Medical certificate for admission to a military school. How can a girl or a guy enter a military school

How do the rules for admission to military universities differ from civilian educational institutions, and who can become a student of a military academy or higher school? You will learn about this right now in the framework of this article.

In the system of Russian education military universities always stood, stand and will stand apart. And not only because, as you might guess, students of such educational institutions, among other disciplines, must study drill and observe strict discipline, subordination and a specific regime. Military universities are practically the only area of ​​training for specialists, where they enter not because it is prestigious, profitable or affordable, but because the profession of "military" is a vocation.

Military universities differ from civilian and rules for admission of applicants. These differences are explained very simply: if a civilian university is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science, then a military university is subordinate exclusively to the Ministry of Defense, which establishes its own rules for admission, based on the characteristics of service in the Russian Armed Forces. How do the rules for admission to military universities differ from civilian educational institutions, and who can become a student of a military academy or higher school? You will learn about this right now in the framework of this article.

Features of admission to military universities

Talking about distinctive features admission to military universities First of all, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that the results of the USE, which are considered first of all in civilian educational institutions, in academies or higher schools under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense, are accepted only as information for reflection.

Entrance exams to a military university for applicants begin with passing a psychophysical and psychological examination (and this is not surprising, since people who, by the nature of their activities, are directly related to weapons, must have a stable psyche). The second stage of the exams is the passing fitness standards:

  • 100m run - minimum 15 seconds (- 18.9 seconds);
  • 3 km run - the minimum figure is 14 minutes 40 seconds (for girls, 1 km run is 5 minutes, 07 seconds);
  • Pull-ups on the crossbar - at least 5 times (for girls, forward torso bends are provided (minimum - 20 bends per minute);
  • Freestyle swimming (100 m) - the minimum figure is 2 minutes 16 seconds (for girls - 3 minutes 45 seconds);
  • Swimming breaststroke (100 m) - the minimum figure is 2 minutes 32 seconds (for girls - 4 minutes 05 seconds).

Naturally, the minimum performance does not guarantee admission. They only allow the selection committee to consider the applicant as a possible candidate for enrollment in a military university.

And finally, the final stage entrance examinations to a military university consists of traditional exams: Russian language, mathematics and specialized subjects (chemistry, physics, biology, etc.). We emphasize that if in civilian universities exams are taken in the form of tests, then in military higher educational institutions - in the old fashioned way, in the form of tests and dictations.

Let's say right away that documents for admission to a military academy or a higher school are submitted through the military registration and enlistment office. That is, primary documents (in particular, an application for granting admission to exams) must be carried not to the selection committee of the selected educational institution, but to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence. The submitted package of documents is considered by the selection committee, which, in fact, decides on the possibility of admitting the applicant to the exams. But this procedure for filing documents applies only to "civilian" ones. For people who have a desire to receive a professional military education at the time when they are serving in the Russian Armed Forces, a slightly different application procedure documents for admission to a military university. They simply submit a report about their desire to enter a specialized university to their commander, who completes the application with all the necessary documents and passes all the papers on to the authority.

Who can enroll in a military university?

Candidates for admission to military universities in Russia are "screened out" not only on the basis of psycho-physical indicators or the results of entrance exams, but also on the basis of age. The chance to become a cadet of a military university is:

  • citizens of Russia, aged 16-22, who did not serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • citizens of Russia, under the age of 24, who have served / are serving in the Armed Forces on conscription;
  • citizens of Russia, under the age of 25, serving in the Armed Forces on a contract basis (except for officers).

On the military academy admission or a higher school cannot apply:

  • Russian citizens with higher education;
  • citizens of Russia in respect of whom a decision has ever been made on the candidate's non-compliance with the requirements established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • citizens of Russia who are serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty, in respect of which a preliminary investigation, inquiry or court hearing is underway, or those who have an outstanding conviction.

Note that competition for military universities slightly less than in civilian educational institutions (on average, 3 people per place). But this testifies not so much to the lack of popularity or prestige, but to the specifics of the educational organization. Firstly, there are not so many who want to get the profession of "military", and secondly, not everyone, even an absolutely healthy person, is able to pass a tough selection.

A graduate of a military university is also in demand in the "civilian"

Modern military universities offer their entrants a huge selection of specialties, many of which are in demand both in the Russian Armed Forces and in civilian life.

  • First, these are specialties that duplicate the areas of training characteristic of civilian universities: legal and economic specialties, social and cultural managers, translators, social work specialists, etc.
  • Secondly, these are multifunctional specialties, which, despite their "military" orientation, can be used in everyday life: for example, having received an education in engineering and technology training at a military university, in ordinary life, a specialist can work in the field of civil or industrial construction, design, airfields, highways or transport tunnels, maintenance and management of lifting and transport, construction or road machines, etc.

Thus, studying at a military university allows not only to realize your dream of a military career, but also to get a competitive and highly paid specialty, which gives a strong sense of stability and self-confidence and strength.

Many do not know what is needed for this, so in this article I would like to pay maximum attention. I want to note right away that I will not consider the financial side here. Here we consider the order of admission to military institutions. Before moving on to a deeper study of this topic, you must decide on a military university. You, I say this for the schoolchildren themselves, because, often, parents puzzle themselves and their child with the question of choosing a place of study. It is not very easy, because your choice will be a choice for life and this must be approached very responsibly. In my personal experience, there were cases when guys entered military institutes and two years later left of their own free will to another educational institution, while losing time and money.

choice of military institute

To choose a place for further education at a military institute after school, you must be clearly aware that you really want to become an officer and devote at least 20 years to this. There are a large number of higher military educational institutions in Russia. To choose a place of study at a military institute, just go to the website of the Ministry of Defense and view the specialty in military service that interests you. Everyone can decide for himself who he can become after training. Perhaps for some it will be a continuation of family traditions, and for some it will be a new beginning of the path.

order of admission to the military institute

After choosing a place of study, you must write an application to the department of the military commissariat at the place of residence, and if you are a military man, then a report addressed to the commander of the military unit. Graduates of the Suvorov Schools, respectively, submit a report addressed to the head of this school.

It is very important that all citizens who have completed and have not completed military service are required to apply for training before April 20 in the year of admission to the university of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Military personnel who have declared to enter higher military educational institutions submit a report addressed to the commander of the military unit before April 1 in the year of admission to the university of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

what documents must be attached to the application for admission to military institutions

After you have written an application for admission or a report, you must attach a number of the following documents to it:

  • a copy of the birth certificate, or a document proving identity and citizenship
  • autobiography
  • characteristics for a candidate from the place of study or from the place of work
  • copies of documents on education and/or qualifications
  • three photos 4.5 / 6 cm
  • for military personnel (service card of military personnel)
  • for students in organizations of secondary vocational and higher education - a certificate of study or of the period of study

what are the requirements for physical training for applicants to military educational institutions

Candidates for admission to higher military institutions take an exam in physical training in 3-4 exercises. The standards can be found in the physical training manual of April 21, 2009 NFP-2009. You need to prepare for the following exercises: pulling up on the bar, running 100 meters, running 3000 km and swimming if conditions allow. Physical fitness will be determined by the sum of the points for passing these exercises.

  • "excellent" - is set when performing 4 exercises, the amount should be at least 230 points
  • "good" - is set when performing 4 exercises, the amount should be at least 210 points
  • "Satisfactory" - is set when performing 4 exercises, the amount must be at least 170 points

If 3 exercises are submitted for the exam, then the scoring system will be as follows:

  • "excellent" - is set when performing 3 exercises, the amount must be at least 170 points
  • "good" - is set when performing 3 exercises, the amount should be at least 150 points
  • "Satisfactory" - is set when performing 3 exercises, the amount must be at least 120 points

For male applicants:

  • pull-ups on the bar - 4 reps
  • 100 meters run - 15.4 sec.
  • 3000 meters run - 14 min. 56 sec.
  • 100m freestyle swimming - 2 min. 24 sec

For female applicants:

  • forward torso - 18 reps
  • 100 meters run - 19.6 sec.
  • 1000 meters run - 5 min. 20 sec.
  • 100m freestyle swimming - 3 min. 53 sec

professional selection of candidates is carried out from July 1 to July 30 of the current year of passing exams

How to enter a military institute if you are not friends with physical training? I can advise you to start acting and start playing sports as soon as possible. Half a year is enough to reach a different level of your physical abilities and get closer to your dream.

How does recruitment actually happen?

Candidates who have passed the professional selection are enrolled in the competitive lists, according to which the commission makes a decision on admission. The results of the exams are evaluated on a 100-point scale. This is where the fun begins. How to enter the military institute? It is not always possible to enter a military institute with a passing score. I can give a bunch of examples from personal experience that guys entered the institute on the merit of their fathers and uncles in uniform. A lot of people go for a big pull. And if the question arises between an ordinary schoolboy and a schoolboy whose father serves in the high offices of the Ministry of Defense, then be sure that the second one will come. This is the reality of life. And all this is perfectly understood and seen. Because such, as a rule, cannot run a kilometer, or pull themselves up on the crossbar, or serve. Therefore, the chances of an ordinary student to enter are several times less than that of a general's son.

In Russia, there are several dozen military schools, cadet corps and schools. Suvorov and Nakhimov schools are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also subordinate to the Ministry of Defense are cadet corps, but not all of them. Many cadet schools and colleges are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

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Unlike civilian universities and colleges on programs of secondary vocational education in military universities You can enter only on the basis of 11 classes. AT cadet schools and buildings Basically, recruitment is carried out in 5 classes, that is, on the basis of 4 classes. But there are exceptions. Here is a list of cadet schools where you can enroll on the basis of 9th or 8th grade.

Cadet corps and schools, where they accept on the basis of 9 classes:

  1. Governor's Cadet Boarding School of the Police (Kemerovo)
  2. Governor's Cadet Boarding School of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (Plotnikovo settlement, Keerovo region)
  3. Permanent residents of the Kemerovo region are accepted
  4. Cadet school of IT-technologies
  5. Cadet Engineering School at
  6. Military-technical cadet corps in Tolyatti (on the basis of 8 classes)
  7. Cadet Fire and Rescue Corps
  8. Cadet Fire and Rescue Corps

Here, cadets master the school curriculum, undergo enhanced physical training, and additionally study military affairs, combat training and other special disciplines, depending on the type of troops. Graduates of military schools are issued a certificate of complete general education and are assigned military qualifications according to the profile of the educational institution.

Grade 9 graduates who wish to start a military career can also enroll in military schools. There are only two such educational organizations in Russia.

Each military college has its own professional orientation (naval, ground forces, missile troops, airborne troops, railway troops, Cossack, military-technical, military-musical, military justice).

Military schools of Russia, carrying out admission on the basis of the 9th grade:

  1. Moscow Military Music School named after Lieutenant General V.M.Khalilov
  2. Ulyanovsk Guards Suvorov Military School (accept students in grades 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)

In schools that are under the witchcraft of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you can enter on the basis of the 8th grade. However, if there are free places in the second year, graduates of schools on the basis of 9 classes are accepted for study. You can find out about this opportunity directly at the school or on its official website.

List of schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for graduates of 8 classes:

  1. Astrakhan Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  2. Grozny Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  3. Elabuga Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  4. Novocherkassk Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  5. St. Petersburg Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  6. Chita Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Documents required for admission to a military school

Graduates of the 9th grade, as a rule, citizens of a minor age. Therefore, in the first place, it is necessary to submit an application from the parents or legal representatives of the applicant to the selection committee. The application for sending a candidate to study at a military school must also be accompanied by:

  1. birth certificate
  2. document confirming the citizenship of the applicant (passport)
  3. characteristics of the candidate from the school
  4. medical documents (policy, certificates, test results, etc.)
  5. certificate of secondary general education (GIA results)
  6. photos, etc.

The admission committee of the school may require a student's portfolio with all his academic and extracurricular achievements. If the applicant has benefits and advantages for enrollment, he must provide supporting documents.

Entrance tests to military schools

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Admission to all military educational institutions is carried out on a competitive basis. Applicants of cadet corps, schools and colleges pass entry exams in general subjects. As a rule, these are tests in the Russian language and mathematics. But there may also be additional exams in physics and informatics (depending on the profile of the cadet school). Under what applicants can be accepted according to the results of the OGE on relevant subjects. For example, for admission to the Cadet Corps at the Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, it is necessary to provide the results of the OGE in the Russian language, mathematics, physics and computer science.

Applicants to the military music school pass creative entrance tests, namely , musical instrument (practically), solfeggio (written and spoken), elementary music theory (written and spoken). Tests in musical disciplines are carried out in the scope of the educational program of the children's music school.

Also, future Suvorov and Nakhimov students must pass psychological testing. Based on the test results, the selection committee determines the candidate's readiness to study at a military educational institution.

Many are intensively preparing for entrance examinations in general subjects, and practically do not pay attention to passing physical training standards. In all military schools, even in music, applicants take an exam in physical culture: this is an assessment of the level of strength, speed-strength fitness and general endurance. Based on the results of the test, the most prepared candidates are selected for cadets. For example, 10 or more pull-ups on the high bar, a 60-meter sprint in 9 seconds, a 2 km cross in 9 minutes is rated as "excellent".

Admission to military schools is carried out in accordance with the Admission Procedure, which was approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 185 dated April 07, 2015.

Consider the procedure for making the receipt and find out for yourself, how to get into military school, in accordance with the Order of Admission.

Choose a military school and specialty

According to paragraph 84 of the Procedure and conditions for admission to military schools, the official website of the school must, no later than October 1, publish information relevant for admission for the next year, which should disclose the following questions:

  1. School admission rules.
  2. List of specialties for which training is provided at this university.
  3. List of exams required for admission.
  4. Forms and programs for passing tests.
  5. Determining the professional suitability of candidates.
  6. Rules and forms in accordance with which the level of professional suitability of candidates for admission is determined.
  7. Rules for determining the level of preparedness of candidates.
  8. The procedure, conditions and terms of admission to the school.
  9. The procedure for concluding a contract for military service.
  10. Information about taking into account the individual achievements of candidates and about their special rights.

Until July 1, the following information should be published on the official website of the military university:

  • conditions for professional selection.
  • Schedule of professional selection of candidates for admission.
  • Information about special rights and benefits provided to incoming candidates for training.

We study the requirements for candidates for admission to a military school

According to paragraphs 45-48 of the Procedure, the main mandatory requirements for candidates for admission are:

  1. Completed secondary education of the candidate.
  2. Compliance with the age of admission.
    • For persons who have not completed military service - from 16 to 22 years.
    • For persons undergoing military service by conscription or who have already completed it - up to 24 years.
    • For contract servicemen, with the exception of officers - up to 27 years.
  3. Compliance with the level of physical fitness of the candidate.
  4. No criminal record or punishment by court verdict.
  5. Successful selection for medical and psychological-professional indications, applied separately for each military specialty.
  6. Proficiency in the state language.

We submit prepared documents for admission to the university

How to enter a military school and what is the procedure and deadlines for submitting documents? The deadline for submitting documents to the department of the military registration and enlistment office of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation is until April 20 of the year of receipt, in accordance with clause 56 of the Procedure. The candidate submits the following documents:

  1. Copy of birth certificate.
  2. Application for admission to the university as a cadet. The application must indicate the name of the candidate, date of birth, citizenship, details of the identity document of the candidate, education documents, address of residence, if the applicant comes from service or after service in the armed forces - military rank and position held. The name of the school and the specialty in which the applicant plans to study are also indicated.
  3. Candidate's CV.
  4. Positive, work or service.
  5. Copy of the passport.
  6. A copy of the document on education (qualification).
  7. Consent to the processing of personal data. If consent is not provided, then, according to Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 (Article 9) and Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 08-PG-MON-1993, a document on education may not be issued.
  8. Three photos 4.5 by 6 cm.
  9. A certificate of study, if the student is transferred to a school, if a soldier - a serviceman's card.

When submitting documents to a school, selection to which is made only after obtaining access to classified information, you must have time to submit documents before April 1.

We pass the preliminary selection to the military school

The procedure for passing the preliminary selection is disclosed from clause 53 of the Admission Procedure.

Thus, candidates from those who have not completed military service are preliminarily selected by the military registration and enlistment offices of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the draft commissions of municipalities.

During the pre-selection process, the level of suitability is checked against certain criteria, in particular:

  • According to the level of education of candidates.
  • According to the age.
  • By the presence of their citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • For health and fitness levels.
  • By categories essential for determining the degree of professional suitability.

Admission to the passage of professional selection is carried out by the selection committee of the school.

Its decisions on the admission of each candidate come to the military commissariats, which, in turn, notify candidates about the conditions for passing professional selection in accordance with Art. 60 Order.

It is worth noting here that the priority for entering a military school is the end or passage of military service.

We pass professional selection to a military educational institution

Those candidates who coped with the passage of the preliminary selection are sent by the military registration and enlistment offices to military schools for further selection and testing (see clause 61 of the Order).

Candidates undergo professional selection in military universities in accordance with clause 76 of the Procedure, from July 1 to July 30.
To pass the professional selection, the candidate must submit the following documents to the selection committee of the school in accordance with clause 63 of the Procedure:

  • Passport (military ID) and original certificate of secondary education and qualification document.
  • Documents confirming the existence of special rights to study at the school, if any.
  • Information about existing individual achievements with supporting documents.
  • Information about the results of passing the exam.

The procedure for passing professional selection is defined in clause 65 of the Procedure and includes:

  1. Determining the state of health and establishing the degree of suitability.
  2. Passage of socio-psychological, psychological and psycho-physiological testing with the determination of the degree of professional suitability for these indicators.
  3. Passing mandatory entrance examinations: assessment of the level of education, assessment of the level of professional and creative readiness and testing of the level of physical fitness.

Clause 68 of the Procedure determines that each entrance test for successful completion requires the minimum required number of points that the examinee needs to score.

The school conducts tests in general education subjects independently. Tests are carried out in Russian in writing (see clause 72 of the Order).

We get the results of professional selection in a military school

Information on the admission of candidates for training is posted by the selection committee of a military university at the stand of the selection committee in the public domain. Also, this information is duplicated on the official website of the Ministry of Defense, in accordance with clause 84 of the Order.

If the candidates scored the same number of points, then, according to clause 92 of the Procedure, they are entered in the list in accordance with the preferential rights and points in specialized subjects. If candidates do not score the required number of points to pass the professional selection, they are entered in a separate list of candidates who are denied admission. The reason for the refusal is recorded, in accordance with clause 91 of the Procedure.

The admission committee of the university reviews the competitive lists and decides to recommend the number of candidates for enrollment in the university in accordance with the number established by the recruitment calculations (clause 93 of the Procedure). Finally, in accordance with paragraph 94 of the Procedure, an order is issued by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on personnel, in accordance with which, from August 1, candidates who have received a recommendation from the selection committee for enrollment are enrolled in schools and appointed to military positions of cadets.

Today, more and more girls are showing interest in specialties related to military service. Education in this area is conducted in schools and universities. At the same time, there are not so many schools in which graduates of the 9th grade can undergo professional military training, and they opened their doors for girls only in 2013.

In military schools, girls go through the so-called school of life. It is in these educational institutions that they can learn endurance, attentiveness and self-discipline, as well as learn all the features of the chosen profession.

To enter a military school, girls must meet a number of requirements: to have excellent health, to be physically fit, to have high results in the Unified State Examination in specialized disciplines.

Failure to comply with at least one of these points will close the road to the selected institution.

Girls who have been trained in military schools, after graduation, can continue their studies at universities or start working in their specialty, finding jobs in the signal troops, air defense, headquarters, in specialized medical or other organizations.

List of military schools

There are no separate military schools for girls, but there are specialized educational organizations in which they are allowed to enter.

These institutions include:

  • Suvorov Military School;
  • Nakhimov Naval School;
  • Military Space Cadet Corps;
  • Rocket and Artillery Cadet Corps;
  • Cadet Corps of Radio Electronics;
  • Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps;
  • Military technical cadet corps;
  • Moscow military music school.

The above list is not exhaustive. Not all specialties in which training is conducted in these institutions are available for girls, but still, the choice of directions is quite large.

Here are just a few of them: cartography, meteorology, medical specialties, communication technologies, automated information systems, radio electronic and other systems.

What is required for admission

The selection of applicants for military schools is quite strict, but if you have the desire and good physical fitness, you can achieve your goal. For admission, the results obtained by graduates during the exam are important. For different specialties, different subjects are important (for cartographic areas - geography, for medical specialties - biology and chemistry, etc.).

For admission, girls need:

  • submit an application for admission;
  • provide written parental consent to undergo training at a military school;
  • provide a package of documents, which includes an autobiography, a medical certificate, a copy of a civil passport, a copy and an original of a school certificate, a reference from the place of study.

The listed documents are usually submitted to educational institutions during July. After that, a time is set for a physical examination, psycho-emotional testing and physical tests. Girls who aspire to be enrolled in a military school should try to pass the required standards at least as well as boys, and ideally even better than them.

Conditions of education

Girls entering military schools must be prepared for difficult conditions not only physically, but also psychologically.

So, during training they will have to face:

  • with strict discipline, lack of a free schedule;
  • with rare days of rest and meetings with relatives.
  • During training, cadets live in an environment close to the army. They must strictly adhere to the current daily routine.

    During their studies, they will have to participate in tactical exercises, drill, study the charter and master many other information and skills. At the same time, the learning process is not limited to the study of military art and the humanities. Studying involves the passage of various courses for the comprehensive development of the individual (etiquette, music, foreign languages, etc.).

    In military schools, girls are taught military affairs, self-organization and responsibility. Having received basic knowledge and skills in schools, having learned discipline, graduates will subsequently be able to continue their education in more prestigious military universities.

    Requirements for applicants

    Girls entering military educational institutions must have the following qualities:

    • personal self-organization (the ability to organize others will not hurt);
    • increased sense of responsibility;
    • the ability to quickly and correctly assess the situation in extreme circumstances, to make the right decisions;
    • the ability to analyze ongoing events that carry a potential danger in order to prevent it in a timely manner;
    • the ability to focus on the right actions;
    • the ability to control personal emotions.

    These qualities will be needed not only during the training period, but also during work.

    Of course, the requirements for girls to study in military educational institutions are much stricter than for studying in any other schools or universities. But having learned to match them, having mastered the basics of the chosen profession, it will be possible to achieve fairly high results in a subsequent career.

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