Is it possible for an ex to join the labor exchange? List of labor exchange services and free training courses

A citizen in need of work has the right to apply to the Labor Exchange. A dismissed employee or a person looking for work for the first time is registered as unemployed. This status entitles you to receive unemployment benefits or scholarships during your studies.

Citizens over the age of 16 who are able to work, but do not have a job and do not receive wages, can join the labor exchange. A certain category of citizens cannot obtain unemployed status. For example, these are pensioners, persons arrested or sentenced to correctional labor, teenagers under 16 years of age, individual entrepreneurs, etc.

The Moscow Labor Exchange accepts documents from applicants on the day of application. You must present the originals, from which the staff will make copies. A dossier is created for each applicant.

Procedure for registering the unemployed

Unemployment status allows citizens to receive benefits from the state. The amount of benefits depends on earnings in the previous place, but is limited to the maximum and minimum size(4900 and 890 rubles). Where to go to the labor exchange in Moscow in 2018? Typically, applicants register with the division of the Employment Service that serves their permanent registration address. You will not be able to register with a temporary residence permit.

Conditions for payment of benefits

Payment of benefits may be suspended for certain reasons. An applicant registered as unemployed and receiving benefits is required to visit the Employment Center twice a month on a certain date and time. If this is not done, the benefit amount is reduced. Labor Exchange inspectors will offer vacancies that meet the requirements vocational training applicants. During the 12 months that benefits are paid, you need to decide on vacancies. The size of payments is gradually decreasing: in the first 3 months 75% of earnings are paid, then 60, and finally 45%.

If a citizen has a rare specialty, or his qualifications are not enough for the proposed vacancy, he has lost his skills in work, inspectors of the Employment Center send him for training. It is carried out in person, free of charge, in groups or individually. After successfully completing the training, the applicant is given a document that confirms the applicant’s qualifications.

Pensioners have the right to register, but they will not receive benefits, since they are issued a pension. Inspectors can help them choose a job.

What documents are needed to register at the labor exchange after dismissal?

One of the main conditions for registration at the Labor Exchange is the provision of all documents necessary for the inspector. Their number may vary: it all depends on whether the citizen previously worked. If a person is looking for a job for the first time, then he just needs to present his passport and education document to the Labor Exchange. If a citizen worked and was fired, then the list of documents expands:

  • passport;
  • education document;
  • certificate of income from the place of work;
  • TIN; pension certificate;
  • employment history.

What documents are needed for the labor exchange when making redundancies?

The labor exchange requires the same list of documents for persons dismissed due to for various reasons. When retrenching, it is best for a citizen to register within 14 days from the date of dismissal. If a citizen does not find a job within 2 months, then the employer pays for the 3rd month based on average earnings. And already from the 4th month the exchange begins to calculate unemployment benefits.

The state guarantees social assistance to all citizens who have lost or have not found a job after graduation in the form of assistance in finding a job and payment of unemployment benefits. However, to do this, a person must register with the employment service and receive official unemployed status.

According to Federal law dated April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1 “On employment in Russian Federation", citizens of working age who do not have regular income and work can register with the employment center. If they have all the necessary documents (passport; application for public services assistance in searching suitable job; employment history; documents certifying professional qualifications; certificate of average earnings for the last three months at the last place of work) registration occurs on the day of application, but the status of unemployed is not immediately awarded. The labor exchange is given 11 days to promptly employ the applicant. If there is no suitable vacancy in the database, you may be offered community service or training in a sought-after specialty. However, an unemployed person has the right to refuse all this.

After 11 days, if a job has not been found, the person is assigned unemployment benefits along with the status of unemployed. The size of the payment depends on whether he worked before, for what reason he lost his job and how long he did not work. The minimum and maximum amount of the benefit is determined by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2015 it is 850 rubles and 4900 rubles, respectively.

The minimum amount of unemployment benefits is paid to those who are looking for work for the first time, those dismissed “under the article”, and also if the citizen has not previously worked for more than a year.

If an unemployed person is laid off from his previous job or quit due to at will, during the first three months he is entitled to payment of benefits in the amount of 75% of lost earnings (based on average salary over the past three months). In the following periods, the benefit will decrease: from the fourth to the eighth months - to 60%, from the eighth month to a year - to 45% of the average monthly earnings of the unemployed. However, in any case, the benefit cannot be less than 850 rubles.

What vacancy can be considered suitable for an unemployed person? The law states that it must be suitable for a certain person, including for health reasons, and be equal in terms of conditions previous place work. The labor exchange has no right to offer a job if it is impossible to get to it public transport. The maximum permissible work distance from home is 50 km.

A registered unemployed person must “check in” at the labor exchange at least once every two weeks. However, if necessary vacancies arise, they may call more often. Failure to appear may result in a reduction in unemployment benefits.

In case of termination, suspension of payment or reduction in the amount of benefits, the employment service is obliged to notify the unemployed person in advance.

Employment center or labor exchange – state organization, which keeps records of unemployed citizens and also helps with employment. In cases specified by law, the unemployed may receive cash benefits.

How to register with the labor exchange in 2019

Registering with the employment center is not difficult. To do this, you need to contact the central control center at your place of residence with a package of documents. At the same time, for previously employed citizens and those who have not previously worked anywhere, the documents will be slightly different.

Previously employed citizens

Those who have previously worked must provide the following documents when registering with the labor exchange:

  • work book;
  • certificate of average salary at the last place of work (for the last three months);
  • TIN (tax registration certificate);
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • SNILS;
  • document on general secondary education;
  • document about vocational education(secondary or higher);
  • an extract from the personal account of the insured person (issued by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation).

When applying, a citizen fills out an applicant application form. All original documents are returned on the day of registration.

Additionally, when applying for unemployment benefits, a citizen must provide a bank account number. Funds will be transferred to this account. The employment exchange is not only interested in paying benefits. The main task is to find jobs for citizens in accordance with their education or experience.

Before registering with the employment center, it is recommended to prepare all documents in advance. In this case, the assignment of unemployed status is significantly accelerated - there is no need to collect missing certificates and certificates or re-apply to the Employment Center.

For those who have not worked before

For those who have never been employed anywhere before, the list of documents is somewhat smaller. It includes:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • document on education (both general secondary and vocational);
  • SNILS;
  • extract from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

If the applicant does not have a SNILS or Taxpayer Identification Number (INN), then they must first be issued. To do this, you need to contact the Pension Fund, Federal Tax Service or MFC. In the latter, both documents can be issued in one window, having only a passport with you.

Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 N 1032-1, art. 3, clause 2:

The decision to recognize a citizen registered for the purpose of searching for a suitable job as unemployed is made by the employment service authorities at the citizen’s place of residence no later than 11 days from the date of presentation to the employment service authorities:

  • passports;
  • work book or documents replacing them;
  • documents certifying his qualifications;
  • certificates of average earnings for the last three months at the last place of work.

For the first time job seekers(who have not previously worked) and who do not have qualifications - a passport and a document on education and (or) qualifications.

Registration after layoff

Often citizens turn to the employment exchange for help when they have been laid off from their previous job. The main question for many remains the possibility of receiving severance pay when receiving unemployed status.

The law stipulates that all payments after dismissal from position ( severance pay or saved wage) are not grounds for refusal to receive unemployment benefits or obtain unemployed status.

A citizen has the right to apply to the central control center and present everything Required documents and register. In this case, the payments he receives from a reduced position are not taken into account as a permanent source of income.

Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 N 1032-1, Article 3, Clause 1:

Unemployed are considered able-bodied citizens who do not have a job or income, are registered with the employment service in order to find suitable work, are looking for work and are ready to start work.

At the same time, payments of severance pay and maintained average earnings to citizens dismissed due to the liquidation of an organization or termination of activities by an individual entrepreneur, reduction in the number or staff of employees of an organization are not taken into account as earnings. individual entrepreneur.

The entry in the work book from the last place of work is taken into account as the basis for determining a citizen as dismissed from his position. A citizen has the right to receive unemployment benefits, obtain unemployed status and assistance in finding employment from the state without any restrictions.

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How to register with the employment center

November 14, 2016, 20:23 March 3, 2019 13:51

When a state's economy is in a state of crisis, this is a real risk that, unfortunately, each of us can face. What to do if such a nuisance does happen? Everyone seeks the answer to this question for themselves.

For some, losing a job becomes nothing more than a long-awaited opportunity to devote oneself to household chores. Someone, on the contrary, plunges headlong into searching for a new vacancy. Well, someone feels their failure so acutely that they fall into real depression. After all, some people are scared to even imagine what it’s like to start a career from scratch. If you would rather put yourself in the latter category, this article is just for you.

Getting fired is a big stress for many people.

Fortunately, even if the dismissal took you by surprise, this is not a reason to despair. After all, today, you can literally find a new suitable job for yourself without leaving your home - fortunately, almost everyone now has personal access to the Internet. However, searching for a job remotely usually requires some time. What to do in the period until the coveted vacancy is found?

There are several ways here. Someone, in parallel with sending a resume via the Internet, is trying to look for a job through friends. Someone just waits patiently for luck to smile on him. And someone does not miss the opportunity to join the labor exchange. What kind of organization is this and how can it help you find a job?

Why do you need to go to the labor exchange?

The labor exchange is a special organization whose main function is to help the temporarily unemployed. The employees of this structure specialize in finding suitable vacancies for each of the applicants who contact them. When making their proposals, exchange employees focus, first of all, on the professional experience and skills of the person who contacts them.

Thanks to this, finding a suitable one through the exchange usually does not take much time. Of course, assistance in employment is far from the only function of the organization described. We will talk in more detail below about what other assistance the exchange employees can offer you.

In the meantime, let's note a few more important points. Firstly, all services provided are absolutely free. Secondly, registration with this organization is not mandatory. In other words, if you find yourself without a job, you decide for yourself whether you will seek help in finding a job on the stock exchange.

What other services does the labor exchange provide?

Labor exchange - how to help the unemployed

As we have already said, the main function of the labor exchange is to select a suitable job for each of the applicants who contact the organization. It is important that any of the vacancies proposed by employees of this structure will meet all necessary requirements. Namely, to match the applicant’s professional skills and suit his location.

However, this is far from the only help that the exchange employees can offer you. So, by contacting this organization, you can count on:

  1. assistance in choosing a field of activity that matches your knowledge and inclinations;
  2. assistance in retraining or retraining for a new job specialty (usually more in demand in this moment, than yours);
  3. the opportunity for paid participation in various public works;
  4. assistance in officially registering your own;
  5. assistance when moving to another locality, where there is a job that is more consistent with your professional skills than what can be offered to you at your current place of residence.

About financial assistance for those registered on the stock exchange

Of course, finding a job, even if it is carried out through the labor exchange, is far from an instant process. Accordingly, until you are offered a suitable vacancy, you are essentially left without a livelihood. In order to prevent such developments, our country provides for the provision of financial assistance to persons registered with the labor exchange.

In other words, by registering with the employment service, you can automatically count on several government jobs at once. What are these payments? By registering with the labor exchange, you can claim:

  1. . This payment is accrued to temporarily disabled citizens, or to persons actively participating in public works paid for by third-party organizations.
  2. A scholarship. Such payments are due to those unemployed who are currently enrolled in retraining or retraining courses.
  3. One-time relocation allowance. We have already mentioned above cases when the exchange provides assistance to citizens in finding employment in other cities. The mentioned benefit is just one of such support measures.
  4. . Such payments are due to those citizens who are no longer entitled to receive unemployment benefits, but have not yet found permanent place work.
  5. Pension payments. The labor exchange may facilitate the early assignment of this type of benefit. In other words, thanks to this organization, some citizens begin to receive their payments even before their official retirement.

About other types of state support for the unemployed

It’s not difficult to join the labor exchange

Not many people know, but financial assistance from the state in relation to the unemployed registered at the labor exchange is not limited to the calculation of cash benefits. Thus, each of these citizens, among other things, is entitled to certain compensation payments. To be more specific, then we're talking about O:

  • reimbursement of expenses for registration of individual entrepreneurs;
  • compensation for the costs of obtaining a health certificate (if its receipt was due to the requirements of the vacancy selected by the exchange);
  • compensation for transport and housing expenses (if the exchange sent the applicant to work or study in another region).

How to join the labor exchange?

So, we have looked at the main advantages of registering with the employment service. It's time to talk about what it will take to join the labor exchange. In fact, there is nothing complicated in the registration procedure. The main thing is to have all the necessary documents with you:

  1. (or a certificate replacing it);
  2. any documents you have about your education;
  3. , contract agreements and any other documents indicating your work experience;
  4. certificate of average earnings received from the accounting department for last place your work;
  5. individual program rehabilitation (for disabled people).

In addition to the described package of papers, you will need to bring your application with a request to register you to any branch of the employment service in your city. To avoid mistakes when drawing up your application, look for a sample of this document on the Internet. Or, ask a question about how something like this is written directly to an exchange employee.

Is it possible to join the labor exchange while pregnant?

Finding a job in your specialty is not easy

Unfortunately, no one is immune from the risk of being fired. It often happens that a woman who has recently undergone a reduction suddenly finds out that she is pregnant. It’s no secret that, being “in a position”, find new job very difficult. This also applies to those cases when employment occurs through the stock exchange. However, no one can prohibit a pregnant woman from registering with the employment service in order to receive benefits. How to do this?

The process of registering with the employment service for pregnant women is no different from the standard procedure. Such women do not need to submit any additional documents for registration. If necessary, the employment service inspector will help the applicant fill out all the necessary paperwork.

However, all of the above applies only to those cases when pregnancy is still less than 30 weeks. After this period, a pregnant woman is prohibited from registering with the employment service. Even if the applicant has completed the necessary registration procedures for more than early, by the designated moment she will have to say goodbye to the exchange by presenting the appropriate certificate from a medical institution.

After all, starting from the 30th week, a pregnant woman comes under the care of social protection authorities, who are obliged to transfer benefits to her. Accordingly, any money given to her by the employment service will be considered an overpayment, and the woman will have a debt to the state.

Why do some people prefer not to register with the labor exchange?

Is it possible to join the labor exchange for pregnant women? A common question

The employment service can be a great help in finding a job. However, not all unemployed people want to use its services. The fact is that registering at the labor exchange has not only advantages, but also a huge number of disadvantages. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Registration with the employment service implies constant attendance at the office of this structure. If you do not “check in” there at a strictly designated time twice a month, you will simply be deregistered on the exchange and deprived of benefits. Not all people in active search work, can afford to waste so much time, even at the risk of being left without the payments due to them by law.
  2. The vacancies offered by the labor exchange are not always up-to-date. You will have to spend a lot of time communicating with recruiters to no avail (which, again, not every unemployed person can afford).
  3. Employment services specialize in selecting vacancies for people in blue-collar occupations. Accordingly, if you have a higher education and impressive work experience, the stock exchange is unlikely to be able to offer a position that meets your requirements and expectations.
  4. You can be registered with the employment service for no more than 3 months. Your registration will then be cancelled. If after this you want to continue receiving benefits, you will have to wait 2 months and then register with the organization again. All the procedures described, again, require an impressive amount of time.
  5. The amount of benefits paid by the exchange is very small. Depending on the availability of professional skills, it can be 850-4900 rubles. Not in all situations is it advisable to spend a huge amount of time to receive such a modest amount.

Let's sum it up

Of course, the labor exchange is a very useful structure. The help of its employees can be simply invaluable if you, left without work, urgently need at least a little money, or want to learn new specialty. However, if your goal is solely to find a job that perfectly matches your requirements, you are better off doing the mailing yourself (for example, via the Internet). After all, it is far from a fact that the employment service will find you a job that is suitable for you. This means that it makes no sense for you to spend precious time registering in this structure.

Expert lawyer's opinion:

The author of the article has presented a large volume useful information. Many of our readers who are looking for a job need to take advantage of these recommendations. In addition to searching for a job, you can get many other useful things for free from the employment service, which are mentioned in the article. One of them is the opportunity to acquire a new profession at the expense of the state.

We are, of course, not talking about receiving higher education, but some professions are quite affordable to obtain. These are a hairdresser, a security guard, an accountant, a cook, a tram driver, etc. Such professions are especially relevant for young people who do not have any profession at all. The labor exchange also offers a very valuable service - assistance in starting your own business.

You can, with the help of the employment center employees, register as an individual entrepreneur and receive a subsidy from the state for primary start-up capital for your own business. And one more interesting value. The labor exchange can help you find interesting work in another region and provide assistance in moving to a new place of residence.

The following video will tell you more about the labor exchange:

Realities modern world are such that each of us can unexpectedly join the ranks of the unemployed.

How to help yourself with this problem

What to do after losing a job is a personal matter for each of us. Some may despair and go into depression, others may not look for a job at all, but devote themselves fully to family matters(most often this option is chosen by women), and someone tries to look for work through friends or worldwide network. Should I join the labor exchange? Everyone decides this for themselves.

How can the exchange help? Why do you need to get up there?

The exchange helps people who contact it in finding a job that matches their knowledge and experience, and assists in finding this job. It is important that this organization provides all this assistance completely free of charge. In addition, you can get other services for free. They will be discussed further.

Where to join the labor exchange and what kind of help you can count on

Assistance is provided in cooperation with the job search with the employment center (labour exchange). That is, if you want the labor exchange to help you, you can register with an institution in your city. The specialists of this organization can help in resolving the following issues:

  1. Navigate in the large number of areas that the labor market has nowadays, and choose the one that suits you, matches your knowledge and work experience.
  2. Learn new profession or retrain from one specialization to another that is more necessary for you at the moment.
  3. Get the opportunity to participate in community service while you search for a permanent position. It is important that public works are paid.
  4. Register as an individual entrepreneur if you would like to open your own business.
  5. Move to another city to work there if a vacancy is found that suits you better.

And of course, those who contact this organization will receive the most important assistance: finding a suitable job at their place of residence.

What is the financial assistance provided by the labor exchange?

You should know how to join the labor exchange, including in order to receive money from the employment service during the period when you do not yet have a permanent job. A person who contacts this organization can count on the following payments:

  1. Benefit. Payments of unemployment benefits are also made when a citizen participates in public works paid for by any organization, or when he is temporarily disabled for one reason or another.
  2. When a citizen takes training, retraining or advanced training courses, he can count on receiving a scholarship.
  3. After the benefit payment period expires, the citizen has the right to count on financial assistance.
  4. If a person who applied to the labor exchange decides to move to another region to work there, he will be paid a one-time benefit.
  5. A pension for the period remaining before the start of receiving a labor pension, or early assignment of this type of payment.

Expenses reimbursed by the state

You should also know how to register at the labor exchange because the state not only pays money to citizens who have registered, but also compensates them for a number of expenses, namely:

  1. The service compensates for the costs of registering yourself as an individual entrepreneur.
  2. If the employment service has sent a citizen for training, the state will compensate for the costs of a medical examination, if necessary.
  3. If the exchange has sent a citizen to another region to work there, the state will compensate him for the cost of travel to and from the place of work, as well as daily expenses for renting living quarters.
  4. Travel to and from the place of training if the citizen is sent for training, retraining or upgrading. Also in this case, the costs of renting a living space are compensated.

How to join the labor exchange? What documents are needed for this?

If you are visiting the employment office for the first time, you will need to fill out an application for job search assistance services. In addition, if you consider it necessary to join the labor exchange, the documents you will need to bring will be the following:

  1. Passport or a document that replaces it.
  2. Educational documents, i.e. diploma, various certificates, certificates.
  3. All papers containing information about work experience. This could be a work record book, a military ID, various contracts (contract or civil law).
  4. Certificate of average earnings. In order to get it, you need to contact the accounting department of the company where you worked before you quit.
  5. Disabled persons must submit an individual rehabilitation program. It specifies the conditions of the work that they can perform and which is contraindicated for them due to health reasons.

How to join the labor exchange if you are in a position

There are different situations in life. For example, a woman quits her job, and after a while finds out that she is pregnant. She doesn’t mind working before giving birth, but she’s not sure that she can be registered with the labor exchange.

If such a situation happened in your life, you don’t have to ask the inspector whether it is possible to join the labor exchange while pregnant. Of course, this can be done. According to the law, no one can prohibit a pregnant woman from joining the labor exchange, but there is one limitation - after 30 weeks of pregnancy, you can no longer submit papers.

The documents that a pregnant woman must submit are the same as for those people who are not “pregnant.” The inspector responsible for registering the unemployed must assist the applicant in every possible way in filling out the application and, if necessary, fill it out independently.

After the 30th week of pregnancy has passed, the woman no longer has to register with the stock exchange. She needs to get a certificate from the clinic about the expiration date and be deregistered. Otherwise, an overpayment will be made. The woman will still receive benefits, but it will not be the employment center that will pay her, but the social security authorities. The labor exchange assists in finding work only for those who really need it.

How long can you stay on the labor exchange?

By law, you can be registered with an employment center for no longer than three months. Two months after this, you can re-enter the labor exchange.

Is it worth joining the labor exchange at all?

Definitely worth it. Every year the government allocates hundreds of millions of rubles to combat unemployment. If you register with the exchange, you will be paid an allowance, the amount of which ranges from 850 to 4900 rubles. The exact amount depends on your length of service. Of course, this is very little money, but for those who are left without work, no money will be superfluous.

In addition, you will have the chance to take courses in more than 70 areas. You can study many for free computer programs, get the sought-after professions of a bartender, hairdresser, nail technician, learn a new foreign language or advance in one you already know.

All this can be done absolutely free. Perhaps in the future this knowledge will give you the opportunity to get a higher position, advance in career growth. It is very important that even if you manage to find a new job, no one will force you to quit courses halfway through. You can safely complete the training to the end.

What are the disadvantages of cooperation with the labor exchange? Why is this organization not particularly popular?

In addition to the undoubted advantages, there are also a number of disadvantages in applying to the labor exchange.

  1. At least twice a month, you will need to come to the employment center and check in. If you miss your appearance date, you will be removed from the register. Accordingly, you will be deprived of cash benefits.
  2. Each time you will be given a list of vacancies and companies in accordance with your education and work experience. You need to call these companies and come for interviews. Usually these vacancies are no longer relevant or have been closed. Not everyone can take constant “no” calmly.
  3. The bulk of the exchange's vacancies are blue-collar jobs. There is practically no work for highly qualified specialists. Recruitment agencies It is extremely rare to post their vacancies in the employment center database. High positions are occupied by the vacancies of a policeman, a nurse, and a security guard. There is no mention of any journalists, financial analysts, lawyers or other popular professions.

That is why it is more profitable to look for work via the Internet or in special newspapers, as well as on the websites of organizations that interest you. It will take much less time and effort than finding out how to join the labor exchange and implementing these plans.

Therefore, it is not surprising that not many people turn to the employment center. This organization is more of a source of benefits when you need money, as well as an opportunity to go free courses and get additional “crusts”. For this alone, it makes sense to find out where to go to the labor exchange. In general, only you can decide whether to register there.

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