New sanitary standards and Sanpin rules

By Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2015 N 41, changes were made to SanPiN–13 (for preschool educational organizations), which came into force on September 20, 2015. According to the changes made:

1. SanPiN–13 applies to activities related to the care and supervision of children in preschool groups located in built-in, built-in and attached residential buildings buildings (premises) and administrative public buildings (except for administrative buildings industrial enterprises). Wherein sanitary rules do not apply to preschool groups located in residential premises of the housing stock.

2. The age limit for the admission of children to kindergartens has been eliminated. Now children will be admitted to preschool educational organizations from the age of two months until the termination of educational relations(now - up to 7 years).

3. For preschool educational organizations providing child care and supervision services, it is allowed to use equipped places for children to walk and do physical education, located in public gardens, parks and other areas that are suitable for children to walk and do physical education. 4. It is clarified that the number of beds in kindergartens must correspond to the number of children in the group. Wherein the norm is excluded on providing children with individual bedding, towels, and personal hygiene items. However the norm is maintained, according to which each child must have three sets of linen, including towels for the face and feet, and two changes of mattress covers.

4. It is prohibited to carry out cross-ventilation of premises kindergarten in the presence of children and through toilets. Ventilation is carried out for at least 10 minutes every 1.5 hours.

5. Clarified frequency of meals and diet children. So, with an 8-10 hour stay, children should be provided with 3-4 meals a day, with a 10.5-12 hour stay, 4-5 meals a day, with a 13-24 hour stay, 5-6 meals a day. A second breakfast can be arranged between breakfast and lunch. It is emphasized that for children, starting from 9 months of age, it is optimal to eat meals with an interval of no more than 4 hours.

6. Amendments have been made to temperature regime . For example, in bedrooms and toilet rooms the air temperature should be no lower than 19 degrees (previously - 19-20), in playrooms - 22 (previously - 21-23).

7.Changed approximate nutrition plan for children in the first year of life. In particular, the list of products and dishes has been expanded, and the volumes of their consumption by month of a child’s life have also been clarified.

SanPiN is a mandatory document in all medical institutions in Russia. Establishments that have a license are required to adhere to these principles and regulations. This will reduce the risk of various infections arising from large crowds of people.

The new SanPiN for medical institutions was created in 2015 with the aim of improving and improving the work of hospitals. Today, the requirements of SanPiN are strictly observed. This guarantees reliable control over the epidemiological situation in any healthcare institution in the country. Every healthcare worker must follow the safety measures specified in the rules.

Role of SanPiN

Standards are created with the help of sanitary and epidemiological services in order to protect workers in the process of fulfilling their professional obligations. New SanPiN for honey. institutions 2015-2016 contains subparagraphs that relate to equipment, diet preparation, construction and repair work, operation of medical facilities. Equipment, furniture, special equipment are accompanied by permits for use in medicine. institutions.

SanPiN medical waste: rules for handling

There is no law in Russia that would provide for the destruction of medical waste. But this situation may have a negative impact on environment. In this regard, a document was created that contains the procedure for processing such substances. According to SanPiN 2790-10, medical waste should be collected, disinfected, packaged in sealed containers and transported to a disposal site.

Control over the implementation of sanitary regulations is carried out by the relevant authorities. They carry out constant inspections of medical institutions. SanPiN regulates control in all medical institutions. If the patient has detected any violations, he can report them to the sanitary control center.

The main assumptions and prohibitions contained in the new SanPiN for medical institutions 2015-2016:

  • Radiation therapy rooms should not be end-to-end;
  • noise levels in medical premises are no higher than in residential buildings;
  • rooms where patients are constantly present should be provided with natural light. Exceptions are allowed in massage compartments, disinfection departments, and laboratory rooms;
  • wards are required to be equipped with night lights;
  • premises, instruments and equipment must be kept clean;
  • Disinfectant solutions must be stored in manufacturer's packaging.

Health care workers must regularly perform the following sanitary measures: wet cleaning of all surfaces and walls, cosmetic repairs as necessary, keeping trash bins clean. If these rules are violated, penalties are imposed.

Hygiene that medical staff must observe

In addition to his direct duties, every doctor must adhere to and sanitary rules. New SanPin for medical institutions includes rules for workers, the need for which is especially acute now, when viruses and bacteria are improving and spreading rapidly:

  • coming to workplace or at the end of the working day, a hospital employee must wet clean all surfaces of the office, including walls;
  • employees need to monitor any defects that exist in the office or elsewhere in the building in order to report them in time for further repairs;
  • bins where primarily personal hygiene items or medical waste are disposed of must be constantly cleaned;
  • SanPin medical institutions put forward special requirements for the cleanliness and sterility of the hands of medical workers. Hand hygiene of medical staff is a guarantee that the infection will not spread. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully prepare for any examination, especially a surgical one.
Hand treatment of medical staff SanPin scheme, which he must adhere to:
  • first wash your hands with soap, rinsing it well under running water;
  • wipe your hands with a disposable napkin and turn off the tap with it;
  • take the required amount of antiseptic and apply it to your hands and rub into the skin;
  • You need to rub in the product thoroughly, first with the palm of one hand, then with the other. You need to go over each finger from all sides;
  • Once the hands are dry, medical procedures can be performed.
  • SanPiN in medical institutions help avoid outbreaks infectious diseases among patients and staff. It is recommended to strictly adhere to all instructions to avoid the risk of spreading infections.

    • Application. Changes to SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations"

    Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation
    dated August 27, 2015 N 41
    "On amendments to SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations"

    A.Yu. Popova

    Registration N 38824

    Changes to SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations"
    (approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2015 N 41)

    Make the following changes to SanPiN

    1. Clause 1.1. state as amended: “These sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter referred to as the sanitary rules) are aimed at protecting the health of children when carrying out activities for education, training, development and health, care and supervision in preschool educational organizations, regardless of the type, organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, as well as when carrying out care and supervision activities in preschool groups located in built-in, built-in and attached buildings (premises) to residential buildings and administrative public buildings (except for administrative buildings of industrial enterprises), regardless of the type, organizational -legal forms and forms of ownership."

    2. The second paragraph of clause 1.3 should be stated as follows:

    "Sanitary rules do not apply to preschool groups located in residential premises of the housing stock."

    3. In paragraph 1.4 after the words ", as well as for preschool educational organizations providing child development services" shall be supplemented with the words "and preschool care and supervision groups".

    5. In the first paragraph of clause 3.1, after the words “and a strip of green space,” add, separated by commas, the words “if the preschool educational organization has its own territory.”

    6. Paragraph four and five of clause 3.6 should be stated as follows:

    “For preschool educational organizations providing child care and supervision services, it is allowed to use equipped places for children to walk and do physical education, located in public gardens, parks and other areas that are suitable for children to walk and do physical education.”

    8. Paragraph three of clause 3.19 should be stated as follows:

    "IN winter time Clearing the territory (approaches to the building, traffic routes, paths, recreation and play areas) from snow is carried out as necessary; the use of chemical reagents is not allowed."

    9. Paragraph three in clause 4.1 should be amended as follows:

    “It is allowed to place preschool educational organizations in premises built into residential buildings, in built-in and attached premises (or attached). If there is a separately fenced area, a separate entrance for children and an exit (entry) for vehicles will be equipped.”

    10. Clause 6.13 is supplemented with the fourth paragraph as amended:

    “The number of beds must correspond to the number of children in the group.”

    12. Clause 7.4 shall be stated as follows:

    “When lighting group rooms on one side, tables for teaching children should be placed at a distance of no more than 6 meters from the light-carrying wall.”

    13. Paragraph two of clause 8.5 should be stated as follows:

    "Ventilation is carried out for at least 10 minutes every 1.5 hours. In group rooms and bedrooms in all climatic regions, except for IA, IB, IG climatic subdistricts, natural through or corner ventilation is provided. Through ventilation in the presence of children is not carried out. Ventilation through toilets rooms are not allowed."

    15. In paragraphs 11.9, 11.10 the words “continuous directly educational activities" and in paragraph 11.12, replace “direct educational activities” with “continuous educational activities” in the appropriate cases.

    16. After clause 14.6, exclude the numbering of clause “14.5”, beginning with the words “14.5. Butter is stored...” and consider it the second paragraph of clause 14.6

    17. The numbering of clause 14.6, starting with the words “Sour milk and other ready-to-eat…”, should be deleted and considered the twelfth paragraph of clause 14.6, starting with the words “Milk is stored in the same container...”.

    18. Clause 15.11 shall be stated in a new wording:

    "15.11. The frequency of meals and the diet of children for individual meals (breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, second dinner) is determined by the time of stay of the children and the operating hours of the preschool educational organization.

    For an 8 - 10 hour stay, children are provided with 3-4 meals a day, for a 10.5 - 12 hour stay - 4-5 meals a day, for a 13 - 24 hour stay - 5 - 6 meals a day. A second breakfast can be arranged between breakfast and lunch.

    For children starting from 9 months of age, it is optimal to eat meals at intervals of no more than 4 hours."

    19. In paragraph two of clause 19.1, replace the words “Tent camp workers” with “Workers of a preschool educational organization.”

    20. Throughout the text of the sanitary rules, replace the words “disinfecting” with the words “disinfecting” in the appropriate case.

    22. Appendix No. 3 should be amended as follows:

    to air temperature and air exchange rate in the main premises of preschool educational organizations in different climatic regions


    t°(С) - not lower

    Air exchange rate per hour

    In I A, B, D climatic regions

    In other climatic regions

    Reception rooms, play nursery group cells

    Reception, gaming junior, middle, senior group cells

    Bedrooms of all group cells

    Nursery toilets

    Toilet facilities for preschool groups

    Medical premises

    Halls for music. and gymnastics classes

    Walking verandas

    at least 12

    according to calculation, but not less than for 1 child

    Hall with pool bath

    at least 29

    Changing room with shower pool

    Heated passages

    at least 15

    23. In paragraph 23 of Appendix No. 9, after the word “ice cream”, add the words in brackets “(based on vegetable fats)”.

    25. Appendix No. 15 is amended as follows:

    Approximate diagram
    nutrition of children of the first year of life

    Name of products and dishes

    Age (months of life)

    Human milk, adapted formula or subsequent formulas (ml)

    fruit juices (ml)

    fruit puree (ml)

    cottage cheese (g)

    yolk (pcs.)

    vegetable puree (g)

    meat puree (g)

    fish puree (g)

    kefir and other non-adapted fermented milk products (ml)

    whole milk (ml)

    bread (wheat, premium) (g)

    crackers, cookies (g)

    vegetable oil (ml)

    The sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating hours of preschool educational organizations have been adjusted. Their effect is extended to educational organizations, regardless of type, organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, as well as to care and supervision activities in preschool groups. According to the amendments, organizations can be located in built-in, built-in premises and administrative buildings (except for administrative buildings of industrial enterprises).

    Sanitary rules do not apply to preschool groups in residential premises of the housing stock (previously - family groups). The age limit for accepting children has been lifted. They are accepted not until the age of 7, as previously, but until the termination of educational relations. In addition, having their own walking area is no longer mandatory for institutions providing childcare services.

    It is stipulated that the number of beds must correspond to the number of children in the group. The provision on providing children with individual bedding, towels, and personal hygiene items has been excluded. The provisions on lighting and ventilation of premises have been adjusted. The diet of children has been clarified depending on the length of stay. So, for an 8-10 hour stay, 3-4 meals a day are provided, for a 10.5-12 hour stay - 4-5 meals a day, for a 13-24 hour stay - 5-6 meals a day. A second breakfast can be arranged between breakfast and lunch.

    The requirements for indoor air temperature have been clarified. For example, in bedrooms and toilet rooms the air temperature should be no lower than 19 degrees (previously - 19-20), in playrooms - 22 (previously - 21-23). The approximate nutritional scheme for children in the first year of life has been revised. The list of products and dishes has been expanded, and the volumes of their consumption by month of a child’s life have been clarified.

    Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2015 N 41 "On amendments to SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations"

    Registration N 38824

    This order comes into force 10 days after the day of its official publication

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