Difficult tests on the art of the book world. Art History Tests

Appendix 7

Test on the history of foreign fine arts.

1. Primitive art . What genre of fine art was most developed judging by the images in the caves?

A) portrait

B) animalistic

B) household

2. Art of Ancient Egypt . What is most characteristic of ancient Egyptian art?

A) monumentality

B) grace

B) realism

3. What are they associated with? the following names pharaohs: Cheops, Khafre, Mikerin?

A) the largest pyramids in Giza were built for them

B) these are the most famous sculptors of Egypt

4. To whom was the most perfect in Egyptian art female sculptural portrait?

A) Queen Cleopatra

B) Queen Hatshepsut

B) Queen Nefertiti

5. Whose is the only unlooted tomb, full of countless artistic treasures, was discovered by the English archaeologist G. Carter in 1922?

A) Tutankhamun

B) Amenhotep

B) Rahotep

6. Antique art . The most famous classical temple Ancient Greece, which was located in the Acropolis of Athens?

A) temple of Zeus

B) temple of Apollo

B) Parthenon Temple

7. What type of fine art has become a classic model for all subsequent generations of artists?

A) graphics

B) painting

B) sculpture

8. What is the name of this sculpture and who is its author?

A) Polykleitos “Doriphoros”

B) Leochares "Apollo"

B) Myron “Discobolus”

9. What is the name of this famous ancient statue?

A) Aphrodite of Knidos

B) Nike of Samothrace

10. What is the difference between Roman and Greek sculpture?

A) portrait resemblance

B) copies of Greek sculptures

B) dedicated to the gods

11. What is another name for the Roman “temple of all gods”?

B) Pantheon

B) Colosseum

12. Art of Byzantium . The most famous Byzantine icon?

B) Our Lady of the Assumption

B) Our Lady of Ravenna

13. What is the name of the most famous temple of Byzantium?

A) Church of the Assumption in Nicaea

B) the Church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople

B) Church of San Vitale

14. Medieval Art . What is the name of one of the most famous buildings of the Middle Ages and what style does it belong to?

A) Romanika. Chapel in Aachen

B) Gothic. Reims Cathedral

B) Gothic. Notre Dame Cathedral

15. Renaissance in Italy . Why was it called that?

A) revival of Romanesque traditions

B) revival of Gothic traditions

C) revival of ancient traditions

A) Giotto

B) Masaccio

A) Titian “Venus of Urbino”

B) Botticelli “Birth of Venus”

A) Donatello

B) Michelangelo

19. What is the name of this brilliant work of a brilliant artist?

A) “La Gioconda” by Leonardo da Vinci

B) “Judith” Giorgione

B) “Madonna” by Parmigianino

20. Which outstanding artist was called the “singer of Madonnas”; Was he the author of The Sistine Madonna?

A) Giovanni Bellini

B) Paolo Veronese

B) Rafael

21. Northern Renaissance . In contrast of Italian Renaissance?

A) continuation of Gothic traditions

B) revival of ancient traditions

22. Which brilliant Dutch artist painted the painting “The Blind”?

A) Jan van Eyck

B) Hieronymus Bosch

B) Pieter Bruegel the Elder

A) Albrecht Durer

B) Lucas Cranach the Elder

B) Hans Holbein the Younger

24. "Golden Age" of painting XVII V . To what artistic style do the paintings of the French artist N. Poussin “Landscape with Polyphemus” and “Arcadian Shepherds” belong?

B) romanticism

25. Which famous Spanish artist painted the paintings: “View of Toledo”, “Funeral of Count Orgaz”?

A) Zurbaran

B) Ribera

B) El Greco

26. What was the name of the outstanding Spanish artist, author of the paintings “Las Meninas”, “Spinners”, “Surrender of Breda”, “Portrait of Innocent X”?

A) Velazquez

B) Zurbaran

B) Murillo

27. In what artistic style did the famous Flemish artist Peter Paul Rubens paint?

A) classicism

B) baroque

B) rococo

28. An illustrious student of Rubens, the heroes of his paintings are noble and aristocratic: “Family Portrait”, “Portrait of Charles I on a Hunt”?

A) Snyders

B) Anthony van Dyck

B) Jordan

29. Mental purity, harmony, transparency of writing in the works of this Dutch artist; one of his famous paintings “Girl Reading a Letter”?

A) Frans Hals

B) Jan Wermeer of Delft

B) Terbokh

A) Rembrandt Harmens van Rijn

B) Frans Hals

B) Pieter de Hooch

31. "Age of Enlightenment" XVIII V . In the works of this French artist of the “gallant” 18th century there is a world of actors, flirting ladies and gentlemen: “Gilles”, “Actors” French comedy", "Community in the Park"?

A) Fragonard

A) Chardin

B) Jean Louis David

33. Famous English portrait painter who painted works in classic style: “Lady in Blue”, “Boy in Blue”?

A) William Hogarth

B) Joshua Reynolds

B) Thomas Gainsborough

34. Foreign art XIX V . The author of the painting, written in the romantic style, “Freedom on the Barricades”?

A) Gericault

B) Delacroix

35. A brilliant Spanish artist who most clearly expressed the essence of romanticism in his works, the author of the works: “Execution of the Rebels”, a series of engravings “Caprichos”?

A) Gericault

B) Delacroix

36. French realist artist who created world-famous works: “Funeral in Ornans”, “Stone Crusher”?

37. What were the names of innovative artists, the so-called “impressors”: C. Monet, Renoir, Degas, Pissarro?

A) realists

B) classicists

B) impressionists

A) Van Gogh

B) Paul Gauguin

B) Paul Cezanne

39. Belgian post-impressionist artist tragic fate, author famous paintings: “Sunflowers”, “Red Vineyards”, “Self-Portrait with a Pipe”?

B) Cezanne

B) Van Gogh

Correct answers to a test on the history of foreign fine arts

1. What does the word “culture” mean in Latin?

A. cultivation B. upbringing C. education D. thinking

2. The function of art, which serves to cultivate a sense of beauty in a person?

A. ideological B. psychological C. educational D. aesthetic

3. What type of architecture are church buildings?

A. industrial B. civil C. iconic G. public

4. What type fine arts refers to the drawing?

A. painting B. sculpture C. architecture D. graphic arts

5. What is low relief called?

A. high relief B. bas-relief B. counter-relief D. flattened

6. Which medium is not the main means of expression in graphics?

A. line B. spot C. point D. color

7. The most ancient look printed graphics?

A. linocut B. etching C. woodcut G. lithography

8. What is woodcut?

A. woodcut B. engraving on stone C. drawing on stone

G. metal engraving

9. Which period does not belong to the Stone Age?

A. Paleolithic B. Mesolithic C. megalith G. Neolithic

10. Which cave is called the “primitive Sistine Chapel”?

A. Altamira B. Lascaux V. Kapova G. Flaminga

11. What type of megalithic architecture does not exist?

A. dolmen B. menhir C. cromlech D. palekh

12. Main theme cave painting during the Paleolithic era?

A. animals B. nature C. man D. hunting

13. What does science call Homo sapiens?

A. homohabilis B. homosapiens B. Neanderthal G. Pithecanthropus

14. What type of megalithic architecture is Stonehenge?

A. menhir B. dolmen C. cromlech G. cromlit

15. Capital Ancient kingdom in Ancient Egypt?

A. Memphis B. Thebes B. Akhetaten G. Cairo

A. Khafre B. Cheops V. Mikerin G. Djoser

17. The first step pyramid of Ancient Egypt?

A. Khafre B. Cheops C. Mikerin G. Djoser

18. Architect of Djoser's pyramid?

A. Amenhotep B. Khnumhotep V. Imhotep G. Rahotep

19. What are strict rules in art called?

A. canon B. pylon C. portico D. law

20. Which architect opened the tomb of Tutankhamun?

A. Evans B. Carter W. Schliemann G. Newton

21. Who deciphered Egyptian hieroglyphs?

A. Schliemann B. Champollion W. Evans G. Schopenhauer

22. What served as the “key” for deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs?

A. Cairo papyrus B. Book of the Dead C. Rosetta Stone

G. Narmer Plate

23. What political event of Ancient Egypt is reflected in the Narmer Plate?

A . unification of Egypt B. division of Egypt into nomes C. conquest of Egypt D. founding of a new capital

24. Capital during the reign of Akhenaten?

A. Thebes B. Memphis C. Cairo D. Akhetaten

25. The discovery of Ancient Egypt for Europe is associated with the name of which commander?

A. Suvorov B. Cromwell V. Napoleon G. Hannibal

26. Which god of Ancient Egypt is not associated with the sun?

A. Amon B. Ra C. Khepri D. Geb

27. Who first described Ancient Egypt?

A. Herodotus B. Aristotle V. Plato G. Champollion

28. What is it called early form Egyptian tomb?

A. pylon B. pyramid C. mastaba G. ramp

29. The name of the sculptural group of Ancient Egypt: “Rahotep and...”?

A. Nefertiti B. Nofret V. Hathor G. Hatshepsut

30. On which peninsula was Ancient Greece located?

A. Balkan B. Apennine V. Arabian G. Sinai

31. Which architectural order is not Greek?

A. Doric B. Ionic C. Corinthian D. composite

32. On which island was the Palace of Knossos located?

A. KnossB. Crete V. Cyprus G. Rhodes

33. Which archaeologist excavated Mycenae and the famous Lion Gate?

A. Schliemann B. Evans V. Champollion G. Carter

34. Like with Latin language is the term “Antiquity” translated?

A. best B. highest C. ancient G. wonderful

A. Miron B. Praxiteles V. Lysippos G. Leochares

A. Miron B. Praxiteles V. Lysipp G. Leohar

A. Myron B. Praxiteles C. Lysippos G. Leohar

A. Myron B. Praxiteles C. Lysippos G. Leohar

A. Miron B. Skopas V. Lysipp G. Leohar

A. Miron B. Skopas V. Phidias G. Lysippos

41. Main temple Athens Acropolis?

A. Parthenon B. Pantheon B. Erechtheion G. Niki Apteros

42. To what goddess was the Parthenon Temple dedicated?

A. Aphrodite B. Athena V. Hera G. Demeter

43. What is the name of the top part of the column?

A. flute B. capital W. portico G. frontispiece

44. What are the vertical grooves on the column trunk called?

A. flutes B. capitals B. volutes D. frontispieces

45. What period of Greek history is associated with the conquests of Alexander the Great?

A. classical B. archaic C. Hellenistic G. Alexandrisky

46. ​​To which art school refers to the sculpture "Venus of Melos"?

A. Aleksandriyskaya B. Athens V. Pergamonskaya G. Rhodesskaya

47. Which of these cultural monuments is not considered one of the 7 wonders of the world?

A. Alexandrian lighthouse B. Mausoleum of Halicarnassus B. Olympian Zeus

G. Acropolis of Athens

48. On which peninsula was the city of Rome founded?

A. Apennine B. Balkansky V. Arabian G. Sinaisky

49. Symbol of the Ancient Roman state, associated with the legend of the founding of the city of Rome?

A. Colosseum B. Statue of Augustus C. Winged lion D. Capitoline wolf

50. Which state was greatly influenced by the art of Ancient Rome?

A. Egypt B. Persia C. Greece G. Palestine

51. What is an aqueduct?

A. bridge B. water pipes B. palace premises G. arch

52. What type of building is the Colosseum?

A. theater B. amphitheater B. circus D. stadium

53. The first emperor of Ancient Rome?

A. Nero B. Marcus Aurelius V. August G. Caracalla

54. In honor of which Roman emperor was a triumphal column erected in Rome, which became his tomb?

A. Titus B. Tiberius C. Caesar D. Trajan

55. How new construction material invented by the Romans in the 2nd century BC?

A. brick B. plastic C. concrete G. reinforced concrete

56. What are therms?

A. public bath B. courthouse C. shopping building D. sports school

57. What is a forum?

A. government agency B. architectural order B. Town Square

G. decorative element

58. What architectural order was invented by the Romans?

A. Doric B. composite B. Ionic G. Corinthian

59. The main temple of Rome, dedicated to all the gods?

A. Pantheon B. Parthenon B. Palatine G. Erechtheion

60. The equestrian statue of which Roman emperor has survived to this day and became a model for equestrian monuments of the Renaissance?

A. Marcus Aurelius B. Augustus C. Caesar G. Trajan

61. During the reign of which Roman emperor, sculptors began to use plastic processing of the cornea and pupil?

A. Augustus B. Tiberius V. Adrian G. Anthony

62. In what image is the emperor “Augustus of Prima Porta” depicted?

A. Emperor B. commander V. Jupiter G. priest

63. In what plot is the appearance of God to Abraham and Sarah depicted?

A. “Sacrifice” B. “Transfiguration” C. "Trinity" G. "Worship"

64. What event is depicted in the plot “The Annunciation”?

A. Appearance of Archangel Gabriel to Mary B. Betrothal of Mary and Joseph

B. Appearance of the Archangel Michael to Mary D. Birth of Christ

65. In what plot is the first miracle of Christ depicted?

A. Walking on the waters B. Taming the storm C. Raising Lazarus

G. Marriage in Cana

66. Underground tombs of early Christians?

A. thermal baths B. catacombs B. mausoleums G. mastabas

67. In what image was it forbidden to depict Christ in the early Christian period?

A. Orpheus B. God B. shepherd G. fish

68. What is a basilica in Christian architecture?

A. temple B. commercial building C. court building D. monastery

69. What is a nave in a Christian church?

A. vestibule at the entrance to the temple B. place for sacrifices

IN. corridor between rows of columns G. place for the priest

70. What is an apse in a Christian church?

A. tomb B. altar space B. entrance to the temple D. place for believers

71. Which direction of the world are Christian churches oriented towards?

A. west B. East E. south D. north

72. The first pan-European artistic style of the Middle Ages?

A. Gothic B. Byzantine C. Roman D. Romanesque

73. What shape does a Christian basilica have in plan?

A. circle B. square C. hexagon D. cross

74. The simplest vault in the design of Christian churches?

A. cross B. mirror C. cylindrical G. rib

75. The characteristic shape of the arch in romanesque architecture?

A. semicircular B. lancet B. arched D. creeping

76. The characteristic shape of an arch in the Gothic style?

A. semicircular B. lancet V. onion G. repens

77. What is a baptistery?

A. temple B. bell tower C. baptismal G. tomb

78. Which of these elements is not included in the frame structure of a Gothic temple?

A. rib vault B. flying buttresses C. buttresses D. barrel vault

79. The most famous cathedral in France during the early Gothic period?

A. Cathedral of Our Lady of Reims B. Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

80. The largest Gothic cathedral in France from the mature Gothic period?

A. Cathedral of Our Lady of Reims B. Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

V. Cathedral in Cologne G. Cathedral in Salisbury

81. What is the largest Gothic cathedral in Germany?

IN. Cathedral in Cologne G. Salisbury Cathedral

82. The largest Gothic temple in England?

A. Notre Dame Cathedral in Reims B. Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

V. Cathedral in Cologne G. Salisbury Cathedral

83. Capital of Byzantium?

A. Ravenna B. Nikea C. Constantinople G. Istanbul

84. The largest temple of the Byzantine Empire, built in the 6th century. in honor of the wisdom of God?

A. Hagia Sophia B. Temple of St. Hope C. Temple of St. Julia

G. Church of St. Barbara

85. Byzantine building material?

A. plinth B. stone C. concrete D. marble

86. Material for Byzantine mosaic?

A. marble B. pebbles C. glass D. smalt

87. What building in Byzantium was decorated with the mosaic “Justinian with his retinue”?

A. mausoleum of Galla Placidia in Ravenna B. tomb of Mausolus in Halicarnassus

IN. Church of San Vitale in Ravenna G. Church of Our Lady of Nicaea

88. What Greek word does the word “icon” come from?

A. saint B. god C. image G. board

89. The first capital of Ancient Rus'?

A. Moscow B. Kyiv V. Vladimir G. Suzdal

90. Under which Kiev prince was Christianity adopted in Rus'?

A. Vladimir Red Sun B. Vladimir Monomakh

V. Yaroslav the Wise G. Ivan the Terrible

91. In what year did the baptism of Ancient Rus' take place?

A. 855 B. 988 V. 1001 G. 1236

92. The largest temple of Kievan Rus?

A. Church of Hagia Sophia in Kyiv B. Church of Hagia Sophia in Novgorod

V. Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir G. Assumption Cathedral in Moscow

93. To which architectural school do the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl and Demetrius Cathedral belong?

A. Novgorodskaya B. Pskovskaya C. Moscowskaya G. Vladimir-Suzdal

94. The first chronicle mention of Moscow?

A. 988 B. 1006 C. 1047 G. 1056

95. Founder of Moscow?

A. Alexander Nevsky B. Yury Dolgoruky V. Andrey Bogolyubsky

G. Dmitry Donskoy

96. What shape does the Moscow Kremlin have in plan?

A. triangle B. circle C. rhombus D. rectangle

97. Main tower Moscow Kremlin?

A. Nikolskaya B. Blagoveshchenskaya V. Tsarskaya G. Spasskaya

98. Which city was called the “third Rome”?

A. Constantinople B. Paris C. Moscow Kyiv

99. Main square of the Moscow Kremlin?

A. Red B. Cathedral V. Dvortsovaya G. Ivanovskaya

100. Main Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin?

A. Arkhangelsky B. Blagoveshchensky V. Uspensky G. Dmitrievsky

101. In honor of what event was St. Basil's Cathedral built on Red Square in Moscow?

A. capture of Kazan B. victory over the Poles C. conquest of Siberia

D. suppression of the uprising of Stenka Razin

A. Dionysius B. Simon Ushakov V. Theophanes the Greek G. Andrey Rublev

103. Creator of the high iconostasis in Rus'?

A. Dionysius B. Simon Ushakov V. Feofan the Greek G. Andrey Rublev

104. First biographer of the Italian Renaissance?

A. Vasari B. Giotto V. Dante G. Masaccio

105. Whom does Vasari call “the father of Italian painting”?

A. Rafael B. Giotto V. Botticelli G. Bruegel

A. Raphael B. Michelangelo V. Botticelli G. Leonardo da Vinci

A. Rafael B. Michelangelo V. Botticelli G. Leonardo da Vinci

108. To which art school of the Renaissance do the artists Giotto di Bondone, Masaccio, Botticelli belong?

A. Florentine B. Siena B. Roman G. Venetian

109. To which art school of the Renaissance do the artists Giorgione and Titian belong?

A. Florentine B. Siena C. Rimskaya G. Venetian

A. Raphael B. Michelangelo V. Botticelli G. Leonardo da Vinci

111. In which painting did Raphael depict himself among the great philosophers and scientists of antiquity?

A. “Disputa” B. "School of Athens" V. “Parnassus” G. “Jurisprudence”

112. Birthplace of the Renaissance?

A. England B. France C. Italy G. Germany

113. Which painting by Leonardo da Vinci is kept in the Hermitage?

A. "La Gioconda" B. "Madonna Benoit" IN. " Sistine Madonna»

G. “Lady with an ermine”?

114. Which country is not part of the Northern Renaissance?

A. France B. Netherlands C. Germany D. Italy

115. Founder of the Dutch school of Renaissance painting?

A. Jan van Eyck B. Giotto V. Raphael G. Pieter Bruegel

116. What traditions does the art of the Italian Renaissance turn to?

A. eastern B. medieval C. antique G. none

117. Which Renaissance artist introduced the theme of a naked reclining woman into art, the author of the painting “Sleeping Venus”?

A. Raphael B. Bosch C. Leonardo da Vinci G. Giorgione

118. Which artist is considered the inventor of technology oil painting?

A. Jan van Eyck B. Anthony van Dyck W. Bruegel G. Durer

119. Which of Raphael’s paintings has the shape of a tondo?

A. “The Sistine Madonna” B. “Madonna with the Goldfinch” C. “The Veiled Lady” D. "Madonna Conestabile"

120. Italian Renaissance sculptor, inventor of pictorial relief?

A. Ghiberti B. Donatello V. Verrocchio G. Michelangelo

121. To which condottiere was the first equestrian monument of the Renaissance erected in Padua?

A. Gattamelatta B. Colleoni V. Guidriccio G. Fogliano

A. Ghiberti B. Donatello V. Verrocchio G. Michelangelo

A. Ghiberti B. Donatello V. Verrocchio G. Michelangelo

A. Bosch B. Holbein V. Durer G. Lucas Cranach

125. What an artist Northern Renaissance was the first to turn to the genre of self-portraiture, including depicting himself in the image of Christ?

A. Bosch B. Holbein V. Durer G. Lucas Cranach

A. Raphael B. Brunelleschi V. Vasari G. Leonardo da Vinci

A. Giorgione B. Durer V. Titian G. Rafael

128. What is the 17th century called in Italy?

A. trecento B. quattrocento C. cinquecento D. sencento

129. The generally recognized artistic capital of Europe in the 17th century?

A. London B. Madrid C. Dresden D. Rome

130. Architect and sculptor of the 17th century, “conductor of the Roman Baroque”?

A. Ghiberti B. Brunneleschi V. Bernini G. Alberti

A. Ghiberti B. Brunneleschi V. Bernini G. Alberti

132. What is the plan form of St. Peter's Square in Rome?

A. ellipse B. circle C. square D. polyhedron

A. Ghiberti B. Brunneleschi V. Bernini G. Albert

134. The birthplace of the Baroque style?

A. France B. Italy B. Germany D. Russia

135. The founder of the realistic movement in painting in Italy in the 17th century?

A. Rubens B. Rembrandt V. Caravaggio G. Giotto

136. The only one painting by Caravaggio, stored in the Hermitage?

A. "Bacchus" B. "Lute Player" V. “Fortune Teller” G. “Assumption of Mary”

137. What artist of the 17th century. became the founder of a whole movement in painting?

A. Rubens B. Rembrandt V. Caravaggio G. Giotto

138. To which national art school of the 17th century? refers to Rubens?

A . Flanders B. Holland C. Spain D. Italy

139. What artistic style did Rubens work in?

A. Classicism B. Baroque B. Realism G. Rococo

A. Rembrandt B . Rubens V. Caravaggio G. Velazquez

141. To which national art school of the 17th century? Rembrandt?

A. Flanders B. Holland B. Spain D. Italy

A. Rembrandt B. Rubens V. Caravaggio G. Velazquez

143. To which national art school of the 17th century? refers to Velazquez?

A. Flanders B. Holland C. Spain G. Italy

A. Rembrandt B. Rubens V. Caravaggio G . Velazquez

145. In which painting did Velazquez depict himself working on a painting?

A. "Las Meninas" B. “Spinners” C. “Surrender of Breda” D. “Drunkards”

146. In what genre did Dutch artists of the 17th century work? Peter Klass and Willem Kalf?

A. portrait B. landscape C. still life G. historical

147. To which national art school of the 17th century? include artists Gerard Terborch, Vermeer of Delft, Pieter de Hooch?

A. Flanders B. Holland B. Spain D. Italy

148. How is the word “Baroque” translated from Italian?

A. beautiful B. bizarre B. best D. modern

149. What genre does “bodegones” belong to?

A. portrait B. landscape C. still life D. domestic

150. What genre did you work in? Dutch artist Frans Hals?

A. portrait B. landscape C. still life D. historical

151. The birthplace of the Classicism style?

A. Italy B. France V. England D. Russia

152. The birthplace of the Rococo style?

A. Italy B. France V. England D. Russia

153. Birthplace of the Enlightenment?

A. Italy B. France C. England G. Russia

154. What French king is the Rococo style named after?

A. Louis XIV B. Louis XV W. Charles I G. Napoleon I

155. The tastes of which class are reflected in the Rococo style?

A. clergy B. aristocracy B. bourgeoisie D. proletariat

156. Motto of the Rococo era (words attributed to the king)?

A. “After us there might be a flood!” B. “Freedom, equality, brotherhood!”

V. “Mind, honor and conscience!” G. “Courage and civil patriotism!”

A. Chardin B. Greuze C. Hogarth G. Boucher

158. Founder critical realism in art Western Europe?

A. Chardin B. Grez V. Hogarth G. Boucher

A. Chardin B. Grez V. Hogarth G. Boucher

160. To what direction in art of the 18th century? refers to Chardin?

A. realism B. sentimentalism C. Classicism G. Rococo

161. To what direction in art of the 18th century? refers to Dreams?

A. realism B. sentimentalism B. Classicism G. Rococo

162. What genre is Antoine Watteau considered the creator of?

A. still life B. landscape C. gallant G. mythological

163. Which French artist 18th century introduced the theme of labor into art?

A. Chardin B. Greuze W. Hogarth G. Boucher

A. Chardin B. Grez V. Watteau G. Boucher

165. Favorite mythological heroine of the Rococo style?

A. Venus B. Athena B. Demeter G. Themis

166. What direction in art of the 18th century. does it appeal not to the mind, but to the feelings?

A. realism B. sentimentalism B. Classicism G. Rococo

167. Official style of the empire of Napoleon I?

A. realism B. sentimentalism C. Rococo D. Empire style

168. How is the term “Classicism” translated from Latin?

A. best B. beautiful C. inimitable D. serious

169. The birthplace of the Empire style?

A. England B. Russia C. France G. Italy

170. The founder of revolutionary Classicism in the art of France?


171. Court artist of Napoleon I?

A. Ingres B. Watteau C. Chardin G. David

A. Engr B. Watteau V. Chardin G. David

173. Progressive style in France and Europe in 1815-48?

A. Romanticism B. realism C. Classicism G. Rococo

174. The founder of romanticism in the art of France in the 19th century?

A. David B. Gericault V. Delacroix G. Corot

175. Which painting by Géricault is called the “manifesto of French romanticism”?

A. “Epson Races” B. “An officer of the mounted rangers going into the attack”

IN. "The Raft of the Medusa" G. "Carabinieri officer"

176. About which artist do they say: “he picked up the brush that had fallen from Gericault’s hand”?

A. Delacroix B. Courbet V. Manet G. Daumier

177. Progressive movement in the art of France and Europe in the mid-19th century?

A. Romanticism B. Realism B. Classicism G. Rococo

178. Artists of which school are called the founders of the national realistic landscape in the art of France in the 19th century?

A. Barbizon School B. School of David B. School of Courbet G. School of Millet

179. The founder of critical realism in the art of 19th century France?

A. David B. Millet C. Delacroix D . Daumier

180. Which French artist created the Don Quixote series?

A. David B. Millet C. Delacroix D. Daumier

181. Which French artist organized a personal exhibition in Paris called “Pavilion of Realism”?

A. David B. Courbet V. Millet G. Gericault

182. French artist of the 19th century, main theme whose art became a peasant theme?

A. David B. Courbet V. Millet G. Gericault

183. What does the term “impressionism” mean?

A. impression B. sensation C. observation D. excitement

184. Which painting by Monet gave rise to the term “impressionism”?

A. “Impression. Sunset" B. "Impression. Sunrise"

B. “Haystack. Giverny" G. "Field of Poppies"

185. Claude Monet's first painting series?

A. "Gare Saint Lazare" B. “Haystack” C. “Rouen Cathedral” D. “Water lilies”

186. Famous French actress who inspired Renoir to create several portraits of her?

A. Sarah Bernhardt B. Loie Fuller V. Zhanna Samari G. Isadora Duncan

187. What French artist of the 19th century. introduced the theme of ballet into art?

A. Monet B. Renoir C. Pissarro G. Degas

188. The eldest of the impressionists, whose “swan song” was the series of landscapes “Views of Paris”?

A. Monet B. Renoir V. Pissarro G. Degas

189. The founder of neo-impressionism or pointillism in painting?

A. Sulfur B. Monet V. Signac G. Courbet

190. To what movement do the artists Delacroix and Gericault belong?

A. Realism B. Romanticism B. Classicism G. Modern

191. To which movement do the artists K. Monet, O. Renoir, Degas belong?

Impressionism G. Symbolism

192. To which movement do P. Cezanne, P. Gauguin, and V. Van Gogh belong?

A. Classicism B. Post-Impressionism B. Impressionism D. Symbolism

193. Which movement do Daumier, Courbet, Millet belong to?

A. Classicism B. Post-Impressionism C. Realism G. Symbolism

194. Which French artist said that everything in nature can be likened to the simplest geometric forms?

A. Cezanne B. Gauguin V. Monet G. Seurat

195. What style of tradition does Academicism turn to?

A. Romanticism B. Modern C. Classicism G. Baroque

196. To which movement do the English landscape painters W. Turner and D. Constable belong?

A. Classicism B. Romanticism V. Baroque G. Academicism

197. Chief architect during the reign of Peter I?

A. Zubov B. Rastrelli V. Trezzini G. Shekhtel

A. Nikitin B. Maksimov V. Rokotov G. Levitsky

199. The leading style in Russian art of the mid-18th century?

A. Peter's Baroque

200. On which island is the Peter and Paul Fortress located?

A. Vasilievsky B. Admiralteysky V. Berezovy G. Hare

A. Falcone B. Shubin V. Rastrelli G. Kozlovsky

A. Falcone B. Shubin V. Rastrelli G. Kozlovsky

203. Official style in Russian art of the 2nd half of the 18th century?

Classicism G. Empire

204. The first garden of St. Petersburg, founded in 1704?

A. Winter B. Summer V. Petrovsky G. Vasilievsky

205. Architectural style of the 1st quarter of the 18th century. in Russia?

A. Peter's Baroque B. Russian Baroque C. Classicism D. Empire style

206. The first monumental sculpture in Russian art?

A. Monument to Peter I B. Anna Ioannovna with a little black arap

B. Monument to Elizabeth G. Monument to Catherine II

207. The first competition in Russia for the construction of this building in St. Petersburg?

A. Academy of Arts B. Menshikov Palace C. Smolny Monastery

G. Building of 12 Collegiums

208. The main responsibility of the “parsun master”?

A. shipbuilding B. building construction C. canvas making

G. creating portraits

209. Which Russian architect finally determined the three-ray layout of the center of St. Petersburg?

A. Zubov B. Rastrelli V. Eropkin G. Kokorinov

210. Creator of the Russian Baroque style in architecture?

A. Zubov B. Rastrelli V. Eropkin G. Kokorinov

211. Where is the famous Amber Room?

A. Catherine Palace B. Winter Palace V. Menshikov Palace

G. Kikiny chambers

212. Which palace is included in the Hermitage Museum complex in St. Petersburg?

A. Catherine Palace B. Winter Palace V. Menshikov Palace

G. Kikiny chambers

213. In what style was the building of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg built?

A. Petrine Baroque B. Russian Baroque C. Classicism G. Empire

A. Rokotov B. Borovikovsky V. Levitsky G. Argunov

215. In what style did the architects Kokorinov, Starov, Quarenghi work?

A. Petrine Baroque B. Russian Baroque C. Classicism G. Empire

216. To what direction in art of the 18th century? belongs to Borovikovsky?

A. Realism B. Classicism C. Sentimentalism G. Symbolism

A. Rokotov B. BorovikovskyV. Levitsky G. Argunov

218. Official style in Russian art during the reign of Alexander I?

A. Classicism B. Baroque C. Eclecticism G. Modern

219. To which movement do the artists Kiprensky and Venetsianov belong?

A. Classicism B. Romanticism B. Sentimentalism G. Modern

A. Kiprensky B. Venetsianov V. Ivanov G. Bryullov

221. What theme became the leading one in Venetsianov’s work?

A. historical B. peasant B. mythological D. fantasy

A. Kiprensky B. Venetsianov V. Ivanov G. Bryullov

223. To which period of Russian Classicism do the architects Voronikhin, Zakharov, Rossi belong?

A. early B. mature B. strict D. late

A. Voronikhin B. Zakharov V. Rossi G. Montferan

A. Voronikhin B. Zakharov V. Rossi G. Montferand

A. Voronikhin B. Zakharov V. Russia G. Montferand

227. In which palace is the State Russian Museum located in St. Petersburg?

A. Winter B. Mikhailovsky V. Ekaterininsky G. Menshikovsky

A. Voronikhin B. Zakharov V. Rossi G. Montferand

A. Kiprensky B. Venetsianov V. Ivanov G. Bryullov

A. Kiprensky B. Venetsianov V. Ivanov G. Bryullov

231. In what style was the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood built in St. Petersburg?

A. Classicism B. Baroque C. Neo-Russian style G. Modern

232. First independent artistic association in Russia?

A. Petersburg artel B. World of Art C. Academy of Arts

233. The founder of critical realism in Russian art?

A. Repin B. Fedotov V. Serov G. Korovin

A. Voronikhin B. Tone V. Montferan G. Zakharov

235. Year of foundation of the Association of Traveling Exhibitions?

A. 1850 B. 1870 V. 1900 G. 1910

A. Repin B. Surikov V. Serov G. Korovin

A. Repin B. Surikov V. Serov G. Korovin

A. Repin B. Surikov V. Serov G. Korovin

239. The main representative of Russian impressionism?

A. Repin B. Surikov V. Serov G. Korovin

240. The artist who created the “Demon” series of paintings?

A. Repin B. Vrubel V. Serov G. Levitan

241. The founder of the lyrical landscape in Russian art?

A. Savrasov B. Shishkin V. Kramskoy G. Polenov

242. The ancestor of the epic landscape in Russian art?

A. Savrasov B. Shishkin V. Kramskoy G. Polenov

A. Savrasov B. Shishkin V. Kramskoy G. Polenov

A. Savrasov B. Shishkin V. Kramskoy G. Polenov

A. Levitan B. Kuindzhi V. Shishkin G. Vasiliev

246. Which artist was born in Yelabuga?

A. LevitanB. Kuindzhi V. Shishkin G. Vasiliev

247. How is the term “Modern” translated from Latin?

A. best B. modern B. beautiful D. unusual

A. Guimard B. Horta V. Gaudi G. Beardsley

249. Art Nouveau architect, famous for designing the entrances to the Paris Metro?

A. Guimard B. Horta V. Gaudí G. Beardsley

250. Creator of Spanish Modernism in architecture?

A. Guimard B. Horta V. Gaudi G. Beardsley

251. English graphic artist, one of the classics of European Art Nouveau?

A. Guimard B. Horta C. Gaudi G. Beardsley

252. Which artist was part of the Secession association of Viennese artists?

A. Klimt B. Mucha V. Obrist G. Behrens

253. Which Art Nouveau artist became famous for his advertising posters?

A. Klimt B. Fly V. Obrist G. Behrens

254. Which artistic association in Russia represented Russian Art Nouveau?

A. "World of Art" B. “Jack of Diamonds” B. “Blue Rose”

G. Association of Traveling Exhibitions

255. Which artistic association do they belong to? Benois artists, Somov, Bakst, Dobuzhinsky, Ostroumova-Lebedeva?

A. "World of Art" B. “Jack of Diamonds” B. “Blue Rose” D. “SRH”

256. One of the classics of Russian Art Nouveau, author of the Ryabushinsky mansion in Moscow?

A. Shchusev B. Shekhtel V. Benois G. Diaghilev

A. Klimt B. Mucha C. Obrist G. Behrens

A. Klimt B. Mucha C. Obrist G. Behrens

259. The movement of modernism, the name of which can be translated as “predators”?

A. Fauvism

260. Which movement of modernism does the artist Henri Matisse belong to?

A. Fauvism B. Cubism C. Futurism D. Expressionism

261. The founders of which movement of modernism are Picasso and Braque?

A. Fauvism B. Cubism B. Futurism G. Expressionism

262. Which painting by Picasso “discovers” Cubism?

A. “Girl on a Ball” B. “Portrait of Vollard” C. "The Maidens of Avignon"

G. “Queen Isabeau”

263. Which painting by Braque gave rise to the term “Cubism”?

A. “Still life with cards” B. “Bridge” C. "Houses in Estac" G. "Laughter"

264. Which post-impressionist artist did the Cubists consider their ancestor?

A. Gauguin B. Van Gogh V. Cezanne G. Matisse

265. Artists of what movement invented the collage technique?

A. Fauvism B. Cubism B. Futurism G. Expressionism

266. The birthplace of futurism?

A. France B. Italy B. Germany D. Russia

267. Creator and leader of Italian futurism?

A. Matisse B. Picasso V. Kandinsky G. Marinetti

268. From what Latin word does the name of the movement “futurism” come?

A. present B. future B. modern D. fast

269. To which movement of modernism do Boccioni, Balla, Severini belong?

A. Fauvism B. Cubism C. Futurism G. Expressionism

270. To which movement of modernism do the “Bridge” and “Blue Rider” associations belong?

A. Fauvism B. Cubism C. Futurism D. Expressionism

271. Which movement of modernism abandoned the depiction of real objects and phenomena of reality?

A. Fauvism B. Abstractionism B. Expressionism D. Futurism

272. Who is called the founder of Abstract Art?

A. Malevich B. Kandinsky V. Marche G. Deren

273. Which 20th century artist compared painting to music?

A. Malevich B. Kandinsky V. Marche G. Deren

274. Creator of neoplasticism?

A. Malevich B. Mondrian V. Modigliani G. Marinetti

275. Creator of Suprematism?

A. Malevich B. Mondrian V. Modigliani G. Marinetti

276. Which painting by Malevich is often called the “icon of the 20th century”?

A. "Lumberjack" B. "Black square" B. “Suprematism” G. “Self-portrait”

277. Russian artist of the 20th century who created his own “labor genre”?

A. Malevich B. Kandinsky V. Larionov G. Dali

278. To what current abstract art include Kandinsky?

A. Geometric abstractionism B. Abstract expressionism

B. Dadaism G. Orphism

279. Where did the center of modernism move at the beginning of World War 2?

A. Germany B. France C. USA G. Russia

280. Leader of abstract art of the 2nd wave, creator of drip art?

A. Rauschenberg B. Pollock W. Mondrian G. Jackson

281. The name of which movement of modernism appeared by chance, with the help of a randomly opened dictionary?

A. Expressionism B. Surrealism C. Dadaism G. Fauvism

282. Which artist first introduced the use of “readymade”?

A. Duchamp B. Pollock W. Dali G. Magritte

283. Which movement of modernism addressed the subconscious?

A. Dadaism B. Surrealism B. Fauvism G. Futurism

284. What movement of modernism do Dali and Magritte represent?

A. Dadaism B. Surrealism B. Fauvism G. Futurism

285. Artists of which association are called “Moscow Cézannenists”?

A. “World of Art” B. "Jack of Diamonds" B. “Blue Rose” G. “SRH”

286. Which artistic association of the early 20th century included Kuprin, Konchalovsky, Mashkov, Lentulov?

A. “World of Art” B. "Jack of Diamonds" B. “Blue Rose” G. “SRH”

287. What movement of abstract art was invented by Mikhail Larionov?

A. Rayonism B. Suprematism C. Orphism D. Dadaism

A. Kuprin B. Konchalovsky V. Goncharova G. Larionov

289. Artists of which association were the first in Russian art to make still life one of the leading genres?

A. “World of Art” B. "Jack of Diamonds" B. “Blue Rose” G. “SRH”

290. Artists of which association represent Russian symbolism?

"Blue Rose" G. "SRH"

291. King of American Pop Art?

A. Duchamp B. Dali V. Warhol G. Liechtenstein

292. To which movement in the art of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century do the artists Kuznetsov and Saryan belong?

A. “World of Art” B. “Jack of Diamonds” C. "Blue Rose" G. "SRH"

293. Artists of what movement of modernism are sometimes called “new Dadaists”?

A. Op art B. Pop Art B. Surrealism G. Cubism

294. What American artist of the mid-20th century. abandoned traditional means of creation painting?

A. Pollock B. Kandinsky V. Malevich G. Mondrian

295. What movement of postmodernism does Victor Vasarelli represent?

A. Pop art B. Op art B. Minimalism D. Hyperrealism

296. Founder of German Expressionism, author of the painting “The Scream”?

A. Kirchner B. Munch V. Marinetti G. Modigliani

297. Which American pop art artist used highly enlarged fragments of comic books for his paintings, imitating dots of raster printing?

A Warhol B. Rauschenberg V. Jackson G. Liechtenstein

298. One of the founders of surrealism, founder of the school metaphysical painting?

A. Dali B. Magritte V. de Chirico G. Chagall

A. Duchamp B. Dali W. Warhol G. Lichtenstein

300. What movement of the 20th century opens the era of postmodernism?

A. Dadaism B. Surrealism C. Pop Art G. Op art

Related information.

1. Primitive art includes:

a) dolmen

b) cave painting

c) pyramid

d) basilica

2. Monuments of primitive sculpture are:

a) cromlechs

b) Paleolithic Venus

c) petroglyphs

d) stone women

3. Monumental primitive architecture from large stones called by the Greek word...

4. The universal form of spiritual life of primitive people, incl. basis primitive art is …

5. Chronological sequence of periods of development of primitive art:

a) paleolithic

b) Copper-Bronze Age

d) Iron Age

e) Mesolithic

6. Monuments of ancient Egyptian art:

a) Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak

b) pyramids at Giza

c) Parthenon

d) Colosseum

7. Architectural forms of Ancient Egypt:

a) mastaba

b) Triumphal Arch

c) pyramid

d) acropolis

8. ... - a statue of a fantastic creature with the body of a lion and the head of a man

9. Temporary arts:

b) graphics

d) sculpture

10. Monumental arts:

d) monument

11. Spatial Views arts:

b) painting

c) architecture

d) sculpture

12. Easel forms of art:

b) engraving

c) mosaic

d) cave painting

f) figurine

13. ... - historically established internal division in all types of art (translated from French view)

14. Commonality figurative system, funds artistic expression, creative techniques, due to the unity of ideological and artistic content:

b) cultural era

c) artistic technology

15. Correspondence between art historical terms:

1. baroque

2. portrait

4. contrast

a) artistic technique

c) a means of artistic expression

16. Correspondence between the means of artistic expression and the type of art:

2. painting

3. graphics

5. architecture

b) lines and stroke

c) tectonics

17. Correspondence between the content of the image and the pictorial genre:

1. sea view

2. self-portrait

3. image Everyday life of people

b) everyday (genre) painting

c) the artist's depiction of himself

18. Painting on wet plaster:

c) tempera

19. Image of lifeless objects:

a) still life

20. Image of space and objects on a plane, creating a feeling of depth and volume:

a) chiaroscuro

b) perspective

c) sfumato

21. ... - image of a room with its decoration

22. The upper part of the column on which the floor beam rests:

b) capital

23. An architectural support in the form of a statue of a woman used instead of a column:

c) caryatid

24. Sculpture includes:

a) bas-relief

c) mosaic

d) high relief

25. Extension on the east side Christian temple to place the altar:

26. Embossed ribbon of decorations made of figures or ornaments:

c) rocaille

27. ... - a volumetric-spatial form of art created by means of sculpting or carving.

28. Correspondence between the stage of development of Russian art and its representative:

1. art of the 20th century.

2. Old Russian art

3. art of the 19th century.

4. " silver Age»

a) A. Rublev

b) P. Losenko

c) I. Levitan

d) Theophanes the Greek

e) F. Shubin

f) F. Shekhtel

29. Chronological boundaries ancient Russian art:

a) 10th – 17th centuries.

b) 15th – 18th centuries.

30. Turn of the 19th-20th centuries. in Russian art:

a) "Silver Age"

b) "golden age"

c) "Bronze Age"

31. Peredvizhniki artists:

a) I. Repin

c) V. Surikov

d) V. Borovikovsky

e) I. Nikitin

f) A. Benoit

g) I. Kramskoy

1. “The rooks have arrived”

2. "Merchant's Wife"

3. “Defense of Petrograd”

4. "Demon"

5. “Barge Haulers on the Volga”

6. “Apotheosis of War”

a) V.Vereshchagin

b) A. Savrasov

c) B. Kustodiev

d) A. Deineka

e) M. Vrubel

f) I. Repin

1. “Christ in the desert”

3. “Taking the Snow Town”

4. “Moscow courtyard”

5. "Pond"

a) V. Borisov-Musatov

b) V. Surikov

c) I. Shishkin

d) I. Kramskoy

e) V. Polenov

34. Russian painters of the 18th century:

a) F.Rokotov

b) I. Nikitin

c) A. Kuindzhi

d) V. Tropinin

35. Russian painters of the first half of the 19th century:

a) O. Kiprensky

b) A. Venetsianov

c) K. Bryullov

d) M. Vrubel

e) V. Surikov

36. Correspondence between names and characteristics architectural styles Ancient Greece:

1. Doric

2. ionic

3. Corinthian

a) originated in Asia Minor in the 7th century. BC, bright element - volute on the capitals of the column

b) the oldest and most strict style, the capital of the column is formed by round and square slabs

c) developed in the 5th century. BC, distinguished by the use of plant motifs on the capitals of the columns

37. Correspondence between works of art and their authors:

1. Athena Parthenos

3. Disco thrower

4. Laocoon

5. sculptural portraits of Alexander the Great

b) Agesander, Polydorus and Athenodorus

38. A canal raised on high arches for water supply in Ancient Rome:

a) basilica

b) aqueduct

c) acropolis

39. Ancient Greek sculptors:

a) Praxiteles

40. Monuments of ancient Greek architecture:

a) Colosseum

b) Parthenon

c) Luxor Temple

d) Temple of Zeus at Olympia

41. Public baths in Ancient Rome:

42. Monuments of ancient Roman art:

a) Colosseum

b) Pantheon

c) Parthenon

43. Culture-forming principles of medieval art:

a) theocentrism

b) humanism

c) symbolism

d) rationalism

e) dominance of secular forms of culture

44. Architectural monuments Gothic style:

a) Stonehenge

b) St. Petra in Rome

c) cathedral Notre Dame of Paris

d) Cologne Cathedral

45. Elements gothic architecture:

a) pointed arches

b) semicircular arches

c) amphitheater shape

d) flying buttress

e) buttress

46. ​​Architectural monument of the Romanesque style:

a) Notre Dame Cathedral in France

b) Pisa Cathedral

c) Palazzo Medici in Venice

47. The term "Renaissance" was proposed

48. Culture-forming principle of Renaissance art:

a) humanism

b) theocentrism

c) symbolism

49. ... - city house of large nobles in Renaissance Italy.

50. Correspondence between the stages of development of Renaissance art and their representatives:

1. Pre-Renaissance

2. early Renaissance

3. high Renaissance

4. Late Renaissance

b) Rafael

c) Masaccio

d) Botticelli

51. Correspondence between the title of a painting and its author:

1. "Spring"

2. “Madonna with a Flower” (Benoit)

3. "Trinity"

4. "School of Athens"

5. "Judith"

6. "The Creation of Adam"

a) Michelangelo

b) Botticelli

c) Giorgione

d) Raphael

e) Leonardo da Vinci

f) Masaccio

52. Correspondence between the name of a sculptural work and its author:

1. "The Dying Slave"

2. Equestrian statue of the condottiere Gattamelata

3. Doors of the Florentine Baptistery “Gateway to Paradise”

a) Donatello

b) Michelangelo

c) Ghiberti

53. Creator of a large number of paintings depicting the image of the Madonna:

a) Rafael

b) Michelangelo

54. Representatives of mannerism:

a) Pontormo

c) Veronese

d) Parmigianino

55. The term "Renaissance" was proposed

a) E. Rotterdam

b) D. Diderot

a) Donatello

b) Verrocchio

c) Ghiberti

d) Michelangelo

57. Architectural monuments of the Renaissance:

a) Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence

b) Palace of Versailles

c) Palazzo Medici in Venice

d) Chambord castle on the banks of the Loire

e) Winter Palace in St. Petersburg

58. Correspondence between an art style and its representative:

1. baroque

3. classicism

b) Bernini

59. Correspondence between the country and the artist representing it:

1. Spain

2. Holland

3. France

5. Flanders

a) Carracci

60. Correspondence between the title of a painting and its author:

1. “Portrait of Saskia”

2. “Girl with a Letter”

3. “View of the city of Toledo”

4. "Flora"

5. "Spinners"

b) Velasquez

c) Wermeer of Delft

d) El Greco

e) Rembrandt

61. Barbizon School belongs to

a) to realism

b) to romanticism

c) to classicism

62. A group of French landscape painters who worked near Paris in the 30-60s. 19th century:

a) the world of art

b) Abramtsevo circle

c) Barbizon school

63. Correspondence between the art style and its representative:

1. impressionism

2. Suprematism

5. surrealism

a) Picasso

b) Malevich

64. Correspondence between the art style and its representative:

1. impressionism

2. post-impressionism

3. neo-impressionism

65. Chronological sequence of styles:

1. mannerism

2. expressionism

4. classicism

66. Chronological sequence of stages in the development of art:

1. Middle Ages

2. Ancient Egypt

3. antiquity

4. Revival

67. Modernist art styles:

a) expressionism

c) romanticism

f) futurism

68. Correspondence between the direction of art and its characteristic feature:

1. impressionism

2. symbolism

4. futurism

a) stylized image of the past

b) image of instant impressions

c) criteria of beauty – energy, speed, strength

d) use of pure, sonorous colors

69. He captured scenes from peasant life in his paintings

a) A. Venetsianov

b) V.Vereshchagin

c) V. Vasnetsov

d) I. Levitan

70. Romantic interpretation of an episode from ancient history inherent in K. Bryullov’s painting “...”

71. The plot of the 1st chapter of the Gospel of John formed the basis of A. Ivanov’s painting “...”

72. The connection between painting and theater, with the art of mise-en-scène, is palpable in the work of P. Fedotov:

a) "Major's Matchmaking"

b) "Widow"

c) "The Lacemaker"

73. Religious subjects are represented by paintings by such artists as:

a) I. Kramskoy

c) M. Nesterov

d) I. Levitan

e) K. Korovin

74. A pyramid of skulls cut by sabers against the backdrop of a dilapidated city is depicted in the painting

a) “Skobelev near Shipka” by V. Vereshchagin

b) “The Apotheosis of War” by V. Vereshchagin

c) “Seeing the Dead Man” by V. Perov

75. The use of icon painting techniques is typical for the painting of such Russian artist of the 20th century as

a) K.Petrov-Vodkin

b) V. Kandinsky

c) M. Larionov

76. ... – a chiaroscuro nuance used by Leonardo da Vinci: a haze of chiaroscuro that envelops people and objects.

77. A young woman crowned with a wreath in a dress woven with flowers in the painting of the same name by S. Botticelli personifies

b) Madonna

78. Mythological character who defeated Goliath, whose image was embodied by Donatello, Verrocchio, Michelangelo - “...”

79. Images of dancers are popular in the artist’s paintings

c) P. Gauguin

80. K. Monet’s painting “...” gave the name to the style of impressionism

81. Created a Tahitian cycle of paintings

a) P. Gauguin

b) P. Cezanne

c) V. Van Gogh

82. The oldest known works of art date back to the era

a) antiquity

b) Mesolithic

c) Paleolithic

d) Neolithic

83. A group of artists created in 1922, the main purpose of which was the artistic and documentary recording of the revolution:

a) The Wanderers


d) "World of Art"

84. This architectural project remained unfulfilled, but it embodied the courage and talent of the architect, inspired by the scientific and technical discoveries of the early 20th century.

a) Palace of Labor

b) “Tower of the Third International”

c) Dnepropetrovsk HPP

a) B.V. Ioganson

b) M.V. Nesterov

c) A.A. Plastov

d) V.I. Mukhina

86. For Vladimir – Suzdal architectural school characteristic:

a) White limestone cathedrals

b) Wooden temples

c) The ability to fit buildings into the landscape

d) Stone carving on plant-animal subjects

e) The facades are richly decorated with colored stone and gilding

a) O. Kiprensky

b) I. Levitan

c) M. Shishkin

d) D. Levitsky

88. Correspondence between the title of a painting and its author:

1. "Downed Ace"

2. “The fascist flew by”

3. “Seeing off”

4. “Father’s Chanel”

5. " Last letter»

6. "Cherry"

a) Nemensky

b) Deineka

e) Plastov

f) Moiseenko

89. “...” is one of the trends in painting that arose in the late 1950s - early 60s. The artists sang the destinies of their contemporaries, their energy and will, and the “heroics of everyday work.” The images are generalized and concise. The basis of expressiveness is large planes colors and linear contours of figures.

a) Bazhenov

b) Rastrelli

c) Trezzini

d) Thomas de Thomon

A) architecture c) design

B) sculpture d) graphics

2. Write three principles of Roman architecture. The building must be:

A) painting c) collage

A) engraving c) ceramics

B) fresco d) stained glass

  1. Three-dimensional work of art created by carving, sculpting, carving, casting:

A) graphics c) sculpture

B) design d) painting

  1. Convex image, more than half: _____________________________________________
  2. Bust-length image of a person in sculpture:

a) figurine b) bas-relief

B) monument d) bust

8. What materials are used in each art form. For each word, put the corresponding number:Architecture – 1 Sculpture – 2 Graphics – 3

(possibly several types of art)

Clay Stone Pastel Iron Bronze

Glass Marble Concrete Pencil Bone

Ballpoint pen Porcelain Rubber Bone Cast iron

  1. The art of depicting a person, his character and facial features:

A) still life c) landscape

B) graphics d) portrait

10. A painting depicting the sea, a marine view:

A) Darina c) Marina

B) Karina d) Arina

11. The shape of a figure or object, visible as a single mass, like a flat spot on a darker one

Or a lighter background: ________________________________

12. The artist Gerasimov’s painting “After the Rain” depicts a gazebo in which there is a table,

And on it is a vase with lilacs. What genre does this painting belong to?

a) landscape b) portrait

b) still life d) everyday genre

13. Purple paint can be obtained by mixing paints: ___________________________________

  1. In the paintings battle genre may be depicted:

A) standing buildings c) military battle

B) nature d) household items

  1. Famous Russian artist - marine painter:

A) Savrasov A. c) Roerich N.

B) Aivazovsky I. d) Vereshchagin V.

16. Name the picture and its author based on the description: stone hail, the earth trembles under your feet, lightning flashes, statues collapse. A crowd of people is running, their faces distorted with fear. The young man saves what is most valuable to him - a box of brushes and paints.


17. He was called “the singer of the Russian forest”:

A) Shishkin I. c) Polenov V.

18. Eliminate the unnecessary in each line (underline):

Easel, brush, pencil

Bas-relief, etching, high relief

Stroke, line, stroke

Wax, stone, clay

Shishkin, Levitan, Surikov

Hermitage _____________________________ Prado __________________________

Russian Museum _________________________________ Louvre ___________________________

  1. Describe the work:

a) name ________________________________________

c) location ________________________________

d) creation time ___________________________________

e) material _____________________________________________

e) feature _______________________________________________

___________________________________________________ _________

5th GRADE. Renaissance

1. In which country did the Renaissance begin:

A) France c) Italy

B) Germany d) Austria

2. The city is the birthplace of the Renaissance: ………………………………………………………

3. Distinctive features of the Renaissance:

A) the connection between culture and religion, the subordination of man to the church

B) secular nature of culture, humanism, appeal to antiquity

C) depriving a person of the right to develop their abilities

D) everything is accessible to the human mind, society is subject to analysis and reasonable laws

  1. Italian artists:

A) Michelangelo B. c) Picasso P.

B) Bosch I. d) Botticelli S.

5. Connect the words from two columns with arrows:

"Father of Architecture" Masaccio

"Father of Sculpture" Brunelleschi

"Father of Painting" Donatello

6. The cultural movement of the Renaissance opposed the cult of Man to church ideology,

Hence the name: a) humanism c) reformation

B) rationalism d) intuitionism

7. Arrange in chronological order Renaissance periods:

Quattrocento Late Renaissance Trecento Ducento Cinquecento

8. Organic compound various arts into an artistic whole:

A) synthesis c) analysis

B) intuition d) rationalism

  1. A new type of urban dwelling of the Italian nobility of the Renaissance:

A) palace c) seraglio

B) cottage d) palazzo

10. Favorite subject of Renaissance painting:

A) historical events Italy XIV– XVI century c) still life

B) image of nature d) Madonna and Child

11. He was an artist, sculptor, architect, mathematician, physicist, astronomer, anatomist, inventor. But it is not full list the main directions of its activities; He enriched almost all areas of science with brilliant guesses. Who is this?


12. One of the picturesque latest works Michelangelo was completed in 1514. huge

Fresco Sistine Chapel. Which biblical story was depicted on it:

A) “Creation of the world” c) “ last supper»

B) “Flood” d) “Adoration of the Magi”

13. He is called the “Master of Madonnas”:

A) Tintoretto c) Correggio

B) Raphael d) Pisanello

14. Most of the paintings of this Dutch artist– about ordinary people, their life and work, holidays and everyday life; for which he received the nickname “peasant” from his contemporaries:

A) Durer A. c) Cranach L.

B) Bosch I. d) Bruegel P.

15. One of the paintings does not belong to the pen of I. Bosch:

A) “Hay Wagon” c) “Ship of Fools”

B) “Extraction of the Stone of Folly” d) “Flight into Egypt”

16. The highest achievement of Leonardo da Vinci’s art is the fresco “The Last Supper”, painted on the entire wall of the refectory of the monastery in Milan. But this work has reached us in a badly damaged form. Set the reason:

A) features of the applied fresco painting technique

B) device in the 18th century. Bonaparists in the refectory stables, and then prison

B) a bomb hit the refectory during the 2nd World War

17. German artist Renaissance. He reached the pinnacle of his creativity in graphics, raising the technique of woodcut and copper engraving to a new level:

A) Cranach L. c) Kirchner E.L.

B) Durer A. d) Bosch I.

18. Remember the title of the work and the author from the description. This marble sculpture depicts a curly-haired boy squatting and trying to remove a splinter.


19. Time frame of the Renaissance:

A) XII – XV centuries. c) XII – XIV centuries.

B) XIII – XVI centuries. d) XIII – XV centuries.

20. Describe architectural structure

A) name ______________________________________________

B) location _____________________________________________

B) time of construction _______________________________________________

D) features of the structure __________________________________________________________




Ancient Egypt


  1. Goddess of the sky
  2. God of the earth
  3. Goddess of moisture, favorite eye of the god Ra
  4. God of the desert and evil. Symbolizes the destructive beginning
  5. God symbolizing resurrection
  6. Goddess of fertility, motherhood
  7. God of all gods, ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt
  8. Human double
  1. A sacred animal is a protector of the clan in the primitive order:

A) petroglyph c) totem

B) harati d) palette

  1. Clay products fixed by firing:

A) engraving c) ceramics

B) fresco d) stained glass

  1. Primitive artists used paint colors:


  1. Writing of Ancient Egypt:

A) cuneiform c) quipu

B) hieroglyphs d) Cyrillic

  1. Statue representing the Sun God with the body of a lion and the head of a man:

A) ushabti c) sphinx

B) ankh d) uraeus

  1. Pharaoh is the owner of the largest pyramid:

A) Khafre c) Tutankhamun

B) Mikren d) Cheops

7. Arrange in chronological order:

Mesolithic Bronze Age Paleolithic Iron Age Neolithic

8. The name of the cave that Sutuola discovered:

A) Altamira c) Kapova cave

B) Lascaux d) Lorte

9. Write 3 science sources about past artistic cultures:


10. Belief in witchcraft, magical techniques:

A) totemism c) animism

B) magic d) fetishism

11. The word Egypt translated from Greek means: ________________________

The word Hapi translated from Egyptian means: _________________________

The word Ta-Kemet translated from Egyptian means: ___________________________


6th grade

  1. A work in which an image is applied to paper with pencil or ink:

A) painting c) illustration

B) graphics d) decorative arts

  1. Renaissance artists:

A) Michelangelo c) Van Gogh

B) Raphael d) Bruegel

  1. A painting depicting the sea, a marine view:

A) Darina c) Marina

B) Karina d) Arina

  1. Paintings by Vasily Surikov:

A) “Apotheosis of War” c) “Taking of the Snow Town”

B) “Boyaryna Morozova” d) “Pugachev’s Court”

  1. Avant-garde art direction, translated from Latin as “future”:

A) expressionism c) fauvism

B) surrealism d) futurism

  1. He was called the “singer of the Russian forest”:

A) Shishkin I. c) Polenov V.

B) Kuindzhi A. d) Savrasov V.

  1. Construction art, architecture:

A) Design c) sculpture

B) Graphics d) architecture

  1. Artists included in the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions:

A) Tropinin V. c) Roerich N.

B) Kramskoy I. d) Repin I.

  1. The author of the monument " Bronze Horseman" in St. Petersburg:

A) Martos I. c) Falcone E.

B) Vuchetich E. d) Opekushin A.

10. Clay products fixed by firing: _____________________________

  1. Famous Russian marine painter:

A) Aivazovsky I. c) Shchedrin S.

B) Vasiliev F. d) Benoit A.


  1. Impressionist artists:

A) Monet K. c) Gauguin P.

B) Degas E. d) Corot J-B.

14. Inventions of the ancient Romans in architecture:

A) pyramid b) concrete

B) stele d) arch

15. Statue representing the Sun God with the body of a lion and the head of a man:

A) ushebti c) adorant

B) sphinx d) centaur

  1. French artists:

A) Pissarro K. c) Leonardo da Vinci

B) Bosch I. d) Manet E.

17. Which of the paintings does not belong to Ilya Repin:

A) “Hunters at a halt” c) “Barge Haulers on the Volga”

B) “We didn’t expect it” d) “Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan”

  1. Art movement of the early 20th century, translated from French as “wild”. Artists advocated pure colors and simplified forms:

A) cubism c) expressionism

B) Fauvism d) Futurism

  1. Eliminate the extra in the line (underline):

A) Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Great Wall of China, Egyptian Pyramids

B) Colossus of Rhodes, Discus thrower, Mona Lisa, Bronze Horseman

B) Caravaggio, Botticelli S, Gauguin P, Raphael

D) Sculpture, graphics, painting, drawing

  1. Place art styles in chronological order:

Romanesque style Classicism Impressionism Antiquity

Renaissance Avant-garde Gothic Romanticism

21. Continue the series: choreography, cinema _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

  1. In which cities are the museums located?

Hermitage Museum _______________________________

Russian Museum __________________________

Prado _________________________________

Museum named after Pushkin ______________________

Kunstkamera ____________________________

Samovar Museum _________________________________

Louvre ___________________________________

Uffizi Gallery _________________________

(Tula, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Florence, Paris, Madrid)


  1. First Russian stateKievan Rus originated in:

A) 8th century c) 10th century

B) 9th century d) 11th century

  1. In which city of Ancient Rus' was the “Golden Gate”:

A) Vladimir c) Kyiv

B) Novgorod d) Suzdal

3. What building material was used in the construction of temples in Ancient Rus':

A) wood b) limestone

B) clay d) plinth

4. Name of the first stone cathedral in Rus': _______________________________________________________________________________

  1. In which cathedral of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality the bulk of the reliefs represent images of birds, animals and plants:

A) Assumption Cathedral c) Cathedral of Boris and Gleb

B) Demetrius Cathedral d) Intercession on the Nerl

6. First mention in the chronicle of Moscow:

A) 1147 c) 1149

B) 1145 d) 1143

7. The Moscow Kremlin became stone during:

A) Ivan Kalita c) Ivan the Terrible

B) Dmitry Donskoy d) Ivan III

8. On which tower of the Moscow Kremlin are the chimes located:

A) on Spasskaya c) on Troitskaya

B) on Arsenalnaya d) on Nikolskaya

9. Which cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin was the tomb of the Russian tsars:

A) Blagoveshchensky c) Uspensky

B) Arkhangelsk d) St. Basil's

10. What historical event was dedicated to the Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat (St. Basil’s Cathedral), erected by Russian architects Barma and Postnik:

A) in memory of the capture of Astrakhan c) in honor of the conquest of Siberia

B) in memory of the capture of Kazan d) in memory of the capture of Polotsk

11. The master who cast the Tsar Bell:

A) Fryazin c) Chokhov

B) Shubin d) Motorin

12. Temple built in honor of the birth of Ivan the Terrible:

A) St. Basil's Cathedral c) Savior of the Transfiguration in Novgorod

B) Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye d) Assumption Cathedral in Zvenigorod

  1. Connect with arrows the architectural structure and its creator:

Assumption Cathedral of Peter Maly Fryazin

Annunciation Cathedral Aleviz Novy

Archangel Cathedral Pietro Antonio Solari

Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye Pskov masters

St. Basil's Cathedral Ar. Fioravanti

Faceted Chamber of Barma and Postnik

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