Where are there budget places at the institute? How to apply for a budget? Is it possible to apply on a budget?

Most Russian applicants dream of entering Moscow on a budget place. There are plenty of reasons for this. There are a huge number of universities in the capital, where you can master many popular specialties. The level of education in Moscow higher educational institutions has always been and remains high. After graduating from a capital university, it is easier to get a job in Moscow and other regions of Russia.

But, unfortunately, the number of budget places is decreasing every year. Paid education began to prevail. However, budget places are available in almost all universities. You can still choose. Below we consider a list of popular universities with budget places.

1. Moscow State University of Information Technologies, Radio Engineering and Electronics. A prestigious university that trains personnel in the field of information technology, telecommunications, automation of computer systems, radio engineering and electronics. The number of budget places is 60-80 for each specialty. This allows applicants to enter with an average score of 60-70.

The university has a solid educational and technical base. Students have the opportunity to gain technical skills in several renowned design bureaus.

2. Moscow State University is the leader among Russian universities according to most ratings. Every year the university holds an Olympiad for schoolchildren. Its laureates have the right to enter MSU without competition. In total, the university has more than 3,000 budget places, so with a good Unified State Examination score there is every chance of admission.

3. - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev. This educational institution is the only manufacturing and industrial center in the country where 10,000 students can study simultaneously.

The university trains specialists in various areas of the agricultural and industrial complex. Therefore, applicants from all over the country and neighboring countries come here to study. In total, the university has about 2 thousand budget places.

4. Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university) is one of the most popular technical universities in the country. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the training of specialists in the space and defense industry is carried out using real samples of equipment. This is the only educational institution in the world that has its own airfield.

In addition to specialized specialties, the university provides training in the field of information technology. There are quite a lot of budget places available at MAI. And the passing score for some specialties is only 60-70 points.

5. National Research University "MPEI" is a leading energy university not only in the Russian Federation, but also in the world. Within the walls of the educational institution, training is provided for the most popular engineering, technical and energy specialties. The number of budget places is more than 1,500. Therefore, those wishing to enroll in technical specialties can try to submit documents to MPEI.

6. Moscow Pedagogical State University is an indicator of culture, traditions and creative thought. The university originated in late XIX centuries. MSPU has gone through a lot, but despite this, the university continues to be one of the leading universities in the country. More than 1 thousand applicants can receive education here on a budgetary basis.

7. Financial University under the Government Russian Federation. People who graduate from this university often occupy top positions in companies and even in government. An innovative approach to educational process; attracting professors from the world's leading universities, directors of banks and insurance companies - all this helps students become successful leaders.

You should decide where to go in Moscow on a budget in advance. Preparation for the Unified State Exam should begin at least a year in advance, and not several months or weeks before the exam. Then any capable student will be able to enter a prestigious university on a budget place.

Where to study in Moscow is a question that applicants ask themselves not only from the capital, but also from other cities. Which university is right for you?

Most graduates who are thinking about it are interested in the prestige of the educational institution. Every year many ratings are compiled in which they are assessed by different criteria. We have selected the 10 best universities that are constantly in the TOP.

Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov

Moscow State University is the oldest and one of the most prestigious universities in Russia. Almost all existing specialties are represented at 39 faculties. It's difficult to get there. Studying for a fee is expensive, and there is huge competition for the budget. But there is a boarding school at Moscow State University where you can go after 9th grade. The boarding school is also located in Moscow; a dormitory is provided for students from other cities.

Moscow Physico-Technical Institute

MIPT – the best place one of those where you can go with specialized computer science in Moscow. There are a huge number of physics and mathematics specialties presented there, as well as a highly sought-after computer security course. The competition for a place is only 2-3 people, the admission rules are loyal - you can get there without the Unified State Exam. The results of specialized Olympiads are counted towards entrance exams.

National Research Technological University "MISiS"

The university offers both standard technology programs and modern ones that are in high demand. The Institute of New Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies produces highly qualified engineers with a rare and highly paid profession.

Financial Academy (Financial University) under the Government of the Russian Federation

FA is in great demand among applicants. For some specialties, competition reaches 120-130 people per place. The university graduates economists, lawyers, managers, and sociologists. One of the professions that is much easier to enter on a budget is advertising and public relations. To do this, you need to pass Russian, English and social studies. In this area, compared to other universities in Moscow, the competition at the Academy is not high.

National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"

This university is a place where you can actually enroll on a budget. For a Moscow university, it has low competition - less than 3 people per place. And that's why. The educational institution trains specialists in the areas of " Nuclear physics", "Laser technology" and other equally complex specialties. But they don’t look at non-core applicants. And in vain! Having passed history, social studies and Russian, the applicant no longer has to worry about where to enroll. MEPhI has 3 specialties that you can apply for with these subjects. And if you also pass mathematics, the number of opportunities will increase several times.

High School of Economics

HSE is a university that occupies a strong position in international rankings. It offers not only economic, but also a number of non-core areas. For example, if you are thinking about where to study as a psychologist in Moscow, the choice is obvious. The Faculty of Psychology is known for its practical orientation. The answer to the question of where to apply for a master's degree in Moscow is also clear. Vyshka offers interesting program training and support for undergraduates. The best master's students receive a stipend comparable to the salary of a beginning specialist.

Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman

One of the oldest universities in the capital. Competition there last years not tall. Most areas of training require physics, mathematics and Russian. The university has a physics and mathematics school, where you can enroll after 9th grade. It is also located in Moscow, classes are held in the evening, training is free.

Moscow State Institute of International Relations

At MGIMO, all training programs are related to international relations. If you are thinking about where to study as a journalist in Moscow, choose this university. After completing it, there will be no problems finding a job. Moreover, MGIMO pays increased attention to foreign languages, without which it is difficult to work in journalism.

Always distinguished by their high professionalism, great system training, strong teaching staff. But many applicants try to enter the institute on a budget place, because not every family can afford to pay for several years of education for a child.

Not everyone has enough budget money

It’s a big plus that the government provides young people with the right to study for free in order to benefit the country in the future.

The list of Moscow educational institutions is quite large, so each applicant will definitely choose the right one for himself. Unfortunately, some institutions are forced to reduce the number of budget places - the reduction in funding is to blame for this, but still free education remains.

In 2017, the number of budget places for future lawyers and economists will be significantly reduced, and not only funding caused such statistics, but also a glut of such specialists in the labor market. But Moscow universities are expanding state budget places for those specialties that are still in little demand among applicants, but qualified professional workers necessary. This is, for example, geodesy, geology.

It is important to submit documents on time

Admission of applicants is possible based on the results of the Unified State Examination; only with this condition are documents accepted into a higher educational institution. All state universities Moscow work according to individual schedules, of which all students are notified in the public domain. Please note that documents are accepted in different terms, as management decides, so it is important not to miss the scheduled end of the admissions campaign.

Important directions

The cherished dream of many: to study in the capital and necessarily in some prestigious educational institution. Having excellent Unified State Exam results, it is very possible to study at an elite metropolitan university for free. This is especially true for specialties related to:

  • economics;
  • humanities;
  • jurisprudence;
  • technical direction;
  • pedagogy.

However, if the university has set its own threshold for the Unified State Exam, and the applicant does not have enough points, he will have to look for another institute to further continue his studies.

Prestigious government places with budget places this year provide the opportunity to get the most different professions- the choice is very large.

Lomonosov's Testaments

In first place is Moscow State University. Lomonosov. Presumably, only a small percentage of faculties with a legal bias will reduce the number of budget places. The rest are still waiting for their students, providing the right to study for free at the faculties of computational mathematics, fundamental medicine, economics, sociology, philosophy, world politics, cybernetics and some others. You can submit documents in person, but it is possible to send them by mail, preferably by registered mail.

It must be taken into account that certain faculties of Moscow universities (state) stop the admissions campaign within separately established periods, so the dates must be recorded.

The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation is very popular, as it has a strong teaching staff and trains specialists from the very high level. The most basic educational programs are conducted in courses in economics, sociology, management, and information technology. There are many other specialties that are no less interesting and in demand. If an applicant wishes to study on a budget basis, but without preferential terms, enrollment will take place thanks to documents of form 3.08; for vacant places that remain, the documents must comply with 5.08. Average score: 72.65.

How to master IT technologies

All state universities in Moscow try to provide students with specialties that will allow them to get a good, interesting job in the future.

The Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics is not lagging behind in this regard. After completing the required period of study at this institution, the graduate will find jobs related to IT technologies and telecommunications. On a budgetary basis, it is possible to study in such specialties as management of technological systems, information science and computer engineering, and radio technology. There are also a number of budget places for other specialties.

IN Aviation Institute studying is difficult, but very prestigious, especially on a budget basis. Future specialists are trained here who will work in important areas for the country. industrial enterprises or in the aviation and aerospace industry. The leading areas here are: physics, astronautics, technological processes, ecology.

Service area

The State University of Tourism and Service is considered one of the leading ones. Here there is a unique opportunity to master the difficult but profitable hotel business, learn thoroughly about product technology and how to properly organize public catering, study the intricacies of a tourist destination, the departments of service and economics will reveal the secrets of how to manage personnel, understand technological machines and equipment.

State University physical culture and Sports was recently founded on the basis of the faculty working at Moscow State University. Its creation is due to the fact that the country needs a qualified, powerful team of trainers, as well as specialists who could organize sporting events, provide information and propaganda direction of physical culture. The educational institution is equipped with a whole health and sports complex for sports activities very different directions. Budget places are waiting for students here, as in other universities in Moscow. State passing scores also matter. This institute has an average score of 60.39.

New technologies will help

Them. G. Plekhanov provides the right to study on a budgetary basis in many exciting specialties. For example, applied mathematics and computer science are an opportunity to subsequently explore and model processes, relying on knowledge of computational mathematics and the latest technologies.

System programming and via the Internet prepares such specialists for whom it will not be difficult to design various programs in the field of mathematical computer science. There is a specialty here: “applied computer science in economics”, they train specialists who will understand perfectly information technology concerning economic activity, will be able to master control technology software projects or solve problems that arise in political science. The university trains specialists in the field of automated systems security. There are budget places and a dormitory provided, and the Unified State Examination score is 79.86.

Getting involved in the creative process

Academic Art Institute named after. Surikov is an institution not like all state universities in Moscow. Its main difference is that it has existed since 1843. On a budget basis, here you can perfectly learn all the techniques for creating sculptures and sculptural compositions. The M. Shchepkin School is also the oldest educational institution with budget places and an average Unified State Examination score of 65.47.


All state universities in Moscow that have various directions, from humanitarian, linguistic, and ending with such specialties as geodesy, construction, give vocational training thanks to the teachers who pass on a lot of knowledge to their students, and the latest technologies which universities are equipped with.

Thousands of applicants throughout Russia are wondering how to enroll in the budget department of the desired university or college. On this moment There is a big difference between these two types of educational institutions. We will talk about it and all the nuances of admission in this article.

What is the difference between a university and a college?

A university is a higher educational institution, admission to it is possible only if you have a certificate of completion of eleven grades of school, or if you have a secondary education vocational education, which you can get in college. In higher education institutions, as a rule, there are three levels of education. A bachelor's degree involves completing a standard course of study and upon completion you are issued a diploma of higher education with a bachelor's degree. The next level will be a specialist degree. Training along this path will be called a specialty.

Compared to a bachelor's degree, a specialty degree involves a slightly longer period of study, usually the difference is one year. AND highest degree University education is considered a master's degree. To obtain it you will have to study at a university for at least six years. As for college, you can enroll there on the basis of a certificate of completion of nine classes.

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At the moment, there are special programs that take students to universities after graduating from college, thus giving them the opportunity to receive higher education without wasting time. You also need to know that, unlike higher educational institutions, studying at college will soon not provide a deferment from the army. It is also planned to allow students to transfer from colleges to universities only if they pass the unified state exam.

How to enter a university on a budget place?

The task is quite complex. The fact is that, as a rule, there are much more people willing to take up vacancies for free training than there are vacancies themselves. Therefore, the state distributes budget places by conducting all general competition based on the Unified State Exam. Upon receipt of a certificate of completion of eleven classes, applicants will be allowed to take it. Each specific university, faculty or direction has its own exams required for admission.

You can get acquainted with information about them both inside the educational institution itself and using the official website of the selected university. You can also find there the points that were enough for admission to budget places in previous years. At the moment, successfully passing the Unified State Exam is the most reliable way to obtain the right to free university education. Also, holders of special rights and categories of citizens can apply for a budget place. For example, recently the Crimea peninsula became part of the Russian Federation.

Applicants living in the above-mentioned geographical area entered the university according to separate quotas that were provided to them by our state. Also, applicants from low-income families, large families, families that have lost their breadwinners, etc. have special rights. Full list worth looking in Federal laws Russian Federation. Also, do not forget to constantly monitor changes in legal acts– new programs may appear or some outdated ones may be closed.

Winners of All-Russian Olympiads and their medalists, as well as athletes with high professional qualifications. Such categories of applicants must themselves contact the higher education institution and check whether budget places are available to them. Each individual university may have its own rules for recruiting such citizens. On by example I can say that, being the regional champion in chess among youths, I applied to the Krasnodar Agrarian University, and they offered me education there at a price of 27,000 rubles per year, instead of 106,000 that students paid on a general basis. Athletes at a higher level studied for free.

How to go to college on a budget place?

As is the case with higher education institutions, there are special rights for individuals who want to enroll in college and attend it for free. To receive them, you must belong to a certain category of citizens. In many ways, these categories coincide with the above. As for the general competition, the certificate really begins to play a serious role here. The average score of the certificate of completion of nine classes is the main tool for participation in the competition. Fortunately, for schoolchildren, at the moment there are many more budget-funded places in colleges than in universities and they do not face such a harsh selection process as there.

There are also colleges, and there are quite a few of them, in which, when enrolling a student with no C grades in the certificate, a scholarship is immediately allocated. Colleges in Lately have gained great popularity because they not only small competition on a budget, but also some other advantages. For example, a college student will not have to take such a terrible test for simple Unified State Exam students. And although in practice passing it is not difficult, this procedure requires a lot of money and nervous effort.

What to do if you don’t get a budget place at a college or university?

First, you should decide whether you are applying on the basis of a general competition or special rights. In the first case, as you might guess, everything is decided by a simple calculation of points and the number of places. If other applicants are ahead of you, then there is nothing to argue about. It’s another matter if the educational institution does not want to recognize your legal rights to free education. In this case, you can, having collected a certain package of documents, contact all the appropriate authorities, using the help of a professional lawyer along the way. You will definitely need papers confirming your direct relation to any category of citizens entitled to free education. In principle, such problems, as a rule, do not arise in universities. Corruption may be unique to colleges, but they can also find justice and protect their own rights.

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An applicant can only think about how to score a lot of points in order to enter a university on a budget. And if the Unified State Examination has a general passing score (from 20 to 40 points for different subjects), then each university has its own passing score.

11th grade is the most stressful academic year. After all, you need to get a certificate (preferably, only with positive grades) and pass the Unified State Examination with high scores, and choose the universities where you want to go, and show yourself brilliantly in the entrance exams and think about whether there is even a chance of enrolling on a budget. And then wait a painfully long time (2-3 weeks) for the results and the coveted list of applicants. In general, this summer is not made for relaxation. A complete hassle.

But you can get by with, as they say, a little bloodshed. You just need to know the “golden” rules of the applicant, which will allow you to bypass all stages of admission with success.

Firstly, you should decide on universities in advance. Best of all, one or two years before graduation. (in any case, 11th grade is the deadline).

Secondly, you need to start preparing for the Unified State Exam not when there are 2-3 months left before the exam, but 2-3 years in advance, or at least a year in advance). And if it is not possible to study with a tutor or attend courses, then you need to study on your own. The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties and do tasks conscientiously. Then you can pass the exams with very high scores.

Thirdly, even if your scores are not very high and you have the opportunity to pay for your studies, you should still apply for a budget. If suddenly there are enough points for such a place, and when submitting the application it was not noted that the person is enrolling on a budget, then he will only be able to study for a fee.

Where is it easy to go on a budget? To take a “place in the sun”, you need to work hard and give your best, without relying on cheat sheets and easy tasks on the exam paper. You need to feel prepared for the exams. Don't judge your chances based on last year's results. During admission, everything can change dramatically: the score will rise significantly or, conversely, fall. Moreover, there is an equal probability of both situations.

However, there is a list of the best universities in Russia where you can and should try to enroll on a budget in order to take the first step towards education, professionalism and a successful career.

Many applicants bypass the university, which is called the main one in the country. It's about, of course, about Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. It seems that since the university is the most prestigious, and famous people teach there, then that’s it, it’s not even worth trying to enroll. There is simply no chance. But this is a mistaken opinion. It is quite possible to take a “place in the sun” at Moscow State University. The main thing is to try and strive for your goal. As a rule, at this university you need to take two internal exams for each department.

So, in order to enter the journalism department, you need to write an essay on a given topic and pass an interview. And in order to study as a linguist, you need to write an essay in your native language. foreign languages. As a result, the scores for the Unified State Exam and internal exams are summed up, and based on these results, people are enrolled in paid and budget places. And if there are places left both here and here, then the second wave begins, where all the places will be finally distributed.

Also at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov has its own “Lomonosov Olympiad”, after winning which, the applicant gets a chance to enter the budget without exams. He is either given credit for internal exams of 100 points, or the Unified State Exam according to the same system, or is immediately offered a budget place. This Olympiad includes all subjects, so it is possible to get into any department. The Lomonosov Olympics begins in winter. In addition, winning it gives benefits to other universities.

Another good university- MSUP im. Ivan Fedorov. It is called the best “specialized university in the country.” The main areas are publishing and journalism, but there are economics, advertising and many other faculties. Therefore, the university cannot be called narrow-profile. Almost always, all faculties have budget places, and when the government does not allocate them, the university offers applicants so-called “grants” (payment for the student’s studies at the expense of the university). The advantage of this system is that the first lines are occupied not by beneficiaries and winners of Olympiads, but by people who received the most points. A significant disadvantage: students who receive grants do not receive a scholarship because they are officially enrolled in a paid department. Internal exams are provided for in almost any faculty, but there are also those where only Unified State Examination results are needed. The 2014 overall score ranges from 218 for three exams to 310 for four exams. Much depends on the specialization.

It is also quite possible to enroll in the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), although this university has been in the leading ranks of the best universities in the country for several years now. Here you must pass internal exams and have fairly high Unified State Exam scores. But there is a chance to enroll in 2014.

The Higher School of Economics (HSE), like Moscow State University, has its own Olympics. If you win it, you will have a chance to enter the budget without exams. However, this Olympiad requires certain knowledge, but you should not miss this opportunity. After all, this Olympiad provides some benefits for admission to other universities.

The government allocates quite a lot of budget places to RSSU, but in 2013 there was no budget for the Faculty of Journalism, but in 2014 it appeared. Some faculties require additional exams, but most often they are accepted based on the results of the Unified State Exam. The passing score varies depending on the number of exams and applicants.

In Moscow, of course, there are a huge number of universities, where, although it is not very easy, it is quite possible to enroll on a budget. However, not every applicant can come to the capital of Russia, no matter how much he wants to. But there's nothing to worry about. Every city in our country has wonderful universities where you can master any profession you choose. For a “high” education it is not at all necessary to go to another city.

So, in St. Petersburg the main university is, of course, St. Petersburg State University. There are almost all specialties there, and the chances of getting a budget place, despite the prestige of the university. Although there are quite a few universities in St. Petersburg where you can try your luck.

There are two most famous universities in Samara: Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and Samara State University of Economics, where there is also a chance to enroll on a budget. Although you will have to pass fairly difficult exams with dignity, if everything goes well, then the budget is secured.

By the way, if you have chosen a creative specialty related to the stage and art, and you have decided to enroll, for example, in a theater university, then the Unified State Exam results are not so important. Of course, they will pay attention to them (you must take literature in the Unified State Examination. And if you barely pass the passing minimum), but first of all they will look at how the applicant shows himself during internal exams. And most creative universities enroll based on their results. If a person performed well in internal exams, then they will not pay attention to low Unified State Examinations. However, if you don’t have enough entrance points, a good Unified State Exam can help out a lot.

In 2014, passing scores are not very different from 2013; in some universities they are lower, in others they are higher. That year, universities decided to “punish” applicants, since many of the results were very high due to leakage of answers.

So, to summarize, we need to once again emphasize the “golden” rules for applicants:

— Choose universities that you really want to enroll in, without being afraid of their “big” names. It is advisable to use all 5 chances, but stick to one professional line.

— Don’t be shy to call the admissions office and ask your questions. Go to open days.

- Keep track of passing scores from previous years, but do not rely solely on them.

- Strive to get maximum amount points in the exam, but if this did not work out, then do not despair. There are also internal exams.

— Even if it is possible to pay for training, still apply for a budget. What if you can get through?

— Prepare all documents in advance. Because the day before you submit your application, you may find out that something is missing. And you should always carry your passport and certificate with you. Often in admissions committee They require you to present original documents.

And you shouldn’t think too much about where to actually go on a budget. After all, every applicant has a chance to enroll on a budget. Without money or any kind of cronyism. But you need to know a lot about your chosen profession, be interested in news in those universities where you want to enroll, constantly learn about updates, study as much as possible on your own in order to successfully pass exams and not despair if something doesn’t work out. There will definitely be failures. This is not the easiest moment in life, but you need to go through it with dignity. The practice of 2014 shows that applicants who worked hard entered the desired universities. It’s quite possible to do so. But you need to adhere to the “golden” rules of an applicant and not panic over little things.

Every applicant has a chance to enroll on a budget. This is quite possible without money and any kind of cronyism. The main thing is to work hard, have desire and not be afraid of difficulties. Then success is guaranteed.

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