Anastasia hosts good morning. Biography of Anastasia Chernobrovina

Probably, Anastasia Chernobrovina today is one of the most discussed people on television, since there are no-nos around her name, and some rumors or gossip appear, which then cause a storm of discussions, comments and even disputes among regular users of Internet resources. She herself is no longer surprised or even annoyed by such a stir around her (although she could, because some statements addressed to her are very far from tactful). Apparently, over the years of working on television, I’ve already gotten used to it. But, nevertheless, not wanting to once again become an object of gossip, my personal life Anastasia Chernobrovina carefully hides from prying eyes (which incurs further big wave guesses and conjectures).

The biography of Anastasia Chernobrovina is already 38 years old this year. Your childhood future star TV screen, whose parents, unfortunately, divorced when she was little, spent time with her grandmother. It was there that she laid down the first principles for her body healthy eating, since the grandmother did not have time to prepare delicacies, and they ate the most ordinary and simple products. Anastasia Chernobrovina’s mother worked in Izhevsk as deputy director of a restaurant. Also in the leading family, consisting mainly of women only, there is younger sister Olga, who, both in habits and in character, is the complete opposite of her famous sister. Co school years Anastasia Chernobrovina realized that she dreams of being somehow different from those around her. This was associated with the first experiments with clothes and makeup, which sometimes shocked teachers and others.

Following her dream, after school she chose the psychology department of a local college. During the same period, the biography of Anastasia Chernobrovina was closely intertwined with television, although so far only local. Realizing that now television would become her main profession, the girl abandoned college and went to study in Yekaterinburg, however, she did not stay there for long, changing the university to a more prestigious capital one - the University of Culture and Art. A television career also gradually developed. During her biography, Anastasia Chernobrovina managed to be both a reporter and a news presenter, but she was most remembered and loved by viewers on the program “Good Morning, Russia!”

The greatest number of rumors, of course, is caused by personal life TV presenter. The star laughingly denies all the romances, marriages and pregnancies attributed to her. Although she has repeatedly emphasized that she has had a soulmate in her life for a very long time (more than 11 years). Since he does not want to become a public person, the presenter never mentioned his name in her interviews. The chosen one of the television star works and mostly lives in France, where he studies landscape design. They share a common love of travel with Anastasia Chernobrovina, so they certainly plan their vacations so that they can be just the two of them on the next exciting journey. By the way, the TV presenter also boasted about such an unfeminine hobby as fishing. There were rumors in the press that Anastasia Chernobrovina finally officially married her lover in the middle of summer last year, but the presenter herself never confirmed them. The couple, despite their long relationship, also does not have children yet.

Anastasia Chernobrovina famous Russian TV presenter, and a talented journalist. A positive and sophisticated careerist every day gives her sincere smile to viewers of the Morning of Russia program.

Difficult childhood in a provincial town

Anastasia Chernobrovina was born in small town Glazov. Natalya is the mother of a girl; she gave birth to a daughter at a young age. She broke up with the child's father before her birth, and never met him again. Little Anastasia was raised and raised by her grandmother. To adequately provide for her daughter, Natalya worked a lot and hard.

Chernobrovina has a younger sister, Olga, who was born in her mother’s next marriage. The future TV presenter raised her independently, taught her to walk and read. Anastasia loves her very much and still takes care of her.

The future television star lived with her grandmother until graduation. IN free time she took her granddaughters and went with them to the forest, where they picked berries and mushrooms. In addition, the grandmother instilled in the girls an interest in reading literature.

At school, Anastasia was a timid and shy child; she did not have the makings of a leader. At home, alone with herself, she recorded her voice and practiced tongue twisters. Thanks to her grandmother, Chernobrovina developed conversational talent, her speech became beautiful and well-spoken.

Wrong choice of profession and first steps on TV

After receiving a diploma of basic education, Anastasia Chernobrovina entered Izhevsk College at the Faculty of Practical Psychology. An open and good-natured girl wanted to master the profession of a psychologist. She strived to help people find the right answers to difficult questions, teach how to manage anger and emotions.

Anastasia Chernobrovina host of the program "My Planet"

By chance, Chernobrovina ended up on local television, where she was offered the position of TV presenter. After studying for literally half a semester, the girl left psychology without hesitation and worked for three years at the Izhevsk news channel.

Anastasia Chernobrovina on the set

Then Anastasia set off to conquer the capital. First of all, she entered MSUKiI. After training, she got a job on the Rossiya channel, the leading information and entertainment program Vesti at 11. At the same time, the young journalist prepared informative reports for the Vesti Pro program.

Anastasia Chernobrovina, host of the Good Morning Russia program

Presenters of "Morning of Russia"

For three years Anastasia Chernobrovina was the permanent presenter morning show"Day after day" on the capital's channel. Then she was invited to the TVC channel to host the program “Big Swimming”. This collaboration lasted a little less than a year, and Anastasia returned to her beloved and dear channel “Russia” in the project “Good morning, Russia”. The presenter traveled to many countries in search of interesting material for the program “All the Mornings of the World.”

Anastasia Chernobrovina, winner of the "Tefi" award

Anastasia Chernobrovina took part in the show "Dancing with the Stars"

In 2009, the journalist launched an author’s project on the “My Planet” channel, where she was also the host. The audience fell in love with her for her soft, open and friendly image. Anastasia Chernobrovina is an award-winning and extraordinary journalist. She has been repeatedly awarded for her informativeness and non-standard approach to presenting information. The most significant award for Chernobryvina is a diploma for documentary“Tiksi – Permafrost Territory”, presented personally by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The most mysterious woman in the Russian media space

Anastasia Chernobrovina has never been married and has no children. He prefers to remain silent about his personal life. She gives no reason yellow press to discuss it. All that is known is that Anastasia has a beloved man with whom she has been dating for more than ten years.

In her free time from work, Anastasia Chernobrovina travels around the world

But the couple never lived under the same roof. It can be assumed that the reason for this is the presenter’s busy travel schedule, which does not allow her to concentrate on everyday life and housekeeping.

About the lives of famous people public figures read

Millions of Russians have been greeting the morning with this smiling TV presenter for many years. Anastasia Chernobrovina appeared in the program “Morning of Russia” in 2002. Since then, she has been charging viewers with positivity and a great mood every day.

Nastya was born in Izhevsk in April 1977. Here, in Udmurtia, her childhood and teenage years and the first steps in the profession were taken.

Until the age of 7, Anastasia Chernobrovina grew up in the town of Glazov, two hundred kilometers from Izhevsk. The parents separated when their daughter was very young. Mom had to work several jobs, so her grandmother took over to help raise the girl. IN early years Nastya went with her beloved grandmother to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. Probably, this painstaking task taught Anastasia diligence and developed patience and attention. The girl also became addicted to reading.

At school, Anastasia Chernobrovina was an excellent student. At that time, my mother got married, got a job as a deputy director of a restaurant at the city hall, and soon Anastasia had a younger sister, Olga.

After receiving a school certificate, the girl went to continue her education at Izhevsk College, choosing the faculty of psychology.

A television

The girl’s desire to become a TV presenter appeared after school, when Nastya entered college. After just six months of studying, Chernobrovina realized that she was interested in television much more than psychology. The student went to a regional channel. Nastya was accepted and appointed a journalist for the Novosti edition. Soon Anastasia was already hosting her own program on one of the TV channels.

At the age of 19, the TV presenter from Izhevsk went to the capital. Anastasia entered the University of Culture and Arts, where she chose the specialty “Film and TV Management”.

Conquer Moscow and make brilliant career TV presenter Chernobrovina managed to do it in a short time. In the mid-1990s, Nastya prepared stories for the information and entertainment program “News at 11”, which aired on RTR. Then she was entrusted with making special reports for Vesti PRO, and the journalist traveled on business trips to all the cities of the country.

For a year, starting in 2001, Anastasia was assigned to lead the information and entertainment project “Big Swimming”. The program was broadcast on the TVC channel. But already in 2002, Chernobrovina returned to the Rossiya TV channel. This time - for a long time. Since then, the TV presenter has been hosting “Good morning, Russia!” As part of this project, the journalist managed to travel around half the planet in a few years. Long-distance business trips began for Anastasia after the appearance of a new column called “All the Mornings of the World.”

In 2007, the TV presenter tried herself as the author of the documentary film “Phenomenal twins, or how our people conquered Eurovision.” The film brought Anastasia the prize of the European television competition “Erasmus euromedia award”.

In 2009 creative biography Anastasia Chernobrovina went to new stage: she became the author and presenter of a number of programs on the My Planet channel. Viewers love Nastya for her charm and smile, for the informative richness of her projects and ease of perception. During the filming of the “Alone on the Planet” program, Anastasia Chernobrovina, together with film crew visited the Kuril Islands, Iceland, China, Japan, Italy, Vietnam and other countries.

The journalist has many awards. Among them is a diploma from the President of Russia, which he awarded to the journalist for the project - the documentary film “Tiksi - the territory of permafrost” released in 2010. In 2015, the TV presenter won the TEFI Award together with a colleague in the “Morning Program Host” category.

Anastasia Chernobrovina is today a recognized TV star and media person. She is often invited to various popular projects and shows. Anastasia appeared twice on the television game Fort Boyard and participated in the 9th season of Dancing with the Stars.

Personal life

This side of the TV presenter’s life is tightly closed from prying eyes. Publicly available on the Internet family photos media person cannot be found. But it is known that in 2014 Anastasia married her loved one. By profession he is a landscape designer, and for work he most often travels to France.

Chernobrovina does not name the name of her other half, preferring to keep the intrigue. In an interview with curious colleagues, Anastasia slightly lifts the veil of secrecy and admits that she often travels with her husband and spends most holidays with him. Anastasia Chernobrovina is happy with her personal life.

In her free time, the TV presenter likes to travel and study foreign languages. To improve knowledge in English, Anastasia once spent her entire vacation spending it in Oxford, where intensive 12-hour classes took place every day. Another hobby of Chernobrovina is fishing. The opportunity to sit in silence by the river with a fishing rod allows a girl to relax from a busy work schedule and get a charge of positivity.

Anastasia Chernobrovina is famous slim figure. The girl shared with reporters that childhood I'm used to food restrictions. For Anastasia long years It was not difficult to make do with a handful of nuts, a glass of juice or plain water on hard workdays. Of course, this principle of nutrition made itself felt; Chernobrovina developed a stomach disease. After adjusting her diet, the girl switched to eating fruits, cereals, and honey, which allowed her to improve her health and maintain her figure.

Among her colleagues, Anastasia is known as a great fashionista. The TV presenter manages to use unexpected details and accessories in her wardrobe without turning them into kitsch. The media star suits hats and elegant trousers with suspenders, evening dresses and business attire equally well. In case of a quick appearance, Anastasia has a whole collection of black and white outfits. The TV presenter in the studio is even jokingly called “BH”.

Anastasia manages to show off her slender figure in the photographs she takes while traveling. Chernobrovina loves to visit eastern countries, where he attends massage treatments and seaweed wraps. Pictures in which the TV presenter appears almost naked, in a swimsuit, are in the public domain.

Anastasia Chernobrovina now

In 2017, on the air of the Mornings of Russia program, Anastasia’s co-host Vladislav Zavyalov congratulated his colleague on Artemy. Viewers learned that the TV presenter gave birth to a child in July. Anastasia carefully monitored her health when she was pregnant, so from the beginning of the year she took a vacation and disappeared from the air.

Fans of the TV star put forward various versions of the absence of their favorite TV presenter. Rumors appeared that Chernobrovina married an oligarch, that she went to live abroad. But when Anastasia finally returned to the air, the situation became clearer. The TV presenter herself commented happy event in words: “We’re already a month old! Time flies very quickly, children grow up. And I continue to work!”.

Motherhood only made Anastasia Chernobrovina more beautiful. The guests noticed this annual award TEFI, where in October 2017 the TV presenter appeared on the red carpet in an elegant outfit. The girl was dressed in a tight scarlet dress, on top of which was a snow-white fur coat.

Now Anastasia continues television career, and is also involved in social work. Among latest projects Anastasia Chernobrovina judging in the photo competition “My Udmurtia”, national award"Crystal Compass".


  • "News at 11"
  • "Vesti PRO"
  • "Day after day"
  • "Working Afternoon"
  • "Great Voyage"
  • "RUssia morning"
  • "Alone on the Planet"

Anastasia Chernobrovina appeared on the air of the Morning of Russia program, where colleagues reported that the presenter had become the mother of a son named Artem.

Famous TV presenter Anastasia Chernobrovina gave birth to her first child at the age of 40. This joyful event happened a month ago, in July 2017.

And only a month later, having already gone on air, Anastasia Chernobrovina confirmed that she had a son.

The TV presenter did not go on maternity leave and is already working again.

There is generally little information about Chernobrovina’s personal life, since she carefully hides it. According to some reports, Anastasia Chernobrovina got married in the summer of 2014.

This ceremony took place secretly, and only relatives and close people of the family were present.

Before her marriage, Chernobrovina allegedly lived with her chosen one for several years. He is reported to be a designer by profession. Anastasia's husband was often on the road, and he spent most of his time in France. Whether this is true or not is unknown.

Who Anastasia Chernobrovina’s husband remains a mystery; perhaps he is a very high-level person.

Anastasia Chernobrovina was born on April 10, 1977 in Izhevsk. After graduating from school, I entered Izhevsk College at the Faculty of Psychology. Six months later, she came to regional television, where she worked as a news service journalist for three years. At the same time, she hosted her own program with the participation of stars Russian show business and cinema, which came to Izhevsk on tour.

In 1996 she entered the Moscow State University culture and arts (specialty - “Film and TV Management”).

Then she worked in the information and entertainment program “News at 11” on the Rossiya TV channel, preparing special reports from Russian cities for the Vesti PRO program.

From 1998 to 2001 she worked in the information and entertainment program “Day by Day” (TV-6). For a year she was the host of the national competition “Girl 2000” - together with the country she was looking for the most interesting, beautiful, smart girl of the century.

From 2001 to 2002, together with Anatoly Kuzichev, she hosted the information and entertainment program “Big Swimming” on Channel Three (TRVK Moskovia), which occupied part of the airtime in Moscow on the TVC channel.

Since 2002, she has been one of the presenters of the Morning of Russia program on the Russia-1 TV channel.

Since February 2012 - Assistant to the President of the Russian Geographical Society for media projects.

On June 25, 2015, she became a laureate of the TEFI-2015 award (together with Vladislav Zavyalov) in the “Morning program host” category in the “Daytime broadcast” category.

40-year-old TV presenter Anastasia Chernobrovina returned to the Morning of Russia program again after a long break. During the time when the TEFI award winner did not appear in front of cameras, her fans managed to construct many theories explaining her mysterious disappearance. They assumed that the woman had decided to change jobs, and also explained her departure as an interesting position.

Anastasia preferred not to comment on rumors about her pregnancy, but she recently broke the silence. On the air of the Morning of Russia program, the presenter’s colleague Vladislav Zavyalov announced that she had become a mother. The woman gave birth to a charming heir.

In turn, Chernobrovina declassified the name of the adorable baby. “Artemy,” she said, smiling widely. “Congratulations! The audience and I have been waiting for so long... Nine months!” – Vladislav noted. The presenter thanked the man and said that her child had recently celebrated his birthday.

“Well, we’re already a month old now! Yes, time flies very quickly, children grow up. And we continue to work,” said Anastasia.

Fans of the TV presenter wished her all the best. They also found that Chernobrovina looked great and quickly returned to shape after giving birth. "Hooray! What a great guy she is. The present Good morning", "Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! I was waiting for her”, “Cool, we missed her so much”, “Health to Nastya and her baby, as well as a successful return”, “We wish you all the best”, “How lovely”, “Clever girl”, “Wonderful event”, “How It’s great to start the day with you,” social media users discussed.

The woman’s colleagues joined in the congratulations and were happy for her. Among them was the presenter morning broadcast Elena Nikolaeva.

"Hooray! Now I can answer all the questions about Nastya! Welcome back, congratulations on the birth of your son! I watch with everyone. There are six of us again,” she shared on one of the social networks.

Apparently, Artemy became the first child of Anastasia Chernobrovina. The TV presenter is extremely reluctant to talk about her personal life, so various rumors about her are constantly circulating on the Internet. According to some reports, in the summer of 2014 the woman played secret wedding, inviting only family and friends to the ceremony. Anastasia did not officially confirm this information.

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