Basque opera singer. Singer Nikolai Baskov: personal life, photo biography, wife

Baskov Nikolay born October 15, 1976, famous all over the world Opera singer And musician performer, actor and TV presenter. Biography of the figure charitable foundation, a university teacher and a welcome guest at all parties, begins in Balashikha, Moscow region, from where his family moved to Germany.

Childhood and youth

The popular singer was born into the family of Viktor Vladimirovich, who at the age of 38 received the rank of colonel after graduating from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. He began his service as a platoon commander. The artist’s mother, Elena Nikolaevna, taught mathematics at school. Grandfather, Nikolai Eremenko, a graduate of the Military Academy named after. IN AND. Lenin, after the war he was awarded the rank of colonel. The Baskov family cherishes his awards.

Like all military families, Viktor Baskov’s family traveled to different parts of the world. The boy had hardly reached the age of two; his father had finished Military Academy them. Frunze, and went with his family to the GDR, where he served for 5 years. They changed cities 3 times - Dresden, Kinspork, Halle Mother in the GDR future star worked as a TV announcer.

At the age of 5, Nikolai received his first basics musical notation at home with mom. He went to first grade in a German school, next year young talent lived in Kyzyl, where his mother enrolled him in a music school. The singer reluctantly recalls his debut on stage, which left an unpleasant mark on his memory. As a second-grade student, he had to recite a poem at a matinee, but the boy was overcome by fear at the sight of a large audience, and without holding back his tears, he ran away.

Until the age of 13, the future celebrity studied at secondary school Novosibirsk, where he began his career on the stage of the Muztheater. Together with the troupe he toured Central Europe, the USA, Israel and Paris.

In 1996, the young artist successfully joined the ranks of students at the Academy of Music. Gnesins. He studied vocals with Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Liliana Shekhova, while the Spanish opera singer Jose Carreras worked with the student. IN student years the young man received an award at the “GrandeVoce” (Spanish competition), and was awarded the “Ovation” 3 times as the “Golden Voice of the Russian Federation”.

In 1997, he earned the main award in the first All-Russian competition “Romansiada”, and was later awarded First Prize at the festival opera singers, and agreed to perform Lensky for Tchaikovsky’s “Eugene Onegin” at the Bolshoi Theater.

Classics of the genre

In 1999, the singer received 2nd prize at the GrandeVoce in Spain. A year later, his first video, “In Memory of Caruso,” was released. The video was a leader on all TV and radio charts in Russia. Baskov's discs were replicated in millions. So he won the first and the only place in the Russian Federation among performers in the “Crossover” and “Pop” styles. The singer has been repeatedly nominated for “Ovation”, “Muz-TV”, “Gold Hrammofon”, “Style of the Year” and “Performer of the Year”.

In 2001, the artist performed solo at the Bolshoi Theater. At this time he graduated from Gnesin and became a graduate student at the Moscow Conservatory. Tchaikovsky. In 2003, the artist graduated with honors and decided to leave the Bolshoi Theater, making money from opera in Yoshkar-Ola and the Nizhny Novgorod region. In full swing summer season Baskov works as the host of the reality show “House 1” on TNT.

Star mentor

In 2000, Nikolai met the cult opera singer, the world's best soprano, Montserrat Caballé. The couple performed together several times, after which the Spanish performer became his mentor and colleague on stage. Montserrat and Nikolai conquered European stages together. For for long years Basque was a student of Montserrat and sang in Barcelona. He had the opportunity to share the stage with the daughter of the popular mentor Marty Caballe. By this time he had well established himself as a classic.

In show business

In 2001, the artist expanded his repertoire with pop and pop compositions. His song “Hurdy Organ” quickly became a hit. At the same time, Nikolai made successful recordings of duets with Taisiya Povaliy, Valeria and Sofia Rotaru. He shared the stage with Natalie and Sophie Kalcheva, and regularly toured the Russian Federation and the West.

In 2009, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev awarded Baskov the title of People's Artist of Russia and then of Moldova. During his career as a musician, Basque recorded 12 records. He showed acting skills in 10 films, mostly musicals.

Favorite women

The “natural blond” is known to the public as the owner of a rare voice and a conqueror women's hearts. The media knows about 7 high-profile novels of the singer.

  1. Svetlana Shpigel, first and only wife singer, lived for 7 years in marriage with Baskov. In 20008, the woman filed for divorce, which lasted for several months. The couple broke up without explaining the reason. After breaking up with the artist, Svetlana married businessman Vyacheslav Sobolev. Ex-wife Baskova (daughter of producer Nikolai, Boris Shpigel) kept the child for herself and cut off all communication with him. It is known from sources that the cause of the gap is tour life artist.

  1. Taisiya Povaliy. The media repeatedly brought Baskov together with Ukrainian performer. Their creative union took place before Nikolai’s divorce from Svetlana. During the star union, the artist got rid of 19 kg. For the sake of his beloved, the Basque changed his image; instead of gilded and embroidered tailcoats, he tried on modern ripped jeans. The couple did not promote themselves at the expense of their relationship, but everyone knew about their feelings.

  1. Oksana Fedorova. Together with Nikolai, she created the brightest union in show business. Their relationship lasted since 2008, during the marriage of “Miss Universe 2002” to German businessman F. Toft. A year later music festival in Jurmala, the artist invited his beloved to legalize the relationship. The expected marriage did not happen. The lovers separated in 2010. Baskov has warm memories of the first beauty of the earth. The couple announced the end of their romance at a creative evening with Igor Nikolaev, where a song about “the dolphin and the mermaid” was sung.

  1. Maria Maksakova. The relationship with the performer of songs from the legendary opera dynasty was attributed to the People's Artist of Russia 6 months after separation from Oksana. Nikolai and Maria were students in Gnesenka, and decided to secretly get together 17 years after they first met.

  1. Anastasia Volochkova. For the first time about star romance they started talking to the ballerina in 2011, when the singer posted on his Twitter a photo with Anastasia, comfortably perched on his chest. Then the couple talked about the wedding and love to the grave, but the dancer at the same time amused herself in the arms ex-husband Igor Vdovin. Strange alliance ended in January 2013

  1. Anna Netrebko. According to information published six months after the breakup with Volochkova on the microblog, Baskov could take opera diva Anna Netrebko as his wife. On Twitter, under her photo, he expressed his desire to marry this girl. But she was officially engaged to Erwin Schrott.

  1. Anastasia. In the photo on Twitter, Basque tenderly hugged his new passion, blonde and billionaire Anastasia. Many fans reported that the woman was too masculine.

Now Nikolai is dating singer and producer Sofia Kalcheva.

“I cannot lie to someone close to my heart. I dream of meeting a woman and understanding: this is the one for whom I will agree to make concessions and sacrifice something. It is very important for me to love her and be happy with her. So far I have not met such representatives of the gentle half,” the artist admits in an interview.

Children of Baskov

People's Artist of Russia (2009), TV presenter, showman and member of Mikhail Barshchevsky’s “What? Where? When?" and the owner of a luxurious villa in Turkey (a gift from businessman Telman Ismailov) saw his son for the first time in 2016 exclusive photo paparazzi, how did Nikolai Baskov react? The biography (year of birth of the child - 2006) of Bronislav Shpigel, who lives with his mother in Moscow, is not known; a 10-year-old boy called his stepfather, businessman Vyacheslav Sobolev, dad. After a difficult divorce, Spiegel ensured that her son stayed with her and forbade him to see the singer.

“This is your son Broneslav. He was 10 years old, and when did you meet? last time? - the journalists asked, the singer was so surprised that he could not utter a word. In the photo, a dark-haired boy, dressed in a knitted T-shirt and shorts, rides a Segway and spends his leisure time in an elite gated community with friends.


After his parents' divorce, 10-year-old Bronislav Spiegel still has never met his famous father.

The photographs of a curly, black-haired boy riding around a village near Moscow on a Segway scooter, which were at the disposal of Life, would hardly have ever made it to the pages of secular tabloids under other circumstances. A funny little boy, like all ordinary children, fooling around with his peers not far from country house in closed elite village, and he himself does not yet realize that his usual childhood pranks can be the subject of discussion for ordinary people who closely follow the lives of celebrities. This year, young Bronislav Spiegel celebrated his first birthday - 10 years. And his famous father a more serious anniversary: ​​“the golden voice of Russia” Nikolai Baskov celebrates his fortieth birthday in October. This same year, dad and son have another sad anniversary: ​​almost ten years of separation, during which they never saw each other once.

The love story of Nikolai Baskov and the daughter of famous businessman Boris Shpigel, Svetlana, was called fabulous in the early 2000s. Then the young Basque, who had become a sensation in the world of opera, at the peak of his career unexpectedly abandoned his status as an eligible bachelor, taking 19-year-old Svetlana as his wife. The girl’s parents actively helped the family happiness. Senator Boris Spiegel did not skimp on material goods for the young. In 2006, the couple had a child. The boy was given the name Bronislav and double surname Basque-Spiegel. However, the happiness of Svetlana and Nikolai was short-lived: Basque disappeared on tour for months, increasingly leaving his wife alone with the child. As Nikolai later admitted, then, due to his youth, he was unable to appreciate the burden of family responsibility, sacrificing himself to art.

The divorce from Spiegel and Baskov was painful and long. As a result of misunderstanding on both sides, Svetlana’s family ensured that little Bronislav remained with his mother. After the official divorce and Svetlana’s imminent move abroad, Basque lost the opportunity to see the child. And soon another man appeared next to Nikolai’s ex-wife - Kiev businessman Vyacheslav Sobolev, whom little Bronislav, who did not have time to remember his own father, already called dad.

Svetlana and her new husband settled in Israel, and Nikolai threw himself into work and devoted himself to the stage. In Baskov's personal life there were affairs with different women, however, he never married any of them. The artist’s relatives have repeatedly noticed that long years The main wound that did not heal for him was separation from his only son. The next blow for Nikolai was the news that the boy’s last name had been changed. Now young Bronislav, according to his passport, has become simply Spiegel.

In March of this year, Nikolai received another piece of news. Family life his ex-wife failed again: Svetlana Shpigel divorced Vyacheslav Sobolev and returned to Russia. Bronislav, who had grown considerably, came to Moscow with her. Now he is often seen riding a scooter around the village where the Spiegel family lives. A charming and sociable teenager spends the summer in the company of peers playing children's games and pranks. Nikolai Baskov himself does not know whether little Bronislav will ever learn about the story of his birth and about his father, separated from whom he has lived for many years. Today, in these photographs, he will see for the first time what his 10-year-old son looks like.

Modern stars always take care of their appearance and visit specialists in the field of cosmetology, which is why it is very difficult to determine how old they are. Many fans wonder how old Nikolai Baskov is, because he has been appearing on stage looking perfect for decades. In 2017 Baskov is 40 years old and born in 1976.

Biography of Baskov

Kolya Baskov is a favorite singer of many art connoisseurs; he was born in Russia, but lived abroad for several years. From the age of five, the singer began to study music, studying notes and the first words of songs, he began at home, his mother taught him.

Basque has made a big leap in creativity, he quickly became popular, this helped him All-Russian competition young performers, where he became a prize winner. It was 1999, after some time Kolya Baskov already began appearing in video clips, which gave him even greater popularity.

A short time after such creative growth, it was he who became a singer who sings in both Crossover and Pop styles. Each of his compositions sounded on all radio waves, both adults and children listened to him. At the beginning of 2001, Basque became a soloist of the opera troupe Bolshoi Theater. It was also at this time that he became a certified specialist, graduated from the chamber and opera singing, graduated from Gnesinka. After that, he entered graduate school and after 3 years he graduated with a gold medal.

After it was received musical education, Basque radically changed his life. He made a lot of influential acquaintances and even friends, with the help of whom he became very popular among the audience. The most influential moment was the meeting with Montserrat Caballe, who, among a large number of opera artists, gave preference to Basque.

Together they traveled to many countries, performed on the largest and most famous stages, which brought the singer enormous popularity. They visited together:

  • Switzerland.
  • Spain.
  • Italy.
  • Germany and others.

It was during these years that the Basques were able to realize themselves to the maximum, as opera artist. He began to take part in various musicals, sang opera arias, Neopolitan songs, and only after that he switched to modern pop music. You can often find pop music in his works.

The singer’s personal life began in 2001. He chose the daughter of his producer Boris Shpigel as his wife. Five years later their son Bronislav was born. But unfortunately, personal life The singer's marriage did not work out, and they divorced.

Just a few months after the divorce, Basque spoke about his engagement to Oksana Fedorova. They did not hide their relationship, and the affair took place publicly. But the wedding never took place; in 2011, the couple told the public that they were breaking up.

Popular Russian singer, tenor Nikolay Baskov also known as a TV presenter, showman and player in Mikhail Barshchevsky’s “What? Where? When?". People's Artist of Russia.

Nikolay Baskov. Biography

Nikolai Viktorovich Baskov born on October 15, 1976 in the city of Balashikha, Moscow region. Nikolai’s father is a military man; after graduating from the M.V. Frunze Military Academy, he moved with his family to the GDR, where he served for five years. The singer’s mother is a mathematician and worked as a television announcer in Germany.

Music Nikolay Baskov started studying at the age of five. He went to first grade in Germany, then the family moved to Kyzyl, and from 5th to 8th grade the future singer lived in Novosibirsk. From 1986 to 1992 Basque performed on stage Musical theater young actor and as part of this group went on tour in the USA, Israel, Switzerland, France. In 1996 he entered Russian Academy music named after the Gnessins in the class of chamber and opera singing (class of Prof. V. Levko and V. Shcherbakov.)

Back in 1998, the young singer performed the role of Lensky in the opera by P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Eugene Onegin" on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia and became the youngest Lensky in the history of world opera.

Nikolay Baskov. Creative path

In 2000, the video “ In memory of Caruso", which took a leading position in the charts. Very fast Nikolay Baskov became one of the most popular singers, and the disks with it solo albums sold in huge quantities. It was then that he first met the legend of world opera Montserrat Caballe. The first joint concert of Nikolai Baskov and Caballe took place at the Ice Palace of St. Petersburg in September 2000, and a little later they performed on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace. The singer became a student of Spanish opera diva, subsequently they repeatedly worked together.

In 2001, Nikolai Baskov became a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater opera troupe. In 2003, he left the team.

Nikolai Baskov about leaving the Bolshoi Theater: “I didn’t leave there with a scandal, but simply because I didn’t have the opportunity to fully rehearse. My solo tour schedule no longer allowed me to continuously participate in the preparation of new productions for a month and a half. I had to make a choice."

By the age of 25, Nikolai Baskov had become one of the most famous Russian singers. He performed as classical stage, and on the stage, took an active part in foreign productions. Basque decided not to limit himself only to music. In 2003, he played the prince in the musical " Cinderella", and also became the host of the reality show " House number 1"on the TNT channel.

Nikolai Baskov about criticism towards himself: “There are people who throw mud at me at every step. Let be. Because there are those who love me madly. For them I live and sing. I know that I am a professional in my field, now no one will dissuade me of this. And there was a time when I believed every word of criticism addressed to me, said in the media. Thank God, I am a 100% optimist, this helps me a lot in life. And then, when Montserrat Caballe herself or Carreras himself applauds you, it’s worth a lot.”

Later, Nikolai Baskov appeared several times in small roles in films and on television, and was the host of the “Saturday Evening” and “ Cinderella for Baskov».

From 2011 to 2016, Nikolai Baskov was a professor at the vocal department of the Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov. Since 2016 - Institute of Arts of Moscow Pedagogical State University.

In 2016, Basque announced the opening of his own music production center.

In the repertoire Nikolai Baskov many opera arias, Neapolitan songs, musicals, modern pop and pop music. He performed with Montserrat Caballe, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya, and many popular Russian musicians.

In 2009, Nikolai Baskov was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia. He is also People's Artist of Ukraine, owner state award Republic of Belarus Order of Francis Skaryna, Gold Medal of the Peace Foundation (for peacekeeping and charitable activities).

Nikolay Baskov. Personal life

In 2001, the singer married Svetlana Shpigel, daughter of her producer Boris Shpigel. In 2006, the couple had a son, Bronislav, and in November 2007, divorce proceedings began. In May 2008, the marriage of Nikolai Baskov and Svetlana Shpigel was dissolved. Later, the singer met with the winner of the Miss Universe title Oksana Fedorova. In 2009, the couple even announced their engagement, but in March 2011 they broke up.

For two years, from 2011 to 2013, Baskov had an affair with ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. However, this relationship did not end with a wedding.

From 2014 to mid-2017, the singer dated singer Sophie Kalcheva. Sophie performed with Baskov in his solo concerts, the couple appeared together at all social events, as well as in programs federal TV channels. In one of the interviews, Sophie and Nikolai said that they were living together, Baskov introduced his beloved to his parents, and the wedding was soon to take place. However, in the summer of 2017, the news that Nikolai Baskov was marrying someone else came as a surprise.

Model Victoria Lopyreva became Nikolai Baskov's chosen one. Baskov publicly announced that the marriage to Victoria would take place in October 2017 in Grozny in front of hundreds of witnesses.

Nikolay Baskov. Discography

Romantic Journey (2011)

One in a Million (2009)

Sudden Love (2009)

For you alone (2007)

Best Songs (2005)

Let me go (with T. Povaliy) (2001)

Never Say Goodbye (2004)

I'm 25 (2001)

Masterpieces of the passing century (2001)

Encore (2000)

Dedication (2000)

Nikolay Baskov. Filmography

Z (2017)

Bearded man. Understand and forgive (TV series 2015)

Voronins (TV series 2015)

Turn the other way around (TV series 2014), role: singer Nikolai

Three heroes (musical, 2013), role: Nightingale the Robber

Little Red Riding Hood (musical, 2012), role: Robin Hood

The New Adventures of Aladdin (musical, 2011), role: Russian groom

Morozko (musical, 2010), role: Ivan Tsarevich

Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny (2010)

Golden Key (musical, 2009), role: Pierrot

Wedding Ring (TV series 2008), role: Baskov's double

Goldfish (musical, 2008), role: Ivanushka the Fisherman

Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors (musical, 2007), role: King Yagupop

Night in Disco style ( New Year's show, 2004)

My Fair Nanny (TV series 2004)

The Snow Queen (musical, 2003), role: Kai

Cinderella (musical, 2002), role: Prince

The name of Nikolai Baskov is known, perhaps, to everyone in our country and many abroad. People are used to seeing him at social events, surrounded by beautiful women, luxury cars and collectible champagne. Each performance of the artist is accompanied by stormy applause, frequent “bravos” and “encores” from the audience. His concerts are attended by politicians, show business and pop stars and, of course, numerous fans. But there is one person who is waiting with special excitement and trepidation for the “golden” tenor to appear on stage. Standing behind the scenes and restlessly fingering the folds of the curtain, his mother worries about him. Today we would like to talk about her - Elena Baskova. The one who gave this world a famous artist. We'll talk about interesting facts from her biography.

Baskov's main viewer and best critic

Elena Nikolaevna, this is the name of the artist’s mother, does not hide the fact that every performance of Kolenka is exciting for her, like the first time: that back in 1989, when young Nikolai took his first steps on the stage of the Musical Theater Young actor, that today, when he gathers a full hall in the Kremlin. Elena Nikolaevna, like a loving mother, worries and cares for her son with all her heart. She tries not to miss his concerts, not even because she loves her child very much, but because she is a fan of his songs, which she always listens to: at home in free time and in the car, going on errands or shopping.

Elena Baskova's childhood years

She was born into a military family and has Ukrainian roots. Her mother is from the Poltava region, and her father, Nikolai Eremenko, was associated with military activities. After graduating from the Military-Political Academy named after V.I. Lenin, he rose to the rank of colonel. The Baskov family is especially proud of him, because grandfather Nikolai went through the Great Patriotic War and returned with numerous awards and medals. The insignia is carefully kept in the family of his descendants to this day. Nikolai Baskov’s parents named their only son in his honor.

Family is something to be proud of

Elena Nikolaevna always proudly talks about her father and assures that her son Nikolai inherited his talent through her line. It is worth saying that Elena Baskova’s grandfather Nikifor played the piano wonderfully. musical instruments. The gifted man was especially good at playing the button accordion. The father of the mother of the famous tenor of Russia Nikolai Eremenko, although he was a career military man, had a passionate love for art. He dreamed that one day his daughter would be able to achieve something in the creative field: she would become an artist, performer or singer. But Nikolai Baskov’s mother did not live up to her father’s hopes. According to her confessions, she feels the music, but absolutely cannot reproduce it. By the way, because of this, the famous contemporary pop artist jokes that Elena cannot be his mother because she does not have a perfect ear for music.

Education that was easy, but not useful

While studying at the Baskov school, Elena tried herself in drawing, music, and tried gymnastics. In high school, she became interested in playing chess. The father, seeing her passion, decided that his daughter had a mathematical mind and insisted on her entering the pedagogical institute at the Faculty of Exact Sciences. Elena did not dare to contradict her father and successfully completed the task. However, upon graduation educational institution and did not work in my profession after receiving my diploma. By the way, according to documents, Elena Nikolaevna Baskova is a mathematics teacher.

Married to a military man

After college, the mother of the famous tenor of Russia met Viktor Vladimirovich Baskov, who at that time was a student at the M. V. Frunze Military Academy. Soon the young people got married, and for 40 years now the Baskovs, Elena Nikolaevna and Viktor Vladimirovich, have been living in love and harmony with each other. It is worth saying that after the wedding, the couple settled in Balashikha, near Moscow, where on October 15, 1976, they gave birth to a son, a future famous artist, who is madly loved and revered by millions of people. By the way, the universal popularity of Nikolai Baskov is associated not only with his singing and unique voice. The artist is involved in charity work and often fulfills the dreams of the children of our vast country and their parents. He donated two accordions to boys who play music, paid for an operation for a two-month-old girl suffering from a heart defect, and helps many children with various health problems.

Working on television abroad

When Nikolai was two years old, his father was assigned to serve in the GDR, where for the next five years he served alternately in Dresden, Königsberg, and Halle. His family followed him everywhere. During this period, Elena Nikolaevna decided to make her childhood dream come true: she came to an audition at the studio of a local TV channel and successfully passed it. Within a few days, Elena Baskova was assigned to the headquarters of the local TV channel. The woman worked as an announcer on German television for quite some time for a long time, and she never hid the lack of specialized journalistic education. Her work took place more on an amateur level, but her unconditional talent, incredible charisma and excellent external data meant much more than a crust from the institute. In the television studio, Elena Baskova, Nikolai Baskov’s mother, was remembered as a person with a unique sense of humor and tact. After working on television for two years, the mother of the famous and only “natural blonde” in our country finally decided on her main calling and devoted herself to raising her only son. Her husband rose to the rank of deputy division commander on German soil, and in 1983 the Baskov family returned to Russia.

"Motherhood is my calling"

Nikolai grew up creative child, immersed in his fantasies, impressionable and receptive. Elena Nikolaevna devoted all her free time to his upbringing. In numerous interviews, she has repeatedly emphasized that the main thing in raising a child is not parental strictness and pretentiousness, but love and support. When a child grows up in an atmosphere of love and harmony, this is the best that parents can give him. Elena Baskova strictly adhered to this principle in raising Nikolai. While her son was little, my mother put a special emphasis on music, hoping that Nikolai would become a pianist. He attended a music school. Over time, it became clear that the Basque son has a unique timbre: a ringing and high, professionally speaking, coloratura soprano. It was Elena Nikolaevna who helped her son decide on future profession, recognized a rare musical talent in him, helped develop and multiply it.

A person should do what he loves

Mom taught Nikolai everything: a beautiful gait, even posture, and endowed him with a sense of humor, which is noted by everyone who knows the artist. In the world of show business, he is considered a man of solar energy, capable of making anyone laugh. Elena Nikolaevna instilled in the famous tenor of Russia the desire to achieve her goals and go through life only forward and only with a smile. Besides music school Nikolai Baskov also attended choreography lessons and the swimming section, where he even received a second youth rank. Thanks to the fact that his mother unconditionally believed in Nikolai and supported his musical endeavors, the young man himself believed in his own strength and soon realized what a gift fate had awarded him. At the age of 12, Nikolai Baskov made his debut in Mozart’s “The Magic Flute” on the stage of the Paris national opera. This was their common victory, the victory of mother and son, a reward for years of hard work and effort.

Reliable rear of the Baskov family

Almost thirty years have passed since then. Elena Baskova, whose biography has not been updated with any professional achievements, still believes in his son and gives him his mother's love. Nikolai Baskov's father, Viktor Vladimirovich, subsequently graduated. Today he is a military officer holding a high position in the When looking at how successful the men in the Baskov family have become, it becomes obvious: behind them stands a woman, a loving wife and mother, who did the most important thing for them - was always there in difficult times, supported them during life’s steep turns and believed in them, no matter what.

Real life and current troubles

Today Elena Nikolaevna Baskova tries to spend as much time as possible with her grandson Bronislav, Nikolai’s son from his first marriage to Svetlana Shpigel. This is not easy, because the boy and his mother live abroad. However, Nikolai Baskov’s parents still visit their grandson from time to time. There is no doubt that the boy has a great future ahead of him, regardless of whether he follows in his father’s footsteps by becoming an artist or finds his calling in something else.

By the way, just recently, for their son’s anniversary, the artist’s parents prepared unusual gift. According to them, this is a joint brainchild of them and Baskov’s fans represented by the MSK club, who are not the only ones in the country who watch with trepidation creative successes people's artist Russia and Ukraine. A book was created called " Creative path. Basque", which contains numerous facts concerning the artist. These include newspaper clippings where his name was first mentioned, and numerous photographs, a huge number of poems that were dedicated to Nikolai ordinary people. The book is quite thick and every year, according to Father Baskov’s idea, its pages should increase and multiply exponentially.

An interesting fact from the personal life of Elena Baskova

All over the country television broadcast on the main channel of the country, Elena Nikolaevna told one fascinating story which concerns her personal life. The whole point is that on her ring finger There are several wedding rings on display. To Andrei Malakhov’s question about why there are so many of them, Nikolai Baskov’s mother replied that in her 40 years life together Anything happened to the singer’s father, Viktor Vladimirovich, in the family. There were quarrels and misunderstandings, however, every time this happened, the artist’s parents found the strength to come to a consensus. And dinner at a restaurant with an obligatory gift in the form of a new wedding ring helped smooth out all the rough edges and return peace and harmony to the family.

Why is the “golden” voice of Russia still not married?

Elena Baskova hides her age, but the number is not at all important. WITH family photography looks at the beautiful well-groomed face of a woman with happy eyes. She is surrounded by the care, attention and affection of her loved ones. What more could a woman wish for? By the way, when she appeared on Andrei Malakhov’s TV show dedicated to Nikolai Baskov, the artist’s mother created a sensation. Firstly, she appeared before the audience as a liberated person who is not at all afraid of television cameras. And secondly, the woman surprised everyone with her youth and excellent appearance. Nikolai even noted that after women see his mother in person, it will become easier for them to understand why the famous and eligible bachelor Russian stage not married yet.

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