Ilya Shestakov Born July 30, 1952. Belarusian food may lose the Russian market

Born on July 15, 1978 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). His father - Vasily Borisovich Shestakov (born 1953) - master of sports in judo and sambo, honored coach of the Russian Federation, in the late 1960s - early 1970s. Together with the future President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, he trained in the judo and sambo team at the Trud sports society in Leningrad. Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the IV, V and VI convocations (2003-2016). In the latter - a member of the United Russia faction. Co-author of the book “Learning Judo with Vladimir Putin” (1999).

In 2000, Ilya Shestakov graduated from St. Petersburg State University Economics and Finance (now St. Petersburg State University of Economics), in 2009 - Russian Academy civil service under the President of the Russian Federation (now - Russian Academy national economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation).

Candidate of Economic Sciences. In 2007, at the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, he defended his dissertation on the topic “Formation of a mechanism for implementing innovation policy in the Russian Federation.”

In 2000, together with Dmitry Gryzlov (son of Boris Gryzlov, in 2000 - leader of the Duma faction "Unity", now - chairman of the Supreme Council of "United Russia"), he headed the political council of the St. Petersburg regional branch of the youth movement "Unity" (since 2005 - "Young Guard of United Russia").
In 2000-2001 he worked in commercial organizations.
In 2001-2008 - Deputy Head of the Open Credit Department joint stock company"Gazprom".
According to Spark-Interfax, since 2002 he was a co-owner of the trading company Neva-Invest; in 2008-2010. - RRK-Invest company (both in St. Petersburg).
Since 2009 there has been general director Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Instruments (Moscow).
From February to July 2010 - Deputy Director of the Department of Food and Processing Industry, Regulation of the Agri-Food Market and Product Quality of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.
From July 2010 to July 2011 - Director of the Department for Regulation of the Agri-Food Market and Infrastructure Development of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.
Since July 7, 2011 - Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. During this period, the department was led by Elena Skrynnik, then, from May 2012, by Nikolai Fedorov.
Since January 17, 2014, Ilya Shestakov has held the position of Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation - head of the Federal Fisheries Agency (Rosrybolovstvo). The Ministry of Agriculture at this time was headed by Nikolai Fedorov (until 2015), Alexander Tkachev (2015-2018) and Dmitry Patrushev (from May 2018).

The amount of declared income for 2015 amounted to 3 million 911 thousand rubles, spouses - 552 thousand rubles.
The amount of declared income for 2017 amounted to 3 million 880 thousand rubles, spouses - 243 thousand rubles.
The amount of declared income for 2018 amounted to 3 million 601 thousand rubles, spouses - 207 thousand rubles.

Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (2017).

Awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2015). Awarded a Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation (2013).

Honorary worker of the agro-industrial complex of Russia (2015).

Married, three children.

Ilya Vasilyevich Shestakov was born on July 15, 1978 in Leningrad. In 2000, Ilya Shestakov became a graduate of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance. Second higher education Shestakov received it in 2009, graduating from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. Ilya Vasilievich has a PhD in Economics.

Shestakov held various positions in commercial companies until 2001. Then

Ilya Vasilyevich took the post of Deputy Head of the Credit Department of OJSC Gazprom until 2008. From 2009 to 2010, Shestakov worked as General Director of OJSC Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Instruments. From February to July 2010, Ilya Shestakov served as Deputy Director of the Department of Food and Processing Industry, Regulation of the Agri-Food Market and Infrastructure Development of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

Ilya Shestakov was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation on July 20, 2011.

Since March 31, 2014, Ilya Shestakov has been combining the work of Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Head of Rosrybolovstvo.

Ilya Shestakov is married and has three children.

Publications with mentions on

MOSCOW, August 19, RIA FederalPress. Rosrybolovstvo has taken special control over prices for so-called social species fish All situations related to rising prices for herring and...

MOSCOW, August 22, RIA FederalPress. Rosrybolovstvo proposed to pay for the transportation of herring from the Far East to other regions of Russia using budget funds. ...

PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY, August 27, RIA FederalPress. The salmon fishing season, which began earlier than usual in Kamchatka this year, will soon end. About it...

VLADIVOSTOK, September 4, RIA FederalPress. At the IX International Congress of Fishermen, which opened today in Vladivostok, Gennady, member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, spoke...

VLADIVOSTOK, September 4, RIA FederalPress. The head of Rosrybolovstvo Ilya Shestakov, in his speech at the IX International Congress of Fishermen in Vladivostok, announced...

VLADIVOSTOK, September 5, RIA FederalPress. The IX International Congress of Fishermen ended in Vladivostok. One of the central events of the second day of the event was the round...

MOSCOW, November 13, RIA FederalPress. Rosrybolovstvo discussed the delivery of Far Eastern fish to the European part of the country. The interdepartmental meeting was chaired by...

PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY, March 20, RIA FederalPress. The All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) recommended...

ROSTOV-ON-DON, March 24, RIA FederalPress. The head of Rosrybolovstvo, Ilya Shestakov, visited the Rostov region on a working visit. This was reported by the press service of the head of the region.

YUZHNO-SAKHALINSK, July 29, RIA FederalPress. The head of the Federal Fisheries Agency Ilya Shestakov instructed the Sakhalin Research Institute...

Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation - Head of the Federal Agency for Fisheries (Rosrybolovstvo)



higher economic, legal, candidate of economic sciences

2000 - St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance

2009 - Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

until 2001 – held positions in commercial organizations;


Ilya Shestakov and Marina Kovtun discussed the development of the fishery complex of the Murmansk region

Today, August 9, during a working meeting, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation - Head of the Federal Fisheries Agency Ilya Shestakov and Governor of the Murmansk Region Marina Kovtun discussed issues relevant to the region in the development of the fishery complex.

“Positive changes in the industry - renewal of the fleet and coastal processing, saturation and development of the domestic fish market - were largely made possible thanks to recent changes in fishing legislation. There are difficulties in the complex of “fish” legal acts that we are constantly working on together,” the press service of Rosrybolovstvo reports the words of Marina Kovtun.

During the meeting, the parties, in particular, discussed issues of regulation of amateur and traditional fishing, commercial fish farming.

One of the reasons for the working trip of the head of Rosrybolovstvo to the Murmansk region was the opening of a large fish processing complex in the Murmansk region - the Polar Sea+ fish processing factory.

Ilya Shestakov expressed confidence that, thanks to investment quotas, such enterprises will appear in the future.

Talking about current topics legal regulation of fishing, Ilya Shestakov especially noted the need for broad public discussion in the regions of daily catch standards for recreational fishing.

Ilya Shestakov: there is nothing wrong with exporting fish from the Russian Federation, the question is its structure and quality

On the eve of the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF), Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, head of Rosrybolovstvo Ilya Shestakov told TASS about the expected effect of the adopted amendments to the law on fisheries, guidelines in the industry development strategy and why red fish continues to rise in price in Russia and does not interfere It does not matter to Russian consumers that Russia is actively exporting fish abroad.

At the WEF, issues of investment development of the fishing industry will be discussed. One of the promising projects in Far East formerly called the fish cluster. At what stage is the project now? Are there many investors ready to come here? What will be the government's participation in the project?

Now work continues to attract investors. A number of companies are interested in the project. Of course, the main site for the cluster should be the Primorsky Territory, and its anchor objects should be port infrastructure facilities and fish processing factories. But now it is not possible to launch the project, since the sites proposed by the Primorsky Territory require significant financial investments, including from the federal budget.

At the same time, as we said, by cluster we mean not only a complex in a separate region, but a chain of industry projects in various Far Eastern regions. For example, a project is currently being implemented on Sakhalin to modernize the fishing port and expand processing capacity; new projects are being announced in the Kamchatka Territory, mainly salmon processing.

Ilya Shestakov: The country’s fishing ports will not go into private hands

During the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF-2016), Deputy Minister of Agriculture - Head of the Federal Agency for Fisheries (Rosrybolovstvo) Ilya Shestakov explained in an interview with IAA PortNews the situation that arose around the sea berths of the country's fishing ports.

— Ilya Vasilyevich, please explain the position of Rosrybolovstvo regarding the condition of the sea berths under the jurisdiction of the National Fishery Resources Agency. Do you think it is acceptable to transfer ownership of berths to private companies?

— In general, the trend of losing berths at fishing marine terminals was formed a long time ago, I won’t hide it, with a certain connivance on the part of the organization... But now a lot has changed. And we will categorically fight this trend, so that the berths are not only involved in economic turnover, but also so that they do not go into private ownership.

Assistant to the head of Rosrybolovstvo detained in Moscow for a bribe of $3 million

An employee of Rosrybolovstvo was detained in Moscow, who offered to resolve the issue of appointing the head of a university in Kamchatka for a bribe. The official has already been fired from the department

An assistant to the head of Rosrybolovstvo was detained in Moscow, this happened while trying to receive a bribe of $3 million, Interfax reports, citing a source in law enforcement agencies. Information about the arrest was confirmed to TASS by a source in Rosrybolovstvo. According to him, we're talking about about the adviser to the head of the department, Yuri Khokhlov.

Ex-adviser to the head of Rosrybolovstvo denied information about the arrest

Moscow. May 31. — Former adviser to the head of Rosrybolovstvo, Yuri Khokhlov, denied information that appeared earlier in a number of media outlets about his arrest on suspicion of taking a bribe.

“They didn’t give me any bribe, no one detained me, there are no restrictions on my freedom. No charges were brought against me,” Khokhlov told Interfax, clarifying that he is now free in Moscow.

Yuri Khokhlov called the story of the 5 million bribe a theatrical provocation

“They didn’t give me any bribe, no one detained me, there are no restrictions on my freedom. No charges were brought against me,” Yuri Khokhlov told Interfax, clarifying that he is now free in Moscow.

“Due to my duties as an adviser to the head of Rosrybolovstvo, I was responsible for issues of interaction with leading enterprises in the industry and promising investors; naturally, I held working meetings with the relevant representatives. As part of one of the meetings that was held on Tuesday, the following happened: as soon as negotiations began - and both of the two present were previously unknown to me - employees appeared at our table law enforcement, who examined one of those present at the table and found him a large sum money. The situation was presented as an attempt to give a bribe, after which a corresponding protocol was drawn up,” Interfax quotes Khokhlov.

Advisor to the head of Rosrybolovstvo Yuri Khokhlov was caught red-handed receiving a bribe from the failed “rector”

This information became known from a source in the FSB. The information was confirmed by the press service of Rosrybolovstvo.

As it turned out, Khokhlov was caught during a special operation on May 27 while receiving a certain amount. For a bribe, he guaranteed to help in the appointment of the rector of Kamchatka State Technical University. Khokhlov was a member of the commission that had previously canceled the election of the university rector. KamchatSTU is the only higher education institution in the Russian Federation educational institution, where they produce fishing industry experts, including professionals, who justify the volume of permissible catch.

Ilya Shestakov appointed head of Rosrybolovstvo

MOSCOW, January 17 - Prime. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev appointed Ilya Shestakov as Deputy Minister of Agriculture and head of Rosrybolovstvo, according to an order published on the government website.

The day before, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation decided that the head of Rosrybolovstvo will combine the post of Deputy Minister of Agriculture. Following the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich announced the imminent resignation of Andrei Krainiy, who had headed Rosrybolovstvo since its formation in 2008.

Ilya Shestakov headed Rosrybolovstvo

35-year-old Ilya Shestakov has been appointed the new head of Rosrybolovstvo. This order was signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Mr. Shestakov will combine the post of head of the department, where he replaced Andrei Krainiy, and the post of Deputy Minister of Agriculture, which he has held since July 2011.

As part of the agricultural exhibition "Green Week 2014" in Berlin, Ilya Shestakov told reporters that he would like to meet with the ex-head of the fisheries department Andrei Krainy to talk with him about possible options industry development.

“If Mr. Krainy is not against such a meeting, I would be happy to hear about the plans he had in order to analyze it. Still, he long time spent in his post and has promising developments,” noted Ilya Shestakov.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Russia Ilya Shestakov was appointed to the post of head of Rosrybolovstvo on January 17. The head of Rosselkhoznadzor, Sergei Dankvert, has already expressed a number of wishes for the work of the new head of the fishing department.

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation plans to begin selling rye from the state fund at the end of February.

As Deputy Head of the Ministry of Agriculture Ilya Shestakov reported last November, in order to stabilize the situation on the grain market, the department proposes to begin massive commodity interventions in the Russian Federation in February-March 2013. According to the department, during 2012 the average price for food wheat on the Russian market increased by approximately 90%. The average price for food rye in the European part of Russia as of January 11, according to the analytical company ProZerno LLC, was 8.3 thousand rubles per ton (on an ex-elevator basis) against 4.97 thousand tons a year earlier.

In the first half of the agricultural season, the Russian Federation sold almost 13 million tons of grain

At the end of the season (July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013), grain exports from Russia could reach 15.5 million tons compared to 27.15 million tons a year earlier, Deputy Head of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture Ilya Shestakov reported in November. In the winter months, export rates are traditionally lower.

Belarusian food may lose the Russian market

On December 25, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Ilya Shestakov provided data on the supply of Belarusian food.

The Ministry of Agriculture will continue grain interventions in 2013

On November 21, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Ilya Shestakov said that the Ministry of Agriculture could begin large-scale interventions in the grain market in February-March 2013.

Ilya Shestakov appointed Deputy Head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

By his order, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin appointed Ilya Shestakov as Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

Ilya Shestakov: Grain export volumes have slowed down, but remain “stablely high”

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation sees risks of increasing grain export volumes in the event of massive commodity interventions, but believes that its pace can be restrained by high prices in the domestic market compared to world prices, said Deputy Head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Ilya Shestakov, PRIME reports.

I. Shestakov noted that in Lately Grain export volumes have slowed, but remain “stablely high.” “This scares us to some extent,” the deputy minister added. “If we start massive commodity interventions, there are correspondingly risks of increasing export volumes,” noted I. Shestakov.

The Ministry of Agriculture did not want to fight smoking

According to Izvestia, the indicated deputy minister is Ilya Shestakov. He has been working in this position since July last year. Shestakov has been at the Ministry of Agriculture since 2010, he was deputy director of the department of food and processing industry, which oversees the tobacco industry, then became its director.

The Ministry of Agriculture has been serving the tobacco industry for a long time, so the industry lobby within the ministry is very strong,” emphasizes Daria Khalturina, co-chair of the anti-tobacco coalition. - This is probably why Fedorov has not yet managed to break it.

Ilya Shestakov will talk about the consequences of drought in Russia

On September 25 at 11:00 a press conference will be held by Deputy Minister of Agriculture Ilya Shestakov. The topic of the discussion is “Drought in the USA and Russia: impact on the food market.”

“The Ministry of Agriculture decided the fate of grain reserves and set a price for them,” Kommersant

The decision to start grain sales was announced on October 4 by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who instructed the Ministry of Agriculture to make proposals on the volume of interventions and the regions where they will be carried out. “We are now offering up to 100 thousand tons per week until the end of the year, depending on the market situation. We will monitor the situation in the future,” Deputy Head of the Ministry of Agriculture Ilya Shestakov said on Friday, commenting on the order signed by the head of the department Nikolai Fedorov.

Interventions will take place on a new scale

The Ministry of Agriculture will begin active grain interventions as early as February 2013, Deputy Minister Ilya Shestakov warned at the “Grain Industry in the 21st Century” conference in Moscow. And by the end of this year, more than a million tons of grain from the intervention fund could be sold, he does not rule out.

“We plan to postpone the main volume of grain sales to a more difficult time - February-March, we will submit such a proposal to the government,” said Ilya Shestakov.

We can't feed ourselves

This week, the Ministry of Agriculture, through Deputy Minister Ilya Shestakov, took the initiative to develop a doctrine of global food security. This program will be proposed by Russia at the forum rapid response G20 member countries in October this year. As Shestakov explained, the document will define the mechanisms for the leading states of the planet to respond to food shortages. One such mechanism could be the creation of a global grain reserve fund.

Ministry of Agriculture: Grain export rates are lower than last year

Since the beginning of the agricultural season - from July 1 to November 21 - Russia has exported 11.38 million tons of grain, according to materials published yesterday by the Ministry of Agriculture, citing data from the Federal Customs Service (FCS). “The pace of grain exports is lower than last year, when 13.733 million tons were exported during the same period,” the review notes. From November 1 to November 21 of this year, 1.055 million tons of grain were supplied to the world market, including 670 thousand tons of wheat, 189 thousand tons of barley, 154 thousand tons of corn and 42 thousand tons of other crops. As Deputy Head of the Ministry of Agriculture Ilya Shestakov reported earlier in November, exports at the end of the season could reach 15.5 million tons of grain. The previous estimate of the export potential of the Russian Federation was 10–12 million tons versus 27.15 million tons a year earlier. The country's grain harvest this year is expected to be 71 million tons, compared to 94.2 million tons a year earlier.

The Ministry of Agriculture counted grain by grain

Deputy Minister of Agriculture Ilya Shestakov said that the projected grain harvest this year will be about 71 million tons, and grain exports from the Russian Federation could grow to 15.5 million tons. Previously, the ministry estimated the export potential at 10–12 million tons. Mr. Shestakov explained the increase in export forecasts with data from the Federal Customs Service, according to which grain exports from the Russian Federation have already amounted to 11 million tons, as well as the possibility of an increase in world prices to $380–420 per ton, which will again make Russian grain competitive in foreign markets. Experts associate the rise in world prices with the introduction of an export embargo by Ukraine from December 1, which the Ukrainian Agrarian Ministry announced last week. Also, according to the Deputy Minister, with an increase in export volumes, carry-over grain stocks in the Russian Federation by the beginning of the new grain year (starting on July 1, 2013) may decrease from the current 19.4 million tons to 6 million tons. Annual domestic grain consumption in the Russian Federation is estimated at 66–67 million tons.

Denis Korotkov

[ITAR-TASS, 01/17/2014, “Deputy Minister of Agriculture Ilya Shestakov has been appointed as the new head of Rosrybolovstvo”: Ilya Shestakov, son Vasily Shestakov , State Duma deputy and vice-president of the Yawara-Neva judo club, co-founded by Gennady Timchenko , co-owner of the largest fishing company "Russian Sea" . - Insert]

To replace a professional military man and journalist Andrey Krainey A professional economist with the famous sports surname Shestakov came to the post of head of Rosrybolovstvo. Everyone knows his father, a State Duma deputy, Putin’s rival on the tatami and the president’s co-author on the book. Ilya Shestakov himself was known only to specialists. By decision of Dmitry Medvedev, the son of the fighter-deputy retained the post of Deputy Minister of Agriculture, while simultaneously heading the federal agency.

The fact that the head of Rosrybolovstvo, Andrei Krainy, was leaving his post became known on January 16, after at a government meeting, Minister of Agriculture Nikolai Fedorov proposed introducing a new position: Deputy Minister of Agriculture - head of Rosrybolovstvo. Who would replace him remained unknown. Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich maintained the intrigue, saying that the candidacy of the new head of the department was being signed by Dmitry Medvedev, but without naming the personalities.

The surname is well-known, and has long been known not only in Moscow, but also in St. Petersburg, where Ilya was born and raised, raised by his father Vasily Shestakov. Now a deputy of the State Duma and president of the International Sambo Federation.

In the late sixties, Vasily Shestakov was a promising wrestler, trained by one of the best coaches, Anatoly Rokhlin. Together with him, many men studied with the famous teacher, whose names are well known today. Arkady and Boris Rotenberg, Nikolai Kononov, Vladimir Putin.

As Vasily Shestakov recalls, he met Putin on the mat once, in the final of the Trud society championship in 1968, and defeated the future president. "Due to its own weight." The struggle continued to bind the men further. On the cover of the book “Learning to Fight Vladimir Putin,” published at the end of the last century, Vasily Shestakov is listed as a co-author.

By 1978, when his son Ilya was born, Vasily Shestakov himself had already become a sports teacher and took the national team of Leningrad wrestlers to the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR. Naturally, the son did not escape the wrestling mat either, who trained with his father four times a week from the first grade at the same Olympic reserve school on Dekabristov Street.

Until the 8th grade, Ilya Shestakov studied in the Kalininsky district, then moved to school 307 not far from the Technological Institute.

After school, he studied at the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance, receiving a diploma in 2000.

Then fast career- Already in 2001, the young economist was hired by OAO Gazprom, where he served as deputy head of the credit department until 2008. After that, until February 2010, he headed the Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Instruments OJSC. At the same time, he studied at the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Russia, from which he graduated in 2009.

In February 2010, Ilya Shestakov was appointed Deputy Director of the Department of Food, Processing Industry, Regulation of the Agri-Food Market and Product Quality of the Ministry of Agriculture, and in July 2010 - Director of the Department of Regulation of the Agri-Food Market and Infrastructure Development of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. A year later, on July 8, 2011, a few days before his 33rd birthday, Ilya Shestakov became Deputy Minister of Agriculture.

The young man did not shy away from politics. In April 2000, Ilya Shestakov and the son of the leader of the Duma faction “Unity” Boris Gryzlov Dmitry Gryzlov announced the creation of the St. Petersburg organization “Regional youth public movement “Unity”. Shestakov headed the organization until its liquidation at the end of 2008.

While still at the institute, Ilya Shestakov moved away from wrestling and became interested in football and tennis. They say that even now the young deputy minister finds time for a weekly football match in Moscow's Luzhniki Stadium.

Andrey Krainy
[Vedomosti.Ru, 01/16/2014, “Ilya Shestakov may become the new head of Rosrybolovstvo and Deputy Minister of Agriculture”: There are a lot of questions for Rosrybolovstvo. A person close to the leadership of the State Duma believes that Krayny’s position was shaken last summer, partly due to the dispute over recreational fishing. The position of Rosrybolovstvo on the issue of recreational fishing (the agency advocated the introduction of a fee) since the spring of last year was publicly criticized by United Russia deputies - representatives of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF), who succeeded in blocking the passage in the Duma of a version of the bill on this topic prepared by Rosrybolovstvo. According to the ONF, the bill limited the access of amateur fishermen to water resources in favor of fishing grounds owners who charge recreational fees. In addition, in mid-February, the Investigative Committee reported that in relation to Andrei Krainey a case was initiated under Part 1 of Art. 292 of the Criminal Code (official forgery) . The investigation suspected the official of retroactively dismissing a subordinate who had been caught taking a bribe. The charges were later dropped. - Insert]
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