Outstanding sculptors of ancient Hellas presentation. Outstanding sculptors of Ancient Greece

Archaic sculpture: Kory - girls in
Embodied the ideal
female beauty;
Similar to one
other: curly
hair, mysterious
smile, embodiment
Bark. 6th century BC


End of V-IV centuries. BC e. - a period of turbulent spiritual life in Greece,
formation of the idealistic ideas of Socrates and Plato in
philosophy that developed in the fight against materialistic
philosophy of Democritus, time of addition and new forms
Greek fine art. In sculpture to replace
masculinity and severity of images of strict classics comes
interest in the spiritual world of man, and in plastic finds
reflection is more complex and less straightforward

Greek sculptors of the classical period:



Polykleitos's works began
a real hymn to greatness
and spiritual power of Man.
Favorite image -
slender young man
physique. It doesn't have
nothing extra,
"nothing in excess"
Spiritual and physical
the appearance is harmonious.
Doryphoros (spearman).
450-440 BC Roman copy.
National Museum. Naples

Doryphoros has a complex pose,
different from a static pose
ancient kouros. Polykleitos
was the first to think of giving
figures such a pose,
so that they rely on
the bottom part of only one
legs. In addition, the figure
seems mobile and
lively, thanks to
that the horizontal axes are not
parallel (so-called chiasmus).
“Doriphoros” (Greek δορυφόρος - “Spear-bearer”) - one
one of the most famous statues of antiquity, embodies
so-called Canon of Polykleitos.

Canon of Polykleitos

Doryfor is not an image of a specific athlete -
winner, but an illustration of the canons of the male figure.
Polykleitos set out to accurately determine the proportions
human figure, according to their ideas about
ideal beauty. These proportions are in relation to each other
digital ratio.
“They even assured that Polykleitos performed it on purpose, in order to
so that other artists could use her as a model,” wrote
The essay “Canon” itself had a great influence on
European culture, despite the fact that from theoretical
Only two fragments of the work have survived.

Canon of Polykleitos

If we recalculate the proportions of this
Ideal Male for height 178
cm, the parameters of the statue will be as follows:
1. neck volume - 44 cm,
2.chest - 119,
3. biceps - 38,
4.waist - 93,
5. forearms - 33,
6. wrists - 19,
7. buttocks - 108,
8.hips - 60,
9. knee - 40,
10. shins - 42,
11.ankles - 25,
12. feet - 30 cm.


"Wounded Amazon"


Myron - Greek
sculptor of the mid-5th century.
BC e. Sculptor of the era
highest flowering
Greek art
(late 6th - early 5th century)
Embodied the ideals of strength and
beauty of Man.
Was the first master
complex bronze
Miron. Discus thrower.450 BC.
Roman copy. National Museum, Rome

Miron. "Discus thrower"
The ancients characterize Myron as
the greatest realist and expert in anatomy,
who, however, did not know how to give faces
life and expression. He portrayed the gods
heroes and animals, and with a special
lovingly reproduced the difficult ones,
transient poses.
His most famous work
"Disc thrower", an athlete intending to
launch a disk - a statue that has reached
our time in several copies, from
of which the best is made of marble and
located in the Massami Palace in Rome.

"Disco thrower" by Myron at the Copenhagen Botanical Garden

Discus thrower. Miron

Sculptural creations of Skopas

Skopas (420 - c. 355 BC), native of the island of Paros,
rich in marble. Unlike Praxiteles, Scopas
continued the traditions of high classics, creating images
monumental-heroic. But from the images of the 5th century. their
distinguishes the dramatic tension of all spiritual forces.
Passion, pathos, strong movement are the main features
art of Skopas.
Also known as an architect, participated in the creation
relief frieze for the Halicarnassus mausoleum.

Sculptural creations of Skopas
In a state of ecstasy, in
a violent outburst of passion
depicted by Skopas
Maenad. God's Companion
Dionysus is shown in
rapid dance, her
head thrown back
hair fell on shoulders
body is curved
presented in complex
foreshortening, short folds
chiton is emphasized
violent movement. IN
difference from the sculpture of the 5th century.
Maenad of Skopas
already designed for
view from all sides.
Skopas. Maenad

Also known as
architect, participated in
creating a relief
frieze for
Skopas. Battle with the Amazons


Born in Athens (c.
390 – 330 BC.)
Inspirational singer
female beauty.

Sculptural creations
Statue of Aphrodite of Knidos –
first in Greek art
nude image
female figure. The statue stood
on the shores of the Knidos peninsula, and
contemporaries wrote about
real pilgrimages here,
to admire the beauty
goddess preparing to enter the water
and threw off clothes on
a vase standing nearby.
The original statue has not survived.
Praxiteles. Aphrodite of Knidos

Sculptural creations of Praxiteles

In the only one that has come down to us in
original marble sculptor Praxiteles
statue of Hermes (patron of trade and
travelers, as well as messenger, “courier”
gods) the master depicted a beautiful young man, in
state of peace and serenity. Thoughtfully
he looks at the baby Dionysus, whom
holds in his arms. To replace courageous
With the beauty of an athlete comes several beauty
feminine, graceful, but also more
spiritualized. On the statue of Hermes
traces of ancient coloring have been preserved: red-brown hair, silver in color
Hermes. Around 330 BC e.

Sculptural creations


Great sculptor of the 4th century. BC.
(370-300 BC).
He worked in bronze, because strived
capture images in
fleeting impulse.
Left behind 1500
bronze statues, including
colossal figures of gods,
heroes, athletes. They are inherent
pathos, inspiration,
The original has not reached us.
Court sculptor
Marble copy of the head of A. Macedonian

In this sculpture with
amazing skill
passionate intensity conveyed
duel between Hercules and the lion.
Hercules fighting a lion.
4th century BC
Roman copy
Hermitage, St. Petersburg

Sculptural creations of Lysippos

Lysippos tried his best
bring your images closer to
So, he did not show the athletes
moment of highest tension
forces, and, as a rule, at the moment of them
decline after the competition. Exactly
this is how his Apoxyomenes is represented,
brushing sand off himself after
sport fight. He's tired
face, hair matted with sweat.
Lysippos. Apoxyomenos. Roman copy, 330 BC

Sculptural creations of Lysippos

Captivating Hermes,
always fast and
alive too
introduced by Lysippos
as if able
extreme fatigue
sitting down for a while
on the stone and ready to
next second
run further in your
winged sandals.
Lysippos. "Resting Hermes"

Sculptural creations of Lysippos

Lysippos created his own canon
proportions of the human body,
according to which his figures are taller and
slimmer than Polykleitos
(head size is 1/9
Lysippos. "Hercules of Farnese"


His creativity is
nice try
capture the classic
ideal of human beauty.
In his works there is no
only perfection of images,
and skill and technique
Apollo is considered one of the
best works
Leohar. Apollo Belvedere.
4th century BC Roman copy. Vatican Museums

masterpieces of the era

Greek sculpture

So, in Greek sculpture the expressiveness of the image
consisted in the whole human body, his movements, and not
in just one face. Despite the fact that many
Greek statues did not preserve their upper parts
(such as “Nike of Samothrace” or
"Nika Untying Sandals"
came to us without a head, but we forget about it,
looking at the holistic plastic solution of the image.
Since soul and body were thought of by the Greeks in
indivisible unity, then the bodies of Greek statues
unusually spiritual.

Nike of Samothrace

The statue was erected for the occasion
victories of the Macedonian fleet over
Egyptian in 306 BC. e.
The goddess was depicted as if
on the bow of the ship, announcing
victory with the sound of the trumpet.
The pathos of victory is expressed in
the swift movement of the goddess,
in the wide flap of her wings.
Nike of Samothrace
2nd century BC
Louvre, Paris

Nike of Samothrace

Nike untying her sandal

Goddess depicted
sandal before
how to enter the temple
Marble. Athens

Venus de Milo

April 8, 1820 Greek peasant
from the island of Melos named Iorgos, digging
the ground, felt that his shovel
with a dull ringing sound, she bumped into something
Iorgos dug nearby - the same result.
He took a step back, but even here the spade
wanted to enter the earth.
First Iorgos saw a stone niche.
She was about four to five meters
width. In a stone crypt he, to his
To my surprise, I found a statue made of marble.
This was Venus.
Agesander. Venus de Milo.
Louvre. 120 BC

Laocoon with

Laocoon and his sons

Laocoon, you didn't save anyone!
He is not a savior for either the city or the world.
The mind is powerless. Proud Three mouth
predetermined; circle of fatal events
locked in a suffocating crown
snake rings. Horror on the face
the prayers and groans of your child;
another son was silenced by poison.
Your fainting. Your wheeze: “Let me be...”
(...Like the bleating of sacrificial lambs
Through the darkness both piercingly and subtly!..)
And again - reality. And poison. They are stronger!
In the snake's mouth, anger blazes powerfully...
Laocoon, who heard you?!
Here are your boys... They... are not breathing.
But every Troy has its own horses.

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EssayOutstanding sculptors of Ancient Hellas

Timergalina Alfina



1. Sculpture of the Homeric period of the XXI-VIII centuries.

2. Sculpture of the 7th-3rd centuries.



An increasing number of people are realizing that familiarization with the historical past is not only an acquaintance with the masterpieces of world civilization, unique monuments of ancient art, not only a school of education, but also a moral and artistic integral part of modern life.

The largest civilization of the ancient world was the ancient Greek civilization. The civilization had a developed culture.

It can be considered indisputably proven that class society and the state, and with it civilization, arose on Greek soil twice with a large gap in time: first in the first half of the 2nd millennium BC. and again in the first half of the 1st millennium BC. Therefore, the entire history of ancient Greece is now usually divided into two large eras: 1) the era of the Mycenaean, or Cretan-Mycenaean, palace civilization and 2) the era of the ancient polis civilization.

1. Sculpture of the Homeric period of the XXI-VIII centuries.

Unfortunately, practically nothing has reached us from the monumental sculpture of the Homeric period. Xoan was, for example, a wooden statue of Athena from Dreros, decorated with gilded plates depicting details of clothing. As for the surviving sculptural samples, small ceramic figurines from Tanagra dating back to the 7th century are of undoubted interest. BC e., but made under the clear influence of geometric style. It is interesting that the same influence can be traced not only in painted ceramics (which is not difficult to imagine: the figurines are simply painted with certain patterns or figures repeating in shape), but also in bronze sculpture.

2. Sculpture VII-III centuries.

In the 7th-6th centuries. BC. two types dominate in sculpture: a naked male figure and a draped female figure. The birth of the statue type of the male nude figure is associated with the main trends in the development of society. The appearance of relief is mainly associated with the custom of erecting tombstones. Later, reliefs in the form of complex multi-figure compositions became an indispensable part of the temple entablature. Statues and reliefs were usually painted.

Sculpture and painting of Greece in the 5th century. BC. developed the traditions of previous times. The main images remained of gods and heroes. ancient greek sculpture statuary homeric

The main theme in the art of the Greeks in the archaic period was man, represented as a god, a hero, an athlete. This man is beautiful and perfect, he is like a deity in strength and beauty, and confident authority is discernible in his calmness and contemplation. These are the numerous marble sculptures of the late 7th century. BC. naked rope boys.

If earlier it was considered necessary to create an abstract embodiment of certain physical and mental qualities, an average image, now sculptors paid attention to a specific person, his individuality. The greatest successes in this were achieved by Scopas, Praxiteles, Lysippos, Timothy, Briaxides.

There was a search for means to convey shades of the movement of the soul and mood. One of them is represented by Skopas, a native of Fr. Paros. Another, lyrical direction was reflected in his art by Praxiteles, a younger contemporary of Skopas (Aphrodite of Cnidus, Artemis and Hermes with Dionysus). The desire to show the diversity of characters was characteristic of Lysippos (statue of Apoxyomenes, “Eros with a bow”, “Hercules fighting a lion”).

Gradually, the numbness of the figures and the schematism inherent in archaic sculpture are overcome, Greek statues become more realistic. The development of sculpture is also connected in the 5th century. BC. with the names of three famous masters Myron, Polykleitos and Phidias.

The most famous of Myron’s sculptures is considered to be the “Disco Thrower” - an athlete throwing a discus. The perfect body of an athlete at the moment of highest tension is Myron’s favorite theme.

The most famous, revered and incomparable sculptor of the period of mature (also called “high”) classics was Phidias, who led the reconstruction of the Athenian Acropolis and the construction of the famous Parthenon and other beautiful temples on it. Phidias created three statues of the Athenian patron goddess for the Acropolis. In 438 BC. e. he completed a twelve-meter statue of Athena Parthenos, specially made of wood, gold and ivory for the interior decoration of the Parthenon. In the open air, on a high pedestal, stood another Athena by Phidias - the bronze Athena Promachos ("Warrior"). The goddess was depicted in full armor, with a spear, the gilded tip of which shone so much in the sun that it replaced a coastal lighthouse for ships sailing to Piraeus. There was another Athena, the so-called Athena Lemnia, inferior in size to other works of Phidias and, like them, has come down to us in rather controversial Roman copies. However, the greatest glory, eclipsing even the glory of the Athena Parthenos and all other Acropolis works of Phidias, was enjoyed in ancient times by the colossal statue of Olympian Zeus.


A characteristic feature of early Greek culture was the amazing unity of its style, clearly marked by originality, vitality and humanity. Man occupied a significant place in the worldview of this society; Moreover, the artists paid attention to representatives of the most diverse professions and social strata, and to the inner world of each character. The peculiarity of the culture of early Hellas is reflected in the amazingly harmonious combination of motifs of nature and the requirements of style, which are revealed in the works of its best masters of art. And if initially artists, especially Cretan ones, strived more for decoration, then already from the 17th-16th centuries. Hellas' creativity is full of vitality. In the XXX-XII centuries. the population of Greece went through a difficult path of economic, political and spiritual development. This period of history is characterized by intensive growth of production, which created in a number of regions of the country the conditions for the transition from the primitive communal to the early class system. The parallel existence of these two social systems determined the uniqueness of the history of Greece in the Bronze Age. It should be noted that many of the achievements of the Hellenes of that time formed the basis of the brilliant culture of the Greeks of the classical era and, together with it, entered the treasury of European culture.

Then, over the course of several centuries, called the “Dark Ages” (XI-IX centuries), in their development the peoples of Hellas, due to still unknown circumstances, can be said to be thrown back to the primitive communal system.

The “Dark Ages” are followed by the Archaic period - this is the time of the emergence, first of all, of writing (based on Phoenician), then philosophy: mathematics, natural philosophy, then the extraordinary wealth of lyrical poetry, etc. The Greeks, skillfully using the achievements of the previous cultures of Babylon, Egypt, create their own art, which had a huge influence on all subsequent stages of European culture.

Nothing is known about monumental painting of the Archaic period. Obviously, it existed, but for some reason it was not preserved.

Thus, the archaic period can be called a period of a sharp leap in the cultural development of Greece.

The archaic period is followed by the classical period (V-IV centuries BC).

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GREEK CLASSICAL SCULPTURE Late 7th century. BC e. the period of the turbulent spiritual life of Greece, the formation of the idealistic ideas of Socrates and Plato in philosophy, which developed in the fight against the materialistic philosophy of the Democrat, the time of the formation of new forms of Greek fine art. In sculpture, the masculinity and severity of the images of strict classics is replaced by an interest in the spiritual world of man, and a more complex and less straightforward characteristic of it is reflected in plastic.

Polykleitos Polykleitos. Doryphoros (spearman) BC Roman copy. National Museum. Naples The works of Polykleitos became a real hymn to the greatness and spiritual power of Man. The favorite image is a slender young man with an athletic build. There is nothing superfluous in him, “nothing in excess”; his spiritual and physical appearance are harmonious.

Doryphoros has a complex pose, different from the static pose of the ancient kouroi. Polycletus was the first to think of posing the figures in such a way that they rested on the lower part of only one leg. In addition, the figure seems mobile and animated, due to the fact that the horizontal axes are not parallel (the so-called chiasmus). The chiasmus “Doriphoros” (Greek δορυφόρος “Spear-bearer”), one of the most famous statues of antiquity, embodies the so-called. Canon of Polykleitos.Greek.

The canon of Polykleitos Doryphoros is not an image of a specific winning athlete, but an illustration of the canons of the male figure. Polykleitos set out to accurately determine the proportions of the human figure, according to his ideas about ideal beauty. These proportions are in numerical relation to each other. “They even assured that Polykleitos performed it on purpose, so that other artists would use it as a model,” wrote a contemporary. The work “The Canon” itself had a great influence on European culture, despite the fact that only two fragments of the theoretical work have survived. The Canon

Canon of Polykleitos If we recalculate the proportions of this Ideal Man for a height of 178 cm, the parameters of the statue will be as follows: 1. neck volume - 44 cm, 2. chest - 119, 3. biceps - 38, 4. waist - 93, 5. forearms - 33 , 6. wrists - 19, 7. buttocks - 108, 8. hips - 60, 9. knees - 40, 10. shins - 42, 11. ankles - 25, 12. feet - 30 cm.

Myron Myron, Greek sculptor of the mid-5th century. BC e. The sculptor of the era that immediately preceded the highest flowering of Greek art (from the 6th to the beginning of the 5th century) embodied the ideals of the strength and beauty of Man. He was the first master of complex bronze castings. Miron. Discus thrower.450 BC. Roman copy. National Museum, Rome

Miron. “Disco thrower” The ancients characterize Myron as the greatest realist and expert in anatomy, who, however, did not know how to give life and expression to faces. He depicted gods, heroes and animals, and with special love he reproduced difficult, fleeting poses. His most famous work is “The Discus Thrower,” an athlete intending to throw a discus, a statue that has survived to this day in several copies, of which the best is made of marble and is located in the Palace of Massami in Rome.

Sculptural creations of Skopas Skopas (420 - c. 355 BC), a native of the island of Paros, rich in marble. Unlike Praxiteles, Skopas continued the traditions of high classics, creating monumental heroic images. But from the images of the 5th century. they are distinguished by the dramatic tension of all spiritual forces. Passion, pathos, strong movement are the main features of Skopas’ art. Also known as an architect, he participated in the creation of a relief frieze for the Halicarnassus mausoleum.

In a state of ecstasy, in a violent outburst of passion, the Maenad is depicted by Scopas. The companion of the god Dionysus is shown in a rapid dance, her head is thrown back, her hair has fallen to her shoulders, her body is curved, presented in a complex angle, the folds of her short chiton emphasize the violent movement. Unlike the sculpture of the 5th century. The Skopas maenad is designed to be viewed from all sides. Skopas. Maenad Sculptural creations of Skopas

The statue of Aphrodite of Knidos is the first depiction of a nude female figure in Greek art. The statue stood on the shore of the Knidos peninsula, and contemporaries wrote about real pilgrimages here to admire the beauty of the goddess preparing to enter the water and throwing off her clothes on a nearby vase. The original statue has not survived. Sculptural creations of Praxiteles Praxiteles. Aphrodite of Knidos

Sculptural creations of Praxiteles In the only marble statue of Hermes (the patron of trade and travelers, as well as the messenger, “courier” of the gods) that has come down to us in the original of the sculptor Praxiteles, the master depicted a beautiful young man in a state of peace and serenity. He looks thoughtfully at the baby Dionysus, whom he holds in his arms. The masculine beauty of an athlete is replaced by a beauty that is somewhat feminine, graceful, but also more spiritual. The statue of Hermes retains traces of ancient coloring: red-brown hair, a silver bandage. Praxiteles. Hermes. Around 330 BC e.

Lysippos the Great sculptor of the 4th century. BC. (BC) He worked in bronze, because sought to capture images in a fleeting rush. He left behind 1,500 bronze statues, including colossal figures of gods, heroes, and athletes. They are characterized by pathos, inspiration, emotionality. The original has not reached us. Court sculptor of A. Macedonian Marble copy of the head of A. Macedonian

Lysippos strove to bring his images as close as possible to reality. Thus, he showed athletes not at the moment of the highest tension of strength, but, as a rule, at the moment of their decline, after the competition. This is exactly how his Apoxyomenos is represented, cleaning off the sand from himself after a sports fight. He has a tired face and his hair is matted with sweat. Lysippos. Apoxyomenos. Roman copy, 330 BC

The captivating Hermes, always fast and lively, is also represented by Lysippos as if in a state of extreme fatigue, briefly sitting on a stone and ready to run further in the next second in his winged sandals. Sculptural creations of Lysippos Lysippos. "Resting Hermes"

Leohar Leohar. Apollo Belvedere. 4th century BC Roman copy. Vatican Museums His work is an excellent attempt to capture the classical ideal of human beauty. His works contain not only the perfection of images, but also the skill and technique of execution. Apollo is considered one of the best works of Antiquity.

Greek sculpture So, in Greek sculpture, the expressiveness of the image was in the entire human body, his movements, and not just in the face. Despite the fact that many Greek statues did not preserve their upper part (for example, “Nike of Samothrace” or “Nike Untying Sandals” came to us without a head, we forget about this when looking at the holistic plastic solution of the image. Because the soul and the body was thought of by the Greeks as an indivisible unity, then the bodies of Greek statues are unusually spiritualized.

Nike of Samothrace 2nd century BC Louvre, Paris Marble The statue was erected on the occasion of the victory of the Macedonian fleet over the Egyptian in 306 BC. e. The goddess was depicted as if on the bow of a ship, announcing victory with the sound of a trumpet. The pathos of victory is expressed in the swift movement of the goddess, in the wide flap of her wings.

Venus de Milo On April 8, 1820, a Greek peasant from the island of Melos named Iorgos, while digging the ground, felt that his shovel, clinking dully, came across something solid. Iorgos dug next to the same result. He took a step back, but even here the spade did not want to enter the ground. First Iorgos saw a stone niche. It was about four to five meters wide. In the stone crypt, to his surprise, he found a marble statue. This was Venus. Agesander. Venus de Milo. Louvre. 120 BC

Laocoon and his sons Laocoon, you have not saved anyone! He is not a savior for either the city or the world. The mind is powerless. Proud Three's mouth is destined; the circle of fatal events closed in a suffocating crown of snake coils. Horror on your child’s face, pleas and groans; another son was silenced by poison. Your fainting. Your wheezing: “Let me be...” (...Like the bleating of sacrificial lambs Through the darkness, both piercing and subtle!..) And again - reality. And poison. They are stronger! In the snake's mouth, anger blazes powerfully... Laocoon, and who heard you?! Here are your boys... They... are not breathing. But every Troy has its own horses.

Slide 1
Outstanding sculptors of Ancient Hellas

The presentation of the MHC lesson was prepared by teacher M.G. Petrova. MBOU "Gymnasium" Arzamas

Slide 2
The purpose of the lesson

form an idea of ​​the development of sculpture in Ancient Greece by comparing masterpieces from different stages of its development; introduce students to the greatest sculptors of Ancient Greece;

develop skills in analyzing works of sculpture, logical thinking based on a comparative analysis of works of art; to cultivate a culture of perception of works of art.
Slide 3

Updating students' knowledge

-Name the main thesis of ancient Greek art? -What does the word “Acropolis” mean? -Where is the most famous Greek Acropolis? -In what century was it rebuilt? -Name the ruler of Athens at that time. -Who supervised the construction work? -List the names of the temples that are located on the Acropolis. -What is the name of the main entrance, who is its architect? -Which god is the Parthenon dedicated to? Name the architects. -What famous portico with a sculpture of women carrying the ceiling adorns the Erechtheion? -What statues that once adorned the Acropolis do you know?
Slide 4
Ancient Greek sculpture

Slide 5

Design a table
Names of sculptors Names of monuments Features of creative style
Archaic (VII-VI centuries BC) Archaic (VII-VI centuries BC) Archaic (VII-VI centuries BC)
Kuros Kora
Classical period (V-IV centuries BC) Classical period (V-IV centuries BC) Classical period (V-IV centuries BC)
Late Classic (400-323 BC - turn of the 4th century BC) Late Classic (400-323 BC - turn of the 4th century BC) Late Classic (400 -323 BC - turn of the 4th century BC)
Hellenism (III-I centuries BC) Hellenism (III-I centuries BC) Hellenism (III-I centuries BC)

Slide 6

Kouros. 6th century BC
Bark. 6th century BC
Stiffness of poses, stiffness of movements, “archaic smile” on faces, connection with Egyptian sculpture.

Slide 7

Classical period
Miron. Discus thrower. 5th century BC
Myron was an innovator in solving the problem of movement in sculpture. He did not depict the “Discus Thrower” movement itself, but a short break, an instant stop between two powerful movements: a backswing and a throw of the entire body and discus forward. The discus thrower's face is calm and static. There is no individualization of the image. The statue embodied the ideal image of a human citizen.

Slide 8

Chiasmus is a sculptural technique of conveying hidden movement in a state of rest. Polycletus in the “Canon” determined the ideal proportions of a person: head – 17 height, face and hand – 110, foot – 16.
Miron. Discus thrower
Polykleitos. Doryphoros

Slide 9

Late classic
Skopas. Maenad. 335 BC e. Roman copy.
Interest in the internal state of a person. Expression of strong, passionate feelings. Dramatic. Expression. Image of energetic movement.

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statue of Aphrodite of Knidos. This was the first depiction of a female figure in Greek art.

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Lysippos developed a new plastic canon, in which individualization and psychologization of images appears.
Lysippos. Alexander the Great

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“Apoxiomen” - dynamic pose, elongated proportions; new canon head=1/8 of total height
Polykleitos. Doryphoros
Lysippos. Apoxyomenes

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Plastic sketch

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How the problem of beauty and the problem of man were solved in Greek sculpture. From where and to what did the Greeks come?
Conclusion. Sculpture has gone from primitive forms to ideal proportions. From generalization to individualism.

Man is the main creation of nature. Types of sculpture are varied: relief (flat sculpture); small plastic; round sculpture.

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1. Complete the table on the topic of the lesson. 2. Make up questions for the test. 3. Write an essay “What is the greatness of ancient sculpture?”

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1. Yu.E. Galushkina “World Art Culture”. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2007. 2. T.G. Grushevskaya “Dictionary of MHC” - Moscow: “Academy”, 2001. 3. Danilova G.I. World Art. From origins to the 17th century. Textbook 10th grade. – M.: Bustard, 2008 4. E.P. Lvova, N.N. Fomina “World artistic culture. From its origins to the 17th century” Essays on history. - M.: Peter, 2007. 5. L. Lyubimov “The Art of the Ancient World” - M.: Education, 1980. 6. World artistic culture in the modern school. Recommendations. Reflections. Observations. Scientific and methodological collection. – St. Petersburg: Nevsky Dialect, 2006. 7. A.I. Nemirovsky. “A book to read on the history of the ancient world”

“Monumental sculpture” - To form an idea of ​​the characteristic features of round and relief sculpture. Sculptor's tools: cutters, stacks, palette knife, chisel. Equipment and materials: “Monumental sculpture. Teacher: Kozlova V.V. Introduce students to the types of monumental sculpture. The word "sculpture" comes from the Latin word sculro, meaning "to carve."

“Cranes monument” - And above her a line of white cranes rushed upward. Lugansk (Voroshilovgrad). City of Vidnoye. From Brest, Kursk and Stalingrad, to Vienna and Berlin. The memory of the dead is the duty of every living person. Moscow region. St. Petersburg Nevsky Memorial "Cranes". Ukraine. 9 "A" 2008-2009 academic year. , KRASNOYARSK May 8, 2005.

“Sculpture of the 19th century” - Architecture and sculpture of the 1st half of the 19th century. Saint Isaac's Cathedral. Auguste Montferrand. Alexander Column. A.D. Zakharov Admiralty. P.K. Klodt “Horse Tamers”. Rostral column. Classicism is a European cultural and aesthetic movement, guided by ancient literature and mythology. A.N. Voronikhin.

"Sculptors" - Phidias. Bronze casting. Fragment of the Parthenon frieze. SCULPTURE - a hymn to man Antiquity Renaissance 11th grade. Zeus. Pieta. Sculptura, from sculpo - carve, cut out), sculpture, plastic (Greek Phryne. Praxiteles’ sculptures were painted by the Athenian artist Nicias. According to other sources, he died in exile in Elis. Subsequently, many sculptors depicted the goddess in a similar pose.

"18th Century Sculpture" - River Nymph, 1770-1780 (Clodion, France). Sculptural portrait. Study the styles and trends that dominated world sculpture in the 18th century. Rococo-graceful lightness. Peter I collected a unique collection of statues and busts in the Summer Garden. Capella Cornaro, 1652 (Bernini D.L., Italy). Romanticism - folklore and natural forms.

"Sculpture of Donatello" - Altar reliefs depict the miraculous deeds of St. Anthony. Relief of the Altar of the Cathedral of San Antonio. Donatello is a prominent representative of the early Renaissance in Italy. 1447-1453 Sculptural masterpieces of Donatello. Born in Florence into the family of a carder, he initially trained in a jewelry workshop. David.

There are 31 presentations in total

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