Interpretation of dream books, why a dead baby dreams. What do such dreams warn about? Dead children according to the dream book

Dreams about death bring a lot of negative emotions. Especially dreams about the death of a child. It would be unpleasant for anyone to have such a dream. But does it always promise unpleasant events, or could it mean something else? Often such dreams do not promise death and illness, and do not foreshadow tragedies. Then why and why do they dream?

Why do you dream of a dead child - basic interpretations

The world of dreams is interesting and frightening. You should never take dreams literally without properly interpreting them. You should not immediately panic when you see death in a dream. It is worth interpreting the entire dream, and not just its negative part.

If you dreamed that a child who was stranger to you and had no blood relationship with you died- such a dream indicates that you have accumulated doubts and worries; in reality you have a lot of fears and concerns. You should be attentive to everything around you and what is happening.

If you are looking forward to an important event and on the eve of it you have a dream about the death of a child– you should prepare for failure. Self-control and discipline will help improve the situation. Such a dream is a warning that must be taken into account and take a responsible position in relation to what is happening.

It is worth noting that the death of a fictional baby speaks exclusively of a person’s fears and psychological blocks. Also, such a dream promises a series of failures in life, but they cannot be eternal and will not affect personal relationships in any way. Although it is peace in personal life that mostly worries everyone.

If you dream of a dead child with pools of blood around him, you should not take this dream literally:

Getting dirty in blood means asking for help from loved ones;

Wiping away blood means paying too much attention to other people’s problems;

Smearing your palms means you should think about concluding a profitable deal.

Why do expectant mothers dream about a dead child?

Pregnant women are very sensitive to other people's emotions. They perceive everything around them quite actively. They especially listen and look closely at their dreams. Every detail is important to them, and what a horror it is when they dream that a dead child is born to them. They are immediately overcome by horror and fear, and quite in vain. Why? Because such a dream does not actually predict negative events.

Most likely, such a dream indicates increased sensitivity and emotionality of the expectant mother. He points to the increased excitability of her psyche, the predominance of fears for the health of her child. It is worth remembering that thoughts tend to materialize and there is no need to exaggerate and create clouds of negativity around you.

Women are especially depressed by dreams in which babies are bloody. Such dreams only indicate that a woman needs to seek help from her blood relatives. You shouldn’t count on the support of your friends – you should rely on your own strength and ingenuity. And when the situation reaches a dead end, you should rely only on your loved ones and relatives.

It is also worth paying special attention to such dreams for those mothers who are unable to conceive a baby. If they see in a dream how they give birth to a dead baby, this dream is a sign of joyful events. This means that the long-awaited conception will soon occur. But do not worry about the health of the unborn baby - it will be strong and the birth will be successful.

A fetus frozen in the womb promises the need to be more scrupulous about your plans and calculate them again, weigh and evaluate everything further. Also, such a dream may indicate that mommy is very worried about her life and has completely forgotten about the life of her beloved man.

Why do you dream of a dead child according to Miller’s dream book?

Why do you dream of a dead child? How does Miller interpret such a dream? Not everything is always as tragic and sad in reality as in a dream, Miller points out. In fact, if you dreamed about how a child dies or how he is born dead, but his parents successfully resurrect him, then in reality all unresolved problems will be resolved, all unsolved cases will be crowned with success. You just have to want it.

If the child himself comes to life, then this indicates that the person is a fighter, he is able to overcome a huge number of obstacles and still win. It is also worth taking a closer look at events in life - opportunities await you to quickly solve all your problems and meet the right people. Get answers to basic questions.

If you dream of a dead child with tears in his eyes– minor health problems are possible, which a person will be able to quickly overcome. If a dead child is buried in a dream, and even in a small coffin, it means that huge problems and sorrows await the person. You will need to try hard enough to find solutions to problems.

If in a dream a child appeared who had long since died in reality- such a dream promises the emergence of various problems in the life of his parents. Thus, he warns them of upcoming difficulties.

If a parent dreams of killing his child himself- in reality he will have the only opportunity to save his child from real trouble. He will need to put in a lot of effort and attention so as not to miss this chance.

Miller points out that an unmarried girl dreams of a dead child exclusively before a change in her marital status. Therefore, it is worth preparing for imminent changes.

Why do you dream of a dead child according to other dream books?

In ancient dream books it was indicated that a dream in which an unfamiliar dead baby was dreamed is to warn about a change in the weather. If you have a dream about how a baby is buried, in reality you should expect a bad harvest, failures in trade and in making deals.

The Ukrainian dream book warns girls who dream that they have a dead baby - such a dream does not pose a danger to them and they should not be afraid for their health and the health of their loved ones. If young parents dream that their friends had a sick child who soon died, it means that they will have problems with their own children.

The esoteric dream book offers its interpretation of what a dead child dreams of:

Perhaps there will be a new addition to the family soon;

Profitable job offers are possible soon;

If you dream that a child is hit by a car and dies, long trips are possible;

Seeing a drowned baby means traveling on water.

It is also worth paying attention to the setting of the entire dream, to the mood that arises when viewing the dream. If you are overcome by melancholy, you should understand yourself and dispel your own concerns and fears. If you are in a very good mood, you should take a closer look at other little things in your dream.

Also, the birth of a stillborn baby may promise important news. It is possible for relatives to come from afar. Also, a dream about a deceased child can promise a person’s rebirth, his desire to follow a new path, to start working on himself.

In Hasse's dream book it is indicated that if parents had a dream about the death of their newborn baby, then in real life they should be very attentive to their own health, injuries and accidents are possible. The younger the child, the more active the problems and failures will be.

If a child in a family is already an adult and the parents dream of his death, in real life he will experience a streak of failures and problems. He can be beaten, deceived. Parents should be more attentive to the life of their child, especially if we are talking about a teenager.

Holding the corpse of a baby in your arms means you need to stop raising children oppressively. Children need understanding and care. It is worth controlling children less in order for their lives to become more stable and joyful. It is also worth taking a closer look at the interpersonal relationships in the couple; perhaps one of the spouses allows excessive control over their other half.

It is worth noting, that there are quite a lot of interpretations of what a dead child dreams of and it is worth interpreting all the details of the dream. If a person is overcome by panic during sleep, it means that he himself senses the danger that awaits him in reality. For those who already have children, there is no need to panic, the main thing is to understand the reason for the dream. Especially if the interpretation speaks of positive changes in a person’s life.

Whether to believe dreams or not - everyone decides for themselves, but why not listen to their sensible advice? After all, they are the ones who can resolve a lot in life, help find the right path, and suggest how to improve relationships with loved ones.

Dream Interpretation Dead Child

For parents, a child is not just a person who will continue his family; the baby is the most precious and important symbol of love and happiness, as well as the main meaning of life. Therefore, night scenes with children raise many exciting questions.

In a vision, the dreamer dreams of children having fun or playing peacefully, then the dream can evoke tenderness and pleasant emotions. But when you dream that a baby is sick or dreamed of his death, the dream causes an unpleasant feeling of fear and horror. So why do you dream of a dead child? What does the death seen in the plot foreshadow? This means that you need to remember the dream and try not to neglect the smallest details seen in the dream. Since the most insignificant detail can radically change the entire interpretation.

I dreamed about a dying baby

It is worth noting that, mainly according to the interpretation of many modern dream books, the plot in which the dreamer in the main role dreamed of a dying baby or dreamed that the child had already died - this means that a person does not need to worry, since the vision does not foreshadow unpleasant events in real life.

The dream book interprets: a dead child seen in a dream actually foreshadows favorable changes in life for the dreamer.

Possible addition to the family

A night dream in which the plot involves the death of a child may foretell a new addition to the family.

Remember what kind of baby you saw.

Someone else's child

Why dream about the death of a child, but he was a stranger and completely unfamiliar to you? This plot indicates your indecision and fears in real life. You are afraid of something in real life, and you also doubt your successes and achievements. The dream book advises you to become more decisive, because with bold decisions you can change your life for the better.

When, on the eve of an important event or event, a person dreams of a dying unfamiliar baby, the dream must be taken as a signal that the dreamer himself needs to take this situation under strict and strict control, otherwise what was planned may not go as you want even at the initial stages.


If you dreamed that someone else’s newborn died, the interpretation advises you to be more attentive and sincere to your own children.

Reconsider your plans

Dying while still in the womb

If you dreamed that death occurred in the womb - your plans need careful refinement.

Dying during childbirth

In the night's story, did you see how a newborn died during childbirth? If the birth took place in water and death occurred in water, this means important news.

Hanging Kid

Why do you dream of a dead child being hanged? The dream book advises not to be afraid of this dream, since the vision foretells that problems may arise in your life at work and at home. But the troubles will be minor and easily solvable. Another dream of a hanged man is a prediction of upcoming events that the dreamer will not be able to influence.

Dream books indicate: if you dream of a hanged man, it means that the person who saw the dream should prepare for a series of troubles in real life.

Let's note where exactly the hanged man ended up in the loop:

  • The hanged man was hanging on the lamp - in the first half of the day, after the dream plot, there will be troubles.
  • Hanged on the gallows - in real life, contact government services.
  • A hanged man hung on board a ship - you will go on a business but boring trip.

Dreamed about the dead being alive

If you dreamed of a joyful child

You saw a lively and cheerful baby, who in reality had already died - the interpretation of the dream foreshadows that a period of quarrels and conflict situations will soon come in your life. The dreamed baby advises you to reconsider your relationship with others and become more restrained in your emotions and in your statements. This dream can also be a sign that in order to implement certain ideas, you need to thoroughly review and weigh everything so that what you plan comes true and gives you pleasure.

The living dream of the dead

Do deceased people dream of a living child? The dream warns: the dreamer is in great danger.

The dying man comes to life in the plot

Did you see in a night vision that a dying man was resurrected? This means that even your most hopeless undertaking will be crowned with success. Another interpretation foreshadows a person’s unusual and pleasant adventures in real life.


Be gentle with your child

If you had a dream in which the dying person was your child, there is a possibility of injury in real life. Note that a young age symbolizes serious consequences. Seeing a plot in which your child died means big trouble in real life. Also, the death of your child indicates that you need help and support from loved ones.

Holding a lifeless body in your arms? In reality, the dreamer is very strict in raising his children.

Who dreamed

It is necessary to note who exactly saw the night's footage.

For the expectant mother

Many pregnant women are concerned about the question: “What does a dream with a dead newborn portend?”

  1. The expectant mother is worried and worried about the condition of the baby.
  2. If you dreamed that the newborn’s body was smeared with blood, in reality you can always rely on your loved ones and relatives.

To the girl who has no children

If a girl in reality dreams of becoming a mother, but she does not succeed, then a dream with a dead baby foreshadows an imminent and long-awaited pregnancy.

Another girl dreams of this dream as a sign of favorable changes in real life.

His actions in a dream

Pay attention to mental health

I happened to see in a dream that a child died, and I dreamed of tears in his eyes - the interpretation foreshadows illness in real life. But the dream book reassures us that the disease will not be dangerous and will not cause much harm to health. But the dreamer should worry about his mental state, otherwise a nervous breakdown is possible, which will develop into depression.

Where exactly did you see him?

One of the important nuances that can influence the interpretation of a dream is the scenery of the dream, that is, where exactly the action took place.

In a vacant lot

Have you seen a dead child in a dream in a deserted place or in the middle of a field? This means that you will soon receive pleasant news from your relatives.

In a coffin

The general interpretation of the plot indicates that if you happened to see a person who was lying in a coffin, then this means a change in the dreamer’s life.

Did you have a dream in which your child was lying in a coffin? Very often I think that a dream has a bad meaning and foretells a long period of failures for the dreamer; in life there will be: quarrels in the family, conflict situations at work, failures in all endeavors. But this is not always the case; the interpretation can have a favorable meaning when the child was lying in a coffin of large and clearly not child-sized sizes - in real life you will realize your plans, although for this you will need to overcome many obstacles.

Seeing a child lying in a red coffin means a new endeavor will end successfully.

The interpretation may differ depending on the degree of relationship of the baby.


For parents to dream that their child has died and is now lying in a coffin means changes in relations with the heirs.


Is a strange and unfamiliar baby in a coffin in your dream? This plot foretells the beginning of a new life period.

A newborn has just been born and is now lying in a coffin - a dream foreshadows illness in real life.

Interpretation of popular modern dream books

Try to compare the interpretation of the dream plot, in which you dreamed about the death of children, with the meaning described in popular publications.

Miller's Dream Book

Expect a family scandal

To see your baby dying from an incurable disease in a night story - Miller’s dream book indicates that you have reasonable fears.

I saw a plot in which he died - he will be disappointed in his future.

In a dream I dreamed of a living baby who died in reality - to a family scandal.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

The death of a baby is a symbol of the dreamer's desire to change his life. The dream book indicates that the dreamer may also dream of the following stories:

  • To see a real baby dead in a dream means the dreamer needs to be more careful.
  • The baby has risen - a person hopes in vain that his desires will come true.

Esoteric dream book

  • Someone else's child - a change in the weather;
  • The baby called the dreamer - to illness, to trouble, sometimes to death.

Summarizing the interpretation of the dreamed night plot, in which we saw a child’s death, we would like to note once again that we should not forget about its details. Every picture we dream is sent to us by our subconscious, which with this signal tries to warn us against committing rash and erroneous actions. Remember: “Aware is forearmed.”

A dead man seen in a dream foreshadows a completely unexpected ending to your love affair.

Seeing a dead child in a dream means worry and disappointment in the near future.

A dead actor or actress in your dream foreshadows the collapse of plans as a result of a tragic event.

Seeing a dead person in a dream is a sign of health and longevity, if this person is actually alive and well.

If the deceased person seen in a dream actually left this mortal world long ago, such a dream predicts a change in your affairs for the worse.

A dream in which you see a person hanged or hanged is a harbinger of insults and insults that you will hear from loved ones.

Seeing a drowned person means you will face a desperate struggle for your rights, which they will try to deprive you of in real life.

Seeing a mummified corpse in a dream means that a serious illness will ruin your plans.

Seeing in a dream how the body of a deceased person is embalmed predicts imminent changes in your situation for the worse.

If you are embalmed or mummified, in reality your friendship with a loved one will be unhappy, bringing a lot of troubles at work and at home, as well as a deterioration in your situation in society.

Seeing a coffin with a dead person in your apartment in a dream foreshadows discord in the family due to drunkenness or debauchery.

A talking dead man seen in a dream means vile slander and malicious slander against you. If he asks you for a drink, then you need to pray properly for the repose of his soul and light a candle.

A dead person lying on the floor predicts shame or a serious illness in the near future. If you trip over it and fall, in reality you will receive news of the death of someone very close to you, loved ones.

Finding a lifeless person in your bed means that you are guaranteed success in an almost hopeless case.

If a dead person comes to life in your dream, this means the return of what was once lost, which you have long stopped hoping for. Dressing a dead person in a suit means illness.

Seeing many dead people on the battlefield means a headache and a visit to the clinic.

Burying dead people in a dream means a fun occasion, while carrying wreaths of spruce branches means a severe hangover.

Seeing your husband dead in a dream is a very bad sign, promising continuous troubles and disappointments. If you kiss him at the same time, this means a breakdown in affairs, poverty and the loss of your best friends.

A dream in which you see a dead nun foreshadows great despair due to adultery or betrayal of a loved one.

Seeing a dead shark in a dream means that after all the hardships and hardships you have endured, you will once again find long-awaited well-being and peace.

Seeing a bull slaughtered in a slaughterhouse or killed in a bullfight in a dream does not bode well - on the contrary, only sad events.

A dead dove in a dream predicts misfortune with a distant relative, to whom you will nevertheless have to go for help.

Seeing a dead rook means someone's illness or death in the near future.

A slaughtered goose is a sign of imminent losses.

A dead lark in your dream foretells injury from an accident.

A dead hare means the death or illness of one of your faithful friends.

If in a dream you see many dead snakes, it means that you will suffer from the base act of a hypocritical friend.

Stepping on a dead snake, which suddenly comes to life and attacks you, means victory over your enemies.

Seeing a turkey or turkey who has died from an unknown disease predicts that cramped circumstances will make your pride suffer.

A dead swallow is a sign of sad parting.

Seeing a dead swan in a dream means that in reality you will experience annoyance and disappointment, having minded your own business.

A fallen or shot horse means that you will soon receive sad news that will change all your plans.

Seeing a dead mule in a dream foreshadows a broken engagement and a deterioration in your position in society, which will be caused by your unworthy behavior.

Seemingly dead insects that suddenly begin to run away from you mean that you will damage your reputation by acting stupidly and imprudently.

A dead monkey seen in a dream means that your hated enemies will suffer complete collapse.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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After dreaming about a dead person, most people experience discomfort throughout the day. Such dreams leave an unpleasant aftertaste. If this dead person is also a baby, a person cannot get such a dream out of his head for a long time.

What if you dream about a dead baby?

Trying to find out why a dead baby dreams, people re-read a large amount of information in dream books and on the Internet, but do not always find what they need or find only a couple of lines of answer to their question, which do not reveal the essence of the problem.

In fact, a dead child in a dream, if it is just a stranger’s child, and not your own or not the child of one of your friends and relatives, can reflect any projects, affairs, ideas, plans in real life.

It turns out that if a child died in a dream, then these plans and ideas in life are not destined to come true. They will simply turn out to be unpromising and unviable, so you should reconsider your life priorities and try to change your plans for the future.

It may also turn out that a person is very worried about his future, does not believe in the implementation of his own plans and goals, which is why he dreams of a dead child. In this case, it depends only on the dreamer whether he can achieve what he wants or not.

Sometimes the dreamer dreams that he sees a child dying, is very worried about this, tries to revive the baby, and suddenly he is resurrected, which causes immense joy in the person watching him.

This type of dream occurs in cases when people are destined to experience disappointment in their plans and hopes for the future, decide that nothing will work out in this direction and they need to completely change their life goals, but at the last attempt to achieve what they want, which already seems unrealistic and unattainable, suddenly it turns out that the goal is close and can be achieved, you just need to put in a little effort.

This type of dream warns of possible failures that are not a serious obstacle on the way to the goal.

What does it portend?

Both previous sleep options do not pose a serious threat. It’s bad when you dream about your own dead baby, or the dead child of friends and relatives. That is, if this child really exists, but dreamed of being dead. In cases where people do not have a child, but dream that he exists and has died, then one should look at the first meaning of the dream.

If you dream of an existing child being dead, it means that child may become seriously ill, get injured, or face very big troubles.

When the child is actually still small, then most often the dream foreshadows serious illnesses or injuries, and various troubles and life difficulties are more threatening to grown children who are already adults at this point in time.

After dreaming about your own dead baby, it is better not to risk his health, but to try to protect the baby from possible dangers. And parents of adult children should not brush aside their problems and provide support to their children if they need it now.

Any unpleasant dream sometimes means something, and sometimes not. Often dreams happen just like that, without any omens. But, even if the dream may not come true, it is better to try to protect yourself and your loved ones from possible troubles, illnesses and injuries. It's not as easy as it seems, but an extra precaution never hurts.

Some dreams cause horror and fear in a person. The worst thing for parents is the child, therefore, having seen such a dream, the sleeper can lose peace for a long time. In order not to fall into depression, you need to figure out why you dream of a dead child.

What does it mean if my child died in his sleep?

Almost all dream books say one thing: you should not interpret a dead child literally. In fact, this does not foreshadow any tragic events.

Death in different situations

A dream about a dead baby has different interpretations, depending on whose child it was and why he died.

Someone else's lifeless child dreams of obstacles in the dreamer's path. Perhaps his plans will be ruined. If in a dream a dying child suddenly resurrects, the sleeping person will experience success in any endeavor, and you can take on even the most risky projects.

If a dying baby cried in a dream. In this case, the person will face non-dangerous diseases. It is necessary to take care of your mental state to avoid depression.

If you dreamed that you found a child hanged, you shouldn’t be too scared; such a dream means minor troubles at work and in the family, which you cannot influence on your own.

The dead baby lay on the floor - relatives will arrive soon. If the child was in a coffin, the sleeper will experience a period of disappointment and failure. However, if you were big for a baby, your plans will come true in life, albeit with minor difficulties.

Childless people had a dream, this means that they waste their time and energy. It might be worth channeling your energy in a different direction.

Someone else's child died before the dreamer's eyes. This dream predicts problems and difficulties for the dreamer. Any attempts to correct the situation will fail. We need to gain strength and survive the unfavorable period.

If the dreamer has adult children, and he sees them in a dream dying in infancy, it means that the sleeper is oppressed by the memories and plots of long-gone days. Perhaps the secret that the dreamer has kept for many years will soon be revealed.

Holding your own dead baby in your arms means that a person sleeping in reality controls the life of his child too much. It is necessary to loosen your grip and give the child more freedom.

To see such a vision for a childless woman dreaming of children, portends an imminent pregnancy.

Many dead babies

Many dead children in a dream mean that in reality a person will make many mistakes.

Children are dead, and even covered in blood - you should be careful with others, be afraid of betrayal and setups.

The dead babies are boys. Such a dream portends stagnation in the business sphere. If you dream of dead girls, then the sleeper will have troubles in his creativity. It will be tricked by competitors.

Some dream books interpret a dream about dead children as a sign of approaching danger for the dreamer.

Trying to revive dead children - in the life of the sleeper, the collapse of hopes and plans awaits. You need to change your goals so as not to be left with nothing.

Pregnant woman's dream

Pregnant women often have nightmares related to childbirth. In fact, this is a reflection of fears and worries.

In some dream books, giving birth to a stillborn child means parting with the past. If the birth took place in water, then the pregnant woman will soon receive unexpected news.

If in a dream a deceased newborn was stained with blood - this promises support from loved ones and caring for a woman.

The child died in the womb. you should reconsider your plans, perhaps something important is missing.

A newborn lies in a coffin. The dream suggests that the woman cannot get rid of the past, she is tormented by disturbing memories. It is worth reconsidering the situation and letting go of all problems.

I dreamed of a strange woman giving birth to a dead man. In this case, discord in the family is possible. The woman will see the true face of her chosen one.

Of course, a dream about a dead child terrifies the dreamer. However, the interpretation is not always negative; it depends on the circumstances of the dream. Often, a dream is just an expression of the fears and experiences of the sleeper.

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