Methodology buzhor biography marital status. Methodology Bujor: “You cannot love two women at the same time”

Musical activities Bujor's method began with performances on the stages of the best opera houses in Europe. Despite his success, he changed his genre, joining the ranks pop singers. During this time in creative biography The artist experienced many events that contributed to the development of his career.

For several years now, Metodie has been living in St. Petersburg, where he becomes a regular participant in numerous concerts and festivals taking place in the city. The singer has many fans who don't miss him solo performances, consisting each time of a new repertoire.

Big family and a difficult path to music

Methodie was born in 1974 in Chisinau, Moldavian SSR. The family was large: in addition to the future singer, his three brothers were also growing up. His parents are not related to creative world: Father works as an engineer-inventor, and mother is a specialist in the field of medicine. Despite this, they always sang with pleasure. The boy received his name not by chance, since Methodie means “orderly.”

Pictured is Methodie Bujor on the air of the show “The Voice”

From an early age he showed musical and vocal abilities, but after graduating from school he went to study at the Agrarian University, where he studied biology and genetics. Get musical education chance helped him. Bujora and his brother came to the birthday party of their mutual friend, who studied at the conservatory, and decided to sing to the guests. Then the birthday boy advised them to get a musical education. The young man experienced many difficulties, since he did not know how to read music and write dictations, however, he managed to achieve his goal, becoming a student at the Chisinau Academy of Music named after Gabriel Musicescu.

Career of an opera singer and change of musical genre

In 2000, Metodie graduated from his studies and went to Moscow, where he began performing on the stage of the Novaya Opera Theater. Performing roles in such operas as Rigoletto, Eugene Onegin, Mary Stuart and many others, the young man demonstrated his talent. Having won the competition, Bujor was invited to sing at the Mariinsky Theater, and later at the Leipzig Theater Opera theatre, performing parts in various performances. His operatic activities at that time were appreciated: the singer repeatedly became a laureate of many international competitions.

In 2007, he had the opportunity to personally communicate with Muslim Magomayev, after which the young man decided to change genre, choosing pop singing. Since 2009, he began performing at concerts and music festivals in St. Petersburg, and then became a participant in the program “Property of the Republic”, dedicated to creativity Muslim Magomayeva. In 2012, Methodie was invited to the show “The Voice,” which became the start of his career. Thanks to his song “Tell me, girls,” he got to Alexander Gradsky, but later dropped out of the competition.

After the completion of the competition, the singer took part in the television project “Two Stars”, and also made a concert tour of numerous cities in Russia and the Baltic states. Since 2016, Moldovan composer Valenitin Uzun began writing songs for him.

Personal life: family and birth of a daughter


TV projects "Two Stars".

Methodie Bujor is a Russian opera and pop singer.

international competition opera singers them. Francisco Viñasa, Barcelona, ​​Spain, 2001,
Elena Obraztsova International Opera Singing Competition, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2001,
International Opera Singing Competition named after. Hariclei Darkle, Braila, Romania, 2002,
International Opera Singing Competition in Sarzana, Italy, 2004.

Began his career in the Moscow Theater troupe New Opera under the direction of Evgeniy Kolobov, having graduated from the Chisinau Academy of Music. Gabriel Muzichescu. He made his debut as Sparafucile in the opera Rigoletto by Giuseppe Verdi. Performed the roles of: Gremin in the opera “Eugene Onegin” by Tchaikovsky, Cecil in the opera “Mary Stuart” by Donizetti, Salieri in the opera “Mozart and Salieri” by Rimsky-Korsakov and many others.
After winning the Elena Obraztsova competition in St. Petersburg, Methodie Bujor was invited as a soloist to the Academy of Young Opera Singers of the Mariinsky Theater.

In 2003-2005 is a guest soloist at the Leipzig Opera, Germany.
In 2008 he was invited as a soloist to premiere performances Mikhailovsky Theater opera and ballet: Mascagni's "Honor Rusticana", Leoncavallo's "Pagliacci", Donizetti's "Elisir of Love".
During his operatic creativity Methodie Bujor became a laureate of many international competitions.
In 2007, in the life of Methodie Bujor, a fateful acquaintance with Muslim Magomayev took place. After this meeting, classical pop songs began to occupy an increasing place in Methodie’s work. And in 2009, Methodie Bujor makes a decision that completely changes his career; he leaves opera, choosing the stage. He begins performing at music festivals and gala concerts in his beloved St. Petersburg. The result of the rapidly growing popularity was the first solo concert on the stage of the Bolshoi concert hall Oktyabrsky May 24, 2012.
In the summer of 2012, Methodie Bujor auditioned to participate in the “Voice” program and was invited to join the team of singer and composer Alexander Gradsky. His performance, voice and delivery, captivated the audience and judges.
After the completion of the “Voice” program, Channel One invited Methodie Bujor to participate in one of the most rated TV projects "Two Stars". Methodie Bujor's partner was prima ballerina Anastasia Volochkova.
Organize Metodie Bujor’s performances for your event by calling the numbers on our official website, or to invite Metodie Bujor to a celebration or order a Metodie Bujor performance for a corporate event, call the contacts of the direct concert agent Metodie Bujor are listed on the website.

Methodie Bujor

Moldavian and Russian opera and pop singer.

After graduating from the Chisinau Academy of Music. Gabriel Muzichescu (2000).
He began his career in the troupe of the Moscow New Opera Theater under the direction of Evgeniy Kolobov. He made his debut as Sparafucile in the opera Rigoletto by Giuseppe Verdi.
After winning the Elena Obraztsova competition in St. Petersburg, Methodie Bujor was invited as a soloist to the Academy of Young Opera Singers of the Mariinsky Theater.

In 2003-2005 he was a guest soloist at the Leipzig Opera, Germany.
In 2008, he was invited as a soloist in the premiere performances of the Mikhailovsky Opera and Ballet Theater.

In 2009, after a meeting with Muslim Magomayev, classical pop songs began to occupy an increasing place in the singer’s work. In 2009, he left opera and devoted himself entirely to the stage. He actively tours and participates in television song shows.

theatrical works

Sparafucile - opera "Rigoletto" by Giuseppe Verdi.
Gremin - opera "Eugene Onegin" by Tchaikovsky,
Cecil - opera "Mary Stuart" by Donizetti,
Salieri - opera "Mozart and Salieri" by Rimsky-Korsakov
Rural honor" Mascagni,
"Pagliacci" Leoncavallo,
"Elisir of Love" by Donizetti

prizes and awards

International Opera Singing Competition named after. Francisco Viñasa, Barcelona, ​​Spain, 2001,
Elena Obraztsova International Opera Singing Competition, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2001,
International Opera Singing Competition named after. Hariclei Darkle, Braila, Romania, 2002,
International Opera Singing Competition in Sarzana, Italy, 2004.

Despite the fact that the Moldovan singer Metodie Bujor has long been known in Austria, Germany, Italy, where he performed on the stage opera stage, the Russian audience recognized him relatively recently, but already as a pop performer. Methodie decided to leave the opera after meeting with Muslim Magomayev, whom Elena Obraztsova introduced him to. He entered the world of show business as a mature, accomplished artist, and therefore treats all its negative aspects with understanding. In addition, he always feels the support of his family - Mitodie Bujor's wife Natalia also a musician, vocalist, but now she left singing career, because my husband and I decided that two performers for one family was too much.

In the photo - Methodology Bujor

They met at the Elena Obraztsova competition, held in St. Petersburg. Natalya saw Bujor from auditorium, and after the performance she and her friends came to him backstage to congratulate him. The singer fell in love with her at first sight. The future wife of Methodie Bujora was a student pianist who accompanied the singer. Despite the fact that Methodie was very embarrassed, he managed to get the phone number of the girl he liked, but Natalya refused all calls and requests for a meeting because she was very busy.

The call from her came just before the singer’s departure, when the competition had already ended, and he became its laureate. Having called, Natalya invited Bujor to show him the city. Despite the fact that he was somewhat offended by the girl’s past refusals, he could not refuse her offer to stay. Methodie changed the ticket and did not regret it. He remembered this excursion around St. Petersburg for a long time, but he almost did not listen to Natalya’s stories, because all his thoughts were occupied with something else. When future wife Methodology Bujora, on their first date, heard a marriage proposal from him, then, without hesitation, she agreed to marry him.

Just a week later they got married. Natalya never regretted that she accepted Methodie’s offer, because he treats all women in a special way, and especially her. The singer believes that their happiness depends entirely on men - they must respect women, admire them, and only then will their companions become truly feminine and happy.

Methodie Bujor was born on June 9, 1974 in Chisinau (Moldavian SSR), in a large family, where he was raised with three more brothers. Mom was a medical worker, father was an engineer and inventor. Metodie loved to sing since childhood, but was never distinguished by extraordinary vocal talent.

Bujor managed to start singing for real only at the age of 21, while a student at the Agricultural Academy. Graduated from the Moldavian Music Academy in 2000. The singer’s first place of work was the Moscow Novaya Opera Theater. He performed popular roles, including works by Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky, Verdi, Rimsky-Korsakov, etc. In 2001 he took first place at the competition. E. Obraztsova in St. Petersburg. The talented performer was noticed and entered the Mariinsky Academy of Young Singers. In 2003 he became a guest artist at the Leipzig Opera (Germany).

Conquering the stage

In 2009, Methodie Bujor set the task of realizing himself as entertainer. To such a decision opera singer pushed by his childhood idol, Muslim Magomayev. Opera singing imposed a lot of restrictions on the performance of works, unlike the stage. Bujor's popularity began to grow, and in 2012 he performed a solo program on the stage of the Oktyabrsky concert hall.

Participation in the show “The Voice”

Methodie got into the team of Alexander Gradsky at a blind audition. In the next round, a vocal duel took place between Bujor and another favorite, Evgeniy Kungurov. For a long time, Alexander Gradsky could not give preference to one of the participants, and entrusted the choice to a blind lot.

Gradsky decided which of the two young people would remain on the project by simply tossing a coin. Luck smiled on Bujor's opponent. Methodie left the project, which made numerous viewers unhappy.

TV project “Two Stars”

After the end of “The Voice,” Bujor was invited to a new show. The singer’s partner was the ballerina A. Volochkova. During filming, Methodie managed to give two solo concerts in the city on the Neva. The peculiarity of the concert was the performance of opera classics, along with pop hits. After some time, the singer left the project, citing a difficult work schedule and some negative aspects. Nevertheless, Bujor gained invaluable experience, for a long time spending time with artists of various genres.

Further variety activities

After finishing filming the “Two Stars” project. Bujor organizes a large tour of cities Russian Federation. For almost all performances, tickets are sold out in advance. The huge jump in popularity is due to participation in two major television projects, in which the singer was very fond of the audience. Among the countries that hosted the performer were Spain, the USA, China, England, and Switzerland.

He recently released his first album and is preparing to visit his native Moldova with a concert, where he has a huge number of fans of his talent. At the end of 2016, Metodie began collaborating with the famous Moldovan composer Valentin Uzun. In 2017, several songs were recorded, including duets with Jasmine and Soso Pavliashvili, the composer was Uzun.

Family and hobbies

The Bujor method is distinguished by a private life that is quite closed from the public eye. They met their wife Natalya at one of the concerts. In 2016, the couple had a daughter, Anastasia. The family lives in St. Petersburg, where Metodie’s main screenwriting activities take place. In addition to his excellent vocal abilities, Bujor paints pictures. He is interested in biology and is fluent in several languages. Recently, I have become seriously interested in sculpture.

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