Dream interpretation: a snake attacks, bites, sleeps, kind, beautiful. Interpretation of the dream Snake

These creatures live on almost every continent and have a bad reputation for most people. The dislike for snakes is based primarily on their lethality - the presence of deadly venom allows them to kill even the largest animals. However, it is worth remembering that poisonous snakes make up only a quarter of all known species. Below are the most beautiful snakes on the planet.

10. Horned viper

It is one of the very common snakes found throughout North Africa (excluding Morocco) and the Arabian Peninsula.

Up to 70 cm long, brownish-yellow in color, with more or less clear transverse spots of dark brown color, the entire color of the snake is extremely. The number of scales in each belt is 29-33; the anal scute is undivided, and the caudal scutes are divided into two.

9. Black snake

A slender and muscular snake, very fast. The scales are smooth and come in a wide range of colors, including black, blue, gray, greenish, olive and brown. However, individuals from the same habitat usually have similar colors. The throat and chin parts are white. The variety of colors makes this snake difficult to identify.

Distributed in North and Central America, from Canada to Guatemala, with the exception of the western United States. Lives in open areas, such as fields, lake shores and steppes. Active during the day. It feeds on reptiles, birds and small mammals. Oviparous, clutch contains 10-20 or more eggs.

8. Snake Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri

The subspecies is distributed from southeastern Louisiana to southern Texas. Inhabits mainly oak forests, found in major cities such as Dallas and Houston.

The basic color tone varies from brown to orange or yellowish, the skin between the scales is reddish.

A row of large angular spots of dark brown color runs along the back; on the sides there are the same rows, but the spots are smaller. The head is one color, dark gray with white edging of the lips. The underparts are white, with vague gray markings on the ventral scutes. Young people have gray background a series of dark brown, transversely elongated spots.

7. Narrow-headed mamba

The narrow-headed mamba is found in the rain forests in the eastern part South Africa: in Natal, Mozambique, Eastern Zambia, Tanzania. Average length 180 cm, but sometimes snakes grow up to 250 cm. Adults of this species are usually emerald green in color.

She is active mainly in daytime, but these snakes can also hunt at night under favorable conditions. Its prey in natural conditions includes birds, lizards and small mammals.

Very closely related species are the western green mamba and the black mamba.

6. Striated King Snake

Reaches a length of up to 1.3 meters. In color it represents shining example mimicry - very similar to poisonous coral adders.

It feeds on small lizards, various amphibians and large insects. Life expectancy is about 10 years.

The length of the rainbow boa reaches up to 2 m, but usually 150-170 cm. The main color background is from brown to reddish and fawn with large light spots surrounded by dark rings along the back.

On the sides there are dark spots of smaller size with a light semi-lunar stripe on top. On the sides, near the belly, there are a number of even smaller dark spots.

In the rays of the sun, the scales with an unusually strong metallic sheen shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, especially when the snake moves. Newborn boas are also spotted.

4. Tiger Python

A large and massive snake. Body length can reach from 1.5 to 4 m or more (depending on gender (females are usually larger than males) and lifestyle).

Coloring is variable. Large dark brown spots are scattered on the body over a light yellowish-brown or yellowish-olive background. various shapes, forming complex pattern.

A dark stripe runs across the eye, starting from the nostrils and extending into spots on the neck. Another stripe goes from the eye down and runs along the upper labial scutes. There is a dark arrow-shaped spot on the top of the head.

3. Dog-headed boas

Dog-headed boas reach a length of 2 to 3 m. The color is bright green with white spots on the back, sometimes connected by a thin white line running along the ridge. The color of the belly varies from off-white to light yellow.

Young boas are red-orange, occasionally green. A very tenacious tail allows the snake not only to move deftly and quickly among the branches, but also to rest on a thin branch, strengthened by its tail, hanging two half-rings of its body on each side of the branch and resting its head on top.

2. Spot Collared Snake

Lives in damp areas. Leads a secretive, nocturnal lifestyle. It feeds on salamanders, lizards and frogs, as well as earthworms and other species of snakes. For protection, it uses its resemblance to coral adders.

total length varies from 25 to 38 cm, the subspecies D. punctatus regalis has a length from 38 to 46 cm. Females are larger than males. The head is small. The body is graceful and slender.

Coloration varies from light gray to black, and there is almost always a bright yellow or orange stripe behind the head. The belly is orange and the tail is red below. When excited, the snake raises its coiled tail, showing bright colors.

1. Herbaceous green whipweed

The total length reaches 2 m. It has a highly elongated, thin and laterally compressed body, and an elongated and pointed head. The body diameter is only 1.5-2 centimeters.

The back is painted a bright light green color. They can be gray, yellow, flesh or cream in color, with white and black lines on the back and sides, forming oblique lines.

The belly is light with white or yellow edges of the ventral scutes. The eyes are large with a horizontal pupil.

Dream Interpretation Blue Snake

The snake in heraldry, the science of coats of arms, symbols, is interpreted in a very multifaceted way. This is quite a contrasting image. In the Garden of Eden, she knocked down, with true path, Eve. What helped call it a symbol of temptation. Among Hindus, it is associated with such a concept as the revival of spirituality. In their belief, human energy lurks in the tailbone, in the shape of a coiled snake. She activates the chakras, straightening the curled rings, one after another, moving along the spine. Thus giving birth to a new soul, bringing enlightenment. To be able to grow and maintain youth, she sheds old skin. In other words, it can deservedly be given the status of longevity.

Dream symbolism

Not everyone will deny the fact that there is a very odious creature, like an ancient reptile. In many cultures it is known as the transformation dark force. But in other traditions this reptile is deified. Oneiromancers, those who interpret dreams, are also not unanimous in their judgments about the meaning of dreams with their participation.

Alternative interpretation

image of a snake in dreams

Classical interpretations of this reptile in dreams associate it with deceit, victims, all kinds and forms of evil.

Miller's Dream Book

When a woman dreams that she is being bitten by a dead viper, it means that she will suffer from a malicious act committed by a hypocritical friend.

If you dream that a reptile wriggles or falls on someone from above, it means that a difficult struggle is coming to find a place in the sun. It will not happen without remorse.

To achieve your goals, you need to make some sacrifices. You lack respect and appreciation from others. However, a dream where you happened to kill a snake promises you victory and triumph over your enemies.

A constant fear of illness is identified by a dream where you walked past snakes. Moreover, selfish people vegetate next to you, vying for your post among friends, the dream book indicates.

If in your dreams such a scenario played out, where a flat colored reptile was crawling towards you, from which you jumped to the side, and it moved away. Having forgotten about her, you calmed down, but then she returns, growing before your eyes, transforming into a huge snake. You, having made superhuman efforts, manage to avoid his attack and completely get rid of this phenomenon.

The dream reflects concerns about your value in the eyes of your colleagues. You fear that they will disregard your opinion. Things are going downhill. Anxiety, nervousness, stress will hypertrophy in the depths of consciousness. However, everything will end well. Imaginary suffering will become a thing of the past. Satisfaction and relief will come.

To dream that a reptile wraps itself around you and shoots out a sting means that your enemies will dominate you for some time. Perhaps you will perceive this painfully, suffering severe illness.

It’s great when you dreamed of a tired snake that the dreamer was holding in his hands. He will be able to develop a strategic plan to overthrow ill-wishers.

When you dream that you are in the form of a gorgon, your head, instead of hair, is covered with snakes, you will soon be worried about a seemingly petty situation.

To be more correct, so as not to offend loved ones, is encouraged by a dream where you dreamed of reptiles stinging each other.

If the path is blocked

I dreamed of small snakes, evidence of how hospitably you treat people, who secretly slander and throw mud at you in order to upset what you have planned.

Why did you dream about children playing with snakes? This is a reflection of your confusion in trying to understand who is a friend and who is an enemy.

I dreamed of a woman who was worried about her children because she heard the hissing of reptiles somewhere nearby. This means that in reality a situation is likely where she will be persuaded to give up something dear, suggesting that it is for her good. However, later, she realizes that she was involved in a dishonest trick.

He dreams that a friend is standing on a path, behind him on which snakes, raising their heads, hiss menacingly. You will be lucky enough to uncover an intrigue against both of you. In cases where a friend keeps the reptiles under control, an influential organization will help you repel the machinations of your enemies.

Why does a woman dream about being bewitched by a snake? She will be oppressed, but the law will be on her side, not without the help of powerful friends.

Vanga's Dream Book

The crawling reptile heralds an upcoming battle with enemies who, after secretly weaving intrigues, will decide to move on to open war.

Bad prognosis if she was poisonous. Defeat cannot be avoided. But otherwise, the machinations of their enemies will turn against them.

A dreamed ball of snakes personifies envious people who wish the dreamer not only failure in his career, discord in the family, but also death.

Be careful with your words during a period of passion.

The bite of a reptile signals the dirty tricks of an acquaintance who enjoys your trust, which will cause you to be disappointed in your lover. However, you don’t even realize that your friend has resorted to black magic.

I dreamed of a snake lying peacefully, coiled in a ring, a harbinger of the calm before the storm. Enemies are just waiting for the right opportunity to strike a fatal blow.

If you were lying peacefully

When you dream that you are in the arms of a boa constrictor, in reality you are the one who will be one of the first to be informed about a loved one’s incurable illness. You must concentrate your efforts and tactfully and carefully inform your family about this. Help the sick person to spend the rest of his days with dignity and courage.

A giant reptile in a dream signals danger on a global scale. There will come a period of Satan's reign on the planet in human form. Hunger, poverty, violence, and death from disease will come to people.

If you were lucky enough to kill this Serpent, people will turn to God, churches will open en masse. Satan will retreat.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Miss medium is sure that you dreamed of a creeping creature, which means you are looking for enemies among females.

Managed to kill her, which means finding a solution in a difficult everyday situation.

Modern interpretation

Current interpretations of everything these reptiles dream about give predictions based on the context of dreams.

Loff's Dream Book

It was a dream that a stranger was holding a snake with his hands, which means that among the dreamer’s environment there is a wise person who is able to control order in the soul of the sleeper.

As to what the dream of a creeping creature that has shed its old skin means, the pastor answers unequivocally. This means that enlightenment and ordering have occurred in the consciousness of the sleeping person. He has been spiritually renewed and is able to solve pressing problems with a different approach.

I dreamed of a reptile seducing you, a hint of a person who spiritually opposes you to achieve your goal. Avoid him, because your relationship with him has always not been very smooth.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

When you dream of a snake on the side, this is a prediction of secret betrayal.

If she crawls towards you and is already very close, this signals the onset of the disease.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorova

A famous healer interprets the image of a reptile in a dream in her own way.

She believes that the reptile is a dream, promising the appearance of an intimate partner, possibly a husband.

Why do you dream about a creature’s bite? Definitely for pregnancy.

Muslim dream book

This creature in a dream represents the dreamer’s enemies. And the enemy’s capabilities correspond to the size of the creature.

When you dreamed of a completely tame creature, the dreamer will receive property. But if a creature attacks the dreamer, in reality he will fall out of favor with the authorities or superiors.

I dreamed of whole hordes of snakes that pose no danger, which means the dreamer will command an army.

Noble dream book of Grishina

The small snake represents a quarrel. Do not rush to perform actions and shout out phrases while in emotional excitement.

A large reptile predicts the possibility of deception. It can also promise recovery.

You dreamed of an affectionate creeping creature, which means that among your surroundings there is an insincere and flattering person.

If you happened to stroke a snake in a dream, it means you are prone to dangerous and extreme activities.

If a man dreams of a viper on his wife, it means she will give birth soon. The baby will be male.

Wealth promises a dream where you happened to kill a creature.

If you dreamed of snakes under the blanket, crawling on the bed and over the dreamer’s body, this means that in reality something will happen that will contradict the heritage of the past, perhaps an introduction to secret knowledge.

If you dreamed of a creeping creature in your bosom, it means authority and an excellent reputation among colleagues.

A snake’s nest in a dream represents an obsessive person who brings quarrels and discord into the house.

Plots of snake dreams

Everything that snake dreams mean has universal interpretation all kinds of contradictions. These are quarrels, betrayals, networks of enemies, deceit, the phallus and thoughts related to it, non-standard sexual inclinations and aspirations. The exact interpretations depend on the context of the dreams. Let's consider what situations can be envisaged by the scenario of snake dreams:

If you ate it

  • feast on snake meat;
  • bitten by a snake;
  • dancing reptiles;
  • pursuit by snakes;
  • Reptiles on fire;
  • pond with snakes.

Introduction to unsafe knowledge promises a dream where you happened to eat snake meat.

The dreamer has information about secret teachings in his hands, but he does not know how to use it correctly. Therefore, it can harm not only others, but also oneself.

Everything you dream of being stung by a creeping creature speaks of a possible illness or resumption of a chronic illness.

Why do you dream about dancing reptiles? This is a reflection of your strange lusts, practicing spiritualism, communicating with the souls of the dead.

If you were chased by reptiles in a dream, it means you are experiencing anxiety caused by the struggle with erotic inclinations.

Why do reptiles dream about burning in a fire? This is the negative that you are getting rid of inside yourself, which has been spiritually burdening you for a long time.

Why do you dream about reptiles that fill a pond, river, or reservoir? This indicates your psychological condition. For some reason you fell into melancholy. This is painful - the depressing state needs to be suppressed within yourself. Otherwise, it can result in deep stress.

Dreams with colorful snakes

Dreams with snakes are interpreted not only from the perspective of actions that were performed by reptiles. The color scheme in which the reptile’s skin is painted carries a very expressive meaning.

Rainbow colored snakeskin

I dream of an entirely black reptile, this is a reflection spiritual development the dreamer, on which his health largely depends.

The white snake promises unexpected, and most importantly, it is not clear where, financial income has fallen.

A blue snake in a dream guarantees good luck in gambling. You can safely try to visit gambling establishments in the coming days - fortune will be on your side.

The blue creature speaks of a pleasant time with loved ones.

What do other colors say?

Gray - encourages you not to spend money thoughtlessly. Because this can lead to serious losses and dire consequences.

The pink reptile signals dirty tricks that your friends will slip to you. They will believe in impunity. But if the pink creature slips out of their hands, their plans will be ruined.

The brown snake represents hypocritical, so-called friends who discuss unpleasant details of your life with strangers.

If the brown creature bites them, then your reputation will be restored.

An orange pit viper may indicate kidney problems.

An orange viper can also be interpreted as a wrong choice, a depressive stage in the dreamer’s life.

Snakes are creatures that have long been considered representatives otherworldly force, light or darkness. Despite the fact that people have different attitudes towards them, one cannot help but admit that these reptiles are incredibly beautiful. So, from this article you will learn which snakes are considered the most attractive in the world of reptiles.

Are snakes dangerous or not?

To be honest, snakes are predatory reptiles that attack other animals, while being prey for larger and fearless representatives of the fauna. In order to scare away unexpected guests, snakes are either camouflaged or, conversely, painted in bright colors, because the flashy skin frightens almost all predators.

The most can be both harmless and deadly. The top of the beauty lists are occupied by those cold-blooded ones, which are distinguished not only by their pleasing color to the eye, but also by their fairly large size. Before looking for a meeting with a particular snake in order to take a closer look at the iridescent scales, it is important to study its habits and behavior in order to be prepared for a cold shoulder if something happens.

Beautiful snakes of South America

The most beautiful snakes live in all corners of the world. They can be found on every continent, in every part globe except Antarctica. Perhaps the largest number of these reptiles live in South America.

Among the inhabitants of this continent, the emerald, also known as the dog-headed boa constrictor, stands out. This reptile has a bright green color with white spots. The most beautiful snake in the world spends most of its life in trees, curled up in several coils and resting its head on them.

The boa constrictor's neighbor, the Brazilian rainbow python, is distinguished by its bright color: on the main brown or orange scales there are other, multi-colored scales reminiscent of a rainbow.

Beautiful Central American snake

Living in Central America, the Honduran milk snake is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful reptiles. This representative of adders is attractive with its bright red and black striped color, which does not at all fit the description of “milky”.

However, the most beautiful snakes on the planet got their names for a reason. The Honduran snake acquired such an epithet because it became addicted to the milk of American cows, which are kept on local farms.

The most beautiful snakes in North America

Rubber snakes, relatives of the deadly anacondas, do not reach the same size as the latter. Their length is usually about sixty centimeters. These reptiles are known for their rubber-like skin. It is either gray or black.

Rubber adders are the most beautiful snakes that are used to relieve people of herpetophobia, and these reptiles do an excellent job: they can spend an entire hour in a person's arms without even trying to bite him. These snakes do not believe that the best defense is attack, and when threatened, they secrete a liquid that smells bad and scares away predators.

Another inhabitant of America, the royal adder, has a majestic coloration consisting of three shades: red, black stripes and thin rings of yellow or white separating them. This snake is often the subject of photography. The most beautiful snakes can be dangerous. Thus, the venom of the royal adder can be fatal.

The white Texas snake is not found in natural environment habitats of other snakes. This snow-white reptile with large light blue eyes was bred by American scientists.

The spotted collared snake is easily recognized by the bright yellow rim that separates its head from its olive body. She has a red tail, and the middle of her body is yellow, while the colors change smoothly, without dividing into distinct areas. When in danger, this reptile raises its red tail up and thereby scares its opponents, but it rarely attacks large animals.

Beautiful snakes of Australia

live in Australia. For example, the black snake, which got its name for its dark color with a scarlet-pink belly, is not only capable of staying under water for an hour, but also bites humans. The venom of the two-meter black echidna does not bring instant death, but unpleasant sensations after its attack are guaranteed.

A relative of the black echidna, the tiger snake, occupies a habitat similar to it. It is known for its coloration, similar to the color of a tiger's fur. In addition, it is very poisonous. It's better not to meet her.

Beautiful snakes of Africa

It deservedly received its name. Above the eyes there are small horns made of scales, which make this representative of reptiles unusual and attractive. The snake also has a light brown, almost cream color, making it very difficult to see against the backdrop of the African sands.

The reptiles collectively called "mambas" are without a doubt the most beautiful snakes. They may have different colors. For example, the narrow-headed mamba, emerald green along the entire length of the body, can easily blend in with the trees of the tropical forests of South Africa.

Another mamba, the black one, is the most dangerous snake on the planet. Its poison is fatal to humans. It is impossible to prepare for the attack of this inhabitant of Africa - she attacks with lightning speed anyone who disturbs her peace. When people hear the name of this snake, they imagine a long, blue-black reptile, but this is not entirely true. It bears this name not because of the color of its body, which, however, is beige, but because of the color of its mouth. Opening it, she exposes her dark throat and long fangs.

Beautiful snakes of Russia

The yellow-bellied snake, or two-colored bonito, lives on Far East. She almost never goes to land and spends most of her life in sea water. The color of the snake's body consists of two colors: yellow and black. They divide her body into two halves: upper and lower. In addition, there is a series of triangles on its tail, which helps distinguish it from other reptiles with similar coloring.

The most beautiful snakes in the world with the names given to them external features or unusual behavior, they also live in Russia. The Amur snake, reaching two meters in length, is black in color with yellow rings. It is rightfully considered the most beautiful reptile that can be found in our country. It feeds by gracefully squeezing its body in rings and raising its head. In those moments when he is awake, he looks like a Chinese philosopher - this snake behaves so calmly and focused.

It is important to remember that the beauty of snakes is deceptive, and even the most harmless-looking reptile can cause harm if disturbed. Therefore, you should avoid meeting them and admire the beautiful apses from TV and computer screens. Encounters with these predators are harmless only for prepared people.

It is unpleasant if a snake attacks you in a dream. The dream book interprets such dreams in different ways, but basically recommends that the dreamer be careful. Dreams about snakes usually warn of deceit, intrigue, disease and hypocrisy.

I saw a snake

If a snake attacks in a dream, but does not interpret this as the dreamer’s constant fears. He worries about his life and health. However, if the snake is pursuing, then the fears may not be without reason.

What else does the dream book foretell? A snake attacks and bites another, which means you will be jealous of someone. And also to wish evil or experience hatred.

The snake attacked in the house, but did not bite. Dream Interpretation foretells whirlwind romance, which will be filled with eroticism and feelings, however, emotions can be one-sided and one of the partners can just play.

Seeing a snake near an artificial pond that wants to attack and bite is a sign of envy and blame. If it was an anaconda, viper or cobra, then you should beware of a certain lady who could harm you.

IN public place attacked by a snake? The dream book says that such a vision does not threaten the dreamer. Night vision reports that someone is full of bad feelings, would like to harm the dreamer or hates him, but he will not be able to do anything.

What does the dream book promise if a snake attacks on the street in a dream and does not bite? This is a warning that there are envious people who have shrouded your personality in gossip. However, they cannot do anything bad to you.

If a woman has a dream

If a woman dreamed that a snake attacked, the dream book interprets this as a warning. You should be prepared for the fact that people whom you considered close may deceive you.

Does a snake attack and bite in a dream? The dream book warns that it is possible serious problems with health. It may even be life threatening.

Sometimes in night dreams a snake attacks and bites another. The dream book indicates that you should be more restrained. Because you can offend someone.

If a girl is attacked by a large snake, the dream book foretells an imminent pregnancy.

Have you seen a snake in your partner's place? The dream book says that changes in relationships are possible. In both bad and good ways.

If a woman who had a dream with a snake is pregnant, the dream book predicts the birth of a girl.

For married girls a vision about snakes can be interpreted as the appearance of a competitor who will try to take your place.

If a man has a dream

If a man saw in a dream how a large snake attacks, the dream book foretells an imminent meeting with new woman, who may become the wife and mother of his children.

If a man sees a snake next to an unknown lady, then this foreshadows acquaintance and a passionate romance.

However, if a wife is next to a snake in a dream, then such a vision threatens problems in family life and the dreamer will have to spend a lot of effort to solve them. The dream book foretells the same thing if a man sees his sister.

If the snake wriggles, the dream book warns that some cunning person is interested in you. You should not maintain a relationship with her, as she, using her beauty and intelligence, will try to get benefits from you for herself, and then leave you.

Have you seen a snake that is about to bite you? The dream book foretells deception and tricky plans of someone from your circle. You should think carefully about who it might be and reduce communication for a while.

Many snakes dream of deception, intrigue and problems. It is worth remembering under what circumstances you dreamed of snakes. You may be able to prevent trouble.

Black snake in a dream

What does the dream book say about black snakes? A snake attacks you in a dream and wraps itself around you, which means you will be unable to resist your enemies.

Passing through many black snakes portends an eternal feeling of fear.

A non-poisonous reptile that creeps up to another person portends a danger that you can handle.

Killing a black snake means defeating an enemy. This dream is also interpreted as a symbol of mercy and wisdom. People around you will likely become more supportive.

Seeing a multi-headed snake in a dream means a large number of enemies. You may find yourself in an unpleasant situation, you may be slandered.

Bitten by a black snake? This threatens a lot of troubles that will come from the person you trust. It is possible that he resorted to the powers of black magic to harm you.

A black snake squeezing the neck of someone you know is very horrible dream. He predicts incurable disease for the face that appeared in the dream.

Yellow snake in a dream

If a yellow snake appears in your house, then this is a good sign. Such a dream promises wealth and profit.

But if the yellow snake is aggressive and attacks you, wraps itself around you, or strangles you, then such a dream indicates health problems. Defeating or killing a reptile is a guarantee of solving problems.

It may also be a harbinger of change in better side. You may unexpectedly meet a friend with whom you have long lost touch, or defeat an enemy with whom you have been unsuccessfully fighting for a long time.

Another interpreter says that a yellow snake can predict a new acquaintance that will not bring anything good.

White snake in a dream

White snakes, as a rule, portend huge profits, winnings, and good luck. In addition, such a dream foreshadows the resolution of long-abandoned cases.

If the white snake molts, then you need to take a closer look at your business tactics. Perhaps you are doing something wrong and need to change your approach.

Crawled very quickly and was attacked by a snake? The dream book interprets this as a warning sign. Warns that there is a possibility of developing some pathology or meeting an unpleasant person.

A ball of reptiles, on the contrary, promises good luck and success in all endeavors.

Blue snake in a dream

See blue snake- this is a high probability that you will have to admit your erroneous behavior. Unfortunately, it will be impossible to change or correct what happened. This can lead to depression.

According to another version, a blue or blue snake promises good luck in gambling. It also portends entertainment, pleasant communication and pastime.

There is a version that says that dark blue snakes are a sign of unprecedented profits that can come suddenly. For example, receiving an inheritance.

Other interpretations

The snake expands to its full length and stands up - this indicates that the dreamer will experience unprecedented enlightenment, spiritual restoration, and peace of mind.

Running away from an attacking snake means the danger is getting closer. And the closer the snake was in the dream, the greater the danger you will face in reality.

Extending your hand to a snake and getting bitten is a warning; it is better not to give advice or recommendations to anyone, not to help. Anything you offer will be used against you.

A dead snake is a sign that all dangers have passed you by. If it was large, then you barely escaped a serious threat to life; you should be very careful.

Trampling snakes underfoot is a risky action in reality to attempt to deal with enemies. Once you really evaluate yourself and your strengths, you can overdo it or overestimate your capabilities, which will lead to big problems.

They kill a snake - help will probably come from another person, which will be unexpected for you.

Snakes for businessmen - be more careful in choosing personnel. There is a very high probability that you will hire a traitor who will leak valuable information.

Stung in the leg - the dream book interprets it as a danger to travel. It could be just a trip to some place or even a traffic accident. Assess the situation and think whether it might be better not to make any movements in the near future.

Stung a person you know - suffering, heartache. You will not receive external injuries, but there will be plenty of internal injuries.

A very large snake attacked - internal anxiety will not lead to anything pleasant, you will suffer because of your own fears.

A snake that is preparing to bite and hisses - clouds are gathering, danger hangs over your head.

Small or small snakes - the people around you are not as pleasant as you think.

A snake is standing in the water - someone is ready to no longer hide his intentions, he is going to show you his true face.

Bitten a child - you should worry about your income-generating business; it could be accidentally blown up.

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