Autumn. Names of people born in autumn

Autumn is a wonderful time, peace sets in in nature, the leaves turn yellow and fall, cold rains are already drizzling, the sun is no longer so welcoming. This time of year causes depression for many, but you can still find many wonderful things in it. The birth of a baby is always a miracle; the birth of a small, defenseless baby always brings joy to all family members. And at the same time we feel a little like creators. And it’s always interesting in advance, who did we create?

Actor? A writer? The future president? What will be the fate of the baby? What can we expect from him in the future?
Autumn is a time of summing up, regularity and maturity. It does not have the hardness and severity of winter, the romance and windiness of spring, the madness and recklessness of summer.

Autumn babies are similar in character to autumn.

Their actions are always thoughtful and prudent, children are diligent and diligent in their studies and work in the future. Children, as a rule, have a clear mind and a balanced character. They are in no hurry to draw conclusions without analyzing the situation. Their analytical mindset helps them succeed in math at school, expect straight A's. Doesn't happen for them complex tasks and hopeless situations, they always do everything right, having thought through to the smallest detail. They always have their own clear opinion on every issue.

In any business they strive for perfection, these people are careerists, of course, in in a good way this word. “Autumn” people do not trust words, only verified facts, they are principled and very stubborn. Among them there are often pedants. mothers may think that their children live very well even without external manifestations of love: kisses and hugs.

This is not true at all! They simply control their emotions well, but they have no less need to be loved than other children.

Autumn children are friendly and easy to communicate with friends. IN kindergarten, and then school, kids are very sociable, they are often called the “life of the party.” And they will share a pencil and help tie a lace to a fellow incompetent.
Good family men in the future. They value their relationships too much to engage in all sorts of “leftist affairs on the side.”

Interesting Facts:

1. Chicago scientists have found that people born in the fall, unlike others, have the greatest chance of living a whole century. After studying the statistics, they concluded that “autumn children” live longer than their peers.
Alexander Lerchl from the University of Chicago believes that the reliability of his study could be influenced primarily by the conditions in which the embryo was located. Secondly, the child’s social environment, his status and wealth throughout his life.

Natalia and Leonid Gavrilov corrected Lerchl's work. They tried to eliminate factors that interfere with the “purity” of statistics. To do this, scientists studied 1.5 thousand people born from 1880-1895 and who lived 100 years or more. For the clarity of the study data, their close relatives who had the same genetic background and spouses with whom the subjects lived in the same living conditions were taken into account. social conditions. The results were as follows. People born from September to November lived the longest, and those born in March, May and July lived the least. There is no scientific explanation for this phenomenon, but scientists have put forward several hypotheses about this.

Children born in the fall are less susceptible to infection with summer infectious diseases, which then have a very long lasting effect. Negative influence for the whole body.

The second assumption is that mothers carrying autumn babies had better and “healthier” nutrition for the fetus.

At the same time, practicing gynecologists believe that children conceived in the fall are born stronger and healthier. The reason for this is banal: mom rested over the summer, ate healthy fruits and vegetables, gained positive emotions and Have a good mood, which will definitely have a beneficial effect on the future baby.

2. Scientists in Britain studied 14 thousand children and came to the conclusion that autumn children are 9% more active than other children. Again, they explain this fact by the fact that over the summer a pregnant woman receives a large amount of vitamins and microelements necessary for the better formation of the unborn baby.

3. However...Vanderbilt University scientists examined the medical records of 95,000 thousand American children and came to the conclusion that autumn babies are 30% more prone to respiratory diseases, including bronchial asthma. In their opinion, this is due to the fact that autumn is a time of frequent outbreaks of respiratory diseases, which, by the will of fate, infect newborns.

4. Also, autumn babies are more prone to allergies, especially those born in October and November. This is explained by the fact that it is quite cold and rainy. Children go out for walks very little. Indoors (at home) they have a lot of contact with animal hair and warm woolen things.

In fact, no matter what time of year our beloved child is born, for us our baby will always be the smartest, most beautiful and successful, no matter what, and our task is to help him realize himself in this difficult life.

Has your long-awaited baby arrived or is going to be born in the fall? Then this article is for you!
Taking their little precious bundle in their arms, parents undoubtedly rejoice and think about how this baby will grow up, who it will become, and how its fate will ultimately turn out.

Children born in such a wonderful time, when everything in nature is already ripe, the year is ending, and the time has come to take stock, are also considered to have similar traits. Autumn has endowed them with prudence and diligence, and as they grow up, they will seriously consider their every next step. They are endowed with a clear, light mind, but, despite this lightness, they have a stable, strong character. From this follows the fact that in their personal lives such people rarely enter into conflict and strive in every possible way to overcome obstacles. These are faithful and loving partners.

You can give absolutely any name without focusing on what it means, since the main character traits were laid in them by Mother Nature herself. Taking into account previous experience, they become more reasonable and, henceforth, strive not to repeat the mistakes that they once made.

By observing children born in the fall, scientists have come to the conclusion that they live longer, explaining this by the woman’s diet. Last months childbearing occurs in the summer - a time of warmth and vitamins, therefore autumn children, as a rule, are born with greater weight and subsequently experience less problems with health. It’s not for nothing that such kids are called “universal children.”

But we must not forget that autumn is the time of onset of cold weather, so the baby’s body is susceptible to infection with colds. In addition, being at home most of the time, the child may be predisposed to allergies to animal hair and house dust mites, so parents are advised to protect the child from contact with pets, do wet cleaning more often and be sure to ventilate the room, avoiding open drafts.

If you ask the opinion of astrologers, they will highlight such traits of autumn children as rationality, practicality in Virgos, good nature and charm in Libra, strength and power in Scorpios, truthfulness and the desire to wander in Sagittarius.
But whatever the points of view of different sciences on any character traits, it should be remembered that the most important role in the development of a child is played by parents, their love and care.

What are they like, children of summer and autumn? And what is the best name for a baby born during these seasons? Our test will tell you about this.

Born in summer – natures with a broad soul. They never waste time on trifles and are not prone to greed, but at the same time they cannot be called wasteful. Summer people are very harmonious, they know how to be calm and thorough, but if necessary they can take risks, which almost always turn out to be justified. Those born in the summer know how to work and plan, and are able to show persistence and perseverance in achieving goals that are truly attractive to them. They are kind, sympathetic, reliable friends and pleasant colleagues in work and business. Nevertheless, sometimes, as if breaking out of captivity, the man of summer demonstrates his temper and emotionality, which none of those around him even knew about. However, they are very easy-going. It’s just that unusually passionate natures are hidden behind external calm.

Having truly fallen in love, those born in the summer forget about everything in the world. They revel in the feelings that wash over them. Summer women They are convinced that one day they will definitely meet their ideal soul mate, they love children and dream of simple, cozy family happiness. For women of summer, no one is better suited than summer men, who will understand everything that is going on in their feelings and thoughts. Good couple It will work with a calm autumn man.

What to name a summer baby

Children born in summer are persistent in achieving their goals and active. Such children are impressionable and love risk. They have a soft character and because of this they are easily susceptible to external influence.
June - this month children are born who are cautious and vulnerable, but courageous in their actions.
July is the time of birth of impatient, independent people.
August - a child born this month is persistent and goes towards his goal.
For children, born in summer, absolutely any names are suitable. They are moderately proud, courageous and purposeful.

Born in autumn can sometimes be mistaken for boring pedants, but this is a manifestation of their vital prudence and wisdom. They are very observant and have a sharp mind. They are able to quickly analyze certain actions, always drawing unmistakably correct conclusions. Autumn people are well versed in human psychology. And their integrity is sometimes amazing. They are not stubborn at all, but only desire extreme clarity and clarity.

They prove themselves to be brilliant diplomats and talented researchers, distinguished by a unique mathematical mindset. Autumnals take a very long time to choose a partner, always striving for a long and stable relationship. Marriage is an indicator that an autumn person does not have the slightest doubt about his chosen one or chosen one. Autumn women are at first reserved and even distrustful, but in love they reveal themselves as tender and passionate. It is easiest for spring men or summer optimists to awaken their feelings. With a determined winter partner, they will feel like they are behind a stone wall.

Only a union of two autumn people can be difficult - they may not have enough outburst to awaken their temperament, the romance will become sluggish, and the union too calm.

How to name an autumn baby

Children born in autumn are realists. Few people take their word for it; they always check everything themselves. Have a clear and balanced mind, calm and easy character. They are thrifty, know the value of money, thrifty. Autumn babies They are distinguished by an easy-going character, they grasp everything new on the fly and can learn from both their own and others’ mistakes. Such guys are characterized by seriousness and prudence.

September is the time of birth of hot-tempered but purposeful people.

October – a child born this month will be characterized by wit and practicality.

November - the affairs of a person born in this month will always go well, and his determination will help in all endeavors.

The name of a child born in autumn should not be mundane. A romantic name will only help him in life.

They are warming themselves, preparing for winter... And some are giving birth to children. Did you know that these children have a very, very long life ahead of them?

Why suddenly?

The University of Chicago conducted a very thorough study in 2012 - they compared generations that were born between 1880-1895. We analyzed all the factors - time of birth, year and month, what disasters there were, where these people lived, what kind of life they had Family status and hereditary diseases. It turned out that sixty percent of centenarians were born in the fall! But the “March people” die earlier than others: of all the people of that generation who lived to be a hundred years old, only four percent were born in March.

Why is that?

According to Boston University theory, early life conditions influence health and ability to survive years later! And in general, there are quite a lot of theories. For example, children who were born in the fall, while they were still embryos in the womb, had a varied diet rich in vitamins, and there were no winter infections in the later stages of pregnancy - so they were born strong.

And another option is that weather conditions during childbirth play a huge role! And giving birth in the fall is very good. In the spring there are pressure drops and weather changes, from which weather-sensitive mothers suffer greatly - we have already talked about magnetic storms and their effect on the body. In summer it is hot, and the child’s cardiovascular system may suffer. And in winter it is generally very difficult to give birth due to cold weather and infections!

The theory of the pediatric center from Bern, expressed at the fourteenth international conference“Medical, Medicine and Health Sciences” states that in infancy, “autumn” children are faced with the transition to winter, with winter diseases - and this forms their immunity, because the seasonal factor does not weaken the bodies of children born in the fall!

Why theories are actually “so-so”

Yes, because the theory does not take into account other climatic bands! There are places where it is always cold. There are places where it’s always summer. Sometimes Australia is the same - there in September-November it is not autumn, but spring. And well, the statistics still work, those born in the fall live longer!!! And no one can scientifically explain this.

If we talk about the generation born in 1880-1895, then here is the writer David Herbert Lawrence, for example. He was born in the fall of 1885 - by the way, on September 11, on the day of John the Baptist, and according to popular beliefs, for better protection he should have been called John. But as it is, it is, and Lawrence lived to be more than forty years old with pulmonary tuberculosis. In those days when they could not treat tuberculosis, and doctors could not offer anything other than morphine, it becomes very difficult interest Ask: How did he manage to live for four decades with such an illness?! Yes, here only morphine could easily drive him to the grave... apparently, the theory works.

JoeInfoMedia journalist Diana Lynn hopes that all our readers, born at any time of the year, will live long!

Children born in autumn time years, similar in character to their second mother - autumn, they are in sufficiently They are harsh and soft, but at the same time they are mature people, equally emotional and romantic. Autumn is a time of reflection, summing up intermediate results; there is no recklessness in it, it is more serious than light.

People born in the fall, as a rule, are born healthy children, since the main period of pregnancy occurred at a time when the expectant mother received a sufficient amount of vitamins from food in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables. Among other things, it is worth noting that positive factor, like the fact that the second and third trimester took place in warm period years and, of course, future mom was less susceptible to illnesses, colds and others.

Children born in autumn - the pros and cons of an autumn child

A child born in autumn promises to grow calm person with a clear mind, and his behavior and actions are characterized by unhurriedness, prudence and deliberation. They are used to going through life according to a clear strategic line, adhering to pre-thought-out plans.

They try to do everything they do responsibly and diligently; there are often real pedants among them. They are prone to exact sciences, they make good architects, lawyers, theater and film actors, and can become philosophers. site/node/3553

They are stable, their character and mood are not changeable, autumn people are quite easy to communicate with. They can be relied upon and trusted, especially if you show them respect.

These people are principled in many issues and are ready to defend their point of view. When communicating with people, he behaves tactfully and correctly, and is ready to listen and listen.

An autumn person values ​​his family, family relationships and is devoted to them, rarely making outside connections. He loves his children, is inclined to pamper them, he is too soft a teacher, so often it is his other half, with a stronger character, who takes on educational functions.

He does not like scandals, showdowns, and rarely quarrels with people. Has a special sympathy and affection for pets.

What name should you give to a child born in autumn?

Children born in the fall are given names that will make them more decisive, less down-to-earth, and help them broaden their outlook on life.

These could be:

female names - Natalia, Raisa, Lyudmila, Lyubov, Sofia, Anna, Zinaida, Taisiya, Maria, Ulyana, Elizaveta and Alena

male names - Ivan, Peter, Andrey, Pavel, Fedor, Stepan, Dmitry, Vyacheslav, Taras, Konstantin, Victor and Gennady . Of course, these are not all names suitable for autumn; you can easily choose others for your child, for example, on the Internet or other sources of information.

Character traits of children born in autumn

Autumn is often associated with experience and maturity; it generously bestows those born at this time of year with the appropriate character traits. These people, before doing anything, think through every step, they are prudent, diligent in their work, responsible and diligent.

They have a clear mind, light, balanced and stable character. They are devoted to their family, and family relationships are strong and reliable. Those born in autumn do not like conflicts, are attached to their children, and often have pets. site/node/3553

Autumn people are very versatile, comprehensively developed, ready to accept criticism, and learn not only from others’ mistakes, but also from their own mistakes. Highly appreciated business qualities in humans, skillfully use the accumulated experience. They do their work slowly and thoroughly. They make good diplomats, lawyers, and doctors.

Born in September - character and habits

A child born in September promises to grow up to be a proud and calculating person who will not take a step before he understands that it is beneficial to him. For the sake of his own benefit, he will be ready to do a bad deed; he may sacrifice the interests of his friends if he needs it, even if he values ​​\u200b\u200bhis relationships with them.

September children, having become adults, often want and do everything so that they are thought of as generous patrons of the arts, spending money on charity, helping those in need, although this is far from the case, they are mostly stingy people, counting every penny and they will not spend it aimlessly, especially without their own benefit. True, in the interests of some cause, when it is beneficial to them and can help them in something, then they can reinforce their image with an appropriate action.

A girl, a future woman, born in September will not deprive herself in terms of material support; she will find a source of financial income at the level of her needs. As a rule, she cares little about the problems of her spouse, she is focused on herself and does not intend to infringe on herself and her interests in meeting someone else's needs.

By nature, this woman strives for freedom and independence, and patience, commitment and punctuality are not her best qualities. He loves order in everything, keeps his house clean, knows how and loves to cook delicious food.

A boy, a future man, born in September, will provide for his family, but will always monitor his wife’s spending, control her expenses, reproach her for excessive and senseless spending, although he himself is not averse to losing money in a casino. This man is purposeful and persistent, and prudence and pragmatism in his nature are combined with his emotionality and temper.

He quickly develops feelings for the woman he likes, but when it comes to formalizing the relationship and getting married, his pragmatism, prudence and prudence immediately return to him.

Born in October - character and habits

A child born in October adult life tends to separate personal life from business. He does not confuse friendly relations with professional affairs. In all financial matters, with regard to earning or spending money, they behave very carefully, practically and pragmatically, although they can do selfless and generous acts. They are witty, despite their seriousness, they are always ready to lie a little, exaggerate for the sake of their selfish interests, or simply for the sake of saying something nice.

Count on their commitment to a loved one it’s not worth it, this is a quality that a person born in the month of October resorts to for his work. Their final opinion is usually based on consideration of all points of view, and the last word they try to leave behind them. In any case, the decision made by this man will be carefully weighed, and the conclusions drawn will not be hasty.

A boy, a future man born in October, in addition to his practicality and pragmatism, is also distinguished by stinginess and prudence; they seek self-interest in everything. Their spouses are usually not overjoyed at their thriftiness and the way they try to provide for material benefits family. This man does not accept criticism addressed to him, but he himself is always not against “bringing it to clean water", reproach anyone for some shortcomings. site/node/3553

They are economical and responsible, have talents to engage in several professions, to conduct several businesses at once. They are ready to part with their current place of work if they are offered a more profitable or promising job. Among them there are many who are devoted all their lives to their childhood affection, to some hobby that they will be passionate about all their lives.

girl future woman, born in October, is distinguished by her objectivity and integrity. She achieves success in life without much difficulty, moves up career ladder. As a rule, she has a good memory, she quickly reacts to all changes, easily adapts and navigates new conditions.

Often it is she who is the head of the family, without particularly counting on her husband, she boldly takes the reins of power into her own hands. If her husband is a reliable, smart family man, she is ready to obey him. If something in family relationships goes wrong, she will make every effort to save the family, but she is unlikely to be able to forgive infidelity or betrayal.

Born in November - character and habits

Those born in November can safely be considered among the most calculating people, and this quality of their character often goes beyond the bounds of reason and acquires negative connotations. Benefit in any form, especially in material terms, can make these people behave in the most unworthy manner. Without fear of losing their good name, they can act cruelly and cynically, regardless of the pain and suffering they bring to those who stand in their way.

Children born in November grow up to be many envious people, stingy with charity, and in rare cases they will respond to misfortune. Their distinctive feature is greed, even in relation to their close people, but what’s interesting is that they don’t consider themselves that way, because they spend enough money, they believe, but they spend it on themselves, on their needs.

The November person is selfish and is able to spend the general, and the last, money to satisfy his needs, at the same time, he will put the whole family on a regime of strict savings for the sake of this purchase, but still, he will buy what he really wants, even if this thing is not necessary , but it was possible to do without it.

A woman born in November tries to choose a weak-willed man, weak-willed, who is ready to submit to her. She will ignore his sense of dignity, and even more so his opinion.

Everything in this family will be decided by her, led family budget also behind her, and her husband from the first days needs to forget what pocket money is, he will never have it, and if he needs it, then he will beg her for his hard-earned money.

Loyalty for a woman born in November is an empty phrase not worthy of her ears. Moreover, if she meets a worthy, wealthy lover, she will not even hide from her husband, without hiding from him, she will begin to call her lover and answer his call.

Men born in November are always ready to tell the truth, which only pushes people away from them. They cannot restrain themselves when the situation demands it, so they often suffer from excessive expression of their emotions, become victims of nervous breakdowns, and fall into a depressive state.

These are purposeful and persistent men, you can even say the following about them - achieving the goal they have set for themselves, for them it is not only a matter of principle, it is also their passion, lifestyle, a way to express themselves, to assert themselves. site/node/3553

They live exclusively by their own rules, they ignore generally accepted norms, only their own laws and rules, established by them, are important to them. A man born in November places increased demands on everyone with whom he communicates; in rare cases, he is ready to compromise.

Learn about those born in other periods of the year:

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