Scenario of the creative report “The native village lives. Scenario for the reporting concert of the MKU "Prelestnensky SDK" Reporting concert of the ensembles of the Palace of Culture script

Scenario for the reporting concert

MKUK "Prelestnensky SDK"

Fanfares sound, the presenters enter the stage, the music stops

Ved 1: Hello!

Ved 2: Hello, then be healthy!

Ved 1: Hello, then be rich!

Vedas 2: Hello, then be happy every person, every family individually and a large family of fellow countrymen together.

Against the backdrop of the hosts' words, vocal ensemble"Sudarushka"

Vedas 1: Under the wings of a double-headed eagle,

Born under the sign of Aquarius,

You were born and lit your fire,

Which warms us with warmth and light.

Vedas 2: I live here and I breathe you,

Feeding strength from your element.

I sing, write, scream about you!

Great, endless Russia!

The song “Golden Rus'” sounds in Spanish. wok ans. "Sudarushka"

Ved 1: Small Motherland or big -

All this is the Motherland, no matter what you call it.

Gives strength and inspires hope,

Pain quenches and teaches love.

Small homeland or big -

All this is only one Motherland.

At the hour when everything collapses and decays,

That's all she keeps in the world.

The song “My Home Russia” is played in Spanish. V. Kyssa

Vedas 1: By Presidential Decree Russian Federation 2014 has been declared the year of culture.

Vedas 2: What is Culture? Engine of progress

The basis of life, the synthesis of beauty,

Balance aggression and stress,

The Grain of Beauty on the Field of Kindness.

Vedas 1: Only good and beautiful things are taught to us from childhood by the most dear and close person, this is our mother. Close your eyes, listen. Do you hear mom's voice? He lives within you, so familiar and dear. You can't confuse it with anything. Even when you grow older, you will always remember your mother’s voice, mother’s eyes and hands.

The song “Early in the Morning” is played in Spanish. Diana Ovcharenko

Vedas 2: Let the past remain with us forever,

Let life be in full swing in the present.

Vedas 1: Let's fill the world with bright deeds,

And the future will accomplish a new feat.

The song “Great-Grandfather” sounds in Spanish. Nikita Zakharov

Vedas 1: The world of childhood is an amazing and fabulous world,

A little - a little funny, a little mysterious.

Where discoveries are made every day and every hour!

Vedas 2: You once visited it, and the light of this spiritual kindness

Kept in the heart like a flame, warming us!

The song “Merry Song” performed by Olesya Machkarina is playing

The song “Red-haired Girl” is played in Spanish. Dmitry Ilyasov

Vedas 1: Suddenly, in the silence of subtle notes,

Weaving melodies into a pattern,

Music will appear. And so -

She lives, she suffers!

Vedas 2: And excites again and again -

Both weightless and invisible...

She's crazy like love

And how love is unique.

In Spanish D. Lobova plays the song “White Birds”

The song “My Beloved” is played in Spanish. E. Suvorova

Vedas 1: We cannot live without a song.

She is a work assistant.

And if you feel sad,

You're always singing anyway.

Vedas 2: This is how we go through life, dear ones.

It will probably be like this forever:

Ears of corn for the fields, space for the cranes,

And the song is for good people.

The song “Kalina - Rowan” sounds in Spanish. N. Ievleva

S. Smolyakova performs the monologue “Grandma’s Happiness”

Vedas 1: Crystal ringing in the rays of dawn,

The fog spread blue.

Love is a magical planet

Opened the doors for you and me.

The song “Snow-White Flowers” ​​is performed by V. Kyss and E. Suvorova

I. Erchakova reads A. Dementyev’s poem “I wish you”

The words of the presenter are heard in the background of the song's intro

Vedas 2: We wish you a lot in life

Health, happiness, warmth

Vedas 1: Love for each other and attention

And kindness.

The song “Wish” is played in Spanish. wok ans. "Sudarushka"

Against the backdrop of the loss, all participants in the program appear on stage (children stand in the front row)

The following took part in our concert:

Ved 1: Dear friends, our concert program has come to an end.

Ved 2: Goodbye!

Presenters together: See you again!

1. “Zlotaya Rus” - “Sudarushka”

2. “My home Russia” - V. Kyssa

3. “Early in the morning” - D. Ovcharenko

4. “Great-grandfather” - N. Zakharov

5. “Merry Song” - O. Machkarina

6. “Red-haired girl” - D. Ilyasov

7. “White Birds” - D. Lobova

8. “My Beloved” - E. Suvorova

9. “Viburnum - mountain ash” in Spanish. N. Ievleva

10. Monologue “Grandma’s Happiness” - S. Smolyakova

11. “Snow-white flowers” ​​– V. Kyssa, E. Suvorova

12. Poem “I wish you” - I. Erchakova

13. “Wish” - vocal ensemble “Sudarushka”

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Buryatia

Education Committee of Ulan-Ude

Municipal Autonomous educational institution additional education

Center for Continuing Education



for club leaders



Scenario of the reporting concert of creative dance

association "CARAMEL"

The concert program was created for the final reporting event creative association"CARAMEL" MAOU DO CDO "Edelweiss"

Relevance of the event: demonstration by children of dances learned during the school year in front of parents, peers, and spectators.

Target: show and evaluate the level of creative and performing growth of the creative association’s team during the academic year, congratulate on the completion of the educational period.


      Popularization of the art of choreography and creative activities of the association;

      To give the audience an idea of ​​the creativity and repertoire of the association;

      Implementation of practical skills in dance performance;

      Fostering the spirit of collectivism, cohesion and mutual assistance. Uniting a creative team of different ages with a single responsibility in a solo concert;

      To awaken in schoolchildren from among the spectators the desire to engage in choreography in the creative association “CARAMEL”;

      Create an atmosphere of success and celebration for children.

The concert program is designed for children 7-12 years old.


Children enter the hall to the music


1 child: Let the music play louder

2 child: Let the light shine brighter!

Ved.: Hello to ours - young viewers,

And also to their parents,

3 child: And grandfathers,

4 child: and grandmothers -

In chorus: Hello! Hello! Hello!


Hello, Dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to the reporting concert of the creative association “Caramel”. And today we want to invite you to " magical land called My Home.

1. IN fairy house miracles live
The guys' voices don't stop here,
And the joyful laughter does not end.
The doors are open to everyone and everyone!

2. An unfamiliar fairy tale lives here,
And the magic behind the scenes awaits.
All you have to do is open the doors for you
And step over the threshold without looking back.

3. You will quickly spin in a dashing dance,
And you’ll sing with a real microphone,
The artist's paints will become friends,
You mold the little animal with your own hands.

4. Children's creativity is wonderful.
Everything on the planet comes from childhood.
And not a wizard, but we, together with you,
We make a miracle with our own hands.



Childhood is ringing laughter.

Rainbow in the sky.

To childhood with joy for everyone,

Everyone would like to take a dip.

Childhood is a special country that has its own traditions, values, discoveries and victories.

They believe in magic here

Here they are friends with miracles

All fairy tales come true

They come to visit themselves.

There are no clouds visible here,

It's crowded here with smiles

On a creative wave

Childhood is floating somewhere.

Dance (Funny Little Frogs)


“Every person is born talented.” Every child has a hidden abyss of talents and abilities.

And every parent wants their child to grow up to be a “star.” All loving and sensitive parents are able to discern in their child the talent and desire for certain sciences or creativity. Over time, it may turn out that the chosen hobby or activity in the future becomes a profession for the child.


Meet the youngest girls on stage dance group with dance "Kindness"

Dance (Barbariki)


Happy, irrevocable time of childhood! And each of us wants to be there at least for a moment!

Game Funny Answers


From cheerful rhythms

There's nowhere to go

Modern rhythms –

These are the rhythms of childhood.

Dance (Modern Wed. gr.)


Wonderful dance! This is magic

Attracts you quickly and tenaciously

Movement, rhythm and music are related

Intertwined with bright lighting.

Here beauty gives birth to beauty

Which one? The one in which there is no peace

And the heart again strives for heights

Subject to dance, music and structure.

Dance (Modern Art. Gr.)


Everyone sits in a circle. Each person has a sheet of paper and a pencil or felt-tip pen. At a signal (this could be a musical melody), everyone begins to draw. As soon as the music stops, everyone finishes drawing and passes their started drawing around the circle. After the music continues again, you need to continue the drawing that was given to you until the music ends. This can be continued until the sheets return to their owners. I wonder if you can recognize your drawing? Original

Children read

    What's ahead? Who can answer?

After all, we are still so young.

Ved.: TO happy world all paths lead

Happy little ones live in this world.

    There Vera and Good settled forever.

There the wind is made of laughter, there joys are rivers.

    There the red sun plays with its rays,

There the stars laugh at night,

    And the little inhabitants of this country

Descending on rays good dreams!!!


We are responsible to the future:

Our joy is pain and sadness,

Our future is children...

It’s difficult with them, so be it.

Our children are our strength,

Extraterrestrial lights,

If only there was a future

As bright as they are.

Song my home


Our concert was a great success,

We hope everyone liked it!

Let it be memorable and bright for everyone,

Like the best expensive gift!


The school year is ending and the dance season is ending. We congratulate everyone on the completion of the dance season and want to say a big thank you to all parents and children for their patience and hard work.

Awarding children

Presentation of thanks to parents

And to you, our dear viewers, we always wish Have a good mood, a bunch of highlights in life and we look forward to seeing you in the next one academic year.

Goodbye, see you again!


Do you want to have a good laugh? Then we invite you to play one fun game. Before you start, you need to prepare cards with expected answers; the more cards you have, the longer you can play. The rules of the game are as follows: the presenter distributes cards face down to the participants. Then he begins to ask everyone any questions that come to mind. You can write questions in advance, but it’s more interesting if they become impromptu. Participants must give the answers to the questions that are written on their cards. As a rule, they do not correspond in meaning to the questions and are completely ridiculous, which causes laughter and wild fun. We offer you several ready-made questions and answers.

Can you give away your friends' secrets?
Are your parents punishing you?
Do you often have to crow?
Do you eavesdrop when your sister talks on the phone?
Do you respect your parents?
Do you often pick your nose?
Does your pen break when you write for a long time?
Do you like giving gifts?
Do you comb your hair every day?
Do you have to wash dishes?
Do you often go to public transport without a ticket?
Do you break plates every day?
Do you often fall out of bed?
Do you cheat from your neighbor's desk?
Do you like gifts?
Do you often joke with friends?
Do you often climb into your neighbor's raspberries?
Does your dog listen to you?
Are you often lazy?
Are you happy that you have to go to school?
Do you like to laugh at others?
Do you make your bed every day?
Do you like to eat sweets?
Do you lick your plate after eating?
Do you practice sports?
Do you trip on your way to school?
Do you wash often?
Do you cut your toenails in front of guests?
Does it happen that you sleep in class?
Do you often dream about hippos?
Do you like to sleep after lunch?
Do you brush your teeth every day?
Do you like to crack seeds?
Do you have many secrets?
Do you wear socks with holes?
Do you think that parents should only be told the truth?
Do you often visit?
Do you like going to the zoo?
Do you often run away from class?
Would you walk through the forest at night?

I can't imagine my life without this.
Smart people don't give away secrets.
Yes, and my dog ​​too!
No, the teacher scolds me for this.
No, I'm very shy!
You won't understand this, I like it so much.
You can try it far from home.
Of course, this is the most fun thing to do.
I don’t know myself, but others say yes.
No, it's still no use.
This is my hobby.
Yes, but our cat gets hysterical because of it.
Not here.
Every day except today.
Why not? With great pleasure!
Yes, the neighbors won't stand it soon.
If they really ask me about it.
Yes, when you need to look smart.
I can do it for hours, especially in the dark.
Yes, to avoid washing dishes.
No, I tried it once and it didn’t work.
Only when the weather is bad.
How did you guess?
Only on an empty stomach.
Only on holidays.
Oh, have you already been told about this?
Only at night.
Yes, if you have something to eat.
Only if no one sees.
Yes, it creates a beastly appetite.
Could you ask a more modest question?
Yes, they even wrote about it in the newspaper.
On Saturdays this is a necessity for me.
Yes, the doctor prescribed this for me.
This the main objective of my life.
What is it that I can’t see?
I just can't stand it.
Not always, but often.
No, I was too well brought up.
Unfortunately no.


reporting concert

department of aesthetic orientation

Government institution education

« high school No. 3 Orsha"


The screensaver sounds.

Narration. Exit of the Tutti choir

Throughout the Universe there is one Light, there is one Love for all,
Everyone is given full talent, so that the soul can live in creativity.
Listen to the call of your heart, understand its call,
Discover the talent in yourself so that your soul can be dissolved in love.

The whole Earth will become beautiful and everything will suddenly come to life,
Create in joy, friends, and happiness will come to you!
We are musicians and singers, we are all artists,
Everyone can be a poet when there are flowers in their soul!

"Star Rain"

Fanfare sounds. The choir splits into two directions. Leading exit.

IN. Good afternoon, dear friends. Today is a holiday at our school, fanfares are thundering, the hall welcomes guests with festive decorations, costumes are full of colors, the light of the ramp illuminates the stage, and this means that we are opening the “Parade of Talents”.


For us, this is a summing up of the year, an opportunity to show ourselves, and for you, guests and spectators, to evaluate our achievements, of course, be happy for us and get a charge of good mood.

The talent parade opened Choir group"Tutti."

This year, the team represented our school and our city at the Republican choral competition “Let’s Sing Together” and became holders of a 2nd degree diploma at the regional stage. And in the finals of the competition, which took place in Minsk, the Tutti choir took an honorable third place. In addition, the team was awarded a special diploma from the republican competition “ Young talents Belarus" in the National Camp "Zubrenok".

"Spring range"


The screensaver sounds. The choir leaves.

School director Alla Vladimirovna Sinyavskaya is invited to the stage to greet the parade participants and award awards.

Director's word

AWARDS1st block Background on awardedno

Musical screensaver

Theater! How much does a word mean?
For everyone who has been there many times!
How important and sometimes new
There is action for us!

Theater! Theater! How much they mean
Sometimes your words are for us!
And how could it be otherwise?
In the theater, life is always right!

Fans continue the parade of talents theatrical genre, and there are a lot of them in our school. These are the theater groups “Poteshki”, “Peer”, and the poetry theater “Firefly”. Our school is one of the few where theatrical traditions are sacredly preserved. Participants of theater groups not only participate in competitions and festivals, but also organize theater evenings for their peers, parents, and kindergarten students. And now the youngest members of the Teremok theater group will appear on this stage. “Gaped” is the name of the miniature they will present to your attention.

Theater "Teremok" "Gawked"

To the sounds of fanfare, applause and admiring glances of KVN fans, at the talent parade, I represent the school KVN team “Our Roof”. This team has a five-year history, fourth edition, two victories in the season. This year the team became second in the finals of the regional school league and received a 2nd degree diploma from the Vitebsk open league school teams KVN, and Alexander Batyukov was recognized as the best player of the season. On behalf of the team, I would like to express my gratitude to the parents for their understanding, patience and support.

The teaching staff of the State Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 3” in Orsha expresses gratitude and appreciation for their personal contribution to the development of the material and technical base of the school, for their support, cooperation and active life position

AWARDSІІ block.Background on awardedno

The festive parade continues. The winner of the regional festival of creativity for children and teenagers “I’ll be a star” is the theater of rhythm and plasticity “Formula of Movement”


What can be compared to music in sound?
Noise of the forest? The singing of a nightingale?
Are there thunderstorms? Is the brook babbling?
I can't find any comparisons.

But whenever there is confusion in the soul, -
Love or sadness, fun or sadness.
In any mood given by nature
Suddenly the music starts playing

Elizaveta Kalanich sings for you.


The last vocal group in the block (Chinese song)

B\O Chinese song

B/O Exemplary Costume Theater “Obraz”

Breath of Heaven"

Costume theater “Image”. Leaders Vinogradova N.Ya. and Derevianko E.V. This creative team has been business card our school. This year he was awarded the honorary title “Exemplary”. The team members represent our school and our region at regional and republican competitions and festivals. Thanks to the support of parents this school year, the team members attended the regional festival “Zdravnevskaya polytra” in Vitebsk, the festival of Chinese lanterns in Minsk, and took part in the commercial competition “Sails of Hope”. Dear parents, children, please accept my words of gratitude.


Oh, music is the language of love,
Creation of God's glow.
How do you cleanse your soul?
How do you spark inspiration?

The musicians continue the parade of talents. On stage instrumental duet Sinyakova Tatyana Balinskaya Daria



You are greeted by the laureate of the regional festival of creativity for children and teenagers “I’ll be a star”, the vocal group “Confetti”


Magic power art
Truly a powerful word.
And if your soul is empty,
You say it again.

The magical power of art
And suddenly everything around became new.
And you wanted to smile
And make someone else happier.

Live, create, dare
Learn willingly and a lot,
Discover your talents
And the road will be joyful!

Sings Ivan Voroshkov

"New day"

All concert participants

REPORTING CONCERT OF THE DISTRICT HOUSE OF CULTURE Throughout the year, workers of the Regional Cultural Center are actively creative activity, organizing for the population of our village holiday events, fun festivities, theme nights, art exhibitions and much more. But the work of specialists at cultural centers is not limited to the list of even such noticeable, striking moments. Much of their work is hidden from view of the public. What the viewer sees on stage is preceded by a large preparatory work: script writing, rehearsals, preparation of costumes and scenery, stage and hall design, sound design and much more. Large-scale events - celebrations, festivals, etc. - also bring a lot of organizational issues. Among other things, the House of Culture also conducts club work, providing Kardymovites with the opportunity to engage in creativity in amateur associations of various types. The reporting concert is a definite result of the work done. On the one hand, it can consist of numbers from the so-called “golden fund”; on the other hand, as a rule, there are always premiere numbers. In addition, this is a holiday necessary both for the participants themselves and for the leaders of creative teams and associations. Therefore, concerts are usually held in a fairly organized manner and as informative as possible, so that in a very short period of time, one and a half to two hours, they can show everything that has been developed during the year. Natalia Datsko (Director of the RDK): - The program of the reporting concert includes performances with the participation of all creative groups of the House of Culture, and today there are about 25 of them in the RDK, the permanent participants of which are more than 300 people, these are children, these are young people, these are the elderly age. And everyone, without exception, approaches such events responsibly and with great dedication! Last Saturday, December 17, the district House of Culture invited Kardymovites to the reporting concert “Country of Talents in the World of Art,” which took place in the assembly hall of the Culture Center. In the foyer of the Cultural Center, guests who came to the concert were treated to an exhibition of arts and crafts, “City of Masters.” The exhibition featured embroidered with beads paintings by Natalia Volkova, made from seashells photo frames by Tatyana Sokol, bright souvenir dolls by member of the Russian Union of Designers Vera Yakovleva, beaded necklaces and skillfully crocheted shawls and openwork vests by Galina Zvereva, souvenirs and beaded jewelry by Galina Solovyova, New Year and Christmas decorations by Elena and Alexander Osin. All works were bright, interesting and memorable. The concert program, traditionally hosted by the director, was no less bright. district house culture Natalia Datsko. Opened creative program groups that have been active on the basis of the RDK for many years - a folk choir and a companion group of the folk choir, the Russian song ensemble “Nadezhda” (leader of the groups is Victoria Parfiryeva). A regular participant performed lively ditties, authored by our fellow poetess Svetlana Matuzova. Folk Choir and the ensemble “Nadezhda” Svetlana Anashkina. The Russian song ensemble “Zabavushka” (director Victoria Parfiryeva) pleased the audience with new works. For many years now, the love for Russian song has been helping this creative team search for and expand its repertoire with new interesting numbers. By the way, in January next year The ensemble faces a serious test - confirmation of the title of a folk group. However, despite the excitement, neither the participants nor the leader of the group have any doubt that the ensemble will pass this test with honor. Now “Zabavushka” is, as they say, “running in” new program, which gives viewers the opportunity to hear and evaluate some of her performances in advance. The soloists of the pop singing group “Melody” (leader Victoria Parfiryeva) Elena Morozova, Tatyana Korolenko and Nadezhda Ivanova performed just as brightly and with inexhaustible energy. A pleasant surprise for the audience was the performance of the 2016 debutants: Alexey Belodedenkov, Ekaterina Egorenkova, Olga Kovaleva. With miniature "Epic about modern history Russia" and musical composition, dedicated to the Year cinema in Russia, “Attention! The movie is being filmed!” The national amateur group of the Agitation Brigade “Niva” (leaders Vera Yakovleva and Natalia Datsko) performed. Team artistic reading“Slog” (director Natalia Datsko), permanent member of this group Victoria Kravtsova presented her emotional performance. The performance of Tatiana Sokol, a member of the creative association “Inspiration” (headed by Elena Morozova), was piercing and impressive. Tatyana Nikolaevna read her own poem, dedicated to creativity people's artist Russia Oleg Pogudin. The audience that evening did not skimp on applause, greeting each artist with it. In the final concert program The song “And again we are on stage” was performed by vocalists and all participants in amateur performances. A performance concert is always a very emotional event, causing excitement and joy among the performers. I would like to sincerely wish the leaders and participants of the creative teams of the regional House of Culture in the future creative success, interesting ideas, audience love and full houses!

Scenario of the reporting concert of the creative groups of the Central Children's Theater.

The call signs of the song “Hello World” sound, the presenters come out and sing one verse of the song +.

Ved.1 .More than anything, I want the world to be at peace!

Transparent and clean sky, and radiant sun!

Ved.2 .More than anything, I want the sun to greet me in the morning, sitting on the porch.

Ved.3 .And I want more to make sure that children are always happy in everything - in the whole world!

Ved.4 So that no one anywhere knows about war or famine, so that every day comes like spring for everyone!

Ved.1 . The most the best people in the world!
Ved.2. Hello, dear, kind children!
Ved.3 .Next to children they are surprisingly tall,
Ved.4 .Hello, people, fellow adults!

Ved.1. Hello!

Ved 2. Isenmesez!

Ved.3. Good evening!

Ved.4 .Heerle ketch!

Ved.1. We are pleased to welcome you to this concert hall!

Ved 2. Prepare your warmest wishes and most reverent feelings!

Ved.3. Be patient!

Ved 4. Don't be ashamed to express good relations to each other, and to the speakers

Ved 1. Don't skimp on applause

Ved 2. Because we:

Vedas 3.……..!




Ved.3. We welcome you to the reporting concert of the Center’s creative teams children's creativity: "Hello, world!"

Ved.4. Guests of honor present at our concert:

Head of the Mendeleevsky district Privalov Igor Anatolyevich

Deputy head of the district for social issues Pavel Stepanovich Mironov,

Gafarov Rustam Ismagilovich, adviser to State Council deputy Rinat Sagitovich Khanbikov.

Ved.1. Head of the Education Department Khaertdinova Zulfira Khafizovna.

Ved. 2 . And also Parents, teachers and children!

Ved.3. The stream gurgled in the ravine,
Birds have flown in from the south.
The sun is warming in the morning.
...... (together) Spring is coming to visit us!
(the presenters leave, the soundtrack of the next number starts)

Ved . Meet the vocal group “Rainbow”,with the song “Spring Drops” by teacher Gulnar Rifgatovna Tukhvatova.

Ved . Staging of Tukay's work“Vodyanaia” performed by students of the theater group “Triumph” teacher Gulnaz Foatovna Strelkova, the team became the laureate of the 1st degree of the republican competition “Mon Chishmese” in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny.

Ved. For your attention - the best costumes and masks made by children of the arts and crafts department.

???Ved. Meet the models of the “Design” association, teacher Veronika Olegovna Latypova, “Crazy Hands” - teacher Akhmadullina Zakiya Rustamovna, studio “Firebird” - director Gabdrakhmanova Lilia Muzagitovna, association “Camellia” - teacher Sadykova Alsu Rafaelevna, association “Image” - Akhkiyamova Elmira Masnavievna.

(Demonstration - Fashion Magic) Costume comments:

Ved. And now Adelina Sufieva is performing with the poem “Bird School” - theatrical association "Mask", teacher Volkova Nazira Mukaramovna.

Ved . Your attentiondramatization of “Family Showdowns” performed by the children of the Triumph group.

Ved . Meet the winner of the republican competitions “First Steps” and “Musical Starfall”Guryanov Diana with the song “Dance in the Rain”, teacher Gulnar Rifkatovna Tukhvatova.

Ved. The theater group "Triumph" visited the city in 2012 Saint Petersburg, where they became 3rd degree laureates in the International Competition “Childhood Holiday” and now the team members will show you, dear viewers, one ofperformances "Pig in Fox Skin" . Meet!

Ved. We are very pleased to note that this academic year studentsExemplary choreographic group"Charm" took an active part and became winners in many competitions and festivals: republican “Hello, we are looking for talents” - Elabuga, “First steps” and “In a whirlwind of dance” - Naberezhnye Chelny, International “Winter Riviera” - Sochi! We are greeted with applause"Charm" with dance composition"Insomnia while waiting for love."

Ved. “Why do we live in the world?”

Ved. In order to bring goodness and light to all people. Love, Goodness and Beauty exist in the universe, only surrounded by them can a person become Happy!

Ved. We bring to your attention an excerpt from Valentin Kataev’s play “The Flower of Seven Flowers” performed by the Semitsvetik Health Theater directed by Alfiya Almazovna Talypova. This group delights children of city kindergartens and schools with its performances.

Ved . Akhmedshina Dasha, theater association "Mask", will read to uspoem "Papavoz" support her with applause.

Ved. The next number performed by Diana Guryanova, (song “Mama”) dedicate to ourTo dear mothers who care more about our performances than we do, we wish you health and happiness for many years to come!

Ved. And again on stagetheater group"Triumph". (Meeting)

To take out equipment:

Ved. I want there to be more light
Goodness and beauty around us all,
So that all year round summer was shining in my soul,
Warmth was given by the joy of kind eyes.

Ved. I want happiness to reign in the world,
And people smiled again and again,
So that good things happen most often,
May love conquer all misfortunes!

Ved . Everyone has their own happiness.

It is in big and small,

Ved. Or maybe it's just that

That the sun is shining, it's snowing, and the children are laughing

Ved. Our Center is rich, first of all, in its children - ordinary, talented, gifted. He gets richer constantly and inevitably, because every year in September he is replenished young talents, and in the spring graduates graduate who remain her children, only grown up. And I really want to believe that their fate will be successful and happy.

Ved . Now the guys who have been studying for only 4 months will performvocal- instrumental ensemble "Centurion" under the leadership of Zaripov Rustem Rashitovich.

Ved. Sings Farhad Latypov - 1st degree diploma winner of the republican competition “Times do not choose” in the city of Nizhnekamsk, leader Rustam Rashitovich Zaripov.

To remove equipment:

Ved . And again the hall is full, and the lights are on again.

And we are no longer strangers on stage, but our own.

The sound of applause and the look of happy eyes,

And there is no greater reward than this for all of us.

Ved. We are on stage who we dream to be,

We go out without hiding anything.

We live by the game, we want to live like this

And we know: “Luck is ahead!”

(In stock

Ved. There is a wonderful Center in the city,andcrafts work together in it,Here they weave and sew beads, dance, sculpt and sing.Here everyone will find something to their liking, and - go ahead!Create, invent, dare,VAchieve the desired ruffs!

Ved . Here they believe in magic, here they are friends with miracles

All fairy tales in reality come to visit themselves.

Here the clouds are not visible, here it’s crowded with smiles,

On a creative wavePchildhood is floating somewhere.)

Ved. Meetapplause "Triumph", staging "The Prince at the Gates"

Ved . Folk group "Teremshur kuskylios" from the Yenaberda school under the leadership of Vera Semyonovna Stepanova, laureates of the 1st degree of the republican competition “Live, Spring” Naberezhnye Chelny, constant participants in school and rural concerts, and today they are on this stage.

Ved. A scene for your attention“Three Girlfriends” performed by the Triumph group.

Ved. Eduard Turov from the Guitar Song association, Yasaveeva’s teacherTatiana Alexandrovnawill sing us the song “Farewell forever, protective color.”

Ved. This year the Triumph theater group became a 1st degree laureate International competition“Slavic Meetings” in the Republic of Belarus Minsk, and Adelina Speranskaya withJuliet's monologue at this competition was awarded the title

Ved. On stage are girls from the vocal association "Rainbow"with the song "Witch's River".

Ved . The guests of our concert today are the theater group "Transfiguration" of the Children's Art School, teacher Gulnaz Foatovna Strelkova. They will perform withskit "Angel" your applause.

Ved. We are pleased to invite Regina Sabirzyanova to the stage with her monologue “Tatiana’s Letter” , Regina is a 3rd degree laureate of the International Competition “Slavic Meetings”, Republic of Belarus, Minsk. Your applause.

Ved. Aizilya Gataullina and Diana Guryanova sing the song “Girlfriends” and the vocal association “Rainbow” for you.

Ved. And again on stagetheater group "Transfiguration" skit "Hidden Diary".

Ved. "For good actors there are no bad roles,” proclaimed Johann Friedrich Schiller.

Ved . More recently, the theater group "Triumph" wonThe Grand Prix Republican competition “Hello, we are looking for talents” with the play “Omelette”. Your applause!

Ved . Your attentiondance composition “Chrysanthemums” "performed by girls of the exemplary choreographic group "Charming",

Ved . Our Center for Children's Creativity evokes only positive emotions.
Ved . I will say more - our Center is a delight!
Ved . Oh, Miracle Center!
Ved . Our arms and hearts are open to you!
Ved . Oh, miracle, Center!
Ved . Always a warming hearth!
Ved . Oh, miracle, Center!
Ved . You can always awaken timid talent!
Ved . Oh, miracle, Center!
Ved . Hometown and you can surprise the region with your talent!
Ved . Always open and welcome!

Ved . If good wizard told the guys:

Ved . I can fulfill any of your wishes!

Ved. He would probably read it in our eyes,

Ved . In those who look at the blue sky with a smile.

Ved .- World! That's what we need!

Ved.- Life! That's what we need!

Ved . Your attentionsong " Good fairy tales "performed by the trio of the vocal association "Rainbow".

(All participants go on stage for the last chorus).

Ved . We invite Alfiya Almazovna Talypova, director of the Children's Creativity Center, to the stage to greet and congratulate.

Ved . And now the most pleasant moment of our concert is the awarding of the most active students of the Children's Creativity Center.

(Strelkova G.F. reads out certificates)

Ved. The Head of the Education Department, Zulfira Khafizovna Khaertdinova, is invited to the stage for greetings and congratulations.

(Certificates are presented to teachers)

Ved. For friendship, for smiles and for meetings
We inherited the planet.
We are bequeathed to protect this world
And this amazing land.

Ved. Khormatle, tamashachylar shunyn belen beznen concerts byz ahyryna yakynlashty.Ved. Thank you for your attention and see you again!

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