and clearly present arguments and thoughts. After all, scientists often write articles for publication in journals and prepare reports for scientific conferences.

To achieve success in your profession, you must also be a specialist in several sciences: physics, mathematics, biology, computer science. As in any science, the results of achievements in astronomy are based on data from research, observations and experiments. Although, unlike other areas, the experiment is practically inaccessible to astronomers. Modern computer technologies and programs help in the work. With their help, processes that are inaccessible for observation are simulated.

Where do you study to become an astronomer?

The career growth of an astronomer is associated with certain stages of training. First, this is studying at the university, then entering graduate school, writing a candidate’s dissertation, scientific work etc. The qualification category of a specialist depends on the scientific title received, which directly affects the size wages. Representatives of this profession receive grants for successful scientific developments.

An astronomer also has the opportunity to realize himself in the field of teaching. There are several areas in astronomy: astrophysics, cosmology, physics of galaxies, stars, astronomical instrumentation. Therefore, specialists can be divided into three groups: observers, theorists and those involved in astronomical equipment. The essence of the observer’s work is to develop a methodology for observing celestial bodies; theorists analyze the data obtained and decide scientific problems, and hardware specialists are working on creating new devices.

Today the profession is not popular, which means it is not widespread. It is possible to become an astronomer only after receiving a higher education. Future astronomers receive specialized education at national universities at the faculties of mechanics and mathematics and physics and mathematics.

IN Lately The profession of astronomer is becoming more and more in demand, and an astronomical boom is observed. With the advent modern technologies, more powerful optical telescopes, discoveries in the field of astronomy appear one after another. Part Nobel Prizes awards in the field of physics are directly or indirectly related to astronomy. The profession of astronomer is for those who love riddles and secrets, of which the Universe has an unlimited number.

An astrophysicist is a scientist who studies the structure of various celestial bodies. The profession of astrophysics is close to the profession of astronomer; it combines the techniques and methods of physics and astronomy.

Astrophysicist's work

An astrophysicist studies celestial bodies such as the Sun, Moon, and planets solar system, stars and comets. The scientist is interested in their structure, properties, chemical composition and physical processes occurring in them. The astrophysicist also studies the Universe as a whole, individual galaxies and black holes. Space is fraught with many mysteries, which astrophysicists are trying to solve.

Astrophysicists mainly work in observatories, which are located in places with the highest best review starry sky. There they observe celestial bodies using special super-powerful telescopes. Moreover, observations of various space objects require different equipment and must be carried out in different time days.

Based on the results of observations, astrophysicists conduct research and analyze the data obtained. Research works mainly carried out in research centers and institutes. The work done allows astrophysicists to put forward hypotheses and scientific theories about the organization of space, as well as explain various cosmic phenomena. In their work, astrophysicists actively use modern computer technologies.

Another important task of astrophysicists is to participate in the preparation of space flights. Here their task is to determine the conditions in which the astronaut will be in flight. It is astrophysicists who must predict the location and behavior of various celestial bodies and space debris that may in some way affect the astronauts. The task of astrophysicists is extremely responsible and important.

Astrophysicist - training

In order to become an astrophysicist, you need to obtain a higher technical education. This profession requires a long period of study - after a bachelor’s degree it is necessary to complete a master’s or graduate school, and you can also further increase your academic degree. Universities train future astrophysicists in the specialty “Astronomy” in the following profiles:

  • Astrophysics
  • Astrometry
  • Galactic astronomy
  • Gravimetry, geodesy and space navigation
  • Celestial mechanics

Even after receiving an academic degree, an astrophysicist must periodically attend various domestic and international seminars and conferences to exchange experiences with colleagues and learn about new achievements.

Career as an astrophysicist

Astrophysics does not stand still and in the near future many discoveries will be made in it. The profession of astrophysics is quite rare and highly specialized. It is not in great demand, however, astrophysics largely holds the future, so highly qualified specialists are very much needed in this field. Astrophysicists are mainly in demand in organizations that deal with scientific research in this area. World-famous corporations are Roscosmos or NASA. Such employees are also needed in observatories and research institutes. The higher the level of qualification of an astrophysicist, the more chances he has to build a brilliant career.

Astronomy is a field of scientific knowledge about the development and structure of cosmic bodies and the Universe as a whole. Many people have an erroneous opinion about the activities of an astronomer: people believe that he just observes the starry sky.

But in practice, it turns out that the astronomer spends most of his time analyzing and comparing the data obtained based on his observations. Let's tell you how you can become an astronomer.

The price of a super-powerful telescope that reads information from the air is quite high, and not all observatories have such equipment. Although no modern scientist can do without a telescope, one should have very good computer skills since the organization of most research is computerized.

As a rule, an astronomer studies the starry sky for only a few days, but interpreting the data obtained can take months or even years. Therefore, a person who wants to obtain such a rare and unusual profession must also have such personal qualities, How:

  • perseverance;
  • patience;
  • ability to work monotonously for long periods of time;
  • focus on long-term results;
  • a thirst for scientific knowledge and a desire to constantly improve in the field of astronomy.

Where to go to study?

The profession of astronomer can be obtained in technical universities at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics or Physics. Since the main subjects to study are mathematics and physics, it is easier for an applicant with an analytical mind to complete the training. It will be more difficult for humanities students to master such a science.

A student who wants to become an astronomer should remember that upon receipt only higher education his training does not end. Thus, to further work in the profession, it is necessary to complete graduate school, defend a Ph.D. thesis, and then engage in more in-depth scientific work.

Is the profession of astronomer necessary in Russia?

Even if technical universities in our country train specialists, providing decent theoretical and practical training, then working in their specialty may not be profitable from a financial point of view. The salaries of Russian astronomers can differ significantly from the salaries of their foreign colleagues.


For friends!


Astrophysics is a science on the border of astronomy and physics, the study of the universe, structure, physical processes and chemical properties celestial objects - stars and galaxies (planets, Sun, comets, nebulae).

Space is a little-studied space that makes us ask many questions. For example, astrophysicists are making assumptions about what happens inside black holes, trying to understand what dark matter is and what the properties of gravity are. The search for answers to these questions forces scientists to conduct different studies. For example, astrophysicists are soon planning to send a colony to Mars, and to build a super-powerful telescope on the Moon.

Astrophysics does not stand still and many discoveries will be made in it in the near future.

Description of activity

Astrophysicist is a rare and highly specialized profession. There is little demand for it. But in such world-famous corporations as Roscosmos or NASA, talented specialists are simply necessary.

Almost all astrophysicists have. All of them once graduated, defended their dissertations, have scientific publications, etc. This is due to the fact that astrophysicists are required mainly in organizations that engage in scientific research. These are universities and scientific institutes, observatories and the above-mentioned corporations Roscosomos and NASA.

The majority of astrophysicists work at observatories. This is an institution where the movement of celestial bodies is recorded. Its location is not accidental - it is built on an elevated area and at a point with the best view of the starry sky. Climate and atmospheric visibility are also taken into account.

Usually the observatory belongs to a university or scientific institute and may be located quite far from them. Thus, the main office of Roscosmos is located in Moscow, and its observatories are in Baikonur (Kazakhstan), Kislovodsk and Kamchatka.

Working at an observatory is, first of all, observing celestial bodies. However, the working conditions of the astrophysicist depend on the method and purpose of observation.

Observation of cosmic bodies close to Earth.

This includes observing the planets of the solar system, its satellites, nearby stars - everything that we can see in the sky with the naked eye. Since these objects are quite close to Earth, the astrophysicist uses a telescope with magnifying lenses - thanks to multiple magnification, he can see, for example, the craters of the Moon, hurricanes on Jupiter or the rings of Saturn.

The main condition for such work is night time, so the astrophysicist works at night, for 8-14 hours, depending on the time of year.

Observation of cosmic bodies located far from Earth.

The visible stars and planets are just a small fraction of what is in the Universe. There are many other celestial bodies that are so far from us that the light from them simply does not reach the Earth. We can hardly see anything where these objects are located, so the astrophysicist searches for them only using invisible radio waves.

The device that records these waves is a radio telescope. With the help of such equipment, astrophysicists obtain data on accumulations of interstellar gas, dust clouds, relict radiation (these are the so-called “remnants of Big Bang, from which the formation of our Universe began). The radio telescope allows you to “look” much further than our galaxy.

He obtains the location (coordinates) of these objects using a radio interfermometer - this is a huge structure, the size of the observatory itself. Outwardly, it resembles a locator.

Analysis of the obtained data.

Observations are only part great job, which is done by an astrophysicist. He writes down all the data received and then examines it. Such work already takes place in a research center or institute on weekdays, from morning to evening.

The astrophysicist describes all the conclusions obtained and gives arguments for them. Then he puts them into the basis of research work.

Space observatories

An astrophysicist can also observe celestial bodies while sitting in the main office research center or company. To do this, he does not need to wait for sunset or clear weather - he receives data directly from space to his computer. The information received is saved and a specialist can look at it at any time. Therefore, he works like an ordinary office employee - on weekdays, from morning to evening.

The data comes from the space observatory - this is an independent device that is equipped with super-powerful telescopes and various sensors. These devices fly in Earth orbit and automatically send data from sensors and images to the astrophysicist’s computer. There are 9 of them in total, and most of them belong to NASA.

Information from space observatories comes in different ways. It can tell an experienced astrophysicist not only the location of an object, but also what it is. For example, variable gamma radiation is characteristic of a recently born star. X-rays can indicate black holes, ultraviolet rays can indicate accumulations of interstellar gas, and infrared rays can indicate water vapor and the chemical composition of a celestial body. Recently, astrophysicists using infrared space observatories discovered organic matter 375 light years from the Sun. This means that besides Earth, life can exist in other parts of our Universe.

Space flights

Flight into space is a huge job of different specialists. Astrophysicists play an important role in this process. Previously, two corporations were involved in space flights: Roscosmos (Russia) and NASA (USA). However, over the past 5 years, the Americans have not sent their ships, so our domestic astrophysicists are preparing for the flight.

The specialists' task is to determine the purpose of the flight and the conditions that the astronaut will have to face. The stage of work of astrophysicists is the most critical. They inform the main and physical conditions V outer space(and this is a temperature of -270°C, dangerous doses of radiation, pressure and other factors). They report the location of space debris that can injure an astronaut, the influence of other celestial bodies and possible difficulties and obstacles. Space is little known and dangerous, but astrophysicists know more about it than others.

Experience exchange

An important part of the work of a good astrophysicist is visiting various conferences, international meetings, and observatories where his foreign colleagues work. It's not only good opportunity learn better about the experience of other astrophysicists, but also see foreign countries and cities.


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Job responsibilities

The purpose of the specialist’s work is to update information about space.

Working as an astrophysicist, you can choose one of the directions: theorist - works with archival material, studying it and formulating conclusions; practitioner - he himself obtains data for further study; teacher - transmits knowledge through lectures, reports, lessons.

Astrophysicists monitor celestial objects using modern magnifying equipment; create and explain theories about the organization of space; examine experimental material; put forward and test hypotheses; write scientific articles; use computer and mathematical modeling to explain cosmic events and phenomena; participate in scientific symposia (meeting of scientists from different countries), conferences.

Astrophysicists study specific objects, describe certain physical mechanisms: acceleration of cosmic rays, explosions on stars, the occurrence of gamma-ray bursts, supernovae, etc.

In their work, scientists use special methods: spectral analysis (determining chemical composition and physical parameters), photography, photometry (determining brightness), astronomical observations.

Features of career growth

If you want to achieve professional success and growth, it is necessary to continuously learn, accumulate practical knowledge and skills, and establish important contacts. Then there will be an opportunity to get a good position and participate in international projects.
Different levels higher education allows an astrophysicist to apply for various positions:

  • (physics/astronomy) - work
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