Sports collective creative activities. Game program for any party

Family sports festival for children over 5 years old and their parents

"One Hundred Ideas for One Hundred Friends"

In driving: Dear friends! Our sports festival today is dedicated to the glorious Defender of the Fatherland Day. Therefore, it is especially pleasant to see grandfathers and fathers in the hall. Here they are in front of us - cheerful, fit, collected. We sincerely congratulate our brave, sympathetic men and wish them to continue to maintain the same combat readiness to participate in our common affairs, which only benefit from their participation.
Fans and guests, let's welcome everyone who will take to the start line today. We wish our teams success and victories!

Children are divided into teams. A Joke, a Counter and a Riddle come out.

Joke: Queen of entertainment, mistress of games...
Mystery: He wants to join us for a feast with his cheerful retinue.
Counter: It's time for you to meet her
Let’s all shout “Hurray!” in unison.

Disturbing music sounds. Focus runs out

Wait, don't make any noise,
Don't call the queen!
So that we can call her,
You need to know the spell.
So let's hurry up
You will go through all the stages.
Try! And then
The game will come to us here!
Leading: Teams will be invited one by one. At the end of the relay races, each team will receive a spell word. When all the teams have completed the relay race, they will need to create a spell from the words.

Teams with numbers 1 and 2 are invited. Formation in teams in pairs: adult - child.


1. An adult and a child hold hands. The child must run along the bench (an adult holds his hand). Then they run together to the chair, go around it and come back (the child again runs along the bench, holding the adult’s hand). The baton is passed to the next couple with a handshake.

2. Running with balls.
In each pair, dad throws the ball while running, claps his hands, and catches the ball.
etc., and the child hits the ball on the floor (running to the chair and back). The balls are then passed to the next pair.

3. The child stands in front of the adult, holding his hands. Both jump to the chair on their right leg, and back on their left. The baton is passed to the next couple with a handshake.

Teams 1 and 2 get their words.

Leading: Teams numbered 3 and 4 are invited.


1. The child must crawl along the bench (in any way). The dad from his couple jumps over the bench as best he can. Then both run around the table and return back the same way. The bench is passed to the next pair.

2. Dad must climb through two large hoops. The child must put on 4 hoops in turn.

3. Fun relay race “Vegetable Garden”.
Children stand at the start, adults are waiting for them on the opposite side. “Bumps” are laid out between them. Suddenly, “heavy rain” begins. The child must put on a raincoat, take an umbrella and run over the bumps into the “garden”. There his dad takes him in his arms and runs with him back over the “bumps”. Then the raincoat and umbrella are passed on to the next child.

Sports KTD are aimed at strengthening the health of children, instilling in them endurance and discipline. Motor activity of children is one of the main activities in the camp.

"One hundred ideas for friends"

Breakdown: Participants are given one card each with numbers written on it. Time is given for the participants to form teams so that the sum made up of the numbers of cards is equal - for one team 21, for the other - 16.

Competition 1. “Archery”.

The target is a bucket. Onion – onion.

The bucket is placed five meters beyond the finish line. The bulbs lie on the finish line, their number is equal to the number of participants. The first participant, at the signal, begins to move from start to finish, takes the onion and throws it into the bucket, and so on until the last participant.

Competition 2. “Figure skating”.

Teams are divided into pairs. Couples join hands (right to right, left to left). Both raise at the signal left leg and start jumping from start to finish and back.

Competition 3. “Pencil dragging”.

Two participants take hold of opposite ends of the pencil and try to pull it out of the opponent's hands. The hands of the participants are smeared with something greasy. You can hold a competition among all those present for the title of the most “sticky-handed”.

Competition 4. “Night orienteering”.

One person from each team participates. They go to the start line, there is a chair in front of each of them, they are blindfolded. They must reach an obstacle, go around it and come back. Teams can give hints to players.

Competition 5. “Synchronized swimming”.

Two people are invited from each team. Couples stand opposite each other at a distance of one step. Each pair is given one balloon filled with water. The first player throws the ball to his pair, if the second player catches the ball, then he takes one step back, etc. The winner is the couple that moves the maximum distance away from each other without bursting the balloon.

"These funny animals"

Breakdown: participants are given cards with animals on them. All herbivores are united on one side, all carnivores on the other.

Competition 1. “Penguins”.

Penguins walk very interestingly, and they also manage to carry the eggs of their babies between their legs so that they do not freeze. Players hold the ball between their knees and carry it to the mark and back (you can’t jump, you have to walk). To keep the “cub” from freezing, you need to pass it to the next player from foot to foot, without using your hands.

Competition 2. “Turtle”.

The brightest distinguishing feature This animal has a house on its back and graceful slowness. Relay participants need to “turn” into turtles. Their shell will be a pelvis placed on their back, and to prevent it from falling, they must crawl on all fours, and very slowly!

Competition 3. “Spider”.

4 people from a team participate in this relay race at a time. They pretend to be a spider: they hold their hands together with their backs turned to each other, then they run to the mark and back, passing the baton to the next four. (The path of the “spider” may not be straight, but rather winding - along a line drawn on the ground - a “web”.)

Competition 4. “Centipede”.

The centipede, as you know, has many legs and therefore runs quickly. The first team member runs to the mark and back, then takes the second member with him (the second holds on to the first’s belt) and completes this journey with him. Then a third, fourth, etc. is added to the pair.

Competition 5. “Caterpillar”.

Unlike the centipede, the caterpillar moves slowly, in “waves.” All team members run at the same time, holding hands. (On the path of the “caterpillar” movement, 4–5 obstacles are installed, under which it must crawl under or climb over them.)

Competition 6. “Boa constrictor.”

The entire team, except three people, participates in this relay race. They stand on the relay line at an equal short distance from each other and do nothing, just stand. And the players of the rest of the team at this time turn into “boa constrictors”. Participants need to line up in a column and all players place their hands on the shoulders of those in front. The captain will be the “head of the boa”, bringing up the rear of the column – the “tail”. The “boa constrictor” is ready to move, and it moves, as you know, by wriggling. Our “boa constrictor” will also have to wriggle, that is, go around the players on the relay line. The winner is determined by the “boa constrictor’s tail,” i.e., by the last participant.

"Higher, faster, stronger"

Breakdown: cards with different sports attributes.

Competition 1.

Each team comes up with a name and chant. All teams receive the same score (initial points).

Competition 2.

It is necessary to insert as much as possible large quantity inflated balloons into the clothes of one of the team members.

Competition 3.

Each team stands in one line, each person placing their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. Two “snakes” are formed, which, on command, begin to move forward, going around obstacles (pins).

Competition 4.

Teams are given light balls of cotton wool. On command they throw them up and blow on them. The goal is to keep the cotton wool in the air for as long as possible.

Competition 5.

Imagine, a sculpture gallery opened with the name “Victims of Sports”. Create for this gallery sculptural composition with title:

v a weightlifter who did not have time to jump away from the barbell;

v the goalkeeper who caught the puck with his teeth;

v to a skydiver who forgot to open his parachute.

Competition 6.

Cards with numbers, for example from 1 to 18 (according to the total number of participants in both teams), are scattered face down on the floor in a chaotic manner. The presenter assigns serial numbers to all participants. Task: as quickly as possible, each of the team members find their serial number, but if they find a number that is not theirs on the floor, it is forbidden to pass it on! The card must be returned to the floor face down.

"Always Together"

Breakdown: atoms and molecules. All players move randomly around the playing area, at this moment they are all “atoms”. Atoms can turn into molecules. A molecule can have two, three, or five atoms (depending on how many commands are needed). Players playing at the command of the leader will need to create a “molecule”, i.e. multiple players will need to grapple with each other. If the presenter says “a molecule of three atoms,” this means that three players - “atoms” - merge into one “molecule.” The most last amount connection of atoms into molecules must be the number of team members.

Competition 1.

The first team members must run around the chair, while hitting the ball on the floor, and pass the ball to the next participant. He repeats the actions of the first. And so on until all team members have run.

Competition 2.

At the leader’s command, all participants take off their shoes and place them in a straight line with their toes to their heels. The team whose snake is longer wins.

Competition 3.

The team lines up in a column near a chair on which there is a plate of water and a spoon. At a certain distance from this chair there is another chair with an empty glass. It is necessary to transfer as much water as possible into the glass with a spoon within the allotted time.

Competition 4.

Each team occupies one corner of the room or playing field. At the signal, each team tries to move as quickly as possible to the diagonally opposite corner of the playing field, having previously announced exactly how they are moving. The group whose members reach the opposite corner before others wins. You can move as follows:

v just run across;

v walk backwards;

v jump on one leg.

Participants must be warned to observe the rules of mutual courtesy.

Competition 5.

The ball is tied with a long rope to a peg driven into the ground. The player stands against the ball and is blindfolded. Task: walk forward 6 steps and kick the ball. It is quite rare to do this accurately.

"Fast Walkers"

Breakdown: children draw cards on which two types of shoes are drawn - sneakers and sneakers, thus making two teams.

Competition 1.

Pairs of guys compete in a 20-30 m race. Pairs hold hands and run, touching each other’s backs. Having reached the finish line, they return to the start. It turns out that the player runs normally in one direction, but backs away in the other.

Competition 2.

The guys stand behind each other at intervals of up to 5 steps. You need to bend your head and bend yourself, leaning on your leg bent at the knee. The latter runs up and jumps over each person in front, resting his hands on his back. The players gradually straighten up, increasing the height of the jump. Everyone who jumps over takes the lead. Anyone who fails to jump is eliminated from the game.

Competition 3.

And in this relay the team is divided into pairs. In each pair, one will be the “horse” and the other will be the “rider”. The “rider” sits on the “horse” as if it were all the same, as long as his legs don’t drag on the ground. Start! And the “horse” rushes forward, trying not to drop the rider. A turn, a way back, passing the baton... The team whose “horses” are “faster” and whose “riders” are more “persistent” wins.

Competition 4.

This relay also requires pairing. One of this pair will have to become a “wheelbarrow” - a relic cargo transport with one wheel and two handles. Only here instead of a wheel there will be arms, instead of handles there will be legs. So, the “wheelbarrow” player lies on the ground, focusing on his hands, at this time the “wheelbarrow” player-driver takes his partner by the legs so that the body of the “wheelbarrow” is parallel to the ground. The “wheelbarrow” is ready to move. There is a signal, and the “wheelbarrow”, moving on its hands, “reaches” the turning flag and returns back, where a new “wheelbarrow” is already ready to move. The strongest and fastest win.

Competition 5.

Siamese twins. The players will have to “grow together” like Siamese twins with their backs. To do this, you need to stand with your back to each other and clasp your hands tightly. You can only run sideways in this position. Therefore, the first couple stands sideways on the starting line, runs sideways and returns in the same way, passing the baton to the next “conjoined twins”. The backs of the players must be pressed tightly against each other throughout the entire run. The most coordinated and fastest team will win.

"Forward, people!"

Breakdown: team captains are appointed and they take turns choosing team members from all the participants.

Competition 1. “Running with a hoop.”

All team members take turns running to the turning point and back, twirling the hoop on their belts. The most flexible and fastest win. The following tasks can serve as a complication for the relay race: twist a hoop around your neck; twist the hoop on your hand; jump through a hoop like jumping rope.

Competition 2. “Three Jumps.”

To perform this relay race, you need to place a jump rope and a hoop at a distance of 8 - 10 m from the starting line. After the signal, the first participant, having reached the rope, takes it in his hands, makes three jumps on the spot, puts it down and rushes back to pass the baton to the next one. The second participant, having reached the lying objects, takes the hoop and makes three jumps through it (like jumping rope). The third participant takes the jump rope again, etc., alternation takes place. The arrival of the last team member at the start line means the end of the relay. Victory goes to the fastest.

Competition 3. “Lifebuoy”.

The lifebuoy that will help you cross the “river” in this relay race will be a hoop. The start line will be one “shore”, the line opposite will be the other. The team captain puts on the hoop and, holding it at waist level, runs to the set mark. Returning, he grabs the next team member with the hoop and runs with him, “transporting” him to “ lifebuoy"to the other shore." So, one by one, the captain “transfers” the entire team to the opposite side. The team that gets to the other “shore” the fastest wins.

Competition 4. “Eye of the Needle.”

There are two or three hoops on the ground along the relay line. When starting, the first participant must run to the first hoop, pick it up and thread it through himself (like a thread passes through the eye of a needle). Then, having reached the next hoop, do the same exercise with it. And so with all the hoops on the forward and return path. The winner is the team whose all members thread the “thread” faster, that is, complete all the operations with the hoops.

Competition 5. “Running with a skipping rope.”

The first team member runs at the signal to the turning flag and back, jumping rope. Then he passes the rope to the next one and so on until victory or failure.

Sports entertainment for older children preschool age quest style can be carried out with the participation of parents
Progress of the event “One Hundred Ideas for One Hundred Friends”
Dear participants of the holiday, today we have the opportunity to spend a fun and useful evening together. Various surprises await us, but we are ready for it!

1 Child:
Queen of entertainment
Mistress of Games
With his cheerful retinue
He's in a hurry to come to our feast
It's time for us to meet her
Let's all shout loudly - Hurray!

2 Child:
Wait, don't shout
Don't scare off the queen
So that we can call her
I need to know the spell

3 Child:
You will go through all the stages
But come on, hurry up
Try then too
The game will come to us here.

To get the spell, you need to win the competition, we will be divided into two teams, participants will be invited in turn. At the end of each stage of the competition, the winning team will receive one word. When all the relay races have passed, we will compose a spell from the words received


  • Run
    An adult and a child hold hands. The child runs along the bench, the adult is nearby, then they run around the cone together and also return
  • Running with the ball
    An adult and a child each have a ball in their hands. The adult throws the ball up, the child hits it off the floor, so together they move to the cone, run around it and also return back.
  • Jumping
    An adult and a child, holding hands, jump on one leg to the cone, jump back on the other leg
  • crawling
    Adult-child couple. The child holds the hoop, the adult crawls into it, they run to the cone, the adult holds the hoop back, the child crawls into it
  • Run
    The whole team, holding hands, runs like a snake, running around the cones to the cube, then simply runs back to the place, still holding hands.
  • Task for two
    In pairs, a child and an adult move towards the cone, on the way there, the child lays out the cubes, on the way back the adult collects them

As a result, the winning teams receive cards:


Let's make one common phrase-spell from these cards

4 Child:
We have read all the words
Found out the spell
Let's say them together
Let's call the queen

Children cast a spell
The queen enters (a crown is put on a girl from the group)

I see you weren't bored here
The spell was guessed
That's why I'm now
I will play games for you

Outdoor games are held:

  • "Homeless Hare"
  • "Trap with a Hoop"
  • "Salki-rescue"


I see you are having fun
Well, it's time for me to go home.
Promise me goodbye
Always be obedient
And only play pranks sometimes.
Do you promise?

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Fun game show “School of Kukaryamba Sciences”

Funny melodies are pre-selected. The hall is decorated with drawings funny faces, posters, colorful balloons.


Hello, dear guests!

It's good that you came to stretch your bones!

Make yourself comfortable. There's enough room for everyone!

Points to the floor.

Hello guys and girls too!

Dear adults, hello to you too!

And I have no more greetings!

Hurry up and catch my greetings!

Throws a ball - “hello.”

Got caught? Great! Hi all!

Now greet me back!

The children say in unison: “Hello!”

Yes, not everyone greeted me the way they should. Unfortunately, some greeted me neither warmly nor coldly, nor wetly, nor dryly, nor bitterly, nor sweetly, nor gently, nor shakyly, nor jokingly, nor seriously.

We need to say hello again, but this time in a different way. Let the most beautiful girls they will say “Bonjour” in French and blow me a kiss, and the strongest, most dexterous and brave boys will shout “Salute!” and wave their hands at me. One two Three!

Children say hello.

We said hello very well,

Now let's have some fun.

We will sing, joke, play

And, of course, dance!

Oh yes! I completely forgot. You said hello to me, but to each other? Let's greet each other again with my help. I will say words and show movements, and together you repeat after me both words and movements.

Children repeat the movements after the leader.

Let's wave! Like this! (They wave with one hand, greeting each other.)

Let's wave another one! Like this! (Waving the other hand, greeting each other.)

Both together, more friendly! (Waving with both hands.)

This is how we meet friends!

Let's hug our neighbor. Like this!

(They hug the neighbor on one side.)

Let's hug someone else. Like this!

(They hug the neighbor on the other side.)

Let's hug together, as friends.

(They hug the neighbor on the right and left.)

This is how we meet friends!

Leading. So, we begin classes at the school of Kukaryamba sciences. Lesson one, I won’t say which one. Those who want to start learning, go on stage!

Stand in a circle. Repeat all the movements after me. Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Lift up left hand up, wave it, shake it. Then raise your right hand up without lowering your left. Wave both hands, make noise like the trees rustle: “Sh-sh-sh-sh...” Spread your arms to the sides, hum like airplanes: “Zh-zh-zh!” Wave your arms like a bird flaps its wings and shout: “Shoo-shoo-shoo!” I congratulate you! You got an "A" in your garden scarecrow lesson! Please sit down!

As soon as I say the word “change”, all the girls will shout in unison “Ding-ding!”, and the boys “Hurray!” Let's rehearse. Turn!

Children. Ding-ding! Hooray!

Leading. As soon as I say “lesson”, all the girls will shout in unison “Ding-ding!”, and the boys “Atas!” Let's rehearse. Lesson!

Children. Ding-ding. Atas!

Leading. Great! First change.

Children. Ding-ding! Hooray!

Leading. Game “This is such parsley!” We repeat after me the movements and sounds.

The beater started knocking: knock-knock-knock-knock!

(We represent hammers.)

The trinket began to jingle: jingle-blink-blink-blink!

(Knock on our knees.)

Marfushka laughed here: ha-ha-ha-ha!

(We laugh.)

A friend came running to her: stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp!

(We stomp our feet.)

And the frog croaked: qua-qua-qua-qua!

(Jumping in place.)

The fly buzzed loudly: w-w-w-w!

(Waving hands, pretending to fly.)

The cuckoo answered her: coo-coo-coo-coo!

(Hands with a megaphone.)

The hen cackled: co-co-co-co!

(Hands on waist.)

The heifer started mooing: mu-mu-mu-mu!

(We depict horns on the head.)

The pig squealed with her: oink-oink-oink-oink!

(We show the patch near the nose.)

And the Scops Owl sang with them: I sleep, I sleep, I sleep!

(Close our eyes and tilt our heads.)

Suddenly the cannon began to boom: bang-bang-bang-bang!

(We clap our hands and stomp our feet.)

The old lady got scared: “Oh-oh-oh-oh!”

(We clasp our head with our hands and shake it.)

This is parsley! Yes Yes Yes Yes!

(We nod our heads.)

Leading. Announcing the next lesson! Children. Ding-ding! Atas!

Leading. And it’s called “Hands Up!” Anyone who wants to understand the science of hand raising, please come on stage.

Quiet cheerful music is playing.

Stand near a wall, facing it, stretch your arms forward, resting your palms on the wall. Palms should be at the same level. Now I will ask you questions. If you give a positive answer, then raise your palm slightly up the wall, and if you give a negative answer, raise your palm down. The person who raises their hands the highest gets an A for the lesson. So, questions:

Did you brush your teeth today?

Do you have brown eyes?)

Do you have blonde hair?

Are your arms longer than your legs?

Is your neck longer than your nose?

Are you mouth to ear?

Are your eyebrows higher than your eyes?

Are your ears clean?

Are you in a good mood?

Do you know your name well?

Are you normal intelligent beings? So why are you climbing the wall?!

I praise and love everyone! I'm giving out high fives to everyone! Turn.

Children. Ding-ding! Hooray!

Leading. Let's ride on a tank. And again I ask you to repeat after me the words and movements.

I'm riding a tank. Steer with your hands.

I see a cow. Use your hands to show the binoculars.

In a hat with earflaps Show the “ears” of the hat.

With a healthy horn. Show a large horn with the movement of the bent palm from the forehead up.

- Hello, cow! Extend your hand forward for a handshake.

How are you doing? Raise your hands as if in surprise.

- Do you speak English? Shake your index finger.

- What are you calling me names! Show fist.

Leading. Let's start the next lesson.

Children. Ding-ding! Atas!

Leading. It’s called “Kukaryamba”. Anyone who wants to learn the secrets of kukaryamba - please come on stage! (Cheerful music plays softly.)

I ask everyone to squat in a circle, hugging each other closely. Stretch your arms forward. Now I will ask a question that everyone in the circle should then ask. I sit next to you and ask my neighbor: “Please tell me, what do you know about kukaramba?” He answers. And since you have not studied this science before, the answer will be obvious: “I know nothing about cukaramba.” And so you ask this question in a circle to each other, until again it’s my turn. So, let's start! ( The game is on in a circle and reaches the leader.)

Leading. I also don’t know anything about kukaramba. So why did you sit here?! (Pushes everyone playing sideways, causing a merry floundering.)

Leading. And again we have a change.

Children. Ding-ding! Hooray!

Leading. This time - a fun dance-transformation. Everyone present plays. Now the dance tunes will start playing loudly. Every 2-3 minutes I will name an animal, and you must immediately transform into it and dance as the animal I name would do. Music! Let's dance and transform into...

Geese (dancing while squatting);

Monkeys (they dance, depicting jumping macaques);

Bears (dancing, waddling);

Dolphins (“dolphins dancing on the water”);

Zaitsev (dance, depicting running and jumping hares);

Frogs (they dance while squatting and jump).

Well done! Take your seats. It's time to start the next lesson!

Children. Ding-ding! Hooray!

Leading. Let's go horse riding! The capacity of our Kukaryamba hippodrome is small, so I invite 5 participants to participate in the race. Now the horses are already at the start (chairs are facing backwards). At my command, you begin to “jump” to the indicated place, waving a flag above your head and shouting “I-go-go! E-go-go! The most “humorous” rider will win the race! Attention! March! (A “race” is held.) I think that everyone tried their best, that’s why everyone is declared a winner. I can't hear the bell for recess!

Children. Ding-ding! Hooray!

Leading. Listen to funny poems for attention. Your task is to correctly “complete” the last word.

Blizzards howl like wolves

In the winter month of April. (In February)

For feather beds and pillows

Soft fluff is provided by frogs. (Geese, ducks)

When they beat us with a belt for pranks,

We all ask: “More, please!” (Sorry)

All year round in Cuba

Children wear fur coats. (In shorts)

For those who are unwell,

Doctors are called. (Everything's right)

Do you hear the shepherd's cries?

Drives a rooster into the flock. (Cow, sheep)

Winter nights

Summer ones are shorter. (Longer)

In tea for our sweet tooth Ole

We add five tablespoons of salt. (Sahara)

You will write “cloud” with “I”,

You'll get five at once. (Two)

In the morning who will come to the pond,

He will catch a pound of hares. (Fish)

Only difficult for hedgehogs

Know all eight cases. (Six)

Before going to bed, putting on pajamas,

Kiss your mom on the cheek. (Right)

If guests come to you,

We are all glowing with anger. (From happiness)

We are all beaming with joy as the next lesson begins.

Children. Ding-ding! Atas!

Leading. Not only anecdotes, jokes, games, but also songs can fill the school of Kukaryamba sciences with smiles. I ask those who want to thoroughly sharpen their vocal skills to come on stage. (The presenter selects 7 people.)

These songs, friends,

It's not difficult to sing

And you can sing with the orchestra,

And without an orchestra too!

Even if you are a bear

Stepped on my ear

These songs can be sung

The presenter distributes cards with tasks to the children.

Tasks for a vocal competition

1. Sing the rooster's morning serenade.

2. Sing the song of the March cat.

3. Sing a dog song dedicated to the moon.

4. Perform the donkey's aria.

5. Sing a mouse song dedicated to the cat.

6. Perform a pig solo.

7. Sing a frog's night serenade.

Players read the task and complete it.

Leading. Applause for our canaries! And again a change! Children. Ding-ding! Hooray!

Leading. You all know the game “And I!” This time we will play the game “And we!”

I wake up when the bell rings (and we)

I've been lying on my side for a long time...

After lying around, I get up...

I'll make my bed...

I put the kettle on the stove...

I'll quickly sweep the floor...

I'm vigorously doing exercises...

I'm dancing squat under the table...

I hear the tea is already boiling...

The lid bounces and rattles...

I quickly turn off the gas...

I'm pouring a cup of tea...

I sprinkle sugar, two or three spoons...

I add two potatoes...

I want it to be delicious...

I'll spread soap on the sandwich...

I'll collect my notebooks...

I'll play hide and seek with the cat...

I'll repeat the poem...

I'll smear the shoes with jam...

I'm quickly running to school...

I'm saving a moment...

On the way I saw a fight...

A black cat bit a dog...

The cat barked, and then

Wagging his tail...

I walked past the store...

I see an elephant lying in a basket...

I walked past the garden...

Look, there's a crocodile on the spruce...

I run to my class

An hour late...

Leading. And now I invite you to a visual education lesson.

Children. Ding-ding! Atas!

Leading. I invite young gymnasts to the stage (select 5-6 people). Now we will begin to perform the Kukaryamba gymnastics complex. There are mattresses in front of you, unfold them. (The players unroll the mattresses, and there are socks in them.)

Take the starting position (music sounds): legs together, toes apart. A step forward - we rise on our toes, a step back - we lower ourselves to a full foot. One, two, three - we continue. One, two, three is enough.

Let's move on to the slopes. Leaning forward, we reached our toes with our fingertips. Raise your socks up and smoothly spread them apart. Socks down. One, two, three - we continue. One, two, three is enough.

Let's move on to stretching. Take the right sock in your right hand. We pull it as high as possible. Pull the toe, pull... Well done. Now we pull the left toe. We are trying. So so so. Okay, that's enough.

Next exercise. With the right hand they reached for the left sock, with the left hand they reached for the right sock. Raise your arms up, spread them to the sides, lower them. Now shake your socks. Fine.

Let's move on to water procedures. Here's a bowl of water. Rinse your socks thoroughly. (Gymnasts rinse their socks in a basin.)

Now on the count of “three” we finish the Kukaryamba gymnastics complex. (The gymnasts leave.)

We continue our vizculture. But first, let’s applaud and scream “Bravo!” to our gymnasts! (Applause.)

Let's compete in some sports. Now I will invite two people onto the stage, who will choose a token card with the name of the sport in which they will compete.

Kinds of sports

1. Shot throw. (The core is a balloon.)

2. Fencing. (This happens with the help of a rapier-match until one of the opponents has it broken.)

3. Tug of war. (They pull the thread. The one with the longest piece of thread wins.)

4. Ski jumping. (The springboard is not very high - just long jump from a sheet of newspaper.)

5. Sprint. (Participants need to kneel down, clasp their feet with their hands and in this position, moving on their knees, run around a chair placed at some distance.)

Leading. Let's applaud and squeal "Bravo!" to our athletes! Turn!

Children. Ding-ding! Hooray!

Leading. In continuation of the vizgulture lesson, we will have a chatting break. We don’t yawn at the chatter, but we chat with everything that dangles, which is called arms and legs. (The presenter, accompanied by music, shows the movements of “dangling” with his left hand, right hand, both hands, left foot, right foot, both feet, left hand and right foot, etc. Children repeat.) Please check if anything has fallen off? (He checks the children himself.) Finally, our last

Children. Ding-ding! Atas!

Leading. And it’s called “Kukaryamba cooking”. The topic of the lesson is repetition of what we know, and if we don’t know, then remember.

What kind of dishes do you think people of the following professions prefer?

Conductor - ... (corn sticks).

Orderly - ... (roast duck).

Doctor -... (treatment).

Fireman - ... (stew).

Oculist - ... (fried egg).

Fashion designer -... (ryazhenka).

Dentist -... (catfish).

Driver -... (steering wheel).

Locksmith -... (stroganina).

Veterinarian -... (hedgehogs).

Chemist - ... (instant coffee).

Announcer - ... (tongue with sauce).

Blacksmith - ... (chop).

Agronomist - ... (grainy caviar).

Concrete worker -... (filled).

Boxer - ... (compote of pears).

Dog handler - ... (Fried Dogs sausages).

Parachutist - ... (flatbread, soft-boiled egg).

Shepherd - ... (boiled horns).

ENT doctor... (ear)

That's all! I am locking the school of Kukaryamba sciences (shows a huge fake cardboard castle with a funny face drawn on it). But our evening continues. I invite everyone to the disco!

Calm relaxing music plays.

Leading. I hasten to tell you - hello!
To wish you good health.
I hasten to tell you - goodness!
To wish you new happiness.
I hasten to tell you - Joy!
Good luck, success and luck!
To wish everyone in the hall
Have the most wonderful mood.
Let songs, dances, games, jokes
They'll be here in no time.
So, friends, I'm starting -
Good evening, gentlemen!

(The music changes in the mood to cheerful and rhythmic).

Leading. I am glad to welcome everyone who came to this hall today! I am also very happy to welcome those who really wanted to come, but did not come. In turn, I want to wish everyone present and even those absent happiness, kindness and love!

Impromptu "Smiling Auction".

Leading. Answer me without mistake - friendship begins with...
Party participants:"Smiles!"
Leading. And in most cases, acquaintance begins with a smile.
A smile - it costs nothing, but is valued very dearly. It lasts a moment, but sometimes remains in the memory forever.
Shakespeare believed that a smile can achieve more than a sword. Do you want to win friends? - Smile!
Look around, what smiles surround us! But what kind of smiles are there?... The last one to choose an epithet for the word “smile” wins... But the one who comes up with the most original epithet also wins.
(A competition is held according to the rules of the game auction: participants name their options - charming, friendly, friendly, seductive, charming, etc. The authors of the last and original answers are awarded).
Comments: It is estimated that ninety-seven shades of a smile are mentioned in the works of Leo Tolstoy. Who knows, your players might make the auction endless. Remember: don’t delay, know how to stop in time, control the situation.

Impromptu "Blitz - acquaintance".
Leading.(Approaches one of the spectators.) Good evening! My name is ______. What is your name?
Viewer.(For example.) Natalya!
Leading.(Into the hall.) Is there still Natalya in the hall? Please stand up... Thank you!

Leading. Good evening! I was born under the constellation Cancer, what zodiac sign were you born under?
Viewer.(For example.) I am an Aries!
Leading.(Into the hall.) Are there anyone in the hall who was born under the constellation Aries?.. Show yourself, please.... Thank you!
(The presenter approaches the next participant).
Leading. By eastern calendar I belong to the year of the Goat. And you?
Viewer.(For example.) I was born in the year of the Tiger!
Leading.(Into the hall.) Are there any more tigers here? Sorry, those born in the year of the Tiger?... Thank you!
(The presenter approaches another participant).
Leading. I work in the cultural sector. What is your profession?
Viewer.(For example.) I am a teacher!
Leading. (Into the hall.) Are there any teachers among you? Show yourself... Thank you!
(Approaches another participant).
Leading. As Pushkin once wrote, “All ages are submissive to love!”, so I still dream of big and bright love. What are you dreaming about?...
Viewer.(For example.) You know, I also dream of love!
Leading. Friends, who else dreams about it, that is, love?... Thank you!
(The presenter returns to the center of the hall).
Leading. My dears, I have a question for you: do you have a good memory?... Great!
Then tell me, how many of those in the hall are called Natalya?... (Answer from the audience.)
How many are there who were born under the constellation Aries?... (Answer from the audience.)
How many people present belong to the year of the Tiger?... (Answer from the audience.)
How many teachers are with us?... (Answer from the audience.)
How many are there who dream of big and bright love?... (Answer from the audience.)
What was the first question I asked all of you?... (Answer from the audience.)
Still, the first question was: do you have a good memory?

Impromptu "Catch Hello".
Leading. Remember how it was with the poet: “I came to you with greetings...! I also came to you with greetings...
True, my “hello” must be caught. And catching him is not easy, but very simple. Can you hear the music?...
(Cheerful rhythmic music begins to sound loud).
Leading. Applaud to the beat of the music...
(All those present begin to clap their hands to the music).
Leading. Now I will approach each of you, and you, without ceasing to clap your hands, try to catch my “hello.”
(Participants in the program (party), either sitting or standing, clap to the beat of the music. The presenter approaches each participant in turn and provokes them to catch his “hello”: at the moment when the participant’s palms separate during applause, the presenter extends his palm, as if shaking hands with him, but immediately removes it when the player’s palms join. The effect is created as if the players are catching the “hello” of the presenter.
The player who manages to grab the host’s palm, that is, catch his “hello,” is invited to the center of the playing area (hall). Thus, the presenter “recruits” three participants.)

Impromptu "Choose me."
Leading. And now, our dear participants, let's play “elections”. (Addresses three participants.) You need to choose a pair for yourself. Who?...Whoever you think is necessary. Or who you like most in this room. Look carefully into the hall... Determine your goal... Have you chosen?... And now we will close your eyes.
(The presenter puts “blind” masks on the participants so that they cannot see anything).
Leading.(Addresses the audience.) Dear friends, I ask you to stand up and change your locations.
(Spectators move to other seats.)
Leading.(Addresses the players.) And now you go to the masses and choose a pair for yourself. You can’t communicate, you can’t feel your chosen ones either. And you will see who falls for your bait a little later. So, make your choice, gentlemen!
There's a song playing "Choose me", players make their choice.
Leading. We take off our masks... Are you surprised or pleasantly surprised?... But a choice is a choice. Let's continue.
As they say, it has arrived in our regiment. (To the players.) We leave you alone with each other. No, you don’t need to leave, you just talk a little, learn as much as possible about each other. And in two or three minutes we will return to you...

Impromptu "Be healthy!"

Leading.(Addresses the audience.) Dear friends, in the old days there was a belief: if someone sneezes during the festive fun, he was considered happy man. So I suggest everyone sneeze together...

(The presenter divides all those present into three groups: the first shouts the word “Box”, the second - “Cartilage”, the third - “Matches”; at the leader’s signal, all three groups shout out their word at the same time and the result is a friendly: “Apchhi!”).
Leading. Be healthy! Or, as people say: “Be healthy for a hundred years!” I see that happy and cheerful people have gathered here.
And there is another sign among people: what if you sneeze on an empty stomach:

on Monday - to the guests,
on Tuesday - to the news,
on Wednesday - for a tasty treat,
on Thursday - to the desired congratulations,
on Friday - for a love date,
on Saturday - to a new friend,
on Sunday - to daring fun.
So, good people, sneeze to your health and live richly!

Impromptu "Mind Reading".
Leading.(To the players.) So, you had plenty of time to find out some information about each other. I will now ask you questions that you will need to answer without consulting.
What we say is text. And what we think about is the subtext. I don't remember where I read this brave claim, but we will test it on our respected players.
First I ask a question, then you answer it. Then I put “magic antennas” on your head and they will reproduce your thoughts. And we will find out how much your words coincide with your thoughts.
(“Magic antennas” are foam bunny ears on a plastic rim).
(The success of this impromptu performance depends on its good preliminary preparation and the coherence of the work of the presenter and DJ.
It is necessary to make a “cut” of phrases from different songs in advance, think through questions for the “chopped” phrases, and the DJ must include the necessary tracks on asked question. Below is an example of such communication and “mind reading”).
Communication with the first couple.
Leading.(Addresses the member of the first couple.) What is the name of your chosen one (chosen one)?... What is your first impression of her (him)?... Now let’s listen to your thoughts...
(The presenter puts “antennas” on the participant; a phrase from the song sounds in the soundtrack: “Oh, what a woman, what a woman, I wish I had one like that...” if the participant is a man. Or “And he is as cold as an iceberg in the ocean...” if the participant woman).
Leading.(Addresses the other member of the first pair.) What are your impressions of him (her)?... And now your thoughts on this matter...
(The presenter puts “antennas” on the other participant; the phrase from the song sounds in the soundtrack: “Girls are different...” if the participant is a man. Or “Call me with you...” if the participant is a woman).
Communication with the second couple.
Leading.(Addresses the member of the second pair.) Are you glad that the choice fell on you?... Would you like to continue our acquaintance?... And what were you really thinking about, we will now hear...
(The presenter puts “antennas” on the participant; the phrase from the song sounds in the phonogram: “I looked back to see if she looked back...” if the participant is a man. Or “Tell me, tell me, what do you need, what do you need...”, if female participant).
Leading.(Addresses the other member of the second couple.) How do you assess the current situation in relation to your chosen one (chosen one)?... But let's listen to your thoughts...
(The presenter puts “antennas” on the participant; a phrase from the song sounds in the soundtrack: “I’m afraid of your love, sometimes cold, sometimes hot...” if the participant is a man. Or “But I don’t want, I don’t want for reasons of convenience...” if the participant is a woman ).
Communication with the third couple.
Leading.(Addresses the member of the third pair.) What did you like most about your chosen one (chosen one)?... But what will your thoughts sing to us...
(The presenter puts “antennas” on the participant; the phrase from the song sounds in the soundtrack: “These eyes opposite a kaleidoscope of lights...” if the participant is a man. Or “Your cherry nine...” if the participant is a woman).
Leading.(Addresses the other member of the third pair.) What captivated you most about the person opposite?... And to be honest...
(The presenter puts “antennas” on the participant; a phrase from the song sounds in the soundtrack: “We honestly want to tell you, we don’t look at girls anymore...” if the participant is a man. Or “And I love military men, handsome, hefty...” if the participant woman).
Leading. Thank you for your sincerity and forgive us for exposing your thoughts a little. Take our souvenirs as souvenirs that have already become yours. Believe me, from the bottom of my heart...
(Participants in the impromptu performance are given souvenirs).

Impromptu "Song Changelings".

Leading. Towards the end of our meeting, let's remember the songs. Or rather, we won’t remember, but we’ll guess. I will tell you a line from the song, “turning” the words to their opposite meanings. Can you guess what song it's about? we're talking about. For example: “The clips were thrown away and they all lay down in a row.” In the original, the words sound like this: “Hung the beads, stood in a round dance.” Now it's your turn.

" "Above the floor of his hut...” (“Under the roof of my house...”)
""The painter who paints the snow..." ("The artist who paints the rain...".)
""Not a fashionable green stocking..." ("Stylish orange tie...".)
" "A beetle clung to a tree...” (“A grasshopper was sitting in the grass...”)
""Last night of defeats did not smell like bullets..." ("This Victory Day smelled like gunpowder...".)
""Tango of the black crow..." ("Samba of the white moth...".)
""Goodbye, the boy is a major..." ("Hello, the girl is second-hand...".)

(If there is karaoke, it is appropriate to holdblitz karaoke singing competition ).

Leading. I thank you for the gaming communication. Yes, our life is a game, and what matters is not how long it will last, but how it will be played. I wish you a good game!

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