Is it possible to be late for the theater? Correct behavior in the theater: culture and etiquette

We cannot imagine our life without social networks. And the image that is used as an avatar is viewed by dozens of people every day. Sometimes you may be left with unflattering comments under the images, and this is because they are not very good, the colors are poorly chosen, or there are too many visual effects. And since it is known that people are met by their clothes, it is very important to choose beautiful photo which will look good. In order to take a beautiful photo on Ava, follow the tips below, and then you definitely won’t have to blush from unexpected comments.

Camera selection
Of course, it is believed that the photo on SLR camera They will turn out much better and more beautiful. This is wrong. The quality, of course, of a DSLR camera will be excellent, but a good picture can be taken using an ordinary point-and-shoot camera or even a phone. Keep in mind that the fewer pixels your device contains, the more illuminated the place you will need to choose. In order to shoot in average lighting conditions, a 5 megapixel camera will be enough.

Don't use flash
Flash distorts images - accept this simple fact. Only if you use reflex camera With an additional external flash, your image will be completely true to reality. Using a flash at night can cause red eyes to appear in photos, and if the photo was taken during your summer vacation, for example, your skin may turn out an unpleasant red color.

Choose the light
The correct choice of lighting greatly affects the perception of photography. Don't shoot in the dark, or use a backlight in the other direction if you want to beautifully highlight your profile with light. An ordinary table lamp can serve as this backlight. If you shoot in low light conditions, then colored particles may appear in the picture, which photographers call noise - your camera tries to adapt to low light conditions, and therefore tries to catch even the smallest particles of light, which is why you observe colored “dust”.

Choose a place and position
It's good if you try to avoid a busy background. The photos that look best in your profile picture are those in which the person's face is clearly visible. It is possible for it to be removed to the waist, less often at full height. If you have a wonderful photo with a fountain in the background, leave it for the album, since the attraction can distract the attention of visitors to your page, and then few will notice that you are also in the photo.

Study your old photos - what pose do you look best in? Or maybe there is not one such pose, but several? Remember them and use them when taking photographs.

Ask a friend for help
It is not necessary to look for a photographer friend (especially since he is probably constantly attacked by friends and acquaintances asking him to take one or two photos for free), just someone close to you who agrees to give you a little attention is enough. Discuss in advance what you roughly want to get and where it would be best to film from. After they take 10-15 shots, see if they suit you. With this frequency, you can easily retake unsuccessful shots or make sure that you look good in one pose, and you can move on to the next. For an avatar, it is best to select a photo in the position provided by the social network where you plan to upload the image - vertical or horizontal. After all, it’s better to immediately remove it the way it should be, than to struggle later on how to cut it more beautifully.

Competent processing
Sometimes you may need to adjust the image, for which you need to know when to stop. Try not to make the image too contrasty or use unnatural colors and shading. If the photo suggests a pensive or sad mood, you can try converting the image to black and white.

So, you have several successful frames on your hands that you can use for ava. Try not to change images every day. If you really want all the successful shots to be in the place of the main photo of your page, try limiting yourself to one update per week. Often people don't really like it when their friends change their images too often.

What not to do
A few additions that you shouldn’t do at all:

  • draw on finished photo various patterns, hearts and make incomprehensible inscriptions;
  • if you are a girl, then do too much makeup before taking a photo, or then add “war paint” in the image editor;
  • do not take pictures of yourself in the mirror or from an outstretched arm - it looks very ugly;
  • If you want to add more expressiveness to your face, then it’s better not to pout your lips like a duck. It’s better to ask for a close-up shot of your face a little from above - this trick is used asian girls to draw attention to the eyes, so they appear larger;
  • cut your image from photos that used to be of other people. It's better to post a photo with them, especially if you're smiling happily and in a good mood.
That's probably all there is to it. Finally, there will be one more piece of advice - look through the pages of your friends and talk about which avatars you like and why. Select those images that seem most successful to you; they can form the basis of the idea of ​​your own photo. This way you can understand exactly how to take a beautiful photo for Ava, which you won’t be ashamed to show to numerous people from your friends’ feed.



    Find the shadowed side of the face. Look in the mirror or take a test photo and see which side of your face is further from the light source and therefore looks darker. Take your photo from this side to achieve an artistic effect and appear slimmer. In bright sunlight this technique may not work.

    Take creative photos. Instead of a traditional full-face self-portrait, try artistic photo with a completely different composition. Here are some ideas:

    • take a photo in profile, that is, from the side;
    • photograph only half of the face – left or right;
    • Take a close-up photo of an eye, lip, or cheek.
  1. Don't place your face strictly in the center of the frame. Best photos usually built according to the rule of thirds. This means that the eyes (the compositional center of the portrait) should be one third vertically from the top border of the photo and to the right or left of its middle. The photo will be more interesting, and the angle will probably be better.

    Keep the camera away from your face. The lens distorts objects that are too close. Selfies are usually taken with the camera or phone held at arm's length, which is a very short distance, and therefore the nose often looks larger than it actually is - definitely not the effect you want to achieve.

    • If you want to take close-up photos, it's better to use the optical zoom and shoot from a greater distance. You can also take a waist-length or full-length photo, and then crop it.
    • If your camera has a timer, prop it up against something stable, set the timer, and step away. Such a photo will most likely be more successful than a selfie taken handheld.
  2. Use your phone's main camera. It’s more convenient to take pictures of yourself with the front camera of your smartphone, but the main one allows you to take much better pictures.

    Place a mirror behind the camera. Taking photos is easier when you can see yourself, so placing a mirror behind your camera or smartphone will help you achieve a better pose or facial expression. Make sure your smile is natural!

    Ask someone to take your photo. This is not always possible, but it is preferable to have someone else take your photo. You'll be able to focus on posing without having to think about holding the camera and pressing a button at the same time.

    • Ask a friend to take your photo. He may tease you a little, or he may ask you to take a photo of him too.
    • If this is happening at a holiday or other event, ask someone present to take a photo of you (and your friends, if you came in a group). It's better to be someone you know, or at least someone who seems trustworthy, so your phone or camera doesn't get stolen.


  1. Avoid double chin. One of the ugliest things that a bad photo can give you is double chin. This can usually be avoided by elongating your neck and moving your chin slightly forward, away from your body. It will seem strange and awkward to you, but in the photo it will look just right.

    Straighten your shoulders. Slouched shoulders and poor posture don't look good on anyone, so move your shoulders down and back. This will give you a more alert look, visually lengthen your neck and thereby improve your photo. You can slightly raise one shoulder or turn it towards the lens, rather than standing in an even, static position.

    Change your attitude. If you take a lot of self-portraits and post them online, and you look serious in all of them, without exception, you may seem overly serious and even boring. Try to fool around and do funny photo. When you allow yourself to relax and have fun, you can suddenly end up with a surprisingly good shot.

    Face the camera at an angle. Instead of standing strictly frontal in the photo, try turning your face or whole body slightly. Experiment to find your sweet spot. Standing half-turned in a full-length photo will make you look slimmer and highlight the curves of your body.

    Don't look directly into the lens. Even if your eyes are your most beautiful feature, try looking away from the camera to make the photo more interesting.

    • You can still make your eyes pop by opening them wide and looking over or away from the camera.
    • Try not to look away too obviously. Looking slightly away from the lens will make it seem like you don't know you're being filmed. If you look away even thirty centimeters from the camera, it will already look like conscious posing.
  2. Show emotions. Sincere emotions are usually immediately visible on the face. A forced smile usually doesn't make you more attractive. So if you pose for a photo smiling, think about something really nice or funny.

    Dress appropriately. If you're taking a self-portrait for a specific purpose, think about how you should dress.

    • If you need a photo for work or for a page on a professional network, choose clothes in a discreet, business style and a simple, neat hairstyle.
    • If you're taking photos for a dating site, you can wear something bright or funky, but don't dress too sexy (this photo will immediately show that you're trying your best to look sexier!). Hair doesn't have to be perfect; let it be casual, but show that you pay attention to your appearance.
    • If the photo is intended for your page in social network, think about how people will perceive you. The choice of clothes is very wide, but a dirty T-shirt is still not the best choice for a selfie (unless, however, you demonstrate that you just returned from a twenty-kilometer hike).
  3. Don't do duckface! The so-called duckface (a face with duck lips) - lips folded into a bow and stretched out as if for a kiss - has become boring to everyone and has become an example of bad taste when taking selfies. There are plenty of other, cuter facial expressions.


    Shoot in natural light. Natural light is always preferable for photography. However, direct sunlight, especially at midday when the sun is directly overhead, is not suitable for portrait photography: you don't want harsh shadows on your face!

    • If you have a choice, it is better to take photos on a cloudy day.
    • Indoors, try to take photos near a window, in natural light (but not in direct sunlight).
    • If you must use artificial light indoors, avoid fluorescent lamps and overhead lighting. You may find more favorable lighting if you turn off the ceiling lights and turn on table lamps and sconces.
    • If you're shooting with direct overhead lighting (whether natural or artificial), use flash to fill in shadowed areas so your photo doesn't have shadows under your nose or eyes.
  1. Check the background. When posting a photo on the Internet, you are unlikely to dream of the fame of the person who captured himself against an absurd or indecent background.

    Think about visual frames. The photo can be more interesting if the composition forms a kind of frame. Here are some ideas for such visual frames:

    • pose in a doorway;
    • hold the camera in two outstretched hands, not in one;
    • stand between two objects - for example, trees or bushes;
    • Grasp your chin or prop it up with your hand to create a visual frame underneath.


  1. Zoom into the desired area. If you want to highlight a part of your face or body, use a photo editing app to zoom in on it and save the edited version. Most smartphones and computers have photo editing software, many of which are very easy to use.

    • Try taking photos in different rooms to see which has the best lighting.
    • When editing photos, use the soft focus effect: thanks to it, you will keep details clear and your skin will look flawless.
    • There is nothing more banal in a selfie photograph than an outstretched arm in the frame. Try setting a timer instead. You can also experiment with different shooting angles to hide that ever-present hand.
    • Take many pictures to choose the best one.
    • Let your feet be the heroes of the story! A photograph of your legs against a stunning landscape will document your presence - without you having to worry about how you look in the photo.
    • Before taking photos, look in the mirror and, if necessary, adjust your clothes, hair and makeup.
    • If you don't like certain features of your face, highlight others. For example, if you don't like lips, then use bright eye shadow to highlight your eyes.
    • Be happy with yourself. There is no other person like him in the whole wide world. You are one of a kind and unique - embrace it!
    • Place the phone on the floor or other flat surface, propping it up against something, and sit opposite it. The phone camera should be facing you. Start the timer and start posing. Look to the side and smile mysteriously if you think that similar photo will put you in a favorable light; if not, try something else.
Simple tips with examples and photos

First answer, why do you need a photo shoot? If for low-grade sites and magazines, then this article will not help you. Here we will talk about how to really beautiful pictures. Something to be proud of. The kind that makes them famous and that 50 years later you won’t be ashamed to show to your grandchildren. Let's leave the technical side of the issue, let's talk only about places, clothes and poses for photography.

How to avoid taking photos

Let's start with common truths that everyone seems to already know, but still thousands of “photo masterpieces” appear on the Internet every day.
    Remember these 5 main taboo rules:
  1. Never take pictures in the toilet! Never!!!
  2. Avoid horizontal and unnatural poses.
    Lying, crawling, wringing your hands, bending over on an unmade bed, on the floor of an apartment, on carpets - this is, to say the least, ugly. If you really want to lie down somewhere, then it is better to choose a flower meadow.
  3. Do not dress vulgarly: parts of your underwear should not fall out from under your clothes, as well as some parts of your body. It’s easy to determine this line: there shouldn’t be anything in the photo that you wouldn’t want to show to your current or future children, or parents.
  4. Do not wear very tight clothes for a photo shoot, so as not to get a “sausage effect” instead of beauty.
  5. Don't stick out your lips.
Of course, there are no rules without exceptions, but these exceptions are best left for a personal photo archive or to professional photographers who know how to present even dubious situations beautifully.

10 tips on how to take beautiful photos

1. Take pictures in nature. Difficult to do indoors nice photos without special equipment.

2. The pose should be natural. Remember: any pose in which you are uncomfortable will turn out poorly in the photo.

Natural pose

3. Don’t make a languid expression on your face! A sincere smile or laugh will make even a bad photo more attractive. During filming, remember something very pleasant and smile with that same mysterious smile of Gioconda, which makes anything more beautiful. woman's face.

4. Try to take pictures not from the front, but half-turned. Try not to look into the lens - this will make the pictures more interesting.

5. When photographing, what is closer to the lens looks larger, and what is further away looks smaller. Therefore, for example, fat people It’s better to photograph a little from above to make the figure look slimmer.

Avoid "straight" poses

6. The photograph will be more interesting if the lines of the shoulders, tilt of the head, legs, etc. are not perpendicular. Avoid straight lines and "straight" poses. However, there is no need to bend too much or take unnatural poses. Everything in moderation!
You don't need to wear green to a photo shoot, otherwise your face may take on the same shade.

Mike Newming

8. Portrait photographer Mike Newming advises: "You shouldn't wear green to a photo shoot, otherwise your face may take on the same shade." However, the opposite also applies: if the face is too red, then wearing green clothes will help hide this defect. 9. In makeup Special attention

Apply blush to make your face look more expressive. It is better to avoid sparkling and pearlescent shades.
10. When you feel too self-conscious, just do a jump-up (jumping photo). Jump higher a few times and let the photographer select the “sports” shooting mode to get several shots in a row. After this, you can relax and the next photos will turn out better. But more often than not, the “jumps” themselves turn out to be the most successful photographs. Show some imagination to make.

interesting photos

. "Jumpik" is relaxing.
And for those who want not only to take photographs, but also to win beauty contests or create their own lookbook with photographs, there is one magic secret on how to learn how to quickly and easily select clothes, place and poses for photographing: imitate those who like.

Choose a famous “style icon”, preferably from the last century, and start imitating her. Imagine that you are her. The one everyone admires. For example, . Do you think Grace would crawl on an unmade bed in front of the camera or bend indecently in the toilet? Look at her photos, poses, clothes, makeup. And when you take a photo, think, what would Grace do?

Simple tips on how to pose correctly and always look good in photographs.

In fact, it’s worth working a little on yourself and your poses to always look good in the photo. Want to know how? Let's figure it out.

I can’t show up in photos: what should I do?

Professional photographers say you don’t have to be handsome to look good in photos.

People with sharp features or uneven facial contours often look good in the frame. A nice people with regular features, for some reason they look unattractive or do not stand out against the general background.

In order to please yourself and your loved ones in photographs, you need to find a suitable angle and work on your facial expressions.

How to look good in photographs: simple rules

Before you take a photo next time, don't forget to learn 4 simple rules:

  1. Choose a pose. Stand in front of a mirror and experiment a little. Look at yourself from the outside. This makes it easier to understand which poses are successful for you and which ones you should avoid.
  2. Facial expression. Again, conduct an experiment: first look straight, then look away a little, tilt your head a little, smile or slightly raise your eyebrow. You can capture yourself at this moment so that later you can more carefully study the appropriate facial expression for the photo.
  3. Makeup. Regardless of the occasion for which you decide to take a photo, be it an ordinary weekday or a special event, watch your makeup. Avoid vulgar makeup (unless this is a themed photo shoot), give preference to natural shades. Don't experiment with new types of makeup if you're not sure they suit you.
  4. Cloth. It is customary to wear the most elegant and festive clothes for a photo shoot. In fact, you can look much better in photos in your usual everyday clothes. The most important thing is that it suits your figure, color scheme and was neat. How you feel in your clothes is also important. Often many people do not feel comfortable in business suits, in which case your stiffness will be visible in the photo. Even if you need to take a photo in business attire, try to relax as much as possible.

How to make your face look beautiful in photographs?

If you know the flaws of your face, try to hide them in the photo:

  • A double chin can be hidden by placing the camera just above your face. Another way: support your face with your hand, but do not lean on your hand, otherwise your face will be uneven.
  • People with round faces should not look directly into the camera. It is better to take pictures in ¾ or profile.
  • People with a triangular face should be photographed from a lower angle. This also applies to those with a small chin.
  • If you have a big nose, as they say, don't hang it up. Look up while taking photos. A front-facing photo is also suitable, that is, look directly into the lens. Actress Audrey Hepburn has many photographs of this kind.
  • To enlarge your eyes, look up at the lens.

Smile in the photo

A smile is one of the main criteria nice photo. Don't try to smile if you're in a bad mood, it's immediately obvious. Don't put on a forced smile; it won't make you look good in the photo either.

While taking the picture, think about something pleasant, imagine that your loved one has walked in, so the smile will turn out natural.

Share sincerity, then the photo will be successful. If the photo shoot tires you a little, rest, relax, and then continue taking photos.

How to pose beautifully for photographs?

  • Avoid soldier formation; relaxed poses look better
  • Look more impressive thumbs in the pockets, and the rest outward, as opposed to the whole hand in the pocket.
  • If you support your face with your hand, make sure that it smoothly follows the oval of your face. The palm should not be facing the lens.
  • Lower your shoulder slightly, this will make your face more open and your neck visually longer.
  • If you're taking a photo sideways, bend your knee. In this case, the pose will look more relaxed.
  • Don't look straight at the camera, tilt your face slightly.
  • Smile with your natural and radiant smile.

How to look good and beautiful in photographs: poses

Learn to change your emotions

Various options poses in the studio

Poses for pregnant women

Options for lovers

How to look good and beautiful in a passport photo?

There is a joke: “If you look like the photo in your passport, it’s time for you to go on vacation!”

Very often people, especially women, are dissatisfied with their image in their passport. A passport photo is not the place where you can experiment with angles and a smile. Here you can see both facial asymmetry and contour imperfections. However, there are small tricks here too:

  1. Face tone. Create an even, natural tone using cosmetics. Conceal the circles under the eyes, remove pimples and other imperfections with concealer. Set your makeup with powder to avoid shine.
  2. Eyes. You should not do provocative makeup. Beautiful eyelashes and neat arrows will sufficiently emphasize the eyes.
  3. Pomade. Choose the most natural tone; do not paint your lips with a bright color. Or leave them without makeup at all.
  4. Hair. If your hairstyle is sloppy, the photo cannot be saved. Hair should be clean, neatly styled, without overgrown roots.

How can a guy look good in photographs?

Usually guys have many photos of the same type, in which they are in the same pose, with the same facial expression. And just like women, many guys are afraid of looking unattractive in photos, they just don’t say it out loud. To start looking good in photographs, guys need to work on their facial expressions and perspective.

You should avoid the same type of poses, and most importantly, learn to relax during photography.

How can men look beautiful in photographs?

  • Confidence and strength in the photo can be emphasized by legs slightly spread apart
  • If you hold your arms straight, bend your fingers as if you are holding a stone
  • If you want to cross your arms over your chest, do not hide your hands, let them be visible
  • For a relaxed pose, place one or both hands in your pocket
  • If you're sitting, you can cross your legs with your ankle toward your knee for a more relaxed feel.

How to pose for men correctly for photographs?

Successful poses for photographing men:

How to pose beautifully for children for photographs?

Why do you think children look beautiful in photographs? 'Cause they don't worry about theirs appearance, children are characterized by openness to the world, to people, to everything new. We should learn from them.

Some ideas for photographing children:

How do beautiful girls pose for photos?

A selection of successful shots of beautiful girls:

Professional photographers and models on various forums give advice on how to look beautiful in photos. Their essence boils down to the following:

  • Be sincere when taking photographs, try to relax as much as possible and not think about your shortcomings, there are no ugly people
  • Find a few good angles and don't forget about them
  • Don't be afraid of the camera, it doesn't bite
  • If you want to get high-quality photos, invite a professional photographer. But remember that the most important part of shooting still lies with you - your mood and emotions

Beautiful photographs are often a random shot, and most often the result of long work. Even if you can’t pose yet, don’t despair, try again and again.

But in any case, you shouldn’t make photography the meaning of your life. There are known cases when a woman made herself several plastic surgery for the sake of successful shots. Love yourself; inner charisma never goes unnoticed.

Video: How to pose correctly - the secrets of great photos

The question of how to take beautiful pictures interests many people, because... Sometimes we don’t always look good in photographs. What do you need to remember to ensure that all or most of your photos turn out perfect? There are several such nuances:

  1. Think in advance whether you will be photographed, whether you will be caught by cameras, both alone and in company. Nowadays, many clubs conduct photography from parties, where you can be in the frame;
  2. Always be ready to take a photo. Nobody likes it when photos show you trying to hide from the photo, it’s better to pose to make the photo the most successful. How to prepare for a photo? To do this, before leaving the house or in the morning, look at yourself in the mirror: will you look good if you are photographed? Dress so that you are not only comfortable, but also photogenic; girls should wear makeup and take care of their hair, and guys should take care of their skin;
  3. Practice in front of a mirror. This is very important if you want to always succeed. Thanks to such rehearsals, you will not only understand how to take pictures, but you will also be able to determine which side of your face looks better, how your figure seems more attractive, how you should smile, etc.

Taking photos at home: what’s the difficulty?

In most cases, to get your photos done, you contact a photographer, go for a walk to take new photos, or go to a studio. However, you can take photos at home if you know the difficulties of such photos and how to fix them. Let's start with the difficulties of taking photographs within the walls of your home:

  1. Insufficient or poor light, unnecessary or unnecessary shadows;
  2. Disadvantages of interior, design, repairs. Agree that you can tidy up before shooting, but you cannot change the wallpaper, level the walls, replace the floor, etc.;
  3. Homemade or inappropriate clothing. Often you can look great in a photo, but the whole look will be ruined by your clothes. In the first case, you may end up home clothes: funny, old, elongated, shabby, dirty, etc. In the second case, you overdo it with the desire to take a good shot and pose against the background of cabinets and furniture in shoes or outerwear.

How to fix difficulties in home photography:

  1. Choose where exactly you will be photographed. There should be no unnecessary objects or details here; it is advisable to choose an open place near the wall,
  2. Create the most natural light possible: open the curtains wider, choose a well-lit place, turn on fluorescent lamps, etc.
  3. Think over your image: evening makeup and outfits will be inappropriate, but naturalness is an excellent solution. For the look, you should choose beautiful pajamas, jeans, a skirt or shorts, a simple tank top or T-shirt. Home photography looks great with soft toys or pets,
  4. Learn to work with photo processing programs. With their help, you can even “replace” the wallpaper on the background, add decor, and remove excess “garbage” (clothes, chairs, wires).

Photos in winter and summer.

Many people love summer, especially the beginning, when you can go out into nature, into the forest and have a beautiful photo shoot in the forest or on the water. The only problem is that in summer there is too much garbage on the surface of the earth and the surrounding area, which is lying on the asphalt, painted on fences and “passing by.” In the summer, in order to take successful shots, you should first take care of the surrounding area. If necessary, take the time to clean the shooting area. The second aspect, which is important especially in the summer, is your figure, put it in order so that you can show off your beautiful legs. At the same time, in the summer everyone takes pictures much more often, but I advise you to make sure that drinks do not get into the frame, even if it is “the only bottle for the whole summer,” they will judge you by it.

It is much more difficult to take photos in winter. Perfect photos in winter time can be done at the base or in the park, where everything is shrouded in snow. It is best to choose places where there are fewer people, and the sooner the better, so that the roads do not have time to be trampled, the snow is fluffy, and you can find snow-covered benches. But even here the image needs to be thought out much more carefully, because sometimes sweatpants don’t go well with long down jackets and a headscarf. Choose complete looks: sports man, a romantic hero or “retro” (most often for girls in felt boots, fur coats and scarves).

How to get a good passport photo.

With all this, many photographers take excellent frontal photos, i.e. in the face, when a person looks directly into the camera, and very few people know how to take a passport photo correctly. This is a problem for many people; there are many jokes and photo jokes about it (in life, in the passport). Indeed, why is it so difficult to look good on your passport? Perhaps the reason is an unsuccessful pose during the photo, tension, bad mood. Some people's photos turn out quite well, with only minor defects, for example, the bangs are bent, the face appears pale, wrinkles (most often facial expressions) stand out.

This can be, if not corrected, then foreseen in advance, although in some salons photographers can correct small details, for example, remove problem areas from the photo (pimples, blackheads, blemishes), correct the evenness of the bangs.

  1. Before you go into the office for a photo, you need to carefully examine yourself in the mirror and correct everything that is necessary.
  2. Don't forget that the photo is only taken with your shoulders covered, so wear a T-shirt or sweater with sleeves that cover your shoulders.
  3. Ask the photographer to take several shots at once so you can choose from them. Now this is not a problem and you don’t even have to pay extra, because... Pictures are taken with a digital camera.
  4. Talk to the photographer or his assistant about retouching the photo before the shoot. It only takes a few minutes, but you will have to walk around with this photo in your passport for a very long time. They may give you a retouch for free; some salons charge for it.
  5. Try to relax, do not stiffen the muscles of your body or face. It would be nice to smile a little. You can’t take a passport photo with a smile, but a light smile without stretching across the face and “Hollywood” (with teeth) is quite suitable.
  6. Ask the photographer to show it to you immediately after taking the shot; if you are not satisfied with it, ask to retake it.

Let's make a beautiful avatar.

Increasingly, people are interested in the question of how to take a beautiful photo on Ava. The vast majority of the population not only in Russia, but throughout the world have pages on the social network. It is clear that the avatar (your photo on the page) is of interest to all those who have their own page on the Internet. How to make such an ava?

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