Is it difficult to become a dentist? Where, how and how long to study to become a dentist: important information for parents and future students

You will need

  • - Unified State Exam results in chemistry, physics, biology and Russian language,
  • - passport,
  • - certificate of education,
  • - photos,
  • - documents on benefits.


Select the educational institution where you want to study, several at once, but no more than five. Be prepared for the fact that in large reputable universities big competition and it’s much more difficult to do. You can start your education at or colleges, their requirements for applicants are lower, and you only need to study for 3 years. But keep in mind that if you want to study further after receiving secondary education, you will not have any advantages or benefits when entering a university (except, of course, for better knowledge of subjects).

Exams for admission to an educational institution are taken at school, this is the Unified State Exam (Unified State Exam). To enter a university, as a rule, you need results in Russian and (physics is not required everywhere). To enroll in college or, prepare your results in chemistry and, and it will also be useful to know the basics artistic modeling.

Serve Required documents V admissions committee. Be sure to fill out the application for admission and provide the original document of education (certificate of full secondary or primary vocational education). In addition, you will need 3x4 cm photographs, evidence of the Unified State Examination conducted this year, as well as documents on the benefits to which the applicant is entitled upon admission. Additionally you may need medical certificate and a military ID (or identity card of a citizen subject to conscription). Thanks to the widespread use of the Internet, the first set of documents for most educational institutions can be submitted to in electronic format(however, if you get accepted, you will still have to go).

Try to get into a budget (free) place. Budget places few (and becoming less and less every year), so there is a lot of competition for them. In order to enter, you need to have very good Unified State Exam results, so start actively studying botany, zoology, biology, anatomy, organic and inorganic, and solve chemical problems at school. If you still don’t have enough points, don’t give up on your dream, enroll in a paid department.


  • how to transfer a student

Prepare for the exam rights possible in two ways. The first is to contact a driving school, of which there are enough in every big city. There is another option - self-training. But the possibility of change rights in this case it depends on the region: the external exam is not accepted everywhere.

You will need

  • - services of a driving school or private instructor;
  • - certificate of passing a driver's medical examination;
  • - money to pay for these services;
  • - independent studies on studying the rules traffic;
  • - text of traffic rules;
  • - computer and internet access for online testing according to theory.


The simplest and most tried-and-true option is to enroll in a driving school. To do this, you need the most suitable one in terms of price and quality (compare different offers, visit those you are interested in, study graduates and, if possible, statistics on successful completion of the course).
Then visit the selected driving school, conclude an agreement and pay for training.

After enrolling in a driving school and starting classes, you are required to attend them regularly.
The training course consists of theory and practical driving - both in and around the city.
The program stipulates a standard number of hours that each student must spend behind the wheel. But we must understand that readiness for the exam and subsequent independent travel is an individual matter. Therefore, if you are not sure, it is better to pay for additional driving hours at a driving school or outside.

If you decide to use the services of a private instructor, it is up to you to determine how many hours you will need. The recommendation here is the same as in the case of a driving school: if you are not sure yet, continue studying.
Mastering driving skills is an individual process. For some, ten hours is enough, and for others, even a hundred is not enough.

On self-study Traffic regulations usually take about two weeks, with at least two hours of daily practice. Practice passing exam tests you can on the Internet, where they can be found, in particular, on the websites of a number of regional traffic police departments.


If you prefer self-study to a driving school, check whether it is possible to take your license as an external student in your region: it is not provided everywhere. In some cases, it may make sense to register at the place of residence in another subject of the Federation, where they are allowed to take a license after self-training.

Helpful advice

When choosing a private instructor, especially on initial stage training, preference should be given to those whose machines are equipped with parallel pedals.
Also discuss with the instructor the possibility of your first lessons in the training area or as close to them as possible. After all, letting a student out on the road before he learns, for example, to sense dimensions, is unsafe.

Dentist is a sought-after and very popular profession in medicine. Working as a dentist will require you to have emotional stability, perseverance, the ability to concentrate, be focused on providing medical care, tact and, of course, deep knowledge in this field of medicine.


Please note that there is always a lot of competition at the Faculty of Dentistry. Entrance exams may vary, but most often it is necessary to provide certificates of the Unified State Exam, Russian language, biology,. total amount Unified State Examination points must be at least 220. This number of points and higher in Russia was the average for admission to dentistry.

Don't expect it to be easy to get into a profession. The training lasts 5 years. You will gain knowledge about nerves, the structure of teeth, their specifics, working with the oral cavity, and prosthetics. You will understand that dental treatment is not only removal or filling, but also jewelry craftsmanship that requires deep knowledge.

Choose one of three areas of activity: production and technological, organizational and management or treatment and prevention.

Complete practical internship training at a dental clinic under the supervision of qualified specialists. In a year, you will receive a certificate on the basis of which you have the right to treat people as a general dentist.

To become a specialist in one of the areas of dentistry, for example, periodontics or orthopedics, enroll in residency. A residency diploma is also required for those dentists who plan to make an administrative career and become a chief physician or head of a department.


  • How to become a dentist

A person's smile has a special meaning. The fashion for a beautiful smile never goes away, however, at different times, representatives of different races had their own preferences and requirements for teeth. For example, the Japanese nobility in ancient times honored the blackening of teeth “Ohaguro”; it was a coating of enamel with black varnish containing a large amount of iron. Nowadays, preference is given to snow-white, even teeth; in addition, to the great delight of dentists, our population has begun to pay more attention to dental health, and not just aesthetics. Thus, the demand for dental specialists is increasing every year.

At what institute do they study to become a dentist?

Future specialists in the field of dentistry, along with all other doctors, study at the medical university. They enter dentistry after 11 years of schooling. To study dentistry, there cannot be any express courses or programs outside the walls of a medical university, because dentistry is an integral part of medicine, it is a very responsible and multifaceted specialty.

Exams for admission to a university to become a doctor

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As a rule, they take the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, biology and chemistry. Upon admission, the total number of points scored in the above three disciplines is taken into account. Each university has its own threshold value, i.e. the number of points below which is not considered for admission.

The university also has both budget and commercial places. On budget training applicants with the highest scores based on the Unified State Examination results can count.

How many years is the course designed for?

An orthodontist also works to restore the function and aesthetics of the dentofacial system, and he achieves high results with the help of devices such as braces, plates, and transparent aligners. It should also be noted that training to become an orthodontist follows the same scheme as for dentists of other specialties: 5 courses at a medical university, plus two years of residency in the specialty “Orthodontics”.

Training in the specialty “Maxillofacial Surgery” is very important, because these are the specialists who perform operations on the head and neck, where there are many vessels and nerve trunks, the slightest damage to which can lead to inevitable consequences, so it is very difficult to study as a maxillofacial surgeon .

The best universities that teach future dentists

There are a large number of medical universities in Russia; the choice of university is important for achieving the highest results in training. The leading medical universities in Moscow are:

  • First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenov;
  • RNIMU named after. N. I. Pirogova;
  • MGMSU named after. A. I. Evdokimova.

It is also necessary to note the First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova, where they also train top-level specialists in the field of dentistry.

In addition, medical colleges that graduate nursing staff, including in the specialty “Preventive Dentistry,” are, as a rule, dental hygienists.

The hygienist's scope of competence includes professional oral hygiene, which includes the removal of soft plaque, stones, and professional cleaning after removing the braces.

Training to become a hygienist lasts on average 12-15 months, so how long a graduate needs to study for the specialty “dentistry” depends on whether he enters a university or a secondary medical institution. Secondary medical institutions for mastering the specialty “dental hygienist”:

  • St. Petersburg Medical College No. 3. St. Petersburg;
  • College of Innovative Technologies and Service "Galaktika". Moscow.
  • Dental College No. 1. Moscow.

What do you need to remember before enrolling?

Before entering, everyone is overcome by questions: “is it difficult,” but studying is not so difficult if there is a higher goal - to become a high-level specialist. Before entering, you need to throw all illusions aside, approach the issue responsibly, weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the profession and remember that there are no unattainable heights, and also, although studying at a medical university is a very labor-intensive and difficult task, the result is undoubtedly worth the effort efforts and years of youth. Because dentistry is not just a branch of medicine, dentistry is a lifestyle.

A dentist is a doctor who specializes in treating diseases of the teeth, jaws and other oral organs.

Dentist - is a doctor who specializes in the treatment of diseases and injuries of the teeth, jaws and other organs of the oral cavity and maxillofacial area. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in chemistry and biology (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

What does a dentist do?

Dentists do different things. There are dental therapists, dental surgeons, orthopedic dentists, periodontists, and orthodontists. The specialty of pediatric dentistry stands a little apart.

What does a dental therapist do?

Dentist-therapist treats caries, dental canals (this area of ​​work is called endodontics), carries out artistic restoration of teeth using filling materials. The less the tooth is damaged, the easier it is to save it. But modern instruments and the materials make it possible to cope even with seemingly hopeless cases. Much depends on the skill of the doctor.

What does a periodontist do?

Dentist-periodontist treats gum inflammation, i.e. mucous membrane and soft tissues that surround and support the teeth. Teeth and gums form a single system, and without healthy gums there are no healthy teeth. The periodontist treats stomatitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane), gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), periodontitis (gingivitis turns into it if left untreated), etc. The most unpleasant disease of this kind is periodontal disease. It occurs when an infection enters the space between the tooth and gum. Pain in the gums and bad breath are the most harmless things it leads to. Over time, due to periodontal disease, teeth no longer stay in their sockets, become loose and fall out. The task of a periodontist is to stop the process and restore gums and teeth to health. For this he uses medications, but sometimes he has to use surgical treatments.

What does a dental surgeon do?

Dental surgeon deals with teeth for which conservative treatment is no longer sufficient.
He removes teeth, cleans cavities between teeth and gums due to periodontal disease (curettage), removes cysts, transplants bone tissue (sometimes this is done in preparation for prosthetics), etc.

What does an orthopedic dentist do?

Orthopedic dentist is a prosthetics specialist. Abbreviated as prosthetist. When the dentist-therapist has carried out the treatment and has exhausted all possibilities to restore the tooth with his own means, he refers the patient to a prosthetist. He, having a good understanding of the biomechanics of the dental system, offers the patient options for prosthetics. Takes impressions of teeth, on the basis of which the dental technician prepares dentures. Then the doctor tries on, adjusts and finally secures them in the patient’s mouth. Today, an orthopedic dentist has many prosthetic options at his disposal - from crowns, bridges and inlays to implants. Removable dentures are also used. But with the development of technology, these inconvenient designs will gradually become a thing of the past.

What does an orthodontist do?

Orthodontist- specialist in bite correction. Malocclusion is a common problem. Moreover, it is not only aesthetic. An incorrect bite interferes with diction and can also cause diseases of the teeth and gums. The bite is corrected using special mouth guards and braces.

What does a pediatric dentist do?

Pediatric dentist works with patients aged 0 to 17 years. At this time, teeth and jaws are just forming, and the pediatric dentist takes into account the features age development, he not only treats already existing caries, but also monitors how the formation of teeth and bite occurs.

General dentist

Many modern dentists go beyond narrow specialties. For example, a dental therapist can treat gums, i.e. perform the functions of a periodontist. General dentists are especially in demand in private clinics, because such a doctor can independently examine a patient, make a diagnosis, draw up a treatment plan and carry it out. However, it is impossible to master all the listed specialties equally, so clinics cannot completely abandon specialized specialists. For example, general dentists do not usually do prosthetics. But there are exceptions: a doctor in a private dental office can combine treatment and prosthetics.


The dentist profession is one of the most necessary and highly paid. Dentists of all specializations can work in public and private dental clinics, in dental offices of sanatoriums, military hospitals, etc.

Dentist salary

Salary as of 03/28/2019

Russia 40000—150000 ₽

Moscow 50000—200000 ₽

Important qualities

The profession of a dentist requires responsibility, accuracy, a tendency to work with your hands, good fine motor skills, goodwill, and the ability to find mutual language with patients. A dentist has to constantly improve and expand his qualifications, and he needs to be prepared for this.

Dentist knowledge and skills

The dentist must know human anatomy and physiology, and especially well need to know the structure of the jaws, teeth, and oral cavity. Understand the materials used, medications, and be able to use dental instruments and equipment. Be familiar with diagnostic and treatment methods and be able to “read” radiographs.

Dental training

The profession of dental assistant and dental nurse can be obtained at a dental college. Dental courses are for doctors who wish to improve their qualifications in dentistry or to transfer to dentistry from another medical profession. To enter a dental college, you do not have to take exams, but rather bring a high school diploma and undergo testing.

At the Medical University of Innovation and Development (MUIR) you can study in the specialty. The university conducts retraining of dentists in various highly specialized programs, as well as advanced training courses for specialists. You can study in full-time, part-time and distance learning formats; after completing the courses, students are issued certificates, diplomas and certificates.

Being a doctor is a calling. Therefore, before choosing a dentist profession, you need to think very carefully whether you have the desire, strength and ability to drive away human pain or save a hopeless tooth. After all, if you are guided only by the saying that God gives a person teeth for free twice, and the third time you have to pay, then you are unlikely to succeed as a professional. Typically, dentistry is a dynastic profession. But you yourself can become the founder of a dynasty. This requires desire and perseverance.

Where to study to become a dentist?

So, where should you go to study to become a real dentist? First you need to get the average special education in medical college. Because entering a medical university immediately after school is a fantasy. But after college, it is of course impossible to work as a doctor. Therefore, you can acquire the specialty “general dentist” in specialized universities, such as the Moscow State Medical and Dental University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and in medical higher educational institutions at the faculties of dentistry.

Each faculty runs preparatory courses designed for different period– from three months to a year. Upon admission, specialized subjects are biology and chemistry. Due to the fact that dentistry is a profession in demand, we understand that it is almost impossible to enroll in a budget department, even if you have previously graduated from a medical school or specialized lyceum.

Therefore, get ready to study under a contract, i.e. for a fee. Entering a university on a commercial basis is not particularly difficult. The most important thing is not to crash after the first session. Because a student will not have an easy life. There will be intensive studying. From the third year, training in special medical subjects begins, and only from the fifth year are students allowed to work as dental assistants. Simply put, they perform the “give and bring” function. After graduation, I worked as an intern for a year. And only then can you find a job in your specialty.

To master such specialties as orthopedist, surgeon, orthodontist, plastic surgeon, after graduating from university, you need to continue your studies in medical postgraduate school - residency. This will add another 2-3 years of study. As a result, to become a qualified dentist, you will need to study for more than seven years.

And a little about employment after graduation. A graduate with a medical diploma who does not have influential relatives will be hired only in a state clinic. You and I understand the consequences of this: low wages. But the value of this work is that it builds a clientele. In addition, as compensation for your low salary, you will have a six-hour working day without overtime and reliable social guarantees.

When choosing where it is better to go to study, realistically assess your abilities and balance them with your capabilities. So that in the future you will not have the feeling that you are busy with something other than your own business.

Dentist is a profession that will be popular at all times. However, the disadvantage good specialists This direction has been noticed not only in Russia, but also abroad. Dentists usually have permanent career and wages. Many people prefer to work on a flexible schedule, but it is worth considering that this work must be carried out responsibly and in good faith. It is an attentive and caring doctor who often establishes himself as the best in the eyes of the patient.

A person who has received a diploma and completed residency cannot be called a good dentist if he does not develop further. To enhance knowledge and skills, any specialist must take additional courses and master newer working methods.

Before mastering such important profession, it is important to know where and how long to study to become a dentist.

Types of educational institutions and the best places to study

The table shows the types of educational institutions offering training for dentists, as well as places that have proven themselves with the best side in Moscow. In a particular educational institution, admission requirements and training conditions may be supplemented; the table shows general criteria on the given examples.

Type educational institution/examples/how many years to study/specialty Documentation What subjects do you need to take, how much does it cost to study?

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (study for 5 years).

Training in the following specialties:

  • dentist - endodontist;
  • clinical dentist;
  • pediatric dentist;
  • dental surgeon;
  • orthodontist;
  • hygienist;
  • dentist.
A standard set of documents, a certificate based on grade 11. To enter this educational institution at the Faculty of Dentistry, you must pass the following exams:
  • chemistry (major);
  • Russian language;
  • biology.

Full-time form of education. Price school year– from 400 thousand rubles.


Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov (5 years old).

Training in several specialties:

  • hygienist;
  • dentist-therapist;
  • dental surgeon;
  • orthopedist;
  • pediatric dentist;
  • orthodontist.
A standard package of documents, a certificate of completion of 11 classes or a diploma of first higher education. What exams do you need to take:
  • chemistry (major);
  • biology;
  • Russian language.

Full-time training.

The price for a year of study is from 400 thousand rubles.

Passing score - 262


First Moscow State University named after I.M. Sechenov (6 years old).


  • reconstructive dentist-surgeon;
  • pediatric dentist;
  • general dentist;
  • periodontist.
Standard set of documentation, diploma of completion of 11 classes. The most popular university in Russia. It produces many different specialists, including quite rare ones. To get into this institution, you need to pass a competition and have 3 courses of study in another educational institution.

Full-time training, cost per year - from 400,000 thousand rubles.


  • chemistry (major);
  • Russian language;
  • biology;
  • additional tests.

Passing score - 320

Medical College No. 5 (2 years 10 months after 11th grade).

Dental technician training.

11th grade certificate, passport, SNILS, application for admission. Training at this dental college is full-time, the cost for a year of knowledge is from 200 thousand rubles.

Applicants undergo entrance tests of a psychological nature.

Dental College (medical-technical).

Medical College of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT, 2 years 10 months after 11th grade).

Dental technician training.

11th grade certificate, passport, SNILS, application for admission Training is carried out on the basis of 11 classes, full-time.

The price of an academic year is from 200 thousand rubles.

Exams: interview on biology.


Institute for Continuing Education of Medical Workers “Modern educational technology" (1 month).

Increasing the classification level for the following professions:

  • dentist - orthopedist;
  • dentist - surgeon;
  • dentist - therapist;
  • dental nurse;
  • Dental Technician.
Educational diploma, passport, SNILS, certificate of employment. The courses are held with a full group for 1 month, increasing the level of knowledge of specialists. The price for training is 11,000 rubles.

Now it becomes clear what you need to study to become a dentist, what subjects you need to know and take for the Unified State Exam.

In St. Petersburg the best places for training are the First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlova (about 300,000 rubles per year, passing score 135), St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute (from 200,000 rubles per year, passing score 120), as well as Medical College No. 3.

Career, place of employment

It is worth understanding that a newly minted specialist may not be accepted into decent clinics, but provided with a place in government agency with a small wages. But, nevertheless, this is an advantage, since the dentist has established working hours and can work good experience and have regular customers who will be happy to visit it.

Some, having completed their studies and completed residency training, gain initial experience in public hospitals and determine their future place of work.

The most optimal solution for a young doctor with connections would be to carry out his activities in commercial institutions that specialize more narrowly or, conversely, in different directions. This method of employment is possible if you have a document confirming completion of one of the listed places of study. Paid clinics can provide a young specialist with a more powerful practice and high qualification experience.

Some choose a management position, which is also possible after graduating from one of the institutions. Many remain in the place where they were trained in order to develop in theoretical and applied developments.

Activities, specializations

Dentist is a general name for doctors who are somehow connected with this field of activity. Ordinary patients are seen by a dentist-therapist, more serious problems are decided by specialists of a narrow focus. Specialties in dentistry:

  1. accepts patients with carious cavities, treats dental tissue canals, restores dental defects using filling materials.
  2. provides treatment in case of any inflammatory process in the oral cavity.
  3. affects dental tissues that cannot be treated, removing them. Performs surgical interventions if the installation of artificial teeth is required, or in case of diseases of the oral cavity that require surgical intervention.
  4. The orthopedist helps the patient choose the right prosthetic areas for the oral cavity.
  5. An orthodontist treats dental malocclusion.
  6. A pediatric dentist treats only minor patients, having a broader knowledge of the child's jaw.
  7. — deals with the prevention and treatment of oral diseases, as well as protecting the health of patients in general.
  8. A general dentist deals with various activities that are performed by more specialized dentists. Such a doctor can treat a patient without resorting to anyone's help.

When thinking about these professions, young people consider how much a dentist earns. Wage for these specialists in the center of Russia is 37,000-200,000 thousand rubles, and everywhere else 25,000-120,000 thousand rubles.

Some people want to know what is the difference between a dentist and a dentist. Today, at least in Russia, there is no difference; there was in past centuries.

What qualities do you need to have?

It’s difficult to study to be any doctor, because we're talking about about human health. The choice of this profession assumes that the student can responsibly approach the task at hand, complete it with the utmost care, using his hands and mental abilities. Each specialist must have a highly developed fine motor skills hands, be kind and attentive to the patient. Also strive for more, constantly developing and studying new technologies.

It is important to understand what a dentist should be like.

Anyone who has chosen this direction in his life must have deep knowledge of the structure human body, his physiological properties, it is necessary to understand the structure of the oral cavity and be able to explain it in simple words to the patient. The dentist must have an excellent understanding of medications, x-rays, and the ability to use dental instruments.

Positive and negative aspects of the profession

After receiving a diploma, not many people say that they like this job. Therefore, before studying to become a dentist, it is important to familiarize yourself with the various aspects of this specialty.

  • relevance of the profession at all times;
  • greater financial independence;
  • the opportunity to get your own workplace;
  • developing a permanent customer base;
  • There is virtually no mortality among patients;
  • good working conditions;
  • it takes a long time to study to become a doctor and acquire skills;
  • there are competitors (statistical results show the emergence of a large flow of specialists in this field);
  • there is a risk of being called outside of working hours;
  • for some it is a disadvantage high level responsibility for the health of patients.

In addition, thinking about your abilities and desires will help you understand whether it is worth studying to become a dentist. You must like the profession - this is the key to success.

How to become a dentist: stages of becoming a specialist

All doctors study long enough. Training to become a dentist can take several years, ranging from 4 to 22 years. First, the student enters a lower educational institution, after finishing it, he goes to an institute that is already training specialists. This stage lasts approximately 5 years. Next, the student is required to undergo residency, then graduate school, which is replaced by doctoral studies at the student’s request.

The residency itself lasts 3 years, after which the graduate decides whether to go to work or continue his studies. Residency is an integral part educational process higher educational institution, where the in-depth development of a doctor takes place.

Those who want to get a dental education by correspondence may be disappointed to learn that this option does not exist, since performing manipulations in class requires the full presence of the student.

Correspondence training for any doctor, regardless of specialization, is impossible.

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