Speech development in preschool children as a psychological and pedagogical problem. What is speech, speech development in ontogenesis

Speech development- the process of speech formation depending on age characteristics person. The formation of speech goes through three main stages. The first stage is preverbal. This is the first year of a child's life. Although the child does not yet know how to speak, during this period conditions are created that ensure the mastery of speech in the future. Such conditions include the formation of selective sensitivity to the speech of others - preferential selection of it among other sounds, as well as a more subtle differentiation of speech effects compared to other sounds. Sensitivity to the phonemic characteristics of spoken speech occurs. The preverbal stage of speech development ends with the emergence of understanding of the simplest statements of an adult, i.e., the emergence of passive speech in children. The second stage is the child’s transition to active speech. It usually occurs in the second year of a child’s life. The child begins to pronounce the first words and simple phrases, and phonemic hearing develops. Great importance For timely mastery of speech and for the normal pace of its development, in the first and second stages there are conditions for communication between a child and an adult: the presence of emotional contact, business cooperation between them and rich communication with speech. At the third stage, speech is improved as a means of communication. It reflects the speaker’s intentions more and more accurately, and conveys the content and general context of the events being reflected more and more accurately. The vocabulary is expanding, grammatical structures are becoming more complex, and pronunciation becomes clearer. The lexical and grammatical richness of children's speech depends on the conditions of their communication with people around them. They appropriate from the speech they hear only what is necessary and sufficient for the communicative tasks facing them. In the second or third year of life, intensive accumulation of vocabulary occurs, the meanings of words become more and more defined. By the age of two, children master singular and plural numbers and some case endings. By the end of the third year, the child speaks approximately 1000 words, by 6-7 years - 3-4 thousand words.

By the beginning of the 3rd year, children begin to develop a grammatical structure of speech. By the end of preschool age, children practically master almost all the laws of word formation and inflection. At the beginning of this period, the child’s speech is situational: fragmentary, understandable only in specific conditions, tied to the current situation. Gradually, speech becomes less situational. Coherent contextual speech appears, expanded and grammatically formatted. However, elements of situationality have been present in the child’s speech for a long time: it is replete with demonstrative pronouns, and there are many violations of coherence. During the school years, the child moves on to conscious mastery of speech in the learning process. Written speech is mastered - passive (reading) and active (writing). This opens up additional opportunities for the further development of the lexical, grammatical and stylistic aspects of not only written, but also oral speech.


How often do parents who pay a lot of attention to their child come across the magic phrase “speech development”!

Speech is the highest mental function . This is what psychologists write about it. What do these words mean to ordinary people? That speech is a very complex process, connected with activity nervous system, and the brain in particular. Its appearance cannot happen “out of the blue” - it requires very different educations conscious. Therefore, speech can be an indicator - an indicator that the child is developing. That is why doctors pay attention to whether he speaks or not, how difficult it is to speak.

Speech is a development tool. By being able to speak, we can develop further. And not only because we can now communicate with others. The highest level of thinking is directly related to speech.

Speech is a way to compare. For ordinary people, speech is a criterion for comparing a child. Because, at a glance, evaluate physical development, thinking, imagination - not so simple. But the way the baby speaks or does not speak can be heard immediately.

Speech development includes:

Sound culture of speech is mastery of the culture of speech pronunciation;

Formation of a dictionary is a process of mastering speech;

The grammatical structure of speech is the interaction of words with each other in phrases and sentences. There are morphological and syntactic systems of grammatical structure. The morphological system is the ability to master the techniques of inflection and word formation, and the syntactic system is the ability to compose sentences and combine words in a sentence in a grammatically correct manner;

Connected speech is such expanded (that is, consisting of several or many sentences) statements that allow a person to systematically and consistently express his thoughts.

It is necessary to develop speech. But how? How exactly to do this? Buy all the books - notebooks - games that promise to do this? Take classes to centers - clubs - kindergartens and schools? Find a speech therapist?

It all depends on what you have now and what you want to achieve. If there are problems, then they need to be solved, and the best result will be when you work with specialists together. If everything is fine with the child, and you just want to help him develop, then your games with the child will be the most effective. Because games on the go, along the way, in between, short and joyful, will give results, and at the same time they will not have time to tire the child, and will save his time and energy for something else.

When should classes start? You can and should start playing with your child, stimulating his speech, from birth. And don’t stop after sending me to 1st grade. It’s just that at different ages the games will be different, the goals will be different.

Indicators speech development children.

Sound culture of speech

Grammatical structure of speech

Formation of a dictionary

Related speech

3-4 years

The child can engage in onomatopoeic exercises (kwa-kwa, pi-pi-pi, doo-doo-dui, etc.), pronouncing vowel sounds loudly. He develops a special sensitivity to the sound side of speech.

Actively uses grammatical forms.

Distinguishes between singular and plural objects (dishes, clothes, toys).

Correctly uses words denoting baby animals.

Identifies the characteristics of objects (shape, color, size).

Agrees the verb in time with the noun.

Understands the purpose of prepositions.

Uses different intonations (interrogative, narrative, motivating).

Reflects in speech first the objects of the immediate environment, then the signs of objects, then animals, vegetables, fruits, plants, etc.

The child is characterized by dialogical speech.

He is able to begin retelling a fairy tale (“Ryaba Hen,” “Turnip,” “Kolobok”), and sometimes, with the help of an adult’s questions, continue it.

Able to look at pictures and toys; answering questions.

Isolates individual

addressing him. An indicator is initiative speech.

4-5 years

For the most part, he clearly pronounces all the sounds of his native language.

Easily imitates surrounding sounds and noises in nature: wind, water, bugs, pump, etc.

Can vary tempo and intonation expressiveness while reading fairy tales and poetry.

Distinguishes between words and sounds.

Creatively applies what he has learned: practices using the genitive case plural nouns, imperative verbs.

Word creation is the norm.

Identifies properties, qualities, details, parts in objects and verbally denotes them. Able to select appropriate actions for a subject. Capable of elementary generalization of objects into generic categories (furniture, dishes, clothing).

Can answer questions about the content of literary works, talk about a picture, describe the features of a toy, and convey personal impressions in his own words.

5-6 years

Able to pronounce difficult sounds, speech is clear.

Uses means of intonation expressiveness: sad, cheerful, solemnly reads poetry, regulates the volume of the voice and the pace of speech under different circumstances, uses narrative, interrogative and exclamatory intonations.

Can detect pronunciation errors in the speech of peers and adults.

Saturates his speech with words denoting all parts of speech.

Active in word creation, inflection and word formation, asks a lot of search questions.

Able to establish and reflect cause-and-effect relationships in speech, generalize,

analyze and systematize.

Able to coordinate an adjective with a noun in gender and number, correctly use singular and plural nouns in the genitive case, and use complex sentences.

The child develops a critical attitude towards his speech.

Fluently uses generalizing words, grouping objects according to generic characteristics.

The semantic side of the child’s speech develops (synonyms, antonyms, shades of meaning of words, selective, suitable expressions, the use of words in different meanings).

He understands what he reads well, answers questions about the content and is able to retell a fairy tale, short stories.

Uses synonymous expressions and is able to participate in collective retelling.

Can talk about a picture (a series of pictures), about a toy (about several toys) and about something from personal experience, conveying the beginning, climax and denouement. Able to go beyond the real, imagining previous and subsequent events.

Can notice not only the essential in a story, but also details and particulars.

6-7 years

Critical of mistakes, strives for accuracy and correctness. Actively uses synonyms and antonyms, is able to explain unknown meanings of familiar polysemantic words, and combine words according to their meaning. Able to construct short messages. Able to formulate a monologue speech grammatically correct, consistently and coherently, accurately and expressively retell and independently narrate, having an understanding of the composition of a literary work and the linguistic means of artistic speech

1. Try to speak to your child slowly, in short sentences without unnecessary emotion, use simple words.

2. Try to keep your child from speaking when he is on the verge of hysterics or crying. First, you need to calm him down in any way, distract him with something interesting, caress him.

3. Treat your child with respect, listen carefully, and do not interrupt. Feel free to express your love. Smile more often and praise your child.

4. Don’t adapt to the baby’s language, don’t babble, don’t lisp with him. This manner of communication not only does not stimulate the child to master correct sound pronunciation, but also perpetuates his shortcomings for a long time.

5. If a child pronounces any sounds incorrectly, do not imitate the words. Can't demand correct pronunciation sounds when the process of sound formation is not yet completed.

6. Talk to your child as much as possible: on the way home, on a walk, etc.

7. Discuss with your child the books you have read, TV shows, films, and cartoons you have watched.

8. Don’t scold your child for bad speech; it’s better to give the correct example.

How does a child’s speech develop under 3 years of age, what physical and psychological processes occur during this period, how to help the baby develop speech.

Early childhood and speech development

Early age (from birth to 3 years) is a special period in a child’s life. In terms of the intensity of development and the complexity of the tasks solved at this stage, the first years of life have no equal. This is also the most favorable period for mastering the basics of your native speech. What gets missed now may require double effort later!

Would it surprise you if we told you that a child's speech abilities begin to develop even before he is born? And this is exactly so. Let's find out what actually affects the development of speech in a baby.

What factors influence speech development

  • Biological: heredity; the correct structure and functioning of the central nervous system, speech centers in the brain, hearing and speech organs; healthy pregnancy and safe childbirth; healthy physical and mental development after birth.
  • Social: a full-fledged speech environment from the first days of a child’s life, a favorable developmental environment.

How a child’s speech is formed from birth to 3 years

The baby learns to communicate with outside world from the very moment of birth. Let's take a look at how the speech development of young children occurs during the first 3 years of a child's life.

Norms of speech development in children from 0 to 3 years old

  • 0 – 2 months. Scream. The first form of communication for a child is crying. The baby cries when he is hungry, uncomfortable or tired.
  • 2 – 3 months. Booming. Crying is replaced by cheering. The sounds “a”, “y”, “u” appear, sometimes in combination with “g”. The child learns to understand speech addressed to him and control his own sound intonations.
  • 3 – 6 months. Babble. The baby begins to babble to himself and make sounds when addressed to him. Turns his head towards the sound. Freezes in response to a sudden loud sound. Cries differently depending on needs: “I’m hungry,” “I’m tired.” Recognizes his name and reacts to it.
  • 6 months. First syllables. From the age of 6 months, you can notice that the child prefers strictly certain sounds to all others: “ba”, “ma” (they are the easiest to learn to pronounce). He can repeat them endlessly: he likes the way they sound.
  • 7 – 9 months. Combinations of syllables. The babbling progresses to the pronunciation of the same syllables: “ma-ma-ma”, “dya-dya-dya”, “ba-ba-ba”.
  • 9 – 11 months. Onomatopoeia. The baby imitates the sounds of adults' speech. Responds to name. Understands the meaning of the word “no.”
  • 11 – 13 months. The first meaningful words from two identical syllables: “dad”, “mom”, “baba”, “uncle”. 12 months. The baby shows interest and attention to the speech of others, repeats and combines sounds in a new way, combines them into “words”, imitating the speech of an adult. Understands and follows simple one-word instructions (“sit down”). He waves his hand “bye-bye”, shakes his head “no”. Uses gestures and sounds to attract attention. Interested in books.

Rarely does a parent know what signs indicate deviations in the child’s development. Therefore, for prevention, be sure to visit a pediatric neurologist at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months.

  • 18 months. The baby easily repeats frequently heard words. Knows different parts of the body and points to them. Masters simple words (by the age of 2 years, their vocabulary can range from 20 to 50). Answers in words or gestures the questions: “Where is the bear?”, “What is this?” He loves when people read to him. At the request of an adult, he points his finger at the pictures in the book. 2 years. First sentences (two words). A two-year-old child can easily combine simple words mastered by the age of 2 into combinations: “Mom, give me,” “I want this,” “Where is the kitty?” Understands simple instructions of two consecutive actions: “Find your teddy bear and show it to your grandmother.” The vocabulary can expand to 150 - 200 lexemes, and others can already understand half of the words the child pronounces. The baby begins to use pronouns, adjectives and prepositions. Holds a book correctly in his hands. “Reads” to his toys.
  • 3 years. Multi-word sentences (three or more words). At 3 years old, the period of early childhood ends. To that turning point The child can make sentences of three or more words. Distinguishes between colors and size definitions. Remembers and repeats familiar rhythms, melodies, stories. Some difficulties in sound pronunciation may still persist (whistling, hissing, vowel sounds). The vocabulary is expanding so much that parents can no longer accurately count how many words it consists of. In general, the baby is already ready to speak out on any occasion.

Who is faster: boys or girls

Of course, each baby is unique and develops at its own pace. In practice, a slight delay in speech development may turn out to be only an individual feature. Moreover, the rate of speech development can be affected by: illness, stress, lack of communication with surrounding adults, or the multilingual environment in which the baby grows up.

And it can still be very difficult to resist the temptation to compare your child with others. Why do some children at the age of 2 already read passages from “Moidodyr” from memory and speak in whole phrases, while others need another 1.5 - 2 years to be at the same level? Should I be worried about this?

In modern psychology, two types of children with normally developing speech are distinguished: “talkers” and “silent ones.”

  • “Talkers” show increased activity and interest in the world around them. Such children love to tell stories, ask a lot of questions and easily get accustomed to new surroundings. Sometimes they start talking earlier than other children.
  • “Silent people” tend to be contemplative. They always need to adapt to new surroundings. They may start speaking late, but almost immediately without defects. It is important for such kids to be heard and understood. Therefore, parents should try to respond carefully to the child’s questions. However, if the “silent child” has not begun to speak by the age of 2–3 years, you need to contact a specialist.

According to statistics, boys begin to develop speech later than girls. One of the reasons lies in physiology. Brain maturation occurs faster in girls. This affects the growth of vocabulary: by the age of 2, girls usually have twice as much vocabulary as boys of the same age. Plus, they are more emotional by nature and happily share all their impressions, while boys tend to show greater verbal restraint, speaking only “to the point.”

In addition, numerous studies have shown that the higher the child’s motor activity, the better speech development. It makes sense that more active kids might begin to demonstrate advanced language skills before their slower peers.

Playing with a child promotes speech development. Encourage him to move more, and the baby will happily pick up the game.

How to help young children develop speech

What can we, parents, do from the very birth of a child to make him talk? naturally?

Let us remind you that the sensory channel for perceiving information about external environment(vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch) in children in the first years of life. Therefore, the answer lies on the surface: it is necessary to give the child as much as possible more information about the world around us, as much as possible of any kind of sensory sensations and stimuli. Let's talk about it.

  • Touch. Feeling #1 at first. Mom's warm hands, her gentle touches, stroking, massage, gymnastics, toys different forms and textures, finger games- the more of this, the better. Knowledge about oneself, one’s body and its sensations is formed through contact with the environment, so diversify the child’s tactile sensations as much as possible. Water of different temperatures (carefully!), soft fabric and rubber balls, a plastic rattle and a wooden cube, finger paints on a palette, sand in a children's sandbox, beans in a jar, etc. - the world is so rich for training your sense of touch!
  • Hearing. Give your baby as much information as possible that he can perceive by ear: the sounds of music, nature, household appliances in the house, street noise from the window and, of course, the sounds of his native speech. Always talk to your baby about everything. Mom does this naturally, because speech accompanies any of her actions: she voices swaddling, feeding, bathing, and putting her to bed. She names objects surrounding the child, pointing at them. When the baby starts to walk, the mother “keeps up the conversation”: she responds to the sounds the baby makes, repeats them and introduces him to adult speech, which the baby will try to imitate as he grows up.
  • Vision. We interest the baby in the objects around him so that he learns to focus his vision and maintain his attention on significant objects. To help your child concentrate, you can hang bright colored objects above the crib (for example, balloons, fluffy pom-poms - they are quite light and will certainly attract attention). Some models of mobiles are equipped with removable toys - this helps adults provide the child with a space rich in stimuli and diversify it. This is for the little ones. Later, the arsenal of objects from the surrounding reality can be replenished endlessly, both due to toys in the house, and due to the visual impressions that the baby will receive when he is outside the home: on a city street, on a river, in a forest, in a zoo.
  • Taste. Mother's milk, water, teas, juices, pureed and solid food - what a variety of textures and tastes! Introduce your baby to them by gradually expanding the range of products that you introduce into baby food. The sooner a child gets acquainted with basic tastes, the less picky he will be in food later.

When the time comes for the first complementary foods, for example from the “Agusha First Spoon” line, it is important to name the products that the mother offers the baby. Cottage cheese, kefir, juice, fruit puree - this is an opportunity to introduce your child to the names of fruits, vegetables, and talk about animals. For example, about a cow that gives milk, he says “mu” and grazes in the meadow.

  • Smell. Getting to know smells not only enriches the perception of the overall picture of the world, but also creates a certain mood, associations and subsequently pleasant memories in the baby. The smell of freshly baked bread and grandma’s jam, autumn leaves and spring melting snow, mushrooms and wildflowers - how many memories lie behind each of them! Don’t forget about this side of perception, learn smells together with your child, teach him to distinguish them and compare them - what if you have a future perfumer growing up?
  • Gross motor skills (movements of large muscles: body, arms, legs). It is important to motivate your baby to move actively from the first weeks of life. If you think your baby needs to be swaddled, be sure to allow enough time for your baby to move his legs and arms freely. As your baby gets older, create a safe space for free movement in the house.
  • Fine motor skills (fine movements of the hands and fingers). Only a newborn has never heard of the fact that fine motor skills and speech are connected. This connection is explained by the proximity of the speech motor and movement centers in the brain. Therefore, any activity aimed at stimulating fine motor skills has a positive effect on speech formation. And don’t forget about developing self-service skills from early childhood: a cup, Toothbrush, cutlery, buttons on clothes, zippers and shoe laces are great exercise equipment!

Speech is a product of the work of the muscles and organs of the speech apparatus, and, as in the case of training any other muscle, speech must be developed through consistent and regular exercise. Let's talk about these activities and exercises that should be included in your daily " speech exercises"child.

How to formulate speech correctly

  • Respond to the baby's humming and babbling, imitate his sounds, repeat them.
  • Talk to your baby when you are caring for him: swaddling him, feeding him, bathing him. Talk to him throughout the day.
  • Read bright, colorful books every day.
  • Repeat short rhythmic poems and nursery rhymes.
  • Teach your child the names of loved ones and the names of all the objects around him.
  • Take your baby with you to new places, be with him in different situations.
  • Draw the child's attention to various objects that make sounds (animals, birds, vehicles, etc.).
  • Encourage your child to try to pronounce new words.
  • “Talk” with your child new situations in which he finds himself, before, during and after the event.
  • Look at the baby when you talk to him.
  • Describe in detail and colorfully to your child what he hears, sees, does and feels.
  • Play children's songs and fairy tales for your baby.
  • When talking with your little interlocutor, do not imitate children's pronunciation; make sure that your speech is clear, expressive (but without babying), competent, simple and clear.
  • Praise your child every time he initiates communication with you.
  • Make sure that your child does not use sound pronunciations to indicate surrounding objects. Parents can use simplified forms of the words “give”, “am-am”, “tu-tu” when communicating with a child under one year old. This will help him get involved in the process of speech development. Then it is advisable to accompany the simplified words with the correct names. He saw the train: “Tut-tut!” - Mom responded: “Yes, the train has left.” The child is asked: “Who is this?” - he answers: “Woof-woof,” - mom explains that “woof” is said by the animal “dog.”
  • Be sure to correct mistakes in your child’s speech, do it tactfully, otherwise the child may lose trust in you.
  • Enrich the child’s simplified speech: “More juice,” “Tanya wants more orange juice.”
  • Choose not a narrative, but a descriptive style of communication (“There’s a crow flying” - “Look, there’s a crow flying over that house. It’s black and can croak loudly”).
  • Listen to your child's answers to your questions, encourage his attempts to speak out.
  • Help your baby learn to listen and follow instructions through simple requests, naming the sequence of actions (preferably in game form): “Go to your room and bring the teddy bear.”
  • For the development of a child’s speech abilities, play activities are very important, through which the child learns about the reality around him. So play with your baby!
  • Include your child not only in the game, but also in real interaction with all family members. Be sure to give your little one useful tasks. Pass requests to other adults through it. Thank you for your help.
  • Read every day; perhaps reading should be part of your evening bedtime ritual.
  • Always listen carefully when your child speaks to you.
  • Explain to your child what you think, what you plan, what you do, how you reason.
  • Ask your child questions, stimulate him to think, encourage him to answer.
  • Discuss with your child how he spent the day in kindergarten, how your walk together went. After playing with your child, remember the most interesting moments.
  • Use it visual material. It is difficult for children to perceive words separated from an image.
  • Show your child that you are listening to him carefully: nod, smile, answer his questions.
  • And most importantly: support all your child’s endeavors, praise him even for minor successes.

It is important that the mother (or other adult caring for the baby), despite the workload, maintains positive attitude for life and communication. Therefore, take care of yourself, mothers, try to find moments of rest and switch to meeting with friends, favorite books, going to the theater. This is necessary not only for you, but also for your baby!

What to pay attention to

The development schedule for speech skills was given above. Children develop differently, and even the most talented talkers can only master all the necessary skills for their age group once they reach its upper limit. Therefore, the norms of timely development do not always serve as reliable guidelines for understanding whether a particular child is mastering speech correctly.

We'll take a different approach and tell you what should be the reason to contact a specialist:

  • By the end of the 1st month, the baby does not cry before feeding;
  • By the end of the 4th month he does not smile when spoken to and does not gurgle;
  • By the end of the 5th month does not listen to music;
  • By the 7th month, does not recognize the voices of loved ones, does not respond to intonations;
  • By the end of the 9th month, there is no babbling and the child cannot repeat sound combinations and syllables after adults, imitating the intonation of the speaker;
  • By the end of the 10th month, the baby does not wave his head as a sign of denial or his hand as a sign of goodbye;
  • By the age of 1 year, the child cannot utter a word and does not fulfill the simplest requests (“give”, “show”, “bring”);
  • By 1 year 4 months, cannot call mom “mom” or dad “dad”;
  • By 1 year 9 months cannot pronounce 5–6 meaningful words;
  • By the age of 2, does not show body parts that are named to him; does not comply with two-action requests (“go into the room and take a book”), does not recognize loved ones in photographs;
  • At 3 years old, cannot retell short poems and fairy tales, cannot say his first and last name; speaks in such a way that others do not understand him; speaks very quickly, swallowing endings, or very slowly, drawing out words.

Speech therapy classes on speech development in children

If something worries you about how your child is mastering his native speech, don’t delay, talk to your pediatrician - if necessary, he will refer you for additional consultations with a neurologist, speech therapist, speech pathologist, psychologist, ophthalmologist, or otolaryngologist. If some speech development disorders have been detected, then your collaboration working with these specialists (provided you follow their instructions and do your homework) will definitely have a positive effect and lead to your intended goal.

What can a speech therapist do? A speech therapist is perhaps the most important assistant to parents in this case. You should contact a speech therapist, even if the child cannot pronounce just a couple of letters. The specialist will not only identify defects, but will also begin to work on correcting the pronunciation. He knows all the intricacies of articulatory gymnastics and massage and will definitely help using his professional experience.

Usually, when contacting a speech therapist, they are prescribed regular classes using various techniques for the development of language mobility, which the specialist considers effective in a particular case. It is important to follow the instructions accurately and daily and attend regular consultations. Only through joint efforts can speech therapy problems with speech disorders be successfully overcome in a short time.

You can do some exercises yourself, but it is important to make sure that the baby is interested: let the classes be conducted in a playful way, at first they will not last more than 5 minutes, and it is better to do them every day. Don't forget to praise your child.

The formation of speech skills occurs naturally when the baby grows in a receptive environment that provides opportunities for his continuous development. The task of parents during infancy and early childhood is to provide the child with attention, support and communication.

Therefore, in conclusion, we want to remind you of the most important things. No matter how your baby develops, no matter what games, activities, techniques and exercises you choose for him, the main thing is to remember that the child, first of all, needs simple daily communication with you. Not only during classes, but also every minute of your time together. This will be the main impetus for the child’s development.

If you independently conduct developmental activities with your child, be patient (the results may not be visible immediately) and do not give up what you have started. And you and your baby will definitely achieve success!

What mistakes can parents make when developing their child’s speech?

Often the child is overly patronized and protected, they try to predict his desires - of course, out of love for him. But then the baby does not develop the desire to work independently, he does not learn to express his thoughts through speech, and many processes in his development may be inhibited.

Intuition and love help loved ones understand a child literally at a glance. But communicating with unfamiliar people in unusual conditions will be difficult for him, and in the worst case, acutely uncomfortable. To prevent this from happening, as you grow older, you need to enter into conversations more often with new and new interlocutors, and then the child will simply be forced to improve his speech understanding skills.

Some parents underestimate, while others overestimate, the requirements for the child’s speech. In the first case, they do not demand anything from the child, all his wishes are guessed and immediately fulfilled, in the second, they constantly pester him: “Tell me!”, “Repeat!”. Sometimes in one family two extreme approaches are used at once: for example, dad demands, and grandmother takes care. This has a very adverse effect on the child’s speech development.

Try to eliminate lisping, “baby talk,” and constant onomatopoeia when communicating with your baby. The parent's speech is a model for the child.

Parents can speak very quickly or, conversely, too slowly, without pauses and different intonations, monotonously. It is important to use all the richness and diversity of language when developing a child’s speech.

Do not try to speed up the baby's natural speech development. Avoid overwork from speech classes and memorization of poetry.

When to see a speech therapist

You should contact a speech therapist if:

Until the age of 2.5 years, the child does not develop speech or the child’s vocabulary is no more than 10 words. A qualified speech therapist can not only correct sound pronunciation, but also stimulate the appearance of speech in non-speaking children;

A child of 1.5 - 2.5 years old does not utter normal, understandable words like “mother”, “woman”, “bi-bi”, “cat”, “drink”, “go”, but speaks in “his” language , and a lot and actively (no need to wait 3 years - go to a speech therapist right now);

A child 4–5 years old softens all sounds: “kisya”, “shchapka”, “tacheynik”, “lampotka”;

A child 3 years old and older distorts the syllabic structure of a word, skips, rearranges syllables, adds new ones: “puvitsa” - “button”, “gebimot” - “hippopotamus”, “pepitan” - “captain”;

The child is over 6 years old and does not pronounce any sounds of his native language. At this time, the phonetic system is fully formed, and the baby should speak correctly;

The child began to repeat the first sounds, syllables, words (speech hesitations appeared).

You should also be more careful if your baby is studying several things at once. foreign languages: sometimes in such cases he may develop dysgraphia - a violation of the acquisition of written speech. To avoid deviations, you need to work with your child as soon as he becomes familiar with letters - usually this skill comes at 4 - 6 years old.

How to create the right environment for speech development?

You need to constantly talk with the child, talking through situations: dressing, undressing, washing, bathing, eating, walking and getting ready for bed. The same work should be done while playing with toys and pictures, while reading and watching cartoons.

Examples of speaking situations

1) Washing. “Let’s wash ourselves, turn on the water. No, make the water warmer. Here's the soap. Take it and soap your hands. Put the soap in the soap dish. Three hands is good, now let's wash off the soap. Place your hands under the water. Now let's wash our face. Close the tap. Well done. Where's the towel? Take it and wipe your face and hands. How clean you have become, smart girl!”

2) Getting ready for a walk, when all things are already prepared. “Now we’ll go for a walk. Where are your pants? Here they are. Let's put on our pants, like this: first on one leg, then on the other. Now you need to fasten them with a button, show me where it is. Right. Bring a jacket. What's on it? Duck, that's right. What's that on the jacket? Karman, well done." And so on.

3) On a walk. “Wow, look what the weather is like. It's raining, you said it right. It's good that you wore boots. Put on your hood. And I will open my umbrella. Now you can walk. What's that on the path? What a big puddle! What's that under the tree? The leaves fell and the branches also fell. What color are the leaves? Red and yellow. Many leaves. Show me how many leaves there are.”

The child hears the adult’s speech and learns many new words and expressions. And since speech accompanies a situation that is significant for him, the meanings of words and their combinations are better remembered and more firmly deposited in the child’s mind.

Anna Andreevna Pritvorova, speech therapist

Yulia Ageeva
Speech development in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards preschool education

Speech development in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards

preschool education

The system formed in Russia over many decades preschool education is currently undergoing major changes. The Federal State educational standard of preschool education(GEF DO) . These changes were necessary due to the understanding of the importance of preschool education for further successful development and education of each child, ensuring quality education of preschool children.

The changes affected not only educational activities, but also professional competence teachers, as well as financing the implementation of basic educational program preschool education.

Educational activities are carried out in various types of activities and cover certain areas child development which are called educational areas. Federal State Educational Standard defines 5 educational areas:

1) social - communicative development- aimed at mastering the norms and values ​​accepted in society, development communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers, the formation of independence;

2) educational development - involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation, formation cognitive actions, development of imagination and creative activity;

3) speech development- includes mastering speech as a means of communication and culture, enriching the active vocabulary, communication development, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech;

4) artistic - aesthetic development - involves development prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art, the natural world, the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world;

5) physical development- includes the acquisition of experience in motor activity, the formation of healthy values lifestyle.

Speech development still remains the most relevant in preschool age.

primary goal speech development is the development free communication with adults and children, mastery constructive ways and means of interaction with others.

According to Federal State Educational Standard for Pre-Speech Development includes components:

1) mastering speech as a means of communication and culture (this means that it is necessary to form the oral speech of children at such a level that they do not experience difficulties in establishing contacts with peers and adults, so that their speech is understandable to others);

2) enrichment of the active vocabulary (occurs at the expense of the main vocabulary fund preschooler and depends on the vocabulary of the teacher and parents, to expand the vocabulary of children, favorable conditions are created with comprehensive - thematic planning work);

3) communication development, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech (our coherent speech consists of two parts - dialogue and monologue. Construction material for her is a dictionary and mastering the grammatical structure of speech, i.e. the ability to change words, combine them into sentences);

4) development of speech creativity(the work is not easy, it assumes that children independently compose the simplest short stories, take part in composing poetic phrases, come up with new moves in the plot of a fairy tale, etc. All this becomes possible if we create conditions for this);

5) acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature (the main problem is that the book has ceased to be a value in many families, children do not gain the experience of reading at home - listening, the book should become a companion for children);

6) the formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write (preparation for learning to read and write is the formation of skills in sound analysis and synthesis. From the child’s ability to analyze and synthesize speech formation of correct pronunciation also depends on sounds);

7) development sound and intonation culture, phonemic hearing (the child learns the stress system, pronunciation of sounds, the ability to speak expressively, read poetry; the child learns to name words with a certain sound, determines the place of the sound in a word).

Preschool child development age is most successfully carried out in conditions of enriched development environment, which ensures the unity of social and natural means, diverse activities and enrichment children's speech experience.

Developmental environment is a natural setting, rationally organized, rich diverse sensory stimuli and play materials.

In such an environment, it is possible to simultaneously involve all children in the group in active cognitive and creative activities.

Speech development environment, as part of the general one, is aimed at an effective educational impact, at the formation of an active cognitive attitude towards the surrounding world and towards the phenomena of the native language and speech. Therefore the creation speech development environment is the most important direction for improving the quality of work on speech development of preschoolers.

Speech development The environment is not only the objective environment; the role of the adult in organizing the influence of one’s own speech on the development of different aspects of speech is also important. preschooler.

Speech environment created in a certain group is a factor either restraining or activating the process child's speech development, therefore creating development environment, it is important to consider the level speech development, interests, abilities of children of this group. As main components speech development environments are isolated following:

Teacher's speech;

Leadership Methods and Techniques development of different aspects of speech in preschoolers;

Special equipment for each age group.

One of the most important components is the teacher’s competent speech, since it is the teacher who lays the foundations for the culture of children’s speech, forms the foundations speech activity of children, introduces them to the culture of oral expression. The speech of a preschool educational institution teacher has a teaching and educational orientation. The main thing is the quality of its language content, which ensures high work results. The teacher’s speech should answer the following requirements:

1) CORRECTNESS – i.e. compliance with language standards. While listening to the teacher, children should not be distracted from the content or meaning of the speech due to incorrect pronunciation or a non-standardly constructed phrase.

2) ACCURACY - i.e. precise speech is speech that adequately reflects reality and unambiguously indicates in words what should be said.

3) LOGICALITY - i.e. the presence in the statement of 3 meaning-forming components: beginning, main part and end of the utterance. Also important is the teacher’s ability to correctly, competently, and logically connect all sentences and parts of a statement with each other.

4) PURITY - i.e. the absence in speech of elements alien to the literary language. The teacher’s language is also polluted by his unjustified use of borrowed words, dialectal, slang and slang expressions.

5) EXPRESSIVENESS is a feature of speech that captures attention and interest, creating an atmosphere of emotional empathy.

6) WEALTH - it is judged by the number of words and their semantic richness. This is lexical and semantic richness. But there is also a syntactic concept wealth: this is the speaker's use proposals: simple and complex, complete and incomplete, complex, complex, non-union, etc. The richness of speech is directly related to the level general culture, erudition, erudition.

7) APPROPRIATENESS – i.e. the use of units in speech, relevant situations and conditions of communication. Relevance requires teacher flexibility speech behavior: can he determine the correctness and expediency of words, forms and phrases, their semantic shades, provide in advance the work on their assimilation.

Leadership Methods and Techniques speech development of children, special equipment - their selection directly depends on the characteristics speech development children of each age group.

Peculiarities speech development first junior group

1. Competent speech of the teacher;

development speech as a means of communication (orders, hint, sample, conjugate speech, etc.);

(stories, reading);

4. independent examination of pictures, toys, books (on development of initiative speech)

Peculiarities speech development second junior group

1. Competent speech of the teacher;

2. methods and techniques aimed at development speech as a means of communication (instructions, tips, sample application, sample interaction through speech in different types of activities);

3. methods and techniques aimed at developing the ability to listen and hear (conversations, stories, reading);

4. organization "Corner of interesting things"(stimulating independent viewing of books, pictures, toys, objects for development of initiative speech, enriching and clarifying children’s ideas about the environment).

Peculiarities speech development middle group

1. Competent speech of the teacher;

2. methods and techniques aimed at development speech as a means of communication (satisfying the need to receive and discuss information; developing communication skills with peers; familiarity with formulas speech etiquette);

3. methods and techniques aimed at developing the ability to listen and hear (listening to children; clarifying answers; hints; stories from the teacher - emphasis on stimulating cognitive interest);

"Corner of interesting things" development of explanatory speech). organization of activities in "Corner of interesting things"(sets of pictures, photographs, postcards, magnifying glasses, magnets, etc. for development of explanatory speech).

Peculiarities speech development senior and preparatory

to school groups

1. Competent speech of the teacher;

2. methods and techniques aimed at development speech as a means of communication (familiarity with formulas speech etiquette, targeted formation of all groups of dialogical skills; skills to competently defend one’s point of view);

3. methods and techniques aimed at developing independent storytelling skills (encouraging children’s stories; transforming statements into coherent stories; recording and repeating stories; clarifications, generalizations);

4. organization of activities in "Corner of interesting things"(replenishment of the corner - emphasis on expanding children’s ideas about diversity of the surrounding world; organization of perception followed by discussion);

With such features speech development in every age group:

1. Favorable conditions are created for the formation speech skills of children not only in special organized training, but also in independent activities;

2. Provides a high level speech activity of children;

3. Child mastery occurs speech skills and abilities in a natural environment of live conversation.

Speech development in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education includes the development speeches and fiction.

The main areas of work on speech development are:

1. Dictionary development: mastering the meanings of words and their appropriate use in compliance with the context of the statement, with the situation in which communication occurs.

2. Education sound culture speeches: development perception of sounds of native speech and pronunciation.

3. Formation of grammatical structure.

4. Development of coherent speech(Dialogue (spoken) speech Monologue speech (story).

5. Formation of elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speeches: distinguishing between sound and word, finding the place of sound in a word. Fostering love and interest in the artistic word.

Construction educational process should be based on age-appropriate forms of working with children. The choice of forms of work is carried out by the teacher independently and depends on the number of students, equipment and specifics preschool, cultural and regional characteristics, from the experience and creative approach of the teacher. The leading form of work on development children's speech is educational situation.

Educational situations are used:

– in a directly organized educational activities - in the process of organization various types children's activities given by children Federal State Educational Standard. They are aimed at developing in children knowledge, skills to reason, draw conclusions, development skills in various types of activities (game, communicative, cognitive-research, perception of artistic literature and folklore, constructive, fine art, musical, motor);

- during regime moments and are aimed at consolidating existing knowledge and skills, their application in new conditions, the child’s manifestation of activity, independence and creativity.

Let's look at examples educational situations, used for .

O. M. Eltsova notes that for development game communication uses a game learning situation (IOS). All qualities and knowledge are formed not by the ITS itself, but by one or another specific content that is specially introduced by the teacher.

1. Situations - illustrations. Suitable for younger preschool age. Simple scenes from the lives of children are played out. Using various gaming materials and teaching aids teacher demonstrates to children samples socially acceptable behavior and also activates their effective communication skills.

2. Situations - exercises. Used from the middle group. The child actively acts in them. Children train in performing individual game actions and linking them into a plot, learn to regulate relationships with peers within the framework of game interaction.

3. Situations - problems. Used from older ages. Participation in situations-problems helps children learn basic directions social relations, their "working out" and modeling the strategy of one’s behavior in the human world. By actively participating, the child finds an outlet for his feelings and experiences, learns to recognize and accept them.

4. Situations - assessments. Used in preparatory group. They involve analysis and justification of the decision made, its assessment by the children themselves. In this case, the gaming problem has already been solved, but the adult is required to help the child analyze and justify the decision and evaluate it.

A. G. Arushanova offers as a form speech development children - scenarios of activating communication - learning to play (dialogical) communication. This form includes conversations with children, didactic, active, folk games; staging, dramatization, examination of objects, etc.

A number of authors (L. S. Kiseleva, T. A. Danilina, T. S. Lagoda, M. B. Zuikova) consider project activities as an option for an integrated teaching method preschoolers as a way of organizing pedagogical process, based on the interaction between teacher and student, step-by-step practical activities to achieve the set goal. Implementation educational field« Speech development» possible through the project method. Using project activities, children automatically master new concepts and ideas in various fields life. The essence "project method" V education is a member of such an organization educational process, in which children acquire knowledge and skills, experience in creative activity, and an emotional and value-based attitude to reality in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks. The main task is to help the child believe in himself, since children most fully and clearly perceive what was interesting, what they themselves found and proved.

Design technology and use of the project method in preschool educational institutions with integration in various educational areas is a unique means of ensuring cooperation, co-creation of children and adults, a way of implementing a person-oriented approach to education.

Integrated learning gives children the opportunity to think, create, imagine, compose, learn, develop communication skills, enrich vocabulary and form grammatical structures speech.

This form speech development of preschoolers how the game encourages children to make contacts and is a motive for communicative activities. Bizikova O. A offers games with ready-made texts: movable "King", "Kite", "Snake", "Liski" and etc. ; didactic "I was born a gardener", "Paints", "Smeshinki" etc. (master diversity initiative and response remarks, join in the implementation of the basic rules of dialogue); didactic games, suggesting dialogical interaction, but not containing ready-made replicas: "Who will confuse whom", "Errand", “Alike - not alike”, "Help yourself to a pie", games with the phone "Calling the Doctor", "Calling Mom at Work", "Bureau of Good Offices".

Another example of a form speech development of preschool children is suggested by the authors: Kuzevanova O.V., Koblova T.A.: literary and musical festivals, folklore fairs, dramatization games, different types of theaters, social events, speech newspapers, homemade books, problem situations, gatherings, interactive speech stands, events calendar, etc.

Pozdeeva S.I. notes that “when organizing any educational situation, any activity in preschool educational institution teacher important:

Firstly, think through the organization of different ways of adult-child and children’s activities,

Secondly, see the resources of different stages of the lesson for development communicative competence children."

So way, various forms of work are resourceful in terms of speech development of preschoolers, formation of children's communicative competence, If: - children jointly solve an educational and gaming task that is interesting and significant for them, acting as assistants in relation to someone, - enrich, clarify and activate their vocabulary by performing speech and practical tasks - the teacher is not a rigid leader, but an organizer of a joint educational activities who does not advertise his communicative superiority, but accompanies and helps the child become an active communicator.

The purpose and objectives of speech development in preschool children

Speech development: goal, objectives, typical mistakes in the development of children's speech and overcoming them.

The purpose and objectives of children's speech development

I was prompted to write this article by chance - on one of the popular “mother’s” sites I came across gross errors in explaining to parents the methods of speech development for preschoolers. And I realized that I definitely need to write an article for parents about the basics of speech development methods. We need moms and dads, grandparents to know What exactly is speech development in preschool children?, For what any family needs this and what are the effective ways speech games and activities with preschool children.

Who doesn’t write now about the development of children’s speech! It is very difficult for the average reader – a non-specialist – to understand all this confusion. For some reason, it is believed that it is enough to read articles on the Internet or books and retell them in order to declare oneself an “expert/consultant/specialist/trainer in the development of speech in preschool children” and begin teaching other adults how to develop the speech of children. But the theory and methodology of children’s speech development is a very deep, complex and versatile science that requires knowledge of psychological, psycholinguistic, physiological, and methodological foundations. And in order to advise and teach someone about the development of children’s speech, you need to know its basics and understand the system and patterns of a child’s speech development, as well as engage in daily practice of the speech development of many, very different kids. In this article, I will try, as a specialist and candidate of pedagogical sciences in this field, in simple, accessible language to “sort out” the confusion that exists on the Internet regarding the development of speech in children. I hope that as a result of reading this article, you will be able to correctly and effectively develop the speech of your children and will not make mistakes. You will also be able to navigate the literature and articles on children’s speech development.

What you will learn about in the article is not only my personal opinion, it is also the results of numerous scientific studies, as well as the results of my personal long-term work on the speech development of children from a variety of families and social strata.

You will learn from this article:

Part 1 - “Hit the bull’s eye”, or about main goal speech development of children under seven years old and why all this is needed,

Part 2 - “Measure twice, cut once” or why you need to know the norms of children’s speech development,

Part 3 - “Wherever you go, you will find”, or the main directions of speech development and tasks,

Part 4 - “It’s hit or miss,” or effective and ineffective ways to develop children’s speech.

Speech development: how to and how not to develop speech in preschoolers

Part 1. Why do you need to develop speech and what is speech development? Or we determine the goal of speech development and “hit the bull’s eye”

Speech development: typical mistakes in understanding the goal.

To do anything effectively, we need to have a very precise idea of ​​the desired goal of our actions. Then we will be able to “hit the bull’s eye” and achieve it. What will happen as a result of our actions? What will the child or his speech be like?

If there is no precise understanding of the goal, then our actions will be very similar to shooting sparrows from cannons, and the goal will be difficult and almost impossible to achieve. The selection of ways to achieve it, that is, the selection of effective speech development techniques and the ability to distinguish them from ineffective ones, also depends on understanding the goal.

Therefore, at the beginning, let's look at the purpose of developing the speech of children in preschool age and the typical mistakes that are encountered in this very important issue.

What is speech development? Opinion 1 and error 1. The most common mistake in speech development, which I encounter every day in my practice of communicating with parents and teachers, with my friends, is the understanding of speech development is too narrow - as the work of a speech therapist to identify impaired sounds in children. It is believed that if a child pronounces all sounds, then his speech is well developed and there is no need to develop anything, which is not at all true! Once I even heard from the teacher’s lips (I went with a friend to pick up her child in kindergarten and accidentally heard the teacher’s remark): “You know! It turns out that we also need to develop children’s speech, but we don’t have speech therapy group" The teacher said this senior group kindergarten in a large city (!!!), which showed me that even many teachers do not understand the purpose of their own work on the development of speech in children and do not know why it is needed. This means they have no results in this direction.

Let's separate these two concepts and these two lines - speech correction and speech development.

Line 1. Speech correction. A speech therapist deals with speech correction, i.e. correction of speech disorders in children and adults. That is, a speech therapist conducts classes with children whose speech is already impaired and helps the child correct speech disorders. Moreover, speech disorders concern not only sounds, but also speech breathing, intonation, tempo and timbre of speech, as well as grammar, vocabulary, coherent speech, that is, all aspects of speech development. If the child does not have speech impairments, then speech therapy classes he doesn’t need it, but he needs speech development classes (see line 2).

Speech therapists conduct classes with the youngest children of early age with delayed speech development or mental retardation, as well as with older children - 3-7 years old, and even with schoolchildren, teenagers and adults. But the methods of teaching 2-year-olds and 5-year-olds or schoolchildren are different.

Line 2. Speech development and prevention of speech disorders. With normal speech development, the child does not require speech therapy classes. But developing his speech is very necessary and important! This means that he needs classes and games not for speech correction, but for speech development. A lot can be done from the first days of a baby’s life to prevent him from developing speech disorders in the future. And so that he speaks freely, beautifully, accurately, expressively, correctly and without mistakes. This is the development of speech.

I specifically wrote it in simple everyday language without terms, so that the difference would be clear.

What is “speech development”? Opinion 2 and error 2. Very often the concept of “speech development” is narrowed in modern families, and in many centers for preparing for school and preschool education only to prepare children for literacy, or is considered even more narrowly - only as learning to read. That is, in this case, teachers and parents believe that the development of speech in preschoolers is teaching children to read and children’s good knowledge of letters. But quick reading and knowledge of such concepts as “word”, “syllable”, “hard consonant”, “soft consonant”, “vowel”, “sentence” is only a small, very narrow part of the holistic system of speech development in preschool age. And it cannot be “torn out” from this system. More on this below.

A case from my practice. Many years ago I spent Parent meeting in my new group of kids. The children in my group at that time were three years old, some were four. The first thing parents asked me at the meeting was how quickly I could teach their children to read, and at what speed they would read by the end school year. They thought that since I was working on speech development, this meant that the main thing for me in teaching three-year-old children was reading. Then I asked one of the mothers: “Irina, when you got your prestigious job, did you go through a competitive interview?” “Of course,” Anechka’s mother answered. “Did you have your reading speed checked when applying for this job?” Anya’s mother laughed: “Of course not.” Then I asked those mothers and fathers who had their reading speed tested when applying for a job to raise their hands. Haven't checked with anyone :). I asked what was being tested, and what tests did they need to pass? It turned out that absolutely everyone, when applying for a job, was tested for their ability to navigate new situations, as well as in typical and non-standard situations, think independently, prove their opinion correctly, conduct a discussion, analyze information, not get lost in life situations, general level of development, ability cooperate with people and other life skills. “This is what is laid down in preschool childhood, and this is what I will teach your children,” I said then. – “And have your own thoughts, and express them accurately and clearly for your interlocutor, conduct a discussion, clearly formulate questions and answers to them, defend your opinion, navigate different life situations of verbal communication. And this is the development of speech in babies!” So what will be most important in children’s lives – reading speed or these vital skills of verbal communication with people, the ability to express oneself, one’s thoughts and feelings, and feel one’s individuality? Every parent answers this question for himself. (Note: I do not deny reading, but I believe that it should not be an end in itself and the most important thing in teaching children)

At this meeting we resolved this issue in favor of vital communication skills. And we did it brilliantly! These children not only spoke well by the end of preschool age, they became my co-authors of many speech games and activities that you are now reading on the site. And we also wrote two very real books, published by the Karapuz publishing house in the series “Development of Speech and Verbal Communication” on interesting expressions of the Russian language (counting crows, scratching with your tongue, and others). Games with these children and the stories and tasks they created formed the basis of my online course.”

What is “speech development”? Opinion 3 and error 3. Another very common mistake that I encounter in letters from readers of the site is equate the development of speech with its appearance in a child. From this point of view, it turns out like this: as soon as the baby speaks, as soon as his first words appear, there is nothing left to develop, no development of speech is needed, because the child speaks, which means speech is there and developed! This is wrong. The first words are just the first stage in speech development. All the most interesting things await you ahead. And writing fairy tales and riddles, and getting to know poetry and other genres of children's literature and the ability to distinguish them from each other, and logical speech problems, and games with sounds, syllables, sentences, and retellings, and much more.

What is speech development? Opinion 4 and error 4. Some believe that the method of speech development is simply tongue twisters, counting rhymes, riddles, and pure tongue twisters. You need to use them with children in any order and more often, and everything will be fine.

Or is there an opinion that speech development is it’s just memorizing and naming different objects by a child from pictures(memorizing and naming the names of cities, trees, flowers, animals, countries, body parts, birds, fish, etc.). And we need to make sure that the baby remembers more words - the names of objects, so his speech will be developed. This is wrong. Developed speech is much more than simply naming objects.

I encounter this error all the time on different sites on the Internet. For example, on one of the sites for mothers, the author wrote that for early childhood there is a developed method for speech development, everything is clear, there are well-planned Doman classes, but “for preschool age there is no method for speech development, it needs to be created.” This phrase brought a sincere smile to my face, and I laughed heartily and for a long time. After all, entire teams of talented scientists and practitioners for many decades in our country have created and are creating methods for the development of speech in children! Students learn this technique for several semesters, and it is considered one of the most difficult. And the method of speech development is not a mountain of chaotically selected rhymes, poems or tongue twisters and games - but these are specific stages of solving specific problems in their system. Well-founded, proven steps! Since each pure tongue twister or tongue twister or other technique does not exist on its own, but “fits” into the system of speech development, and fits not just like that, but into a specific direction and at a specific stage of children’s education. It is then that they will really “work” most effectively on the development of children’s speech. Otherwise, we use only 10-20% of their potential.

What happens when this error occurs? We get the so-called “learned helplessness” in the development of a child’s speech. It manifests itself in the fact that the child perfectly and quickly completes tasks that he was taught and which were often repeated. But he does not speak as a means of communication and knowledge in life and is lost in any unfamiliar situation. But mastery of speech as a means of communication is the main thing! As one mother, a reader of my site and a graduate of my course for parents, said: “I was proud that my daughter knew the names of all the capitals of the world, but she could not meet other children in the yard or talk to them, tell a fairy tale. And only now I realized that this was not the main thing!” I’ll say right away that after this mother changed her position in communicating with her child, there was a sharp impetus in the development of the baby’s speech. Now the girl already uses phraseological units in her speech and actively composes stories and fairy tales with her mother. And if this had not happened, she would have remained at the level of memorized words.

A case from my practice. Sasha is 4 years old. When monitoring speech development, I pay attention to the fact that the baby has a very low level of speech development and great difficulties with speech. He cannot retell “from the pictures and with my help even “Turnip”, several groups of sounds are disrupted, the boy gets confused in colors and shapes, cannot describe where the object is, cannot describe the toy even with my help, cannot continue the phrase, he finds words with difficulty, coordinates words with each other in sentences with errors, and has many grammatical errors in his speech. But to my amazement, he answers very accurately from the pictures and tells me all the prepositions (in, on, under, for, before, from under, because of). I ask Sasha’s mom what’s the matter and how does he know prepositions so well, because... I can't understand the reason. It turns out that for a whole year, every day, the mother memorized with her child pictures depicting various prepositions (a ball on the table, under the table, at the table, in front of the table, jumped out from behind the table, etc.). And in the end, Sasha remembered them all and knows how to reproduce and name them. This activity took a lot of time - repeating pictures - daily unloved by the child speech exercises in the evenings throughout the year!!! Did this give impetus to the development of Sasha’s speech? No. During this year of “training” the child only on knowledge of prepositions, very important other aspects of speech development were missed. “Training a child” to solve one problem never leads to good results in speech development. All prepositions could be learned very quickly and interestingly for the child with Sasha in exciting and fun speech games (their detailed description You will find in a series of my articles about). Were the mother’s heroic daily efforts to develop her son’s speech effective? No. But you could play speech games with joy and enthusiasm with your child and achieve better results instead of the painful repetition of the same pictures day after day!

Let’s now see how to avoid mistakes and develop children’s speech easily and joyfully without unnecessary “heroism.” And we will finally determine our true goal, what we will try for and what we want to get.

What actually is the method of speech development and the development of speech in children?

The methodology for developing children's speech answers the questions: 1) what to teach in the development of children's speech, 2) how to teach and 3) why and why to teach this way. Moreover, the answers to these questions and recommendations in the methodology for developing children’s speech are also not taken “from the head” themselves, but are determined from the practice of developing children’s speech and from experimental work with kids. How does this happen? To test a certain method of speech development, the authors take several groups of children (the groups should be approximately the same in terms of the children’s development level). Further work is carried out with these groups of children on speech development, but they are taught in different ways in order to choose the most effective one. Next, the researchers look at the difference in the results obtained in children. Then the results are rechecked with other groups of children. And based on a comparison of the data obtained, a conclusion is made about which method of speech development in working with children is more effective and gives the best results. And it is this method that is recommended for everyone to use - both teachers and parents. This is how the theory and methodology of children’s speech development was created and is being created. And I, as a researcher of children’s speech, when developing my own methods of developing children’s speech and game-based communicative situations for speech classes with children, do the same thing - I make sure to check all the speech development techniques when working with children before recommending them to other people - teachers and parents.

The goal of speech development for children in preschool age

What exactly is the development of speech in preschool children? Speech development has as its goal help the child master competent, beautiful, expressive oral speech in his native language, learn to accurately, vividly, figuratively convey HIS thoughts, feelings, impressions in speech (note - your own, i.e. do not memorize and repeat like a parrot what is said to an adult, but compose your opinion about the event and express it in speech, prove it, discuss it with others).

That is, a child’s well-developed oral speech should be: a) correct (that is, without errors), b) “good” in quality, that is, beautiful, imaginative, accurate, rich, expressive. This is our goal for the development of speech in children in preschool age.

Nowadays there are more and more children who are considered geniuses in the family. They know huge passages from encyclopedias by heart. But any creative or problematic situation baffles them. They also don’t have beautiful creative expressive speech. That is, they do not have the base, the basis for the development of abilities and speech development.

A case from my practice. Vanya was developed very intensively in the family, since he was the only son and grandson in a family of professors. Vanya’s speech was also developed, but in a special way: they read excerpts from encyclopedias to the child and forced the boy to retell them. This was a daily task - Vanya’s lesson with her parents “on speech development”. The child retold this story, indeed, at the highest level for his age - of course, daily training in the family was producing results! The family believed that a good retelling was the main thing Vanya needed to succeed in school. But the child had obvious problems with verbal communication and creativity, as well as with initiative and curiosity. They were not encouraged in the family. One day I asked Vanya (he was 6 years old at that time): “Will your wooden boat float in the water?” And he answers me: “Grandfather hasn’t read about this to me yet. When he reads it, I’ll tell you what he said.” And there is no attempt by the child to even try to reason, generalize or practically test his version - to launch the boat into the water and draw his own conclusion about its “buoyancy” and its reasons. Such children cannot write a fairy tale, meet a peer in the yard, or come to an agreement with the children. Is their speech well developed? Can they express themselves? No. Alas, they only repeat other people’s memorized thoughts. The goal was not achieved, although the adults in the family invested a lot of effort, but, alas, in the wrong direction! Vanya is currently studying at school - he is an average student, without outstanding success and without the desire for knowledge. After all, what is important in school is not retelling, but the child’s ability to highlight the main thing in educational material, generalize, draw an independent conclusion, analyze, compare, and not repeat after an adult. The parents are disappointed and offended by Vanyushka. But I don’t envy Vanya - after all, the family themselves “drove” him into this “dead end” of development.

This is interesting: When the method of speech development was just being created in Russia, it set an even more interesting and even higher level task - to educate a child not just in correct expressive speech, but individual speaking style! Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol and other writers have an individual style of speech - we will never confuse the authors with each other, feeling their author's style. You can read more about this in the article (the article was written almost 100 years ago, but what deep and very modern thoughts are in it! And how you want to go to these heights!).

Alas, in the modern situation there is no time for this task, because... Usually children do not “mature” to this level. Already we're talking about that almost every child has a speech disorder! But a huge number of these violations simply could not have happened if the child had been properly treated and communicated in the family and in the kindergarten!

So, with the goal and typical mistakes in determining the goal of speech development, as well as with what the methodology for speech development is, we have decided. The goal is high, interesting, very necessary for all of us in life, and the main thing for us is to start moving forward - to go towards it in small steps.

Now let's talk about indicative indicators of speech development - or about “norms” and monitoring of child development.

Part 2. Who came up with the standards for the development of children’s speech and why you need to know them.

Speech development is a process that a child goes through a number of stages. And there are approximate indicators of the development of a baby’s speech at each stage of his life. age period. All standards for children’s speech development that exist in our country are the result of serious, long-term and deep scientific research child development.

Of course, all children are very individual! But a lag in development of 2-3 periods is already an alarm signal that requires contacting specialists. And if help is provided to the child on time, then everything will be fine. But if you ignore the delay in the development of your child’s speech, then there may be problems at school - great difficulties in writing and in learning in general. The development of speech is closely related to the development of thinking, with communication with peers, so it is very important that the child does not experience problems. And if there are problems, so that they are resolved in a timely manner.

A little about the baby’s vocabulary and approximate indicators in his development.

Just today I received a comment on my website: “Ha ha ha. 200-300 words by 2-3 years!” (subtext is unreal!) But this is the modern minimum - the standard for speech development. The reader laughs at these numbers, because... Indeed, many children do not speak at all now at 2-2.5 years old. And she thinks it's normal! But these numbers are not random! This is the minimum, not the maximum! Let's see what the maximum is and what children at 2-3 years old can really do.

To do this, let's go back to our story. 1965 This is 49 years ago. This year, the book “Development and Education of the Child from Birth to Three Years” was published, edited by the remarkable scientist - classic, researcher of early child development N.M. Shchelovanova. I quote from this book:

“In the third year of life, the child’s speech continues to develop rapidly. His vocabulary is growing every day. Over the course of a year, it increases 3-4 times, reaching 1300-1500 words (my note - let’s compare these figures for the number of words in a child’s dictionary by the age of three!). The child, as if on the fly, catches and repeats not only new words, but now entire turns of speech, and easily remembers poems, songs, fairy tales, although he does not understand everything that he grasps so quickly... As has been said more than once , the level of speech development depends on upbringing. The main means of developing the speech of a 2-3 year old child, as well as a younger one, is his communication with adults and the speech of adults.” This was written when I and many of you – my dear readers – were not yet in this world. Pay attention to the number - 1300-1500 words!!! Not 300, but five times more!!!

When I read these old lines about two-year-old children, I involuntarily compare the two-year-olds of 1965 and modern, even non-speaking children. And this despite the fact that we are all intensively engaged in “early development” from the cradle, buying expensive toys, taking them to centers from almost six months and paying quite a lot of money for it. But children lag behind their peers in previous years in speech development! And they lag behind in basic indicators! And after all, speech - all specialists know this - is a mirror general development baby, which reflects all his achievements and problems. Why is this “mirror” showing us such sad results now? Maybe we lost something very important or missed it in the race for the unimportant and set other goals for speech development? Yes! This is true!

And when this important thing is revived again, speech problems go away! When we start:

- correctly use lullabies, nursery rhymes, pesters, roll calls from the cradle,

- listen and look closely at your baby and follow him, and not try to impose your ideas and ideas on him,

- conduct communication taking into account the form of communication with the child characteristic of of this age,

- when we, in the course of ordinary affairs, attract the child’s attention to the word and expression of his thoughts and feelings,

- when we try not to speak ourselves, but to create situations for the baby to actively speak -

then children change after us and there is a sharp leap in the development of children’s speech! How sometimes you want children to change on their own. This is unrealistic. When we, adults, change, our children and their speech change after us!

This has already been proven by many mothers with children who took my Silent children not only spoke in this course last fall, but now - a year later - they began to speak better than their peers! This result is not a “magic pill”, it is the spiritual work of parents, but the work is very grateful, joyful, creative and interesting! And yet, this is the result of these mothers and fathers’ understanding of the patterns of speech development. And when you understand not only “what and how to do,” but also “why and why exactly to do this,” then a creative spring awakens inside, everything becomes clear and understandable, fits into the system. And there is no need for extra “developmental” courses and toys. Since there is already an understanding of what a child really needs for development and what not.

A small “cheat sheet” on the development of speech in children during Everyday life You will find it in the article. And if you want to learn this and find out all the details, welcome to my course. Sign up and receive recruitment information in the newsletter new group. I do not advertise the course, since the number of people willing to study on it is always greater than the number of places in the group of the course, which comes with my individual support for each participant and her baby.

Why is it so important to know the standards of speech development? Or about monitoring the speech development of children.

Are standards necessary and do we need to know them if all children have individual developmental characteristics? Yes need. Although very often I read online in mom’s forums that “there are old farts - they came up with standards, they fit everyone into one size fits all.” Of course, this is written by those who know nothing about standards - indicative indicators of the development of children. Or those who prefer not to solve the problems of their baby’s speech development, but to hide their head in the sand like an ostrich - this is not the best tactic. Any problem in the development of a child’s speech can be solved if it is solved and you contact specialists in a timely manner!

"Tentative"– they are not called that for nothing. They are like a guideline for us - a lighthouse on our journey through the sea of ​​child development. And we need to notice this beacon and understand what it is signaling to us.

Why is it important and necessary to know them? To track the dynamics of your baby's development. So that if you suddenly have problems, you can immediately notice them, contact a specialist - a doctor or speech therapist, and not waste precious time. To not just watch, but to see your baby - what is constantly changing in him, what new things he is learning, what he needs help with, where he is especially strong, and where he is not yet succeeding and we need to support him additional games and exercises.

This is important to know: When monitoring the development of a child’s speech, it is important not even how much he can now, but dynamics in its development. And it is important to see that the baby is learning new things, which is happening all the time in his development. forward movement. But if there is no such movement, then there is reason to think. Two reasons may contribute to developmental delay:

A) either we – adults – have “behind” the child and are giving him old tasks that he has long outgrown. And it's time to give him more complex tasks verbal communication according to his age

For example, we understand the baby at a glance, we can immediately guess what he will need and what he wants. Why then does the child need to speak? She simply is not needed in his life! No speech! This is one of the reasons that a child’s speech does not appear on time - and a very common reason, which, fortunately, is easy to overcome and correct, and the baby will soon speak.

B) Or there are problems in the child’s development and it is worth consulting with specialists.

I will give examples of the importance of parents and teachers knowing development standards.

Example 1. Baby talk. All children begin to babble, even the deaf! Moreover, they begin to babble at approximately the same time. And this applies to the children themselves different nationalities and from different social strata. Surprisingly, this is a scientifically proven fact! One gets the impression that babbling appears and develops on its own, and the child babbles “for himself.” But what is important to know: in deaf children, babbling gradually fades away (by the way, babbling also fades away in another case - if the mother does not communicate with the baby, for example, if the baby is in the orphanage). In deaf babies, babbling does not become more complicated (there are certain stages of babbling complexity in the normal development of a child, which are described in the section “Baby development from birth to one year”).

Therefore if:

A) the child does not babble (and he, for example, is already 10 months old),

B) babbling has appeared, but does not become more complex, but remains at the same level,

B) babbling appeared and then began to fade

– then you need to immediately contact specialists.

Example 2. Child’s food and… speech development. In the “standards”, that is, in the approximate indicators of child development, the approximate age is given when we begin to accustom the baby to solid food. It would seem, what difference does it make when to start giving your child solid food? It turns out that this is very important! I know friends who ignored solid food until they were 3 years old, and processed all their son’s food in a blender (there were no medical indications for this, the mother just wanted it that way - she thought it would be better for the baby’s digestion). The result is that the child has huge problems with articulation and speaks very poorly!

Let's look at why solid food is so important and how it affects speech.

If a baby after a year or even after 2 - 2.5 years eats only pureed food, then it will be difficult for him to start speaking well. Why? Because speaking requires the ability to control the muscles in the mouth and the ability to control breathing. And chewing solid food is not just about nourishing the body and eating, but also about developing the ability to coordinate muscle work. Food for the little ones is a kind of “articulation gymnastics”, which is “carried out” 3-4 times a day (the number of times the child chews solid food, the number of times he trains his muscles, that is, he did such “gymnastics”). Need to know this? Yes! And on time, start giving your child crackers, fruit, cookies, dried fruit. And also provide cocktail straws to drink juice from or play with them - blowing bubbles. This is also useful for muscle development.

That is why the norms for the development of a child’s speech are not just written words, they contain very deep factors and patterns of the child’s development. But these patterns and factors are not immediately visible at a glance if you look at the norms superficially! They still need to be seen and understood. I'm glad we got to take a deeper look today! I will continue to reveal some secrets of child development that are familiar to professionals. And if you want to know such secrets, write :-), I will tell you on the website and in my courses. And I already tell you a lot in the course I wrote about above. There is an idea to create a creative workshop - a workshop on communicating such secrets and jointly composing - inventing family speech leisure and activities. Therefore, I will be glad to know your wishes and interests. Write in the comments!

Part 3. Speech development tasks.

So, we have determined that speech development is not a narrow area of ​​working with sounds or learning to read, but is a very broad area that is very important in the development of a child. What does speech development include - what areas are highlighted in it:

  1. Sound culture of speech– correct sound pronunciation, rhythm, tempo, timbre, intonation, speech breathing, diction and other indicators of “sounding speech”.
  2. Vocabulary development: includes three lines - a) enriching the dictionary with new words, b) activating the dictionary, c) clarifying the dictionary (that is, the ability to select the most accurate and appropriate word in a given situation).
  3. Mastering the grammatical structure of speech: a) morphology (that is, the ability to correctly and without errors coordinate words with each other in sentences - for example, say “red boots”, but “red dress”, and not “red boots”, “red dress”), b) syntax ( the ability to construct sentences and texts of various types), c) word formation (the ability to form new words from known ones by analogy, for example: builds - builder, teaches - teacher, development of linguistic flair and word creation)
  4. Development of coherent speech– ability to build dialogue and monologue (description, narration, reasoning), creative essay fairy tales, fables, stories, riddles.
  5. Preparing for literacy– familiarization with a word, sound, sentence, syllable, mastering the sound analysis of words. Initial learning to read (this is not a mandatory part of the program for preschoolers, so it is not included in all preschool education programs, but most modern children are already fluent in reading by the time they reach school, and many school teachers require this from future first-graders).

In the continuation of the article next week, you will learn how to effectively solve some of these problems and what typical mistakes are usually made and how they can be overcome. We will talk about presentations on speech development - which of them are useful and which are useless for the development of children's speech, how to find time for the development of speech in children, how to make speech classes interesting and many other interesting things. You will learn not only about my experience, but also about the experience of mothers who are readers of the “Native Path” website.

You will hear useful information about the development of children's speech in the video lectures presented below from the series “Talk to me, Mom.” Lecturer - T.D. Yakovenko, teacher of psychology and children's literature at NSPU.

Lecture 1 “Speech and literary and artistic development of preschool children” (from 3 years old)

Lecture 2. Speech development of the youngest children - from zero to three years old

And I want to complete the first part with a poem by Sergei Skachko about his native language and speech:

Touch with reverence
To what you are armed with,
Create lightly and revel in
Boundless Russian language

Airy, juicy, tasty,
Severe and gentle, many-sided,
Skilled in all melodies
Our amazing language.

The narrow term suits him,
And an interjection sigh, and a cry,
Be proud that you understand Russian,
Try to comprehend the depth.

It's funny and sad to hear, really,
Like ellochek and fimok army
To the overseas “ings”, “shn” and “wow”
They want to press him, groaning.


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

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