Paid services of club institutions to the population.

* The calculations use average data for Russia


Paid services are an important part of the population's expenditure structure. However, in terms of the share of paid services in the structure of gross expenditures per capita, Russia lags significantly behind developed countries. First of all, this is due to the relatively low level of income and the large share of food costs in it. With an increase in income, the share of expenses on food will decrease, and the share of expenses on paid services will increase.

Paid services, first of all, include housing and communal services, medical and educational services, transport and communications and a number of others. People with different income levels consume approximately the same types of services, however, the structure of consumption by volume individual species, their quality and other parameters differ significantly.

According to the chief adviser to the Government Analytical Center Russian Federation, Professor Leonid Grigoriev, even in conditions of economic recession against the backdrop of falling demand for durable goods, the demand for services in the fields of education, medicine and recreation continues to grow. It is noted that this growth is due to the wealthy segments of the population, while the poor segments of the population have problems accessing quality services of all types.

The role of the service sector (combining paid and free services) in creating added value of the world's GDP is growing steadily; however, the growth rate is relatively low. Since 2013, the share of the service sector in the added value of GDP has exceeded 68%. The highest values ​​are typical for developed countries, but in traditionally industrial countries (for example, Japan, Germany) this figure is lower. In industrialized developing countries such as China and India, the share of services remains low. The lowest share of services in GDP value added is less than developed countries Africa and Asia.

Table 1. Share of the service sector in the added value of GDP of the world, %, 2008 – 2015 (World Bank data)

A country

Great Britain



Luxembourg (1st place in the world)

The growth of the share of paid services in the structure of added value of Russia's GDP is growing steadily in accordance with the global trend. Today, services account for 2/3 of the added value of GDP.


Experts have noted a steady decline in real disposable income since 2014; in the first quarter of 2016 alone they fell by 3.7%. This fall caused a reduction in household spending by 4.3%, which, in turn, had a negative impact on GDP dynamics - it led to a fall in gross domestic product by 1.2% in annual terms.

At the same time, according to analysts (Rosstat and the Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation), the consumption of paid services is highly stable against the backdrop of falling demand for goods (primarily durable goods) - in 2015, demand for services fell by only 2%, in while compression retail amounted to 10%. The volume of the market for paid services in 2015 (the results of 2016 are still being summed up) amounted to 7.9 trillion rubles, which corresponds to 17.3% of the added value of the country’s entire services market.

In the first half of 2016, the rate of decline in demand for paid services slowed down – the decline in demand amounted to 0.9% in annual terms. During certain months (February and May) positive growth rates were observed.

There is a change in the consumption structure of the Russian population. With the existing inflation, including food inflation, in the structure of expenditures, the growth of household expenditure on food is significantly increasing against the backdrop of a fall in real disposable income. At the same time, the share of expenses for paid services is decreasing. This process reflects the growth in the number of poor and relatively poor people in the country. In 2016, food inflation slowed down, which led to a slight increase in the share of paid services in the structure of household spending. In May 2016, the share of services in the structure of expenses was 21.5% compared to 20.5% in May 2015.

Figure 1. Dynamics of the real volume of paid services to the population in annual terms and the share of costs for services in consumer spending, %, 2013 – 2016.

The largest volume of consumption of paid services falls on three areas: housing and communal services (27.5%), transport services (19%), communication services (16.1%). About 11% comes from household services (vehicle maintenance and repair, home repair and construction, and others). The share of medical services (including sanatorium and resort services) was about 8%, educational services – 6.8%. There is a decrease in the share of three key types of paid services from 65.3% in 2013 to 62.6% in 2015, while in the same period the shares of medical (from 6.9% to 8%) and educational (from 6.9%) increased. 2% to 6.8%) services.

Figure 2. Structure of paid services to the population, quarterly, %, 2013 – 2016

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In 2016, a particularly strong drop in demand was observed in the tourism services segment (including the work of tour operators). Demand has been falling steadily since 2014; in the first quarter of 2016 its value was 23% lower than in the fourth quarter of 2013. This decline is logically explained by the desire to save on non-essential goods and services – primarily on entertainment. The decline in the volumes of this segment is also affected by the state ban on organized tours to Turkey and Egypt, as well as restrictions on traveling abroad for employees of some government agencies. The Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation also notes the positive effect of blocking popular foreign tourist destinations and increasing the cost of outbound tourism - the development of domestic tourism. This effect, in fact, seems doubtful - the discrepancy between the quality of infrastructure and the price level does not in any way favor development. In 2015, prices in the domestic tourism segment increased by 12% compared to last year.

During the crisis of 2008-2009. the increase in prices in the outbound tourism segment was significant - 22% in 2009; price growth in the domestic tourism segment was less strong, but still significant – 14%. During the current crisis, the situation is more dire, primarily due to the stronger devaluation of the national currency - the cost of services in the field of outbound tourism increased by 37% in 2015 alone.

The only segment of paid services in which consumption has increased during the years of the crisis is medical services: in the first quarter of 2016, the volume of the segment exceeded the figures for the first quarter of 2014 by 4.3%. The remaining segments only declined during the same time; in 2016, however, the rate of decline slowed.

Figure 3. Dynamics of consumption of various types of services in constant prices, quarterly, 2013 – 2016.

Experts explain the fact that the share of paid services in the structure of household expenses is growing, firstly, by the relatively low possibilities of competition in this area (“obtaining quality services for more low price often associated with additional time spent on analysis large number alternative offers and with a violation of habits - for example, when changing schools or doctors") and, secondly, the inertial nature of pricing. The cost of services responds more smoothly to macroeconomic processes than the cost of goods. During a crisis, prices for services grow with a significant lag behind the product segment, but when the economy recovers, experts expect them to grow faster.

Figure 4. Consumer price index in Russia and its components, 2007 – 2016

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One of the most consumed types of services is housing and communal services. During the economic crisis of 2008-2009, there was a sharp increase in tariffs (set by the authorized executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation) - an average of 22% for 2009. Since 2014, the increase in tariffs has been less sharp and strong - in 2015 the increase was 7.5%. Experts explain this fact by the need to take into account “the significant deterioration in the economic situation of the population due to the continuing decline in real incomes.” The statement, however, is quite controversial, given the overall situation in other industries and segments, where there is no government control over price increases. At the same time, there is an increase in prices for housing services(payment for public and municipal housing, maintenance and repair of private housing, operation of residential buildings) at the level of 20% for 2015.

During the crisis of 2008–2009, there was also a significant increase in the cost of transport services: the average annual increase for 2008 was 19%. The reasons for the increase in fares for travel in various modes of transport are rising fuel prices and rising costs of maintaining and servicing rolling stock. In 2015, price growth was 10.7% compared to 9.7% in 2013.

Across regions, there is a heterogeneous growth rate in the volume of paid services to the population. In 2010–2012, it grew most dynamically in moderately developed regions. Since 2013, highly developed regions have reached a “saturation point”, while growth in other regions has slowed. The crisis of 2014–2016 had a negative impact on the growth of paid services in all regions except the less developed ones. It is noted that the rate of decline in the growth of paid services is generally lower than the rate of decline in volumes retail sales goods.

In highly developed regions (where financial and economic centers account for up to 85% of the total volume of services), the volume of paid services decreased at the beginning of 2015, but by the end of the same year it showed a tendency to recover. In developed and moderately developed regions, volumes fell to a lesser extent, but continue to decline to this day, without showing a recovery trend.

Figure 5. Monthly dynamics of the volume of paid services to the population by group of regions of Russia, 2010 – 2016, billion rubles, in 2013 prices

It is logical that the volume of paid services in highly developed regions is higher than in others, that is, it directly depends on the well-being of the population. Data on consumption volumes depending on the type of region are given in Table. 2.

Table 2. Average monthly volume of paid services per capita by type of region, thousand rubles/person, 2010-2015, in 2013 prices


Type of regions

Highly developed

Financial and economic centers

Raw materials export-oriented


With a diversified economy

Based on the manufacturing industry

Based on the mining industry

Moderately developed

Industrial and agricultural


Less developed

Less developed raw materials

Less developed agricultural

Russia on average

As can be seen from the table above, the most stable situation is observed in regions with diversified economies - here, even despite the crisis economic situation, there is a slight increase in volumes. The situation in agro-industrial and less developed agricultural sectors is also relatively stable. According to experts, in less developed agricultural countries, the lack of decline can be explained by the fact that expenses include only the most necessary services. For example, in the Republic of Kalmykia (the region with the lowest volume of paid services per capita in 2015) the share of housing utilities in 2015 it was 44%, communications – 28%. In other less developed regions, such as the Tyva Altai Republics and certain regions of the North Caucasus Federal District, a large share Transport services also occupy 15-20% in 2014-2015.

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Figure 6. Volume of paid services of the population in certain regions in 2015, billion rubles. in 2013 prices

The Sakhalin region is the leader in Russia in terms of the volume of paid services consumed in 2015 - 8.3 thousand rubles per person per month (in 2013 prices). The top ten also includes a number of other Far Eastern regions, as well as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar region, Republic of Tatarstan. Experts associate the high volume of consumed services not only with the high well-being of the population (as in the capital regions), but also with the high cost of services (housing and communal services in Far East significantly more expensive than in Central Russia).

The main items of expenditure by region are generally the same. The metropolitan regions differ most from the Russian average, where the highest costs are for transport (24% versus 19% on the national average) and communications (19% versus 16%). At the same time, here is the lowest share of housing and communal services (21% versus 28%) and household services (8% versus 11%).

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Other business services cover different kinds international services not considered in the above categories. This includes: resale of goods abroad (wholesale, retail); maintenance and repair of goods (for example, cars, etc.), personal items and household goods; operational leasing (rental) of machinery, equipment, vehicles, personal items, and household goods, etc.; legal, accounting, management consulting and public relations services; advertising, market research, surveys public opinion; research and development work; services in the field of architecture, engineering and other technical services; agricultural, mining and local processing services; other business professional and technical services.

Types and specifics of paid services to the population

Paid services to the population. Market transformations in the service sector are accompanied by the transition of a number of traditionally free services into the category of paid or, from the point of view of macroeconomic terminology, non-market services into market ones. This phenomenon is common in the healthcare sector, physical culture and social security, education, culture and art, housing and communal services. Paid services to the population are useful results of activities that satisfy certain needs of citizens for a fee, but are not embodied in material form. They are the object of purchase and sale and are sold at prices that fully or largely cover the manufacturer’s costs (due to sales proceeds) and provide him with a profit. Paid services to the population can be provided by enterprises (organizations) of all organizational and legal forms of ownership on individual orders, as well as individuals (citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activity without education legal entity). The following main types of paid services to the population are distinguished:

- domestic services, the volume of which includes the cost of all completed

individual orders of citizens. These are types of services such as shoe repair and sewing,

car maintenance and repair, dry cleaning and bath and sauna services,

services of hairdressing and beauty salons, services of enterprises of various types

rental, funeral services, etc.

- passenger transport services, which includes the amount of income from transportation.

This is the transportation of passengers when traveling by transport. common use, transportation

luggage and cargo of the population on different types transport, passenger transportation

route and passenger taxis, etc.

- communication services, which includes the payment of the population for sending letters, parcels,

money transfers, parcels, sending telegrams, electronic communication services,

use cable TV etc.

- housing services, this is the amount of payment citizens make for housing, the actual amount of payment

population for accommodation in hostels, hotels, etc.

- public utilities, which includes the amount of the population’s payment for electricity,

central heating, water supply, waste removal and cleaning services.

- services of cultural institutions, this is payment by the population entrance tickets on

demonstration of films, video programs, performances, concerts, circuses

performances, visiting museums, exhibitions, using attractions and games

automatic machines, payment for entrance tickets to zoos, etc.

-physical education and sports services, which includes the cost of tickets for

sports competitions, cultural and entertainment events, calendar and match

meetings, this is payment for subscriptions and one-time tickets for physical education and sports classes

in sports schools, fitness clubs, swimming pools, etc.

- medical services, which includes amounts received from the population for various

types of medical care and sanitary services by institutions

healthcare of all forms of ownership, their divisions, etc.

- sanatorium and health services, which includes the price of the voucher (this includes vouchers

to the children's health Camp) in sanatorium and health resorts

institutions, etc.

- veterinary services, these are services for the treatment of pets in veterinary

hospitals and at home, vaccination, ambulance and veterinarian visits to your home, etc.

- legal services, which includes services provided by authorities

notary office, services provided by lawyers and the bar, etc.

- banking services, which includes the amount of payment from the population for services,

provided by banking institutions.

- services in the education system, which includes the size of the actual

parents' fees for keeping their children in preschool institutions, services

paid courses for preparation for higher education educational establishments, for training

foreign languages, driving, etc.

- trade and catering services, where the size is included

payments from the population for services provided by these institutions.

Privatization in Russia's transition economy

In Russia, in the process of reducing the scale of state ownership, two stages can be distinguished: “hidden” and “legal” privatization, each of which includes several stages.

Hidden privatization existed in the period from 1987 to 1992, when the term “privatization” itself was not yet uttered by political leaders. This is essentially spontaneous (spontaneous) privatization. State-owned enterprise until 1987

was recognized only as a business entity, while the state remained the subject of property. But in the USSR Law “On State Enterprise (Association)”, adopted in 1987, there appeared new normal, which radically changed the position and capabilities of the administration: “In a state-owned enterprise, the labor collective, using public property as the owner, creates and increases the people’s wealth, ensures a combination of the interests of society, the team and each employee. The labor collective, being the full owner of the enterprise, independently resolves all issues of production and social development" Words

about the role labor collective were rhetoric, an ideological cover for the opportunities that this Law opened up for the administration of enterprises, whose role was sharply increasing. With the adoption of this Law, enterprises were allowed to sell their products not only at centrally set prices, but also at negotiated prices, as well as prices set by enterprises independently. For the first time, the right of ownership was assigned to a state socialist enterprise. From now on, it could transfer to other enterprises and organizations, sell, exchange, lease, provide free temporary use or loan buildings, structures, equipment, vehicles, inventory, raw materials and other material assets, as well as write them off the balance sheet if they worn out or obsolete. This allowed enterprise administrations to de facto privatize part of state property. It was after this Law that the process of transferring ownership rights from the party apparatus and partly line ministries to enterprise administration began. The legal possibilities for transferring state property into private property were first presented by the Decree

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To characterize the socio-economic situation of the population, statistics have traditionally used and continue to use a specialized system of “standard of living” indicators. However, still in Soviet time the understanding began to come that “the level wages", "income level", "level of consumption of individual goods" and similar indicators do not provide a complete picture of the real state of consumer behavior of the population; accordingly, their use can lead to distortions in the conclusions of international comparisons. Achieving comparability of statistical data also involves taking into account the quality of goods and services consumed: the quality of food products, the quality of housing, the state of infrastructure settlements, quality and availability social services. Thus, there is an urgent need for a complementary system of indicators - “quality of life”. Even a simple list of some indicators of this system allows us to see how difficult it is to determine their composition and methodological basis for assessment. However, the relevance of the issue requires consistent resolution of the issues raised.

Currently it is already established fact that psychologically and physically a person does not feel cut off from the territory, from its center, places where labor is applied and services are provided, if everyday needs for them are satisfied within 30-minute accessibility. This time period ensures the daily cycle of human life and determines the parameters of local systems within which issues of balanced development of transport engineering communications, public service systems, creation of residential zones, use of land resources, etc. are rationally resolved.

Volume of paid services to the population

The provision of paid services is an activity performed at the request of consumers on a reimbursable basis, leading to a change in the location or condition of items belonging to the consumer, or to a change in the condition of the consumer himself.

The amount of paid services provided to the population over a certain period of time is measured by the cost indicator “Volume of paid services to the population.” This indicator serves as the basis for statistical characteristics of the consumer services market. It reflects the total amount of money paid both by the consumer himself and by the organization in which this consumer works, fully or partially compensating or paying for the costs of consuming the service.

Total volume of paid services to the population* in 2008

*- taking into account hidden and informal activities.

Dynamics of the total volume of paid services in the Samara region and Tolyatti

In 2008, paid services worth 95,585.1 million rubles were provided to the population of the Samara region, and 22,172.3 million rubles were provided to the population of Tolyatti, or 23.2 percent of the total volume of services in the region. On average, each resident spent on paying for services: in the region - 30,133 rubles, in Tolyatti - 30,825 rubles. Among the regions of the Volga region Federal District The Samara region retained its leadership in consumption of paid services per capita.

Dynamics of the total volume of paid services in Togliatti

The volume of paid services to the population of the Samara region was formed by 75.7 percent by large and medium-sized enterprises (in 2007 - 75.5 percent). Share of small businesses by Samara region amounted to 24.3 percent (in 2007 - 24.5 percent), including: individuals those engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity on an individual basis were provided with 18.1 percent (in 2007 - 18.89 percent), and micro-enterprises - 3 percent of the total volume of these services.

Volume of paid services provided to the population by large, medium and small enterprises in Togliatti in 2008 (excluding hidden and informal activities), million rubles

service statistical population consumer

Volume of services, million rubles


Large and medium-sized organizations

Small businesses

domestic services

transport services

Communication services

Housing services

Public utilities

Services of cultural institutions

Tourist services

Services of hotels and similar accommodation facilities

Physical education and sports services

Medical services

Sanatorium and health services

Veterinary services

Legal nature

Education system services

Other services

Large and medium-sized enterprises in Tolyatti provided 96 percent of the total volume of paid services to the population. The share of small businesses (excluding micro-enterprises) was 4 percent.

Structure of paid services for large, medium and small enterprises (excluding micro-enterprises) in Tolyatti (excluding hidden and informal activities)

In the structure of paid services for large, medium and small (excluding micro-enterprises) in Tolyatti in 2008, housing and communal services (38.5 percent) and communication services (21.3) predominated. As before, the population's spending on cultural and recreational services, health resort services and physical education and sports services is limited.

At the same time, in the reporting year, compared to the previous year, there was a decrease specific gravity utilities from 30 to 27 percent and an increase in education services from 12 to 15 percent in the total volume of paid services.

Many townspeople still argue this way: since the institution is municipal and financed from the budget, therefore, all services should be free...

Is this so, and why do the educational, sports and cultural institutions of the city need paid services? Participants in the parliamentary hearings, which took place on April 19 in the conference hall of the city administration, tried to figure it out.

The hearings were attended by heads and employees of institutions social sphere, parents, representatives of the Youth Parliament, the public.

Opening the hearings, Duma Chairman Natalya Borisova emphasized that paid services in educational, sports and cultural institutions are a reality of today. The organization of such work helps meet the needs of the population in comprehensive education and development of children, in providing leisure and cultural activities for residents of our city, in improving the health of the population and promoting healthy image life. In addition, this is a significant help to the institutions themselves in the context of a shortage of budget funding.

Galina Gvozd, Deputy Head of the Administration for Social Issues, told the hearing participants about the current situation in the market for paid services provided to the population by social sector institutions. Today, Pokachevo residents can take advantage of a list of 269 paid services offered to them by 14 educational, cultural and sports organizations. Every year, the city budget receives more than 20 million rubles through the provision of paid services. At the same time, the largest share of income comes from the income of sports institutions.

The most common services among the population are services for more in-depth study of individual academic subjects, as well as services aimed at developing creativity children and adolescents, and services that promote healthy lifestyle habits. The services of psychologists, speech therapists, adaptation classes and classes to prepare preschoolers for school, and leisure activities are also in demand.

The director of the Zvezdny Sports and Fitness Complex Viktor Tanenkov and the director kindergarten“Yugorka” Svetlana Orlova. The speakers drew the attention of deputies to such problems as the lack of highly qualified specialists in popular areas of activity, the lack necessary premises to expand the range of services provided, comfortable and modern conditions, lack of video and audio equipment in good quality. The insufficiency of financial support for municipal tasks of institutions was also noted, and therefore, institutions have to direct most of the funds earned to pay wages, utilities and maintenance of institutional buildings.

Natalya Kulyanu, assistant to the chairman of the Duma of the city of Pokachi, reported on the need to post on websites all documents required by law and their constant updating.

City Duma deputy, Chairman of the Youth Duma Artem Grigin spoke on behalf of the public at the hearings. In his speech, he analyzed the work of members of the youth parliament in studying public opinion on the issue of the quality of paid services. Young deputies noted that paid services are in demand by parents and children and have proven their social and practical significance. Children attend classes with great desire. The regime has been thought out, the load on children has been measured, and safe and comfortable working conditions have been created.

However, according to the hearing participants, there are a number of difficulties that arise when organizing paid services to the population. Such, for example, as legal and economic support for the process of providing paid services, some bias towards paid education among teaching staff and potential customers - parents.

The deputies also noted such a negative fact in the development of paid services as the persistent prejudice of citizens that the municipality and public sector institutions are obliged to provide them with services only for free, and drew attention to the lack of social responsibility of the citizens themselves. It is important for parents and other recipients of services to remember that paid services include only those that are not financed by the founder’s budget. The provision of paid services is a purely individual, negotiated procedure based on the personal desire of the recipient.

Based on the results of parliamentary hearings, the City Duma recommended that the administration and municipal institutions expand the range of additional paid services based on social order and implementation social projects. Special attention At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to programs of sports and scientific-technical, social-pedagogical, economic, natural science, civil-patriotic and spiritual-moral orientation. The deputies recommended continuing work on creating a mechanism for forecasting the needs for additional paid services, determining forms of providing benefits for individual categories citizens, improve monitoring activities for each type of service provided.

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